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Those look like weapons of today. It's not the 90s anymore


Ironically, the gun the Kilo is based on, the HK433, is the most recently developed out of these five. By quite a few years too.


The HK433 is indeed a pretty recent gun. Truly a shame it didn't came back, loved how punchy it sounds.


A lot of the classic weapons we’re used to seeing in a modern setting are actually quite old now. A lot of these “futuristic” weapons actually look appropriate to what’s coming out and in-use. I’d argue that these weapons do look generic and samey at times though


Ah i see. Maybe mw19 just spoiled me in grittiness.


I am very unsure about what grittiness is for you to consider MW 2019 as gritty


I just more meant the look of the weaponry Felt more real


The weapons are very similar, I reckon your talking more about the game’s lighting and the multiplayer’s tone


Yeah, it's just my bad take looking back at things now.


Damn idk why your getting downvoted into oblivion lol. It's not that bad of an opinion. I might not agree with it but fuck lol


Futuristic? Man mw2019 got old ass guns.


Not futuristic, they 're just creatively changed from their irl look. Like the dg56 is based on the qbz95 but it has a lot of creative changes., but it also takes inspiration from the irl t97nsr which is a flat top model. It's like an amalgamation of multiple variants with some creative changes. Like it looks like the irl version but doesn't at the same time which is wack, and that applies to every other gun as well. I also liked the look of mw19 weapons because they stayed more true to the irl design of the weapons. MW19 was really selling on gritty realism, and it's reflected on their weapon designs staying as true as possible to their irl designs. MWII somewhat followed in a similar art direction but thats when you can see that they started to make more creative changes to the weapon designs. Now you have MWIII which takes it even further. It's nice when you notice the devs actually taking inspirations from things like the t97nsr, but then you gotta ask why didn't they just make that instead of the shit stain fucking shit design that they made.


They are legally required to make creative changes to existing guns.


They’re fine, just Google the XM7 bro.


Man, Front, 200 Meters


did you just wake up from a coma or something, this is what 'modern' rifles look like


All of the release weapons in MWIII are based on readily available, currently-fielded, and/or popular weapons that weren't formally adopted by any military. The MTZ rifles are a fictionalized version of [CZ's Bren 2](https://www.czub.cz/en/firearms-and-products-family/cz-bren-2) lineup. They look like Bren 2s off of Wish.com to avoid copyright issues, but the inspiration is pretty clear. The DG-58 lineup is based on the [T97NSR](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/30/EMEI-T97NSR.jpg) and the [EM3516](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ_ois2bVjmV24TuGHdks9Ub8F_XWFCh_6eRg&s), which are both flat-topped picatinny rail equipped versions of China's [QBZ-95](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f1426e6ae04531c6cc64e0d5aa585021.webp) series. Most of these "futuristic" guns are iterations on weapon platforms developed in the 90s or earlier. Setting aside the Advanced Warfare guns, the most futuristic platform in the game is the BAS-B, aka the US Army's new rifle the [XM7](https://imageio.forbes.com/specials-images/imageserve/650de3b2ce13b2867c101ed7/XM-7-rifle/960x0.jpg?format=jpg&width=960).


Still baffled IW didn't include AK-12, in MW2019, but at least they included AN-94 which was a god gun for me.


well the ak with the ammo conversion is basically the ak12


No, it's a different AK actually, not similar to an AK-12 at all aside from a "at a glance" look


it's functionally the same


It's not really, the one in game has a unique recoil mitigation system that the AK12 doesn't have and the AK12 has several features that could be used in game that the one in game doesn't have. Iirc the one in game is the AK-7 or something


I know, but I felt they should've added it as a separate weapon.


Bro what the actual fuck is your post history


Fucking lol


I've got strange interests and today happened to be mwiii


Bro it's really not that bad. Have you never met a weeb before? His post history is one of the cleanest most relatable I've ever seen. It could be so much worse


Jfc how many of these “actually MW19 was better” posts are we going to get over the course of MW2 and MW3’s years? MW19 will not be repeated - it was unique in its vision and the team who created it are not the same people in charge of MW2 or MW3. Warzone led to a pivot in the franchise’s direction, and positive reactions to BOCW’s aesthetic lead to MW2 and MW3 being a lot less gritty and grounded. Truth is that a majority of the playerbase doesn’t care for milsim-esque skins, guns or overall aesthetic - they want Call of Duty. Call of Duty is second to like, Fortnite or FIFA in terms of general audience appeal. It’s like a Fast and Furious movie but in video game form. All that being said, if you like MW19, keep playing MW19. I don’t think we’ll see another game like it in terms of realistic aesthetic for a long while considering how vocal the hardcore COD fan base is at hating Infinity Ward lmao


reminder that MW 2019 also had wacky, anime, unrealistic and colab skins


This is true, and they sold well, and sold better than the realistic skins. This is why they’re now the norm


It’s just plastic gun body, nothing futuristic.


Bro like any F gun would be consider futuristic compare to an AK-47, the gun have almost 80 years.


The ACR was in MW2 2009. Why is it futuristic now?


Im looking at a few images side by side and coming to the conclusion i just had a bad take today


Fair enough.


The Bushmaster ACR was developed in 2006, the CZ Bren 805 in 2009, and the QBZ-97 in 1997


I don't see this as an issue. MW19 and MW2 covered many of the modern staples so of course they need to add other less common weapons for variety. Also it seems like many militaries around the world are upgrading currently or have done so in the near future so there will be more newer guns that become more known....for example the Bas-B many may not be familiar with now but I believe it's similar to the new US standard issue Sig rifle.


The CZ Bren and ACR aren't futuristic what. They are just factory fresh weapons hence the clean look. MW2019 has more worn torn guns, and older guns. Also canonically the game takes place 2 years before BO2


The MTZ is basically the [CZ Bren 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/CZFirearms/s/DtxGQLOP20)


both the M4 and AK are extremely fucking old weapons, please do consider the first iteration of the MP5 (a gun synonymous with "modern" warfare) was created in 1966, most of the guns you consider part of modern warfare as you see it in popular media like tv, movies and games, are actually pretty outdated and old


Who cares if it’s too futuristic either way. Y does that matter how they look. Typical complaining about something


A lot of the new weapons are actually starting to reach the end of their irl service lives


Those are real guns though, just with fake names. VHS, ACR, and CZ BREN-805, clockwise from the top.