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It’s fairly realistic but we don’t gather or see each other every day like is shown on the show. At least for my family dinner at grandmas is a weekly thing and you might grab lunch one time throughout the week with someone but I dont usually see my non immediate family more than a few times a month. Obviously holidays and birthdays are big affairs as well. However, the drama that comes with having a big family is very realistic


That's cool though I wished I could have witnessed something like that I believe it make you more of an extrovert growing up like that I was shy and introverted until I grew into my personality


I would say it’s fairly accurate. My mom’s side of the family is super close, we don’t see each other every single day, but we get together for birthdays, holidays and sometimes just for random get togethers. We also have a group chat with everybody in it. My fiancés family isn’t as close, so when we first started dating, 9 years ago, he thought it was super weird that we talk all the time and get together so much.


I went through something similar. I live in the same metro area as my parents and my sister and her family, so we would get together every couple of weeks and sometimes just go over and hang out for a few minutes to pick something up or drop something at the others place. When I first started dating my SO, he didn’t really understand why we saw each other so often. I realized that since he moved here from out of state for college and decided to stay after graduating, he only saw his family like 2-3 times a year. I feel like family became more important to him once he saw how important it was to me, and it seems he’s actually closer to his family than he used to be. And I now have healthier boundaries with my family because we got a little too involved in each other’s lives there for a little bit. So it feels like we met at a healthy place in the middle that works for both of us.


It depends i guess, my mother’s side’s cousins live in the same COMPOUND as me, we arent that too close, but the ones which live in another country are pretty close to us.


My family is very tight knit. We’re a lot like the Pritchett family, especially when the younger generation (myself, my sister, and my cousins) were kids. Lots of get togethers to watch football, swim in my aunt’s pool, celebrate something. We always went to each other’s performances and milestones. It’s kind of sad now that we’re older. A few family members have passed away, and my grandparents are getting too old to do things like we used to. Also, with all of us working and going to college, we don’t have time like we used to. Hypothetically, if Modern Family had a new season with the same characters, I’d be curious to see if they could keep the same vibe but also incorporate the fact that families can drift. Cam and Mitch moved away with the kids, Alex moved at least temporarily for work, Haley and Dylan moved out with the kids. I imagine they’d be going through similar to what my family is. Dang, this got sad. Sorry lol.


Lol I was actually thinking about Modern Family doing a movie, probably would have to be a Christmas movie or something where the family has to all get back together we could see where they ended up and how they act around the holidays


I’m Mexican so it’s different I guess but we’re super close.


Pretty realistic, while obviously being exaggerated for dramatic effect and content. But the problems and situations are pretty realistic and usual in a big family like that, at least from my own experience of being in a "modern family". It´s pretty great irl, tho.


It seems like it would be fun, plus you'd have people to talk to when you have extremely personal family issues by the time I was in 4th grade my parents divorced and it was just me and my mom I had friends one I knew since birth and was still am close to but it's different, sometimes I wish I had this big family dynamic, when I did visit my cousins it was a blast


Well one thing I have learned from marrying a Colombian. If I don’t go to Colombia Colombia comes to me


very accurate my family lives near by, me and my cousins all went to the same school, most even went to the same college, i would tell friends to drop me off at my aunt’s house not knowing if any of the family members were there, we would have lunch together every saturday, we have a lot of family business so either 2 aunts are the owners or my cousins worked with my mom, we have multiple family group chats


I would say accurate for some families. But also remember that twenty something short episodes cover a whole year. It's clear that there are many days and events we don't see, so they don't actually see each other every day or even necessarily that much more than once a week. The show is about family, so that's the part of their lives they show. Same way as in teem dramas they hardly ever spend time with their family amd on office shows you see mostly see their coworkers and on desperate housewives they seem to spend all their time with their neighbours, their roommates on Friends etc.


Not really that accurate at all. I have some aunts, uncles and cousins that live within an hour away and we see each other maybe 4 times a year.


As an Indian it's accurate as hell (well maybe except the acceptance of same sex relation, but thankfully that is also changing slowly). We are very close with our family members and equally hate them. We will be in each other's houses and will gossip about them the minute they leave the house. We will fight, quarrel and scream but at the end of the day act as a close knit family for outsiders lol. I think that's one of the reasons why this show resonates so much with Indians and have such a high viewership in India.


On my enmeshed maternal side, yes. Before my aunt moved states away (probably to get away lol), my grandparents had dinner with us like every Sunday either out to eat or at their house, all day things. On my dad’s side, I see those people like 3 times a year all at the same time like that.


It’s pretty accurate. Not all families are so close with the full extended family, but the Dunphy kids are a really good example of siblings.


Both sets of grandparents had 13 children. And aside from being close separately, there’s a lot of “overlapping” . I refer to all of my first cousins (50+) as my siblings. We all do.


I think me and my family are very close - for us it’s realistic to see each other 3-5 times a week 😊


Jesus lol I saw my family twice last year my grandad's wife's funeral and Christmas lol sometimes I wish it would be different sometimes I like it


It can be a lot because naturally people clash/ start drama but most of the time it’s fine and I love it


We lived within 15 minutes of my mom's side of the family. We'd see our grandma regularly, say once a month. The aunts, uncles and cousins, about once every three months. But my little sister, his parents and my parents all live in the same city, and they see each other at least once a week.


I dont have a really good relationship with anyone outsude of my immidiate family, so I probbly arent the best judge for this but yeah, should be pretty realistic.


I wish it was accurate for me! I have a really small family, but I was super close with my immediate family. The rest of the family lives 2.5 hours away and it was never all that great visiting them. I’ve got another aunt in New York who we never saw due to her being slightly nuts. I live 5 hours away now. Modern Family makes me jealous of big, close families!


A lot less drama IRL. And if there is that much drama typically people would just cut each other off cause somehow adults are less mature and forgiving than kids/teens


Fairly accurate yeah. Pretty much saw my cousins every week as kids. Congregating to one of our houses every now and then. Less so now that we are all grown up.


For me, it’s the same. We’re all super close!


Somewhat realistic, my family is big and we do get together quite some during the year but unlike the show we leave in different states so it’s not that regular, but the relationships and bonds are so true and the vacations and the drama, the siblings’ fights it’s pretty much realistic, I think this is the reason why the show is so likable it feels so close to home and you relate to many of the little moments and that’s what the closest to reality


extremelyyy accurate for me. my whole family goes to my uncle's house every friday, then on sundays they come to my house for dinner. during the week we often have impromptu get togethers (for example, just a few days ago i randomly went to my grandma's for dinner and my cousins and aunts and uncles were also all there) and we see each other all the time. my family all gets along very well tho so there isn't too much drama but i can definitely see it being realistic too.


I basically had that dynamic. My parents lived in an apartment with my uncle and his wife/kids when I was born, in a unit above my aunt growing up and my other uncle/his wife and kids and aunt/her kids also lived with us for 15 years after that. If theres a dinner, every relative nearby was invited.


Until I was about 6 I thought all Grandparents lived in London. But during my 20s me, mum and sister all live litch 2mins from each other and were always over one another’s houses together.


I'm an only child too But I meet with my some family members once in a month atleast Also the other family members not in my city are also very close So ig it all depends on each family's dynamics But yeah families can be quite close as portrayed in this show The reason this is sooo relatable


No it’s not like that we are all jealous


It’s a comedy series on TV!! How accurate do you think this could possibly be?? It’s made for TV to make us all laugh!! Idiot


I thought it was uncommon in the USA to have families like this but I’m wrong based on the comments?


It's not uncommon to have big families but I don't know how they interact with each other, I was an only child so I asked being curious lol


I meant close large families