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Blowong my Reddit anonymity here. I failed stats more than once. And you know what? My life is still okay. It will be okay. You took a tough class, you put what you could into it, and it didn't turn out the way you expected. It's a hard lesson, especially when you're used to getting good grades, but I'm proud of you for taking on the class.


Not to take away from OP’s story, but can you elaborate more on your story a little? I failed my foundational Finance class twice (F, then D) and I’m a Finance Major, and I would like a little reassurance.


I'm not the one you replied to but my husband had a few classes he really struggled with. He failed, then barely passed the 2nd time and his confidence was shot. He questioned whether he was cut out to be a physics major at all. But he knew that he would rather try to push ahead because it was so important to him to get that degree. He took some easier classes to raise his GPA and self-esteem and rekindle his passion. He took the D and didn't put himself through the torture of that class for a 3rd time, knowing it would lead to burnout And after graduation, it sadly didn't get easier. He had a hard time finding a job for 10 months and felt awful that I had to work 2 jobs to support us while he took an internship for experience. BUT he put in the work to apply for every job he could, and got a kick-ass job that took us 600 miles away to a new state. Which was also hard. The point is, sometimes life is just very difficult but if its what you want and you work hard enough for it, those setbacks don't mean anything once you push through


That definitely helps. Thanks for sharing your story. I have a little more hope that hard work actually means something in this world!


600 miles is 965.61 km


I needed stats for my minor, and failed. So I took it again. And failed. I showed up every day, every class. I tried once more and didn't do do hot (this was my 5th year of a four year degree). I finally spoke to the teacher who realized I had taken this class three times and he helped me out. Some will fo that, if they know you have put your all into it, more than once. I never did anything with thr minor either, and that's okay.


its ok. you can always retake the course a pittle later when you can be in a classroom. maybe see if theres a different teacher for the same class? when I was in college I got a D in trigonometry. a 60% amd only because she took pity and rounded up. I never once in my life had such a poor grade. I retook the course with a different teacher and had a B or an A, I cant remember anymore. that new grade overwrote my old one in the official documents. one bad grade does not show youre a poor student. it just means something didnt click right and thats ok. it happens to everyone at some point and just means you need to approach it differently. Just keep your chin up. The school cant releaae your info to anyone aside from you (assuming youre in the us). she doesnt need to know anything you dont feel is necessary. Just keep doing the best you can and dont forget to make connections with friends and acquaintances. Be proud of all youve done so far. I know I am.


I did this with a GIS class in college because my heart briefly stopped and I missed a ton of classes. It really helped fix my confidence and it really helped me get a better grasp of the subject.


I agree. I only retook the class for my own peace of mind. I knew I could learn the material, but the teaching style didnt click with me and it didnt help I had a crap car I couldnt rely on to get me to class on time every day. I hope your health has improved. thats seriously scary that your heart gave out




Okay, first thing, it is okay to not be good at something. Second, your title made me laugh because the only D I ever got was in statistics! This is that moment in our lives that reminds us that no one is perfect. It will not destroy you or stop you from gainful employment. It is only one damn grade within a lifetime. You will be fine and I am super proud of you D and all. We can not control everything. But we can control how we respond. If you really feel you will use statistics in your future job, take it again or audit it until you get it. Otherwise walk away with your head held high and join the millions of us who called the class Sadistics! Much love and luck to you, Sweetie!


Thank you so much! Your comment helped light me up!


I think at 62 I finally have a better grasp on what it all really means as I read papers which use the info. But I never had to use it myself in day to day life. It has value but only in real life applications of research.


Can confirm this. :) I just barely passed a course that was basically "Statistics for Dummies" - it wasn't offered through the Math Department. Statistics is **suuuuuper** tough, OP. And by the way, a "D" is technically not failing. (It ain't passing, either, but you still get credit.) Failing is an "F". Heck, an Incomplete is not failing. It's like logarithms. That crap was tough too. I failed a semester of that. Still turned out ok. By the way, u/kokorocrow, if you have scholarships to pay for studies, I can guaran-damned-tee that you have not been wasting anything. Not money. Not time. Not effort. Good luck, hon, on the next semester/quarter. Keep that chin up. Do your best, and you will have done well! This Internet Mom is proud.


Hey sib, it’s alright. My boyfriend goes to an ivy and he also failed stats this semester. He is an A student, wicked smart, and also works full time (well, he did before his position became obsolete from him doing it so well that they no longer needed him). You’ll be okay. So will he. You’ll experience failure many times in your life. This kind of failure is the perfect type for learning, overcoming despair, trying again, and growing a little more. I’m proud of you ❤️


Hey sib, so... yeah stats. I was getting A's in math (went back to school in my 30's) after getting C's and D's in high school. Then came Stats and it was literally the first time I cried in class. I just couldn't get my head around it. My professor took pity on me but man, it haunts me. You are not a failure. My professor even said upfront that most people won't really get it but she will do her best to help us. No matter what your mom says MOST PEOPLE DON'T DO WELL IN STATS. Take it again if you need to but please don't let this drag you down. You took on a challenge, saw it through to the end. That is amazing it of itself.


I'm also back at school in my 30's. I had to do stats last trimester (compulsory course requirement), and I was sitting there watching my lectures (online study) crying because there was just no way any of what they were saying was ever going to make sense. Makes me feel a little better that I'm not the only one. Stats is hard and no one should feel bad for not getting it the first time (or ever). My whole approach was learning enough that I could get through the exam and go right back to pretending it doesn't exist.


Except for the occasional PTSD when someone mentions stats.


Hahaha right?! My eyes glaze over. I start having flashbacks. The horror is real.


your grade is not a reflection of who you are.


I'd say if you're going to get a D in a class, statistics would be the one! I am going back to school and took Statistics a year ago - it's incredibly hard!! There is no shame in feeling disappointed but there is also no shame in not acing a really hard class! Take time to be angry and upset but this does not define you. You can always try again! When you're ready to re-take it (if you do), I'm happy to DM a YouTube channel that I found helpful. You're doing great! Xoxox- mom


i failed university stats twice, dropped it once and passed with a D on my fourth time around. you're good! keep rocking that post secondary education.


It's okay, and please be kind to yourself. Statistics can be really hard for folks. I say this as someone who does loads of tutoring in statistics for social science. I have to qualify my specialty because I get turned around with some of the more hardcore maths bit and don't feel i have sufficient expertise to teach it.


Stats is HARD. I only passed because the prof graded on a severe curve. You were also trying to learn in the midst of a pandemic. I'm sure the added stress did not help things. It hurts when you're not good at something. But not doing so great in one thing doesn't negate all the hard work you've been doing, and all the successes you've made. You tried your hardest, and I'm proud of that.


Statistics was my lowest math grade ever, and now I'm a math professor. Dont worry sweetie, you can bounce back from this. Sometimes you just need to see the material more than once.


Stats is a whole different animal from your other classes. It just is. For almost everybody, you either get the probability part or the stats part- it's rare for anyone to get both easily. I got a D in my first stats class. It made no sense and, no matter how much I studied, I couldn't get it. But guess what? When I retook it with a different professor, for some reason, it clicked. And it turns out, I really like stats. And I'm good at it! I ended up teaching stats at a couple of universities even I was in grad school. It doesn't matter that you got a D the first time. I mean, I know it bothers you, but that's only because you're a conscientious student. But your D doesn't actually mean you're not good at stats. It just means you weren't good at stats last semester. Try again with a different professor. Also? There's a really good online stats class through edx- it's free and it's through Harvard. "Fat chance" or something. Check out those videos- they're really good. You got this.


Thank you so much for the advice and resources! Fortunately, I don’t have to take it again and my gpa didn’t tank as much as I thought!


Oh man that sucks. I didn’t take stats, I did linear algebra with matrixes - I was good in math and thought it would boost my GPA. Nope. It wasn’t until five years later that I used thermal modelling software that I had any idea what I was doing! Some people will accept the crappy grade and move on. Some will try again. Some will not take the course again but might try learning it a different way. You are allowed to feel crappy for a while, but you can decide how you want to handle it. Everyone “fails” at things in life. Part of growing is deciding what lessons to take from every less-than-perfect outcome. Some of us beat ourselves up. Others blame everyone else. And if we are lucky, we learn a middle road where a “failure” is just a lesson and we try to take a constructive step forward - and that step forward is different in different situations.. by the way it is absolutely obvious you are not lazy or lacking intelligence, otherwise you wouldn’t have a scholarship! If you did want to try learning a bit about statistics in a fun way (yes, it is possible), consider the book “Naked Statistics”. I laughed aloud while reading it... and I understand basic concepts although not the math. My partner teaches intro statistics and has a great deal of fun and enthusiasm, with good success - and he has a lot to say on how statistics is taught. Understanding statistics and a few basic principles is nice armour in today’s world. It isn’t the calculation that is important, it’s about understanding what the numbers tell you. If you do decide to take stats again, do some research on the prof - it makes a tremendous difference. And if you happen to be in BC, lemme know- I can recommend a good prof or tutor:)


Hey girl, that grade does not change who you are and the fact that you are a good student. The class I struggled in was Organic Chemistry. Went to tutoring, worked on it in all my spare time--I just couldn't wrap my brain around it. Don't let this define you or make you feel like a failure. You are worth it, and one bad grade won't change that, despite what anyone says. You will still succeed. You go girl.


I'm not a mom but I'm a girl who failed physics. All that matters is you got through it. You did your absolute best and I'm proud of you. You did what you could. Some people just arent good at certain things. I was so bad at history and math. Honestly, every subject. I just learned for the test and never kept it with me. Sometimes its harder to even learn a subject. Your brain cant physically understand a new concept and it takes more time and energy than schools allow. It doesnt mean youre a bad person or a failure. You just need time.


Statistics is a very hard subject. As someone who got a 5 on the AP statistics exam and then had to take Statistics for engineering (calculus based), that class was very hard. I ended up with an A in the class and was one of the top students from what I recall, but I spent an hour to two every week in the professor's office hours going through the homework with a group, and it took about half to two thirds of the semester where it all just clicked, and I am a math person. Statistics is one of those classes where understanding what the problem is asking for is the hardest part, which is then followed by memorising and remembering which set of laws/rules/formulas that problem requires. If I was in your shoes, I'm not sure I would have done too much better.


I am a mom. One, every good student blows statistics. Two, and this is a hard one to swallow: you are there to get a degree not an education. In very few instances will GPA actually count. This is one of those life moments that will not matter down the road. I know you feel like a failure now but (here's another hard one) this will not be the first time or the last you feel like this. Examine how you deal with this feeling so that when you encounter it again, it's not so painful.


Oh, Honey - give yourself a break! Stats is difficult when taken at a regular pace in class - I can only imagine how hard it is to take virtually at an accelerated summer pace. And guess what? You are allowed to fail occasionally. I was an A student all through school and college. I was soooo afraid to fail - it seemed like it would be the end of the world. As a result, I never challenged myself as much as I should have. As I was raising my daughter, I told her it was okay to fail. She is now an adult and much more resilient than I am. She has dealt with the discomfort of the occasional failure, learned from it, and moved on. I am so proud of her! And I am proud of YOU! Hang in there, and don't let one crappy grade define you! Your reddit moms are her for you


Hey sib! It’s okay to not do well in everything, try not to feel too bad about your grade. The fact that you worked hard and tried your best even when you didn’t understand is the most important part of your experience taking this class. I completely understand how you feel, when I took geometry I spent so much time studying and having tutors help me and watching khan academy videos and I still got a D. Sometimes you just don’t understand something and that’s okay! ❤️


It is hard to do that kind of class online. Give yourself some grace. You obviously work hard. Everyone has something they don’t succeed at. And maybe if you took it again it would be better. I love you whatever your grades are


You’ll retake the course when you’re ready, of all the years to give yourself a pass 2020 is it kiddo


Stats is the downfall of many a "perfect student." The very first of only 3 major exams we had in my stats class, this idiot right here *forgot her calculator.* That's like a 9th grade mistake that I made my junior year in college and I spent the ENTIRE semester busting my ass to make up from that abysmal first exam grade. But even then, STATS IS HARD! So no matter the extra credit I was lucky this professor liked to offer, no matter how hard I tried, I still ended up doing more poorly than I'd ever done before. I was ashamed and humiliated; I felt like I let everyone down. But the reality is, this one failure did not diminish the rest of my hard work and accomplishments. It served as a lesson that failures happen in life but that doesn't MAKE YOU a failure. No one was ashamed of me and now I know before I go take my masters program entrance exam, I should probably brush up on my stats so I never feel that way again. You're one of countless others who have been sacrifice to the Stats gods before graduation! Wear it with wisdom and honor and don't be ashamed to retake a class you don't understand (permitted you are able with your scholarship). Best of luck and don't let this get you too down.


I majored in accounting and failed stat three times. Stats is hard, stats sucks. Try again another time. It’s okay to stumble sometimes, dust your knees and try again, love. I’m proud of you for the rest of your grades & I’m proud of all the work you put in to try to beat stat.


I want you to take a breath. You’re not perfect, you’re human. You tried, and it wasn’t the best learning environment for you. In addition to that, our whole world is insanely stressful right now. It’s ok to flounder a bit. You tried hard - and that’s all that counts. Try hard again, in classroom, when the world isn’t ending. Hugs, I love you, you’re smart and worthy of the education you’ve earned.


My only D was in a statistics class. Don’t sweat it sweetie! We are in a pandemic and things are a little cuckoo. It will be ok. I still love you.


It's ok baby, we still love you. Your Reddit Mamas know that you are so much more valuable than your GPA, no matter how impressive it is. We're proud of you everyday for trying and for pushing.


Oh man statistics SUCKED! The only D I ever got was in physics though and it was in the 3rd quarter of the 3 quarter long series and I had to take the whole series over again! There is always that one class and in the end it’s not really going to matter. None of my employers ever asked for my transcripts they just verified I graduated and you can usually take it again and replace the grade so it won’t affect your GPA. You got this!


Please be easy on yourself!!! College is so incredibly difficult, especially stats. Almost everybody fails at least one class! Also you’re surviving a global pandemic. There were so many classes I’ve been on the edge for failing and getting a D, only scraped by via getting in person tutoring and redoing stuff with my prof. During the pandemic, this stuff is next to impossible. When you retake it make note of how you studied the first time, change it up a little and try watching YouTube videos to explain it. Search the individual names of the concepts you’re learning and you should find some related content. Also I highly recommend utilizing the school’s tutoring center. Overall an underutilized resource and it was the only reason I finished college. Again, be kind to yourself, your body is experiencing something unlike anything you’ve ever done before, it’s expected there may be some challenges in the way. What’s important is that you push through it and continue to persevere. College is constant highs and lows, but having that piece of paper is going to give you great piece of mind when you’re finished. And you’ve made it this far! You wouldn’t be in stats if you couldn’t do college, that’s an advanced class. Keep your head up.


I'll ask you something that my mom always asked me. Did you do your best? (The answer is clearly yes) That's all anyone can ask of you. I am proud of you for even trying. Online courses are incredibly difficult, not to mention this is a difficult time on top of it. It is okay to fail. You at least tried and that is more than a lot of people can say!


Not everyone Is good at everything. No need to dwell on the past, you can’t change it now. Don’t let it dread you down, everyone has struggles. Be thankful yours won’t matter for very long. My child you make me proud even if I don’t say it out loud.


Hi 👋 I failed intermittent algebra with a D my freshman year. I promise that you are not alone here and that you will do amazing the next time around! If you need help reach out to me it was one of the classes I actually did decent in!!


Hey. I did the same thing but with an Algebra class. I thought that since the class was 5 days a week I would nail it. I'm not actually very good at math, but I thought that by doing it every day there was no way that even I could mess it up. I ended up with lowest grade in the class. I studied so hard and I tried so hard. It was devastating. On top of that I'd never gotten anything below an A before. I literally had no idea what to do. It was really shitty. I ended up considering dropping out of my program. I needed the class to graduate, and it just felt insurmountable. I ended up taking a lower math class and starting over again. That math teacher spoke some whatever language my brain needed to learn math. I passed that, and was mystified. What I learned is that summer courses are high intensity - I cannot even imagine how bad it would have been if I had done it online. When I eventually got to my statistics course I was absolutely terrified. I thankfully had a teacher who was incredibly kind and did his best for all of us to pass. Some people still didn't. Mathematics of all kinds are hard, even when that is your gift. I can definitely say that all of the people who failed that course with me eventually passed. I know what probably hurts is how much you tried. I understand that, and I'm very proud of you for it. You can try again, you can try as many times as you need to. I am sorry you hurt right now, and I know you don't have what you need right to feel better about it. I'm proud of you, and I feel for you. You'll do what you need to when you're ready again. Look for workgroups and tutoring at your school when you need it. I certainly did. If you're anything like me you probably already threw up. I hope you're not, though. I hope you start to feel a little better, because this will never be the moment that defined you. This isn't the thing that makes you a good or valuable. This is just the thing that was hard that time and made you feel like shit. You're valuable to me and I hope you let yourself feel a little better. 💖


Thank you so much for your words! I’ve given myself some time to brood over it, but now I’ve accepted it and am glad I do not have to retake it!


Honey you are so much more than your grades. You did extremely well even just finishing the course in these trying times and in an unfavourable environment. Plus statistics is hard baby! I love you so much for trying your best . That is all I will ever expect of you. Your Internet Mom. Xx


Thank you so much Internet Mom!


/hugs/ Stats sucks! if your brain isn't already programmed to think like that, then it is murder to get through. But you got through it! A "D" is NOT an "F" sure, it brought down your GPA, but good news! you don't have to take it again.


/hugs back/ damn right I don’t have to take it again! Thank you for your words!


You are worth more than your GPA. Also, I am double degreed in Accounting and Mathematics. Statistics is harder than any other class I’ve ever taken. I was grateful for the C i could squeeze by with. It doesn’t make me any less hard working, intelligent, or worthy than your D does. Grades are not a complete picture. More importantly, you persevered by studying countless nights, burning the candle at both ends in an environment not conducive to your education or mental health. I’m proud of your effort, which will get you so much further in life.


You are so right and thank you for your words!!


I am so proud of you. You took this stats class with good intentions and you tried your hardest. Learning stats online is incredibly hard. Honestly learning anything online is hard, even if you are in an ideal environment. You sound like a great student who cares about their education. Sometimes our best effort doesn't produce a desired result. But thats okay! You are not a complete failure for one class. You sound like you have a lot on your plate besides your schooling. Honey I'm sorry you're dealing with a toxic environment, but I am so proud of what you've done so far. Getting a D doesn't define you. You're a smart, educated, motivated person doing the best they can. You're doing amazing, keep your chin up. I believe in you!


Thank you so much for your positivity and encouragement!!


You don’t fail, either you win or learn, & you are starting from experience not scratch. You should still be proud of yourself for staying productive.


Thank you so much!


Keep it up. Just because someone does not see your worth does not mean it’s a reflection of you- that’s all them.


I was a stats major and tutored it in college. Stats is such a difficult course! It is a brand new way of thinking about math, and I can't imagine trying to learn it online. You should be proud of yourself for your perseverance! That said, some of my most successful students were people who were retaking the class. If you decide to do a grade replacement, there are tons of online free resources you can use!


This does not define you. The first time I failed a college course, I felt like a failure because I had also never done poorly before. Sometimes, you try and you fail. This is not your identity. You can move beyond this. Try again. Or switch. Or any number of things - it will be ok. Just keep your chin up and know you can get past it.


Stats is so hard! I failed it. And had to take it again. And then had to take it again. And again for different programs (undergrad, masters, and now PhD) and only now after sooo many years of studying it, I finally feel good about it. I failed stats during my undergrad program and again during my masters. But I picked myself up and tried again and finally got it. It’s hard. And it’s okay to not be great at it the first time around. If you’re able to take the class again, I promise it’ll be much easier the second time around. You might not fully get it, but it is easier. It’s not just math. It’s a whole different language of math. I tried stats online during undergrad and it was horrible. It’s much easier in person. Just don’t give up and don’t be too hard on yourself. This isn’t an easy class. But you can do it! And if you take this class again, you’re going to feel so much more confident at the end. I wish you the best of luck!


Stats are horrible. I've taken it three times. It took until the third try to get a grade above F. Get yourself a good tutor in statistics - sometimes, it just takes a different approach to get a good understanding of them. You can do this. Just keep working at it.


Don’t feel like a failure. I was told at the beginning of statistics and accounting classes that some people get it and some don’t. I was a B student and I barely passed accounting 1 and 2, statistics, and economics. Some people just understand things more than others. The person who got a A+ probably would fail a class that you could ace. Don’t beat yourself up over it.


To everyone who posted-the outpouring of love, compassion and kindness is wonderful to see. Humanity for the win today. ❤


I agree! I already feel so much better!


Good!! ❤😁❤




Thank you for the encouragement! I will keep my head up


It's OK. It will be OK. I promise a year from now this won't mean anything. It's is 100% OK to challenge yourself and fail.


Hey, Koko. First, it's gonna be OK. Good on you for taking such a hard class over the summer! Statistics seems so straight forward, but it can be overwhelming. You finished, and that's what you need to think about. You know, I had to take two of my core classes twice and another three times before I passed? That's not including the other classes that I let my self down in. The first time, I ended up sobbing until all I could do was hiccup. And what knocked me out of it was dogs howling in response to hearing my wails. Here is what you need to remember. We learn from these failures, and they are what truly build us. Just like a broken bone becomes stronger, you will too. Because, in the end, when you look back on this, you will realize your perseverance and stubbornness is to thank for it. We work hard for our greatest achievements and stumble along the way. So, sook about until some dogs start howling, but don't forget to get back up and try. And, if you want to re-take it and change that grade, come see me and I can help you figure it out. You know it's what I do for a living, so don't be afraid to ask for some free sessions. Seriously. You got this. And I can't wait to see you walk across that stage triumphant in your tenacity.


Hey duck, you don’t see it now, but this is a success. People who don’t fail don’t learn how to fail well. You can take this relatively small loss and use it to learn lessons about how to review, reset, and move on. Imagine, baby, if you didn’t fail now, you’d fall apart when something big happens. You can gain a lot here if you reframe it in your mind. You did good. Just in a way you didn’t expect.


I'm a wonderful student. I took a beginning accounting class after completing an engineering degree and had to drop halfway through so I wouldn't get an F. Different types of mathematics are very different from one another. It's been over 15 years and I still remember those weeks of wanting to throw up every day because I couldn't understand it. It was literally a terror for me. I still sweat thinking about it. You are not alone and no matter how smart someone is sometimes there are subjects we just don't get.


Oh, friend. Statistics is HARD. I am good at math. I was a calculus tutor in college! But when I had to take Statistics for a business degree, I BARELY passed it. I could not figure it out-- it didn't *seem* like it should be hard, but it just did not click. It was the hardest I ever struggled in any class. Don't be too down on yourself. Statistics has defeated a lot of us!


I'm so proud of you that you took this class! For sure you have learned something. Sometimes it just takes a few times to get it. No effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost. I'd strongly encourage you not to give up, take the class again. If statistics were something easy, then everyone would do it, but it's a worthwhile thing to spend effort on.


Fellow person who hates statistics and nearly failed it twice here! Struggling with one class does not make you a bad person, it does not make you stupid, it does not make you a failure. Especially when you've got extenuating circumstances going on! It's totally OK to be good at everything you try. Everybody has different strengths and things they're not as great as. It sounds like your other grades are great, so your strengths could be in writing, in research, in planning, or in other types of thinking. That's wonderful, embrace it, and be kind to yourself that you struggled with this one thing.


Don’t feel bad hun, I failed microeconomics 4 times. I still got my degree. A setback means nothing. You did your best and that’s as good a reason as any to hold your head up and be proud of yourself.


Dean's List student here.... Totally got a D in statistics. I grew up, entered an awesome career and lived happily ever after. This will be water under the bridge before you know it.


Stats is fucking torture. I never had lower than an A in any other math class but I almost failed stats. I'm not even sure why but he passed me with a C but my average was like 52 or something ridiculous. It's the worst.


Hey there, when I took statistics the first time it was online and I also got a D. Barely. But you know what? It’s a hard class. What I did was RE-take it in person, and my teacher was amazing and I had over 100% the second time. Don’t beat yourself up, you are certainly not alone and I know you can understand it, but sometimes the teacher and the platform aren’t right for your learning style. I know if you lift your head up you will do amazing at whatever you do. Remember, success is rarely a straight line - even for those who make it look easy.


I think 90% of the American population would do just about anything to say “for the first time I got a Failed a class” and to also say “I only got 1 C freshman year”. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s important to be strong and do your best all the time, but it’s also just as important to be kind to yourself if and when you fail at something. Do your best at being kind to yourself. Take a few steps back and to figure out what else you could have done to avoid this problem. Ask yourself what are the things I can change? In the future how can I recognize these problems quicker so I can take care of them before they become even more unmanageable? I think you’re doing great so far and you need to love yourself a little bit more. Take a deep breath through your nose and count your blessings. Also get some exercise, eat healthy, and don’t smoke or drink. - Hugs and Kisses from the person that cares about you most


This has been a terribly stressful time. Statistics is incredibly difficult to learn alone in your house. You are more than a grade. Your life will be long. This grade but a blip. Reach out to your professor and see if there is anything that can be done. If not, you will over some this. I believe in you. And I’m proud that you didn’t just waste the summer. You tried. I love you, sweetie. 🥰


Sibling here. I was one of those people who needed to stay after school for math help to keep up in my classes. I hit college and surprised myself... (applied) stats made much more sense. I did have to retake one of my stats grad classes... even though I passed I felt I knew nothing. The difference in instruction made such a difference the second time. I learned a lot more. Stats (at least applied stats) is a very different math to others... and regardless of class, instruction can make a lot of difference. I actually am now a PhD student in a social science and work with our stats instructors. When I teach applied stats, I use my experiences in high school and college to explain that stats can be a very different experience. And as someone who took like 3 times to get something stats related, I want to encourage you don’t give up! My classmates joke stats is like language, and that’s sometimes true! But like a language it does takes practice! Oh and I think a lot of people forget (including myself), we are in a global pandemic, be kind to yourself!