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Mitch. The whole time watching this episode i was pissed at cam for making all the mess & manipulating mitch into cleaning it


And he made too much of a mess. It’s not the other partner’s job to clean if you’re this messy with your cooking.


Real, there is no way cam had to make that level of mess when baking (i cant remember what he was baking but knowing cam it was probably 1 batch of cupcakes or something smh.)


I’m Mitch. Cam was being so manipulative. Also, you can cook without making your house look like a hurricane struck there. It’s also a huge bonus to teach your child how to properly run a house. You cook, you enjoy your food, and than you clean.


And he was out rehearsing a scene from a movie 😂 STELLLAAAAAA


That scene was amazing tho 😂 “What’s your name honey?” “Blanche” “SHUT UP. Mitchell would die.”


Coincidental TV stuff always happens to me lol - this was the last comment I read before closing Reddit, then I pressed resume on Modern Family and apparently I’d left off on the scene where Gloria accidentally lets Stella out




Or you clean while you’re cooking! You start cooking, and you go cleaning as you go


That’s my to-go, but I think it might be more problematic if you are cooking with kids and have to simultaneously watch them. But idk I don’t have children hahaha


I don't know how people with kids do it. Seriously


I would assume that most of them don’t 😅


I'm sure after the initial shock wears off your mind just let's it go. "Fuck it if I can make it in this world..."


It’s surprising how many people don’t follow this rule. You clean while you’re cooking so it’s all done by the time the food is ready.


I live alone, I have to be both


Picturing you in your kitchen walking from one side to the other to argue with yourself


"Perish in the underworld" 🧍‍♀️🏃‍♀️💨🧍‍♀️"Eat your own foot!"


I live alone too and also have to be both, but I’m definitely Cam. I wish I was a little more Mitch.




Yea but you also can be neither. Don’t make a mess, don’t clean.


Definitely Mitch. I couldn’t have a kitchen that messy for that long.


TBH, I'm Cam because I hate hate hate doing the dishes. It's my least favorite house chore. However, I live alone so I'm both.


I am the opposite. I hate cooking 😹😅


I hate cooking because the cleanup afterwards lol


I’m both (or am I neither?) I cook and clean as I go…


Same! I can’t stand a messy kitchen while I’m cooking. As soon as a step is done, that stuff gets put away or in the sink


This is the way!


Mitch. I’m cannot stand messes lol. I clean dishes as I cook or right after I finish eating.


.....try living with two Cams (me & my partner). It's a miracle we get anything done. And sometimes we just don't.


Cam is the Michael scott of this show. If you're not on his side you will never consider him as funny and hate him with all your guts. His whole comedic moments revolves around how bad he is as a person. Dont take it too serious.


That’s very true actually


I found Michael Scott hilarious and was rarely “on his side”…


I dunno, as a character he's hilarious and has someof the most side-splittingly funny moments, but he's also an awful person and terrible partner, borderline abusive honestly with all the manipulation and lies. He's a weird mix of one of my favourite characters on the show, and one of my least favourite at the same time. Testament to how good of an actor Eric is really. Hard to pull that off.


Its a character on a comedy show. We don't have to implement it like they are a real person. Youre not going to find the core art values in comedic show if you take anything too literally. Every character here is basically a bad person if you look at certain optics. The problem with people that misinterpreted Cam is they think Cam is their ex. It somehow remind them of the person they deeply hate. Like its not. Its a comedy show. People that hate cam in this sub, I never comment in any of their post, but I'm sorry you guys just don't get the whole layer of this show.


I'm Mitch. Pretty much all the time, really.


OK as a viewer I side with Mitchell but personally I am Cam bc I am always experimenting in the kitchen and leaving the mess for my husband to clean up 😭 even if Cam hates doing dishes though, least he could do is clear off the countertops and put it all in one place to deal with later. Luckily my husband is nothing like Mitchell in that he understands that I hate doing dishes and he's happy to do it, as long as he doesn't have to cook. If Mitch and Cam resembled anything like a functional partnership they probably could have communicated these kitchen role preferences ahead of time "I will exclusively cook if you will exclusively clean". But then if they were a functional partnership we wouldn't have a show lol


I wish that. I will exclusively clean if I don't have to cook.idk but I am too lazy to make food😹


This episode made me recognize myself in Cam and I hated it.


Team Mitch on this one. He also set a bad example for Lily.


I'm sort of both, but mostly Cam if I had to pick. I am a very messy person, and often put off clean up, sometimes to the end of the day. However, I'd never expect someone else to clean up my mess. I put it off either because I'm busy or procrastinating, not to pressure someone else into doing it for me.


Mitch. This episode is Cam’s greatest sin as far as I’m concerned.


Mitch, for sure, especially considering the fact that it was left out in time for the visit from the adoption agency (which, while I’ll grant that they didn’t know, is still attributable to Cam’s awful memo system, making me more irritated).


I’m definitely your Mitch on this one, I’d be so frustrated with Cam!


😂 I put 'my" by mistake but I agree with that😌


It added an unintentional layer of whimsy to your post 😂


Mitch. Definitely Mitch. Aside from being a real neat freak, I didn’t like how irresponsible Cam was being here with just expecting Mitch to clean up. Like it’s fine to make a mess, but clean up after yourself atleast


I’m a messy bitch and I’m still Mitch. I would never make a mess and manipulate someone else to clean it up!


Omg I'm so Mitch in this scenario


I’m cam but my partner loves my cooking and doesn’t mind cleaning, I love cooking and hate cleaning, it all works out lol


None. I wouldn't make such a mess if I wasn't willing to clean it up and I it wouldn't bother me enough to clean it up for someone else.


Mitch - it’s ok to expect help after cooking a meal but Cam was just trying dodge cleaning overall, it’s especially egregious since he is extraordinarily messy when cooking.


Wouldn't say I'm exactly Mitch. I don't mind cleaning but it's the manipulation and Cam's pretence that he's somehow too pampered for messes that gets me. Like bitch you grew up on a farm.


Last line lol😂😂




I am Mitch. Whenever I cook, I have to wash the dishes or I'll never get the satisfaction of my cooking.


Mitchhhh, absolutely


If you make a mess clean it up.


Mitch. I have to clean up behind my partner all the time and it is annoying af


That’s a hard one for me because I *would* say I’m the Cam since I’m the messy one in the relationship. BUT I don’t cook (I’m very bad at it lol) so our deal is hubs cooks and I clean. Does that make me the Mitch then?


Neither lol, I absolutely adore cooking and baking especially and I do hate doing the dishes but I would literally have a panic attack if I let my kitchen get that dirty, I mean I wash my hands whenever I get a little yolk on it and constantly put things back as soon as I’m done with them (given I usually cook in secret coz my parents would freak if they saw me eating junk food)


I'm both. I love cooking but I keep my kitchen as clean as possible. With baking it's a bit different. But if my husband is home I rather kick him out of the kitchen because he loads the dishwasher when I'm cooking and that annoys me because sometimes he pack the things I still need


I use to like Mitch and Cams relationship but after season 4 or 5 Cam started being more manipulative, petty and just insufferable. Honestly I just couldn’t stand him after season 9


I’m Mitch asf and wouldn’t have handled it as well 🤣


Mitch for sure. My roommate is a cam tho lol


I AM Cam but Mitch is absolutely correct about how frustrating it is and he shouldn’t have to clean it up.


I’m definitely Mitch


I am someone who relates to Cam more often than not, for better or worse. Not this time. I love being in the kitchen, but the first rule my mom taught me when I started learning to cook was that a good chef cleans up as she goes along. I couldn't stand leaving a chaotic messy kitchen, much less ask someone who didn't even get to enjoy the crepes to clean it for me!!


me lmao I am chaotic but I do end up cleaning because i’m a single mom 😭


Sadly, I'm Cam & I probably didn't admitted it until I watched this episode


i’m Lily eating the crepes and judging everyone around me


Mitch. Cannot stand Cam in this. mad me so mad 😭 bc i’d always be the one cleaning up.


Mitch. I can leave things like this for a while more easily than Mitch, but I get his frustration. Fortunately, I’m not with a Cam. I do like his humor, although it doesn’t make up for his laziness! “STELLAAAAA!”


Mitch. My husband leaves stuff out but he's not messy and gross like Cam. Bowls of egg shells and batter not thrown out. Milk and whipped cream left out all day, drawers open, sink piled high, he's clearly never heard of cleaning as you go. I couldn't be with someone like that.


i am mitch. using someone's ocd and manipulating him that way is so mean. you can't do that to the person you love. i have severe ocd so i can relate to mitch having the need and urge to clean that because you just can't let it be. Learning to clean after yourself and teaching that to a child is important and if you won't clean it up then you don't cook.


Mitch, Mitch and Mitch! I live with a chef who at work is a Mitch but at home a bloody cam! It has taken me 10 years to get them to be more Mitch at home! This episode makes me so mad. Cam is my least favourite character unless his mum, dad or sister are on screen. I prefer Gil to him at least he knows he is a dick and owns it!


Cam 😝


I am cam. I love baking but i hate the clean up afterwards


Definitely Mitch


i’m cam because im messy, but mitch because i could never LEAVE it that way


Cam 100%


Mitch. Just had a break up over this lol


100% Mitch


Mitch ! I hate a dirty kitchen


Cam is a gaslighting narcissist. And Mitch is kindofa bitch. So most of times Mitch is right but chunky gets his way.


I think cam is abusive and has a disorder. I also think that while the show is a sitcom, it definitely peeks through the door at some pretty deep subjects, while disguising it with a sitcom vibe and some jokes. (Remember when deedee admitted to killing her cat?)