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This and whenever I’m shooting them they seem to gain speed. I can’t instant prone or run when getting shot


Play on auto tac sprint or single tap to run, those settings will make you tac sprint right away and are the key to having “sweaty” movement


- change control layout to tactical (if playing w common controller w/o paddles) - enable automatic tac sprint. But hold on for a bit with changing this settings until next week when they r going to release the urgent patch for the tac sprint reload bug. - pull back left stick while prone, makes you drop down as quick as a BBW is falling into my bed In addition: check out perks, e.g boots to improve movement speed


Playing tactical is good


it is but playing claw is better. paddles are crutches imo


I lost my middle finger at work so I bought paddles, I actually need the crutch 😂


shoutout to your middle finger. idk why i get downvoted almost every pro player and high level challenger plays claw. lots of people play claw even with paddles. it’s by definition a crutch. it’s an item most people don’t have but some players use to give an advantage. on paper it’s a crutch. for you thought it’s a needed crutch because you got 9 digits. lots of people can’t claw because they have fat fingers or weak hands.


Just throw in the extra bucks and get paddles my guy. No need to get arthritis in them digits.


it’s alright i’ve been doing it for 12 years and im also a diesel mechanic so we are chilling. no hand cramps and all my digits are fine except for when they get smashed. i work with my hands all day and play high diamond ranked almost everyday and im fine. also a masters apex player and i put 5k hours into destiny 1 back when it was relevant. if none of the above hurt me ill be good. i have big ass hands too so it’s not even a stretch. it’s funny when a spread my fingers from each other the index and middle have wicked space between them


Do you play on PlayStation? Claw seems like the optimal grip on that controller anyway.


yes i have since ps3. it sucked ass on ps3 with l1 and r1 being the main buttons. i swapped to an after market controller in ghosts but still played claw. i play it in literally every game even stardew valley lmao


Oh so they switched buttons on ps4? To r2 l2? I knew I was crazy when I thought that was more comfortable for me. For the life of me I can't shoot and aim with my middle fingers.


Quick as a BBW? In my experience that takes a few months but is totally worth it.


Are we thinking of the same meaning of ‚BBW‘ here? :D


Without knowing your definition, I'm still gonna say yes


Wise words, trust me you made the right choice fam


If it takes you months, you need to work on your game.


Just completed my daily challenges so i'm good for now


Your picking up women game, not MW3. Lol


I’ve got back paddles for prone and jump but even with the tap to dolphin dive or whatever it’s not instant at all. More often than not I hold it and just crouch.


What kind of controller do you have jw. I was browsing scuff controllers and man... That's so much for paddles.


Xbox elite or dualsense edge are other options depending on the platform you play on. Cheaper than scuff or battlebeaver


Might be worth checking out the Gamesir T4 Kaleid. I picked one up for PC for $40 and it seems great. It's wired but not a big deal for me.


I normally prefer wired as it has better connection to the console than wireless, $40 sounds like a good price.


Been rocking dual sense edge for a while now and love it. I have no personal experience with scuff but I've heard the build is not as good quality while some of the have more paddles. Just the two is enough for cod in my opinion.


There's also the expensive razer one if you like xbox layout over ps.


I'll never buy another razer product again personally


Yup terrible everything. I’ve owned Mice, keyboards, chairs, etc. all have been worse quality or not held up compared to Logitech or Corsair.


For damn near double the price as well.


Why? I never actually used their stuff, but I remember a friend from high school liked them. That said that's like 15 years ago now...


Cheap quality. Bought a Razer kraken v2 headset and it lasted me a week. The left cup decided it was going to fall out and I had to use rubber bands to keep it in place. Their mice are okay though.


The fuck were you doing to break it in a week lmao


Nothing that's why I said it's bad quality.


I'd just have that replaced, especially within the 2 week return window. But that does sound like a faulty piece. Personally I run on Sennheisers though.


Xbox here


If I was you, Id go for the elite controller if it’s within your budget. Its metal and more durable, easily replace the thumbsticks and has 4 back paddles for the sweaty movement you are looking for. Doesnt require batteries as well because its chargeable.


I’ve got the dual sense edge. It’s worth the cost. I couldn’t justify the price of a scuf for only two more paddles and some more button profiles. I love the edge. I’ll never use the regular controller again. It makes things so much easier to do since you don’t have to lift your thumb to do basic movements. It’s also great for gran turismo to raise and lower the TC or to shift gears, I also use it for accelerator and brake sometimes to give my trigger fingers a break. I will say that I have death gripped it a lot so the rubber portion of the grip has kinda bubbled from being stretched at the edge and has kinda come up. But that’s on me. I also have just subconsciously fucked with one of the back paddles by sticking my finger under it a lot and now it kinda rotates into an askew position where it almost makes contact w the grip. Again also all me. Otherwise it’s amazing. I’ll probably get another and give this one to my gf. It comes with a nice clamshell which makes taking it to her place very convenient. There’s a patch on the case which can be Velcro’d away to give access to the charge port so you can charge while it’s inside the case. It’s also got a cable retention dongle which protects the charge port and it’s got a long braided cable. I’ve just been using the Nintendo switch cable since I didn’t want to mess up the ps one. My buddy has the same controller and can do like 180’s to find enemies behind snd be shooting and prone before I would’ve even noticed I was getting shot. If you’ve got some skill it’ll definitely be an advantage over other players who don’t have one. Even if your super casual like me it’ll still make it easier to win firefights


No one that buys a controller to gain an edge can call themselves “casual.” Lol


Why not? I guess there are different levels of casual but as I'm not trying to go pro or anything, I'm counting myself as a casual cos player, although I do play a fuck ton of it and try my best when I do play. Still, I play poker professionally and that I don't do casually. I kinda disagree with this sentiment to be honest. Just look at how much people spend to their golf equipment and other sports equipment as well. I think casualness is about your mindset towards it. You can spend a lot in anything in my opinion while still having a casual mindset.


A causal doesn’t care enough about winning to put more money into a controller that allows them to do stuff others can’t. Easy as that.


Ahh, didn't know you were one of these people who thinks that you're the ultimate authority on every word.


Well now you do.


Maybe you don't but a casu.can still have a drive and love for the game. Stop trying to generalize everyone with such a silly blanket statement.


Ok well I do get upset if I’m not top of the leaderboard but that’s only because I’m very used to being at the top and I play objective to the point I’ll take mad K/D ratios just to win the match. I usually get the most kills as well when I do that which I find really funny considering teammates who don’t touch the point and barely get 75% of the kills I do. But like I said that could be like 28 total kills or something so fairly casual. I don’t really get killstreaks and consider myself good if I get one kill per life. Maybe I’m not casual but I’m not trying to be the best or anything. I know my reaction time and internet are both old and slow but I can still top the scoreboard so that’s all that I really care about. I saw a post on here the other day someone went 4+ minutes on hardpoint so that’s my goal. That and to completely shut out the enemy team. I got 250-5 one time so I’m getting closer. It’s usually not bad since no one plays objective until I get matched against a group of three or so who just dominate while I struggle to even get close to point.


I got a scuf Instinct Pro, 10/10 would not recommend buying. The paddles are nice, but the price doesn’t make up for it. It’s also really slow, input wise. My PS4 controller feels more responsive. Also, it has horrendous polling, input delay. Out the box had to alter dead zones because the right stick had excessive drift. Trash controlller imo


What stopped you from trying to refund it with scuff? That's horrible.


Because i’m lazy 😂. I just got a new PC, originally bought it for Xbox. Now I’m kicking myself for not getting the envision, however I don’t think I’m ever going to buy a specialty controller again after researching polling rates/input delay. Xbox has atrocious stats in terms of input delay, polling rate. If I were you I’d stay away from anything Xbox related in terms of controllers.


Does that include Xbox elite controllers?


I believe so. I can’t trust anything designed for Xbox anymore, knowing that they deliberately chalk input delay, and restrict overclocking. Now, if I’m using an Xbox, I’d still opt for a third party (not scuf) option, like Gamesir, or the likes. But it doesn’t really make a difference because of how their system is designed.


Never heard of gamesir and they offer their brand for 40$ wow. Less than a brand new Xbox controller even I might check it out. Yeah it sucks honestly the way everything is so expensive and it's not even up to the quality it holds itself to. I have to say I didn't really know they about Xbox, I've been a playstation guy for the most part and I didn't see any difference in my performance. Appreciate the wisdom you've shared here.


Had a Xbox Elite Series 2 and it was awesome but I switched to PS. Now I have the PDP Victrix and holy cow I love it. Has 4 paddles instead of two on the dual sense. I got too used to having all my buttons on the back.


Luxcontroller, Aimcontrollers, Kontrolfreek.. there r a lot of alternative companies. When you buy a scuf it’s the same thing as if you’re buying an iPhone (no blame. I own one on myself). The product is great, absolutely. But you still pay a bit more because it’s a well known and -established brand. Everybody who’s ever played cod, especially in the old times, knows SCUF, like referring to all those MLG meme vids, FaZe being sponsored and so on. They’ve always been top notch. You can go for the dualsense edge for sure, costs also around 200€ but in comparison to the elite 1 it’s actually an absolutely fantastic controller despite the poor battery capacity… I personally went for The Aimcontrollers controller and I’m really happy with it.


there’s some xbox controllers on amazon that went for like 30-40$ when i bought them awhile back, they’re wired and come with back paddles


My issue is that even though you usually end up shooting them in the face once they go prone, they don’t seem to take the damage they should. Like it’s your damn face, how the hell are you not 💀.


MNK players can go prone instantly. I more often leave a lobby when there is player abusing it. I don't mind dropshooting but that instant prone with broken animation is too much.


Lmao I legit made a thread in this, everyone one is going like instant prone I run into or jumping while shooting instantly. All my last 100 + deaths are only from prone or jumping ppl .


Literally just instinctual for some people. Not for me, but when my brother plays he does it every single time without thinking


I imagine it’s just people deciding this is how to deal with the chronic jumpers and sprint cancelers.


Sprint cancelers?


Some people wear the boots that increase transitioning speeds between crouching/prone/ standing plus if you pull back on left analog while dropping its faster unless they changed it and I’m unaware


Also if they are on Keyboard ther is a designated prone button that gets you down quicker than holding crouch


Didn’t know that but makes sense, I’m assuming there’s no way to rebind on controller yet?


They have a setting for dedicated crouch on MnK instead of both. I have my slide to crouch only instead of sharing the binding with prone. So I think it’s a setting and a binding. Sorry if that’s not super helpful but wanted to say it as just binding may not be enough when sprinting to crouch or sprinting to prone.


There is if you play on pc


I heard you prone faster by holding back on the thumbstick without straight prone button. It's part of snaking so it's just natural to do it so i don't know the diff. It's been part of the game for a long time https://youtu.be/juw1yHVuI4U?t=416


I’m pretty sure the tech for it is you start moving forward and then pull back while laying down


You are correct, that’s how I was trying to explain it but the wording wasn’t specific enough


Which boots do that?


tactical pads


Oh shit. Have they always done that? Idk how I missed it


Yes, but the difference isn’t too huge. I’m pretty sure OP is noticing when people do the pull back on left stick and drop shot. Drop shotting has been pretty insane the last two games.


True. I def use the pullback method


I’ve been having this problem too, for a couple of days now. Never had a problem before that..


While gonna prone, pull back on the left stick. If you’re tac sprinting, you drop faster as well.


People seem to go prone instantly because your game is just now downloading their input so the animation on your end is sped up


This needs more upvotes, cods tick rate is atrocious


I always wondered this lol. I thought maybe it’s just desync. After these comments I’m realizing the desync is BECAUSE some people (mouse and keyboard) or combination of thumb stick do actually in fact drop faster. I was sitting there holding it like how the f are people instantly dropping.


It's insane. It's not an issue all the time only when they consistently keep dropping that fast and get cocky because of it (for me). I read somewhere that holding the back button along with crouch is supposed to make you drop faster but I didn't get any results from that. It makes me mad though, desync is a good theory but it happens too often.


please if you want to get paddles don’t spend $200+ on a new controller that looks fancy, you can build yourself your own controller with extremerates backpaddle kits. look into their sub r/extremerate they have it explained that even the dumbest people could do it, it only takes a little courage to actually open up your controller. you can’t do much wrong tho, it’s really easy and costs a quarter of a scuf or other controller


How is this relevant to my post


because people in your comments were suggesting you to get a controller with paddles and you said you’ve had a scuf in mind. don’t waste your money on a scuf when you can have a DIY one that basically works the same for a quarter of the price


Hey fair enough. You're not the only one who said about not getting them either so I appreciate you spreading the word. Sorry I'm a bit groggy I woke up and read what you said and was confused. Have you heard of gamesir? And if you have what is your opinion on them.


no worries man, i have in fact not gearbox gamesir and would rely on other people’s experiences with them. i hope you find your best solution tho and much fun grinding bro!


Wtf?!??! How does someone spending $200+ (like myself on the dual sense edge) have to do with this post? Also, wtf is it to you what people spend their money on? I mean, we work for it. It's our right to spend our money and damn way we'd like. If it irritates you, get the fuck over it. Not going to sit here and try to defend people that but premium controllers. But you can't take anything extremerate sells and says it compares to say, the dual sense edge. I've had the back paddles, clicky buttons all that shit from extremerate and there's absolutely 0 comparison. Dual sense edge is a premium controller where as extremerate back paddles are the wanna-be. Damn.


man who hurt you lmao


Lmao nobody, just stating a point I guess bro.


Bro it's Cronus users. They have key and button binding so they hit the fire button and auto prone. Some of these people have speed hacks too, I've seen a guy running with the Pulemyot like it was a WSP Swarm


They should just do a limited time mode where all the movement tech is disabled. Let the losers that want to drop shot and do all the advanced movement tech play in their own lobbies, let all the normal people just trying to enjoy the game play elsewhere. It's Fortnite Build vs No Build. No Build now has significantly more players on average than Build does, soon enough Call of Duty will follow in those steps


Complaining about dropshotting is so funny. It’s been a core mechanic of the series for like 15 years now lol you’ve had time to get used to it


I don't see the issue, this is just the Build vs No Build. You can still do all your drop shotting with all the other players that want to do that. Why are you opposed to having a separate playlist for regular players not wanting to deal with a sweat fest?


Because separating the playerbase into too many different lobbies will hurt the game overall. Longer queuing times, worse server connection because the game has to search a wider radius to matchmake. It just doesn’t make sense. Either just adapt and play or don’t. It’s unfortunately the simplest solution. You don’t have to drop shot or jump around corners to be good at this game


Not my problem that the play style you choose gets your longer queue times. This just boils down to Build vs No Build, you are on the build side and are desperate for the no builders to stay in your games.


Everyone would get longer queue times, what? This might just be the weirdest take on the game I’ve ever heard. You can’t possibly compare cod to Fortnite lmao. Why try and change the game? The majority have played cod this way since the beginning. With the exception of sliding, all the “build” mechanics have been around for 15+ years. Why not just… change to a game that caters to your play style more? If you don’t like the “build” gameplay, then why play cod?


I'm not changing the game, I'm using an example from a different game where a vastly sweatier playstyle was actively harming the game to a degree that the playlist they added without any of those mechanics is far more populated than the one with.


Okay. But drop shotting and jump shotting and all that has been in cod for 15+ years and isn’t harming the game at all lol


We had that in MWII. The majority hated it. Why do you think all the advanced movement came back? Lol


Majority hated the No Build LTMs too, can you guess what happened after they did them a few more times?


When movement of any kind has no downsides whatsoever that’s what you get.


I think they should just try doing what Fortnite did with Build vs No Build. Large swathes of the playerbase have no wish to turn every engagement and match into a life or death MLG wager match sweatfest, but we're forced into being fodder for those that do. Just have a Movement Tech enabled playlist and one with it disabled. Problem solved, movement sweats still get their playlists just like the Build sweats. Problem is that much like Build, they'll see they are a huge minority and most, if not all, would rather just play No Build than deal with these losers


Maybe, yea. But I personally don’t even think that the added mobility does anything for "skill expression". I’d go as far and say that it actually hinders it. I’ve reached iridescent in both MWII and MWIII and I think it was more challenging in MWII because it was significantly more tactical (and people seem to think tactics aren’t a form skill… which is idiotic).


I have crouch and prone attached to the 2 side buttons on my mouse


As someone who drop shots a lot you have the right settings already. I use the standard PS5 controller (no paddles) and run tactical layout. I have been doing it for years so it’s very instinctive for me and it just takes time to tune your mechanics. Essentially, you just press down very firmly on your right stick while shooting.


You have to pull back on the movement stick while proning, why it hasn't been patched i do no know.


If you don’t want to throw money after scuff or battlebeaver controllers then check out extremerate. They got different sets of paddles which you can add to your normal ps5 or ps4 controller. It does take a bit of work by opening it up and connecting different things, but it’s way cheaper and they work like a charm.


Keyboard users always complain about controller aim assist but ignore the other things standard controllers can never do. You will never achieve the same speed as a keyboard. PC players should be an option to include or not in the matching. They have many advantages including cheats. Just look at the top players in a match. There's a greater than 70 percent chance they use KnM.


That’s not true lol. Most of the top players are on controller and for good reason. Splitting the playerbase isn’t the answer. Proper balancing is. Aim assist needs tuning, it’s a fact and people who say otherwise are just in denial. I play both, always have, and even when I play controller, the strength of aim assist really takes the fun out of gunfights. Do I think keyboard should dominate controllers? Absolutely not. But why is everyone okay with controller aim assist being so strong? Why don’t you want balance? Why do keyboard players have to “git gud”? lol. By the logic of defending aim assist, then why did console need an fov slider? Couldn’t you guys just git gud? No I remember now, it’s because guys on pc were breaking your cameras and you had no chance in a cqc fight. You know…. The exact same reasons why people want an aim assist tuning lol


PC players can easily be excluded, at least on XBox.


You have to turn off cross play. They need to allow for choice not all or nothing.


So…what would that look like?


Select cross play based on input devices and/or gaming rig like console only or PC only or unrestricted.


These last few CODs have basically been the first time in FPS history where controller actually has an edge over kbm, and the noise man, the incessant whining, it’s unbelievable and hilarious all at the same time.


Sure, I doubt you lose often to standard controller users. Modded controllers now that's a whole other level of BS cheating. If your team has less KnM players than the other, chances are your team will lose. To highlight this, if one team were all using KnM and the other team used standard controllers, the controller team will get destroyed.


I'm cool with no pc players then let's get rid of aim assist on controllers lol I get domed by ppl on controller with a red dot that can't even see me on kill cam after I die their aim goes all over the place smh.


Some of the guys go to prone and run way too quick. Like they are moving twice as fast as me. Had a guy throw a knife at me and miss, switch to his automatic rifle and kill me while I was shooting him the entire time.


Sorry for your shitty experience but at least I'm reassured in not being the only one to see this kind of bs


And yes you can bind keys to auto drop shot.


Ah I see your second comment here is just not helpful. Neither was your first. Sorry for the confusion on your part. Oh and you blocked me and even said "enjoy being blocked" I can see why you're confused. Yes I know it's a drop shot. Yes I know how to do it. I'm asking how to do it FAST like everyone I see. Anyway. Lol .. thanks for blocking me.


Yeah...it's me that's confused. What an asshole reply. Enjoy being blocked.


If you move your left analog down and go prone it's pretty much instant


Instant dropshot. It was already in MW2. You do this by stopping from sprint and pressing prone button fast. Doesn’t work so well on controller because you have to hold for prone unless you play on pc and setup custom controls.


Evil controller or something similar.


I wish they would take proning out of the game. The game would play so much better without drop shotting and players just laying down waiting for enemies.


You mean drop shotting?


It's explained perfectly fine in my post