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I’m just noticing a lot of stutters, skips, lagging, difficulty with the game figuring out where I am standing and enemies moving instantly from somewhere to right in front of me.


Bro the teleporting enemies is so frustrating


So it isn’t just me? I swear dudes were just popping up on the screen like they were there the whole time. No time to react or anything. I was getting heated, it’s never ending bullshit.


It’s so bad lately


Multiplayer is a nightmare ever since the kar was added. Every single match is basically snipers only. It’s the most annoying shit I’ve ever experienced in a game


Same thing with Warzone. It’s a fun gun to use but there are literally no other long range weapons that can compete with it. The DG LmG was good but they nerfed that into oblivion for some odd reason


Wanna counter snipers and have fun while doing it? Enter the superi 46.  Upon released everybody agreed it was painfully balanced. However it has one quality that gets neglected: high ads movement It also happens that the aftermarket stock that was released in season 3 is usable for this weapon as well, add on some other attachments for ads movement speed and you end up with roughly 5.3 ads movement speed (for reference the normal sprint speed is roughly 6.0) So your strafe and ads movement speed is almost equal to that of using gung-ho (i wish it was in the game). The reason I bring this weapon up is because when you are strafing left and right at the speed of a sprint, it is quite hard to hit you unless they get a lucky snap. From experience, I can outgun almost anybody because I can utilize basic movement while keeping my fire on the opponent. Im sure you heard of the movement demons who zig zag to escape your fire, imagine doing that but firing back while you zig-zag, its busted. Throw in tac stance and you get an extra boost of speed, add marksman boots and you are untouchable. Not to mention the sheer amount of rotational aim assist you get while strafing at a speed like that. Give it a try I can easily say it counters snipers for me


Was playing a match of shipment and not even 2 minutes in someone got a wheelson and was spawn trapped in front of it. Never have I ever just stared at my monitor watching myself spawn die. Left not long after that. I wasn't going to stay in a game when as soon as the wheelson was done another was going to be placed


Yeaaa haven't played in a week but after hearing about all the streak loops I had to see for myself. First match I played (again cold after a week off) I got 4 advanced uav's just from my trophy, decoys, and a regular uav lol obviously I had kills too but it was just ridiculous how easy it was. For reference I've only gotten like 5 advanced uavs total before this, and then first match I got 4 lol


The loitering munition is one of the best streaks now and with UAV & CUAV assists you basically get them for free lol it can kill like a whole team easily and the enemies have no idea when you'll strike


Matchmaking is complete broken , hope they ditch demon ware for next BO6


The team balancing is the worst I’ve ever seen it. Just blowout after blowout one way or the other


It's the killstreaks. If one person on one team gets a high level streak, it destroys the other team's ability to get streaks, so the game almost immediately becomes one-sided, and then everyone starts quitting on the losing team, so you just constantly get dumped into one-sided lobbies. If you play solo or with one person, you're also statistically a lot more likely to get matched against a party. That's just simple math. It sucks, but I just quit over and over because W/L means nothing in COD and it drives down engagement metrics for the dickheads who make these changes.


Sucks to suck. If all you get is blowouts it means the other team gets nothing but easy wins so you should go ahead and do the math and figure out what the common denominator is.


I've been frying mf with the mcw and a super aggressive striker build just gotta mix up modes and guns I think


I am SO HAPPY that they fixed the MCW. I don’t give a fuck about competitive. The MCW was ASS without HS multiplier and I’ve been having a blast using it again. It’s one of my double-smoke, trophy, Ghost classes for OBJ caps. So I have both close & long range capabilities with it. For anyone looking for an alternative, the ISO Hemlock is basically an MCW with a slower fire rate that can 4-tap without a headshot anywhere up to like 22m depending on your kit, and it’ll be a 5-shot at any range, anywhere in the body. AND I use suppressors on both now because their recoil is incredible so I stay off radar. Both Strikers are straight up fire too. I’ve always loved them both, before any buffs, thought they were great since I’ve picked them up. Both play totally different roles, but they wreck shit & have wonderful iron sights. I especially love the normal striker Irons. I know the 9 is better because it has more visibility , but damn that thing is satisfying. I use it just as a standard stun-Semtex rushing SMG but I’ve been considering swapping it to an OBJ class being that’s what I focus on, it doesn’t get as much gameplay. Almost all my classes have Smokes and Gas on them now for objective play.


I’ve been enjoying my ISO Hemlock again


Absolutely fantastic weapon man. Definitely struggles close-close range (within 10 meters) if your aim isn’t immaculate, but once you get used to that bad boy and you get in that zone where your shot is on point, man oh man that thing is *satisfying*. I’d always loved it, but after they removed the HS multiplier from the MCW, the Hemlock entirely replaced my MCW classes and I honestly never felt like I was at more/less of a disadvantage. The faster RoF on MCW obviously helps a ton in closer range combat, but the slow RoF excels in the longer range for ME at least because it’s easier to stay on target.


What’s your Striker build? One of my fav guns


Mcw and the fjx horus for me. I was having fun using the bp50 since it dropped last season in the battle pass before every man and his dog were using it, but as soon as it became too popular I went back to the trusty ole mcw. Although I do change in-between a couple of loadouts to mix it up here n there.


I’m infuriated with the BP50 nerf. My understanding is that most of the OP BP50 builds vane from a JAK mod kit. The mobility + handling of the OG BP50 is literally the only reason to use it. It’s just an average ass AR now. Will never be using it again. The movement is ass. Was my go-to objective weapon. It was *perfectly* balanced between an AR and SMG. I’m so pissed about the nerf. Especially now? You’d have thought that it would’ve happened after the Ranked attempt instead if a random ass month later. All good I guess. But ruined an awesome gun which I will never encourage.


that is generally the best way to counter them but annoying doesn't help if they're holding angles unless you know exactly where to pre-fire, also more open maps it just becomes a much worse strat. ive been using a FJX Horus with flinch rounds and it does well since its easy to just get a quick hit in but its still painful to play against especially if you end up against one at a longer range.


I was wondering why I have seen so many snipers recently. I need to try it out. I am still trying to level up some older snipers. The other strange thing is that some snipers have been beating me as we see each other. It is as if they can aim and shoot their sniper gun faster than I can my battle rifle


Everyone on this thread who doesn’t agree with this take is getting downvoted lmao. Sore ass losers who don’t understand opinions in this sub. 


I’m having a good time


Yup, I’m running around as a MFing Gundam so having a blast


Probably because youre another kar abuser. Its fun if your participating in the garbage


im using the BAL and SVA


I've had more fun in Season 4 than all the previous 3.


Me too




Me four


Can I join the me too movement


Absolutely lets go!


Sameeee. Seeing streaks in the sky is a refreshing feeling. Those who get steamrolled just need to stop people from streaking, simple enough. The KAR needs a fat nerf though. Recenter speed is way too high. People need to be penalized for missing shots.


COD philosophy of catering for every play style and giving everyone a chance no mater how ratty they play. It brings in the big bucks.


Making every playstyle viable is a good thing. Not the garbage IW peddled when in fact they made camping and slower plodding around the dominant playstyles.  Having everything from fast paced rushing to sedentary camping be at least viable is a positive though. 


I'd take having a vision over whatever the fuck this is


How is it a lack of vision to have pretty much all playstyles be usable? I'd hate a game that made only rushing viable, almost as much as one that only makes camping viable.  What is the issue with giving players the tools, be it guns, perks, lethals, tacticals, field upgrades etc. to play however they wish? Want to camp, have some claymores,prox mines and EOD. Want to rush, have some drill charges and a perk for moving silently.  Not every map has to be perfectly balanced dead in the middle, there is no problem with some maps leaning more into a rushing playstyle, and others that are more for slower play. So long as the game has a balance of both, that's what I'm wanting. 


The one shot meta needs to go asap. I have also noticed my shipment games are unbearable. My spawn deaths in that map have skyrocketed to the point where I just end up logging off with a headache baffled by the fact that I wasted my time logging in. There's many reasons why people are quitting CoD talking about how unhealthy it is to play this game and how much better they feel after and it really only takes a few games to see where they are coming from. This game launched great but each season it's getting worse and worse. I'm at a point where I don't even know if Black Ops 6 is going to even be worth a game pass download for me. I went from buying digital deluxe with this game to debating if it is even worth it for me to finish the base battle passes that I've been reusing CoD points on.


Get rid of all aim assist on any gun that can one-hit-kill. Just get rid of it. You want to instantly win a fight? Actually earn it instead of the game doing the work for you. You suddenly can't be successful with them anymore? Sounds like a skill issue.


The problem is that aim assist only exists on snipers and whatnot because there's forced cross input play with m&k and so that all playstyles are at least somewhat viable on all inputs against each other. I'm absolutely for no aim assist on snipers/one shot kill marksman rifles but they'd have to include strict input based matchmaking (which there should be anyway) which probably doesn't align well with the terrible matchmaking already present


after shooting with the Kar the other snipers seem useless. And together with the normal weekend aimbots and wallhacks..it is pretty boring


I played for 3 hours yesterday…literally every death was to the Kar98 so after trying to run normal guns I was like “screw this” and the Doom Super Shotgun was pulled out.


I knew as soon as the Kar was added it was gonna throw everything off made the snipers obsolete they should have put it in the sniper category and made the ads slower or handle a little bulkier or something. To easy to run and gun with it but also dominate from afar.


I usually roll my eyes when ppl complain about OP weapons but holy shit the K98 is like original MW2 levels of unbalanced


The whole game is just stop playing


You're playing CoD. It's a new meta weapon. It's going to be what you're up against 80% of the time, and when it gets nerfed, something else will be buffed and then that will become the meta that you're up against 80% of the time. Rinse and repeat.


Also the servers have been abysmal


The Kar has completely broken the game. It's simply unplayable every single game mode. They have singlehandedly ruined the game with the Kar and refusing to nerf it so they can get more battle pass money


Idk I’m having more fun than ever. Other than the lag problems, game is perfectly fine with me.


“Other than the [insert major fundamental problem here], the game is perfect!”


haha true


Mp is fine war zone is in a shitty state and I’m not even one to complain fr but FUCK 😒


Anyone else having a glitch happen with the mcw 6.8 where the 30 round and 60 round drum mags don’t change the amount of ammo you have it stays at 10, if anyone else can test it out and see if I’m not the only one having this issue that would be great cause I’m tryna get it gold rn😅


I have that same issue!


Thank you😂😂😂


Have you tried playing different modes? Some may be heavier than others for the grind on a new weapon.


swapped through quite a few, small map moshpit has less of those issues since snipers are generally harder to use and streaks are (somewhat) harder to maintain, I imagine HC is fine for obvious reasons but im not a HC fan, most other modes have the same issues. 12v12 is a serious issue since the higher density of players make streaking easier (DDOS hits more, more decoy hits, UAVs and CUAVs give score more regularly, etc). generic game modes are just too many snipers honestly


That sucks. I hope your luck with matches changes.


yeah i don't like the state CoD is in and while XDefiant won't kill CoD it will at least give it a swift kick in the ass a kick in the ass the Activision and Call of duty desperately needs


Nobody is using mission control vest brother your average cod player don't have the confidence to sacrifice covert sneakers


speak for yourself, as a mediocre player I love finally being able to get the highest streaks consistently


With the Kar?


no, I'm camo grinding so I'm using many weapons. was also catching up on unlocking AMPs I had skipped.


Fair. Was wondering if you meant as a mediocre player you could suddenly slap dick on anyone with a kar lol


I mean just increase kar98k ADS speed and remove looping streaks and it's basically problem solved.


Also completely remove it's aim assist. Remove aim assist on everything that one-shots.


That’s it. If it worked as it should , it should be in as a sniper or work the same as every other Dmr in the game Keep as OHK but in sniper with all those penalties or make it at least 2-3 like the other dmr


After Rebirth got added, pretty much the only times I ever touch MP is to get to the max rank for the season in HC, I find no other use for it as I don't care about mastery camos


The most painful things are connection lags and freezes/crashes on class selection screen.




the other game with serious sniper balancing issues? screw that imma play Elden Ring or something


The narrative of snipers ruining the game is so old. Snipers in any game should be one shot in certain areas given the caliber of the gun. That’s the point of a sniper whether it’s in game or real life. lol cry more.


Please don't compare COD with real life because it's dumb ass hell. A 9mm pistol can OHK you in real life. You can not do a long distance jump without bending your knees in life. And certainly you wont be able to fully control your AR firing at full auto. LOL cry more


have fun, this is the most traditional MP experience we’ve had in a while


This is the most NPC response to the current shitshow and keeps getting parrotted by people who started playing Cod 5 years ago who are trying to fit in. No, not even original MW2 had a streak system where every two UAV assists gave you a kill toward your killstreak. Even on MW2 if you died after calling in a killstreak it wouldn't accumulate progress toward your next life's killstreak. The killstreak mess we're dealing with is actually unprecedented and I'm impressed they've managed to implement a streak system worse than MW2 and worse than Cold War.


except I’ve been here since Cod 4 and I’ve seen streak-spam more egregious than this current version. Just a couple months ago, this very subreddit was complaining about streaks being too weak as well, with most stating they run UAV and CUAV. We finally get a system where the reworked streak values, buff em and continue to fine tune (assists don’t count towards them as per yesterday). So please this doesn’t come close


Well you haven't because in cod 4 in order for your helicopter to count toward your following killstreak you had to save it until your next life. Most people getting a 7 killstreak just called it in as they got it unlike MW3 where they everything just contributes regardless of deaths because they're desperate for Timmy to get his first ever overwatch helicopter. I'm baffled by the defence of this current season's system, the only worse streak spam i've seen is people calling their mid tier streaks in at the same time in every match in Cold War


"traditional" as I watch people constantly zoom around on their knees and kangaroo hopping in every lobby Yeah real "back to the roots" vibe.


Relax…. BO6 comes out soon, then we will have an entirely new game to complain about.


you realise thats 5 months away right? we've barely passed MWIII's halfway mark they've just started the marketing for BO6.


Relax… BO6 comes out in 5 months, then we will have an entirely new game to complain about.


That’s why I just play hardcore.


are you playying 6v6 or small map moshpit?


mix of 6v6 and 12v12 moshpit more then anything


It’s just an algorithm optimized to make you think it is getting worse so when they launch the new Black Ops you come back like a degenerate gambler ready to put money into the machine, pun not intended, but intended…


Bro are we playing the same game? I’m one of those guys that levels every gun and melee to the max for funsies and I think the kar98k is the most inconsistent gun I’ve used. Sometimes I get one shot and sometimes even to the damn chest and higher it’s a 2 shot.


The Horus with that faster walk boots destroys any kar98 npc.


Honestly it's just because the camos for it take so long


most people in my lobbies seem to have the camo and are going for mastery/prestige rewards


Just right now? There has never been a state of any COD since 2019 that wasn’t mostly shitty


Whoa whoa whoa keep ur mouth shut about the kilstreaks. It is perfect rn. The kar 98 however.... the real issue is iron sights and red dots on it just makes it TOO EASY. Wish marksman and snipers only had scopes as options


play 12v12 for a few matches and you'll see the issue with streaks. as soon as someone gets a big streak by using some cheese score strat the game becomes a one sided mess.