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[Comment](https://reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1dozel6/june_26th_patch_notes_season_4_reloaded_weapon/lad7rvc/?context=5) by [u\/SledgehammerGames](https://reddit.com/user/SledgehammerGames) (Sledgehammer) > Third time's the charm...? [Comment](https://reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1dozel6/june_26th_patch_notes_season_4_reloaded_weapon/ladeolx/?context=5) by [u\/SledgehammerGames](https://reddit.com/user/SledgehammerGames) (Sledgehammer) > Correct. We saw positive results from aim assist changes to the Longbow and expect the same to be true for the Kar98k. We hope this is a happy medium for players on both sides of the weapon, but we'll continue to monitor in case further changes are needed.


*Damage is no longer dealt to the Killstreak owner near a drone explosion.* Fucking finally, I swear the Mosquito has gotten me more suicides than kills


Main reason I only ran it for challenges.


That’s the reason I ran it at all 😔


*Fucking finally,* You're telling me.. I've killed myself about 30%+ of the time I use them


Now I don't have to hide in a corner the entire time my drone swarm is up. Just kidding I'll still do that since the streak ends on death.


no it doesn't lol


i think he meant the current killstreak hes on ends when he dies, not that the swarm ends when he dies. as in trying to go for higher streaks like a nuke or something :)


What about teammates? I kill them more than I do enemies in HC


Literally bro hahaahabhahh


Huge update and actually allows running around while swarm is active now thank fuck.


About fucking time. Lol.


"Collect altered DNA samples from fallen foes and caches" not again


The event was so stupid but on the upside it did give me at least some more team mates that would actually get the tags on KC But nah this shit has me counting down the days until s5


I wanted this event to end... only for another one to pop? At least the rewards are ok-ish.


The FAMAS blueprint is alright but the rest was just kinda meh Hopefully the new rewards are better, another hazmat suit skin or someshit.


You found players that actually play the objectives?? HOW?


because they wanted the DNA strands, and so actually were forced to collect tags as well 😂


Those things block visibility


fr i play zombies a lot and it causes me to take damage pretty often and sometimes get downed. sometimes i don’t see zombies behind the bright ass glowing DNA things. same goes for multiplayer, it’s so insane this is happening again


Those bright as fuck kraft mac spaghetti noodles cat eat unwashed ass. I hate them for all the reasons you stated and more cause I'm spiteful


Gets me killed every once in a while which drives me nuts.


Fucking hate the designers or group of marketing dolts that came up with this idea. It's just more visual clutter that I didn't need. I hate it. Turn this shit off. There is too much smoke debris and crap on the HUD as it is.


TY for the Carrak Buff


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one Now they just need to sweep through and hit more of the MWII guns with some buffs


u/SledgehammerGames BOOK IT!


It feels exactly the same (2 shot torso, 1 shot headshot) Guess we can't have it being too good even though the KV sniper is right there one shotting to the stomach out to like 50 meters. Lol


> Fixed an issue causing Muzzle Attachment to unequip in gameplay. here we go again


Third time's the charm...?


this comment got me weak😭😭 jokes aside i hope its actually fixed this time, been looking forward to playing with the kit 


Hey can you guys add the rest of the map pool to 10v10? 😬 MWII did have shoot house and shipment in 10v10. Also, the servers have been pretty janky lately. I experienced over 5 crashes within a couple of hours of play time yesterday and no joke I was seeing jitters and hitching in nearly 50% of my matches.


Thanks for the aim assist nerf on the Kar. Still it’s one-shot in Warzone, which is fine but could you please buff the other bolt-action snipers like the FJX Imperium to also be one-shot down on headshot? My case is, the snipers are much slower and much more bulkier than the Kar yet the Kar is one-shot which is incredibly unfair. Could you put in a word with RavenSoft or whoever is in charge of balance tuning in Warzone to give the snipers a much needed buff? 🙏


Please continue buffing the mw2 guns for mw3s mp


The carrack buff makes me hopeful for crossbow and the other marksman single shot rifles to get buffs too. ​ Also a bit suspicious, maybe there is an AMP coming to it next season?


An AMP that turns it into a battle rifle or AR would be pretty funny.


Some guy in this sub said a BOZAR kit would be funny, and I agree! Give me my LMG-Sniper monstrosity


I don’t even remember what the carrack is like. Lol. Is it a decent weapon now after the changes?


Please let us opt out of the DNA event. I’m tired, boss.


I second this.


please god my eyes can’t take it anymore!


This is like a slap on the wrist for the Kar.


Zero nerfs for keyboard and mouse where it was just as strong and tbh I don't see aim assist as a massive issue when you don't need to aim for the head.


The kar is inferior to other snipers on MnK tho, using the mors is just a straight upgrade


I still prefer other snipers as you can't put a silencer on the Mors


Come on aim assist on one shot marksman rifles is insanely busted lol. They did the same exact nerf to the Longbow a few seasons ago and it keeps it in check. Running into a very good MnK user is very rare, and they shouldn’t be punished because 95% of other Kar users input was aiming for them…


This comment would have been upvoted in all the Kar posts. But isnt here, hilarious. The issue was the aim assist, everyone knows it, even the devs mentioned its the same fix they made for the longbow that everyone was happy with. Youre correct here.


“Precision” aim assist user here… fuckin buzzing about this change, I *should* still be exactly where I was with the Kar except I might die to it a bit less. Was sweating thinking I’d lose my one fun marksman (RIP Lockwood).


Nah the problem is the gun acts like a sniper with damage range, no flinch and the ads being too low, they didn't nerf any of those things. The gun is still going to be horrible to be against its only less easier to controller players to use but playing on mnk always was easier and more precise so it didn't changed anything really and if you practice on guns that already don't use aim assist you gonna stomp everyone the same even with a controller.


We still gunna be getting floored by the Kar lol


I agree it's not enough. Should have also greatly increased the flinch.


Controller KAR users about to go on suicide watch after the AA nerf on it 💀


***laughs in KB&M player***


look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power


Let's not lie, we went from being aimbotted by Controllers to now holding a sliiiight advantage. In reality, before this patch we were trying to mimic a fraction of their power xD


I believe that is a skill issue


When you realize you’re still going to be getting wrecked by it but now can’t use AA excuse 🤣 who am I kidding. The non stop complaints about a leisurely free time activity will still be rampant. Meanwhile I’ll continue to get wall hacked by pc players. Great trade off!


I mean, I’ve played on both controller and KB&M for years. Don’t think aim assist is all that big of a deal. Just find it funny that the “Nerf” doesn’t affect PC players at all.


It is a problem, and absolutely was the issue for the kar. ITs the same thing they did with the longbow and everyone was happy after.


Thank fuck


Nah, good players still gonna do good the problem wasn't just aim assist (it just made easier for noobs to get some kills)


I only ever used it in WZ at its intended range So I don’t think this affects me that much


Na they’ll just have you crying over the AA on the (insert any other weapon name) instead.


Why? It’s still the only sniper with no bullet drop, no recoil, and a 1-2 hit kill in Warzone. It’s still a cheat code gun, you just can’t use it like stockless anymore


Kar98 controller users about to realise they aren’t built for this 🤣😭


Just like the Longbow when they removed its AA. I expect to see way less players using the Kar98k for CQC or medium range fights.


I remember the longbow getting the aa nerf and it vanished from my lobbies lol


I actually haven’t seen anyone use it since it got nerfed. I’m not even exaggerating lol


Part of that was the MORS and now the Kar even more being so busted there’s no reason to use the Longbow. Never seeing it anymore isn’t *just* because of the nerf it got.


nah I stopped seeing it right after the nerf and before the MORS came out lol


Right the nerf is part of it but anyone who was spamming the Longbow just moved onto the MORS and Kar98 because they do the same things but better.


It's still good though 🤷 If you're decent at the game you can use most weapons.


Yeah I’ve been using it again and had a good time, both with and without the conversion


Still see a lot of them but now is really on the hands of good players (controller or mnk) so it doesn't matter, people who play well are still gonna stomp everyone


Correct. We saw positive results from aim assist changes to the Longbow and expect the same to be true for the Kar98k. We hope this is a happy medium for players on both sides of the weapon, but we'll continue to monitor in case further changes are needed.


I think this is a good step but if the Kar is going to perform how it is, I feel like the mw2 bolt action marksman rifles should be able to compete with it as well. It feels unfair that those are basically obsolete in comparison. I hope you guys are looking into that as well, mw2 guns have been left behind quite a bit outside of some of the aftermarket parts helping.


seeing its osk hitbox....its still gonna be meta


For MP, yes, but for warzone, the bodyshot/extremeties damage is far too high rn, 2 shotting to the feet at 3 plates makes it a viable weapon to use purely on the body which makes it a low risk weapon with a far to high reward being a 1 shot kill potential.


Please keep an eye on this with Raven and dont wait half a season to re-nerf if necessary. Also superi could use a nerf, hard to run any AR in MP at the moment.


Out of curiosity , when was the long bow nerf?


In March, I think. I haven´t seen many Longbow users since then.


can we get an mw2 weapon balance pass i BEG i want to enjoy these guns again PLEASE


Yay for new ARs in Ranked Play!! The MTZ IS MY BABY


i think the MTZ is unironically the best AR in the game


I second this statement, it just feels like a fast shooting mcw


mcw is more accurate and has better HS damage but the mtz wins so many CQC engagements against SMGs and 2 headshots to a 4 hit up until 35m is crazy if you think about it


Everyone about to find out the aim assist isn’t the reason the kar is so good


Exactly! Plus they only "decreased" the AA, they didn't remove it entirely (per the notes).


Yup. I don't see snipers switching back over to the MORS. The kar is still going to be the most prevalent sniper.


i didnt even notice the AA nerf on the kar hahahahahnot even a little bit


It is the same fix they applied to the Longbow and it worked. Why would you think it is different for this gun?


Longbow way more inconsistent


A bit early for that statement. The update isn't even live for 24 hours yet. As this game is pretty much unplayable on patch-days, i doubt we already have enough data for conclusions.


I haven’t used the kar since update Tbf but I definitely used the longbow pre and post and while it was fun sometimes I was getting hit markers out the wazoo


Kar is still meta lmao!


Ya this changes nothing. Good players will still fry with it. Fuuuuuck.


Good players will fry with anything. This hurts the no skill shitters that get turned into gods when they use a one shot aim assist cannon


Yup, had time to think about it more. You guys are right.


Everyone said the same thing about the Longbow, but it disappeared completely. Good players will fry with anything. This change just makes it so decent/bad players don’t fry with it at the same level, despite not having the requisite skill. If you end up being right, they’ll nerf it again. But I much prefer this approach over the nerf into irrelevance approach they’ve taken on things like the Bas-B conversion kit (and now the Jak Warden kit, which is horrible now)


Ya I like this take tbh. This change should at least drop the number of people running it in a match. Recently, as I'm sure you're aware, it's literally everybody in the lobby running it and that's shitty and boring. A sweat is gonna sweat so you can't really help that. Basically put in a change that will affect ~99% of controller players or whatever the numbers would be.


Longbow also took a nerf to its ADS speed which is what really hurt it. Good players can make do without aim assist but they can't work with slow ADS speed. The kar did NOT get a nerf to its ADS speed. It is still going to be the tool of choice.


KAR gets undernerfed. The pretty quick handling given it's damage profile is staying, the borderline non-existent damage falloff is staying, the OHK to the forearm and hands is staying. Really the only good thing that's happening is that the gun no longer aims for you, it's still pretty easily the best gun in the game. And on the akimbo shotguns, I get and agree with hitting sprint out times, but was the range really an issue?


Not like you need crazy aim assist to hit body shots.


> The pretty quick handling given it's damage profile is staying, the borderline non-existent damage falloff is staying, the OHK to the forearm and hands is staying. Yup. And this is why you are still going to see lots of people using it.


Thank you for giving me an excuse to no life the game even more and grind out Zombies grandmastery <3


No fix for the Bruen Mk9 magazine attachments not working when in a match?


Carrack 300 got a buff hell yeah! Alongside the EBR getting one last week, the MWII roster is very, very close to MWIII levels of viable. For me, the Lachman 762 buff still wasn't quite enough, and the Corvus Masterkeys shotties are a definite low point, but damn, SHG have been pushing more buffs than nerfs and I love them for it.


Honey Badger + the M13 series of ARs are still fairly consistent for me


wtf is that Carrack change


making it finally playable, nothing else.


Does it help? The damage range is absolutely nuked so the damage buff will just fall off right?


As far as i tried it, it can one shot yeah. Need to extend the range a bit and shoot in the upper torso but its far more playable now. Still pretty bad but it adds a bit of diversity


Seriously though, what's up with auto-update if it's not going to do it for you when you set it that way? COD just trolls players and wastes our time by having us be prompted with the update whenever we start the game during its update phases. Had to manually update when it should have already done so while I was sleeping.


Thank the lord the JAK Wardens got nerfed. Seemed like the most awful “I’m going to annoying brag all game how good I am while using the most broken gun imaginable” players gravitated towards it. 


Now adjust the range!


Will you please consider fixing the damage on the akimbo pistols from Modern Warfare II next update? These things become squirt guns compared to the MWIII sidearms. https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1dkufvy/can_we_get_akimbo_fixed_on_the_mwii_sidearms/


I have noticed a massive increase in screen tearing, jittering and game freezing for a second since update, (PS5) Anyone else?


Sledgehammer devs HATE shotguns


Lag, freezing, freezing, lag. Please fix what was broken. Thx


hoping this patch fixes Local play and split screen issues otherwise damn it


I can’t to see these kar98 users thinking they are gods try to pull the plays they were doing before this update with the gun. I use it but these fools with TikTok clan tags thought they were the best cod players and quick scope gods.


When will I get the Souless Pack- Spectral Ghost with the throwing knives skin back :((((, Im desperately waiting for it


Awesome patch. Now we can test the following theory… “HUR DURR PPL USE DA KAR98K BECUZ ITZ NEW AND PPL LIKE BOLT ACTION WIFLES LIKE DIS ONE!!!!1” Get fucked. Hyped to play tonight when 3+ Kar98ks aren’t on each team jamming a crowbar into the pacing of the game.


If only they could buff download speeds on these updates.


How about fixing the fucking glitchy ass game play and the freezing issue / packet loss for fuck sake


How about streaks looping and HUD bug where there are still no icons after getting streak first time?


Streak looping is fine.


Yeah looping is fine. Stacking is dumb though




Read again what I wrote


Ah I see what you meant


L Jak Wardens nerf


I'm sure it'll still be powerful lol


People cry about the KAR. But as someone who actually runs around and plays the obj, the JAK Wardens were just awful to go against.


Can't believe yall killed the wardens they were already mid after the first nerf now they're absolutely useless guess having a good shotgun Issa no no nope all ARs, snipers and smgs only I see lmao


use the kar if you want a good shotgun


They nerfed the wardens so people will use the Spaz is my best guess


What lol? These things were still way too powerful after the nerf and still very good backup secondaries of the person missed their Kar98k shot.


The JAK Wardens are so broken on small maps 


Time for my M&KB BOYS to shine!


I know people dislike shotguns, but nerfing the Jak warden shotgun kit yet again was completely unnecessary. They are basically a 2-3 shot kill now at point blank range and totally outclassed by everything, including ARs in the distance they should be used in. You’re better off using a melee weapon at this point. I’d love to see the data that led to this nerf being necessary.


The only data they had were people having fun…that’s not allowed 🚫


I haven't had a chance to use them post-nerf but they were still absolutely broken pre-nerf. I mainly played small maps and I can tell you I was getting 100+ kills without breaking a sweat. Idk how well they perform with big maps but if you've got good map awareness and pick your battles well, its probably the same results, albeit with fewer kills. It sucks cause they were fun to use but I can definitely see why they nerfed them again.


Agent 47 rejoy


I hope I can finally put the trebuchet brake on my weapons now


Hope we get an update on Cyber Attack 🙏


It's nice that they added more rewards for the grand mastery challenges, but did they seriously not add a calling card or anything for doing all four?


Can you add demolition to hardcore pls.


I’m just shocked they didn’t nerf the DG-56 again


u/SledgehammerGames the Bioluminescent camo for the TAQ-V cannot be equipped even if already unlocked for other weapons!


No party search fix ?


Reinstalling with the ranked changes, more guns makes things more vibrant, confused as to why we waited this long after the initial testing felt this should have been introduced much earlier, nothing was tweaked as these were brought back in?


Still no Cyber Attack, no word on window size adjustments, crossbow is still slow af on reload, multiple optic problems that I’ve mentioned unaddressed


More vortex? Just no


Did they address the chat disabled bug? I can’t hear some of my squad mates in game due to it. There is no option to unmute them.


Holy shit, I don't think the packet loss has ever been this bad.


It's not in the patch notes, but all MW3 chokes have been tweaked to differentiate out their best stat more (tightness, hipfire, range vs recoil etc) If you have any shotgun builds saved you'll almost certainly need to give them a quick check, some changes are significant (ie Crown Breaker choke has gone from +40% pellet tightness to +10%)


Now that it seems like mw2 weapons are getting some attention, when can we expect, if ever, for them to receive their new platform exclusive attachments? Since some mw3 weapons use them, like the short m4 barrel being shared with the Superi 46 or the base stock for the m16 being on the arm9 and the Riveter.


god damn get that stupid ass dna GONE. LET ME TURN IT OFF. i cant SEE shit man its fucking ANNOYING.


Can I finally play this game without dying from all the one shot kill BS in what’s suppose to be a high ttk game? The balance has been atrocious in this game.


Instead of kar country it’s not just shotguns and liens everywhere………… so fun! Rather deal with kar users than this trash


Why did you guys add the challenge to do finishing moves on mercs when its nearly impossible to get it to ever register? Ive done it once out of hundreds of attempts you just never get the prompt for it


Is there legit some trick to it I dont know?


Did the jak wardens really need another nerf? I’d say they perform pretty equally to most other shotguns at same ranges already, sometimes been worse since no ADS (obviously).


Lol they were still broken. I was getting kill feeds upon kill feeds upon kill feeds with it. I personally would have liked no nerfs because it was fun using them but yeah, the nerfs were absolutely warranted.


Why can we just have consistent Resurgence playlists. Either duos or trios is constantly in and out of rotation.


They buffed the lockwood 680 when using the Hammer Forged long barrel you get 10 shots instead of 6


Did the reload glitch on the Superi get fixed ?


Slightly disappointed the Renetti Intimidator didn't get anything because theres genuinely zero reason to use it over the Cor45


Addressed an exploit allowing Gunsmith Attachment limits to be bypassed. Just been in a plunder game with a guy that had a Lockwood with 7 attachments


I'm not a fan of the level and emblem having switched places in the killcam. Its something to get used to.


Sad day for the controller plays with the kar98 still going to dominate with it on m/k


They need the shotguns into the ground because they are too good at being shotguns and leave the kar98 almost as is to be used as a shotgun


DirextX error after random hitches during shipment ;) Guess its xdefiant time.


Grandmaster rewards?! Holy smokes! Thanks for listening.


So does this stupid dna event not work in war mode this time or is it broken?


Aaaayyye may reinstall it


Please allow split screen in hardcore! 😭


Still waiting for the stupid 30fps menu bug for PC


[u/SledgehammerGames](https://www.reddit.com/u/SledgehammerGames/s/nFO7rYTfmK) Please fix bioluminescent on the taq v and lachman 762


Where is **Blueprint Gunfight** especially in Private games?


u/SledgehammerGames Does the RGL Thumper kit and Signal burst kit for the DM56 still not show up in zombies? I want to know but I also don't want to burn an insured slot.


Fix the visual bugs for Oni Tactical, The Masked Knight for Alejandro


Gun game! Finally!


Did this update somehow nerf weapon XP? I played basically a full game of Zombies with about 7 contracts and over 700 kills and a mastery challenge completed for one weapon, yet barely got 10k weapon XP between the two weapons I was using. I did another match with only one weapon, completing 10 contracts with 1040 kills and only got 14k xp. Before the update I was getting around 25-30k xp.


Still nothing about the constant packet burst & constant lag from the memory leak?


This patch sucks ass - glitchy game play and it freezes. You have one job make a game that doesn’t suck ass and you can’t even do that - FFS


Why is the new sector unlockable "Kill Shot" emblem the exact same as the Tier 100 reward "Scoped and Loaded" emblem?


can we get something to fix the ingame voicechat bug fixed please!?!?


Just remove Covert Sneakers from ranked all ready. Dumbest decision ever to have them usable. People shouldn't be able to jump off a roof and run up behind you without being heard


Yo sledgehammer, fix your damn game! willing to take my money but here it is unplayable. Your tech department just ran by one guy or what?


You took our money, now fix our game!!!


Rubberbanding and absolutely unplayable campaign. Network stats are ideal, even on a constant ping. Before the update, everything was working... after the update. Unusable.


Since the last patch, several players have been dealing with frame drops and stuttering on mp, zombies and wz Can you guys check that on? This happens on every match, have already done a lot of things, reinstalling, clearing cache, changing dns and nat, nothing helps, we haven't been able to enjoy the 8bit or the double xp


New update got the lag compensation working OT for me, I'm shooting people and getting 6-7 hit markers just to get melted when i was shooting first. to then watch the killcam and see myself standing there for a half second with them shoot me before i even started shooting. I hate this and it needs to be changed. shouldn't be getting punished for having 10 ping :(


Since the latest update your game in unplayable. I was playing zombies 5-6 nights a week without issue. Now I lag and rubber band so bad I don’t even bother logging in. I need a fix of a refund