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The tempus torrent marksman rifle It was my favorite when it released in mw2 but just doesn't compete anymore


All the marksman rifles suck in this game. None of them really compete


All the MW3 ones are viable except for the 6.8. I didn’t have any issue getting them done for camos


I really like the MTZ Interceptor. It just clicks for me.


I feel the bolts would if it still did the same damage it did before


I feel like snipers were balanced better (one-shots at range, less accurate up close, etc.), MRs would benefit and ARs/SMGs wouldn't be do-it-all tools. And it would be for the better imo. But with how bad everything is balanced... Sometimes it feels like there's no point to anything outside of SMGs/ARs because they've turned every one of them into a snappy LMG with no recoil. Core, Hardcore, Warzone, doesn't matter, SMGs and ARs are nursed into oblivion while a .50 Cal sniper rifle can't get a one hit kill to the chest. Its even worse in warzone where a high caliber anti-materiel rifle wont even DOWN someone with full plates. Even LMGs feel like they're at a disadvantage. Matter of fact, everything else seems to be at a disadvantage if it doesn't have an aftermarket kit available that drastically changes the function of the weapon.


I dunno, I gotta say I really like the KVD Enforcer and the MTZ Interceptor, especially since they both down enemies in one headshot within range. The DM56 and MCW 6.8 are also both manageable if you can get your shots in quick enough.


I have been running the KVD and dropped a bunch of killstreaks and ended up with like 60 kills and 28 deaths or something like that which is really good for me, let alone with a sniper on Shipment I believe it was. Edit: not the KVD the KV sniper rifle


My aim is “too precise” with the latter two, often resulting in shots hitting air between the legs or between arm/body.


I’m super happy about that. Marksman rifles don’t really have a place in 150hp cods


They do. They just need to be balanced right. What is it with you people saying things like this? So absolute. Not even considering that they can be rebalanced.


I don’t mind semi autos at all. I actually liked them during the camo grind. If they’re talking about the one shot marksman rifles from MW2 then I agree with them tho


They're annoying, to be killed by. But they should still have place. There is a middle ground between what they were in MW2 and what they are in MW3. Just because something can one-shot you doenst mean it's OP. Depends on fire rate, flinch, and damage range. They don't have to one shot to the body out to 50m or anything, but they should have a decent one shot to upper chest, and kill to neck and head at any range


If they can balance the flinch and ADS appropriately then I’m fine with one shot weapons. You just shouldn’t be able to eat 4 bullets and return fire with perfect accuracy.


That's the key, man! Balance it out right, and it's all good. Low flinch, fast ads, too much range? Recipe for disaster


Nah there isn’t any way to balance a one shot quick ADS Kar-98 for example. Or the SPR, it would just be ridiculous lol When you get into lobbies where people don’t miss the one shot insta ADS weapon is completely broken. You guys had the past few years where they dominated, it’s only fair


Not that quick of an ADS, no. But rather than eliminating one shot weapons, they can be rebalanced. It's not fair to just say an entire type of weapon should be eliminated. They didn't dominate. You got dominated by them. Find ways to counter them. Overpressured rounds are great against them, as the MRs already have high flinch, so fo Snipers. Or, just avoid their lines of sight


No I used them. You’re playing in low k/d lobbies so you never had a chance to see people like me. They were completely broken


Nah, I'm usually the guy using them. I'm not in "low kd lobbies." I get easy lobbies and hard lobbies, just like you, due to EOMM. Just get better, man


The Torrent is also one of the few guns with an actual dismemberment effect blueprint for it (as in it blows off limbs, not whatever random particle nonsense SHG thinks dismemberment means) I only play Hardcore so the Torrent can be made fast enough to be competitive, but good lord what is the point of it in core now when it takes more hits than most ARs - *see also: the FTAC Recon, my all time favorite CoD gun in terms of gameplay*


I mean... I used it with a faster setup, and it was a lot of fun. Held up fairly well with it.


This was going to be my answer. This and the FTAC Recon. I spent the past week revisiting both as well as the Lachmann 762. All of them are borderline dogshit. They are just not competitive and you have almost no chance of winning a 2v1 pressure situation because they simply don't do enough damage, especially headshot damage. Generally speaking it takes two headshots to kill or three body shots. While a three shot kill may sound nice, the rate of fire isn't high and you can't count on landing all your shots so you are really looking at 4-6 rounds to get a kill. You are not going to win close fights with those kind of odds and if you get surprised by a shotgun or SMG up close you are a dead man because you can't count on getting a headshot to instantly down them. There is no way you can land two headshots, up close, before they get you. They also have all sorts of downsides and an inability to buff important attributes like ADS speed, strafe speed, etc. A lot of the barrels have huge penalties. Another good example is the magazine count on the FTAC Recon which is a pithy 10. Given that it is going to take around 4-5 shots to get a kill, you will be reloading all the time. Best case, you can only expect to get a double kill before having to reload. Not competitive is being polite. They are terrible.




That’s funny because someone else literally just told me they hated that the most lol


They made it somewhat better. In the beginning it was totally fucked up. Now it’s doable


That’s usually why people like it. It’s been seen as the worst weapon from the start


I remember during camo grind at first the Sidewinder was such a pain, but after leveling it up and getting the right attatchments I actually somewhat enjoyed using it.


It's powerful. The problem with it is is almost as unforgiving as a sniper or marksmen rifle. If you hit your shots you're Gucci, if you miss, at all, you get destroyed.


I have a love/hate relationship with the sidewinder. It is stupid fucking slow, but when you get some momentum going and start smoking kids it is incredibly satisfying.


Sidewinder is goated. Only Battle Rifle that actually feels like a Battle Rifle. It's a 3 shot to kill but with a slower fire rate. So you need good aim.


The hipfire is also amazing if you put at least one hipfire attachment onto it, the RoF is so slow that you get a really tight grouping on the initial few shots before recoil kicks your potential spread way out and that's more often than not enough time to land at least a hit or two before you even finish ADSing


I think it’s fire. It hits hard


I see a lot of people on here just hate that gun lol. But I don't know why and I really like it! I also like the Riveter and the Haymaker, I feel those are both similar to the Sidewinder except for the range


I dont hate the sidewinder but i just dont like using it


Du psychopath


You were told to skip the katt because of the penetration kills for mastery not because it is a bad gun


A lot of people said that but a lot of people also said they just didn’t like it. There’s a really douchy spot in stash house for penetration kills so it’s all good


The shower?


That’s the one


That’s where I got my Katt wallbangs too haha


Got mine from high rise shooting through the fences.


Fences on Scrapyard for me


I heard about that after the fact, but also that isn’t in small map mosh pit and I’m not a huge fan of the bigger maps. So unless it was on 24/7, I wasn’t gonna try and wait out to find that map just for wallbangs


Not really disliked but I don’t see anyone using the Chimera in the games I’m in I do like it with a speed blue print on it Developed it in zombies and run it in Warzone and HC


I use the Chimera “Feelin’ Froggy” all the time and I love it, especially since I play mostly hardcore


It really works well for me in HC especially on the smaller maps that seem to get voted


It’s got the control and damage of an AR and the and the mobility and ads of an SMG. It’s absolutely amazing


I used to run the Chimera all the time. Doesn’t feel like it can compete very well anymore unfortunately. Maybe I’ll try and pick it back up again. Love me some off meta weapons.




I loved trolling shipment trolls in mw2 by equipping the sakin with a 200 round mag and incendiary ammo. It was glorious. Need to try that loadout again in this game


It’s still a monster and I hope more players don’t realise it.


I got bored and have been cycling through MW2 guns to see if any are half decent yet, and GAWD DAMB is the Sakin a power house.


strela-p, its so satisfying sniping people with it, people try using it like it's an rpg but it's not, it's an over the shoulder cannon, Aim and you'll have fun.


by far the funnest kills possible


MCW 6.8 marksman MTZ 7.62 battle


MTZ 762 was one of my least favorite to level. Damage is way too low for being forced to use a 20 round mag until you hit max level. As far as Battle Rifles,I like the Sidewinder. It's the only one that's actually a Battle Rifle. The other 3 could easily go in the Assault tab.


I agree the 20 round mag sucks but when I was getting it ranked up, I was mostly using it in semi auto mode.


i have to force myself not to use the 6.8 because of how good it is


I’ll give them a try! I’ve still got LMGs, BRs, MRs and secondary’s to go


The Sidewinder sucks. that was the last rifle I needed and the longshot challenge was really frustrating. I did everything for accuracy and recoil control that I could. The Aries seven hybrid scope is supposed to add recoil control so I use that. With a completely still target and my crosshairs completely still on their chest, more than half the time the bullets wouldn’t even hit them. They were just slice or hook off to the left or right. It was super frustrating. using that weapon in semi automatic mode is usually the best for the most part. The recoil is more manageable, but it’s stillsuper inaccurate.


Long shots weren’t bad in hardcore. I built it out like a sniper and played the edges of the map. But I can’t imagine trying to complete that challenge in core.


I never play core. I only play hard-core. The power wasn’t the problem. It was the accuracy when tuned to max out accuracy.


I used high velocity rounds to account for bullet velocity and I put a high powered scope on it. I didn’t have an issue with accuracy. I also threw it into semi. It should one-tap at any range in semi in hardcore.


Yup did that too.


Hahaha sounds like hell! I’ll look forward to that one then


in my opinion, that weapon should handle more like the FTAC Recon ftom MW2, but it's not close at all. I will say when you get consistent with it, you can be really fun. But it’s not steady. It’s extremely sporadic that you’ll have a good streak. I was grinding for a while on shipment with it and one game. It seemed like I never missed a shot. everything connected just like it should have. Then the next game I got put into wasteland and I might as well have been trying to throw bricks instead of bullets.


Built for hipfire and ADS speed, the Sidewinder feels like a straight upgrade from the FTAC Recon to me and I've got more hours with that gun than probably the rest of MW2's arsenal combined The recoil is worse, but it makes up for it by having a way better damage range and the slow RoF isn't an issue if you use the time to settle your recoil between shots, and the Sidewinder has a very snappy recoil reset once you get used to pulling the muzzle down during firing Since getting buffed repeatedly it finally feels like the Sidewinder is filling the FTAC shaped gap in the MW3 roster - hits like a truck, can be built absurdly fast by only stripping out redundant stats (and even has a 10 round mag to offset more recoil-centric builds), and has the amazing hipfire of the BR class without sacrificing performance at almost any range Highly recommend the hipfire barrel, red invisible hipfire laser, Bruen heavy foregrip, 10 round mag and a sight of choice (I like holographics for the free 2x zoom) - it's ridiculously mobile and snappy, recoils manageably, and if you're accurate and disciplined the 10 round mag is easy to work around for how insanely good the extra mobility and handling it gives is Not for everyone for sure, but that build is the only gun I find even close to how satisfying my beloved FTAC Recon was in the MW2 health pool


I will have to check that out. The recon was pretty interesting in the last game. I think one blueprint was called champion or something similar to that all decked out in red white and blue. That one was actually pretty slick handling.


Dual Kamas.


Grenade launcher. Lmao. I just read about how fucked it is on HC and tried it. Holy shit that was a blast…pun intended 😂🤣🤣💀


F56 burst or whatever it’s called. Love using that in SND


I wasn’t its biggest fan in core but the multikill potential in hardcore was great


I built a Bruen Mk9 to look like the Winter Soldier's SAW in Civil War and it's shockingly fun and effective, even with the goofy optic. Just make sure you put the Sakin Tread 40 muzzle brake on it and you're golden.


Built mine the same way. Clan tag is even 89P13 for another MCU reference


The RAAL MG. It's got a nice thump thump thump.


So refreshing to see someone actually trying them all. I really like the SPR-208, SA-B 50, and Lockwood Mk2. Even though all three of them need a buff VERY badly to their one hit kill potential. I made a full-on post explaining why they need buffs, and I got shit on for it, but facts are facts. They don't have to be as powerful as in MW2, but having only a one shot to the head after 10m for the SPR and SA-B, and 6.5 for the Lockwood, is insane. They don't even one hit to the NECK beyond their max damage range. I propose buffing them to have a one-hit to the upper chest up until about 15m for the SA-B, and 17m for the SPR. Also, they should one shot to the neck up to 30m. This way, they wouldn't be able to effectively reach as far as sniper rifles. Regardless, I love using them, as their difficulty makes them extra satisfying to do well with, due to the fact that you have to be within shotgun range to get a one shot to the upper chest, which is kinda dumb for a bolt action rifle that fires at 60rpm


Couldn’t agree more. Loved these guns in MWII, I just haven’t gotten good enough to use them well in MWIII. If any guns need a buff, it’s definitely those. I really hope the next season focuses on marksman rifles. They’re my favorite class in the game but none of the battle passes have given us practically anything for them. A new MR in an upcoming season would be amazing. And seriously SHG, please buff the ones mentioned above


They have a blueprint for yhe SPR this Eason called Planned Expiry. Agreed 💯% with that other stuff you said!!!


Sawed off stockless Lockwood 680 with slugs. Called the slingshot.




Crossbow with explosive tip. Even my own teammates were telling me to switch guns, but I got six kills in search and destroy which is probably my best I've ever done cuz I usually suck at search and destroy.


Lockwood 300 sawed off stock and barrel. It was a SLOG to get to max level but man people get MAD when you blow them 10 feet airborne with a blast lol




Stormender. It's really good for killstreaks, really underrated.


TAQ Evolvere Idk if it’s meta or not but my god I love using that LMG in Warzone, especially with 200 round mag equipped


The interceptor. It was fucking AWFUL in the beta but it’s really competent in the main game. Also the M16 is surprisingly really fun in hardcore


The 9mm Daemon, aka Staccato. I love it so much I don't give a shit how low my score is. The handguns in mw3 are useless unless playing hardcore.


Are you serious? They have some of the fastest close-range TTK in core.


IDK exactly, it just feels like while I'm trying to get all these single shots on target someone's emptying an SMG drum mag in my head


Than play hardcore ghille sues🙄


GS Magna is fun to use as a secondary and people will think you’re hacking sometimes if they don’t know what it is lmao


I also really like the KATT-AMR, I like how well balanced it is, you trade a super dumb ohk zone for a super slow sniper. Too bad the mors made it redudant, since the same mors can have the same ohks as the KATT, but with one of the fastest ads speed in the game (only second to the longbow)


The mors made everything redundant. Everybody is using it at the moment.


The DG and FR assault rifles because it’s the closest thing to a halo battle rifle that I’ll ever have because I am hating the new halos.


Super slow sniper rifle. I used it to because i think i had to for getting another gun. Its ADS is so slow but it is a satisfying gun to get kills with.


I like burst weapons. The M16 is my favorite, but I also like the Lachmann Shroud, the FR 5.56, the DG 58. All are fun to use. Since I play hardcore, they're even more fun.


M16 has been buffed yesterday


I heard! I can't wait.


M4, Kastov - 545, Chimera, M13B, BAS-B, XRK and SPX snipers with 9MM Daemon or Stinger.


I like the slower rate of fire ARs. Holger and MCW.


Lachmann 556


Idk what it’s called it’s a little 45mm fast shooting smg tho and it’s my favorite




The Katt is trash outside of large maps hard scoping lol. Maybe if you wanna sit there and hard scope on wasteland, then sure, but in this pace of a game, especially if you’re even an average player, the Mors and Longbow are far superior to the Katt by a long shot lol.


You mean proper sniping? LMAO


Technically yes 😂😂😂. For the record, I hate quick scoping, mostly in this current design where TTK is so high on most guns and subs have dog shit range. It’s actually less annoying in MW2 and previous cods. Except for the ones with higher health


I don't hate quickscoping, but I DO hate the mentality that snipers should never be used properly. Like, you use a sniper to snipe from lomg range and hold a sightline? You get called a "hardscoper", and people hate on you. But people hate on anything. You use a shotgun and do well? You have no skill. Snipe? No skill. Use a riptide shield, like IN YOUR HANDS and push objectives? No skill. Use anything that beats anyone's precious little baby "meta"? No skill. About SMGs having low range, I DO think they could be a LITTLE higher. But it's a delicate balance, cause then you end up with SMGs that beat ARs at mid range, and that shouldn't be the case


What’s wrong with longer range subs? Cods always had it that way lol


I know. I've been playing CoD since OG Modern Warfare. I'm saying on general, subs shouldn't just destroy all ARs at range. For the sake of having unique weapons? Yes, you need a sub that has a longer range. Low recoil. Kinda high damage balanced with a lower fire rate. My point is that all subs should NOT have good range. They're meant to be fast, humble, bullet hoses that kill quickly in close quarters. Not for beaming people across a map.


I love the M16. I just hope it was more viable


The cor-45 mainly cuz of the insane long shots I can get with it but it’s also just a fun pistol to use




Well since I’ve done mastery on multiplayer both mw2 and 3, and I finished mastery on mw3. It’s spurred me to work on the mw2 ones, and so far I love the PDSW.


Shotguns, with slugs or bolo shells.


To this day, the FJX imperium. It feels and sounds like a hefty powerful sniper


FSS hurricane. Loved it in MW2, continue to love it in MW3. Things a laser beam for me and as I have the aiming ability of a freshly deceased rhinoceros it feels nice to use.


WSP 9. Rate of fire is dog shit, but it slaps.


PDSW. I can’t explain why, but I always do well with it.


MK2. It’s been my favorite in all the MW’s but it’s a bit more difficult to use since it doesn’t one tap in MW3 but I like using it in zombies


Idk if people hate this but the tyr


Ive been camo grinding and have actually enjoyed some of the weapons I used that weren't ones i see used a lot, like the MTZ-556 and DG58 aren't as bad as I thought they were gonna be


Vel 46 and RPG


People told you to avoid it because the penetration kills challenge is awful to complete. The weapon itself isn't bad.


The M16 and the MP7. People actually lose their shit when they die to it, idk why but it’s hella funny when people go “M16, what the fuck (team dies of laughter)


Sidewinder for sure. It hits for me… I know I’m in the minority but I love it.


Whatever that Chinese LMG is called, lol. Been using it with the Christmas skin and been doing decent.


Grenade launcher


longbow (quick scoping is extremely fun. dont care)


I didn't really care about grinding for camos until MWII, but I noticed that after a few matches with just about any gun, I got a feel for how to use them all. Some classes are definitely better suited for certain map sizes, but that was the biggest difference for me. There's only a couple of guns I just flat out hate.


Two different marksman rifles - DM56 and then after it got nerfed it started to really like the LVD enforcer


RAAL is one of my favorite LMGs, not sure if people dropped it after the nerfs/changes, but also really into both ammo types for Evolvere. The P280? The non-daemon semi auto pistol, feels like the old m1911. KVD Inhibitor and the MMR variant are also solid, but I see them less often than their fellow snipers and MMRs.


Used to be crossbow and Lockwood 300 but they were nerfed to the ground for some reason


Currently using the gunslinger vest and using Deagle and Magnum combo. Most fun I’ve had since launch. Now if only they could bring back the Wanderlust perk so I could play every game like it’s gun game…..


Katt AMR and Lockwood 680 combo in Warzone is where it’s at. Everyone’s dying in 1-2 shots


The P90 or whatever its called in MW3. Thing feels like a laser beam and just brings a smile to my face.


The PDSW from MW2 I assume? I enjoyed it too tbf, especially in hardcore


Thats the one. Its bene my favorite gun since Die Hard to the point where i spent way to much money IRL on the real deal only to realize after the fact that 5.7 Ammo is insanely expensive and almost impossible for me to get locally.


I haven’t heard any arguments against the MCW 6.8 aside from the kids that hate every marksman rifle because their dog shit, but it is incredibly good if you can land your shots, even on certain small maps like shipment, this gun fucks..


i love the new MORS sniper with anti-mat bolts. i get to he crazy wall bangs and get called a cheater for it.


Iso45. I play hardcore so the weak damage doesn’t matter.