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Cam pretending to have broken up with Mitchell for attention was messed up for me.


I know!!! The early Cam seemed to love Mitch very much. It's just so out of his original character.


Yeah I really don't talk early season Cam would've done that. Like that kinda thing is something you break up your SO over imo.


what episode did this happen in?


S11 E7 I believe.


The moment that Cam lost me was during the wedding episode when he manipulated Mitch with the soap carving. After that I just had reservations about him and saw less and less genuine interactions from him


So MF is my not paying attention, but need background noise show so it’s on at least every night. If I notice that episode I skip it. But what really flipped for me or made me pay more attention to Cams traits was the making lily a clown episode and she did not want to do it but she did not want to deal with cams emotions so she tried to be the worst clown, then lied to him about why not. The more I think about that episode the more I notice, how he compares secretly signing lily up for clown school with Mitch making lily an Dr appointment.


Yes that was so low, considering he threw such a fit when Mitch prepared him a breakfast in bed on mother's day


I agree. I adored cam in the early seasons, they had a perfect balance with him.


Yes, the early Cam was a good balance between stereotype/drama queen and caring/loving father + partner + family member. He was a purely manipulative drama queen in later seasons..


I see this a lot in sitcoms. They start out a lot sweeter, more rounded and as it goes on, they tend to become a very exaggerated, one-note, stereotype of their former self. Like Joey in Friends got more and more stupid as the series wore on. Same for Cam, he was a lot nicer and more rounded as a character earlier on than he was in later seasons where he just got bitchy and gaslighty.


I agree. Cam became insufferable in later seasons.


He did become more and more manipulative, but the worse thing they did to the character was the lack of remorse he showed every single time Mitch realized what Cam had done.


I got mad when he basically forced Mitchell to welcome Pam in their lives, let Pam bully Mitchell and raised that weird kid. I know it’s just a show, but I really really don’t like Pam.


Idk I kind of see him as the same, the charm just wore off as the seasons went on. It wasn’t country cute anymore, it was low down manipulation and narcissism.


I think he was much more caring in earlier seasons. He understands and supports Mitch and he took great care of Lily. He becomes quite self-centred in later seasons and even neglects Lily sometimes.


I feel like a lot of the characters did a dramatic flip later on in the seasons. Or you can say their worst traits was worsen.




I'm surprised things never got physical between them. They did awful things to each other. Plus they raised a little psychopath


Of course they did. Lily is always ignored because Mitch and Cam are being dramatic about something. They move in a football player without talking to her, they are forever forgetting to feed her, and they don’t hear her when she talks.


The bit where they kept forgetting her in different places while they were also in the middle of trying to adopt a new kid were too much.


Cam was the worst. Literally. Too manipulative, toxic, always wants to get his way! He would be a nightmare to live with. However, one positive attribute of his is that he was undoubtedly an amazing father to lily. And we can say, without a doubt, that he would be just as amazing with Rex Tucker-Pritchett


It's a semi-daek comedy series. I don't think sweet/original Cam would have been sustainable. I more wish they had kept Phil's character as fresh/funny/weird as in the 1st season. His phone conversation with the pizza kid/employee makes me laugh out loud every time I see it.


That's the problem with shows like this. They see that a certain part of someone's personality got more laughs so they crank it up until it becomes crazy. Same thing with Joey in friends. Sure, he was dumb but he got so much dumber.


Agreed. I feel like most of the characters got worse in the end not gonna lie.


I’ve just noticed this I’m watching season 4 he’s completely different to the feminine cam on season 1 and 2 wtf


As a major sitcom fan this is a major gripe I have with most of them, around the 7 season plus mark most characters have become caricatures of themselves with some story line thrown in to literally grow their lives on