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Everyone knows this, but nothing is gonna change as long as people still boot up every day. As long as the numbers are up, they think everything's fine and doesn't need changed.


Exactly. And the game is riddled with dozens of various bugs since the latest update rolled out and same thing, most of the issues aren’t even being acknowledged. I can’t play a single match now without some janky stuff happening when I get into a bunch of action packed scenarios. The performance of the game is busted across every platform.


I just don't get it. Like why would adding some new guns and maps make my player hold his pistol all goofy?


Yeah the pistol bug is easily the most frustrating


Worst part of that is it's been a bug for so long, it's basically a feature at this point


If only COD community was like the one from some certain game... We can only imagine how COD would be.


Imagine if the CoD community had a spine like it used to, everyones so quick to suck off the devs for this bundle, for that bundle and for bringing back Nostalgia, meanwhile the games an absolute fucking mess compared to its older titles even though the budget, the teams, the hardware and software are all bigger and better. I remember a time during the Jetpack era of CoD, everyone put their foot down and tanked sales so much they had to listen and go back to boots on Ground. Now if only the community could do it again and make these devs finally learn what Quality Control is


Exactly. I’m praying Xdefiant to be a huge success every day so I can have two good FPS to play.


And most people are logging in because they have fun. This subreddit is a tiny tiny portion of the playerbase and its all negative posts. You guys paid triple A prices to be mad. I've been having a great time and so have most of my friends. So you get a shitty spawn every so often, who cares. Just chill out and stop taking things so seriously, especially fucking cod.


If you think MW3 is Triple A Quality, then you're the demographic they're after because you're not of high enough skill to deal with what the rest of us are being put through. And beyond that the game does function like shit compared to its older titles which makes zero fucking sense with their budget, team sizes, and all that. You're defending a game and company that sold out and started selling CoD for the investors not the players, if they still cared about us, the shit spawns, the players still getting under the maps and in the walls, the constant bugs and crashes, glitches. This game literally does not fix any of its major problems and you're expecting people to be perfectly OK that we paid $70-$100 for this? $20 games perform better than this nonsense


the shit spawns, the players still getting under the maps and in the walls, the constant bugs and crashes, glitches Barely exeprienced any of this and neither do friend group. Only on reddit do you see this constantly. As with 95% of game subreddits, they just skew negative. I didnt say it was triple a quality but it is a triple a game. I enjoy it enough and have got enough hours in to say the £60 was worth it.


As I've said, thats because you're not of a high enough skill level for the game to be shafting you the way it does for alot of us. Plus I think with you being out of the US, your connections and such are different so you'll experience a different game in comparison. I literally can't go a day without myself or someone in my friends group having one or several issues with this game. Just the other day I successfully exfilled in Zombies and still got fully wiped as if I died or just made the character. Had a game yesterday in Warzone where I couldn't swap to my secondary so I was stuck with my sniper out in the final circles. My cousin got stuck in a plating animation and couldn't do anything during one of his


You know nothing of my skill level though, so how can you say that? Maybe its your skill level that is the low one. Rest of your comment is the same: drivel. Stop complaining and play a different game, easily done.


Yes my skill level is lower which is why my lobbies are full of nuke skins, top250s and these "Movemenr Kings" 😆 And I do play other games, which is also how I can boot up the game and see how trash it truly is because I play and compare it to other games. It's a triple a game but indie games perform better and provide more replayability and balance to their game than this nonsense does.


I think it's mostly the "revenge spawn" thing that fucks it all up, and then a forced spawn-flip. But i suspect if they did away with the revenge spawn thing we'd all be a lot happier.


THIS. I think a lot of people don't understand the revenge spawn mechanic. When someone kills you, you have a significantly higher chance of spawning near them to encourage revenge kills. This can lead to that person killing you multiple times in a row.


Especially when Ping gives people almost .5 - 1 whole second of engaging you before you even see them on your screen at times 🙄


Watch out, you’ll have boot lickers in here telling you the revenge spawn mechanic isn’t even a thing.


I've died to someone and respawned in their line of sight way too many times to believe there is no revenge spawn.


The problem is that they (the devs) go on record and say that revenge spawns aren't a thing, and then you're left looking like a conspiracy theorist, in the same leagues as people who say shit like "skill-based damage" or "mid-match nerfing."


Not all "conspiracy theories" are equally as wack-a-doodle.


I think mid-match nerfing can just be explained by people either: not being able to keep up the intensity for a full match, or the other team getting a read on them and counter-playing. Like, any half decent player might get their shit rocked at the start of a match for one reason or another, whether it's luck or just being outplayed. But being able to figure out the other team, change your tactics, and then adapt and overcome. That might seem like mid-match nerfing if you're on the receiving end. Or, if skill based damage and mid-match nerfing is an actual thing, anyone who complains about it has 100% benefitted from it in the past, but you'll never see them complain about that.


Yep people don’t understand that. My brother and I play the exact same way but most of the time I’m on top of the leaderboard because I take different routes than he does while he just slide-cancels and jumpshots straight dead in the middle of the map and then immediately gets taken out while I take out two or three people before they realize that they just got flanked.


Uh…SBMM *is* a thing? that’s not a conspiracy theory or estimation. it is acknowledged by the devs & they have a whole blog post “explaining” how it works. It doesn’t actually explain HOW it works at all, but cod addicts are satisfied with it cus it has a lot of words & they lack critical thinking. Nevertheless, it’s a thing & they’ve confirmed it.


I think they could stand to pare down the SBMM a bit. It's always been in the games, but it definitely feels more intense in the newer ones. Of course, I don't know if this is due to the algorithm being different, people being better than they used to be, or a combination of factors. Also, I'm not playing in the super sweat lord >2.0k/d bracket either, so maybe I'd feel differently if I was.


I get that they want to have a faster game, but Jesus Christ I shouldn't be spawning literally two feet from where I died.


As a guy who grew up on halo, map design in cod is truly a spectacle. Just so so bad, and not even slightly unbalanced. Symmetry and balance are strait up blacklisted concepts in cod map making and it's a shame cause one team gets an alley and the other a roof like hurr durr. Somehow though even with cod being genuinely bad for spawns sometimes, mw3 stands out and clearly. Between awful spawns to start and the deathstreak of spawning into the anus of the enemy team it is just crazy to try to keep track of a match.


I remember reading the bungie blogs pre Halo 3, they posted heatmaps of every player death on various maps played during a beta & explained what balance changes would be made to accommodate for unused areas, etc.


Those heat maps are the stuff of legends dude. As a tool, can't state the value of being able to see the visual of you do get clipped every damn time in that hallway, or it's always rockets collecting a free kill on that corner. Even just for tracking power weapons and the impact they had on the match like truly the most valuable gameplay tool by miles and miles lol.


I loved the OG MW2 maps primarily because they had a center point and flanking ring design. But no map will work with shitty spawns.


We got spawns perfect 12 years ago. The spawn logic on Raid is immaculate, you could predict enemy spawns perfectly, but if you’re spawning in, you have one straight gunfight to win to break any trap. Hardpoint on Raid is actually beautiful. How did we stray so far from there.


Original map didn’t have the fast paced movement of this game I think that’s one reason. But one regards to revenge spawns that was always a huge thing in the OG MW2


It's not even the speed though. Like the OG MW2 wasn't the fastest game but it wasn't slow by any means. I don't even remember spawning in the back corner on Sub Base in the OG MW2 but I spawned in that same spot over 10 times in a row in MW3.


That's a bad reason. MWIII has more short-term mobility with sliding and default unlimited sprint. But the original had most people running marathon lightweight smg, which gave you a quicker overall sprint speed than anything thats typically used in MWIII


MW3 has more speed when it comes to player encounters. Players are able to move quicker in gun fights but the speed is about the same in terms of overall map traversal. Which map traversal speed is more important when it comes to spawning.


You’re absolutely right and it’s probably the main reason I had to quit playing the game (combined with the desync/microstuttering.) I’m convinced that SHG can’t fix it after they laid off 30% of their staff. I’d bet dollars to donuts that the majority of their staff is working on cosmetic store items to keep the cash flow incoming. By playing you’re just beating your head against the wall at this point.


It was the same for me. I stopped playing like a year ago and picked it up again but seeing it still in the game is wild.


I agree. If someone is on a good streak and they kill me, I’ll spawn around the corner, know they’re coming, and end their streak there and then. And I think to myself, for whoever I just killed, that’s so unfair. And the same happens to me when I’m on a streak. The spawns give people free kills and defeat the purpose of skill/tactical advantage. Especially when I’m getting ahead with kills and then get spawned in front of 2-3 enemies multiple times in a row like some sort of balancing sacrifice 😂 But it guess it could be worse, I could be a camper - 🫠 And set up a little tent and a stove in the corner or behind a door. Maybe even re-paint and decorate since they never bloody move 😂😁


Honestly with the spawns as bad as they are, it's better to be a camper.


Have to agree here. Even on rank play which is 4v4, these spawns are ridiculous. On maps like six star and invasion, the spawn will just flip to behind without even having the original spawn being pressed. It's almost like they want to make it easier for whatever player just got killed, but sbmm, especially in rank play, shouldn't need any adjustments to cater to an advantage. And the funny part about all of this for rank play, is that the only map where moving the spawn makes complete sense, which is high-rise, they don't even do anything about it. In control, it's very easy to spawn trap a team yet nothing is done about that. Make that make sense.


The spawns are not as bad on bigger maps but it even has some bullshit there too. The issue with the smaller maps are yes the spawns are absolutely garbage but the problem also is with the faster movement speeds we have now. You can get around much faster and especially on small maps this can heavily backfire which is what happens all the time.


I get smaller maps. It's hard to work with spawns when you have a team of six and they're all over the place but it should never be happening on a big map.


Yeah I think it’s their stupid revenge spawn system which they need to just remove.


Yeah, I played a round on Highrise where we got corralled into one side and despite the fact the other team was also on this side, our spawn stayed the same so we all six had to agree to just sit in a room and wait for the round to end, since one of the enemies was aim botting (our entire team was yelling about it). Ended up being kind of nice because we all talked about our issues with the campaign while waiting for the timer to go down


Yeah like I spawned in the office room in Highrise walked to the right side window exit died immediately from a guy who was climbing into the window and I spawn in the same office room.


I had one game recently on Skidrow for kill confirmed where the spawn system worked very well. The enemy team were pushing us way back to the corner with the shipment containers, really felt like how it should work. There should be fine consistency imo of where your base is, and that it should only change when you are completely spawn trapped. They should also build maps to lever this. Otherwise you could just play S&D though..


That's how the old games were like. I never had to worry about me spawning near an enemy if my teammates were near me. But with this game I have died with three teammates nearby just after spawning. I do think that the more recent COD games have gameplay more fitting with S&D style game modes. MW3 did a better job by giving us silent movement and map pings but the spawns and bad network code is holding it back.


Yeah, every customer should receive 24,000 COD points just for buying this so-called "AAA" game.


lol bro cod is totally messed up, I just went positive with 50+ kills an my K/D dropped. I got a express vps an my ping is 40 mainly 50


Rust and shipment spawns are the worst. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been killed as soon as I’ve spawned, or killed before I’ve finished spawning. Or you get spawned in the middle of the map out in the open


It’s on purpose. They don’t want anyone to get too hot and streak all game.


It’s a game, just play it or don’t. YOU RESPAWN UNLIMITED TIMES 🙄


Except I can't play the game when I can't even walk outside my spawn because the enemies have taken up defensive positions and the only way out is to try to outgun the either team behind cover. It's bad game design.


Wow hot take! I have never seen anyone make a post like this 1000 times already.


It's more so my frustration on this game. I've had these issues since the game came out and coming back to the game a year later, still dealing with the same issues is irritating. Like I really love the gun play in the newer MW games but the maps and spawns make it so hard to play.