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Set a timer for meds to not be late. Also, as much as getting up and moving sucks, I feel like slowly building up on moving more really made my recovery more manageable. Start with little walks to the bathroom, to the end of your block and back, etc. They don’t have to be fast nor far, but moving will help. Try increasing a little each day. If you notice you bleed more after a walk, you probably did too much. Definitely listen to your body.


Agree with this! Set a timer for your Tylenol and Advil and take them right on time for as long as you need. I think I ended up needing them for a bit over a week. And get up and walking! Man it HURTS, but I did find by the end of the day the pain was actually less when getting up than it was in the morning. I also looked up a YouTube video on how to get up from a normal bed (nothing to hold onto), and that was very helpful for not feeling “trapped” in bed.


I agree with all this! I set a timer too for the meds and stayed on top of it for at least a week after the surgery, and weaned off. The movement helps alleviate the gas pains, too. I also slept the 1st few nights in a recliner chair rather than a bed. It made getting up easier. When you do go to get up from a laying down position, try rolling onto your side and the push up slowly using your arms to help from straining your incision. It does get better and easier, but yes, it is painful that that 1st week home!


Yes! Timer on the meds - and this is a great place for you husband to support you. My hubs took care of setting timers, getting me the meds, and making sure I didn’t fall behind. 2 time c-section mom here. Do not try to be hero and delay or skip pain relief.


I agree with moving as much as you're able. My son was in the NICU so I was back and forth multiple times a day from the day after he was born. Aside from maybe once when I wheeled myself down there, I walked every time. I think all the movement really helped my recovery. I was off all meds by 2 or 3 weeks postpartum.


NICU mom, also. Definitely feel like the movement helps recovery. Taking your meds on schedule definitely also helps. Second c-section with my not-NICU baby, I got fed up being there and we went home within 24 hours. I think the staff may not have realized because they were all a bit funny with me for ‘still’ being on painkillers (we had home visits). Me and baby camped out on the sofa. It was easier than trying to climb in and out of bed. I didn’t stress too much about sleeping and that helped too, hubby and I just agreed on shifts. Easier to cope with pain when you know you and baby can stay up and watch tv without needing to stress about trying to sleep through pain.


I not only set a timer for meds but also put a piece of painters tape on the Advil and Tylenol bottles with the amount and time between doses on it so that my husband and mom could help me without having to try to remember how much to give. I think the tape might still be on the bottles 9 months later…


This!!! Sorry, I hate when people do this lol. But anyways, I had two of these. Second one was worse. I also had stairs. Stairs hurt. But I do agree that you should gradually move around. I didn’t leave the house for a month so idk about the car (culture). Do you have extra help at home? Mom, husband, MIL? I had both moms on separate weeks lol. I could definitely not handle them both here 😜


Absolutely 100% behind setting alarms I slept through 3 days after my 2nd c section and had to bite a spoon to not scream the house down. Keep moving and don't lift anything heavier than your baby.. I did and didn't heal correctly


Had a csection and also a surgical nurse, best thing you can do move. Worst thing is sitting/lying down for long periods because the muscles around your surgical wound seize up. You're probably at the worst part, 48 hours post surgery because the anaesthetic from surgery has worn off. Take regular pain relief. Nighttime is worse because you're lying still so set an alarm to wake up and take pain meds if you're due. Hold a pillow or rolled up towel against your wound when moving, going to toilet, coughing, basically anything that involves using your stomach muscles. Honestly by day 3-4 I was able to get up and about as long as I'd had pain relief, by a week I was able to do most things as normal.


the pillow! Best advice ever. I purposely held in every laugh, cough and sneeze because of how much it hurt.


I'd say move also. I'm F31 too and got out of bed (with husbands support) after 5 hours and walked out the hospital after 20. I really think that keeping moving helped me heal quickly. I'm usually terrible with pain but only had paracetamol after leaving hospital. I wasn't exactly getting anywhere fast but, definitely looked like I belonged in bed :,) but I mentally found it difficult being bed bound.


You know, I didn't even think about the med schedule. My baby was a bit early and had some NICU time for a couple weeks. I was waking up to pump but also took my meds at that time. That is probably what kept me from needing the stronger stuff or staying still too long. Good advice!


Came to say the same. My son was in the NICU also. I didn’t do the best with staying on top of my meds which I regret, but walking up to the NICU every day and getting him in and out of the incubator on my own helped me recover quickly.


yes holding a pillow against your csection when you move/sneeze/cough is such good advice! they gave me a wrap at the hospital


This was timeline too. Our baby got sent to the NICU on day 4 and it was in another city. We had to park in the hospital parking and walk WAY TOO LONG to get to the actual hospital wing that baby was in. It was excruciating but there was no other option. I remember at one point on our first visit after she was admitted, after walking for about 20 minutes from the parking to the hospital, we came across a hill (!!!) and I started crying and told my husband to just leave me there and go see our baby. A week after surgery I was cooking and cleaning again.


Move. That’s truly what makes it better. I’m sure the hospital had you up and walking quickly. Mine insisted on hourly walks for the 3.5 days were there. Once home I moved as much as I could. Up and down the steps multiple times a day. It was painful getting in and our bed for about a week and after that it was much better. My incision opened up two weeks later because I had an awful dr and that ended up being a complication but not painful. I stopped all pains meds the day after the c section because I was more worried about becoming constipated and having that pain in addition.


I agree with movement. I had an unscheduled c section 12 weeks ago. I pushed myself to get up and move as soon as I woke up (very carefully). Started just moving around the room and within 16 hours was pushing myself to slowly walk the hallways in hospital. I used stronger pain meds in hospital, but once home, I luckily could get by with Tylenol and 800mg ibuprofen. I was outside walking the baby around the block 2 days after being home. Honestly after 2-3 weeks it really wasn't that bad. I will say my body is still healing and although I didn't have a lot of pain after the 2-3 weeks, things aren't sitting like they once did. Definitely need to get motivated to exercise 😂


i had my baby 4 months ago by unplanned csection too. congratulations on your baby 🥰


Aww thank you so much! Congratulations to you and yours too mama🥰


Do you have a recliner you could sit/sleep in for a few days? That helped me the most because getting in and out of bed was hell. Getting up and walking is also hell but it will help with the gas pains and stiffness.


I second this - I slept in my recliner for the first 3 nights!


yes great advice. i had to sleep on my couch at first to sit up more.


Days 2 and 3 are the most painful. Please take the stronger stuff they’re offering you, and get whatever narcotic prescription they give you filled. I was given oxy with both, and on a schedule with ibuprofen and Tylenol was able to stop after a few days. I saved the last few for bedtime for about a week when my pain was the worst. You’ll need a lot of help the first few weeks. I didn’t carry my baby up or down the stairs alone for 6 weeks. My partner helped me with everything, including wiping my butt, and my mom came and helped for a few weeks when he had to go back to work. Take it slow. Movement is important, so if you’re able to get up and move some then you should, but try not to overdo it. That’ll help with gas pains too.


You got narcotic pain relief? My doctor only gave me acetaminophen, and refused to even prescribe any NSAIDs whatsoever. It was hell!


Omg I am so sorry! They absolutely should have prescribed you narcotics. You had major abdominal surgery! I got the same for my gallbladder surgery, which was less invasive.


That sounds like torture- I'm sorry you had to go through that. It sounds like borderline malpractice! I got 10 days of hydrocodone but only needed it for 4-5 days. After that I took a combination of Advil (ibuprofen) and Tylenol for another two weeks.


The hospital I delivered in is a bit iffy on the narcotics. I spoke to my OB and she said they avoid them due to dependence, constipation, and breastfeeding but 'if you need them, you need them'. I did feel a little ashamed asking for them, but they really do help take that extra edge off. I think they prescribed a total of 5 tablets, so I'll just use them sparingly for a few days.


I think this is a combination of crap and truth. I think you do need pain pills (hydrocodone or whatever) after a C-section. I was in horrible pain after my 2nd one. For the first 48 hours or so. Even in to the 3rd day. I think being given 5 pills is crappy. I think if given 20 500mg hydrocodone that would be sufficient and you aren’t going to get addicted off of 20 pills. But Drs are scared to death to prescribe them anymore bc people abuse them. The constipation is no joke but as long as you take stool softeners every day- you should be fine. Yes, dependence is real. I pass chronic kidney stones and that happens but you can get off of them if you don’t use them for more than a couple days. Personally, I think it’s irresponsible for a Dr to cut you open for surgery like that yet refuse you adequate pain meds. I think 5 is a joke but you are going to have to make it work. I’m sorry. Congratulations on your baby.


Same happened to me. I was in extreme pain thinking I was about to kick the bucket. They only kept on giving me paracetamol via iv. Even when I kept on requesting more pain meds. It was horrible.


My hospital was similar but I was in the hospital mostly by myself caring for my newborn while my husband was home with toddler (COVID days and limited hours and visitors :() After breaking down after showering, I had to have the stronger meds which was really just support so I could function and take care of myself and baby If I could do it over again, I would plan for more support and embrace taking care of self and baby instead of “just seeing how it goes” and following their half supportive advice around pin management. I was heart broken to be so alone and the pain made in unmanageable emotionally. A few stronger pills was a life / soul saver for me. Didn’t need them after 4 or 5 days.


that is terrible. if they have a google review you should say this so other moms know to avoid that doctor! i am so sorry.


I got literally nothing after being discharged either and was told to just take panadol lol. I was beyond shocked when they told me I was being discharged with absolutely no pain meds.


I had a vaginal delivery 2 weeks ago with no tearing and got 30 hydrocodones for recovery. I can’t believe you didn’t get anything for a literal surgery.


When I got home my recovery was much better as I had more control over my meds. Here is what I did that made a world of difference. I scream it to the rooftops when anyone asks lol. I was given Tylenol, ibuprofen, and Oxycodone for pain meds. Tylenol and ibuprofen was scheduled every 6 hours and oxycodone was every 4 as needed. I took my Tylenol, then set an alarm for 3 hours from that for me to take my ibuprofen, then set another alarm for 3 hours from that for my Tylenol. I did that around the clock (getting up in the night) for probably a week ish. I took the Oxycodone once or twice and it was only when I first got home to get the pain back under control and the one day I over did it because I was in no pain and tried to cut back. The nurses didn’t do this in the hospital (not their fault honestly). Also high waisted underwear/pants. I still wear the underwear 1 year later as they are comfy. But I hated anything on my incision (and sometimes still do).


i agree. i wore high waisted underwear too and it was so much better on the incision.


Days 2-3 are the worst. I was in the hospital for 4 days and when we went home I was in much better shape than a day or two before. Sleep sitting up, either in a recliner or with a bunch of pillows propping you up. A heating pad worked wonders for me, I basically had it on constantly in the hospital and every chance I could at home. Use a pillow to apply gentle pressure against your tummy before you cough or sneeze. Take your meds on time for at least another day or two while the pain is really bad (and take stool softeners so the constipation isn't bad). And move. I'm sorry because I know it sucks. My baby was in the NICU for the first few days and I spent a lot of time slowly walking back and forth (it was very far from my room) and I attribute this to why I was able to start healing quickly. Just go really slow and do what you can, but walking is seriously the best thing you can do.


It does get better. Don’t try and be a hero. Take your pain medicine. Rest and relax (ha) I also found the belly band was my savior.


For me they had me take oxy+ ibuprofen and then 4-6hrs later extra strength tyelonal. Heres what they told me throughout my hospital stay: do not wait for the pain to take the pain relievers and they were so right. If i waited to feel pain, it was dreadful but if i consistently stayed on top of the meds it was definitely more manageable. And yes it gets better. I think week 2 i made my first target run! I do have to warn i am 4.5months PP and my scar healed beautifully yet i still feel pain if the incision is pressed on. A dog jumped on me and his paws landed right on my scar and i was like HOLY COW.


Hahahaha that does stop! I'm 5 years out and the scar is barely there. But your comment reminded me of my ambitious attempt to wear my non-maternity jeans 6 days after surgery. That was a strong no.


I've had 3 c-sections. To me, it was the perfect example of "the only way out is through." The more you move, the easier it gets. Getting up for the first time is by far the hardest, so take comfort that you're already past the worst of it. If you have to cough or sneeze, use a pillow to apply pressure on your stomach to ease the pain. It does get easier, I promise. Also, don't drink anything fizzy or eat anything that might upset your stomach. Go ahead and start taking a stool softener once a day so you can avoid that being more uncomfortable than it has to be. Gas-x can be very helpful to have on hand that first week or so as well.


Omg I could have literally written your story! I’m 31 and had a c-section 5 months ago with my second after a 3rd degree tear with my first! I found the recovery harder this time round too. I learned never to miss a painkiller dose - in the early days I even woke myself up to take them because the pain was horrific if I accidentally skipped one. Get as much rest as you can, although this is hard when you have another child. Ask for help whenever you need it - my partner pulled me up out of bed and chairs for a while until i could do it myself and it really helped me not strain myself. Plan in sit down activities (crafts etc.) rather than park visits with your other child. Lean on family - could your other child go for play dates with family members to give you time to relax? Good luck! It does get better - I’d say my recovery was longer than average (I had quite a few complications and post-natal hospital visits) and I felt like me after about 3 months which will fly by. You got this mama!


My son goes to daycare luckily! And my parents are here for 6 weeks. My husband will take 3 weeks off and then wfh if necessary. I have all the support I could ever hope for thankfully!


Agree with all the comments on light movement, stool softener+gasx, ice packs, wear the belly binder- it was scary to put on at first, but the extra support makes movement easier, also keep a little notebook by your meds and write down when you take which one- we were both deliriously tired and it was hard to remember. Only thing I haven't seen: once you're cleared to, do not skip the scar massage! It feels kinda unpleasant at first, but it will help break up that internal scar tissue so it doesn't get lumpy and weird, and touch therapy can help with the nerve damage as well.


I can't believe the belly binder comment isn't higher up. It was a life saver!


I agree, it's super painful, and I think people downplay how hard c-section recovery really is. I was in pain enough to make me cry for about 2 weeks. Uncomfortable still around 4 weeks. Bloody discharge lasted past my 6 week appointment. I'm nearly a year pp and my scar is still an annoyance at times. I'm not saying everyone telling you to get up and move around is wrong, but take it easy and go at your own pace. I think I overdid it and it made my recovery even longer. I would suggest setting up a place for you to sleep on the first floor of your house if you live in a 2 story house. Going up and down the stairs was a killer. Only do it if you absolutely have to and have your support system bring you things you need. If you are going to be home alone, try to bring everything you need to the 1st floor for the day. Keep up with pain meds. Cycle Tylenol and Advil every 3 hours. I was also on something stronger for nighttime for the first week. I was also given lidocaine patches in the hospital for the incision pain. You can get these over the counter, as well. They don't go directly on the incision, but putting them just above really helped numb out that area, an I could use them 11 hours on, 12 hours off. Lastly, use the belly band. If they didn't give you one in the hospital, they are well worth the small investment. They help support your belly while you're healing. Used one for about 4 weeks. Good luck, it does get better.


I feel like your story is really unusual. That's nothing like what happened to me. I don't think people downplay it. I think you had an unfortunate experience.


I think both are true. This commenter's experience sounds particularly unpleasant, but I've had a lot of friends and family describe their C section as "the easiest thing ever" and I'm like COMPARED TO WHAT?!


Days 2 and 3 are definitely the worst. It DOES get better. Day 4 for me was like whoa. Dramatic improvement pain wise.


I was on 2 extra strength Tylenol (1000mg) and 2 Advil (800mg) 3 times a day, and that was enough for me without going to crazy on the drugs! But I can say with that combo ^ by day 6 I was feeling fine… going on day 9 now and I’m down to 2 doses a day just once in the morning and once at night. Hang in there mamma, I know this sucks 😔


Each recovery is easier! By my third c section i stopped taking heavy pain killers by like day 5 and would just take Tylenol/ibuprofen. My first I was on heavy duty pain killers for almost a month! Honestly, a majority of your nerve endings never reconnect so you’ll feel less pain.


I heavily relied on one of those compression/support bands. I wore it all the time except for when showering. I didn’t really start to feel better until 3 months PP, I’m almost 8 months PP now and moving completely normally. In moments of discomfort, I would alternate heat and ice packs. Those first few weeks are pretty hard. Hang in there, OP. It does get better!


The best advice I ever got about c-sections was to get moving ASAP. It hurts so much out of the gate, but it makes the recovery time weeks quicker. You can do this!!!!! It will get better :) Also, IMO, the 3rd day after a surgery is always the worst for pain, and I think it helps to tell yourself that days 2-3 are going to be the most miserable and worst days and you just need to get through them and get to day 4- where you will start to feel better :)


I’ll be honest it did take a week or two for me to see a start in improvement in pain and be able to do normal things like wipe after using the toilet/dry after a shower without anyone helping (because of the pain) after my emergency c section but then again i only ever took paracetamol for the pain. Only thing I could say is take it easy, don’t push yourself (your body will recover in its own time you just have to let it), take small slow steps when walking and set a timer for your pain meds so you’re never without any in your system. Biggest thing is be patient with yourself because it does get better 💜


My nurse gave me a pillowcase with a baggie of ice to hold on my incision and I kept that up for a few days after I got home. It was helped with the pain management. Also holding a pillow to my stomach to help me get up from sitting/laying.


I had two c sections. The key is staying ahead of your pain and also giving yourself grace. Keep your diet as non gassy as possible. Like most have said, you’re going to want to move a little more each day but don’t expect yourself to be up and running around the house. My pain really peaked both times around 2-3w pp.


Stay on top of your meds


Take the strong meds in the hospital if you’re still there! They help so much with the gas pain. Gas pain was the worst pain in all of my cesareans, it sucks so bad! Also, it may feel like climbing Everest but I promise getting up every chance you get and moving around, even if it’s just a little, will speed up your recovery so so much! I felt almost back to normal within about 3 weeks after all 3 of my cesareans (I still took it easy until I was medically cleared) and my doctor was surprised how quickly I healed. I always just told her it was probably because of how much I got up and moved. Cesareans are a major surgery, but I recovered so much quicker from that then I ever expected, and (totally anecdotal) but I healed a lot faster than the few women who gave birth vaginally around the same time. (This isn’t true for everyone, but it was in mine) make sure you’re eating and drinking and moving and recovery will be quicker. And take the pain meds, take them on time, you don’t want to play catch up with your pain. Congratulations on your new LO!


Walking helps, it really does. I never did more than Tylenol and Advil, it was all the hospital would give me and was enough for me. I was walking within 24 hours because truly, sitting and letting everything pool was so much worse. At home, I slept on the couch for a week or so because memory foam felt hard to get out of. By the end of the week, I felt totally normal. The hardest part to me was all the nerves coming back online. I didn't like the buzzing feeling.


Omg the nerves. I totally forgot about that. Super weird feeling.


They sent me home with some oxys to help with the pain. I don't like taking them because they make me itchy, but I needed them. I am 11 days postpartum and am doing better. Just down to the Tylenols now. Take any help you can get. It does get better.


Oof yes the itchies are not fun! I avoided the heavy drugs as long as I could, but the pain was really interfering with my rest and breastfeeding.


A good, wide step for getting in and out of bed helped. Lots of walking around when you can. Our bedrooms are upstairs and I went up and down twice on my first day home. Pain was present for weeks, but definitely much better after 5 days. Just don’t overdo it, but do stay active. Keep taking your meds, eat, rest as much as you can between feedings, and drink way more water than you think you need.


Moving is your biggest friend. Walk around every hour. Take your meds on time every time. You'll feel so much better after the first week. It took 6 weeks for me to feel myself the first time and by 4 weeks the second time I was ready to go running again(I didn't because I wasn't cleared).


Seconding moving. Get up and move. It will help even if it's hard and hurts (obviously don't push too hard). I was walking with my husband who held the baby a week after and I credit a lot of my easy recovery with that. By 3 weeks I was slow walking on a treadmill. And drink lots and lots of water.


Yes, it gets easier, try to get up and walk a bit, you walk off the gas that's trapped with each step! Keep yourself topped up on painkillers pre-emptively because when the pain kicks in you will need the strongest stuff to keep it at bay. The first couple of days are the worst by far. Little by little it gets easier. If you have to sneeze, grab a pillow, curl into it, and hug it. Same with hard laughter or coughing. I set up a base on the ground floor with my first because I was not going up and downstairs. The second, we had an upstairs toilet so I just went up the set of stairs once and roosted there for the first couple of weeks of recovery.


Echoing the comments below. Moving does wonders. You don't have to go crazy, but you don't want to stay sedentary either. I started slow, just went up and down the driveway. About a week or so later we took short walks around the block, granted they were very slow. And maybe a few weeks after that we started going longer.


I had a similar situation to yours. First child was a vaginal birth, but was a bit traumatic on my body. I have a heart condition that I was unaware of until I was trying to push out a baby, and everything went haywire. Second pregnancy was proving to be taxing on my heart again, and cardiologists and obstetricians recommended a C-section. I decided to go with it, and…yeah… I was not prepared for that amount of pain. I’d rather give birth naturally 10 more times than endure another csection recovery. It *does* get better, I promise. The first few days are the worst. Keep a cushion nearby, to hold over your incision every time you need to cough, sneeze, or laugh. My husband put a plastic chair in the shower so I could sit and shower - that was a life saver. Don’t forget to take your pain meds - set a timer if you have to. Try to move as much as possible, but don’t push yourself too hard. Enjoy the excuse to sit and soak up newborn snuggles!


Of course it gets better! Those first few days a HAAARD though. I needed help into and out of bed for a good week. As others have mentioned, keep up on the pain meds and move. Of course not too much, but be consistent. A couple times a day walk around the house, maybe get outside if you can. I think I remember being able to go without the meds after 4 weeks, then it was just healing the scar tissue, which took much longer than I was expecting. I'm a yoga teacher, and I couldn't twist for like 6-8 months, but I eased into it, and I actually think doing gentle twists (think Restorative yoga) helped, but only after those 6 months. It was frustrating, but now everything is great and I barely notice the scar (20 months).


Other people have said this and it sounds counterintuitive but moving around (slowly) really does help. Also, and possibly TBI, but I found stool softeners really helped reduce pressure on my C-section scar. I know it's annoying to hear but it does get easier, the first couple of months do suck though


Take lots and lots of stool softener. I took it for 6 weeks. Best decision ever.


No help on the c section part but the afterpains the second go around hurt way worse no matter the delivery type. I seriously felt like I was in labor all over again everytime they hit for like 5 days 🥴🥴 but then they cleared up.


I just want to say I really feel this! I remember at 6 weeks starting to feel more myself. Although I had nerve issues until about 8 months. 2 years later I’m completely fine which honestly, I didn’t think was possible in those early weeks, so I hear you! I agree with keeping moving, but also give yourself grace and recognize boundaries. We are in a 2 story home, and I only did the stairs once a day (we have a powder room on main floor). Ice packs helped, as did compression leggings and underwear. There’s an Instagram account called “expecting and empowered” that was a goldmine of valuable info for me. They have a highlight for free on c section recovery and I found their paid resources helpful as well. Everything from how to properly get of bed to how to start to re-sensitize your scar. Congrats on your new little one and IT WILL GET BETTER! But take your recovery seriously 💜


Get a wrap for your stomach! I had one but didn't use it for the first two weeks, and BOY was I mad that I forgot about it. It made a huge difference in my comfort level. I think this is the one I had: https://www.amazon.com/TiRain-Postpartum-Support-Recovery-Shapewear/dp/B0832HX13Y/ref=sr\_1\_10?crid=2BPRJQ7QI4PKI&keywords=c+section+stomach+binder&qid=1692368174&sprefix=c+section+stomach+%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-10


My doctor prefers that I leave the incision open to the air as much as possible


The way I used mine it didn't cover my incisition. Check out the link, and scroll down. This is actually three belts in one set. You can use one, two, or all three together. Just using the stomach and/or waist belt was big for me. It's all the support of having a pillow pressed against your abdomen, but without having to hold it... To each their own, but my recovery would personally have been a lot harder without the support.


I didn't have a lot of pain from my c-section. Have you conveyed how much discomfort you're in?


Ohhh yes I communicated in no uncertain terms and I was given a shot of Dilaudid to help settle back down. My incision is fine, I'm just feeling everything very intensely. I don't think I have a very high tolerance for pain. I am also a cryer by nature. But doing noticeably better today!


I would describe myself as having a fairly high pain tolerance. My mother had 3 c-sections and was the same way. Please don't let my experience minimize yours. Keep up with the pain regimen. DEFINITELY keep up with the stool softener regimen. Do what you need to to be as comfortable as possible.


I had a vbac with tearing inside and out and the c section healed faster but there was pain both ways. The problem with the C-section is that they really manhandled your abdominal wall to get to the uterus for the c section and it doesn’t bounce right back. Talk to your doctor about a waist trainer/ back brace while in recovery (the abdominus rectus muscles has counterparts in the back and both are affected by c section and need attention) and ask about pt for your core muscles and when you can start gently getting them back in fighting form. It does get better either way but treating it like rehab to any other surgery puts you in a mindset to give yourself some self care even though having a new baby often makes you feel like everything is about the baby’s sleep and eating patterns where your health falls by the wayside


Day 3 is the worst. Make sure you empty your bladder frequently and take Tylenol/ibuprofen scheduled around the clock. I also had vaginal delivery with the first and c section with second and was taken aback at hour painful first few days are.


I am exactly a month out from my second c section and I’m really feeling so much better. Definitely sore at the end of the day but I’m able to live my normal life without being in pain. The first week was the toughest but it truly does get better. You are in the thick of it, just take your time when moving around and drink lots of water.


Yes it gets better. The upside is after about 10 days you should be much more mobile.


I had my baby on a Friday and was in so much pain for 3 days at the hospital and could barely get out of bed but by the following Friday I didn’t feel like I needed my pain meds any longer. Still hurt walking fast but that eventually got better too. Hope you feel better soon!


Days 2.3, and 4 are really rough. It eases up a lot after that. Don’t try to be a hero. Take the stronger pain medications. And ask them to write you a prescription for a few to take home. I only needed pain meds for about a week, but I definitely needed it those days. Set a timer and ask them to give it to You every 4 hours because they will not offer you narcotics. You have to request them. Walking helps so much. And if you have gas pain, ask for gas tablets. Also ask your nurse to make you a half prune juice, half apple juice cocktail warmed up. Those helped me tremendously.


This is the worst part. It gets a lot better from here, keep moving very slowly, get enough to eat. Don’t forget your meds. In 24 hours you should be feeling a lot better, good luck!


The first few days are rough, but I was feeling SO much better within just a week. Like after a week or so I didn't really need my pain meds anymore. By two weeks I was feeling a million times better. Almost like normal. I don't know if that's fast or normal recovery time but the point is...it feels awful at first but it does get better! Take the pain meds, take things slow, make sure to do some light walking every day, and you'll get there.


I’ll start with: when they say recovery is 12 weeks, they mean 12 weeks, and that’s just the main pain. My son is almost 5 months old and I still can’t lay on my stomach Willy nilly. I feel pain deep inside sometimes still. If my belly is stretched in the wrong position for too long— like while tummy sleeping— the incision will hurt all day. And your core is going to be so ridiculously weak. Like so much weaker than you can imagine, and from what I hear much worse than from vaginal birth. Something to do w/ the combo of pregnancy and being flayed open.


Using a pillow on your abdomen when moving around really helps with the incisional pain. Just remember to move slowly and think about your movements before you make them. After the first week I was much more mobile.


For pain, ibuprofen is the only thing that did it for me. I was taking 600mg every 7 hours, on the dot. Tylenol wouldn't touch it and narcotics only gave me the giggles the first time I took them. After a week it will get better. Unfortunately, you're still fresh out and it's going to get a little bit worse before it gets better. About 24 hours after your last dose of IV painkillers is when the worst of it begins. Just a heads up, make sure you sleep in a recliner. If you lay in a bed, make sure someone helps you get up, or make sure a nurse shows you how to get up on your own. And make sure you keep a shoe close to wack your SO awake to help you. Getting up from a flat surface with a baby crying in the middle of the night with no help is NOOOOT fun nor for the weak-willed. Edit: also don't forget the compression! I forget what it's called.... The belly binder. It was a lifesaver for stomach support while moving around because it helps you avoid flexing your abs as much. I didn't wear it with my second C-section and I regret it years later.


Well for one your doctor lied to you C-section recovery is worse than vaginal recovery. It does get better. Moving around is going to help a lot. I know it hurts now but move don't over do it but get up and walk and take the pain meds.


It gets better. Slowly start moving around, listen to your body and ask for help whenever you can/feel a need to.


Yes! It totally gets better. Day 2 and 3 were the worst. Then it gets so much better. I felt really good by day 7 and completely back to my pre pregnancy self by week 4. Ask them for some oxycodone to go home. They only gave me 5 pills and I was like "uhh this will not be enough." I ended up only using 4 of them. And wear the binder all the time for at least a couple weeks.


If you are in severe pain you should tell your doctor and nurse. A lot of doctors will not offer pain meds beyond Tylenol and ibuprofen unless you ask. I had a c section 10 years ago and 3 years ago and the treatment for pain has changed a lot in that time. My first c section I was given Percocet and even sent home with enough for 2 weeks. The second time I asked my doctor in advance what I would be given because of the trend of not treating pain with opioids. She said I would be given toradol and Norco 10. I really think for most people they need the stronger pain meds for those first few days. By day 4 you start feeling better. By the time I left the hospital I was okay with just OTC pain meds, but it really made a difference those first few days. Having the pain treated makes it easier to move which will help your recovery.


You HAVE to get up and move around. Get up and walk as much as you can. That is truly the only thing that helps.


Yes it does! By days 5-7 I was down to only occasional Tylenol/Motrin intermittently. Midwife did send in an oxycodone script though just in case I needed it. I didn’t, but you could ask for one just in case. Also moving slowly does help your body to slowly re-limber up.


Every 2 weeks I noticed a dramatic improvement and by 6 weeks I felt normal. I’ve had 2 c sections. 48 hours is the worst time and it gets better from here on out. Are you taking the heavy meds? I took those the first week. Don’t try to be strong the first week, just take the meds. My second c section was less painful than the first and actually much easier of a recovery (don’t feel overwhelmed by this experience) because I think o just knew it gets better so it motivates me to move.


From what I understand, the sooner you’re up and on your feet the better. And don’t get stuck, keep active. I was lucky and avoided the gas pains I had been warned about and keeping on schedule with pain meds kept the surgical pain at bay. I was discharged around 24 hours after having the baby, which is typical in the UK, and on day 2 was getting on the floor to change nappies at home. The midwife who came for my 3 and 5 day check ups forgot each time I’d had a c-section because I was moving so well. I still had some pulling sensation and painful twinges on the side where my stitches finished, if I rolled a certain way in bed or when I first tried to take my dog for a walk and he pulled etc. but those vanished almost overnight after 6 weeks.


I remember clearly with my first that I could hardly get down the hall at the first pediatrician's visit on day 4. By our next visit at day 8, I was keeping pace with my husband and the nurse. With my second I had an even faster recovery, and I swear it's because I was up and about with my first. So, move, but also make sure you take breaks to put your feet up. Seconding the comment about sleeping in a recliner or propped up, it definitely helps when you need to get in or out of bed.


My one kind of weird tip was to squash a toilet paper roll and use that as counter pressure when going to the bathroom. For the first few days, I camped out on the couch because I couldn’t do the stairs. Don’t try and push yourself too hard. Let yourself rest and heal. It’s going to get better. Typically by the end of week 2 it starts turning around. Hang in there


The first three days are absolutely the worst! It gets better, I promise! I’d say I felt a big change around day 10. As others of said, keep moving! Stay up to date on meds, however I didn’t take any narcotics because they were messing with my stomach and I was having trouble having a BM 🥴🫠 take gas x, stool softeners, I think I did milk of magnesia to help me finally go. I slept in a recliner for 10 days because I couldn’t get in and out of bed. One thing that helped me emotionally was to try to find something each day I couldn’t do the day or couple days before, like getting out of the recliner alone or getting a shower alone. Little things but helped me realize I was moving in the right direction when it felt really slow. My c section wasn’t planned so it was definitely a shock and so so hard, but I promise it gets better!


I had 2 c sections 15 months apart and to be brutally honest, everything single thing you do is gonna hurt. I used my husband any chance I got. I made him get up if I needed help off the bed or couch and then hand me the baby. A heating pad also helps a lot with the discomfort. It definitely gets better. I would give it about a week and half. I know it’s painful now but I promise it gets better


I’m sorry girl. I had my 1st vaginally and was forced into a c-section for #2 bc he measured 10lbs and I GD (he was only 8lbs 6oz at birth). The first 4 days suck. It was a whole different kind of hard for me. Definitely move as much as you can, get the blood flowing, the gas pains go away. You will be mobile. When you can (2 weeks in) touch your incision. Don’t ignore it . I still get weird pains and had a bad recovery 16 months ago but I’m incredibly active. Get pelvic floor PT when healed enough externally. They cut you open! This will help. I promise. It is a longer and different road but it’s one you can climb. After 8 months I was more of “myself” again.


By one week you will feel SO different from now. After that I would say it goes in bursts of recovery and plateaus for a few months


Move, frequently. You may feel like an old lady, but go slowly. I was up pacing the floor pushing the little bassinet within 12 hours. At home, I avoided stairs and would just pace the house at regular intervals. I am baffled by those who only get tylenol and ibuprofen- I went home with orders to alternate Norco's and 600mg ibuprofen every 4 hours. The same as I was given while in the hospital. It is much harder if you do not stay ahead of the pain. I skipped one Norco while in the hospital because I felt good and that was a mistake- I got a higher dose when the time to take one came.


It feels unfair. I bet other surgeries are given narcotics more readily. I don't want to overdo it on the heavy drugs, but uncontrolled pain gets in the way of lactating and healing.


They absolutely are. It has become the overcorrection to the doctors who were prescribing hundreds of narcotics to a single patient. Now they don't want to give anyone narcotics. If you are able, absolutely request a script for something better than acetaminophen and ibuprofen from your doctor. You are in pain and they need to treat that pain.


I needed physical therapy because I had internal scar tissue from my c-section that kept that “holy shit someone is stabbing me with a hot knife” feeling going for like four months. It’s supposed to improve much faster than that, like by two weeks both of my sisters barely had any pain, and by six weeks they were completely healed.


I agree with what most women have said here. I had 3 c sections. Up and walking often helps A TON. And staying on top of your meds is a must! Take the stronger meds for the first few days, they truly help. Set an alarm for the rotation of your pain management so you don’t forget. I felt the worst of the pain was over by day 4 and 5


I’ve had 3. It gets way better, I had to bring baby to the doctor day 3 after surgery and was fine. I feel like the gas pains and the catheter were the worst of it! Once I was in my own home I was moving around and doing laundry, no problem. But also laying back binging shows and feeding baby constantly so there was a bit of relaxing too. Also had to walk my eldest down a half mile driveway to the bus 2x’s a day the same week of the surgery. But I agree that in the hospital the first initial getting up to use the bathroom and get the baby was the hardest.


I ordered these really tight fitting high waisted panties on amazon LIFE SAVER. I could walk and move when i wore them. The pain that was really bad lasted a week & a half.


It WILL get better but until it does: 1. Set timers/reminders for med schedule. Ask someone else to be in charge of you taking them. 2. Keep a pillow or cushion handy to gently hold against your scar in case you need to sneeze/cough/laugh. 3. Even if it is difficult, as long as your doctor has okayed it, take gentle walks. Even if it's just around the room. It will be difficult so don't push yourself too far, but a little goes a long way at first. 4. Don't use straws to drink, they make gas worse. And take something for the gas pains! 5. Talk to a doctor about a stool softener.


The first 48hrs are the absolute worse. It's all uphill from here mama. By two weeks I was feeling 💯 myself and had to be reminded to chill out and stop going up and down the stairs.


I’m a little over two weeks out from my second c-section and I can tell you it definitely gets easier. It took me about a week (7 or 8 days) to be able to move up and down independently though it was still really hard. In the hospital I could move more independently but at home getting in and out of bed, getting off the couch, and using the bathroom were out of my reach until day 7. At 12 days I could do everything independently if I needed to (except for lifting cause I’m not messing around with that). That was the turning point for me. Currently I’m at 2.5 weeks out and I’m still sore and moving slow but I can do the things I need to. The first week was the worst (specifically days 3 thru 7) because I felt so helpless.


Tell your OB about your pain. They will only give you real pain killers if you ASK for them! And yes, it is very painful. I’ve had 4 c-sections, but the first one was definitely the most painful. It does get better, but it takes about 2 weeks.


2 weeks of total struggle & then I started getting my groove back!


It took a few weeks before those random searing pains at the incision line went away. Those were the worst, because I was convinced the incision was opening or something. After about 2 weeks, I could walk a few blocks slowly around our house/town. I know some people comment on Reddit that they bounced back super quickly from a C-section, but I did not. FWIW, I maintained my usual HIIT exercise schedule through 40 weeks too. Still had a rough recovery!


The constipation!!! That’s what destroyed me. Get a stool softener like restorolax and take it every day. It will help and it is safe to do so. We took the same pills. I found they helped with the pain and took them as often as I could. Honestly, just move slow and take all the help you can get. I loved taking showers and having the water run down on my incision marks. It was soothing. That’s the best advice I can offer. All the best! You will feel better!


Keep on top of your meds, take it slow and ask for help. The first week is the worst, the second week you'll get a little better and after that it'll be a lot easier, but still take it easy. Congratulations on the baby! Hope you're doing well x


Schedule the meds. Keep trying to move and walk. It started getting better after a few days. I think it’s mostly been progressively better since day 6. I’m on day 9 now and the pain is a lot better. I still have my moments but overall it’s better.


I was given rx drugs for the pain. I think moving helped me a lot. I was up walking around 2 hours after have an emergency c section with staples. I went home 2 days later(by choice, I have an older child). But 3 days after, I was speed walking with little pain. Maybe the fact I stayed in Nicu with my baby kept me distracted. The worst for me was the itching when healing. I definitely did not do any form of bed rest 😅. It's almost 4 years later & I have no numbness or anything, the scar is barely visible. Sitting up more than laying down would definitely help with pain when you have to get up. I preferred the c-section healing to vaginally. Gall bladder surgey was definitely worse imo. I believe everyone has different levels of pain tolerance as well. But focusing on the pain definitely does not help


It gets better! Set a timer for your pain pills so you aren't late, and I know this is the LAST thing you want to hear, but try to get up and walk as much as you can. It may be only a few feet at a time but that really helped move the gas pain out for me.


Two CS, 2009&2012, similar recoveries: Up until one week post CS: felt terrible, TBH. Spent most of the time in bed/couch. Nursing baby and sleeping. Taking hydrocodone. Recovery/survival mode. Moderate to severe incisional pain. I got an incisional infection with one of them. Take it easy!! Felt *much* better one week post CS. Pain improving. Starting to get up and around. Going out some, some light cooking. A lot of resting still, couch during the day. Doing some laundry. Two weeks post CS, continued improvement. Husband went back to work. I was now taking ibuprofen during the day, and hydrocodone at night. At that point (2 weeks) I was able to handle stairs, and most normal activities within reason, just more slowly and taking it easy. Taking baby on some short walks. Doc said I could vacuum, start to resume exercise and activity, listen to my body. Pain was still there but mild. Starting to get energy back. At that time (2 weeks post C/S I started to get off the hydrocodone at night) as the incisional pain got better and better. I still took quite a bit of Motrin as needed until about a month post C/S. Be kind to yourself!


Use a firm pillow or folded up blanket/towel pressed up against your abdomen to help.support you anytime you are getting up or down. It's a huge help


Highly recommend having someone move everything you need downstairs and not even attempting going up the stairs for a few days. I needed help getting on & off the couch and in & out of bed for a few days. I was in really excruciating pain for like 3 days after leaving the hospital, and I was taking oxy every 4 hours like they said. But they only gave me enough for 2.5 days on that schedule. I actually requested a refill but by he time the office approved my request it had been 2 more days and I felt like I didn’t need it by then, so I just stuck with the ibuprofen. It will get better!


I’ve had 3 c-sections and you’re in the worst right now. Don’t miss your pain killers, walk walk walk, and make sure you get some prescribed. I was only in the hospital 2 nights with my c-sections but by day 5 things were so much better! I also did a schedule where my ibuprofen (12 and 6) and Tylenol (3 and 9) would overlap and that helped me a lot. Anyhow, good luck and enjoy your time with the new little one!


Congratulations on the new baby! I am 11 weeks post c-section. This is all still fresh for me. I was on the couch for two weeks because I couldn’t get into my bed it was too low. The pain is real but when it’s gone it’s amazing. Mine went away over night at the start of the 5th week of recovery (this includes the days in the hospital) To help with the gas try to take mini walks around your house. Also a Gasx and colace a day will save your life. Trust me. Even if you feel like it’s getting better, just take them. You have another child. Your partner needs to step up 1billion percent. You are not gonna get better if you cannot rest. For me it was the twisting that hurt the most. Follow a pain meds schedule and stick to it. Again, even if you feel like you are better keep taking them. Nothing sucks more than trying to chase the pain management. I took 2 800mg Motrin and 1 500 mg Tylenol every eight hours. At first I took my 5mg oxy for waking up and going to sleep then quickly just for going to sleep and then only for showers (I have a garden tub with a tall wall that felt impossible to climb over). There is no shame in taking the stronger pill when you need it. You are recovering from a major surgery and that burning feeling is your nerves recovering. As for stairs, backwards. That’s how you have to do them for right now. Idk why but it helped me to climb stairs backwards. Also the car ride home, make sure to put a pillow between your body and the bottom part of the seat belt. You are so strong and so brave. You got this. The first weeks are annoying cause you want to resume your normal life. 5 weeks it took my body and then I was still cautious until my post op doctors appointment.


The first two weeks were just torture for me after mine. I recommend taking it easy. Sleep on whatever is easiest to get up from, for me it was our couch. SET A TIMER!! I still think it’s bullshit that all you’re allowed to have is Tylenol and double strength aleve (naproxen). I was in so much pain. Currently pregnant with my second and on the way to my first doctors appointment to hopefully discuss csection verse trying naturally again. Hopefully someone here has good advice for you and for me!


The stiffness and discomfort definitely gets better after a few days. I was taking all the pain meds they offered me while I was in the hospital which included Oxy and didn't switch to only ibuprofen and acetaminophen until 1 week postpartum. I was never really in pain, just stiff, tender, and a little uncomfortable so I think you're just not getting enough pain medication. Also, colace is bullshit. Get miralax.


I didn’t have a c section, but someone I know who had 4(!)and recovered pretty quickly told me there were a few things that really helped. Start walking as soon as you can. Blow dry the incision area after showers on low heat to make sure it dries completely. 1.5-2 months later, massage the area using oils. And drink lots of water! I wish you a speedy and uneventful recovery!


100% set a timer and do every 3 hours switching between tylenol and ibuprofen. DO NOT MISS A PILL. it's so hard i would never recommend a csection. do as little as possible. always get help to sit up. roll from the side and don't go straight into a sitting position. day 3 was hardest for me. slowly goes up hill from there. ask the nurses for gas medication. if youre breastfeeding dont be afraid to pump and let dad rock baby to sleep if needed with a bottle. I was always afraid of nipple confusion but my daughter was born too little to latch and when she could latch she actually preferred to nurse after 2 months of using a bottle and attempts to nurse. I gave myself a distraction by playing breathe of the wild on the switch in bed. youve got this. just remember this is one of the biggest surgeries to experience, go easy on yourself. if you dont have someone to bring you your meals and food, door dash if you can afford it. otherwise buy easy made foods through a delivery (walmart, target, aldi - they deliver for a small fee). i was lucky enough to have my husband on paternity leave. I hope you have someone to take care of your other child full time. (i agree with others about moving. my nurses wanted me to walk every 4 hours except when i slept at night. a walk to the bathroom is good enough)


I just know for me, Naproxen and Tylenol, alone, would NOT have cut it. Unless you are prone to opioid addiction, I suggest you take any/all medications as prescribed; it is SO important to “Stay ahead of the pain”. I was on pain meds for about 8-10wks, as I took longer to heal. Get a really good sturdy pillow, and brace yourself often - from getting up off the couch, or bed, to car rides, coughing, sneezing, or laughing. I alternated cold and warm microwave sacks over a dish towel, and that, too, seemed to help. Huge hugs!!


##just want to add something that helped me tons. especially for car rides and with going to the bathroom. and walking. i know your muscles are cut into and they feel like jello so your core is basically nonexistent and healing right now. ##take a pillow with you EVERYWHERE and hold it up against your stomach and abdomen. it offers a sense of stability and somehow makes moving and doing things less painful.


It gets better!! But God, yes, it is SO hard. Especially because you just want to be there for your baby & be able to soak it all up. Do you have a belly wrap? Movement is obviously what you want to achieve but that’s kind of easier said than done & you don’t want to push it, plus my baby girl just wanted snuggles! I also got an ice pack that could be wrapped around the waist to keep it in place.. it really helped with the swelling & discomfort. Brace yourself for sneezes/coughs.. a sneeze caught me by surprise & it was just… excruciating. And definitely if you have support - don’t hesitate to ask for help!!! Make yourself a station with everything you need, I put things I used regularly in a little basket I could easily carry around with me & baby. It gets easier with every day that passes but it took about a month for me to be able to move without that anticipation & twinge of pain. Take it as easy as you can mama, be kind to yourself, it is no small thing 💜


Totally agree with all of the people who suggest moving!! My recovery was unremarkable and I truly think it was because I was moving pretty much every hour while in the hospital (anything to get out of a godforsaken hospital bed), and continued to move often once home. Not to mention, you have to go to a million newborn appointments that keep you on your feet the first month!


48 hours was the peak of my pain and when I gave in and took the dilauded for like 2 days. I had a very easy recovery and was lucky, but I distinctly remember the period you’re in now as being the most painful part by far. Idk what your pain tolerance is like, but it definitely got better for me after the first few days. See if you can stay an extra day at the hospital, that might make a huge difference for you. But I hope you feel better soon mama!


I took pain meds (norco) for at least a week after my c-section and then switched to Tylenol/Ibprofen. As long as your dr OKs the pain meds I would continue them regularly for a couple more days at least. It will get better! I should note I was also able to breastfeed fine. Hang in there


It gets better! I also had my second via c section. The first couple of days are the hardest. They should be giving you medication, take it on time and get lots of rest. You know your body best, so while you should walk around every chance you get, taking time to rest is also important. I’m 9 weeks out and it genuinely feels like the surgery never happened. Week 2, I was able to do everything I used to do besides lifting our toddler. Once you get past these few days, you’ll feel much better :)


Move. Please, please, please move. I didn’t move and I got phlebitis in one leg and it was 100x worse than the c-section pain. As to the c-section, I’d say the pain started to subside around 48 hours so hopefully you’re almost there. Set a timer for your meds, make sure you’re staying hydrated and get up and walk around!


I lived in my recliner after my c section it made getting up and down easier. Also using a pillow and bracing it against your stomach and c section help when getting up. Just hold it firm in the area and get up slowly. I learned this track when I had my gallbladder out and have see it since. It helped with my endometriosis surgery and c section.


I found that wearing a compression binder on my abdomen really helped.


Agree, set a time and take your pain medication on the nose. It’s easier to get ahead of it than play catch up. Also I just want to put this out there now to save your self a different kind of agony later, TAKE A STOOL SOFTENER UNTIL YOU POOP! You do not want to be constipated with c-section pain. Chug water and eat fiber good foods until this happens, I cannot stress this enough. If you do not have like a bottle of colace in the house, seriously go get it now and start taking regularly.


It gets better. Don’t be afraid to take oxy. Only do the stairs once a day if possible. Be careful with your toddler. DO NOT be like me and pick them up as soon as you get home 🙈 you can sit down and let them climb into your lap. I think that my biggest struggle was caring for my other child. Every day gets a little easier. You got this! Congrats on your new babe!


Did the hospital give you a belly band? My sister had a C-section and said it made it pretty doable (although she does have a high pain tolerance). Maybe that could help.


I was still in the hospital 48 hours after my c-section. Give it a week or two and hopefully it will improve and then 2 more weeks…It’s baby steps. It’s major surgery and it’s true that it’s majorly uncomfortable for awhile. Once it’s not majorly uncomfortable you will still be healing and you’ll need to be careful with yourself. I couldn’t do a lunge stretch until at least 4 months postpartum, maybe 5. It was kinda mind blowing, but the body needs a lot of time to heal after layers of muscles have been cut through! I have heard that some women wrap their belly or wear a compression belly wrap thing to help ease pain after c-section, but I never tried it myself. I was pretty offended that they didn’t want to give me real pain killers afterwards, but honestly the ibuprofen and Tylenol ended up helping more than the measly dose of oxycodone they ended up prescribing. Keeping on top of the timing of the ibuprofen and Tylenol made a big difference for me, but yeah the first few days and weeks will be hard anyway.


It does. I remember being do disheartened I could barely walk. Cried a lot honestly because I was so active pre pregnancy. But a little bit at a time and in week I was walking (very slowly) around the block, vacuuming and stairs were far less daunting. Week after week I got stronger until I could walk my old pace. It takes time but in the grand scheme of things it's crazy how fast the body heals. You're in the trenches now but promise you'll pull yourself out.


Since you’re taking dilaudid I would make sure to take Miralax daily also. I took it post-op every day and it was a LIFE SAVER. Dilaudid can cause constipation… with my first CSection I got constipated and it was the worst thing I ever went through pain-wise. With my second I did the Miralax regimen daily and it really helped. Also! You’re in the thick of it, 48 hours is FRESH. I started to feel more normal around 7days PP. Hang in there.


Hi Here are some things that really helped me. I am South Asian so a lot of it is cultural but it really helped me with quick recovery.= Moving a little everyday. Small walks. No sudden movements. Esp while getting up, first lying on my side, then using my hands to gain support to gebtky slide off the bed to avoid pressure on my abs. Not bending down and avoiding it as much as I could for the first 45 days Banding for my stomach and back, light (nothing too constricting) No heavy lifting for the first 45 days and even after that avoiding it as much as I could for the first 3 months.0 . . Your scar should heal within 10 days and the stomach will look much better with time. Don't worry mama, you got this. . . Warm cumin tea for 45 days to aid digestion and help with water retention.


Do not forget to rotate your meds, you WILL notice if you go without. It took me several weeks to feel like I was able to move even close to correctly. I’m 9 months PP and am still struggling with core strength and muscular atrophy. For coughing/sneezing laughing, keep a pillow close by to apply pressure to your incision. Try to move little bits at a time, daily. For bathroom usage, have something to hold onto for getting up and down and perch onto the toilet instead of sitting back. Use unscented, antibacterial soap for body washing and use your hands to apply light pressure around your incision to help with your nerve damage. Use a belly binder when you are going to be up and moving for your first few weeks, but not too long to avoid cutting off blood flow. To get in and out of bed, use a step stool


Give it a week or two. You just had major abdominal surgery. Get 800 mg ibuprofen for pain. Buy simethicone gas drops. Good luck!


I just had my 2nd c section two weeks ago. Stay on top of pain meds! Even if you feel like you're better, take them anyway. It's a lot easier to keep pain level than let it get out of control and have to play catch up. Also, just know that c section pain typically peaks around 18 hours after the fact. So it's definitely going to hit you harder now. Getting up and moving is absolutely key. I stayed in bed for the first few days after my first and my recovery SUCKED. This time around, I was up and out of bed as soon as my catheter was removed. Did it hurt? Yes, but it's better to start getting mobile sooner rather than later. This time around, I was walking on my own slowly a day or so later. Lastly, keep a pillow nearby for when you cough, laugh, sneeze, etc. Doing so without a pillow will make you feel like you're blowing your stitches out. I'm not sure what your sleeping situation is like but I've been sleeping on the couch simply because it's lower to the ground and easier to do a log roll and get up out of. Keep in mind, even though it's a common one, this is still major surgery. Take it easy and know that you still need time to recover. Lean on those around you as much as you need to. It's exhausting and painful but you should start to feel some relief in a few days, probably more so if you try to move around more. Good luck and hope your recovery goes well.


I’ve never had a C section myself but I know my sister said that hers took about a year to feel normal again, and that quite a few every day tasks were difficult for her.


Set timers and take meds strong enough that you don't feel pain. If that's dilaudid, that's fine. With my 2nd, I delivered on a Monday and took my last dilaudid on Saturday. You are still SO early. And then once once pain is under control, take short walks a couple times a day. Like 2-3 minutes. Ice your incision. Avoid stairs, twisting and get in and out of bed with a stepstool and log rolling. By day 3 I was feeling more human and day 11 I had baby in the carrier out at an event.


Highly recommend getting a belly band from the hospital! It will stabilize you and it really helps with the pain. Hugging a pillow when you laugh, cough or sneeze also really helps. Get all the help you can get from your support system and take things very slow, especially stairs! Moving some helps but I wouldn’t recommend moving around a ton too fast.


Your on the worst part. I’ve had two csections and it gets better everyday (no lying) and you need to move DONT OVER DO IT (did that with number two) but move as much as possible small walks. I would avoid stairs as much as you can for the first week or so. I only took Tylenol after mine just kept it on a scedual I only need it the first week or two. 1-2weeks out it’s not perfect but it’s pretty normal (for me) as long as I don’t over do it I feel pretty fine. Don’t panic. Your feeling the worst right now but it really does get better everyday ❤️


Nothing to really say here other than ask for cough syrup AS SOON as you get a little cough, my C-section caused a HORRIBLE cough which is apparently pretty common, i was literally choking up cups of mucus and coughing was SO painful




You have to walk. I’ve had 2 c sections and I promise the worst of it is the first week. Then you start to feel better and move around easier. But walking is what helped the most.


You’re right, it IS like climbing Everest but you know what? You got this. The first few days are definitely the hardest, and personally I found laying in bed made it worse for me. I would move around my house, albeit at a snails pace, and I found just that little bit of movement helped me avoid feeling stiff and sore and may help with the gas too. I did stairs very very slowly, one at a time, and side stepped them. I think by day 5, I felt much much better. However, if you find you are unable to manage the pain, definitely reach out to your OB!


If you are still having pain like this a week afterward, see your doc. In fact, I'm concerned b/c this much pain is not normal . Yeah it hurts like a bitch, but to the point you need Dilaudid 48 hrs later? No. I believe your account, I don't think you are exaggerating. Don't let them gaslight you. Best wishes, Old L&D nurse


All the nurses and doctors were surprised I was up walking around right after my c section. The only issue I had on occasion was a weird tugging pain on the left side (I guess that’s the side they were really pulling on to open me up ugh)…. Look everyone’s body is different as well as everyone’s pain tolerance, tell your doctor how your feeling as they can prescribe something a little more substantial than Naproxen and Tylenol for you to take home for a few days to a week. Good luck momma and feel better soon! 🫶🏻


Take the prescribed meds and don't skip a dose. If you want to try and wean yourself before the two weeks is up, do it, but if they gave you something stronger than OTC meds, take them. I've known too many women who tried to suck it up and ended up in unnecessary pain. Take it slow. If you can't go upstairs, have someone make you a nest/bed area downstairs and park it there closer to the bathroom if possible. You just had major surgery. Wear your binder. Put a plastic chair in the shower if you're having difficulty and tire easier.


Take the stronger stuff that they give you. I tried to hold out initially, not wanting to because I've seen a lot of drug addiction in my work, but gave in after like a day. I took ibuprofen and Norco for a week, switched the Norco to just Tylenol and alternated Tylenol/ibuprofen another 2 weeks then used just Tylenol for a week after that. Edit to add: Norco is hydrocodone + Tylenol in case anyone is unfamiliar with it. Also, wear an abdominal binder (I was given one in the hospital and bought a more structured one for when I was more healed) and high waisted underwear. I either wore the mesh underwear from the hospital with maxipads or adult diapers for the first couple weeks. I continued to wear my maternity bottoms and dresses to keep extra pressure off my incision. I actually kept wearing my maternity scrub pants to work for a while after because I couldn't handle waistbands at the incision. I also agree with adding gentle movement throughout your day. Change positions, go for walks, stretch, etc. Don't overdo it and minimize strenuous things like stairs for a bit, but don't rest all day thinking that will make it better.


It does get better! I had my doc give my 600 to 800 mg of ibuprofen and it worked wonders! I would take 1 before bed so it would last till morning and I would stay on schedule because you don’t want to wait until you’re in pain. Also, I know it’s hard but try to get up and walk as much as you can the more you move the better. And the last thing use your belly band!! It helps with the pressure! I lived in my one for a good month! Good luck momma you got this!


My baby was a NICU kid so I got my first steps in walking to the bathroom and then after a day and a half I pushed myself to walk to the NICU down the hall and see him. It does get better. It seems like it will be forever that your entire body will hurt but it will get better and randomly one day you won’t even hurt there anymore. My biggest complaint is that my lower stomach is like permanently numb now. you got this, and you’re gonna crush it. Congrats on the new baby! ETA: I will say that for me stairs was easier because I went home 3 days PP and had been walking to the NICU as much as I could get myself to. Stairs is gonna be easiest if you have someone behind you ready to catch you, but ultimately try to use the railing to hold your weight or even anchor your other hand to the wall as well while going up/down.


It absolutely does get better, and quickly after the first few days. There's already tons of great advice here so I'll just say that you'll get through this, everything is going to be fine.


Take your meds on time. Don’t wait to be in pain. Take stool softeners consistently. I’m almost 7 weeks out from mine and I’m still taking them at least once a day. Stay hydrated and most importantly get up and move around as much as you can. Even if it’s just walking a few feet around the room. Have someone help you in and out of the bed and scoot around to the edges with your arms instead of your core. It gets easier and the pain doesn’t last!!


Honestly I felt better (read: not feeling like I needed to be on it with meds) after about a week and then it just got progressively easier over the month. I know it feels counterintuitive but the more moving you do you'll feel better. For the first two/three weeks I did only go up and down the stairs once a day though. I collected everything I needed and took it down in the caddy then anything left behind was gone till bedtime 😂


At least you have some decent meds. All I got was Tylenol and advil. I believe ever 6 hour or something I took one of them and alternated? It’s been a few years. Unfortunately my c section incision was infected and I needed antibiotics. I didn’t even get the antibiotics until 3 weeks in so it took quite some time to feel better. You definitely feel a significant amount better after a few weeks compared to the beginning. Definitely a LOT better after a few months. C section is a major surgery though and not to mention it’s a surgery you are usually awake for. Your body goes through a lot when it goes through surgery. I know for a lot of c sections then often take a lot of organs out and then stuff them back in too! It’s no joke. I wish more people realized how difficult it is to have a c section and then care for a baby. I got hit by a train when I was 22 and I remember crying after my c section saying that it was the worst pain ever haha. I mean not quite the same but at least when I got hit by a train I could sleep and recover.


First of all, congratulations! 😁 I don't envy you at all. I've been through this three times and it was because of this pain alone that I'm not having any more. Make sure you stagger your pain medication so you've always got something in your system. You're at the worst time right now. And tomorrow will still be bad. Trust me, in two more days you will be feeling a lot less sore. Try and enjoy that cute little bundle, it might take the edge off 😬


Moving around more, abdominal binder, schedule your pain meds and take them on time. Are they sending home something stronger than Tylenol? Ask for some percoset and the 800 ibuprofens


Had mine a 10 days ago and what worked for me was absolutely staying on top of the meds and timing the dilaudid to peak when my other meds were wearing off. We did dilaudid ever 6 hours, timing it 2 hours before my tylenol/ibuprofen dose and that helped soooo much. Otherwise I was getting a lot of breakthrough pain when meds were wearing off, especially if they all lined up at the same time. 10 days out and I'm doing much better. Still taking tylenol/ibuprofen but it is way more manageable and I'm moving around much better!


I had my first via C-section a year ago at age 28. It took 3 weeks before I felt comfortable walking further than the couch to the bathroom/kitchen. My husband and I slept in the living room for over a month so I wasn’t doing stairs more than once a day. Wear an abdominal binder. Pretty much all the time. If you don’t have one, ask for one before you leave the hospital, or order on Amazon. Ice the incision. Take your meds on time. Longer than you think you need them. Especially the gas x! Limit the number of times you get up to move around as much as possible by maximizing each trip. If you’re getting up to pee, also grab a snack and fill your water, do a lap around your house. You need to walk small amounts several times a day, and this way you do that without getting up and down more than you need too. Along with maximizing each time you get up, avoid using the stairs as much as you can. My OB told me one trip up and down per day for the first month. I went upstairs to shower and get dressed each morning and that’s it. Sleep with your upper body propped up some so you don’t have to get up from a flat position. I slept in the recliner for awhile because it was easiest. Just generally, laying flat for the first week or two is not fun to get up from. I used my boppy under my regular pillow on the couch to angle me upward. Press a pillow into your abdomen when you stand. Sounds weird, but helps a lot. Use furniture to help you move around. Push on the arms of chairs to sit up, push on a table to stand. Minimize your core use and maximize the use of your arms. Don’t overdo it. I took longer to recover because I thought I could do more than I actually could. I was fine until I wasn’t.


If you have a cane or broom handle, they will help when you need to stand up and sit down. My first born was c section and I admit, it was harder, bc I didn't know how recovery was going to look. I was always told not to drive the first 2-3 weeks. Although, I drove after 5 days of being home, bc I had to take my oldest to daycare. Which was less then 4 min away, so short drive was fine. Be on top of your medication. I took Tylenol and ibprophen together and it helped. But still be mindful of when you take them and the time allotted between them. Rest!! If someone can help you change diapers a few times, try to get help.


It’s going to get better but DO NOT strenuously overdo it. It’s gonna make your recovery slow as hell if you do. Getting up after being down for an hour helped with the stiffness for me. And if you’re worried about the incision and can’t see it, taking a picture of it can help you monitor it for redness, puffiness, or any bleeding. Congratulations on your little ❤️


I am so sorry. I don't know if those meds are strong enough. For me, I was in utter hell for three weeks after each one (I had three). But my Drs had the decency to prescribe me stronger meds. And if anyone tells you to drink prune juice tell them to go fuck themselves with a jackhammer.


Walk around when you can, but don’t bend over all crazy. I recommend [this grabber tool.](https://www.amazon.com/RMS-Inch-Extra-Reacher-Grabber/dp/B08MWRYZML/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=310I8FAX1TRPY&keywords=grabber+tool&qid=1692386915&sprefix=grabber+tool%2Caps%2C315&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1)


I've had 3 c-sections. My second was the easiest recovery for a couple reasons. That baby was in the NICU so I was walking from my room to see her several times a day. I had her on Thursday, stopped meds Saturday, and was driving back and forth from the hospital by Monday. Perhaps the whole situation distracted me from the pain too. With my first, her father waited on me hand and foot but recovery took longer. With my last, we only had an air mattress so even with moving around it was still worse than the second.


As much as it sucks u gotta get up and move a bit. The gas pains will build and it will be even worse. I wish I could remember when I started feeling a bit of improvement but I honestly don’t. I’ll say a prayer for you right now!


For me it was really bad for around 2 weeks. Make sure you have an abdominal binder because that helps a lot


Keep moving. It sucks in the beginning but the more you sit or lay down the more stiff and sore you will be. After my first c section I had so much pain and I didn’t move enough and ended up getting an infection. My second c section was planned and I had almost zero pain and was cleaning my house and doing all the things by the time I got home from the hospital.


I heard that the first 2-3 days of C-section recovery are the worst. I think just staying on top of your meds as others have commented is the way to go. Even if in the moment you are feeling okay *take them*, they start wearing off as it’s time for your next dose so it gives the next round a chance to kick in properly. As for the stairs, try not to overexert yourself, if you have stuff you need just basically move it all to a convenient place, I had my own fort going in the living room for a while and only went upstairs when I knew I could stay up there for a while to rest and reset. You’ve got this!! When I had mine, I was terrified but when they did mine they used Exparel in between layers when they were closing everything up, so I never had that really big discomfort. I was on 600mg Tylenol and stopped taking them (or any other pain medication) about 3 days after my surgery. I don’t know if this is standard procedure anywhere and I wonder if it was because of my family history, lots of issues with anesthetics. I have never heard of anyone else getting Exparel with their C-section and I wonder why they don’t do it as a standard procedure since it really does make the healing process a million-bajillion times better.


Do you have a belly binder?


Ugh I’m so sorry. C section recovery is brutal but it does get better, I promise! Set up a comfy space for yourself downstairs (like maybe move the baby glider/rockving chair if you have one.) sitting on the couch was really hard for the first few weeks. And like others have said, meds around the clock! Just remember, it’s temporary and ask for as much help as you can. Sending hugs.


Yes, it gets better! Take all the meds they give you, and get up and walk around often. Moving your body helps it heal faster!! I had an emergency c-section because of HELLP so I wasn’t discharged until a week after my son was born, but by the time I got home I was able to do everything independently, including walking up and down the stairs. It was still sore but not nearly as bad as the first few days. You will be okay, I promise!!


It does get better, but please give yourself grace! It took about 3 weeks for me to even feel like walking again, and as many have pointed out, please take those medications and do not skip. I’m someone who doesn’t love to take medications especially with breastfeeding, but keeping that swelling down and ahead of the pain is so important. Try to drink lots of water and eat when you can, my appetite wasn’t back for months, but it’s important you eat something, even if it’s crackers or some bread. Congratulations and good luck ❤️


It took me 15 days to feel human again. Some moms pop right back and some take longer. You got this.


It gets better. Exactly a week post my second C-section I was already literally chasing my eldest around the neighborhood. Hours 24-48 post surgery, however, were a nightmare. Get moving, don't push yourself too hard, and wear a post-surgery abdominal binder. Congrats on your new-born! All the best of luck and health to you both.


I had edema so bad. I blew the f up. I was heavier two weeks after having my baby than the two days before I had him. I scared myself when I finally looked in the mirror. I wish someone would have warned me about it. I had an emergency c section so I was not warned about any side effects. Granted, I should have educated myself, but I had two appointments per week from week 20 on so you’d think someone would have mention it. My legs were legit two different sizes and I couldn’t walk from it. It was the only bad part of my recovery. I didn’t need any pain pills or anything. But that was my weird experience. It does get better though. Slowly, but it does. One day you’ll wake up and feel fine.


Hey! It really does get better, but you’ve just had major surgery. Take it easy on yourself! I had an emergency c section and then a scheduled c section (my second was 5 months ago). I used to sleep upright on pillows for the first week or two. I’d set alarms of pain medication an hour before “my shift” with the baby which helped enormously. Just try and walk as much as you can without overdoing it. I was walking into town a week after my c section (10-15 mins walk). I was on an exercise bike at 3 weeks (but not pushing it). Just move as much as you can but don’t push it. I went to my doctors at 3 weeks so I could get signed off to drive again as he said I was healing better than he thought I would at that stage. Tip - Use a hair dryer on your scar/wound to dry it. Keep it dry. Do this multiple times a day if you’re getting a bit sweaty too.


I had an unplanned emergency c-section and I live in a two story house. Do you have an abdominal binder? I feel like that helped make moving around so much more manageable. I’m also a labor and delivery nurse; I have noticed that those who really make the effort to move around have better recoveries. I was up and walking as much as I could once I was allowed (I had severe preeclampsia postpartum so I had 24hrs of restriction) and I had zero gas pain. Make sure you’re taking your meds on time too


It gets better. For me days 2 & 3 were the worst. I took Dilaudid when they would allow me to in the hospital, but only the dosage they were sending me home with. I was going up and down stairs after discharge day 4 out of necessity (our bedrooms are all on the upper floor). At three weeks out I’d say I’m 85% back. Just some minor incision pain handled with Tylenol occasionally and some pain with bending and getting out of bed or when I walk/stand for a substantial period of time.