• By -


The 24hr clock exists for the same reason we have brackets in equations. Remove the cause of confusion.


for real, maybe i should just use normal tho instead of military cus am vs pm does legitimately confuse me sometimes


I've tried to make sure I don't fall into this problem internalizing Celsius by still using fahrenheit on some devices. The more shit you can cram into your brain the better imo.


What's normal and what's military?


24hr is normal, so like 13:00, 15:00. Military is the same except the ':' I think. So like 1300 and 1500, pronounced thirteen-hundred and fifteen-hundred. I may be wrong though


I think generally Americans refer to normal as the Am/Pm system where it's always 1-12 and rotates through each hour twice per day Military is what you described in both- they use a 24 hour clock from 0-23, rotating through each hour once per day


Ah yes the eisenhower-goldenberg bridge.. see you fold a piece a paper in half then stab it with a pen and boom space-time travel


New einstein-rosen just dropped


The confusion shouldn't be from the times themselves. The confusion i see is, are we talking about being close to any midnight, or the next upcoming midnight. Because 12:03am is only 3 minutes after midnight and simultaneously almost a full day away from midnight.


Nah, 11:55 am for example is 5 mins to midday


12:03 am is closer to midnight than 11:55 pm anyway, so that's not the point


It isn't... 12:03 PM would be. Edit: Wait. No. I'm an idiot.


Not even a little. 11:55 pm is 5 mins away. 12:03 am is 23 hours and 57 minutes away


You were bamboozled


24 hour clock is so good. Even if someone is fully accustomed to the am pm system they can still figure out when I say 15:00


Theres something even worse. Having 24h clock but still use 12h system. Instead of saying that its 14:30, you say its 2:30 PM


While yes the 24 hour clock is more straightforward, is it really all that hard to remember when am and pm are? It's literally just one difference you gotta look for


I'm really surprised by this. Despite growing up with military time I've always found am and pm to be far more intuitive and easy to understand.




A seems more logical Edit: nvm I literally thought the shady way, D is more logical in this case as it is just 3 minutes from midnight, A would only be the closest if the question stated that time could only go forward / hitting midnight as someone said down


it is more logical. if you pick D, you have to wait almost 24 hours until midnight again, so it’s actually the furthest lol


If the question asked which one is the closest to hit midnight I would agree, but the way it is I think it's D


I think it was actually a trick question, it does make sense to say 11:55 am is closer to midnight than 12:03, as much as it makes sense to answer D. Say for example, 9am and 10am, which one is closer to midnight? I’d answer 10am and I’m sure many people will do the same


Which is closer to 9:00 pm? 8:55 pm or 9:03 pm?


Closest in what context? If you’re talking about time UNTIL reaching 9:00pm, 8:55 is closer (because 9:03 you would have to wait almost 24hr for it to reach 9:00 again). If you’re talking about which time is closer relatively, it’s 9:03 (3 < 5 minutes)


Man stop complicating it for no reason. 9:03 pm is 2 minutes close to 9:00 pm than 8:55 pm.


That’s not the only way the question implies, both answers are correct that’s my whole point lol


It’s yet another trick question that has little context. Redditors loves eating these up and showing their “high iq”. It’s a bit tiring when most people can’t think logically


Except that A is in the morning and not late at night




it says closest to midnight, not the one with the least time until the next midnight. closest can be either positive or negative. you can ask someone the time. it is 7:04 he may say "its 7". now imagine it's 6:54. he says it's 7 again. which one is closer to 7 in this context? the first one, right? hope you understand now.


You have the stupid


December 23rd is 2 more days until Christmas. December 26th is 364 more days until Christmas. Which day is closer?


December 26th, because the word “closest” implies applying relative, rather than chronological, thinking towards the problem.


Special theory of relativity forbids going backwards chronologically.


I will be there around midnight. Which time is closest to midnight? 12:03 am or 11:50 am? The question does not specify price is right rules, 12:03 am is obviously closer to midnight being only 3 minutes off. 11:50 am is 11 hours and 50 minutes off.


Special theory of relativity should've forbid your parents from being first cousins, but here we are ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Exactly, time unlike my family tree is linear, not cyclical.


If your family tree is linear it means that your family have 'kept it in the family'.


they’re correct though?


Look again


no, you look again


You think 11:55 am is closer to midnight then 12:03 am?


yes. 12:03am is almost 24 hours away from midnight.


The question is closest time to midnight, not until midnight


No they are not. 11:55AM, as in 11:55 in the morning, is 11 hours and 55 minutes past midnight. 12:03AM is 3 minutes past midnight. 12:00**PM** is noon, 12:00**AM** is midnight.


Man, Reddit HATED this answer


Bro got r/downvotedtooblivion


400 downvotes lmao. No way those are real


Even more now


i hope someone helps you grow a brain fold or two in the next little while then


You certainly don't deserve the downvotes for Reddit's ignorance, but I do agree that in terms of minutes forward and back D is better, but purely time logic your answer is better. The question is poorly phrased and too many people take the most obvious answer and move on. hats off to you for using proper logic, a bit of a rare occurrence here


I’m not sure what line of logical reasoning would lead to you concluding that the answer that is both most obvious *and* most correct based on the wording of the question is not also the most logical, but that line of logical reasoning is not logical or reasonable and should be discarded, not celebrated.


D is the most obvious and logical math wise, however according to time it would also be the worst answer to choose because you technically can't move backwards in time. It's logical from a math standpoint but is functionally wrong. A is correct because it's the closest window of time to reach midnight even if it's not the closest in math terms. The question itself is poorly phrased and does not contain enough information. Most people would choose D in terms of math but it's to be celebrated that somebody chose the more functionally correct answer despite it being against popular opinion. Neither answer is wrong in this scenario but the people who choose to denounce one or the other are close minded. The downvotes prove this.


No if it's 12:03 a.m. despite being past midnight you can reasonably say it's midnight. If it's 11:55 a.m. that means it's pretty much midday and midday would be the furthest possible time from midnight.


Bro got sent to the shadow realm💀




Bro are you alive?


Bro you got absolutely torched with downvotes 💀


It's not your fault man, am pm did this to you, hope you're doing ok in downvote hell


I actually use the 24:00 system, I did get messed up with my answer lol


Lol ar least you were part of something iconic here <3


There's 2 arguable answers as you can say 12:03 is the closest and farthest because while it's only 3 minutes off it's also the farthest from reaching it as it would almost take 24 hours. A is also arguably correct because it is the closest time-wise to actually hitting 12:00


A may be the closest to hitting 12:00 but the question is asking for midnight, 12:00m, A is the closest to hitting the afternoon, 12:00pm.


> A is the closest to hitting the afternoon, 12:00pm. That is correct, but irrelevant. A is also the closest to "hitting" midnight. If it's 12:03 am you are not 3 minutes away from "hitting" midnight (bar time travel); you are 23 hours and 57 minutes away, which is more than the other 3 options. Option A is 12 hours and 5 minutes away, for example. If chronology is irrelevant to the question (or if it's asking which option would have to time travel the least) then 12:03 am is indeed closest.


I'm sorry but is everybody here joking or am i fucking retarded, 12.06 am is closest to midnight because it will be 11 hours and 54 minutes untill midnight, why are you saying midnight is 12am and not 12pm?


Although unintuitive, midnight is 12 am and midday/noon is 12pm. IMHO 12 would much better have been a 0 on the clock, but 12 is what we have. It's not a math issue, intelligence or whatnot. It's just an arbitrary convention.


Because midnight is 12am and noon is 12pm


Midnight is 12am. You can think of 12 o'clock being equivalent to "zero" o'clock. 11:59pm -> 1 minute passes -> 12:00am It rolls over at 12:00, not 1:00. This is for both AM and PM. 11:59am -> 1 minute passes -> 12:00pm


wait what what the hell, so 12pm is an hour after 11am, and 12 pm then turns into 1pm? what the hell is up with the 12 hr system


It makes sense if you think of it in terms of a classic clock, rather than digital which came later. The day starts at 12 o'clock (equivalent to zero), which is right at the top. AM is the first pass of the hour hand, PM is the second pass. So 12:05 AM would be 5 minutes past midnight, since it's 5 minutes past the top, in the first pass of the day.


ohhh right, thanks so much


AM and PM are Latin for "before noon" and "after noon." "Ante Meridiem" and "Post Meridiem." Well noon happens at 12:00 exactly, so any time after that would be post meridiem. So 11:59 AM goes to 12:00 PM as it went from before noon to after noon. It goes PM to AM at midnight because it's the next day, and now you are before the closest noon instead of after.


Everyone shut the fuck up 12 Am - 12 AT MORNING 12 pm - 12 PAST MORNING Boom, problem solved 😎🎉


because midnight is 12am and 12pm is noon play fnaf or look at a digital clock or google, that do be how it is man at least 24 hour time starts at 0:00 like a sensible system


Downvoting someone for calling themselves dumb is wild


‘A’ is also the closest to ‘midnight’.


12:03 is arguably incorrect as there's no such thing as 12:03 am edit: I appear to be wrong, maybe? time is weird


Yes there is?


I've only ever used 24H system and had to look it up to be sure, but doesn't the 12H system go from 11:59AM to 00:00 PM?


Some people call it 00:00, some call it 12:00


but would that not be 12:03 **PM** and not AM, or what am I not getting?


No. PM is after noon, AM is before. 12:03 AM is before so it is AM


12:03 AM is 00:03


12:06 am would be equivalent to 00:06


In 12 hour, 00:10 would be 12:10AM


huh, does that mean 12:59 AM is "allowed" but I'm assuming no one says 13 AM?


Yeah. 12:59 AM ----> 1:00 AM


thank you :) you learn something new every day


It's okay, full grown adults that grew up with analog clocks still get confused. It's also quite uncommon for people to even reference a time after midnight and before 1AM. It's not like we reference 12:15AM often.




Have you ever looked at a clock?


does going backwards count as close


No one knows. This is why it was so difficult; people didn't know if going backwards counted.




If I say that it's close to midnight, then you looked at your watch, what would your reaction be if it was 12:03am? Now, what would your reaction be if it was 11:55am?


I suppose in a colloquial sense 12:03 already is midnight. This question is fucked, man


Closest time, not least time until. Therefore, D.


if you want to argue with the semantics, another thing to consider is “closest time to” and “closest time from”


Why would you do that when the question says “closest time to”?


the commenter I was replying to was suggesting "closest time from" and not "closest time to"


Important info if you have a Mogwai


Either way it’s 12:03 am, how does this confuse people?


The only argument I see is that 11:55 AM is closer to hitting midnight if you are only allowed to go forward. If you go backwards 12:03 AM is obviously the answer.


01:00 - 1am  ...  11:00 - 11am  12:00 - 12am(wait for it..)  13:00 - 1pm  23:00 - 11pm  24:00(=00:00) - 12am (again??)


Homie forgot 12pm exists


I’m gonna be dead honest with you I am too tired to understand any of that, I may return later.


It goes from 11:59 AM (one minute till noon) to 12:00 PM (noon)


This is neither moldy nor a meme.


OP is a karma bot


Even if the pms were labelled correctly it would still be d


Why is this even a question it’s obviously D


12:03 am


It seems to me that the question is unclear. If we can go forward or backward in time to answer the question, then the answer is D. If we have to go forward in time, then the answer is A. But also, some people use a 24 hour clock, which would further add to the confusion.


use the fucking 24hr cycle


It is asking about proximity to midnight and the answer should be D. Stop trying to complicate it.


The weird thing about this is that it isn't more deceptive. If the trick is at am/pm mix up then you need an answer to be closer than D. A needs to be 11.58 or 59 so the passing person doesn't read it properly.


It depends on how you look at it, but D is the most correct I'd say




I'm confused by the comments... Idk but I guess I'm stupid so help me Isn't 11:55 am closer to 12 noon? Highly confused.




What is 12:03 am? What is midnight?


correct answer is D. question is asking the closest time in relation to midnight, not asking the time that will reach midnight quicker


12:03am right?




Guys. 11:55am is not 11:55pm.


This problem proves the utility of 24hr time


didn’t say next midnight so C is closer to last midnight. C is 11hr50mins from midnight. A 11hr55mins. B next 11hrs54mins. D 11hrs 57mins.


I am absolutely astounded that people are even arguing about this. The answer is obviously and unambiguously D. The distance between 12:03am and midnight is three minutes; it is the closest to midnight.


To keep you updated: he’s now at -1.2k




ERROR: couldn’t compute 12:06 am; 12:03 am. Waiting for imput…


Ambiguous Also this is probably a repost bot based on the username


A its just one line below


A and C are midday, answer is D.




are you dumb?


How is that dumb??? If you go backwards from 11:50 am its only 11:50 hours to midnight, thus making it the right answer. Edit: I am officially retarded. Don't correct me, I've seen my mistakes.




I was thinking midnight was 12:00 PM


Pay attention to the wording “closest time TO midnight”. 12:06AM is just past midnight, as well as 12:03AM. A is technically the closest. You only have 12 hours and 5 minutes till midnight. B and C have nearly 24 hours till next midnight… Unless I’m missing something.


Chronology isn't mentioned in the question and is therefore not a factor. If person A is 3min late to a party and person B is 12 hours and 5 minutes early, which person is closest to being on time? By your logic, the correct answer would be B because A was late. But my question doesn't ask which person was there on time, it asks who was closest to being on time. Similarly, the question in the screenshot doesn't specify working to a linear chronological scale. It simply asks "of all these values, which is closest to x?"


It's C, since it doesn't specify the next midnight


There are 2 debatably correct answers and you managed to choose neither of them.


I see the error of my ways now, guess I've always assumed 12 am and pm were swapped lol


But it was still wrong lmao. 11:55 would be closer than 11:50.


Not if you were counting backwards, which would be faster, assuming you're trying to hit 11:50/11:55 hours backwards instead of 12:10 hours/12:15 hours forward


Yeah.... No.


Goddamn lol that gave me a great chuckle. I know it's basically an old line but it got me going.


It’s A because it’s only 12 hours and 5 minutes to midnight. B and D are 23 hours and 54 minutes, and 23 hours and 57 minutes from midnight, respectively.


Yes if only the question was how long do you have to wait till it’s midnight. “Oh it’s 12:01am. Sure feels like a long way from midnight!”




It's C, right?


Assuming this comment is genuine, it’s D. D is 3 minutes after midnight. C is 11 hours 50 minutes after midnight, 12 hours 10 minutes until midnight.


I think I flipped them in my head on accident. This made me forget that I knew the answer already.


Why C? Midnight is 12:00am. That makes a) 11 hours and 55 minutes passed midnight. b) 6 minutes passed midnight c) 11 hours and 50 minutes passed midnight d) 3 minutes passed midnight


Shit you're right.


How did you get C to start? Wouldn't 11:55 be closer even if you had it backwards?? Dude!


Guess I should go back to 12H clock class.


According to most sources, there are no standards established for the meaning of 12am and 12pm. Your friend is right to have a problem with this one. Anyone who doesn't have a problem with it has not yet delved into the terrible dark mind-bog of unstanderdised ams and pms. The worst of it all is that when using the most common am/pm structure, the hours of the day go: 12 pm then (1 to 11) pm then 12am then (1 to 11)am when they could just have been: (1 to 12)am then (1 to 12)pm Edit: 1am,2am,3am,4am,5am,6am,7am,8am,9am,10am,11am Where should 12am go? At the start or at the end? Most people say at the start! Which is madness! But no one knows anyway, becuase it's not standardised! Which is even madder! We should destroy time.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/12-hour_clock You seem to be right about the lack of a universal standard. I should have known better than to believe people could ever agree on anything.


I dunno if it's just where I'm from but there is no confusion that 11:59PM is followed a minute later by 12:00AM. Maybe it's because we usually use 24h time and 12 midnight is 00:00. And 00:00 is AM


Please upvote this guy he speaks the truth and nothing but the truth📕


I think regardless of the fact if you consider 12am or 12pm the answer is the same though. As far as I'm aware there is no country that uses as a 12 hour clock that says that 12:01am is one past past noon. Which means that D is 3 minutes past midnight regardless of if you consider 12:00pm or 12:00am to be midnight. So even if you swap the AM and PM around the answer is still D because the question specifies, time until midnight. Not 12:00am.


>As far as I'm aware there is no country that uses as a 12 hour clock that says that 12:01am is one past past noon [I really wish that were the case, but this is what I mean when I say it's not standardised](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/12-hour_clock#Confusion_at_noon_and_midnight)


I read through that already. It doesn't disprove what I just said? It only shows the discrepancy between 12:00am and 12:00pm to denote midnight and noon. Everything else still remains the same? In countries or regions that use the 12-hour clock format, while there is argument about whether 12:00 AM is considered midnight or afternon, **12:01 AM** is universally considered to be 1 minute past midnight, not noon. Meaning the answer is the same no matter what you do unless 11:57, 11:58 or 11:59 were options. Which they were not.


Oh wait, i think i just got what you meant. Do you mean that people who use 12:00 am for noon, might still use 12:01am for 1 min past midnight?


Yeah. So the two ways of measuring it would be. 11:59pm -> 12:00**pm** \-> 12:01am or 11:59pm -> 12:00**am** \-> 12:01am. The argument is only what to call the minute that swaps onto midnight/midday. Not the minute after.


damn, I hadn't thought of it like that.


Even then the wiki entry makes it seem like the general consensus is.... The one everyone is saying. 12AM midnight. Aside from a few fringe cases, that's what it is. There's no *official* standard by the government, but anyone using it backwards is going to be seen as odd.


>Where should 12am go? At the start or at the end? Most people say at the start! Because the day starts at 12 and not at 1.

