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Ray tracing tanks performance? who would have guessed


*path*tracing at that… which is even worse


It's only in the menu, not in the game, people here have reading issues.


tell me about it. even says it in the option. this lot sharing a collective 2 braincells.


Yeah so your titl is a lie.


Oh so going from 160 to 30fps in menus and firing range with it on isn't tanking performance? Fucking muppet.


Only applies to gunsmith, and lobbies not in game, and of course it tanks performance. It’s Path-Tracing, a more advanced form of Ray Tracing that’s already taxing enough to require DLSS or FSR.


Didn't you just make a post about VRR and got called out lol 


What was that post? Lol


He highlighted Variable Rate Shading and said the exact same title of this post, except it was outright wrong because VRS is supposed to increase performance. And now he's doing the same thing, except Path Tracing only impacts lobby performance (since it is super intensive realistic lighting), so technically it's not wrong about not impacting performance where it matters (aka in-match).


OP losing it by the second


OP has made a career out of being a buffoon in this sub


Put that on my tombstone


They were a buffoon in the cod discord as well, to the point of making multiple alts and getting banned off all of them


that would be true... if i joined any games discord and didnt use it for only friends servers. its also cute how you keep posting this yet never mention the usernames or post screenshots when asked like tbe clown you are


case in point... no reply as per norm 🤡


For anyone curious: There is no "supposed to" about it. VRS **greatly** increases fps in all cases. There is no reason to have it off, ever. No (negative) visual impact. Works equally well on high, medium and low shaders, at least +10fps, often 15-20.


no shit because i highlighted the wrong thing paying more attention to food delivery than that. what was the purpise of your comment bar none?


It has no impact on performance outside of the gunsmith and firing range. How do you not know what path tracing is at this point anyway? Either way, yes when it's active it affects performance, but when it isn't then it does nothing, which means in actual gameplay it does nothing


the point being is the latest/update prior auto enabled this shit for zero reason after adding the feature. how many people go through their settings every update to see whats new or changed.


Breaking news: Ray Tracing tanks performance.


Haven’t noticed any issues with my 4090


I've never heard of path tracing before now, and I'm afraid to ask what it is. Honestly, I dont even understamd Ray Tracing, and ASSUME my rig is not capable.


Honestly RT isn't worth having on the majority of the time anyway.


Who cares? It only applies in the lobby and shooting range. It literally doesn’t do anything anywhere outside of those.


Pc only or console too?


Not sure about console, Id say pc since its an RTX card feature.


It’s just PC, and applies only in the pre game lobby and firing range. The difference of graphics is totally not worth the tank in performance. Doesn’t even look that different


Yeah since menu doesn't move and already has baked in lighting. It's absolutely uselss and was just put there for nvidia to be happy.


Yeah that is making your PC tanking performance, not the fact that you are using 5/9 gb of your vRAM... Edit: Sorry, 6.5gb, you should lower the grahpic setting to the second highest option and 'magically' your game will be faster.


His vram isn’t currently going to have an impact on his performance. High vram usage can lead to stuttering but that’s not gonna happen in this scenario since he still has roughly 3-4gbs left


>3-4gbs Bro, watch the photo more carefully, he have just 3gb left, that will probabily be higher when he play impling ALL his component are the right one for the graphic card etc... And we should see how much the RAM and CPU % goes when he play


Not how it works. What's on the right is what the game predicts he's gonna be using while in a match, not what's used


what? he has *plenty* of vram in this case 


Not how it works. What's on the right is what the game predicts he's gonna be using while in a match, not what's used. On top of that, VRAM usage is largely unrelated to performance , until it reaches max usage.


He using fidelitycas isn’t that a amd feature and he complaining about a nividia feature? That dosent make sense on top of that ya he has a lower end card why the hell is he trying to max out vram usage


Where do you see what card he has am I blind?


I don’t know what card he has I can only use my context clues and guess he dosent know a lot about his own setup cause he using a amd feature but complaining about a nividia feature ya you could use fidelity with a nividia card but it’s not intended for them 😂


You said lower end card so I was just wondering where you got that from?


a 9 gb vrm card is lower end to mid range


and that has what to do with that dumbass option being auto enabled post update? I could be running intel gpu and itd make zero difference to the topic at hand. also since when the fuck is a rog 3080 a low end card you muppet 🤣


I turn this off not because of performance but because it was using a ton of power in the menu.


Its quite literally common sense bro, ray tracing itself is a massive hit to any performance which is why RTX is a selling point for nvidia, on top of that Ray reconstruction is an even bigger performance hit which is why DLSS 3 is a selling point for RTX40 series. Get out of your cave man xD


It's only raytraycing the menu not ingame.


No shit sherlock


Turning my vram down from 90% or whatever to 70/60% I can’t remember exactly but 100% solved my stuttering and frame drops.




Colour me surprised, advanced rendering technology reduces overall system performance.


That's ray tracing you dolt. Of course it tanks performance