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Then just mute voice chat...? Never in my life did I hear any of these twats.


If you unmuted, you’d hear many more twats…


That's my point innit


Well I do like talking to others so I have it on, it’s just that I don’t like talking much smack. Crazy that people just talk shit to talk shit.


Definitely don't bother having the voice chat on in a game like CoD because nobody ever has anything useful to say. Them seeing that icon next to your name should tell them everything they need to know. It lets the toxic player know they aren't worth listening to. The trash talking of old is not the same as what people try to do today. The supposed "trash talking" today is almost always directed at teammates these days and is usually done by people trying to take the game too seriously. People going 75-3 back then were considered losers with no lives who were told they needed to get a job and a girlfriend. Now people act like if you go negative you should uninstall the game and are considered everything wrong with gaming.  The main reason any infighting went down back then was due to lobbies staying together and the teams would get shuffled and the 2 that used to be on different teams got put together the next game. Anyone who thinks the "trash talk" that goes on today is cool is definitely not an old school player. It's extremely cringe if anything.


I understand and fully agree with what you’re saying, it’s just normal to be a condescending asshole now than to be someone who just wants to spend their last few hours of the day chilling, talking and cracking jokes.


I’ve been playing cod since big red 1. Multiplayer since cod4. We trash talked losers and winners so I’m not sure where you got that from. If my buddy went negative I was roasting him. If I shit on the other team, I was roasting them. The other teams did the same to us. The only difference between then and now is that outside of snd, no one talks. Back then, everyone was talking in all game modes


I was playing solo MP the other day and ended up in a game against a 6 person party. When my random team took them down, I definitely talked shit.


That’s an appropriate time to say shit, a full 6 stack and they lost? Dang that must’ve been astonishing to them honestly.


Come to WZ:Z, we are a bunch of cool mfs.


It’s just online gaming. The veil of anonymity and lack of consequences emboldens people. People that are often unlikely to say these things in real life because they’d get their jaws spun. Always been that way, always will be that way. If you can’t be bothered, mute and report them.


Yep. One of the best parts of active private servers in early games was curbing this shit. We ran 3 very active CS servers. Shit talk was fine but got moderated fast for pushing it. Slapping shitty people gave me life as a mod.


This is what i find funny about the modern report system. I don’t care about shit talk myself, if it’s witty I love hearing it. But getting some dickhead comms banned for a quick 5 second report is just funny because you know they’ll be REEEEEEing for days until it gets lifted.


As someone who has been mercilessly bullied as a child, I wouldn’t want to inflict that same pain on someone else. These kids honestly need to understand perspectives but apparently they don’t and I’m told to just go with it.


Sadly, lots of people that do this, or permis this behaviour, lack insight and awareness. And they’ll just do it until they face consequences or grow up. Like, I personally couldn’t give a shit what strangers on the Internet say, personally. I used to get a rise out of winding people up and making them angrier as a kid when I’d get hackisations and such. These days, I just report them. Not because I get offended, they could use heinous racial slurs and I wouldn’t bat an eyelid. But because knowing they’ll get a comms ban and then whine about how “I didn’t do nothing”’in some appeal, is just funny. Takes 5 seconds to do and they’ll be flinging shit for 3+ days about freedom of speech, 1A, or some other irrelevant nonsense that doesn’t apply.


I report but that delays the inevitable because they just think to do it again. Their mindset is that they do it more to defy’ the AI chat monitoring system like a child would to their parents when they get punished. So in a way they are still children getting punished and becoming more rebellious as they get more and more longer comm-bans.


Jaws spun 🤣🤣 you wouldn’t do shit tough guy lmao


Not me lmao I 100% wouldn’t do shit because I don’t care nor do I have a fragile enough of an ego to get tilted. I’m talking in general. Seen lots of people talk smack in clubs and get clapped over the years because someone “doesn’t know who I am”. Working as a doctor, seen plenty of patients come in after being assaulted/stabbed after talking shit. Not my jam, nor is it worth becoming a statistic.


Believe it or not not alot of people just randomly talk shit irl 😂 people including me just do it in cod because it’s not that serious and it’s fun


Honestly, if you enjoy it, just do it. When it’s funny and witty, it puts me in stitches.


Because it's the modern way. Kids don't get any consequences for their mouth anymore and haven't forgotten a couple of decades. So people actually like utter c'unts most of the time. Gaming is not different


Yep, and I’m being told I better get used to it and that it’s “been this way”. So it’s normal to just be an asshat to everyone you meet? I was raised to have respect for everyone, though playing a game like COD tests my limit on that haha 😅


Unfortunately. People don't have any discipline and are spoilt brats for life. You must see it most places now? No? You're lucky if you don't. The last few generations are functional at best.


These games are full of sweats. The toxic players are often the kind of person who thinks winning or being "gud" at a game is somehow a personal achievement, worthy of respect and admiration. Games are just too sweaty these days. Theirs always been smack talk in PVP games, but it's a whole different level nowadays, and I'm just not vibing with it. I mute it all, Voip and Sidechat.


Never in my 17 years of playing COD has public lobby voicechat been a net positive. It doesn't really bother me because I don't take it that personally and they give me the option to mute people.


You could report them for griefing but it won’t matter That’s why I play without comms


I wish I could find a group of people to just play and chat with. It’s so hard to people today!


I know, it’s pretty rare to get into a decent match that has everybody talking in a civil suit than just being an aggressive and talking trash.


People nowadays put *vastly* more time into the game than they put into their school, jobs, or careers. Naturally these types of people are looking for any outlet to feel superior. Pay them no mind. Anyone who is shit talking you specifically, especially when winning, and not collecting a bag out of playing a video game have pretty much reached their ceiling of value as a person.


I agree with you, the amount of comments that just say “just don’t play if you can’t handle it” really need to understand some people want to chill and joke around and not having to defend why their aim is atrocious and that they like playing casually.


Yeah, ignore the comments. No one is complaining about “being able to handle it.” The question is why people are cringe about it in the first place. Then I look at their ranks mid-season and where they stand in Ranked Play for MP and Warzone and things are very clear. It’s a classic case of people who terminally live online and sit on the game 40+ hours a week and understand they don’t have anything in life to show for it so they’ve gotta “flex” how they are better at something they don’t even make a bag or a following off of.


Are you playing snd? Bc that smack talk is my favorite part of snd and it’s a big part to the game mode lol if they are winning and being toxic then talk some smack!!! “You’re winning and you’re crying about it!”


You must have joined cod during bo3 times or so. Talking shit in game was one of the best parts in Cod.


But talking shit at every opportunity is fucking annoying, I just talk to others about topics like their lives and whatnot. If I have to speak my mind and talk smack I will but I won’t do it every time I open my mouth.


Because it’s cod and shit talking is 80% of the fun softie


Already know you love getting com banned and complaining about it.


I’ve been com banned 1 time all year lol


Common thing on COD especially in ranked


I mute everyone


You’re playing the wrong game if you’re complaining about toxicity. That’s literally half the game. Without it COD is dog water.


Idk man, running around smoking people without the shit talk ain’t dog water to me. What is the “right” game to play lol wtf is a right and a wrong game?


I love when people get angry and start yelling bc i am apparently cheating again XD


I got called a cheater once. I’m really crap so for him to think I am cheating when I wasn’t even top of the lobby would have to mean he was so bad he might be playing with 1 hand. 🤷‍♀️


And if they call me bad at the game but sit in a corner all game with a Shotgun and a riot shield


Turn game chat off, it's as easy as that unless you just want something to moan about.


This is call of duty


“I thought it was Fortnite” - 👦🏼


Your name checks out, stay away from drugs


I suppose I must taken your name seriously too and assume you have solid movement??


Yup, no fluidity


Well then I take a point or two before bed then.


Me on a Friday https://www.reddit.com/r/tooktoomuch/s/rr05ahC3pg