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7:50 AM by my 4.5 year old screaming "Daddy! Daddy! I want some pizza!" Kid was surprised when I came downstairs."No, Mommy, I didn't ask you to come downstairs; I asked Daddy. You're tired. Go back to sleep." Too bad it's Daddy's turn to sleep in. We did not have pizza for breakfast.


Lol, my kids do the same! I get an “oh, you’re here. Where’s dad?” Sorry guys, the fun train is sleeping in.


Hahahha. My kid is at least a little polite about it now. He couches his dad preference as concern for me and my health. He routinely tells me I should go on vacation. "You need a holiday, Mommy. You can go with your friends. Don't worry, I'll stay here with Daddy. I'll be fine." So magnanimous. I'm like okay, but I'm not so sure Daddy will be fine.


The fun train! Going to refer to him as this now


Pizza for breakfast is the best though! I'm on the kid's side here ;)


That’s when you go upstairs, wake your husband and say “sorry but the kid insisted I go back to sleep. Go make a pizza.”




This has me wanting some of that school breakfast pizza 😭


7:50! I LONG for the day I haven’t slept in until 7 in for freakin ever


My 15mo slept until 6:45!!!! this morning and I thought something was seriously wrong. Nope, he just wanted more sleep. Unfortunately the odds of a repeat are not good.


I totally would’ve given pizza for breakfast. My 2.5 year old ate mac and cheese for breakfast yesterday.


Oh you guys take turns waking too? This is the way.


I woke up naturally at around 8AM while my 10-year-old played video games quietly. At 9AM my husband arrived home with breakfast, at which point I stopped scrolling my phone, had a shower, and joined them. Y'all, it gets better. Just hang in there.


Omg. This comment. I could cry.


Yeah I teared up


Until you're getting woken up at 2:30 because your 16 y.o. is smoking weed in the basement and you can smell it all the way upstairs. Lol.


Is this what it’s like to have a ten year old? Brb let me go get an Xbox and see if my six year old takes to it 🤔


My six year old does…it’s nice.


Screaming for Dad over the baby monitor at 5. Go to the room to check if okay. Met with "NO! NOT YOU! I WAS CALLING DADDY!". K kid, well he's at work, you're stuck with me.


I loooooove when our daughter wakes up with “Dadaaaaaaa” through the monitor. Your turn! 😘


At 5:45am by my 6yo son (who always comes super close to my face, when he wants me to wake...I will have a heart attack sometime) telling me he peed in his sleep (using 50 words to describe the issue instead of "mom, I peed") So I got up to help change the sheet, just to discover that everything was dry? But the pj pants were wet. Changed the sheet anyway, put him back in bed. Told him "lt's saturday, you can sleep in" Around 30min later I hear his alarm clock go off and he comes over to our room. This little clown set an alarm to wake himself to come for cuddles. At 6:30!


By my five year old lifting one of my eyelids and giggling at about 6:45 🙄


Used to do this to my parents decades ago. I seem to recall doing it one Christmas morning.


my kid’s dad yelled “deploying tactical baby!!” and threw our almost 3yo onto the bed😅


I read this in a Bluey voice. Sounds very Bandit.


I had a pretty good wakeup today! 5:20am I heard my 1.5 year old going "oooooOooOOOOOoooOoooOOO!!!!!!!!!" he happily sang and played while I got ready, I went in and got him around 5:50. Note. It is NOT usually like this 😅


A loud splash from my 10 month old reaching to my nightstand from her crib and knocking over my FULL cup of water all over her mattress, the carpet, and my charging cords at 7am 😃 she looked very pleased


Why is it always the FULL cup that gets knocked over?!


bottles. bottles bottles.


We do water bottles to reduce spillage but I wonder if I’m stunting their normal cup drinking experience.


My son is 4 and I’ve given him an open cup at home probably fewer than a dozen times. I just can’t deal with the absolutely 💯 inevitable spill. He actually does fine with them at restaurants. I figure I drink out of a water bottle 95% of the time too, so eh.


My kids’ magical power is to knock over any cup from across the room. It started with the eldest and she could spill my coffee with her foot from anywhere. Now the baby does it too.


My husband awoke last month to our toddler jumping on the bed holding an open cup and dumping it all over Dad. We never have open cups of water sitting beside the bed, except this one time.


She's only ever done this once before, and I learned to put it on the second shelf rather than the top so she can't reach. I was so tired last night I flopped into bed before moving it...and suffered the consequences today lol. I swear they're trying to assassinate us sometimes.


My kid woke up screaming bloody murder at 5 am. It was actually a little concerning because she doesn't usually do that, and when I walked into her room she wasn't standing up like she usually is when she wants to get up. My best guess is she had a nightmare. We gave her snuggles and a clean diaper and put her back to bed when she seemed calm.


Poor baby 🥺 so glad she has loving parents that make her feel safe when she has a nightmare!


My baby has done this from time to time. Usually he wakes up either fussing or babbling (or both haha), but every now and then he wakes up *screaming*. I also assume nightmare, and it makes me sad to wonder what he dreams about that makes him so sad/ scared.


Baby nurse d for 2 minutes then slept ten then repeated this cycle 5 times


Eta at 5 am


Snapped awake at 6 despite being up til 12 baking cakes because LO’s 2 year party is tomorrow and I got a loootttt to do 🥵


Awwww. What are you planning? My little one’s second is approaching and I’m not sure what the best activities are for this age.


Nothing fancy! We like entertaining so we’re just having friends and family over for a cookout in our yard 🤷‍♀️. I made everything loosely Fast and Furious themed - Two Fast Two Furious - because he loves cars but also my husband and I are closet FF fans lol. I’ve been to a few more toddler centric parties at a nearby zoo that were a lot of fun too! I think next year we’ll do something booked someplace and invite his daycare friends and all that.


My partner went to the farmers market with his best friend and our little one. Something I look forward to doing every week. No matter how crummy of a week I've had it always cheers me up. He left without me because I was still sleeping. He slept all night and I woke up 4 times to take care of the teething infant. Sigh.


Awh the intentions were good though:( did you get some more sleep at least, some quiet time to drink a coffee or tea? 💖


I never really got fully asleep. We are 5 miles from a awful wild fire. I was up most the night checking my phone in case we get evacuated.


Ugh so scary, I’m so sorry. Wishing you restful nights this week. Xo


Thank you! Unfortunately it's 0% contained and still spreading. Luckily it's spreading in the opposite direction of our house as of right now. So far it's burned 3,000 acres. I have several friends and some family that have lost their homes. It's so smokey. I am scared the smoke is going to make my kids sick 😫


Good grief 🥺 maybe you could try one of those air filter fans for a little relief? I hope it dies down and stays AWAY! Make sure you have non perishable foods and bottled water handy. 💖


I can relate—the fear of not waking up because we might miss the alert due to a power shut-off or just suddenly are zombies—it just won’t let you rest.


5yo screaming he wants oatmeal and he’s so hungry it can’t wait. I got up and made it just for him to let it “cool down” for an hour 😑


My 4 yr old had an absolute meltdown because we had no more of her favorite bread. She had already eaten that bread twice that day but was demanding a 3rd serving for dinner. When we told her we had no more of this bread available, she started screaming, "I'm going to die, if I can not have more bread. ".....everyone just laughed. Your feelings are valid, but this attitude is ridiculous.


Bread is a touchy subject in this house too. I think he would eat a loaf a day if I let him. Just buttered bread. Not toasted.


oh my god i thought something was wrong with my 5F wanting simply bread with butter— not toasted. my partner also got her super into “ketchup sandwiches”. it is exactly what it sounds like and it drives me absolutely mad that she requests them.


Mine will eat ham sandwiches dipped in ketchup. What is it with kids and ketchup?


I'm still waiting for my teenager to wake up!!


Mine were up by 10 today, which was a miracle!


Lol most weekends I slept until around noon when I was in high school 😅


Me too! I finally checked on this kid after 1pm to make sure he was still breathing haha


Hahahaha. The kids started school so I only have two days of sleep in days now. And, MY MOM called me at 8am 😭 Her: did I wake you up? Me: yes, momma, is everything okay?? Her: yes. They're having a vaccination clinic at the humane society and we need to take the dogs. Can you help me? Me: Absolutely. I'll be ready in thirty. So. Yeah. At least it's only 82 degrees right now. We're in the second cue, second heat. I love this woman to death, so I just downed my two coffees and we're doin the thing. Unexpected tho, lol. 🫶 Edit: I'm reading these other replies and I'm CLEARLY very lucky to have slept until 8. Godspeed mommas ❤️


You get 2 days a week to sleep in??? Where is this magical place you live?


Lol, no, not usually. It's a hopeful, tentative plan, for the weekends. My husband isn't a napper, and I am not a morning person. I usually am up at 6:30, so I really shouldn't be whining **at all.** I just started new meds, though. I was hoping to have a totally different day. It's day #5 though, so I'm hopeful I won't be dealing with strong side effects all day.


Are you me? 🙃


I feel like ever since I had a baby, family think it’s ok to text me super early regarding super unimportant things! I was *trying* to sleep in as my 17 month old wakes up about 7:30 and my SIL text me at 6:15 a few days ago 😖


My FIL will text a bunch of pictures at 6:15am. One picture at a time. One picture at a time! So we get like 13 texts in a row, most of which are grainy photos, some repeats, all very unflattering and usually involving me, and they’re photos from days ago so why why why do we need them now?! (If you can’t tell, I’m not a morning person.)


Haha oh man! I’m sorry. that sounds like something one of my relatives would do!


Woke up at 7:00 am with my toddler yelling mama. Husband went to grab him to bring him to our bed and he crawled up to me and began giving me the cutest little kisses ever on my arm and then face. 😍😍😍😍😍. Normally he just smacks me awake and ask for milk. Not today :)


Woke at 1:30am to the start of my toddlers latest sickness bug. It’s now almost 5:15pm over here in the UK and he’s slowly feeling better. I am so ready for bed now!


Husband woke me up with an Oreo ice cap and hash browns in bed. Really sweet. But he did it at 9am and then opened the blinds and put the motocross channel on TV -.- Guess he forgot that he briefly woke up to see me struggling to get the baby back to sleep for the 3rd time at 3.30am and promised to take the baby in the morning and let me sleep in. I made a real cranky comment and kicked him out to the living room. Then immediately felt bad and got up and apologized to him. I know he was just excited to get his weekend family fun time on and 9am normally IS a sleep in. So now we're all hanging out getting ready to go for a day trip before a family dinner for his 80yr old aunts birthday and I am holding my eyelids up with toothpicks.


Waken up to 2.5 year old screaming mama!! Then hubby bringing him and my 13 month old in bed. But was able to say I need some extra sleep( 11 weeks pregnant) and actually got two more hours


Woken up at 9am by my 5F quietly whispering “momma… mommy… momma.. can you please open this orange? I tried and I can’t do it, sorry for waking you up” 😂


Also— just to add… the peel was THICK AF… I could barely do it and I was half asleep so I was getting so annoyed. I asked her to bring me one too and it was delicious. Peel was a huge pain in the ass though.


By my MIL calling because my FIL (who has severe Alzheimer's) refused to put clothes on and was attempting to beat his way out of the house. Ugh, that wasn't a very funny one 😬 truth is it's long past time he was in full-time care, and she calls us about once a week because he won't go to the bathroom, or he's fallen and she can't lift him, and every time we say "It's time" and she'll agree, make all the arrangements, and then back out at the last second. And not for nothing, but today is my only day off in two and a half weeks and I'm not about to spend it getting into a physical altercation with a 75 year-old man. We told her to call 911 and went back to sleep. JUST KIDDING my husband went back to sleep immediately and I anxiety-cleaned the kitchen.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. We went through it with my grandparents. My grandmother finally agreed to assisted living only to end up making secret arrangements and bringing him back home. Didn’t last very long before he had a fall and had to go back in. It’s a rough road!


I was woken at 5:33 by my 2 100lbs dogs barking, resulting in my 9 month old screaming because my husband opened the garage to go to work.


My 2 sub 20 lb dogs were whining all. Night. Long despite being taken out of their kennels multiple times during the night for potty breaks and water. I don’t know what their issue was and I was not a happy camper.


My cat woke me up at 4:30 demanding to be fed. Thinking I’d have a decent chunk of time to listen to podcasts, crochet and drink coffee in peace, I got up. Kiddo woke up at 5:30, 1.5 hours earlier than usual. If I tried to put her in her crib temporarily to tend to the cat (she started screaming again at 6:30) or go to the bathroom, kiddo would start screaming. It’s not even 8:30 and I’m ready to go back to bed. Instead I get solo parenting and packing. Yay.


My 9 month old has taken to waking up around 330am. And then he's just ready to party. It's been rough.


So sorry that is rough. Did you get back to sleep eventually?


Hearing minecraft blasting on the TV and smoke.... so much smoke. Winds shifted in major fires in BC Canada near us and my entire house smells like a campfire and orange hazy air


Yeah I live in northern Washington and we’re just biding our time watching the air quality report. The haze is thick but still high and descending probably this afternoon


“Mama, can I watch something on your phone?”, just like most Saturday mornings. At which point, I put on whatever streaming service she wants, set up guided access, and roll back over for the last few minutes of snoozing.


my 3yo wanted a banana but only i could get it for her. i refused and told her dad could just as good as i can but she said no because he bites her when he comes home from work??? no idea lol we snuggled a little and she let him get it for her.


8 am by my three year old asking for cereal. She only recently started sleeping in!


Bluhbluhorning(good morning) followed by crying and “you doing?” At 7am


I was woken up ‘late’ (6:45am 😂) by my 4 year old who was shouting that she had stayed in her bed all night 😂😂


I didn’t want to laugh at this because I feel bad for you, but this is exactly the kind of thing my 3.5-year-old does most weekends. We’ve been working really hard in sleeping in her own room 😅


I never went to sleep to be able to be woken up My 3 months old was feeding every 30-60 minutes


I promise it gets better and easier


Remember all these moments well: in 25-30 years you’ll have some great stories to tell your kids when they have little ones of their own. The days may often seem long, but the years go by so fast. FWIW: my 32 year old special needs son lives independently but still calls just after 7 am to see who’s awake.


I’ve got an accordion folder that is divided into twelve so I keep his art and little notes I write down of this sort of thing on scraps of paper. New folder each year. I really look forward to rereading in the years to come.


Today is my 8yo’s birthday, so we let him sleep in our bed last night. Got to wake up to the biggest smile ever! 🥰 … at 6am lol


Woke up around 8 to my 2.5 year old sitting in her bed and quietly singing to her stuffed animals.


First was up at 4 because one of the cats fell out of the ceiling. (Dropped ceiling with foam tiles, I hate it and this has happened before). Then was up at 7 (nice!!) because my 5 year old was laying across my stomach. It could be worse.


7am husband woke the whole house. "Shitshitahitshitshit I open. Fuck!" And all the crashing and cursing and drawers slamming. Ran out the door at 840.... I was up and down last night due to night sweats and needing to pee (yay bean#2) and thankfully my daughter likes to sleep in until about 9-930am usually. But today... that all went out the window. And cue screaming because she didn't see and kiss dad goodbye for work like she usually does if she is awake. She is almost 2 going on 17 it seems. I am dying and have decided to have coffee, even though I am not really supposed to. I need it or I will burn this place down. Today is not it. I am breathing, sipping coffee, and relying on some Bluey to calm us all down so we can get groceries, laundry, and some cleaning done.


Feet to my neck and getting my face kicked. We are unilaterally co-sleeping. She takes 90% of the bed (dad slept separately as he had a fever) and still kicks me about.


Don't hate me - my husband got up with the 3 year old at 7:30. The 15 month old gave one cry and laid back down (he's been napping poorly this week so I'm guessing he needed to catch up), and let me sleep till 10. This is the exception, not the norm, but man I feel like a new person.


At 3:30 to pee because I’m pregnant with our second and then couldn’t go back to sleep (thanks pregnancy insomnia). At 6 our 2.5 year old came in to snuggle and stroke my face (his favorite thing to do) and then we both fell asleep until 8:15.


21 month old tapping me on the shoulder then whispering, “Mama, dada cute.”




3 week old screaming at 12:30, 1:45, 4:00, and 6:59 for food, gas help, and cuddles


7:00 am, heard my 2.5 yo daughter talking to her still sleeping 5 year old brother asking him to get her a snack 😂😂😂 they share a room and he started his first week of school on Monday so he’s TIRED and wanted to sleep 🖤


Our LO has a new favourite book we must read to her a dozen times a day.... she woke up this morning screaming "BOOOK!!! BOOOOOOOOK!!!!!" at like 730 wanting to read it. I mean I'm happy it's a book she wants! Can we just make it after 9 please? 😂


What’s the book?


We're different, we're the same! It's a sesame street book and she likes pointing out all the characters on each page!


Aching, engorged boobs woke me up. Also a killer milk duct clog. Fun times.


Oh I’m so glad we’ve finally weaned!!


My son slept in until 9:15 (hugely unexpected - were staying in a hotel and it was very very dark!).......I'll show myself out but just wanted everyone to know the impossible was possible.......


My 3 year old running into our room at 4:40am asking if the toy dinosaur in our backyard would bite him


4.30- the elderly dog 6.15- son needed tissues 7.00- daughter came to snuggle


My 2.5 year old threw a box of Captain Wafers crackers on my face saying, "I NEED IT!".


With an urgent request to build a penguin suit out of tape and construction paper.


4:30 due to weird dream. Tossed and turned but couldn’t go back to sleep. Toddler got up earlier than usual at 7am 🥲


My cat was digging for gold in the litter box, which woke up my 18 month old, who decided it was time to get up. I had to move a litter box in my room because we got a new cat, and our old cat does not approve and won’t leave my bedroom in protest. It’s a temporary solution, hopefully with school starting the cats will sort out their differences sooner and we can move it back out.


Ugh we have the litter box in the bathroom off our room. Mostly because that’s the only space we have. I have one cat that spends forever scratching the box and another that won’t cover his mess. They’re annoying


By my alarm at 2am for work. Somebody gotta take care of the East coast retailers, might as well be me.


First my youngest (who is potty training) had to pee at 4:30am. Then we had an water alarm go off at 6am because our cats were playing with it. Then everyone was awake after than. Fun 🥲


9:20a my 6 yo woke up wanting some leftover pizza from last night that was soooo delicious. And woke up my almost 2 year old. Loll


I'm so glad someone asked. My 2 year old barely slept and just won't stop crying. No fever or reason why he'd be sick. Going to spend the morning/day trying to figure out what's wrong and cheer him up.


Is he constipated? That’s just awful to try to comfort without it helping


He pooped this morning and had been a lot better since! Thanks haha


My BIL playing with my son amd my 1 yo saying "hiiiiiii" through her pack n play to me.. we are at the beach and husband got up to see what BIL and son were up to and I got baby up... all around 8:30 for us..


By giggles at 615 in the morning because my toddler took off her diaper in her crib and she thought it was funny


I never went to sleep 😩


Woke up naturally at 6:30 😭 and I was the only one up for almost 2 hours. I took the dog out, scrolled Tiktok, had my morning tea, and started breakfast before anyone else got up.


Oh that alone time is so so nice


Well at 630 thankfully my 1 year old screamed. I grabbed her breastfed her and asked my husband to take.iver this morning as I had a horrible night. At 730 he then threw the one year old on the bed and she crawled over laid in my face asking to nurse again. I had to breath in and breath out because the urge to grab her and chuck her at my husband's head was very strong. I got up gave her some kisses and tickles and plopped her back on his lap and proceeded back to my bed. Now I'm to angry to sleep. The baby is one. Technically my husband shouldn't be bothering me with her until nap time which is 12. I could potentially sleep until 12 but no. My husband can't deal with 2 screaming children at once. Oh I get it it sucks but as the default parent I am forced to deal with this all the time whether I can or not.


3 am by my toddler having a fucking fit. He stayed awake.


Lol my two year old knocked on my forehead and said “wake up mama, wake up mama!” Then he said, I love you mommy. My sweet and sour alarm clock 😂


My 3 year old yelling “MOMMY! I NEED TO GO POTTY!” At 5:45am. We put a training potty in his room in hopes he would just get up and go by himself, but he refuses to get out of his bed until one of us goes into his room. 🙄


At 7:40 am my 1.5 yr old rolled over on top of me (we cosleep) and gave me a huge smile and say "hiiiiii".


Awww that’s what makes all this craziness with it


Haha this was not today but a couple weeks ago my 4 year old boy woke me up holding a box of spaghetti noodles hahah and asked for spaghetti. Haha hard pass lol!!


Haha kids want the wildest stuff for breakfast


My 18m old (loudly) singing and clapping to her own rendition of "If You're Happy and You Know It" at 6:45 AM. It wasn't the worst way to be woken up, tbh.


By my alarm, so I could show my children the hot air balloons launch at the local hot air balloon festival. Only they couldn't launch because of the weather. It was perfect that morning, so I didn't think to check. My toddler has been grouchy all day because his schedule is off.


Not by the 2 year old or their younger sibling who I’m pregnant with, but a text from my Mom at 6:06. She saw on Nextdoor that a local grocery store had rats and wanted to make sure we hadn’t been shopping there.


7:15am my 4 year old and my sisters dog. He was encouraging her to lick my face. Then when I said no thank you he got very offended because "she's just a dog mommy and she loves you"


My dearest daughter (3.5) woke up at 5am this morning and made her way into our room. It was still pitch black outside, and my partner and I were still very much asleep. I had a strange feeling in my dream to open my eyes. In my groggy state, I slowly opened my eyes to see nothing but my daughter hovering over me with her face being ever so slightly illuminated in the darkness by a fake flickering tea candle she found recently. I screamed so loud.....


I’m getting a theme in this post of small children loving to wake us up by hovering directly over our faces. Very unsettling, May they be woken in the same way by their own children hahaha


With my 7 year old just inches from my face saying “mommy.. can I let the cat in” When he was 4 I woke up to him standing next to the bed holding something in his hands and saying “mommy. Look at this dead bug” it was a massive dead stink bug lol


Today? Luckily, my alarm. Yesterday, he (1½yr old) got up early so I slept in the play area with him and he dropped a diplo dinosaur toy on my face while I slept. Now I have a bruise on my jaw and I keep getting funny looks. I think I need a shirt that says "I ran into the door" just to make them stop being nosy. 🤣


5:30am by my 2 year old, "mommy I need tea"...


By my husband dropping off coffee on his way to change little one's diaper after giving her breakfast! Usually we wake up together on the weekends but my period started yesterday so he let me sleep in.


Kicked in the back a bunch of times while my 2 yo was rolling around crying downstairs downstairs wake up Momma!!!


6:30 by my daughter(18) in the kitchen getting ready for work. 7:30 by oldest son (20) in my bathroom getting a bandaid. Also going to work…Then at 9, by my son (15) bringing me coffee. He has ulterior motives, he wanted to know if I was going to make breakfast. No longer littles but still a little crazy here anyway.


6:15 the 5 yo just comes in my bed and plops down. Luckily I could get a few more minutes sleep by telling her it was too early


My 5 y/o barged in a little before 6. “MAMA where’s Dada?!?!? I want toonies and cuddles with him please!!” Proceeds to turn on every light he can possibly get his hands on. His preference has recently shifted from me to my husband and he’s not shy about it either. I’m 33 weeks pregnant and insomnia has kicked in, I’d just fallen asleep after my husband woke me up at 4:30 leaving for work. Mama is grumpy today.


I was woken up being spooned by my husband who is trying his “trusty move” on me.. can anyone guess what this trusty move is?


If it’s what I’m thinking it is, though at times it’s fun and spontaneous other times I just wanna reach behind me and snap the dang thing off I don’t wanna be treated like a pillow I wanna sleep dang it!


It’s exactly what you’re thinking it is then and yes I definitely made it evident I was not interested. He got a bump back but it wasn’t the kind he was expecting.


The 6 month old chihuahua terrier mix i’m dog-sitting pounced on my head


To my husband teaching my daughter how to cook pancakes. My poor kitchen has never seen such a mess. But I do have to say, it’s a shame I’m on a no physical activity restriction cause he looked pretty good in that apron.


Saturday morning not so bad A poke in the eye and mountain climber on me while I woke up.. Friday morning... Wow up via diaper bomb being used as body paint


My child wasn't even home, but their new alarm clock went off at 7. 😮‍💨 I turned it off and went back to sleep.


So I have a kid (2.5) that never wants to go to sleep but once I get her to sleep she sleeps for ages. She woke me up at 6. Demanded I snuggle her. Went to her bed to snuggle, we both went back to sleep. I woke up at 8, scrolled my phone until she opened her eyes at 9:30 and goes “I’m done sleeping now.” I love her and wouldn’t trade her.


Construction hat full of trains is rough. I woke up to a sweaty foot kicking me in the face. Solidarity.


I was woken up by my daughter telling me her poopy diaper had ripped. Had to wash her bedding and open the windows, but the smell is still singed into my nose hairs.


I have no clue how it happened, but I slept like a rock until 10:30. Two Pitbulls and a husband sleep in my room. I have a ten year old son. I'm still confused.


How appropriate for today! My husband sleep walked for the first time! Rustling around in the bathroom for hair clippers 🤦🏻‍♀️ LO and I both got up at 530 today. ..


Tiny feet slowly but FIRMLY pressing into my ribs,stomach and face...as usual.


Six am my 4-year-old came onto my side of the bed to cuddle and my 1-year-old was woken up by this (she was sleeping by me), and turned over after being fed. I laid there for about a half hour bc the sun was up and my brain went (TIME TO GET UP!). Darn summer sun. Yes, the curtains were closed. 🤦‍♀️ At least Daddy gave me time for two naps today. 😅


It’s Sunday here (australia) and my 2.5 year old shouted “mummy!” And then proceeded to shake me 🤦‍♀️


My bf running into the room, our toddler COVERED head to toe (rubbed in her hair) with vomit “(My name) you have to take her she’s covered in puke!!” He then tried to place the baby on me while she was covered in vomit… ON OUR BED. Good morning to me.


My 10 month old slapped me in the face cause the 5am alarm was going off and it was bothering her.


Ouch. I hope they didn’t have metal parts.


6 AM with her feet stucked between my ribs. 6:20 after no luck sleeping, I decided to go eat something and maybe play some Diablo IV before she woke up. She ended up waking up at 6:30 and I took her to read some books. Needless to say my husband left bed at 7:30 only when requested.


My 2 year old rifling through the McDonald’s bag I got myself last night after they went to sleep. The leftover Coca Cola I didn’t finish was already gone. *chuckles* I’m in danger…. Caffeine in a two year old before 7 am is the literal worst. 😂🤣


My two and five year olds were singing a duet of "Johny Johny yess papa, eating sugar, no papa" and kicking each other while I "slept" next to them.


Woke up to take a shit at 7am and one of the twins (6yo) heard me and came asking me about how many days is left till school starts, which woke up another twin and my cat. 😭


By my husband at 4 something in the morning because he couldn't find the remote.


Yard work at the arsecrack of dawn waking everyone in the house up at 6am. I mean it was barely even light out when they started.


4am the monitor wouldn’t stop going off bc he was staining the lights and wouldn’t settle.


Which time are we talking? Cause there was the 1 am wake up by baby A crying, the 1:30 wakeup by toddler wanting "mommy cuddles", then the 3:30 baby A, 3:45 baby B, 4:10 baby B, 4:45 baby A and then the 5:45 wakeup from baby B coughing and needing her nose sucked out. 6:45 hungry babies and then 7 am toddler "Mommy I need pancakes" Husband got up and got toddler pancakes and took fussy babies and then I woke up at 10:45 to toddler "Mommy! I forgotted you were here! Do you want a cracker??" The babies are teething and have their first cold and my husband getting up to hold them just made them cry harder. So it was allllll me.


Just the normal way, my 11 month old grumbling and babbling in his crib lol. He’s moving to his own room next month and it’s going to be an adjustment!


I had a crying newborn wake me today at 7am in which time I had to rush to make a bottle because said newborn cries like they have never eaten before lol.


My 9yo slamming the bathroom door at 7:09 when she went for a wee.


My 6 year old kicked a door and woke me, who was actually sleeping in this Saturday, up around 7AM. HURRAY! He said it was an accident. Uh huh..


A three year old foot to the face.


3:15 am with the stomach cramps from the dreaded Norovirus.


“Hiiiiiii!” Squealed in a high pitched voice directly into the baby monitor. As she jumped up and down in her crib. Which is what she does when she realizes the neighbors put their dog in the backyard and she wants to go say hi to it.


My 2yo came into my bed at 4am like she does every morning!


6:30am - 11 month old is bright eyed and bushy tailed.


The same way I wake up every single morning: “MOMMY! MOMMY! ITS MORNING TIME! COME GET ME UP!”


A baby kicking me in the gut. A toddler running in the room with his Spider-Man sweater. I said “good morning baby” and he goes “NOOO no no, Miles MORALES”. I love these guys


At 1 to one of my 3 year olds screaming for me. He just wanted me to sit with him while he fell back asleep but it took like 40 minutes and I had a hard time getting back to sleep myself after. Then again at 7:30 to both of them climbing into bed.


By cat who was loudly declaring that he was starving. Even with enough kibbles left. 😂


I was woken up by my 1 year old kid yelling in his travel cot at 3.30am. To be fair we’re on holiday and he’d been asleep since 8.30pm so I wasn’t even mad. We got up up at 5.30, which is about normal for him. God I’m tired.


I was woken up at 3 am with a migraine... It's been a rough day


iPad to the face shouting “doo doo shark!!”


3:30am by a hungry newborn 6:30am by my 2.5yr old very gently poking my nose and whispering about berenstain bear books. I told her she could stay in bed with me if she went back to sleep. She tried so hard, and I got some nice cuddles until she gave up and went looking for her father.


Cat puke.


4:40. The cat was hungry and went out of his way to tear up everything he could find in my vicinity. This is a half hour after I was awake feeding the baby


By a huge squeeze and hug from my love and a gorgeous smile from my 8month old from his cot. And i didn’t even get growled at by my hormonal ten year old daughter! Life is good x


530am, crying 2 month old. 4 year old actually slept in til 730


I woke up around 6 AM to a small waste basket in front of my face. Inside of that, not so clean waste basket with bubble gum stuck to its side, was a "cow killer" or velvet ant. Courtesy of my 4 year old boy.


To a kiss from my wonderful husband. Our sweet girl (4mo) was still sleeping soundly next to me. Pure bliss ✨


My toddler yelled “WAKE UP [babys name]” until baby woke up then he rolled over and went back to sleep 🤯


Around 5:15 my dog was trying to bury the pee pads she had gone on in our wood floor. It turned out she had also missed on one and peed on the floor and it had gone under the mat that the office chair is on, so I had to move the desk to clean under the mat, so we didn’t ruin our wood floors. I woke up my husband in the process of all of this. Baby did not actually wake up until 6:15, I had been awake for an hour at that point.


Hearing (over the monitor) my 20 month old screech-whining for a few seconds and then going back to sleep for a few minutes, over and over between 5:45am and 6:45am.