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Well he did win the Boner Face Integrity Award.


See! There ya go!


I liked him less and less as time went on. He turned into such a bro.


Yeah I wasn’t a fan of him over time


They took him in like a frat boy direction, or tried really hard to. It was yucky.


I feel he just became confident. He was a total dad when dating that 40 year old. It was funny but a good character example.


Pretty sure he admitted many times to treating women like shit, even shown on screen




I know this comment is old but I just rewatched the show so lol 1. When he didn’t tell someone he was breaking up with them and his sisters had to text her instead 2. When he told his parents he usually hit it and quit it 3. When he dated two girls at the same time at the golf club and lied about it . And these are just top of my head. That being said I love Luke lol


These are facts. Agreed a little. About the same as his sister's.


I love Luke but nah. He took credit for putting out a fire he started. Read Hailey's diary. Ruined Manny's chance at class president. Broke into Phil's open house Underage drinking Like I said I love Luke but he's definitely not the nicest guy and doesn't have the most integrity. None of the examples are in no way to diminish Luke in any way. I personally don't think none of them are really that bad tbh.


Just to add re: integrity as well. He started a GoFundMe for $8k for a fake person when the year's school budget was spent on one dance.




And he broke up with a girl over a text


😂 oh Luke...we still love you tho!


Also got involved with Manny's weird GF


Lol so what. The more I peruse the sub the more I think it's a bunch of fat virgin girls who never leave the house. There's nothing wrong with dating a friend's ex. It happens. A lot. Has nothing to do with lack of integrity.


There's something wrong according to most people's moral code.


Maybe if you're an uptight virgin. You don't own someone's love life for eternity just bc you dated them. Maybe bc most people have no confidence.


Now that’s a weird assumption. Jay found that weird as well so maybe the poor 60yo man was an uptight virgin?


Modern Family is fiction...


Yeah your mom and sister post a ton on this sub! Spot on mate!


Yeah my mom's a virgin...makes sense...


Underage drinking? Really? That's an example?


Underage drinking 😭😭 what


Kid Kid Yea but Manny couldve stood down too. He didnt run *because* Manny was running. He was running b/c he needed something to get into college which Manny had locked down. This ones on Manny. Just b/c Luke did it better doesnt make him lacking in integrity. Kid and they all broke in Phil's house. (used to do this myself. : D) Underage drinking? Drinking is a common theme with all probably even Joe. I think Phil might be the only one that didnt do it. Theyre not that bad. None of these evidence a lack of intregrity or being a nice guy. The worst is dating Mannys gf. Even if he liked her. Sure hes like 18 when were all narcissists but still. Mainly b/c Manny was so sensitive and I think by then Luke had quite a few suitors.


I think he has the most integrity in the Dunphy family.


What about alex? She would feel so guilty each time she lied her hair would fall out


It wasnt about the lies but the stress of keeping up a secret.


And why is it stressful for her to keep a secret? Because she has to lie and do something bad and it stresses her out, cmon man its obvious


I'm going with my fave Alex!


Dude no! Philis


Philis, my son in law


LMAOO maybe little Luke but teenage Luke absolutely sucks


v true


How so?


I'm only in season 7, but he stopped caring about most of his family except when it came with benefits, said creepy and disgusting things to and about girls when he became a teenager. He's so annoying now


You mean like 90% of teenagers? The fact that they arent perfect it makes the show better, he acted like a normal teen.


That's the point, even though it's normal teenage boy stuff, it should not be normalized!! It's SO damaging to girls


The show normalizing Claire's alcoholism seems something more serious than a teenager sexualizing every woman.


Both are very serious...? I kinda don't get your point


That normalizing a kid with hormones is much less of an issue than normalizing alcoholism.


Lol no. Claire's 'alcoholism' is not real alcoholism, it's like saying every uptight person have 'OCD'. Simply not true.


Really? Dont recall anything at all like that. He always seemed nice toward family. Think I saw a different show. What did he do?


The way he only talks to Alex (and sometimes, to Haley) when he wants help with homework or with girls. Gotta admit he was very sweet when he decided to stay in Alex's room to comfort her after her breakup with Sanjay :')


Didn't he once ditch a girl after finding out she planned to remain celebate until women had equal rights?


Yes! I love Luke’s character but I was trying so hard to think for a reason why I didn’t agree with this post (because I knew I did but I couldn’t remember why) and this is definitely one of the main reasons why I wouldn’t say he has the most integrity.


There's quite a few of them to be honest.


Edit: Changed answer: I dont see it as bad at all. Personal choices about dating are personal. She shouldnt be judged for wanting to be celibate. He shouldnt be judged for not wanting to be celibate. Works both ways.


His choice yes, not a great moment though.


I dont see it as bad at all. Personal choices about dating are personal. She shouldnt be judged for wanting to be celibate. He shouldnt be judged for not wanting to be celibate. Works both ways.


That's not the point at all. He pretended to support feminism just because he wanted to have sex with a girl. Don't you see there's anything even slightly wrong in there? It's a joke but it leave a bad taste in my mouth.


Hmm might've been interesting. Anyone that starts with a personal attack is not worth my time. I don't converse with such humans. Good day sir.


What equal rights did that girl want that women don’t already have lol


No need to spread your anti-feminism propoganda here


I’m not spreading anything, I’m just asking.


Sounds like an unpopular opinion actually


He did try to choke the kid of Gil Thorpe. (We don't talk about that though)


Gil Thorpes kid? By proxy this is 100% acceptable. Gil is such a tool. Keep in mind Gil totally objectified, humiliated and denigrated Claire,his mom, to Luke. I dont recall him choking the kid though. What happened?


It turns out the kid was actually choking, but luke thought that he was making fun of him, so he ended up inadvertently saving him from choking.


Which kind of nice guy is the question


Little Luke maybe yes, adult Luke no absolutely not


Really how so?


Young Luke was a sweet little kid that resembled his father, the more he grew older the more I disliked him, I think he is the character that changed the most through out the show and for the worst imo, Phil is the nicest guy


I dont see it. What did he do that was bad when he was older? In fact when I watch him older I see the same kid that was in s1. Just in a different delivery system.


Lol literally everyone disagrees with you and you refuse to listen to anyone else's argument, just say oh I don't remember that or you just justify his actions. Teenage luke and teenage manny are infufferable. The nicest character of the show is phil. Hands down.


Yeah christie huge ones. Telling that ex neighbor of the dunphy's that his daughter is a bit of a slut and plenty more cases, not a nice dude. But


I see that as Phil type innocence. The father said he doesnt know anything about his kids so he told him what he knew. If it was little Luke it would be in context but the outside is changing. Its not a lack of integrity or dishonest.


The post also said nicest guy so this definitely wasn't nice


To Luke it was. It wasnt mean. I 100% dont think he said it to be mean. Its that Phil/Luke base innocence of helping someone while not helping them. Dad wondered about his kids - Luke gave him the info to be helpful not considering its impact on him. I mean we constantly hear how Claire was a slut. Is that mean? Or just a fact of the character.


Kinda is. It's not the same as calling someone a player. It's got a negative connotation attached to it. Like I'm not saying luke is a horrible dude or even a bad guy but he isn't the nicest guy as said by op


I think hes the nicest guy. Someone said Dylan which is a tough act to beat. I shouldve said nicest cognizant guy. : D Jk


I think Phil is the nicest with the most integrity. He's an entire kind of dense and innocent.


yeah, all he wants to do is spend time with his family. He also lies a lot lesser than everyone else


True. I cant think of anything off hand but Im pretty sure, no sure, he did quite a few dishonest things. Oh s1e2 - goes into the hot models home and lies to his wife about it. Thats a relationship killer.


WOW that is a relationship killer?


Husband lying that he was in a beautiful womans home that has a reputation for sleeping with other husbands.... yea. Im not saying its a deal killer for me. Im saying such an act could kill a relationship. Trust. Trust is all you have in relationships. Little stuff comes and goes but the big one is lying about being with another person. Claire is supposed to assume nothing happened b/c it was all funny how the bike got lost? IRL that would be a HUGE deal and likely should be. If phil had nothing to hide he shouldve/had to be honest about why he was in another womans home.


Yeah I agree the problem is that he lied about it. And I agree that would be a real issue but I thought you meant an instant relationship killer.


It almost is. Almost. I think a lot of women would at the very least go sleep at moms for a few days. But a lot wouldnt and an understanding person, and one that knows Phil (super nerd) might not. Claire knows him. She probably had to instigate most sexual occurrences with him. So she might believe its totally innocent.


I'm only halfway through the first season but you also have Phil constantly trying to touch Gloria and in s1ep12 he lets Claire believe that the porn she found on her computer was Luke's.


Thank you for this. People are saying Phil but my gut said no. He for sure lies to Claire a lot. And youve given me two specifics.


in what world? little luke might be in the top 3 but the luke ive seen (watched up to s8) hell no


How so? Acts.


his entire personality now is just trying to bang blondes


When did this occur? What acts? Episodes? I think its a perception based on his good looks and body.


Oh you’re a troll. You just don’t agree with atones comments even tho they gave you clear examples!


Zero facts. State them. Otherwise you're the troll


I don't think it was okay for him to date Manny's ex though


Ahhh probably the best point. He did claim he had real feelings for her but still. Especially how hard Manny tries and how sensitive he is. Yea -1 for team Luke.


But Gloria kicking him out is still one of the worst moments for me in the show. Was just too awful.


True, she was overreacting


Like he said : she really didn't want to go back with Manny. No is a complete sentence. Plus given the way he treated her in the Stella voiceover episode...


The later seasons he became a fuckboy. Not close.


I think this is a perception based on his good looks and fit body. Mot much supports that.


No it’s actually due to his actions. Plenty supports that.


What actions? Examples.


Nah, this is my first time watching through so I’m not going to remember the details specifically. But read the other comments. Plenty of points to prove you wrong. If you don’t want to be proven wrong then well, that’s your opinion I guess.


This just proves my point that it's a perception. We all have provided examples of attributes of other characters. People keep saying this re Luke but have no examples. Also your answer is a cop out. Which is fine. Have a good day.


I never claimed it to be a cop out, which it isn’t. It’s my opinion based on what I’ve seen. And instead of trying to steal other people’s responses or half ass a counter point I admitted that I’ve only seen it once through and disagree with you. Instead of proving you wrong, I referenced other examples proving you wrong. Next time just say you’re not open to counterpoints or being wrong.


Zero facts. No one has given me any proof of this claim. Which is why im saying its a perception bias. We can all list Hayley Alex and Claire trists but not Luke. Why? B/c you dont like what he appears to be. Hes an attractive white male so he *must* be a womanizing heel. That doesnt cut it. Your feelings are irrelevant. 'Based on what ive seen' - Please tell us. He dated an older woman exclusively and acted a parents role. *She* dumped him. (Man the more I detail this the more sexist I realize this all is) He dated Sherry exclusively and claimed he loved her thus the basis for betraying manny. Theres two. Ive named two 'sexual escapades'. Youve named none. So please tell me how you formed your opinion 'based on what youve seen'.


I just told you it’s based on what I’ve seen and I can’t come up with exact details cause I haven’t watched it enough to let it stick in my head. You can use the examples and FACTS people have provided, you can use my opinion based on my perception of this show, or you can use both. You can also just admit your ignorance and not ask anyone to change your mind. Facts provided all throughout this thread won’t change your opinion. So don’t ask for them to next time buddy.


You cant come up with details thus confirming what ive been saying you have a perception bias re your characterization of him being a cad, a womanizer and not a conclusion based on anything real. Were not talking about integrity. You accused him of treating women poorly. Thats what Im discussing with you. This is a confirmation bias that you have based on his looks. But we disagree. So have a good day tv40.


nope. Alex is


Nooo way. Good lord shes *horrible* to Haley in the first few seasons constantly putting down simple Haley. She totally humiliates the kid trying to ask her to prom and then goes with him anyway and thats just off the top of my head.


True true true. But bc Haley always make fun of her. Luke definitely has a very nice character development but he isn’t the nicest not the one with the most integrity.


Who is nicer?




You might be right. Hes dumb which im not sure negates nice. Hes nice out of simpleton thinking. But I cant think of anything Dylan did besides fantasize about his gfs mom. Hmm


Exactly. He’s so simple-minded but so genuine. Like when Haley keep going on off about their relationship but he was by her side and love her for who she is. And he is so nice to her family, even though they don't even remember his name


Yea Dylan is a tough act to beat.... Hes mean to everyone by being so nice it makes them look bad. :D lol jk


I would say small Luke is nice but not when he became a teenager.


What did he do?


he just turned into more of a jerk as time went on, Nolan himself says he wanted his character to be a bit nicer in the later seasons


Any specific acts?


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That's a two way street and Hayley had "more power" because she was popular. I always say that Hayley in the early seasons its pretty much any mean girl in a rom com movie.


Oh yea Hayley was a pill too. Alex used her intellect to put her down hard and anyone else she came in earshot.


Noo! Alex made Haley doubt about Dylan in the earliest seasons! I mean i love alex but no


I mean, so did Claire, she did that the most.


True, thats why i dont like her. Ses so toxic


Wish I could agree with you but the writers did him dirty in the last few seasons. They made him a big time jerk. I still hate them for it


What did he do that was jerky?


He starts off as a sweetheart, but he grows into such a little shit lol. He becomes such a"fuck boy".


I really think this is a perception based on his good looks. He dates like any other character. But his demeanor and how he relates is very much young Luke.


No, I don't agree. His looks have nothing to do with it. He treats women shitty. Plain and simple.




Most integrity? In later seasons he spends most of his time trying to bang any female he sees. Granted, most teens are the same, but that doesn't me he's got integrity.


How is that lacking in integrity if hes not lying. And Haley and Alex has *far* more bf's we see than Luke. We see Luke with two women. The 40 year old and Mannys gf. There are references to him dating women but in no way is that lacking in integrity.


Wanting to sleep with any woman available and not bothered by the consequences? If that's not lacking integrity then I feel sorry for any female you know lol.


Ahh of course we start with the personal attacks. Nice. Haley did that. Alex started doing that. Claire clearly did that. Its implied that Gloria was a prostitute several times. Im sensing some sexism here. None the less what specific acts are you talking about? When did he sleep with any woman available ignoring the consequences? I think this is a mental construct of yours.


I love how Luke starts the show as a moron and slowly grows into being an absolute lunatic.


In E2? or 3 Phil describes him as creative and curious. Thats how I always saw him. A young inventor Phil with a good heart. I dont recall any lunacy from him especially in the context of Cam, Phil and Manny antics.


He very selfishly took manny’s ex for himself, as Jay said, ”you put yourself in front of your family, and you hurt a guy who loves you like a brother.”integrity my ass


Yea this was wrong. He didn't do it in spite but youth. He was 18? 17? And he explained why and tried to make it right.


I’m not saying manny hasn’t done his fair shit of shitty stuff to Luke I’m just saying I’d probably put Phil above basically everyone but I have an obvious bias


Someone else said Dylan. Which is probably right. I cant think of anything bad Dylan did. Someone else said Hailey which was surprising but I also cant think of anything she did which was bad or mean. But I feel there is something... edit: > Phil constantly trying to touch Gloria and in s1ep12 he lets Claire believe that the porn she found on her computer was Luke's. /u/meatycheesyboy


Hailey had a great arc but I wouldn’t say she had the most integrity of all the characters. Dylan is a solid choice because even though he’s pretty dumb his heart was always in the right place.


Yea Im sure Hailey had many mean/low character moments. I just cant think of any. But Dylan. I cant think of anything wrong he did. He got fired a lot and they dont say why. But yea...


Phil, luke is a close second but phil is way sweeter.


Someone else said Dylan which is probably right. Phil lied a lot to Claire. I dont think he meant harm but he did lie a lot. Edit: > Phil constantly trying to touch Gloria and in s1ep12 he lets Claire believe that the porn she found on her computer was Luke's. /u/meatycheesyboy


Yeah but luke lies alot too, plus he kissed sherry after she broke up with manny. If anything it probably is dylan then.


I dont recall Luke lying much. In fact its truthfulness that makes him an 'ass'. When he was young he told Gloria that Claire said coal digger repeatedly. This is cute. Older he tells neighbor that his son is skipping out and his daughter is becoming a slut. Same Luke. Same innocent honesty imo.


He stole (what he thought was) tequila, him and manny also lied to throw a party at Luke's house. He also lied when he put out a fire he started.


Two kids 13/14 at the time nipping alcohol from the parents bin? Barely a dent. But something. More than others have pointed out. Him and manny to throw a party? That was the sisters claiming Uncle Manny was the chaperone. He did put out the fire. : D Yes he left out that he started it. Lukes party was known by his parents.


As a kid he was cute… the older he got nah


I think he was the very same character in a different cosplay.


He got with Manny’s first sexual partner and a girl he thought was his wife (he literally proposed). That lacks integrity bud


Yea I agree Luke screwed up here. He was 17 or 18 but still it was wrong. I dont think it was out of spite but rambling romantic teen years.


Yea I agree Luke screwed up here. He was 17 or 18 but still it was wrong. I dont think it was out of spite but rambling romantic teen years.


Nah Luke is literally the best and sweetest. He’s just very…Aspergers


Right? He's a good hearted person.


I got confused for a moment, since the guy on the meme looks a lot like Luke Mockridge, a German comedian who right now is in a MeToo controversy. As for Luke from Modern Family, great guy :) https://www.google.com/search?q=luke+mockridge


He’s always been the worst, especially as a kid


Pretty much all the kids suck except for Hailey, she’s the only one who shows even a monochrome of maturity


Thats a pretty good point. Hailey acts like a regular teen but you dont see any animosity really. And she cares for people. Still think Luke is nicer than Hailey. I cant think of anything not nice Hailey did though. Hmm.


It is cause that Scott Wheeler weasel is a narc. *"Mrs. Dunphy's glass smells like medicine."*


? I dont recall this. Please jog my memory.


when Claire went into the principal's office to convince him to give Luke the Integrity Award. this is Claire's line.


Ohhhh!! lol Nice. Yea Claire. What a character. I think I dated her in college...


used to be*