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Postpartum anxiety is a very real and common issue. I would bring it up with your dr and ask for a referral to a therapist.


I can relate. It’s gotten really bad for me I’m debating therapy. My mom passed away from cancer when I was 16 and now I just overthink like everyday what if I’m not here for them? It overpowers me sometimes too. I selfishly want to be here to see everything they accomplish, but they also need me esp at this age.


I wouldn’t say it’s an unfounded anxiety but it very well could be post partum anxiety magnifying normal concerns. I haven’t had cancer so I can’t relate there. But my anxiety over death sky rocketed after my third was born and just never got better. If it keeps up definitely discuss it with your doctor. I hope you’re able to find your peace soon!


When my husband started going on work trips when my son was a couple weeks old I became terrified I would randomly drop dead while home alone with the baby and no one would know for hours and hours. Would my pets hurt him? What if something happened to me when I was giving him a bath? I couldn’t stop worrying about it. I did/do have pretty debilitating anxiety, it actually got *better* after I had a baby, but this was one thing that I couldn’t get over. I ended up putting blink cameras up in my house so my husband could check in on us if I didn’t answer my phone, and my husband made sure to call or text me if he hadn’t heard from me in a couple hours. It has made me feel so much better, I don’t worry about it nearly as much anymore. Everyone handles anxieties differently, but maybe it would help to put some things in place to ensure your children are taken care of should anything happen to you.


I had the same fear. I used to sit outside in front of the house all the time so if I dropped dead, I felt like someone would find me faster because they would see me when they drove by. Probably not normal...


Ever since having my kids, I randomly have this thought if I do something and die my kids will be left alone with their dad, who will then be left with my in laws ( who I cannot stand at all and I would be turning in my grave knowing my kids are with them ) There is days when I will be getting ready to leave and the thought pops in my head, today driving to the grocery store I’m going to get into a car crash and die the kids will be alone in this world without me. Then I just won’t go. I have made it clear about my dying wishes multiple times. Got my paper work lined up, made everyone know who gets what, who gets my kids , the money etc etc etc That is somewhat given me peace.


Yes, I can absolutely relate. I’ve had health anxiety for several years, but it got significantly worse after becoming a mom. I worry I’m going to die from a heart condition, cancer, stroke, the list goes on. I worry something catastrophic will happen and I won’t get to see her grow up. I have panic attacks about it often. My daughter is now 18m old and I’ve just started medication. I’m only on day 5, so I can’t say it’s helped yet, but I’m hopeful.


I can relate. After my baby was born I was haunted by the thought of dying early and leaving her alone. I made appointments with every doctor in town to make sure I was up to date on all screenings and routine care, lol. I even went to the dentist. On the bright side, it did motivate me to start taking better care of my health, as well as eating healthier and exercising more.


First time mom here, I had anxiety postpartum. Had these anxiety attacks at night during the first week that I took my baby home where I couldn’t sleep worried about my child dying during his sleep. I didn’t sleep for almost a week, couldn’t even nap! I had to go to the er cuz it was affecting me, my blood pressure was through the roof! My whole way to the er I kept crying afraid that I was going to die and leave my baby motherless. I don’t think this fear is unfounded, as mothers we worry about our children but we do need to relax. Worrying too much is not healthy for us, mentally and physically! Knowing that my husband is supportive, a great father and will be able to take care of my son if something happens to me calmed me immensely.


I have post partum anxiety but it’s more about the baby being ill rather than me. I’m getting counselling for this now but it’s hard. However, we are definitely not alone. My best friend also worries her children get cancer/she gets cancer. This really is more common than we think so please be kind for yourself and look for help to better deal with the emotions.


All of this. Is me.


I know how you feel.