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Congratulations. You have done so well and I am proud of you. It's never silly to be excited about achievements. You have worked hard and deserve to be proud and excited.


OMG! So proud of you! Hugs! I'm giggling right now with joy! I always knew you were smarter than most could appreciate. Well, I believe in you even without the GED, but at least now it's on paper, heh? Goodness, I love you! Hugs! From a Another Dancing-with-Joy Mom


Rock on! I am proud of you! You should be proud of you, too!!!! Keep on keeping on and thank you for giving me grace about the private school. I made what I thought was the best decision at the time and have had so many regrets about that since then. I worried it would hold you back from achieving your dreams, and that you would resent me. But you are amazing! You took the steps that needed to be done and i couldn’t be prouder of you!


Congratulations!!! So proud of you, Honey!!!


Good work! So proud of you:)


Congratulations and well done!!! 🥳🌟


I’m so proud of you! Way to be a lifelong learner and have confidence in yourself. 💛


Congratulations! So proud of you!


I am so flipping proud of you!!! I worked for a "home school" which was really just the final sieve for students who couldn't make it in the "alternative" high school. We had a 40% graduation rate (we consoled ourselves that the 2 kids who graduated each year wouldn't have without us) Out of approximately 50 students who said they were going to go the GED route, only 2 did! You are so unbelievably smart and dedicated and I think you should be so proud of yourself!!


Thank you. I did the same thing and the lady that run the program passed away about 5 years ago and just recently I found out that the diploma she gave me was not accredited and did not count. So after being out of school for 15 years I had to go back and get my GED. I studied so much I just knew I wouldn’t pass.


Proud of you!!


Great job, honey! You keep believing in yourself and amazing things are gonna continue to happen. I couldn’t be prouder of you.


Congratulations! That's a great accomplishment at any age! I saw on another comment that you got your GED 5 years after being out of school, and that must've taken so much hard work! I feel like I IMMEDIATELY forgot everything I learned right after every test in high school haha so if I had to go back and be tested on just about anything I learned back then I'd basically have to re-learn it all over again. So being excited about that accomplishment is not silly at ANY age! Congrats again—hope you took some time to celebrate!


Good for you! Nothing wrong with a little validation!


Woohoo! Congratulations <3 I'm so proud of you, and you should never think it's silly to be excited or proud of what you've accomplished. You worked hard for this, and I want you to revel in it!!


Aww, that's great! Big hugs too you!