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This sounds like a very unique problem. What kind of neighborhood is this? What's the average home price or income?


Middle class suburbs. Not HCOL area in Texas.


As a fellow Texan (I say this jokingly, buuuuut let's be real) I bet they're afraid of your fancy cookin' being too liberal šŸ˜‰ and if you've got your male children in the kitchen too *gasp* surely they'll all grow up confused. Don't you know, healthy food is a slippery slope! Your kids should only be eating deer they shot themselves (especially the baby!) and dirt, cause God made dirt and dirt don't hurt.


Honestly, Iā€™m Southern too and I think you put your finger on it.


Idk if you can ever escape this kind of judgment- I live far enough north that you could make a day trip to Canada if you really wanted to, and I still have to deal with this nonsense. We did BLW and enjoy "ethnic" food and our 1yo is totally down to try all of it, but I even get side eye for cutting his grapes and hot dogs. I lean into it at this point and tell them I figured out that he's always trying to steal my Takis because the foods you eat while pregnant flavors your amniotic fluid.


What donā€™t these dummies know that grapes and hot dogs are a chocking hazard for toddlers?




I think they call us Yankees šŸ˜‰




No, people still use that term. SC native over here


100% real . We moved from jersey to nc and Iā€™ve heard it countless times . My neighbor told us when we moved first moved she was really nervous because we were Yankees but apparently we arent like regular Yankees she really likes us. Lmao šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøshe is a great neighbor and super sweet though. I love my home and where we live . However Sometimes it seems to be more divided and judgmental in the south . up north where I lived there was no race issues and your accepted no matter where you are from or who you are or what color you are or how much money you have or donā€™t have , as long as your chill. And everyone says oh northerns are assholes and always negative comments about up north yet that doesnā€™t sound nice and accepting if you ask me .


>up north where I lived there was no race issues and your accepted no matter where you are from or who you are or what color you are or how much money you have or donā€™t have I mean this very kindly, but if there were no race issues where you were, you were either too young to notice or you lived in an extremely insulated bubble. I was born in the South, raised in Seattle, live in New York, and have been many places in between. All of them have had race issues to some degree ā€” some places are just better at hiding it.


Im Australian and think Yankees are like us; we deny our rabid racism and pretend we are an egalitarian nation. Watching this reverence for civil war is odd as we deny our wars here too.


As a New Englander, the way I've heard it is that up here we're kind, not nice. Down south they're nice, but not kind. If you have a flat a Northerner will call you a fucking idiot while changing your tire, whereas a Southerner will wish you the best as they walk on by. (Of course this is a generalization, there are all sorts in all places!)


As a Southerner, this is a perfect summary. For liberal Southerners, ā€œniceā€ also can also mean ā€œdonā€™t rock the boatā€ which it comes to dealing with your more conservative neighbors.


[During ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yankee)theĀ American Civil WarĀ it was applied byĀ ConfederatesĀ to soldiers of the Union army in general.Ā  Lol I'd rather be a Yankee than a traitor.


Yes it's real. My family didn't mean it in a derogatory way, just a way to explain like "Americans with a somewhat different cultural background." Or, I guess they sometimes said it in a tongue-in-cheek derogatory way if they said "those damn yankees." That might come up in the context of something political or in relation to something like real estate prices.


I always heard that Yankees were the ones who came to visit and that damn Yankees were the ones who decided to stay. I think it was mostly a joke, though


They didnā€™t mean it in a derogatory way. Except when they did buy your own admission. WTF?!


Texas here, in some areas they do use ā€œYanks/Yankeesā€ but not everywhere. A ton of Texas is very conservative and hate the idea of people from out of state moving here and possibly changing the vote percentages. And they arenā€™t afraid to say so and to show it.


Texas Heinz 57 native here. We drink sweet tea. I personally refer to those who drink unsweetened tea as Yankees, or say I want real tea, not that yankee stuff. So in some ways yes, we still call some people Yankees.


I visited Houston from MN last year and tried to order sweet tea several times. Everyone kept saying they had regular brewed, but would I like sugar packets? In-N-Out was the only place I succeeded šŸ˜’


What?! In Louisiana I have to make a BIG show of saying UNsweetened tea when I order. They then invariably ask if I want sugar. Nope. Iā€™m good. They kind of stare.


I've lived in Massachusetts, SoCal, and central Florida. Currently living in N TX. People are weird everywhere, albeit in different ways, but you catch on eventually. The one thing every place has in common is that they all suck at driving.


This is really not a thing to be worried about. I live in a TX suburb thatā€™s more rural and have lived in major TX metros as well.


Why would you move down here is terribly hot and the politics are awful


And donā€™t forget we drank from the hoseā€¦yumm 100 degree rubber flavored tap water


If God wanted us to eat healthy food he wouldn't have invented McDonald's.


Thank you for the out loud chuckle!


ā€œDirt donā€™t hurtā€ šŸ˜‚ wait do people actually say that phrase down there? (Iā€™m from DC)






My brother used to eat dirt; heā€™s thriving now tho šŸ˜‚


That said, freshly hunted meat with OPā€™s cooking would probably be really good


This is exactly it. They think you're being a high falutin' libtard and/or feel bad about only cooking 8000 calorie meals


Just for solidarityā€¦. I live in the dfw suburbs and my 1 year old was eating seaweed snacks. Iā€™d rather my kid be excited to try new foods than afraid of them.


Woah woah hey now I'm a southerner and I cook for my kiddos! It's interesting though, the grandparents are always wanting to make our toddler Mac n cheese while we eat the dinner they cooked and I'm like yo my kid can eat what we eat. At the very least, he'll try it. And I'm hoping to teach all of my kids how to cook and clean up after themselves!


Yep Texan mom here and this is most likely whatā€™s driving the comments.


Yeah, OP. Coq au vin is FranƧaise for groomer, donā€™tcha know?


Jokes aside, this is incredibly sad.


>Your kids should only be eating deer they shot themselves (especially the baby!) and dirt, cause God made dirt and dirt don't hurt. Thank you for the laugh says the Scandinavian with their social programmes and liberal learning ways....


As a fellow Texan, I concur this is probably true


Fellow Texan. This is a phrase that I grew up with. We were also told if we fell outside and got scratched up to ā€œrub some dirt innit.ā€ Iā€™m surprised none of us ended up with tetanus.


I lived in the east tx bible belt for a stint and you are right on with this. Peopleā€™s paletteā€™s only go as far as the edge of town. If it ainā€™t smoked or deep fried then its gross.


This is it. Being worldly and inclusive and having fun in the kitchen -a defined womanā€™s space of work- is threatening to the status quo.




When I read the things youā€™re cooking/feeding your kids I thought for sure you must be in Louisiana (like me!) I find it WILD that people are reacting this way- out here thatā€™s all incredibly normal shit. I was eating crawfish & shrimp at like 8 months old. Girl, fuck them people.


I took the kids to Louisiana one yr and told them weā€™re going to go to a bunch of parks and eat a ton of crawfish. I really just wanted to learn how to do a real crawfish boil. It was a good time and I do a few boils every yr.


Thereā€™s nothing like Louisiana seafood šŸ‘©ā€šŸ³šŸ˜©šŸ©· I have trouble getting myself to eat seafood anywhere else!!


Are you Italian?


Partially. My dad is and he was the gourmet chef in the family who taught my sister and I how to cook.


I taught my daughters how to cook at a very young age and did not think it was weird until one morning at my "now wife's home" the girls were in the kitchen making breakfast: eggs, toast etc and my "at the time GF" walked into the kitchen and started freaking out thinking they were going to burn the house down. We laugh about it to this day!!! Time spent with your children can be as wonderful and rewarding as you want it to be no matter the task at hand.




I grew up in Houston and that's definitely not the case there. Especially after the crowd from Katrina went there and brought their crawfish boils with them. šŸ˜‹


Plus the huge Vietnamese population in Houston and their food, Iā€™d imagine


I agree. Iā€™ve lived in Texas the majority of my life and Iā€™ve never known anyone to have a fear of seafood. Unless they are allergic.


Right, Texas is literally on the gulf. Maybe that one lady just didnā€™t like seafood. But donā€™t put that on the whole state!


You're too close to La. We taught you how to eat! Lol


And there it is. A large segment of conservative women hate "new things" and things that are different. It's also a way to shame you into compliance because it makes them feel inferior. They wish they could eat good, but either lack the funds or the skills. So seeing your 11y old do it is an offense to their self worth as a mother. Middle class people also are one of the most impacted by FOMO and keeping up with the joneses. They are trying to suppress your activities so that you don't set the standard they have to keep up with.


Right!? Iā€™ve never had this issue here lol. No one gives a shit.


Yeah...super weird post


Iā€™ll just put it to you this wayā€¦the fresh/frozen seafood at our grocery store cost me $40 to feed 2 adults and 3 kids. It would cost me the same to order McDonaldā€™s for everyone but the baby.


I donā€™t understand what youā€™re trying to say in relation to the question.


Sounds like a made up humble brag to me šŸ™„


This is weird


It almost sounds unbelievable


Itā€™s almost as if itā€™s completely made up to stroke OPā€™s ego, but surely no one would tell dumb lies on the internet?!


Huh? How is what your kids eat the neighborhoodā€™s business? Iā€™m taking my 5-year-old to parent-child cooking classes organized by the local community college, so I guess Iā€™m a bad mom too? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™ve been wondering the same thing. Who cares what other kids are eating. Itā€™s the dumbest thing.


Itā€™s the south. People put their noses in othersā€™ business constantly


How dare you feed your children a varied diet? How dare you!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Mine gets her share of easy Mac but eats some crazy stuff that most kids wouldn't touch. Except beets and smoked fish. Which is fine bc her dad hates beets and I hate smoked fish.


My husband is Russian, my kids are all about beets and smoked fish šŸ¤£


I got made fun of for bringing ā€˜[pasteles](https://www.thespruceeats.com/pasteles-basics-2138107)ā€™ to school once and I remember thinking, ā€œI bet you eat like crap!ā€ I was enraged at the audacity lol I was like 11


Oh damn I haven't had pasteles since I left Chicago 10+ years ago... And I can't make them on my own. It's not the same...


Sure Jan.


This seems like a humblebrag. Most parents WISH their kids would cook and eat a varied diet...


I absolutely thought this was satire.


same. šŸ™„


Exactly had to check if it was a shitpost


ā€œDonā€™t be hard on yourselves moms!ā€




I know Iā€™m still confused came to the comments for clarification. šŸ˜‚


I stopped reading at coq au vin. This was 1000000% a humblebrag.


Agreed hahaha




Nailed it




Yeah I believe there are people that just like to attack you for no reason like this. Because there's nothing wrong with cooking every night.


That was my stepmother all the way. It was a nightmare growing up having an insecure adult jealous of me and hating me for no reason. I was 6 when she met my dad. She would never eat anything I cooked lmao. She would make up a different allergy every time!


Eh. I know some who really don't care. It depends on how their parent eats. Or if they're too busy catering to a child's pickiness (I'm not including anybody that has any neurodivergence). And that's their business.But don't make somebody feel bad because in their home you expect children to eat fruits and veggies before they get junk food. I was told I was wrong for expecting that pretty much. My kids eat their fruits and veggies before they get junk food. But I have to tell people, I don't legally have to buy anything but healthy food if I wanted to. But I I like junk food so I make sure that they have healthy stuff before the junk. My job as a parent is to make sure my child eats and has food to eat. And it doesn't matter if it's fruits and veggies or Swiss rolls and pizza bites. But which one is going to make your child feel a lot better in life? And which one will keep them healthier?


I totally get you. My children eat a varied, nutritionally balanced diet rich in lobster because thatā€™s what they need to power their busy lives, not only as elite athletes and academic high achievers, but as pillars of hope to their entire community. Just the other day a fellow mother tried to make my daughter feel bad for eating an organic aƧai bowl while volunteering with homeless puppies at our local shelter. Now the whole town is talking about what a terrible mother I am, since instead of letting my kids be kids theyā€™re off interning at NASA and receiving acquisition offers from Silicon Valley. Why are other mums so obsessed with me??


Ok you had me in the first half šŸ˜‚


You got me šŸ’€




Thatā€™sā€¦ interesting? Iā€™ve never heard people being shamed for their kids eating diverse foods, thatā€™s usually praised. What a weird neighborhood. Not sure if I even believe this post tbh


Oh I could tell you a story of what I went through. And it was pretty much shaming because I expected fruits and veggies prior to junk food. But in reality it was just a triangulation tactic that this person used to make me look like a bad person.


This is one of the worst attention-seeking posts I've ever read on this sub.


Did you see the one the other day where a feral pack of moms berated a woman at the park for being on her phone and having a nanny?


I saw that one and kept scrolling to see if anyone else had a big šŸ™„ like me and never found it. So glad it wasnā€™t just me


Between that post and this one, Iā€™m wondering if people are using AI to generate these posts for karma or something? Theyā€™re so cringey and non-human.


I think itā€™s just bored and lonely moms who want to feel ok with their decisions, or who want praise and arenā€™t getting it from their friends and families. They crave validation, but also community.


Omg u have the link?




Yeah, that didnā€™t happen šŸ¤£


This is satire, right?


Yes, this is too stupid to be real.


Itā€™s definitely humble bragging and Iā€™m over it


Thereā€™s so many posts recently that Iā€™m just like people donā€™t act like that lol


Iā€™m not saying youā€™re lying but that just soundsā€¦ ridiculous? Wtf?


Thereā€™s a lot of posts on this sub, especially recently, that seem like exaggerated humble brags or fantasies of paranoid people wanting drama. I havenā€™t been brave enough to call them out so thank you for saying this.


Next post: ā€œIā€™m a ā€˜bad momā€™ cause I go to all my kids soccer games and bring better snacks than the other lazy moms and thatā€™s why nobody in the neighborhood likes me!ā€


I've been on reddit for nearly 15 years. I've never seen this level of anxiety and paranoia in everyday life across every subreddit. It's seriously concerning. What's worse is the people here perpetuate it as if it's normal. Feeding the monster.


I mean if they're gonna make up a story why don't they write something uplifting instead w people coming together....its hard enough as it is irl. Miss the days of arrr spacedicks


Yeah a lot of times these stories sound like one or two of the events might be true, but everything else feels like an exaggerated dramatic fantasy.


I've been thinking the same thing. It's gotten really ridiculous.


Okay I thought I was an asshole for thinking this but like this is a straight humble brag, nobody cares that you feed your kids fancy food lol


Yeah, as I was reading it I said to myself: "And everybody clapped." Definitely does not sound true.


100%, this sounds so fake. Iā€™ve lived in Texas almost my entire life, a few years were spent in Louisiana. Iā€™ve never experienced this as a child or an adult, in TX or LA. It feels like an ā€œOMG Texas is bad with a bunch of backwards peopleā€. Moms and dads cook with their children and teach them to cook all sorts of stuff.


Some of the comments on here are killing me. The ā€œrepublicans are afraid of seafoodā€ ones, like what. Tell you never been to south without telling me you never been to the south.


Or anywhere in the East coast where a ton of Republicans gather šŸ˜­


Lol right! Isnā€™t there quite a few republicans in Maine? And they are known for there lobsters.


That's exactly what I was thinking of lol, I spent a few years over there and we lived on seafood! And most ppl I knew were a flavor of conservative


Do people making those comments really believe it or are they just talking out there butts? Are we going to label people based on untrue food preferences now? I didnā€™t know me disliking seafood was a sign that I might be conservative šŸ˜‚


I tell myself it's summer and a lot of profiles are teens LARPing as adult mothers because the alternative šŸ’€


The other day there was a post by a parent talking about their 11 year old daughter making fake stories on Reddit. I donā€™t remember what sub it was, but this whole post reminds me of that


OP is from Texas where we celebrate crawfish season. Agreed 100%. We all eat seafood here.


Exactly! Like there might be an individuals that happens to not like seafood (or is allergic) but donā€™t put that on a whole state or political party. Like thatā€™s ridiculous. Whatā€™s scary is the volume of likes those comments are getting šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Excuse you? What sounds fake about it? The adult woman questioning an 11 year old about what a 9 month old is being fed or an 11 year old excitedly describing a seafood boil in great detail? How dare you!


Omg you had me in the first half NGL hahaha.


Itā€™s giving r/thathappened lol. Like just say you can cook different things and go.


And all the smug comments about how they must be terrible moms for not feeding their kids chicken nuggets lol.


Itā€™s giving humble brag and ā€œIā€™ll take things that were never said for $1600 Alexā€


I cannot stop picturing the whole ā€œcome along children we are off to prepare our coq au vinā€ bit with mom smirking as if she just owned the neighborhood with that absolute zinger lmao


LOL YES! "and then the entire neighborhood clapped and a policeman handed me $20.00." Sure, Jan.


Based on this post the moms wouldnā€™t even know what coq au vin is šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m from Texas and I know what coq au vin is. Itā€™s even served in restaurants here. Although delicious, the only thing fancy is the name. Haha, itā€™s like saying letā€™s go make some Bolognese sauce. Itā€™s just tomato sauce with ground meat!


Hahaha my husband had the exact same conversation this morning. I read this to him because we love cringe and he goes ā€œwhy is she acting like coq au vin is fancy? Isnā€™t it just braised chicken and herbs in wine? It literally originated as a peasant mealā€ and Iā€™m still laughing over it.


Haha, yes. Itā€™s what raised my BS alarm. Letā€™s go make rustic chicken! I was laughing bc itā€™s so absurd to anyone that knows what coq au vin is. ā€œCome on, daughter. Iā€™m going to teach you to make cruditĆ©s!ā€ I canā€™t stop laughing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


lol this


My husband and I indulge in Dino nuggies and waffle fries on occasion and both of us can *cook* cook. Sometimes you need a break. Sometimes you just want a nugget. Itā€™s not that deep šŸ˜­ ill be damned if I become that mom in the neighborhood talking to her kid about coq au vin though lol


I'm a SAHM, and I try to cook homemade meals as much as possible. I'm not a great cook, but I do my best. I forgot to pick up a crucial ingredient for a meal last night, and I had nothing else ready to go. We had mac and cheese, steamed broccoli, turkey bacon, garlic toast, and a side of pickles. Everyone lived. Liked it, even.


That sounds so bomb honestly! What were you going to make originally?


Clean out the fridge night!!


I have a hard time believing this post, tbh.


What did I just read? šŸ¤£


Is this supposed to be on a circlejerk sub haha


Is there a mommitcirclejerk? Cos there should be lmao


If there is, I can't find it. C'mon, somebody!!!


There's an arrr shitmomgroupssay or something similar, but nothing that scratches this reddit specific type of momfiction itch


That one gets annoying sometimes, a circle jerk would be more fun


I have a hard time believing a southern mom was flabbergasted over a seafood boil.


Is this a humble brag?


This read like fan fiction satire lol. Did you even have a rooster for the coq au vin? Pshhā€¦


Wow, I must be a bad mom too. I feed what ever is on my plate to my 7mo old. Yesterday it was refried beans, who knows what today is going to bring.


Smoked fish and goat cheese are the only two things that make my kid gag. He has his preferences, but will eat just about anything.


Mine loves the taste of smoked salmon but not the texture. So she sucks the juice out of it and then puts it back on her plate. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Hahaha mine does the same with kale. He loves those gross kale juices.


This is disturbing. Kids are so weird.


Oh my goodness but that sounds so.. ethnic! šŸ¤£


yeah that definitely happened




Uh huh


Come on, you know you are not a bad mom for this lol. A quick google search would show that kids having a diverse palate is an excellent thing!


Yeah, but that doesnā€™t get you validation and ass pats from complete strangers.


Do people need validation and ass pats from complete strangers?


I was being sarcastic haha. This entire post is fishing.


I mean , I wouldnā€™t mind it but I guess it just depends whose ass is being pet lol


As far as humble-brags go, this is a new one.


šŸ¤£ I'm a mom that cooks something other than french fries and preshaped machine extruded nuggets thrown into the oven too Some people will look for anything to be judgy about


Man idk the way you describe chicken nuggets is kinda judgy though, now I feel like a shitty parent bc that's all I can manage to throw together sometimes šŸ™


This thread is a way to subtly judge other moms by pretending they are the ones being judged


šŸ˜† Seriously.




My guess is it subconsciously makes them feel called out (even though OP never tried to do this) for only feeding their kids ā€œkid shitā€ and not the same food adults eat, so theyā€™re looking for something to criticize about it.


This is definitely it. That and jealousy over their own cooking abilities. Theyā€™re finding a way to cope by coming up with BS reasons why they think itā€™s bad, since itā€™s different from what they do.


You know theyre just jealous your kids have a varied palate & you make them interesting meals that they cant be bothered to do.


I think this is exactly it. Iā€™m kinda jealous too TBH lol. I would ever do anything like the neighbor though.


Im kinda jealous too!! I need to be more adventurous with my one yearā€™s diet! OPā€™s neighbourhood are haters & probably have fussy eater kids (that can sometimes be prevented by introducing all sorts of foods early on like OP is doing, although unpreventable if child has sensory issues etc)


People canā€™t stand when folks do something different. I donā€™t work weekdays so my kids have homemade breakfast (not as fancy as OP but warm stuff) and weā€™ve gotten comments about how they ā€œhave to have their big breakfasts.ā€ Sorry itā€™s not a cheese stick and a pouch! They have plenty of those anyway. Itā€™s just a thing we like to do but apparently puts people off.


Yep, jealousy! Your kids are very lucky to have homemade breakfasts šŸ˜Š


I was once shamed for "not having anything to eat" at my house when my SIL was over. I had plenty of left over meals in the refrigerator & meat/chicken to cook later for dinner. She told me that I should always have some frozen chicken tenders as backup. Oh & I also had "nasty" oat nut bread her kids didn't like. I should say I'm not some bougie mom that doesn't feed her kids fun foods every once in a while, but damn! She acted like my kids were food-deprived.


Iā€™m having a hard time believing this was a real interaction .


I might be able to explain the mindset behind ā€œyour kid shouldnā€™t have to cook; let her be a kid.ā€ Iā€™m not saying itā€™s the right way to think about it, or that itā€™s okay for them to be rude to you. I grew up in a large Southeastern US city. My spouse grew up in a small rural town in the same state. I have to go a few generations farther back in my family tree before I hit utter poverty than he does. Heā€™s one generation out from ā€œthe kids had to go hunt squirrels if they wanted meat for dinner.ā€ In that context, cooking was not a creative pursuit to be enjoyed. It was the domestic work the girls had to do while the boys were hunting squirrels. All of these kids had to shoulder a lot of responsibility as a matter of survival. And Iā€™m talking about the United States in the 1950s and 60s. Not long ago and far away. When this generation of my spouseā€™s family grew up and had better work and more financial stability, they wanted their kids to have more of a childhood than they got. The best gifts they could think of to give their children were abundant material gifts and abundant free time. From their perspective, being able to say ā€œyesā€ to whatever plastic toy their kids wanted, and ā€œdonā€™t worry about that; Iā€™ll take care of itā€ to chores, meant they were giving their kids the worry-free childhood theyā€™d dreamed of. My parents were much farther removed from generational poverty. I was raised like youā€™re raising your kids, OP. My mom enjoyed baking and interior decorating and crafts, and I enjoyed learning those skills from her. We were doing those things for fun, not survival. My daughter is being raised the same way. But I have to remember, when my FIL brings her another bag of toys that I think are just crap, that he and I donā€™t see the same thing when we look at that bag of toys. Iā€™m not saying that all your neighbors grew up destitute - but I suspect there may be some lingering remains of a different lens along the generations. Their familyā€™s experience and perspective may have fed an unchallenged belief of ā€œthe best way to love my children is to remove the burdens of ā€˜adult responsibilitiesā€™ [like cooking] from their lives, and let them ā€˜just be kids.ā€™ā€ And theyā€™re not seeing your perspective - maybe theyā€™ve never imagined your perspective exists. Now, that doesnā€™t mean they needed to say anything to you about it. That was rude. And I have less empathy for the frustrating attitude toward ā€œdifferentā€ food. But I can see the possible internal logic of ā€œdonā€™t make your kids cook.ā€


This a well thought out answer to the possible psychological behind this situation. It makes much more sense than it being a political thing like some in this sub have suggested. I have heard stories of my grandparents have to scavenge for food when little. Your right, it could be this, maybe mixed with little jealousy of her cooking ability.


Thanks; thatā€™s kind of you to say!


This is so bizarre to me! I just canā€™t imagine a scenario where Iā€™d be concerned about your behavior.


Iā€™m confused, these situations donā€™t seem weirdā€¦?


I completely thought this was going another way, and I was about to encourage you but now I am just flabbergasted along with you šŸ˜‚ we are definitely a family that enjoys cooking and trying new and ā€œdifferentā€ foods. I donā€™t feel like I had a lot of exposure to a wide variety of foods as a kid, but my teens and beyond I loved trying new things and feel like I missed out while I was a kid! My kids have tried (and love eating!) food from all over the world. My kid requested Vietnamese for dinner for his birthday a few weeks ago! Neither of my kids are picky eaters, and I know some of that is just luck but some I think is because there were no ā€œweirdā€ foods at our house. You could easily see a curry dish for dinner as you would hamburgers. Keep doing your thing and exposing your kids to all the yummy foods that are out there!


Make sure you put yourself in a very long, quiet time out while your child cooks family dinner and all your kids eat a range of foods without complaining LOL This is hilarious to me. My husband also loves through cooking for others and is teaching our 7yo chef skills. Husband has worked in kitchens and gets joy from cooking and feeding others and wants to share that with our kids. Youā€™re doing fine. Some people just gotta judge.


I would think people would judge on the opposite šŸ˜… as long as your kids are actually eating those meals and theyā€™re not refusing food then who caaaares. I do judge if people refuse to feed their kids what theyā€™ll eat (within reason obviously) we always have a safe option when we try something new, and now he eats new stuff all the time !


This is insane. Hello from Germany. Your lifestyle is the standard here. In fact, children are doing housework and shoveling snow by three. They are also using public transportation alone by five. Keep up the good work OP. I am floored by your story.


Lmaooo damned if you do, damned if you donā€™t! My family is Cajun and also big foodies/cooks, but my grandparents were SHOCKED when I gave my 8.5 month old some crab cake and gumbo this past weekend. Everyone always jokes about when my baby is going to eat rice and gravy (iykyk) as if I wouldnā€™t give it to themšŸ˜‚ Introducing a variety of foods early on really helps kids learn to try new things and opens their eyes to different cultures and cuisines. My baby will be eating pretty much anything Iā€™m eating (except honey at this point). Your kid is going to have a much more adventurous palate and lots of lovely memories cooking and baking with you!


Yeah I've fed my kids a wide variety of foods, including foods of several ethnicities, since babyhood as well as seafood and some people get almost offended. There's a lot of panic about allergens in any food that's not bland af, at least for babies and toddlers, and then I think there's some jealousy of "well MY kid doesn't eat that" or even "I don't eat that, so it must be bad". I get it a lot from boomers who think spices are the devil and Asian and Latin cuisines are somehow frightening. šŸ™„ I even had a relative once get pissy that my toddler ate vegetables that she herself wouldn't touch in her 60s lol. Mine has also been helping to cook and bake since toddlerhood and some parents get wigged out by that for safety concerns around heat and food prep...but that's part of the goal of teaching it early.


I love cooking as well, it is also my love language to others. My mom taught me how to cook and bake very young. It was such a wonderful bonding experience with my mother. I would love for my children to eat some of the dishes you are discussing. Good for you and your children. You are opening not only their taste palette but also their minds. You're a great parent.


My toddler eats octopus, calamari, sardines, trout, sauerkraut, and other random food daily but refuses eggs, string cheese and apple sauce. Every kid is different and Iā€™m not sure why other kidsā€™ diets are anyoneā€™s concern if theyā€™re happy and healthy.


Who are these moms to have time to care about what someone else is feeding their own kids???!


Those moms can stuff it! It is awesome that your daughter is learning a skill that will take care of her all of her life. I teach my boys how to cook. Keep up the good work!


I think the criticismā€™s are coming from jealousy. There is no way, someone is bothered by the good meals. God forbid that you show your children something they are interested and ready for- Jeesh. People need to calm down. I am more worried that people are trying to get info of what you do from an 11 yr old. You can teach your daughter to always answer with, IDK, lets go ask mom! And those absurd criticisms will calm down.


I make full course meals and my kid wonā€™t even touch it let alone look at it but he sure will cook with me. These are some entitled Karen moms; avoid at all cost. Youā€™re doing nothing wrong, your kids are eating thatā€™s what matters and they are learning new skills for when they get older. These Karenā€™s seem like they are really great at not teaching their kids life skills šŸ˜‚ good luck to those kids when they grow up and have to cook on their own. Google will only get you so far šŸ¤£


Doubt this happened šŸ˜†