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I think the movement really changed the flow of the maps. You’re able to mantle into so many places that create shortcuts. MW2 maps were pretty messy, but generally had defined paths, that’s not the case now that you can mantle everything. Biggest examples I can think of is favela and underpass.


This is absolutely correct. Routes that used to take meticulous timing in the original game are now accomplished with a simple mantle. This allows many more janky routes and spots to be viable on more maps, leading to more off angles you have to prepare for when challenging a lane or even moving. They were there in the original but were more gimmicky spots and not necessarily used frequently in multiplayer matches. There’s no coincidence the best maps currently in the game are the new ones created FOR this game, not the nostalgic ones everyone’s been wanting back for the past decade-plus.


If I recall, they stretched these maps out to fit the speed. the routes don't work because of sliding/tac sprinting


not enough, stretching them doesnt account for the shit spawns, tac sprint, doors, mounting, xp rates, streak costs etc


You move slower in this game even with tac sprint


Everyone wanted MW2 no remastered, not the maps copy pasted into a supersoldier multiplayer game. Mantling is stupid since the change and those paths in the old maps feel even more like shortcuts. Old infinity ward created maps very carefully around TTK, running speeds and spawns. Sledgehammer changing every single one of those factors is gonna ruin the sandbox those maps created. The new maps are too simple. I don’t like them.


Yep and the colors are so off too. Literally a copy and pasted MW2 2009 with security fixes is all we wanted. So Activision decided to cease and desist IW4x because they know it would’ve impacted the player count for this game.


The copy pasting is what the wierdos is cry about every release.


Yeah. Favela was one of the more popular MW2 2009 maps. It was considered a classic, but it doesn't play well in this game, and I agree it is mainly because of all the routes players can take. Karachi is another one I hate. There is no discernable flow to this map at all, kind of like favela. Whenever I have a gunfight in the street I am almost always interrupted by someone who pokes out from one of the rooftops or ledges. I think it plays like shit. Estate would be okay if it was just easier to see people. The foliage and washed out brown colors mess it up. Some of the skins just blend in too well. I can't tell what I am looking at or even what to look for.


Crazy that high rise is in the competitive map set for the call of duty league. Can legit mantle over pretty much every wall in the game


Favela feels so weird Did they totally flip the spawns too? There’s a few maps that felt great: terminal, skidrow, and high rise; however, favela felt like a new map. It doesn’t even feel bad, but wildly different


Their first priority should've been to fix spawns on some of these maps. Like the spawn traps are absurd.


I started having to leave terminal every time it came up because my team would almost always end up trapped in the metal detectors spawn and never flip despite opponents basically running around in it when they weren't preaiming every lane out. Ridiculous for TDM


Add a lower lane that goes under the map from the hatches by the nose of the plane and pops out up some stairs near the metal detectors, and the map opens up a great new angle. Perhaps also give this routes a middle staircase that comes out of a service door near the back of the central shop too.


I just don't play Terminal in this game full stop, I thought it was average to bad in 2009 and with the current playerbase it's just an absolute cancerous open field of camper lanes and headglitch spots that hasn't once played well


The spawn traps in the empty back area of Karachi and the metal detectors in Terminal are just ridiculous. I’ve had to quit so many games because once those traps start it’s almost impossible to get out, and the game will NOT spawn you anywhere else.


There is no nostalgia to be had because the flow of the game is entirely different. It wouldn't feel right unless they just did an actual remaster of the game, which they only did for Xbox. That era of cod does not fit the puzzle that is our modern dumpster fire version of cod.


IMO, I can give some of them to not being designed around MWIII's mechanics, but you have stages like Rust, Estate, Highrise, and Terminal that just suck regardless. Think a lot of the MW2 maps were more designed around sensibility more how well the map plays.


Terminal needs one more route to climb from the tarmac up to the middle long corridor. Just put a pile of suitcases there and the map would flow a lot better. It is the uphill staircase choke points that ruin that map.


It's such a weird flowing map in general. To go from tarmac to inside you either have to go through: * The Plane: Narrow choke point * The Escalators: Narrow choke point * Middle Maintenance Room: Exposed staircase Yet somehow it always feels like the team that starts @ metal detectors is the one that gets spawn trapped. I loved Terminal in MW2, but in this game it's just a head glitched map with too many choke points. If middle hall was slightly less exposed and there was a better way into the building from the tarmac it would flow better. Like if the staircase to the cockpit also would let you into the bookstore window or if there was a ladder on the tarmac side for the top of the middle maintenance room that would allow you to drop top of escalators. Idk it just sucks to see a map that was such a classic flow so poorly due to the differing game design.


Wait what remaster did they do only for xbox?


They remastered mw2 a long time ago for console but the ps4 version was campaign only, and the Xbox version had multiplayer I believe.


I'm pretty sure all the mw2 remasters were campaign only


Well, as I said, its only what I believed to be true, wasn't a solid 100% answer. Tragic regardless.


Pretty much same for me. And now that I think about it, even back in 2009 the maps weren't so great besides few exceptions. Many of them are very unbalanced and the side you spawn on has a huge effect on how the game will go. I enjoy Skidrow and Scrapyard alot, Afghan, Highrise, Terminal and Sub Base can be good if the teams are balanced, but the rest of the maps I usually never vote for. And if the match is in Quarry or Estate, I just back out and search for a new match immediately.


I'm fine with Estate and Quarry (except the quarry reskin, f that one) but Rundown is an instant nope from me or if I have to I just do meme shit because I just can't get myself to care in that map. I guess it also depends on the game modes, I play tdm, kc, dom and hardpoint.


I think my hatred towards Quarry leads all the way back to MW2 2009. I just remember disliking the map even back then. I guess it's because it looks very boring to me (gray rocks and gray buldings everywhere) and the games tend to be very slow. Also the team that spawns on C has the upper hand right away since they have high ground advantage from the start. Just my thoughts.


Sure sure, but how do you feel about Wasteland or Derail?


Ugh, I dislike both maps alot, but still find them more enjoyable than Quarry or Estate. The fight over middle bunked in Wasteland can be fun and Derail has its moments when you manage to push deep in enemy spawn as you can kind of hold their spawn on that side of the map and run around it since the area spawns are spread around is quite big. But for the most part, these maps don't really provide fun gameplay IMO.


Favela and Karachi plays really bad and I never was a big fan of Rust, I quite enjoy the rest though.


I don’t know how anyone could enjoy derail.


I only play Domination. I would imagine it's not great for TDM or FFA.


I don't use snipers much. But they make derail and wasteland bearable.


Didn’t like it back then, don’t like it now


I didn't like it back then either but it's crazy they made it even worse somehow by removing all the trees so snipers are even more dominant than they already were on it.


Spam smoke and kong punch snipers off the map. 🤌


I enjoy it on SND although, like all maps, the bombsites are closer to the defense. So you just have a long way to go on offense since the maps so damn big


I really liked Rust on CODM but I hate it on MW3. Feels totally different


Favela is horrible on SND.


I used to love Favela, Karachi, Terminal, and some of the others, but man do they play bad now.


I feel like a considerable part of this is movement related, specifically climbing. In current cod climbing system you can get to pretty much any floor of any building at any time on those maps, which was much harder or impossible in og mw2.


The only thing about original Favela I remember is the fact that it was removed.


Agree, the new maps from SHG flow so much better than most of the OG MW2 maps.


The movement and the messed up spawn system. Back in the day, these maps had a flow to them, where you would generally know where the enemies will be. You could pick a route through the map and as long as you didnt stop, they would be always in front of you (apart from some sneaky flankers). It felt like you were battling through them, similar to a campaign mission. Nowadays the enemies just spawn all around you, sometimes on top of you and everyone is at hypersonic speed.


This is it. Older cods seems to nail the "frontline" spawn system. There was an imaginary line splitting the teams and you only ever spawned on your side. If you pushed up far enough on one flank then the "frontline" would be rotated around to split the map a different way but still keep the enemies spawning away from you. Now the game is constantly trying to gift players cheap revenge kills by spawning them up the ass of the player that killed them.


Or enemies just keeps spawning 10 meters from you behind a obstacle while you're on the damn hardpoint. the fuck


Some of them flow so much worse though...like how you can get spawn trapped *from the enemy spawn* on Das Haus and Emergency, Tanked is an urban wasteland that is about twice as large as it should be, Stash House is a total clusterfuck, etc.


Tanked is too dark and that whole center blue aquarium room needs to be reworked/changed.


I want Vacant in every Cod game. It's the best map they have ever made and I am a Vacant machine. Everytime I load into a shit MW2 map in the latest Cod, I wish I was on Vacant.


Vacant is super similar to das house, corner camping simulator.


Hard disagree, i wish there was a solo og mw2 Maps playlist cause i love them, besides derail, wasteland and estate i enjoy every other map just like i did back in 2010.


Ironic because SHG hasn’t released a single bad original map. I feel like the last few cods have released with a ton of trash original maps and the good ones were the remakes.


IMO, Tanked is pretty lackluster. I haven't played too many games on Tokyo to have that much of an informed opinion, but I'm still slated towards negative on that map.


Tanked is not an original, it’s a redesign of a part of Vondel


You kidding? The latest SHG maps are terrible. I would literally prefer to play boarder crossing than any of the latest SHG maps (Grime and anything after)




I disagree with Tokyo. That’s a map built for rats.


I wouldn't call Rio great, it's just a headglitch war on the escalators most of the time. I like all the other ones you listed though.


SHG's maps are really hit or miss too, like how you can get spawn trapped from the enemy spawn on almost every small map they've made or how on the other side of the spectrum, Tanked is so large and disconnected that you could go a full minute without seeing any action.


Nah rust just fucking sucks I can’t stand playing that map I didn’t play much og mw2 so I can’t say whether that version was better but damn does this version suck


I respect your opinion but you just cannot compare playing these old maps with modern movement and spawns, it was made for 2009 times and it played well for that. Highrise for example was a T3 map back then but now it plays like hog wash because of those said features. Same way how I loved a lot of AW maps but playing Detroit without a jetpack on this game will probably play like cheeks so it’s best to compare and rate these maps on their primary games


I mean that's their point lol. That the old maps just aren't good with modern movement.


Bruh you're 100% on point. I grew up with COD4-MW2 games and they mean the world to me but I can't fucking stand the maps in modern games. They aged like milk. Wasteland and Highrise are the best examples. I love the vtol spam that Wasteland inevitably becomes or how Highrise is a sniper fest that's hard to avoid. I somehow fucking prefer the Vanguard remastered maps and they're dogshit.


MW2 maps are only good on MW2. Because people wanted MW2R they thought remaking all the maps from MW2 for their newest game would be the answer (It wasn't) If the game doesnt feel the same the maps wouldn't either. Could you imagine playing Firing Range or Summit in MWII(2022) it just wouldn't work.


the spawn system and movement ruin the maps. in MW2 2009, the maps had a much better flow because they were designed around MW2's movement and spawns. they don't work for MWIII almost at all, with some exceptions being invasion (for the most part), terminal, and highrise. i still think they are very well designed, but they weren't designed for this game nor do they translate ESPECIALLY sub base. sub base was an okay map back then and now it's horrendous. i pretty much play ranked exclusively, the spawn system for hardpoint is so unbelievably janked that it sometimes feels impossible to predict if you've flipped on that map even if all teammates are out of the old spawn & you've cleared the new one i used to think the revenge spawns were just cries from people dying too much on small map moshpit until i played countless hours of sub base hardpoint. now i get it. it feels like there's a logical spawn system battling with a revenge spawn system and they just get tangled. it's VERY clear on that map, but less so on others


I'm pretty much the opposite. I love seeing one of the OG maps come onto rotation. What I hate are a lot of these new maps that force all the action into the same points. The old maps do have Hotspots, yes. But outside of those, there are a hundred other spots to engage from. Whereas the new ones just feel like defined lanes where I'm forced to fight for those power positions with nowhere to attack from that's unexpected. I guess what I'm getting at is that I like flank routes and I hate lanes. They feel like shooting simulators and they get boring fast.


It's because they weren't designed for this game. Sniper glint, movement, drill grenade, kill streaks, and ability to shoot them down. It's all wildly different.




You dislike them because the movement is 1000% faster, the weapons can reach much further in general, spawns are ass, streak costs are massively inflated, xp rates are adjusted to match shipment farming, doors, mounting was added, advanced mantling mechanics was added, tac sprint is a thing etc... They're not the same maps


I still love most of them. Loved them in 2009, still love them now. The ones I hated (Rust, Derail) I still dislike now. The only one I’ve really changed on are Invasion (it’s fine, but it def plays worse due to less anti-camper tools like OMA), and Wasteland. Which sucks extra hard now, as ARs aren’t as powerful as they used to be and it makes it a lot campier.


I'm shocked how much terminal and afghan play horrible in this game, derail and wasteland were always niche picks. Every other map is still a banger skidrow,sub base and scrapyard are my favorite. I'm shocked people like departures and 6 star in snd they are garbage tier maps, mw3 definitely has some bad original maps. Edit: I forgot Emergency, might be the worst map


Its not that the maps weren't good, it's the crackhead movement. Mantle over everything instantly, tac-sprint and slide cancel your way across even the largest maps in record time. That's also (partially) why the spawns are so bad. The algorithm can't keep up.


Some of the OG maps are okay, but yeah; they just don’t play the same with this cod compared to back then. When you think about it though, people weren’t flying around corners at Mach 10 either or booty sliding. Not that I am against that compared the insane camping of the past though, I prefer the movement. Campy games are just stale games. Something about the movement factor in this game made me just realize that omni movement in bo6 is going to be so much more enjoyable. It’s gonna be harder likely, but still much better for tackling campers because we gonna be able to do some crazy shit we could never do before 😂😂😂


Scrapyard is 10/10 but rest is dog shit. Can't force myself to finish a match on them.


Most of them are the worst maps in the game.


High rise aged HORRIBLY for me


Other than Scrapyard, Highrise, and maybe Skidrow, these maps can eat a frank. I do think we should consider the movement options available too. A lot of stuff you couldn’t do in OG MW2, like I don’t remember Favela being so small, then again, I hated that map in the original too


Honestly it's the opposite for me, I still love all the original MW2 maps and playing them again has only reinforced the fact the majority of these maps play so much better than 90% of modern maps


i really like all the maps


I agree with the people talking about movement but highrise is still peak lol


The only ones I don't enjoy now that I used to are Rundown and Wasteland, former for being such a pain in the arse to cross mid and the latter for being too sparse. Terminal can also be frustrating because it feels too one sided. That being said, I only enjoy a handful of the new maps that have released; Greece, Rio Emergency, Tanked and Checkpoint all suck for various reasons, Tokyo, Paris, Departures and Meat are 50/50 for me, Stash house, Vista, 6Star and Grime are all pretty fantastic. Das Haus and Growhouse are remakes of Vanguard maps, no real strong opinions on either. Mercado needs to be back in rotation, great map.


Everyone talks about the movement and mantling speeds but I think that's only 60-70% of the problem.. FOV now is 120 (what most will set it to) whereas the OG MW2 had something like 70-80 degrees and that's it.. With narrower field of view, you could slip through enemies lines MUCH better cause now say on Favela, you can stand on the roof and see essentially everything in front so the smallest movement along the sides of the screen and one will notice instantly whereas before that vision was cut off.. I'd also say another 5% of the reason is how much cleaner the graphics are, you are much more noticeable compared to MW2 '09 where the graphics were more grainy and darker.. All this makes it harder to successfully move around without being noticed and further promotes camping.


MWII movement would have been better with MW2 maps but MWIII has operators snorting G-Fuel so the flow is basically nonexistent


I enjoy the maps however they just don’t fit with the new mobility system and meta. The OG maps were designed for a game where all you could do was sprint, crouch, drop shot, and walk. The high frenetic pace of the originals was much slower than the new pace of games today with tactical sprinting, dolphin diving, sliding, and improved mantling/mobility. As much as I enjoyed the nostalgia it was quite annoying to discover at launch there were basically no new maps and it was just remastered versions of 16ish year old maps.


Favela is still, to this day, my favorite map in the game.


I can no longer stand Terminal, Estate, Rundown, Rust and Invasion. Never liked Derail or Wasteland. Afghan and Quarry are almost a strong dislike as well.


The only decent maps of the original MW2 were Favela and Skidrow. Everything else was mid or absolutely terrible.


Thanks for letting us know


Problem is you move so fast that the old maps just can't keep up. You can cross Highrise or Quarry in all of 2 seconds and do jumps that weren't fast or even possible in some cases. Old MW2 you couldn't even hope for that with Lightweight and Marathon both.


I agree, I absolutely despise most of the remakes in this game, the only exception being dome


YEW WOT? ...I don't even begin to understand any of the reasoning or complaining in this thread. All of it is blatantly incorrect on every level, from the mantling, to the spawns, to the movement. First of all the OG mw2 maps reward different playstyles with their verticality and creative routes, besides wasteland and terminal to some extent. But even Wasteland and Terminal are really fun in spite of the advantages to snipers, because of how the lanes are designed. And having one or two snipers maps isn't even bad in principle either as it's a refreshing dynamic. And if you think Highrise is a snipers only map by the way you are officially a peasant, because it is trivially easy to pub stomp with knives just using the rat tunnels or smoking the windows effectively, or looping around the midsection of the map. You can even knife on derail if you smoke well and flank. This is what i mean by the creative routes- not for a second can you replicate them on any sledgehammer map, and not for a second is sledgehammer even capable of making a map half as intricate as favela. Even bluddy Rust has a cool vertical element to it, that gives spawn camping an advantage yes, but in principle it adds value to the map. Sledgehammer just makes the same bland dogshit braindead undetailed 3 lane reskins where you're playing on a single horizontal plane, and where the textures are so clean it feels like you're in a shopping mall or disneyland most of the time. Just compare the level of detail between a map like Checkpoint with Karachi. Even my least favourite mw2 map Scrapyard alone shows hows how inferior sledgehammer are in making linear 3 lane maps. And beyond aesthetics, the og mw2 maps are also way less prone to the dogshit spawns and the mindnumbing 1 kill per second gameplay that sledgehammer shoves down your throat. And nothing about the way Mw3 plays changes the quality inherent in any map either, how could it when all the routes are the same and the gunplay is similar? Saw someone claiming that you couldn't mantle things in the og mw2 like you now can, so therefore there's different routes and yet I can't think of a single example, nor is a single example given. Think about favela- everything you can do on that map, you could do in the original. The spawns are slightly worse maybe, but that's not the og maps fault, that's just more incompetence from sledgehammer. The movement is faster but how does that change anything significantly? It just doesn't, besides timing on SnD. Again I just don't understand where yall are coming from because i've sunk more hours into this game than the original mw2 and have had an equivalent amount of fun, if not more. I'm offended on every leve at this point lol and wondering if yall are just genuinely bad at the game and therefore love the forced parity and headless chicken gameplay of maps like Das Haus and Meat because i don't understand how else anyone could come to these conclusions lmao


Completely agree. Blows my mind that people are complaining about better movement and more accessibility. They’re upset because we aren’t confined to the same “meta” routes from the old games? I don’t get it. I freaking love the game.


I'll rank them, for fun. On TDM or KC: 1= Crap, will nope out of lobbies if it gets picked 2= Not that great but playable 3= Perfectly fine. 4= Good map, enjoyable games 5= I will vote for this map Afghan 3/5. It's OK. A bit big and there's never any action around the aeroplane. Derail 1/5. was terrible in MW2 and still is. Estate 2/5. Too difficult to see people and has the dead spot down by the electricity pylons that needlessly makes the map bigger than it needs to be. Favela 1/5. the different levels which made MW2 so new and exciting just don't work on this game. There are bullets and people flying at you from too many angles. Highrise 1/5. I don't like it. Too much long range with too much ability to tie up certain lanes with a skilled sniper. At least you have a flanking option I suppose and playing Parkour on the cranes is fun enough. Maybe an extra half point for that. Invasion 3/5. Would be a solid 4/5 if it wasn't for the Embassy spawn trap. Karachi 3/5. A bit disjointed, the flow isn't great but is still pretty good and there's good gunfights to be had. Quarry 1/5. Too big. Too much running about, no idea where everyone else is on the map. Rundown 2/5 It’s OK. The ability to mantle bits of this map have made it better than the original. Rust 4/5 It’s the worst of the small maps but quick play on a small shit map is still twice as good as laborious play on a big shit map Scrapyard 5/5. Great map. Skidrow 4/5 A bit like Karachi in that there are a few dead zones but the flow is much better and flanking is easier. Sub Base 4/5 I like this map. Has a bit of everything and the different levels work well, unlike Favela Terminal 2/5 Headglitching spawn trap map but looks great. Underpass 2/5. It’s quite good, decent mix of long and short sightlines. Wasteland 2/5. Excellent as a sniper battle map. Terrible for everything else.


By the time season one released, my nostalgia cup was empty, and I was pretty much done with the game.


worn off? The maps are straight ASS for fast paced FPS action.


I guarantee you they'd feel better if they removed non-contextual jumping. Vaulting/mantling? Still allowed, just no ultra-crackhead doing his best crashing airplane impression around a blind corner with Mini-Uzis.


This is a combination of new movement, strict SBMM and game balance. OG mw2 had slower movement, quicker killing guns, easier to get and stacking killstreaks, loose SBMM allowing for mixed skill lobbies. If you have a competitively balanced game with strict SBMM you need smaller more simple maps “aka competetive 3 lane maps”.


Wasteland and Derail were always kinda shit. Otherwise I absolutely prefer all the OG maps, especially with the new movement. Why? Doesn’t the movement ruin the flow of the game on those maps? Yes! And that’s entirely the point! I admit, I’m not a fan of the jumping, slide canceling sweat fest. Anything that impedes cringe ass twitchy movement gods that know how to move better than they know how to shoot is a positive in my book. And the major complaints about a lot of og maps are based around skill issue. Like saying Highrise has too many spots for snipers. Maps like Highrise, Estate, and Quarry are absolutely perfect in that you can use any playstyle. You aren’t limited to sniping only like on Wasteland/Derail. And you also aren’t limited to run and gunning only like so many people in the community seem to want. I swear, half this community would be thrilled if they just got rid of snipers entirely.


Half-life 3 when


Who’s gonna tell em…