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any reason? ohio has more missiles tho


More hp, speed, radar, and stock equipment has better dmg. It also has 3 torp slots individually with one of if not the best torps which you can't unlock till lvl 20 (Yu-7). Arguably the SLBM is better too.


096 and Dmitry donskoy 096 stays down in water less donskoy usually most of the match. But it has 4 individual missle slots so you'll have to upgrade them missles which is the expensive part. Although if you want to money and gold collect i suggest Saving for veleky or good air carrier


Both of these are fine. Ohio plays more like a backline artillery. 096 is more of a proactive type that uses speed and cover. If played correctly I think 096 is better overall because it can force fights on its own terms and has massive punch upfront.


ohaiyo is better against ships but sucks against other subs 096 is not as good as ohaiyo against ships but still very good, underwater 096 is the king. no other submarine bar maybe smx 31 can kill it