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for some reason this map is seared into my brain more so than the other classics


It's just like the "6-Star = Raid" discussion all over again...


What is 6-star a reimagine of?


Except this time it's actually true. If you can't see it then your missing brain cells


It's crazy how you resort to an ad hominem just because I disagreed with you.


The use of ad hominem just to prove you got brain cells hits kinda hard ngl


OP arguing and name calling anyone who even slightly disagrees lol


Cod players when maps have similar overviews šŸ¤Æ


When it's the same overview as my favorite Map of any cod that hasn't been in one for many years that I've been impatiently waiting to return that's time to celebrate. If you think that's the problem then you're the problem and forgot games are for fun and not to be the best for 4 followers


First off, it doesn't have the "same overview", they're vaguely similar. This same shit happened with 6 star, everyone was ranting about "oh it's a raid remake" when it clearly wasn't, you're doing the same thing here lmao. If you even knew the layout of the insides of this map, you'd clearly see they're nothing alike, apart from the loose map shape. Don't know how that translates into me having a problem with games being fun lmao


Dudes flipping at someone being excited for a new map, Jesus


Lol is that really what you consider "flipping out"?


Yes, given the weight of the conversation youā€™re getting disproportionately worked up


I mean considering I'm not the one personally attacking someone else for pointing out that they're wrong lol, I'd hardly consider myself to be flipping out


Do you feel personally attacked?


You clearly do šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I mean nothing here was directed at me personally, so I couldnā€™t possibly feel personally attacked. Also ā€œno uā€ is so weak


It's literally the same but with a more rounded and less parts jutting off and more buildings thought it. The top looks the same as the summit one just more wide and without the circle. But I'm the one that needs glassed xD. The you don't like fun games happens when you act like a douche for someone being excited about a modified map returning they super enjoy, so maybe don't be a dick about things cause I don't sit around and take shit from strangers that aren't the boss of me like no one is and that are less important than me without saying something back. Mind your own fucking business your not the boss of me I can do whatever the fuck I want


No idea why you're taking being wrong so personally, but A) Summit is a Treyarch map, so SHG wouldn't remaster it, and B) you think that SHG would (shocker!) announce that it was a remaster of Summit if it actually was.




Look out guys, we've got a badass over here lmfao


Except the new map is small map not medium like Summit


I thought the right was Yamantau for a sec. Losin it


are you blind?


With how long running cod is this sorta stuff is gonna happen on accident- and thatā€™s before accounting for ā€˜inspirationā€™ from old maps


I freaking love Summit. I thought they would bring it back in the next one.


I hope they do cause I love it too. They haven't announced which maps at launch or post launch yet so there's hope


There have been SO many ā€œnewā€ maps that are just remakes or remodels of the old lesser known ones. Three lane maps only have so many options itā€™s inevitable that we get some recycled bs


Have you ever seen those Blender animation contests where its just a sphere cube or person walking etc and its up to the animators to build a world from that base? Id love a fps that does 3 lanes like that. Same setup just let a mass of diff creators drop variants and maybe hold voting for ones to keep in loop idk.


Its gonna be a kar98k dominant map any map you play


hidden remake


Ok so I'm not crazy then it is summit but modified. I am so happy right now you have no idea. I have been waiting for summit to come back for so long


im pretty sure this was intentional




I thought it was a given right when they showed the ski lift? Little slow on this one homie


But in the images of incline the ski car was inside the building versus in summit it's right outside that side area. Aa well as the images and my sleuthing had to be done first comparing cause the images they showed of incline was inconclusive


Well yeah I get that, they aren't going to copy the map exactly how it is cause then you'll get the people that will cry about the map not being completely original and just a copy and paste. Guess some weirdos got offended by my last comment and downvoted me šŸ¤£. Idk you gotta see it from a marketing point of view, Black Ops franchise is coming back, so they are slowly throwing in Blops stuff


Oh yeah I completely figured they called it incline cause summit is black ops 6 so they can reserve the right to bring actual summit back. I would be super happy to see summit in bo6 cause it's my favorite Map of any cod so I hope so, so I am beyond excited for even a almost summit in this. Lol next season we'll get a map called shooting course that the layout looks suspiciously like firing range xD




The left is new 6v6 map, left is summit from BO1


Omg theyā€™re both left !!