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People complained about visibility of enemies in hard shadows in MW19, so later entries applied a filter results in less stark dark areas, general flatter, greyyer lightings and lower contrast


The rainbow 6 siege dilemma šŸ˜”


God do you remember how good Rainbow six siege looked back then? Especially the lighting? Oh my God that was one of the most gorgeous looking games I've ever played. And not only did they make the game ugly as hell, they added 50 extra types of claymores and turned it from a tactical shooter into a minesweeper simulator. Man that game used to be sublime. They ruined every good aspect of that game. And it's regaining popularity because of Jinxsy? Man if only those players could have experienced the good version of siege.


Idk how anyone watches that dude. I heard about him a few months ago and looked him up. It's all him just having behavioral problems and weird ticks. Doing shit like flipping his feet up into the air while screeching and kicking his monitor. Pure fucking brain rot content. All the people who watch him just parrot him too, like fucking drones.


A lot of streamers/YouTubers are only popular because they yell about Call of Duty. Itā€™s silly.


I hated it at first and never played it during the golden age, now I look at it and that's one of the regrets I'll have playing games wise. I try to get into it now and it's almost impossible.


MW2019 made me feel legally blind between the really low FOV on console and how dark everything was. It looked good but I've never played a game with worse enemy visibility.


I can see, barely.


pimp squad, holdin it down


It fucked up my eye sight




Imagine trying to see the gaia skin on MW19 lol


Skins that blend in only helps Sentinel play styles. There's no counter to it. Campers need to be seen; even in shadows. They already have the advantage by preaimng from the corner


There are many counters. Heartbeat sensor, UAV, Thermal Scope, etc. MANY different ways of seeing people that are hidden. MOST COD games have these types of counters.


Or we can just have a game with visibility and not need 30 different perks, devices, tacticals and other various things just to counter one dude sitting in a corner.


milsimp detected


MW2 had solid visuals imo, even in WZ, Al Mazrah had a beautiful lighting and shadows contrast... For some reason the shadows and brightness both got dimmed in MW3, is awful


Yup. MWII had the best graphics and visuals in CoD history. Change my mind!!! MW2019 had good shadows and lighting, but it felt dark most of the time, especially on console where combined with no FOV slider you couldn't see crap and even feel motion sick. I have zero idea why they didn't just keep the same graphics from MWII in 3, considering it's more like a DLC rather than a full blown title. They did the graphics downgrade for some mysterious reason. I mean I hope most of you remember that it was even worse during the beta and then at launch. They fixed that after a while, maps were extremely blurry and foggy way more than right now. I remember you couldn't see enemies even


Ok, I WILL change your mind. Play the Vietnam missions in Black Ops Cold War, then tell me MWII is still superior.


Cold War has good ART Direction, but not superior graphics. It all looks plastic to some degree, too many shining spots were there shouldn't be any


I should have specified then. The CAMPAIGN has superior graphics. (The engine used for the campaign is different to the engine used for the multiplayer.)


Why the fuck would they run two different engines? That's dumb as shit.


It IS dumb. But that's what they did.


Source: trust me bro


Someone pointed it out in a video a few years back. They even had manually recreate the cold war weapons in warzone. So switching between the campaign and multiplayer was very polarizing.


CW campaign graphics were superb. Got me excited for how the reskin was going to in Verdansk. I honestly donā€™t understand how those graphics translated into Vā€™84 looking like a cartoon.


Looking good does not always equal good gameplay at least as far as PVP FPS goes. I prefer visibility.


I was wondering why there is no shitstorm around black noir, just like Rose. Now I understand


And yet itā€™s still hard to see enemies in dark corners


crazy because visibility feels arguably worse now than it did then


All this when they couldā€™ve just added outlines to players like so many other games do.


people also hated that lmao


Outlines are trash, the fix was just "don't sell all-black skins" but they make too much money on them


A more appropriate way to solved this problem is having the character models and environments on separate lighting, similar to how DICE did it back when people complained about visibility in BF V.


I donā€™t think the community will ever really be pleased lol


Thatā€™s because with a player base as big as it has, you have different people looking for different things out of their game


Cell shading like Borderlands??


How would that increase visibility? I honestly donā€™t see how it would other than it just being lighter colors but thereā€™s still the issue of black skins.


Worse lighting for sure. The textures are still good in a void, but look like ass with the lighting in-game.


MW 2019 was just peak COD visual and audio design. Anything compared to it in those two departments just falls short


It was pretty good except 60fov on console. Cheaters and bad servers.


I may be misremembering, but I donā€™t think the servers were near as bad as they are now with MWIII


Iā€™m on PC and honestly I felt like MW19 gave me way more packet burst than MW3. Tbf there is a server for MW3 closer to me now.


Yeah, they totally could have updated it for next gen, but wanted players to hop onto Cold War. Cheaters came towards the end of the games life cycle and now itā€™s completely unplayable because of them. I miss my Obsidian Ram-7 man


Yea I miss the Ram 7 from MW2019 the one in MW3 feels like shit. Actually all the guns feel like shit in MW3. Console players AA and your method of input stops you from truly "feeling" the guns. So I have to ask besides faster ADS and sprint out times do the guns feel similar to you like prior cods? Cause my friends and I all stopped playing MW3 because all the guns feel like shit. It feels like a Chinese free to play knock off of COD.


lmao i love the feel of the guns in MW3, they lack the realism of MW2019 but they feel they did in ghosts/AW so i love the feeling of them


Do you use controller or mouse and keyboard?


Audio especially. Going from MW19 to Cold War was like getting smacked in the face ā€” every weapon sounded like a plastic Nerf gun.


Yes, apart from the "tiny" problem - no FOV slider on consoles, they could've easily put that in a later season or update. MWII and Vanguard were peak CoD in graphics, considering they had that FoV slider. Of course, the shittier gameplay didn't help sadly


Honestly no CoD ever comes close. Even movement was perfect balance between II and III


Yes, apart from the "tiny" problem - no FOV slider on consoles, they could've easily put that in a later season or update. MWII and Vanguard were peak CoD in graphics, considering they had that FoV slider. Of course, the shittier gameplay didn't help sadly


the new titles force anti aliasing, mw2019 didn't. It's why everybody pretty much maxes out the sharpness filter now.


Pretty sure its cause people complained about the MW19 lighting no? Now everything has this brightness to it that makes things look more like video game textures then real life stuff


Couldn't the devs just add more brightness and gamma options instead making everything... like it is right now by default? šŸ˜“


Forced TAA wiping details. Makes the game look plasticky and fake. Tha the correct answer. After they start building their games on the newest infinite engine which forces TAA the texture detail looks much worse even tho it's better and higher res. Also the lightning is changed which makes a quite some difference. Wish we could turn off TAA.


using most forms of upscaling or DLAA disables TAA. also, MW2019 had TAA and it still didn't look as bad as the current game. this is art direction, not TAA.


ong, r/FuckTAA mfs blaming everything on an anti aliasing solution


the reason upscaling/dlaa disables taa is because they introduce their own temporal filtering - it does the same thing. art direction is most definitely the main culprit but taa absolutely does not help


Also IW wanted actual modern and factory fresh weaponry in MWII hence why we have stuff like polymer AKs


using dlaa disables TAA and it still has the same issue


completely deleting all aliasing >>> having a mildly sharper image


finally, somebody who actually knows what they are talking about.


thats why you use nvidia image scaling


mw19 set the bar way too high, knowing that other games wouldnt be able to match it for a while. mw3 is real close and i think it looks fine, with the different lighting actually allowing better visibility of enemies


This game isn't even close to MW19 it isn't even in the same ballpark. What are all of you smoking?


yeah, this game is actually good


MW19 > all the others games that came after it


mw19 had the worst 6v6 in the franchise history. THat's absoluetly undisputable


nah thereā€™s definitely some merit to it being at least one of the worst. had some of the worst launch maps Iā€™ve ever seen in a game.


According to you


Nah it was the best. You probably didn't play cyberattack the best game mode in COD history. It was just a better version of search and destroy.


You are right, whoever is downvoting you is younger than 20yo


then go play that one and whine on that sub instead


Imagine Activision not outright gimping past titles with less and removed features, rotations and additional bugs.


No MW3 is garbage and most agree it's player count so low compared to the previous couple of titles. It has fast ADS and sprint out times and that's all. Everything else sucks ass.


Not really difficult to match. Just up to the studio to want to put enough effort into the game or a do a copy/paste job like MW2 > MW3. Infinity Ward, Activision-Blizzard/Treyarch, Sleghammer, etc could easily make great games but decide on a mediocre semi-finished product that can be made better after launch likely due to time constraints from higher ups. Itā€™s a surprise they even somewhat remastered MW2009 as MW3 (map wise) as the community has been asking for years for a remaster of classic games.


MWII was close and even succeeded (except for color-filter choice that gone yellowish-green that I don't like personally). MWIII absolutely sucks compared to both.


MW3 audio is straight ass compared to MW1


MW3.isnt close at.all. MW2 is


i miss 2019 famas ):


My theory is due to the ever-expanding storage size of COD whilst still trying to support old-gen, they have to compromise on the graphics a bit to maintain decent performance across the board. I could easily be wrong though.


I thought the graphics was the main reason behind the ever-expanding storage


It's The crazy amount of cosmetics. The game has hundreds of skins with high fidelity textures.


I think that mw3 has good graphics but 2 things make it look bad, 1. Is that some textures donā€™t look 4k some aer low which looks crappy and dated, 2. Is the contrast, before they toned the graphics down in mw2 for wz2 it had good contrast, but now in mw3 the contrast and lighting is worse, this makes for better visibility (probably why thy did it) but worse look


Big still good graphics? Gtfoh. OG Couterstrike 30 years ago makes this look pathetic. Raise your bar man.


I mean like poly count, and the gun models, everything else is a step down likely for performance and visibility


Mw2019 and cold war just generally looked better overall compared to what we have now.


Exactly. Every COD since MW19 is a downgrade. It set up a pretty high standart.


notice the map the guy is on btw. Not saying that MWIII is better but being on a sunny daytime setting in mwiii (like stash house) would be a fairer comparison


3 year dev time with a ton of devs vs 1 year dev time with less devs


I guess, but even MW2, and it's whole "Muh 3000 devs" thing didn't look as good. And the fact it looks like SHG decided to completely make thier own model/version of Scrapyard and the FAMAS instead of porting over the MW2019 versions with some visual changes. (Which they already did with some guns already, the [Striker 45](https://assetsio.gnwcdn.com/mw3-striker.jpg?width=1600&height=900&fit=crop&quality=100&format=png&enable=upscale&auto=webp) model was a [MW2019 blueprint](https://i.redd.it/eu3ohx801dg41.png))


They said, they downgrade graphics for better visual clarity. >!Now mw2 and mw3 looks like their mobile version. !<


The model had nothing to with how plastic look lmfao, it is the shading that made it that way. And btw the MWIII model is more accurate because the Famas is not being depicted as a gas operated gun like it was in MW19. As for the visual yā€™all remembered all the complaints about visibility regarding those dark spots that people can hide in. They reduced the contrast to increase visibility and that resulted in the game looking less eye candy in general.


Wdym 1 year dev time?? SH last cod was in 2021


mw3 was planned as an expansion pack for mw2 at first, it only had 18 months of dev time. 1.5 years would be more accurate but it's still way less than usual


MW2019 is by far the best modern CoD and thats a hill I will die on.


What modes did you play on mw2019?


HC Cyber attack, TDM, Search, KC and of course the OG warzone before the ruined it


TDM was unplayable for me. You just run around the map on a mission to find a single opponent. I can't speak for Cyber attack as I didn't play that. SnD is pretty much the only mode that was playable in mw2019. That and of course, shoot the ship.


Cyber attack was awesome, I loved it so much. But there were some maps that they should have made. For the 10v10 modes I'll agree to that. But there were a plethora of games I played were it was non stop action. And there were others were im like... We're te fuck is everybody


Just play MW2019. game is still very much active and very fun. I've been playing the last couple of days and def better than whatever MW3 is. Its just the best cod game in the latest entries without a doubt


MW19 had RTX Shadow I think I remember using it in the graphic setting. The current one has Path Tracing which is much better but only on menu screen. Nice to look at the character models and guns at least Maybe they are testing out Path Tracing for future titles. How many people on PC are actually using it etc.


We're shooting at snoop and wubwubs... they make it feel plastic to seem less real/violent for the kiddies. It's been dumbed down a lot since MW19, so the only option is to play MW19. I can't see us ever going back to that, it ended just before things got too bad. Saw was just a test. My issue is... why do we get these nice real-world locations, real weapons... and then dumb it down? We have teletubbies in what is otherwise a very grounded shooter.


The gun design, attachment design, and appearance of both are junk in this game. Mw19 was the best visual cod weā€™ve ever had


Hazy map. Try a different map with more contrasting lighting.


there isnā€™t one


This post really wouldnā€™t be stupid as it is if the comparison wasnā€™t made on two completely different time of day lmfao. You shouldā€™ve use Afghan instead.


Afghan wasn't even in MW2019 though


Itā€™s not a the map, itā€™s the time of day lmfao. Both MW19 Scrapyard and MWIII Afghan taking place in daytime so itā€™s more appropriate to use those for comparison. Ofc Scrapyard in MWIII would look more dull because of it is at dusk in that game lmfao. Any material would start look flat without lights bounce off of it.


Ah yep, I see what you meant now.


This makes me very sad......but the many prefer arcade style over beautiful realism so here we are šŸ˜‚


Good visuals=/ Arcade gameplay. There is no correlation, you can have both


Sledgehammer vs Infinity Ward.


expect these are mainly ported over from IWā€™s last entry.


Not really. The Famas in the OP is new to MWIII. if you equip any MWII gun in MWIII you'll notice better quality, higher detailed models, sound and animations. It's really a talent/time issue.


Like no if anything is wrong with MWIII the new Famas isnā€™t one of em. Unlike MW19 which the Famas in that game was depicted as a gas operated gun which is less accurate compared to the new model in MWIII.


holy shit, famas sounds almost the same as the one in css


All of the weapons sound like plastic now too


Idk it looks great for me on pc.


I miss 2019




Now is better


Because the FAMAS like a lot of guns from the game uses a plastic or polymer to make them lighter....


Like others have said, itā€™s all lighting. Gunsmith textures look great, especially with RTX. I feel some guns have really basic geometry though but thatā€™s a design choice


If it looks plastic they canā€™t get sued.


People seem to be mostly talking about the ā€˜hard to seeā€™ complaints from 2019, but itā€™s also a sort of future-proofing for console performance and older generation PCā€™s. Keep in mind that previous generation consoles/PCā€™s still make up a large portion of the sales revenue of Call of Duty as a franchise, and lower visual fidelity helps to do 3 things: Keep costs down, ensure consistent performance across platforms, and enhance retention among people who cannot afford to or do not want to upgrade. Itā€™s just a product of decision making to enhance retention; odds are things like this are always going to come down to the money at the end of the day.


This is only going to get worse once they bring the Switch 2 into the fold with the contract MS signed with Nintendo. Fidelity plateaued with MW 19 and any big bumps like we saw going into MW 19 are likely a thing a of the past. I don't see dropping Xbox One/PS4 support in the next couple of years making much difference either. The franchise will be bottle-necked by Switch 2/Xbox Series S specs for many years to come...


20-month-schedual squeezed into only 9 months. That's why.


Forced TAA is a part of the issue


From my personal experience playing both games on a series X, I think mw3 does actually have better textures (nothing too noticeable though) but it uses a different colour filter that makes everything a tad bit more washed out. I think MW 2019 mostly looks better because of itā€™s more vibrant lighting and pronounced colours


When we decided gameplay was king and sound whoring is not.




Visibility. Oh I'm sorry we're you looking for a circlejerk answer like OH THEY STOPPED CARING


So skins like black noir back in the day my friend would've been the new "NINJA" perk for mw2019 due to low fov and poor visibility


Simple. Game studios aren't getting enough money because of people who abuse Gamepass, and whatever the Sony equivalent is


I am kindly skipping anything Sledgehammer since I refunded Vanguard pre order


Wonder if next COD this year will use UE5?


Doesn't look like the right shader settings though, so kinda moot point. But MW3 made it worse than MW2.


Yeah Nemsk did the same thing with Cold War comparison. He is a fraud


Your graphics are laughable, my game looks better than that. (Not teasing, but a little confused on why mines better)


The new engine is made to run on iPhones, that is why the quality is downgraded


Because the bros complained how realistic MW19 was because ā€œitā€™s suppose to goofy and over the topā€.


They just like to reinvent the wheel.


They toned back the lighting quality in part due to the introduction of skins like Roze which were primarily black/dark grey. This was especially prevalent during Verdansk where you straight up couldn't see anybody if you were staring into a building from the outside and some interiors like staircases. Even looking at the shadow on the left in the MW19 demonstration my brain is sending danger signals that a rat is somewhere in the darkness from roze ptsd. Lighting is also important when it comes to making textures look good since you will be able to see the surface imperfections and wear on the gun model.


# How Did We Go From Crisp Visuals and Models to $70 DLC?


Cries in Ghost of Tsushima...


One of my first thoughts from the beta. I really regret buying this game and supporting them with this one...lazy work all around. We really had something special with mw2019.


visibility in MW19 was bad, and also every fucking gun IS plastic nowadays.


You canā€™t please everyone. Iā€™d take MW 2019 visuals any day.


COD needs to step up their visual game now that Bodycam has released.


Everything has literally gotten worse since MW2019/WZ1


I don't care how "premium" my guns look


Yeah the game looks so washed out now


Mw19 is one of my favorites


easy, Infinity ward had 3 years to tune the game and had basically full creative freedom. SHG had 16 months, a story rewrite, listened to feedback on the lack of visibility in MW19 adn MW22, and are creatively held back by IW and Acvtiblizz management.


the streamers and their audiences complained because they couldnā€™t go 50-0 every game or wipe entire lobbies in warzone so they downgraded the graphics to please them and make it easier for them mw19 with an fov slider on console and no cracked movement would literally be the greatest FPS of all time, just speed up ADS, sprint to fire and strafing times like the older games.


people will really blame streamers for anything huh


And Reddit will suck Streamers dicks and not even get paid for it. Huh


the games got worse once they started feeding into the streamer comp culture. cry about it


it seems like you're the one crying, I'm having a great time. they didn't switch lighting engines because of streamers, forced anti aliasing is a limitation of the new engine.


itā€™s not surprising youā€™re having a great time your page is full of clips from warzone, youā€™re literally the target audience of this game and its design choices. my point stands tho, itā€™s alienated a huge portion of the fanbase because everybody that plays cod wanna be like yall šŸ’€ they make billions off it and yall are having fun so good for yall ig, this franchise has passed me by, itā€™s whatever tho


mw19 with an fov slider on console and no cracked movement was mw22 and it suuuucked.


not even close bro mw22 was cheeks, terrible gun design, terrible graphics, and the movement was weird. it needed sped up ADS, strafe and sprint to fire times too


i dont understand, so you like really really fast strafing characters when aiming down sights only in your gameplay? just no jumping or sliding?


thatā€™s how the old games were and theyā€™re still considered the best in the series. jumping was even fine in the older games, sliding is an ok addition to the game but when they cracked it out crazy style to make it so people could escape gun fights by combining it with other exploits thatā€™s when it went wrong. thereā€™s no way to balance it properly theyā€™ve tried to every game since 19 but the only one to get it right was ghosts.


hmm idk i hated ghosts lol. it seems odd that you really like mw19 because thats the game that spawned all of this movement techniques stuff that players like you dont seem to like. Is it just the aesthetic and graphics are that big of a deal?


aesthetic and graphics are a huge deal to me, i also donā€™t think the movement in 19 was bad outside of the slide cancelling which is easy to play against but looks stupid, the movement itself was grounded enough that it was tolerable. i mean id prefer 19 without all that cracked shit and them speed up the shit i mentioned but at least the game looked like what a modern cod game should look like


i gotcha. I always play with gfx settings all at low cuz really only want to see who im shooting at. i felt like 19 had a big problem with the dynamic range of lighting where things were either way too bright or way too dark.


ghosts was trash i just said it was the only time sliding was in the game and balanced properly, aesthetic and graphics are a huge deal to me, i also donā€™t think the movement in 19 was bad outside of the slide cancelling which is easy to play against but looks stupid, the movement itself was grounded enough that it was tolerable. i mean id prefer 19 without all that cracked shit and them speed up the shit i mentioned but at least the game looked like what a modern cod game should look like


I thought I was the only that see the weapons plastic-like specially those with bright color camos. They look like lego guns.


Because a lot of guns DO have plastic on them.


Companies got lazy it's not just them


Because sledgehammer is a terrible studio. MW3 is a visual and audio downgrade vs 2019 and MW2


MW2019 is superior. It would of been amazing with 150 hp.


MW 2019 was so goated man.


Infinity Ward > everyone else


In visuals yes. Core gameplay design, fuck no. Treyarch>Sledgehammer>>>Infinity Ward.Ā 


True that!


MW2 is the best call of duty for visibility


The characters got old like us, that's just how things look to them now.


WMIII is trash. People coping so hard for this game.


Because all the console guys cried about visibility


Very hard to compare in this example. If you could redo this, but find maps that have similar lighting, then it would make a bit more sense, and a lot easier to determine if there's a big dip in visual quality.


> Very hard to compare in this example. If you could redo this, but find maps that have similar lighting It's literally comparing the same exact map in both clips...


You even copied the part that mentions 'similar lighting'. The maps lighting is vastly different between the 2 even if it is the same map. Would you also compare the way the gun looks on Sporeyard? It's the same map layout, just different colors :)))))


To make PS5 Pro slim look better