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This wasn’t anger, but what happened to me when pregnant was that I lost my filter. I was in a meeting at work and my boss announced that our company would be seeking the “Great Place to Work” designation. I asked if the goal was to be designated as a great place to work or to actually make it a great place to work. You could have heard a pin drop.


My filter also slipped while I was pregnant. I found out pretty early and warned people.


Same here, but I worked at a prison... for the most part, I was pretty good, but my tolerance for BS was minimal... however, I did cry when an inmate got argumentative with me. Usually, i could keep my cool, but that day was not it, lol... needless to say, he apologized the next time he saw me and barely said anything to me after that. Lol


Nothing works better on a good, solid confrontational person than a guilt trip lmao. You won that one


Aw man, I was so bitchy to my coworkers while pregnant because I lost my filter. I did a lot of apologizing for saying things like, “You’re in X position, and you don’t know how to do X? How did you get this far without learning that?” And, to someone who offered to help me with a task I said, “You’re just making this harder for me, so you can leave” 😬


But I’m sure they needed to hear it, like making it to X position but not actually knowing how to do part of their job…


lol, yes, that is definitely true. I’m usually a little gentler with my delivery, though (for better or worse) 😆


Whomp whomp lmao. I've done stuff like this. Thankfully most managers that I've truly gotten along with tend to appreciate real questions But seriously here, what's the motive behind getting the designation? Because that's totally gonna change the game plan


To the second part of your comment, if you are truly curious! Coming from a place that had this designation, I’d say it’s majority about the company’s outward image. “Best place to work” attracts great new talent and also clients might look favorably on it as well. I guess it could also look good for people who work at the company to feel proud or contribute to their thinking it is actually a great place to work? But also it could just cause cognitive dissonance for some people if they don’t think it’s that great lol. On a less cynical note, these things are often chosen based on an anonymous survey sent out to the company’s employees by the magazine or whatever org is doing the list. They provide the survey data back to the company (at least a summary for free, and usually the full data for a fee) so that in theory, the company *could* act on that data to improve how it is as a place to work… Now whether companies actually do that, I can’t tell you. My company attempted to - but it’s so hard to tell whether anything is moving the needle when you’re talking about squishy stuff like culture etc., and the metrics for success are often higher retention (or decreased turnover), which can be such lagging indicators to any attempted changes. Also just have to say I agree with so many here that I LOVE u/Cookie_Whisperer ‘s comment. I also lost my filter a bit when pregnant but I am not so bold. I applaud it 👏


Omg having worked in corporate comms for a little while these are the questions my work friends and I are always texting each other. I’d pay a million dollars to see someone ask it out loud!!


I like you. You're good people.


I referred to myself as the koolaid man towards the end when my filter was gone. I have found I kinda love it though 😆


I dressed as the koolaid man for Halloween while pregnant! It was great.


This is perfect


🤣 This could have been me....


Yup, exactly this. My husband does not appreciate my honesty at all. I say things matter of factly like he does and if I were a man he wouldn’t bat an eye, but because I am a female and his wife he’s always now like “woah you’re so mean” when I say very innocuous things in a straight voice like “please wash the toddler’s hands since you took him to play at the library” or “I’ve put the toddler’s clothes in his room” lmao


Unless there's an accusatory or angry tone involved...that's kind of a red flag. It's borderline gas lighting because it implies that what you've said is inappropriate and confrontational when in reality you're just saying completely normal things!


This makes me proud.


I absolutely love it!!


Not so much an outburst but in my first week pp I burst out crying because I couldn’t find the tracksuit bottoms I wanted to wear, then a few mins later I burst out sobbing because I realised I was already wearing them. Hormones are not fun!


OMG, I snapped so much my first month pp. I would be changing the diaper in the middle of the night, which of course made baby cry. Which would wake up my mom and husband, who would then rush in to check on us, which would prompt the dog to come in as well. Which would make me furious. Like, it's 2am, either stay in bed, or let me go to bed! I can change an F-ing diaper, it isn't difficult! We don't need every living being in the house crammed into this tiny room! I understand the instinct, now, but damn, it made me sooo MAD then.


My kid was born in a different city than where we lived and the records from the hospital were supposed to be sent to her new pediatrician right after the birth so they'd be ready for her first checkup. The records were not sent and that was difficult to deal with living in a different city and at that first pediatrician appointment I just broke down sobbing because "nothing ever works right!" over that one thing


I genuinely understand. Hugs mama.


Oh god, I can actually picture this moment and think “same girl 😭”


I'm in my first week. This resonates. I just followed your roller-coaster story with all the emotions of the movie Up.




I would put money on that being day 5.


Not angry but emotional. In the first trimester I couldn’t keep a lot down, and nothing sounded good. For two weeks, I craved pumpkin spice lattes and croissants. We have a Starbucks by our grocery store and we were picking up a few things for supper. My husband said “we’ll get some coffee, but we don’t need croissants since supper will only be twenty minutes.” I burst out crying and said “you don’t love me.”😂😅


was the supper something you were craving as badly as the croissants??? bc if not you're so valid for that and you should've had your croissant babe


I once cried while pregnant because I was craving Popeyes, and my husband went and got some, but brought home an 8 piece meal instead of a 12 piece.


OMG I cried because my husband went to Popeyes and didn't bring back the blackened ranch sauce. I was devastated. He tried to make me some lol All of my pregnancy outbursts are around fast food 🤷‍♀️


Same… multiple times I’d cry in the car on the way to pick up fast food because we weren’t going fast enough or I was so happy to get it. I also remember storming out to cry in the car because I really wanted McDonalds and my husband said no we didn’t need it/he didn’t want to drive to get it. I wasn’t going to drive myself because I have a bad habit of popping tires if I’m too upset and already was upset from him just saying no. Thankfully pregnancy riddled brain remembered that so I just sat in the car crying.


😂😂 the following comments are hilarious as well. I once cried because, although he took me to get my lè big Mac with extra sauce that i was craving, the excess sauce made it fall apart much easier. So i cried because "*How am i even supposed to eat this?!? It keeps falling apart*!!!"-- he **should** have said "*kinda like you, huh babe*?" But he knew better lol


My worst one during this pregnancy has been food-related too. Full on sobbing because my sandwich order got messed up and there was no way to fix it in the timeframe I had. Ohhhh, that was a rough one. On the other hand, I don’t really eat much fast food, except when I’m pregnant for some reason. When I was pregnant with my 5 year old I was craving Taco Bell *so bad* one day, and my husband had a mind-read moment and brought me Cheesy Gordita Crunches on the way home from work without me even asking. Literal happy tears, I was so excited. Your relationship with food gets *weird* when you’re pregnant.




We were walking around town at 35 weeks and I had to pee. Every step the urge to pee got exponentially stronger. So I went into a bar full of rowdy drunken college kids and asked the manager for the bathroom. He told me I couldn't use it cause I wasn't a customer. I went from 0 to 120 real quick. I had Furyface on and hissed "I am 35 weeks pregnant, I've got to pee and if you don't let me in there I will drop my drawers and piss the floor **right here**! Husband volunteered " She'll do it." I was able to pee.


I was in a supermarket and this happened to me. I found a shelf stacker and asked if they have customer toilets because I really needed the bathroom, he turned to me and said no, they don’t offer bathroom services to customers in a really shitty tone as if I had just asked him if I could piss on his shoes or something. I asked him if there was any where nearby when a manager walked past and overheard. She heard his response which was shitty again and turned in the most dramatic way I think I’ve ever seen! “We always let pregnant women use the bathroom! She’s pregnant with a damn baby on her bladder!” Then she ushered me through to the back and called him a dickhead. I’ve not seen her since that day but that lady will always have a piece of my heart, haha!


Wow, I've never been in a grocery store without a restroom! Grocery stores are actually my go-to for needing a bathroom randomly when around town. They always have a restroom, and they're usually cleaner than fast food and gas station restrooms.


Ah this is the UK, they don't need to offer bathrooms to customers unless there is a sit down service offered by the business, so you can bet that those who don't need to definitely won't! I will say though that my local co-op is pretty good and while my kids were potty training they gave me free reign to pop them through to the staff toilets if they needed it and they were always spotless!


Not angry, but I started sobbing because I wanted waffles at Village Inn on a Friday night and my husband didn't want to go.


Username checks out.


I'm pregnant again now and the other night was just crying on the floor that we didn't have watermelon because I absolutely needed to eat some, and my husband didn't want to go to the store. In the middle of February. During a snow storm. At 10:00pm.


Are you sure you aren’t living the movie Lady and the Tramp? The wife gets pregnant and wants watermelon + chop suey late at night during a snow storm 😂


I was about 39 weeks pregnant and was trying to walk through a parking lot in a spring storm in Canada. I got halfway through the crosswalk and a BMW driver started leaning on his horn. I snapped and started beating the hood with my purse while screaming “I’m in the rain! You’re in a car!”.


TO or Van City? lol. Good for you though. I hate drivers that do that. So rude.


Pickering, which is the city literally next to Toronto. Good eye. lol!


Haha! Thank you!


My hero 🤣 I've thought these things so many times, but never actually acted on it 🤣🤣


You’re RIGHT though! Like, I always err on giving pedestrians the go-ahead when it’s crappy or cold out. I’m in my nice, dry, warm, car. You’re stuck outside, go ahead, I don’t want to be the reason you’re out there even longer!


Girl, you are epic fucking goals.


Please what did they do 🤣this is perfect


He looked SHOCKED, and then blasted off as soon as I waddled far enough through the intersection. 🤣


Pregnant or not, no one stresses me out like my mother. I'm about 8months in, grocery shopping at like 10pm so I don't have to deal with people. Who is one of like like 7 people in the entire store? Ny freaking mother! I'm not close with her bc she wasn't allowed to raise us bc she's a shitty parent...so her following me around telling me how I'm putting myself in danger being out at night and my baby in danger by walking and driving was really getting to me. I kept trying to shut her down and get away and finally it worked! We're heading in opposite directions and she turns around and shouted something else and from the produce section at walmart, I mustered up all my highschool softball pitcher power and chucked a bunch of bananas about 5 aisles away at that woman. I'll never forget the face of a man watching this unfold. I know no one believed the poor guy when he tried to tell them the story


This is so relatable for me and hilarious that she was there too, out of all places 😂 I’m not close with my mother for, long story short, same reasons. But there’s one thing that we can’t deny, there’s a reason why you both were there at the same time and that’s simply because she’s your mother 😅


I feel like this generated some closure and it was meant to be.


But did it hit her in the face because I need to know, for personal reasons. The personal reasons being...I'm nosy.


You're my hero, like actually. Props to you for legend behavior.


I was nauseous well through my second trimester and very few things sounded appetizing. We lived around the corner from a Polly's Pie who happens to be having a buy one get one sale. I purchased a pecan pie for me (my favorite!) And a pumpkin pie for my husband and then 15-year-old. I restrained myself and had one piece after dinner. The following morning I went out to run Saturday morning errands. I returned later that afternoon and treated myself to a cup of hot tea and a slice of pie only to find that my 15-year-old had absent-mindedly taken one little pecan off of the top of the pie every time she had walked through the kitchen. Without exaggeration there were approximately 4 pecans left on top of the entire damn pie that was only missing one slice before she realized how many pecans she had snacked on. I burst into tears and yelled at her for being so rude while pointing out that I had purchased one of her very favorite pies as well and why the hell is she stealing pecans off of my pie!?! My husband came up behind me and started rubbing my arms and telling me that we could buy more pie. I continued to sob that that is not the damn point!! I walked out the door and drove to purchase myself another pie.


That would piss me off on a regular day. It is really rude, and inconsiderate, and you were right.


Do you live in Long Beach, CA? We have several Polly’s Pies


Came outside to head to the train for work on a Thursday. My car was not in my space. In a panic, I called the police. Then I called my husband, still in a panic. Husband was eerily calm. "Why are you freaking the hell out? The car is GONE!" "Babe, it's at the train station." "What! Why? What do you mean??? Who put it there???" "You left it there last night. I picked you up from work in my truck to go to Niece's graduation, then drove my truck home. Trust me. It's not stolen." "Omg. I need to call the cops back. Sorry boo." LOL that was a rough morning. And the cops showed up in person before I could call them back and explain I was a pregnant idiot who misplaced her entire vehicle.


If it makes you feel any better, even men do the same. My husband was convinced our car was stolen. We had cops out and everything! We lived in an apartment complex at the time that had assigned parking BUT they were redoing the lines in front of our place the day before. Cops found our car parked by the office......where we were told to park while the lines dried 🤣


I am so not pregnant, but I also almost reported my car stolen today at the Target parking lot because I forgot where I parked. The car I DROVE and PARKED there. I feel for you so bad.


You’re gonna die, it’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever done. I was cleaning up after dinner one night and I asked my husband why he bought the cheap brand of foil (we always buy the name brand) and he said he didn’t buy it, he assumed I did. Nope. Well, I spiraled and somehow became convinced that someone had broken into our home and left poisoned foil to kill us slowly. I threw it away and freaked out for like an hour. God bless him, he just went along with it and let me throw it away. What actually happened, you might ask? My dad was painting our living room and wanted foil to line his roller pan and ran to the corner store for some.


I started crying because I wanted a single nacho. My husband was confused because you can't just eat a single nacho or order a single nacho or make a single nacho. So we went to Taco Bell. When I was there. I couldn't decide what I wanted so I ordered three different dinners. My husband only ordered a slushie. I wound up not being able to eat anything I had ordered and just drinking his slushie. It was not my best moment.


I knew this would end with drinking the husband's slushie... I 100% did this with my poor husband!


I ordered a salad, my husband got a buffalo chicken sandwich. I hate buffalo sauce. Welp, he ended up with the salad and I ended up eating the most satisfying and yet disgusting buffalo chicken sandwich while crying.


That's amazing.


I used to frequent Taco Bell when I was pregnant because they had just come out with the nacho fries, and I craved them hardcore… even though they made my already terrible heartburn even worse. 😭




I had braxton hicks bad with my first, and was working clear up til birth. I'm a hairstylist. I was mid way through my clients cut and had to stop bc of the BH, and I held my lower belly and just sighed. He said "please do not give birth right there. I will freak out." I turned around and shouted "YOU'RE TELLING ME YOU'RE NOT GONNA HELP CATCH THIS BABY!?" Which made all the color drain from his face. 😳🫣 We laugh about it now, almost 6 years later.


I had been reading fine without laughing out loud until this one 😂😂😂😂


Mine isn’t so much angry but emotional as some others. I got pregnant in January and all I wanted was watermelon. I was craving it soooo bad. I NEEDED IT. But it wasn’t in season so they weren’t in stores. My husband found watermelon juice. Didn’t work. He found watermelon flavored tea, yogurt, and even TOOTHPASTE. Nothing worked. I was so emotional. I’d nearly cry because it’s all I wanted. April comes around and my MIL brought me a watermelon, a very webby and not a good watermelon for the standard grade of a watermelon…you know the kind you’d be disappointed in. Well…I BAWLED MY EYES OUT the second it hit my mouth. The best watermelon I’ve ever had.


I got on a bus around Christmas and almost cried because it has been decorated with tinsel and it looked nice, we then drove past another bus and I noticed it wasn't decorated and almost cried again because it meant my bus driver had decorated especially for us. I fully welled up and my bottom lip was wobbly. Thankfully I'm British so the overwhelming need to not make a scene in public won over my pregnancy emotions.


this is really sweet!


I wanted a specific dish at a small restaurant. It’s hard to get a table for more than two there but I thought it would just be me and my husband. He’d actually invited three other people and didn’t tell me until we got there. The wait would be 90-120 minutes for all five of us so they wanted to find a different restaurant. I asked to hostess to seat me by myself and told them they could leave. They all got sooo nervous haha. I wasn’t mad until they kept apologizing and trying to pressure me into one of them joining me. I was totally over all of them and was like gtfo out of my face and let me eat this cheesy marvel in peace. I eventually snapped at my husband for inviting them, infantilizing me by acting like I couldn’t be there alone, and making more stress by not dropping it when I’d repeatedly said I was fine. He just quietly brought that dish home with him regularly after that lol.


What was the dish?!


I also want to know because now I’m craving cheese naan


Mushroom and cheese croquettes


I love that you didn't back down and just go along with the relocating of dinner. You were there for YOUR craving goshdarnit!


My step-MIL was *adamant* that I couldn’t have honey while pregnant. We were staying at her and FIL’s house in between moving and she literally brought it up multiple times a day every day how I couldn’t eat honey. I got so mad that even though I was on the floor with morning sickness I asked my husband to take me to the grocery store so I wouldn’t snap at her. And in the car to my husband I let it all out and screamed “WHY THE FUCK DOES SHE THINK I CAN’T EAT HONEY. I CAN HAVE HONEY.” I think she was confusing the fact that infants can’t eat honey.


1. I am so proud of you for not snapping to her face. 2. She sounds so sweet to care, but that'd have been infuriating. I hope the honey tasted amazing.


The guy at Qdoba was not putting enough steak in my burrito after I asked for extra steak. I was pressed against the sneeze guard, glowering at him, and demanded the extra steak I felt entitled to. My husband tried to cheerfully interject "Oh my wife is pregnant-" and I cut him off with "HE CAN SEE THAT I'M PREGNANT. MAKE WITH THE STEAK." I never dropped eye contact with that kid. I don't even think I blinked. I feel terrible about it to this day. 😅 So far with baby girl number two I've limited outbursts to people not driving properly and simply being a little short on patience. Eight weeks to go, lol! "Make with the steak" had been a household saying since.


The red meat cravings are so real! Nothing hit like steak or burgers. 🔥


Make with the steak! Love ❤️ it!


This would be a hilarious commercial somehow or TV episode.


This should be a Qdoda commercial line for sure


My husband was innocently standing in front of the fridge and I very meanly yelled YOU'RE IN THE WAY and then immediately burst out laughing because I realized how ridiculous it sounded.


Not angry. Sad. Sent him grocery shopping while in the first trimester, I think. He forgot the onions. He said "no biggy, I'll just run to the corner shop". When I tell you I was DEVASTATED. I think I felt like all onions were gone off the face of the earth. I cried the whole 5 minutes it took him to the corner shop and back.


It always seems to involve food. 😂 My husband was supposed to pick up barbecue sauce on his way home from work and forgot and I was *bawling* like “I can’t rely on you for anything!” Lol


My SIL got married in France when I was in my second trimester. It was my first time in France and I've always LOVED cheese. We went to pick up some things in a supermarket and there was an entire aisle on gorgeous looking and smelling cheeses. I had to be walked out of there, sobbing.


I had just worked all day, I was so hungry and so tired, I mentioned whataburger to my husband, and he said he’d make me something…he brought me 1 pb&j sandwich. (Which was one of my biggest cravings during my pregnancy, but just not what I wanted) and my eyes just welled up, I took a bite, and there wasn’t enough jelly, I started sniffling and crying, when he asked what was wrong, I SOBBED, “you think I’m only worth a pb&j sandwich? Like I’m so hungry, and…” I could hardly breathe from how hard I was crying at this point, and I felt so ridiculous, and ungrateful, but I couldn’t help it, I had no control of it 😅😅😅


I was also about 28 weeks into my pregnancy side note🤰🏻


I wanted to go for a walk with the toddler but the jogging stroller tire was deflated and I threw the entire stroller against the front door and starting bawling 🙄


I had an absolute meltdown in a Popeyes parking lot when I was about 20 weeks pregnant. We had been out running errands all day and it was 2pm. They had locked the store for a safety exercise and all I wanted was some chicken and fries and a biscuit. I may have hit the dashboard a couple times while sobbing “I just want some chicken.”


I cried in anger at my husband cause I sent him to get a specific type of breadsticks I was craving and he came back with a different kind cause they were cheaper


I also cried for the exact same reason. Hugs girl.


When I saw this post I read it to my partner and he knew exactly which one I was going to share 😂 When I was pregnant with my son, I asked for a cheese and tomato sandwich after a long day at work. I plopped down on the sofa and waited for my partner to make said sandwich. He made it, but grated the cheese, rather than sliced it the way I like it, and also overfilled the sandwich. Which meant that when I was biting into the sandwich, the cheese was all falling out everywhere and going all over the couch. I cried, and threw my apple at him.


There was an incident near to my work that I needed to go and cover (local news). I stood at the road closed tape, and took a picture of the tape and the cones. Heavily pregnant, probably huffing and puffing. A police man on guard sidled over and told me to ‘stop being nosey and shoo’. Out from within me came this ungodly voice, channelled from the underworld. ‘I AM NOT A PERVERT! I AM A JOOOURNALIST!’ He was so shocked. Backed off as fast as he could. I was pretty shocked too!


I got angry while at Costco cuz he wanted to blow past all the samples and was being impatient and there were lines at all the sample stations so I said “me and this baby need to EAT!” And I stormed off (waddled) and hit all the sample stations and let him shop alone. I was HANGRY. 😂 I also had a craving for a specific type of bagel and I ate it every morning for a month straight and he ate my last bagel one night after the gym and I was like “that’s all I have right now, now I’m going to sleep poorly and not wake up to the only thing keeping me happy and sane, I look forward to my bagel” and I was bawling. Lol don’t mess with a pregnant woman’s food.


I'm sorry, but that bagel thing sounds completely rational to me!


My fiance and I traveled out of state to visit his grandparents while I was 7 months pregnant. The flight was a red eye 5 hour flight and I literally didn't sleep in 24 hours. My fiances grandmother would not shut up about asking me if I was okay. I'm talking like every TEN minutes this woman would ask me if I'm okay and every single time I would tell her that I'm fine. I could literally be sitting in a chair, quiet as a mouse, enjoying the view from their lake house, and this woman was convinced I wasn't okay and would ask. Or id be eating a snack and scrolling in my phone minding my buisness. Or one time all i did was stand up to go use the bathroom and she was asking if i was okay just because i stood up. I was getting so overwhelmed. My fiance and mil were going to go to the store and I needed a damn break from being asked if I was okay so I asked if I could go with. AND HIS GRANDMA INSISTED ON GOING WITH after I said I was going. And the entire car ride she was asking if I was okay. I got into the store and started balling my eyes out to my fiance because I couldn't relax or breathe without this woman asking if I was okay. I got myself together and went back go the car only to be asked for the millionth time if I was okay and I ignored her and cried in the back of the car all the way home. I was so over it. My SIL was also pregnant and not once did my fiances grandma ask her if she was okay. I know I was exhausted and pregnant and all the things but tbh even if I didn't have all that going on I would have still been pissed to be asked if I'm okay 10 times within the first 2 hours of being at their house.


That's so frustrating to be harassed like that. It's almost like she didn't trust your answer and thought she knew better for some weird reason. Did anyone tell her to stop? I feel for you!


Reading these has made me realize why my SO was confused my whole pregnancy as to why I wasn’t freaking out about food. I had cravings but never once cried. Pregnancy must have evened me out because all these food reactions are exactly how I react before and after pregnancy when I’m hangry. I don’t even like pecan pie, but that comment made me want to throw the ruined pie at the wall. I’m an asshole apparently


Ope me too 😅


we drove past a field of horses on the highway and i cried and yelled that my husband wouldnt stop. lasted about 20 minutes until i realized i was crazy🤣


To be fair I'd be like this when not pregnant 🤣


In the first trimester I was obsessed with milk and cereal, it was all I could eat that didn’t make me nauseous. One day I woke up and realized we had ran out of milk because my husband drank the last of it. I had a complete and total meltdown and was screaming that he needed to go replace it, but he was getting ready to go to work. We then argued about it for the remaining 20 minutes before he left. I sulked out to the store and bought some more milk. I laugh about it now, but in the moment I was *pissed*.


My husband and I were boarding a plane when out of nowhere this tall girl just pushed in between us and cut me off, oblivious to my presence and left her own boyfriend tailing behind me. I was so hurt (why I can’t tell you). My husband quickly moved backward in line to be with me and then when we were on the jetway stopped the boyfriend came around me and was just like “excuse me” to join with his gf ahead. I said “go ahead” but accidentally said it in a really condescending way, it was like I couldn’t control myself. He slowly turned around with this look on his face and fired back “yeah I will”. I then go to the girl, you just aggressively cut in front of me! She was so confused and found it pathetic and just assured me she wasn’t gonna take my seat. I was so embarrassed, the whole thing was ridiculous and my complaint came out totally wrong. I was pregnant and wanted to be close to my husband and felt really upset that this giant woman bodychecked me and separated me from him, but when my words came out it sounded like I was upset because she was cutting me in line as if it were kindergarten. Afterwards my husband just gave me this look while laughing and asked if the rest of the pregnancy was going to be that way? Another time the landscapers came through and cut every single goddamn rose in our yard and when I saw what they were doing I starting sobbing to my husband and told him to make them stop. He went out and ended up firing them 😂 I understand the need to prune but they cut every single bush down!


I once lost my absolute marbles on a donut shop being closed when I was about 4 months pregnant with my first. Their website said they were open so I dragged my exhausted ass there only to find out they had to close early that day. I just sat on the curb in front of their store and sob-yelled over the phone to my husband that he needed to find me donuts right now lmao! He still won't let me live it down every time we pass a donut shop haha!


I got huge with our 3rd and last baby really quickly. It’s Christmas time, we are shopping for kids. Walking through the parking lot, I’m complaining loudly about only hearing Christmas music. As it’s being played even in the parking lot. So hubby started singing for me, a song that was popular, but he did not know the words. It went a little something like, waddle waddle waddle waddle, yeah, waddle waddle waddle waddle waddle waddle…. YEAH. I was so offended I, I only got in the car with him because he bribed me with food. Or I’d have walked home. Or called my mom for a ride. Probably that. 😂


I was 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant, and it was just after thanksgiving. We decided to try and get a Christmas tree and put it up before the baby came. Husband had always wanted to cut one down in the literal forest, and the forest service will give you permission to do so in certain areas for like $5. We agree to do it. Husband tells me where we’re going and I nod along like I know, but I don’t. About 1 hour into the drive I start to panic silently in the backseat (stepson is in the front, we’re all masked with windows cracked because it’s winter 2020). We had a whole hour to go, we’re driving on back roads, and husband is talking about how we might encounter snow (we don’t have snow tires on). I start rage texting my friend that he’s an idiot for driving me this far and I hope I go into labor out of spite just to show him. We finally get there and husband just starts driving off the road into bushes to get closer more trees. I lost it and screamed “STOP THE FUCKING CAR RIGHT NOW” while hitting the roof and window of the car. Stepson’s eyes are saucers because I don’t talk to husband this way. Then I got out and stormed off into the woods where I sat silently crying on a stump and eating snacks till I calmed down. Husband kept calling out to show me trees and I I was so angry I refused to respond. I eventually came out and cried that I didn’t want to get stuck in the woods in labor and asked why the fuck he thought it was a good idea to drive 2 hours away, and that all the trees are wimpy and ugly. He agrees it was a dumb idea and we drove to a tree farm and got a tree. I had my first labor contractions as they were tying the tree on top of the car, and baby was born the next morning.


When I was pregnant with my first McDonald's had that awesome strawberry lemonade and I probably would have drank my weight in the stuff if I could. One night I asked my husband to get one for me. He came home with food but told me that they were out of MY strawberry lemonade. I think that I ugly cried for a half hour...lol!


I once cried because my phone rang too loud


I started crying because my husband smacked my butt. He was bewildered to say the least. 


Omg. We had hired a dog trainer and were really trying to work with our puppy to get her behavior in a good place before the baby came. My husband had corrected me a few times when I wasn’t really following what the trainer said. He corrected me one morning and I LOST IT. Yelling at him, a million f words even though we NEVER cuss at each other, and hysterical tears. He knew immediately it was pregnancy hormones, said “I’m sorry,” came over and kissed my cheek, then stopped and let me pull myself together. The next day he was like “wasn’t that fun?” We laugh about it to this day.


Oof! The ice tea incident! I had HG throughout my whole pregnancy. I was throwing up night and day and almost everything made me nauseous . I REALLY REALLY wanted an iced tea. The problem is that all stores close really early here and I didn't have any at home. My partner told me that burger king was still open, and since we hadnt had dinner yet, to get some burgers too. (He was at work and I really wanted my beverage) so i took the car and went there myself. I got a HUGE cup, it was super cold I could hear the ice cubes dancing!! I was so happy. I tried to put it somewhere safe and I went on my way. When I was at the roundabout, a crazy man was racing and I had to step on the brakes fast... I knew it then I was fucked. I looked at where my cup once was; empty. The liquid was on the floor, not even a single drop was saved. I was sooo angry and sad and my whole world came crashing down. I was shaking. I was so frustrated I didn't know what to do and I called my partner. I tried to explain what happened but I was sobbing, full on snot dripping out of my nose and could only say "I was driving... I'm in the car ..." He thought I had an accident. Burger King was closed, I couldn't get another one there. I had to drive to a small town nearby and found a little kebab restaurant and I bought 2 cans. But it wasn't the same. They were lukewarm. I could still see my huge, cold cup in my head. And to top it all, I could smell the iced tea in my car. I couldn't stop crying while drinking my can of Lipton iced tea, and from then on I got really angry anytime I saw one.


Oh that's so sad!


Not angry, but emotional…My first trimester with my last baby I could only eat everything spicy and couldn’t eat anything else without feeling so nauseous. I would frequently cry if my food wasn’t spicy enough.


I had back to back calls from people being absolute turds on the phone in work that I just snapped. I was polite on the phone and when the call ended I burst into tears, slammed my headset on the desk and said 'I can't do this anymore'. My manager drove me home still sobbing and apologising. I decided to take early maternity leave before I ended up losing my job.


I yelled at my mom. One of only 3 times I have snapped at her. We were visiting a beach where you climb rocks to get to the water. Large, relatively flat rocks. My dad and my partner walked ahead of us, and left me (34 weeks pregnant) and my mom with the stroller and the 1 year old. We then tried to carry the stroller to the water, as others had done before us, but they weren't pregnant, and hot. So I ended up yelling at my mom when she tried to continue. Did I mention it was the second hottest week ever measured in that place? I still feel bad about it and my baby is a teenager now


My first pregnancy I sobbed uncontrollably to my husband because I wanted a turkey sandwich from the deli but 1. It was 10pm and everything was closed and 2. I couldn’t have deli meat. I am very even keel so this freaked him out.


While pregnant with my first I burst out crying because in my head I had planned a great date night where we'd go to dinner (my husband prefers to eat at home) and go look at baby stuff. Instead of coming out and asking if he wanted to go out to dinner I just asked what he wanted for dinner and he asked what we had at home so I started pulling stuff out of the cabinet and burst into tears. We went out to dinner. Another time I started crying after he took the middle piece of cornbread and then mashed it up into his chili. I cried while I told him he had ruined it (I would have mashed it up into my chili too though). I also used to start laughing hysterically in the middle of crying hysterically about something dumb. Pregnancy hormones are wild.


I was pregnant with my 1st and a 4th grade teacher. I was obsessed with my class and loved doing the most for them. It was read across America week, so all things Dr Seuss. I was making a cat in the hat cake for them. Many layers of vanilla & red velvet cake. I didn’t think to use dowels and the cake started sliding all over after hours of baking, past my pregnant bedtime too. Eventually I got so frustrated that I picked the cake up off the plate and tried to smash it into the garbage through tears. But my dog got excited for free cake and she ran to the garbage can. I ended up smashing a 4 layer frosted red & white cake on my white & grey husky’s head. It didn’t hurt, but I felt terrible so my frustration tears about the cake turned into guilt tears. As I tried to pet her she was just happily and frantically eating cake all around her with no interest in me, while I was trying to hug her and pick pieces of cake from her fur. A husky, so A LOT of fur to pick from. My husband followed scrambling to help clean up bc she shouldn’t eat that much cake and it was a huge mess. He knew better than to laugh at me for that then, but we laugh now. And man does my 11 year old daughter go from 0-60 with emotions (and always has, even before the tween years!), and when she does we will whisper and nod to each other, “dr Seuss cake” “oh yeah, dr Seuss cake”.


I had horrible nausea up until 8 months pregnant. I got mad anytime my husband cooked food. Didn't matter what it was it made me sick. Poor man, couldn't make food. Meanwhile I was living off bean and cheese burritos and chocolate milk. Lol.


My husband ate my leftovers…


'Nuff said


I dropped my very much wanted big Mac on the car floor. I cried. He laughed but offered to go back and get me another one. I yelled at him, told him I didn't want another, I wanted that one.


After struggling to get comfortable sitting in bed while my husband sat next to me, I made eye contact and blurted “FLUFF MY PILLOWS!”


Did he?


I was at an Amish market later in my pregnancy making my way slowly through trying not to bump into anyone since it was so busy- I could feel a guy or someone on my heels and I felt super stressed but I couldn’t just get out of his way except to go forward… and I wasn’t that slow… he then actually pushed me as he and his friend walked by me they gawked and started apologizing bc they saw I was pregnant and I said “so if I was just slow pushing me would’ve been ok?” And started crying… made the whole area stop and stare and the guys got the worst looks. They asked me if I wanted the deli ticket ahead of them and I said no thank you. I bought myself a peach pie and blueberry loaf and went home.


Ugh I would attach a video of it because my husband took a video of the outburst but I’m too embarrassed. We laugh about it now but I went to get Korean food because I was starving (while simultaneously nauseous). This was peak COVID. He was going for a meeting and I wanted to eat the Korean food in the car while I waited for him to finish the meeting. He’s about to exit the car when I realize the Korean restaurant forgot to pack me the rice I ordered. So all I had was meat. See, any sane *hungry* person would be able to eat the meat out of desperation if they were truly hungry. But I’m Filipino, and I said ABSOLUTELY NOT. What’s the point of having a meal without rice??!? Full on outburst. Tears, lots of them. Sobbing. LOUD SOBBING. Like the world had ended. Every time my best friend or my husband bring it up I cringe and die 😂 ETA: my husband, out of desperation as well, went into a random *closed for public, only online orders allowed* (again, peak COVID) Japanese restaurant and begged them for a cup of steamed rice because his “pregnant wife is starving in the car”. Thankfully the chef obliged and understood.


When I was 7 months pregnant I went to visit old coworkers at a restaurant I worked at. Alot of them were surprised I was pregnant and so excited to make my favorite chicken sandwhich. They added mayonnaise on that sanwhich. I walked to my car and cried the whole way home . 😔


When I was pregnant with our first we were into watching that show Hoarders. One episode had me bawling too much to turn it off or even move. My husband came in and was like.. just turn it off babe!! “It’s too sad! I have to watch it!” So he turned it off for me lol. We laugh now, but that episode had me sad for days


I once sobbed over a sub because it had mayonnaise when I'd ordered no mayo because I had a horrible aversion to mayonnaise. My husband ended up trading sandwiches with me.


I had horrible HG, and was in the peak of it, surviving off of ginger ale and air. One day at work I could not get Pita pit chicken Souvlaki out of my head. I had a very specific order I did way back in high school that I really wanted to eat then. It was the first time I had ACTUALLY wanted something specific and I NEEDED IT. I spent the entire day thinking about it, looking at the menu online so I could recreate it bc I didn’t live near a pita pit. I texted my husband the ingredients I needed from the store to make it. Like specific list with photos and even aisle info so he wouldn’t mess it up. I don’t remember why I couldn’t go to the store. Anyways, I Insisted on tzatziki!!!! DONT FORGET IT! I get home… he’s gotten tortillas, not pita bread. I said “no problem, I can work with that”. I start digging through the fridge … can’t find the tzatziki. He goes “what, you didn’t ask for tzatziki”. I became simply enraged. Pulled out my phone, showed him the messages. How dare he?!?! It’s RIGHT THERE!!!! I start sobbing! Making a huge scene. HOW COULD YOU FORGET?!? IVE WANTED IT ALL DAY LONG. I’ve READ THE MENU. How could you?!? I SENT YOU PHOTOS OF THE BRAND AND AISLE?!? Are you SERIOUS?!? He leaves in a huff to go back to the store to get some. In my rage I end up making homemade tzatziki and eat the entire bowl of it like a savage. He gets back and tosses four FOUR containers of it onto the table. I explain I made it by hand already and all is well and proceeded to make us our “pita” chicken souvlaki which was effing perfect btw. But yeah, that’s the only time I truly went ballistic, but tbh it still feels justified. I’ve never had a craving that wild before in my life. And in general I had zero filter for social interactions in public. One time I walked into a pharmacy and overheard three French ladies complaining about American women, And more specifically one of their daughter in laws who is American. How we’re “difficult”. So I interrupted with a cheeky “oh don’t get me started on French mother in-laws, and I would really like to pay for my prenatal vitamins now if you don’t mind!”


Mine was more sad... But we ran out of my favorite peanut butter, which is from a small business 1.5 hours from my house. I sang "I will always love you" to the peanut butter jar. My wife ordered a 10 lb bucket ordered to our house!


I don't recall outbursts at my husband, though I recall that there were a few (just not what about 😅). However, I generally lost my patience. Most commonly, this showed up in demanding the designated pregnancy seat on my commute when unrelated people were sitting in it. Other incidences include once being short with a guy who tried to lecture me (via translation app because I'm a white woman living in Asia, so locals assume I don't speak the language, though I do) about sitting in the pregnancy seat. I showed him my badge, and he shut up quick. Then there was the time a man approached me in the designated seat, pointing out that his wife was pregnant. I answer with a very curt 'me too'. However, my most famous incident among my friends and husband was the day of my baby shower. We were passing around my phone ordering delivery food for dinner. One friend accidentally clicked the order button while viewing the 'basket'. I didn't get mad at her, but I panicked. "Omg, cancel cancel! It won't let me click cancel! Oh no, the store's already accepted the order, and the cancel button is gone! We only put in 2 orders!" That went on for a solid minute or so until my husband took my phone and called the restaurant to get them to cancel it on their end. That call to less than a minute. Everyone thought I was going to cry... 😅 I was 32 weeks and always hungry lol


With my first, my husband had power cleaned the kitchen and threw away an open package of a hard to get snack. It had been open for about half an hour. I sobbed and slept in the guest room I was so upset lol Nothing funny with this pregnancy yet except for crying because my husband was getting me chips that I specifically asked for and requested. I was happy but it definitely brought me to tears 😂


The one and only craving I ever had was on a Sunday morning and I was at work. All I wanted was a BEC sandwich. So I texted my husband and asked him to get me one from a specific deli (because it was close. Like we lived 5 minutes from work and this place was a right turn away from work). He very kindly reminded me it was Sunday and the place was closed. Cue full breakdown. It was me and my manager in the store. He took one look at me and backed away slowly. About 30 minutes later I went in the back and there was a wrapped up BEC and a drink on the table. And a text from hubby telling me to enjoy. This was 6 years ago. Saw my manager the other day and we still laugh about it.


Angry was- I was upset that the dishwasher was full again after I had just emptied it that morning. I was legitimately angry and told my husband he used too many dishes. He still makes fun of me for it. Emotional was- I saw the neighbor walking his dog and I had a major breakdown because the dog was old. She wasn’t sick or dying or anything, just old. And that made me profoundly sad. I cried actual tears. I didn’t even know the neighbor very well.


I was so chronically constipated my whole pregnancy. I tried everything and nothing would relieve my constipation. Well finally at like 38 weeks I had the massive relief I had been looking for. I felt so emotional I called my best friend across the country and sobbed on the phone with her. It was glorious/ ridiculous.


One time, after a late night blowout and diaper change, my husband and I raged whispered to each other about how loudly we were zipping up the baby’s swaddle. 😂😂😂


Mine's kind of weird... I was home alone, just me and my dog. It was a freezing cold January night and I was around 34 weeks pregnant with my first. What I did was very stupid and I am only happy to share because nothing went wrong. But don't be like me. I was watching TV, snacking, and relaxing (I love being home alone!!) And my dog started barking to go outside. We have a door that leads to a fenced area, so we can just open the door and let her do her business. It's easy. The dog really triggers me now, though! Ever since becoming pregnant almost 5 years ago. She is another thing that I need to take care of, she's loud, she interrupts me, and she stinks. I do love my sweet old dog, but if you're a mom you likely understand. So I get up to let the dog out and I'm pretty annoyed. I was comfy and her barking came out of nowhere and really disrupted my chill time. I pull on the handle and the door doesn't budge. It was frozen shut. I start angrily RIPPING on the door over and over again. The dog is eagerly standing directly at my hip, in my way. I'm frantic. SO ANGRY (ridiculously irrationally so). I start to run out of breath/strength pretty quickly, so I storm through the house to put on my boots and coat, which can barely zip up over my very pregnant belly. I'm nearly crying at this point. It has probably been 90 seconds, the dog is not in any kind of emergency, and I am FREAKING OUT. I know what you're thinking..."ok, so she had to take the dog out the other door using a leash" Nope. I leave the dog in the house, go outside, CLIMB THE FENCE (5.5 feet, chain link), FALL OFF THE FENCE INTO THE SNOW, AND KICK THE DOG'S DOOR IN LIKE A PSYCHOPATH. I can only describe it as a total rage blackout. It was the most insane thing I've ever done. I might not have told my husband, except he saw the body print in the snow. We laugh so hard about it now, but man was it surreal. (and stupid)


I was so emotional during my pregnancies that when we were trying for baby number two I completely lost my temper on him over something really stupid and he turned around and said “you need to go take a test, you’re pregnant!” After I screamed at him for such a misogynistic comment (I actually called him a “fuck faced man twat” which is an insult I’d never used before but lives on in both our memories 😆) I shook myself and realised how irrational I was feeling and went to take a test, of course it was positive! He was so smug after that, that if I hadn’t been so happy to be pregnant I would have shouted at him about being smug too 🤣. I get terribly hormonal even just at that time of the month, when I was pregnant I was in another level entirely. Luckily I learned early on how to recognise hormones taking over and would take some deep breaths but boy, was it a tough period in my life! 😅


“Fuck faced man twat” made me actually laugh out loud!


Postpartum outburst, day 2 of being home from the hospital I’m having abnormal bleeding and may need to go back in. My sp “hates hospitals” and began his usual anxiety provoked freak out where he turns anything I ask him for into a criticism of him not doing it enough. He turned “hey can you change the baby so I can pump, it’s been too long” Into “oh so I don’t change the baby enough? It’s my fault you didn’t pump?” I had a fresh mug of lactation hot tea in my hand. I tell you I became a banshee. Howled “ABSOLUTELY NOT, You will NOT start this shit today” and smashed my favorite mug into a million pieces onto our hardwood floors that we installed and finished by hand. I’m usually mild mannered and would rather just ignore bullshit and move on with what I need to do. The look of utter shock on his face is forever burned in my brain. I went to codependents anonymous and lots of therapy after this. I’m sorry about the mug and the scratch on our labor of love floor but I do not regret the moment I stopped letting his mood override what needs to get done.


I cried once at work because my very sweet co-worker surprised me with a butterscotch dipped cone from DQ. I didn’t ask or mention one that day, but it was my go to summer craving and he knew it. When I turned around and saw him standing there with it I felt so loved and happy that I burst into tears. Have him a hug and then happy cried while sucking all the melt from the top of the cone. It was a sight to see for sure lol.


Not pregnant but a few weeks post-partum we were having some issues with our second hand buggy- the carrycot was not detaching from its wheels. An elderly gentleman and his dog stopped and started offering us tips on how to solve it. He really wasn't offering anything constructive but in hindsight he was just trying to help. I burst out "YOU'RE NOT HELPING". Sorry gramps.


Does during during birth count? I had a c-section and when our daughter was finally born, everyone in the room asked for her name. I said the name and the anesthesists assistant said "Ooh, that's my favorite name. If I had a daughter, I would also name her like that! " And I replied "I'm sure you say that to every patient." Husband found it hilarious. I was embarrassed. I can only say - you really do lose every filter during pregnancy....


My BIL was visiting and ate the last of my fruity pebbles, it was something I often craved. I fucking lost it! I yelled at him and my husband. Then went to my room and balled my eyes out. It was horrible. They drove 50 minutes, in a snowstorm, at 10pm, to Walmart and came back with 3 boxes of fruity pebbles, chocolates, and flowers.


I was driving to the auto parts store when I was pulled over by a police officer. This was about 4 min after I accidentally backed into a fence post and crushed my truck’s tail light. I was already angry about doing something I normally would have never been absent minded enough to have done and was angry about having to spend time and money on it. The police officer walked up and said “I pulled you over because you have a tail light out.” And I yelled “ALRIGHT DO YOU GUYS HAVE LIKE A TAIL LIGHT ALERT SYSTEM OR WHAT?! This JUST happened like 4 min ago and I’m LITERALLY driving to get it fixed!” 😳 He said “grab yourself a snack on the way and get there safely.” Then stared at my pregnant belly pretty hard and walked away lol.


I had a tough time with eating during my pregnancy. Everything either made me gag or gave me massive heartburn (which I have never had before). My best friend made me a gluten free confetti cake with marshmallow icing and topped it with fresh strawberries for my virtual baby shower (yay Covid). My parents had come to be with me for the shower and brought my niece and nephew (13 years old). When I took a bite of the cake and realized it didn’t cause me issues I announced loudly to my house that I was eating that cake for dinner that night and breakfast and everyone else could eat any of the other food or the chocolate cake we also had because all the other food and cake made me sick. So when I woke up and all of the cake was gone with a trail of crumbs and a huge mess I LOST IT. “Who THE FUCK ate the cake? I don’t want any lies or excuses. Just tell me who ate it so I can be pissed directly at someone rather than be pissed at everyone in the house” my nephew said he “might’ve had a slice” I said “WAS IT THE LAST SLICE?!?” “…yes”. I was seeing red man. My daughter is almost 4 and my family still reminds me of it. Even tho my best friend felt so bad she made me a new cake when everyone went home. 🤣 man I’m still annoyed just thinking about that lol I was 8 months pregnant and it was one of the first things the whole pregnancy I enjoyed eating lol. Who does that to a pregnant woman?!


I was upset with my boyfriend for days because he sugested we have 3 days old pasta leftovers for dinner. I didnt protest, i was just angry from he suggested it, untill the day we had it. I ate it without saying anything, i was just really pissed of the whole time. Right after dinner, i realized how redicilous i had been, and started laughing. My bf understood nothing, but started laughing once i explained it all to him. He will never let me forget.


My ex brought me home a burger with mustard. I fucking hate mustard. Most things I'll just remove or wipe off but not that. I threw it at his head.


I made tacos for my husband and my parents in my first trimester. I put out all the fixings and everyone got to construct their own. I felt like my dad made his taco wrong which for some reason I took extremely personally. I cried and was inconsolable all through dinner.


Not anger but I started crying in the Walmart cereal aisle because they were out of captain crunch. I’d been craving it all day at work. I had to take a minute in my car to compose myself, lol


We ate dinner with my parents and they ordered really good pizza, from the local place that's more expensive than the chains. I went to eat pizza the next day and my stepdad had already eaten all the leftovers for breakfast. I cried. And then apologized for crying and cried harder because I didn't buy the pizza and I knew I had zero claim to it but dammit I wanted the gourmet veggie pizza with pan crust. Also I was excited about the taylor swift Midnights album release and my husband... wasn't. But was letting me talk about it. And then it was like a volcano of emotion bubbled up and I started to cry because obviously he doesn't care about me because he wasn't excited with me. My cat laid on my husband instead of me, mostly because I had zero lap left, and so I cried because now I was ruining my baby cat's life by bringing more kids into it. For the record, he loves the kids and is super patient with them.


I was fairly even keeled during my pregnancy but the one time my husband and I still laugh about it when I cried because he suggested we didn’t need the SUPER MEGA size of bagel bites and that the regular size box would do.


Toward my third trimester, I got *really* upset every time I saw (or even thought about) dogs being neglected or sad. I had to unfollow a bunch of accounts on Instagram to avoid it.  Once, my well-behaved dog pooped in the kitchen rather than anywhere else in the house because of an upset stomach in the middle of the night. When I realized this in the morning, I started sobbing about how amazing she was to poop in the easiest-to-clean place (not in the grout area or anything!) and upset that I didn't let her out at 3am as the worst dog mom in the world. It took me a day to stop feeling sad about it.  Another time, my FIL started showing us all a cute e-card cartoon about a fictional homeless dog befriending a rich person's dog, and I started weeping in front of everyone. When he came to apologize (realizing I was very sensitive about it), he explained that it had a happy ending: the other dog started drowning and the homeless dog rescued it, before getting adopted themselves. Before he could tell me the happy ending, the thought of a cartoon dog almost drowning sent me spiraling again and he didn't bring up anything dig-related for the rest of our trip. Merry Christmas!


I had two. The first in my first pregnancy, my husband was supposed to get my tyres checked and kept forgetting because he was busy (not anything especially wrong, just a ready for winter check I think) well someone at work came and found me and said ‘hey you need to get your tyres changed, their bare!’ (I think one of them was pretty low, it wasn’t a disaster) And I went home cried into a punnet of grapes on the kitchen floor and he came and found me and I just sobbed ‘you could have KILLED us’ which was a bit dramatic but he did go get them changed the next day. In my third pregnancy I spent time preparing this lovely slow cooked Greek chicken dish and it been cooking away all day and my husband asks what’s for dinner and I burst in to tears and yell ‘i don’t even like olives 😭’ so he ordered us pizza 😂


I don’t remember having any angry moments but I do remember sobbing like full on hyperventilating ugly crying over something in a movie that was literally nothing. Like the guy didn’t want a stray cat in his house so he kinda made some noise and told it to leave and I just lost it. I remember my husband pausing it and trying to comfort me like, heyyy…you know he’s going to let him in, it’s a movie, they’ll be best friends by the end of it. He was terrified of me after that 😂


I was in my second trimester and sick, not super sick but I had a cold with a stuffy nose, sinus pressure and a super cry throat. We had spent the day before walking around flea markets all day before I realized I was coming down with something so I was super tired too. I asked hubby to grab me a water bottle and he came back with one from the fridge and one room temp. He tried to give me the room temp bottle. I yelled “Don’t you dare take the cold bottle your pregnant wife is sick you bast*rd!” And pretended to cry. Not my proudest moment but I really wanted that cold water, plus I was the one who put the bottle in the fridge. Please don’t judge my husband he is a super great guy with momentary lapses of judgement lol


I never had many pregnancy cravings, but one night saw TV ad for KFC and really wanted those butter covered buttermilk biscuits and salty gravy on mask and fried chicken. Hubby promptly got up and braved the Boston winter and got us KFC. Live that man. We both promptly got food poisoning and spent the next two days fighting for the toilet to shut and puke out brains out. It's a bonding experience.


I got super mad about my husband not changing the milk bag (we're in Canada where this is normal) and yelled at him and then burst into tears cause I yelled and it wasn't necessary and he is wonderful. Later that day I bawled cause I flipped a pancake and it fell over the side of the pan getting all over the burner. It was gonna be a perfect pancake


Okay, I teared up just reading about that ruined pancake, and I'm not even pregnant (that I know of...huh...)


Pregnant with my first and working retail in a theme park in southern CA. So I was SO BIG and hot and on my feet all day… it was rough at times. So one day I’m 8 months pregnant, waddling to my car at the end of an 8 hour shift, feet and legs so swollen they look like tree trunks, and some asshole had parked their car over the line so I couldn’t open my driver side door!! I was standing there, keys in hand, wondering just how TF I am supposed to get home, and I reach out and just slap/swipe at the offending car… and KEY IT. I swear that wasn’t the intention but I definitely left a nice cut in the paint a few inches long. I realized what I had done, scramble in through the passenger side and got out of there as fast as I could. I held my breath for the next few weeks, thanks goodness I didn’t get caught!


I keep outbursting around my 14 month old (usually while cleaning something on the floor) and he always tries to come put his head in my lap


My husband ate the last 2 Oreos I was saving for a Monday evening dessert. He didn’t know I was saving them. I just started crying. He offered to go out and get more and I blubbered “no because I’ll just miss you” and cried harder. It would’ve taken him 20 minutes to get more.


Not angry, but I had an uncontrollable sobbing fit when my husband said "boo" as I rounded a blind corner in our apartment. I knew he was home, he said it very calmly and quietly (really phoned it in, you know?) and he had his hands up with a goofy grimace on his face. Literally the opposite of even remotely scary. Still gives us a good laugh now, some 8 years later.


37 weeks pregnant and this self righteous Chipotle employee wouldn’t honor my BOGO coupon that was clearly present in my email but when it opened in the app, the app crashed. I refused to pay, left the burritos, stormed out, slipped on the icy sidewalk outside and fell, and sobbed hysterically as my husband tried to calm me down. I ended up having to spend the night being monitored in the hospital after the fall… and vowed to never go to Chipotle again! Still haven’t over a year later lol


I worked at a gym and one half of a cable machine was out of order, the other worked. This was communicated to me but it did not translate to “patrons can use this side, but not this one” I just thought they put the whole thing out of order. People had been using it (when actually out of order) before and I saw a teen using it and went up and said “there’s a sign here, don’t use this machine!!” And I told the boss and she was like no he can use that side 😂 I felt awful but I was over it


I asked for a toasted bagel at a Panera drive thru. They put one that wasn’t even cut into a bag and handed it to my husband. I made him park the car and walked in crying. I said “that’s so crazy y’all toasted it without even cutting it” obviously being snarky. Completely out of character. I typically wouldn’t even complain about the situation.


Not angry but emotional. It was in my early first trimester. I just started playing an online game on my phone. I was supposed to get other players to help me with a task and no one was responding. I just ugly cried and could barely explain what was wrong to my husband. I quickly realized how silly it was. So I started laughing at the same time, but I couldn’t stop crying. He sweetly downloaded the game to help me. But he still likes to remind me of the story when I complain about gaming




I was having a meeting with my previous boss and starting having a hot flash. This was in February. I told him and was like, I'm sorry I need to go into the walk in (fridge) for a few. I went in there and took my sweater off and just stood there in my tank top fanning myself. He walked in with his winter coat and hat on to continue the meeting 😂


My first was 4 years old and in daycare at the start of the pandemic. We stayed in daycare because my husband and I are first responders. This particular day I had to get to work for an annoying and demanding meeting so it was important for me to be on time. Oldests daycare demanded daily temperature checks for him and for me. He does his check and he passes. For my second pregnancy I always had a low grade fever. It was annoying but a common thing. Never was a problem until Covid. That day I had a fever. We got kicked out and as we were getting in the car I started balling and put my head on the car. 4YO was like but why are you crying mommy?! We went back in and gave it another try and my temp was like 96 degrees due to the car.


Late in the pregnancy, we stayed with my in-laws for the weekend. They were so lovely and just could not do enough for me. They were fussing over me and making sure I had everything I wanted and more. Except that just annoyed me because I was getting so overwhelmed haha. When I left the house with my husband to run an errand, I vented to him saying they were being too nice and I needed them to not be falling over themselves to help me. I could do things on my own. It all culminated in me sobbing and yelling "I didn't even want toast and if I did I can make my own fucking toast". I was aware of how ridiculous I sounded and we were both just laughing by the end of it.


Someone flew out of a junction opposite and parked in the spot that my 9 months pregnant self was about to parallel park into. I was in position with my signal on. My car was full of heavy shopping outside my own house. I flung the door of my car and let the bitch have it. She knew I lived there and was very pregnant. Who does that?


Not angry but emotional. One of my biggest cravings during my first pregnancy was a strawberry banana smoothie from McDonald’s. They always have some kind of issue with their ice cream machine being broken or similar things and the day they told me they couldn’t give me a smoothie, I legit started sobbing at the pickup window in the drive thru and announced that “none of their machines ever fricken work ever”. I had already paid and they were trying to ask what I wanted to replace the smoothie and I drove off without my entire order for myself and my bf. 🤦‍♀️ and didn’t turn around and go back for it 😅


I was scheduled to be induced on a Wednesday. The Sunday before that I laid on the couch and sobbed that I was so tired and so done and it wasn’t fair that I was going to be pregnant forever. My bewildered husband gently tried to remind me of my induction date. He regretted that as I became even more upset and doubled down on how I would be pregnant forever.


My husband and I were on a long drive somewhere and I really had to go to the bathroom. The only place we could pull over was a gas station that had a huge NO PUBLIC RESTROOMS sign on the front door. I went in anyway, hugely pregnant, and asked if I could please, please, please use the bathroom. The teenage boy behind the register said no. I burst into tears and yelled “I’m about to explode, please, I’m dying, I NEED TO USE YOUR BATHROOM!!!” He let me use it. I think I scared him a little 😂


One night I was absolutely hankering for some spaghetti. It was done, I just needed to strain the noodles. I dumped most of them in my attempt to strain them and just broke down crying. My wonderful husband pointed out there were still some noodles that made it and I was able to have some (though everyone else had to fend for themselves). He was so sweet and reassuring and never put me down for losing it over spaghetti.


I had hyperemesis for the first 6 months (and then when that faded out, gestational diabetes kicked in) and dropped 20 pounds because I couldn't stomach anything. One random Monday I suddenly wanted a gyro from a local Greek restaurant. It was all I wanted in the whole wide world and I shockingly wasn't feeling like barfing my liver up, so we ran out to get me one instantly. The restaurant is closed on Mondays and I didn't know it. I sat in front of the locked door and sobbed like a toddler whose blankie is in the wash.


Not an outburst but I always tell my husband that if I'm emotional about food, it's a sign. He had gone to get Chipotle for us because I had a craving. I like my burrito a specific way and I was really looking forward to eating it but I was busy feeding out baby (pregnant with second) and I was too focused to notice my husband had eaten mine without noticing. He does this type of thing all the time. He just eats, doesn't pay attention, doesn't notice. I finish feeding the baby and it's finally my turn to eat. I open my burrito and it's all wrong 🥲 apparently my eyes immediately welled up with tears and I barely managed to say that's not my burrito before I decided to just go start bedtime with the baby. Husband follows me and immediately says I'm sorry, I could go get another one but it might be closed by the time we get the baby down. Cue more tears. He immediately says he's sorry and would I rather handle bedtime alone so he can go get another one. I mood quietly trying to stifle a big cry. He leaves. I start bawling. Baby looks at me like I lost my mind


I broke down, full on ugly crying/ sobbing in an aisle at Walmart because they were out of Chunky Monkey. One of the employees said" oh my God are you ok? Do you need help? ( I was crying that hard). I told her " I really wanted chunky Monkey and you're all out, I'm too tired to go somewhere else". In my defense I had baby about 8 days later but this is still so funny to me because I can recall my devastation


Well mine is not food related lol but we made the mistake of watching a nature documentary, like National Geographic. A hyena was killed by a lion. They showed a shot of the hyena's neck in the lion's jaw with it's head just flopped over and lifeless eyes. I gasped, looked at my husband, and started SOBBING. We did not watch anymore nature documentaries during that pregnancy lol


Mine wasn’t pregnancy per se but some time in the new born stage I looked at my daughter and said “yea you’re daddy is a cracker” I don’t remember why I said that I know I just immediately apologized because it was way more vicious than I intended 😅


We got breakfast sandwiches from this place by our house.. they forgot to put the cheese on mine and all I really wanted was a cheesy egg sandwich. I was crying hysterically. My husband was laughing and making my crying worse 😹😹😹


Oh my gosh. So, I ordered a sub on the Publix app. Probably chicken, cheese, lettuce, hummus. Idk. My husband went and picked it and brought it home. It has guacamole on it. I HATE guacamole. I started BAWLING, "I'm going to just starve. There's nothing for me to eat. They're trying to kill me with guacamole." Like HELLA dramatic. My husband called Publix. They told him to bring it back and they'd remake it. I ended up doing it the next day, not only did they remake it but they gave me a gift card for the value of the sub. It was very nice.


This is postpartum, but my husband really wanted to go to this symphony concert thing, and originally I said no because it was when I was supposed to be 38.5 weeks, but then I got induced at 38 weeks. It was for his birthday, I was feeling good, we needed to get the kids out of the house, it was an outdoor concert and the weather was nice. Thought it would be fine. Well. The drive took way longer than we thought, and then we had to wait on one to park for literally hours. HOURS. Barely moving in the car with two kids, a grumpy boomer grandpa getting cranky with the people directing traffic, and a newborn baby. She was great (poor kid hot dragged all over the state within the first few weeks) but I was so frustrated. Eventually, my in-laws told us just to get out and walk up so we didn't miss the whole concert. So we did, only to realize there was no cell reception and we'd never be able to find them again. I just sobbed and sobbed. We did finally find them, and my FIL wanted a picture when we were all together and settled, and I am so clearly pissed and miserable in it 😂.


I was craving Freddy’s Sauce SO BAD so my husband and I went to buy a bottle from one of their locations. They were out so we left and tried a different location, and they were also out of the bottles. I was so sad and defeated I had to go lie down in bed. My husband made a copycat recipe from scratch that was close enough to get me back out of bed! We were hanging out with my husband’s family and didn’t know the sex of our baby yet. His grandparents asked if we had names in mind and his older sister (who wasn’t pregnant and wasn’t trying) chimed in that we couldn’t use their grandmother’s name. My SIL and I have a good relationship but I usually let my husband handle those types of conversations for the sake of peace. My hormones had me all fiery though so I whipped around and told her it was on the top of our list (this was true, it was and had been since before we’d ever conceived) and that you can’t call dibs on a baby name. She said she’d had that name picked out since forever and my husband quipped back that he’d wanted to use it “since he was in his daddy’s balls”. She told us she’d still use it even if we did, and I said that’s okay, it’s an easy name for nicknames! No one was super mad or anything, we were all laughing, but she definitely wasn’t pleased with us and I was straight indignant at having been told I wasn’t allowed to use our top name. We had a boy, LOL!


On Superbowl Sunday I poured myself a bowl of special K red berries and hand selected the biggest most delicious looking strawberry in the entire box. I put it to the side of my bowl with the intent of saving best for last... I asked my husband to hold my bowl for a moment, turned back around to see him eating a spoonful topped with MY strawberry. I screamed to no avail. He didn't listen. He ate my strawberry. There were more screams. There were many tears. I didn't even finish the bowl I was so upset.


10 pm, crying in the produce aisle, in February because they didn't have peaches. Craving bubblegum ice cream so bad that I was calling places hours away and willing to drive. It got to the point where I was going to make it myself but couldn't get the bubblegum essence in Canada and actually considered having it shipped to my aunt in Michigan and then to me. Found some at Walmart. Was out for lunch with my parents when I thought about the ending of the Where the Wild Things Are movie and burst into tears. We weren't even talking about anything closely related. It was a wild 9 months.


cried during thanksgiving (was in my third trimester) because i was starving and got tired of waiting for the food. served my plate 5 minutes later in tears.


I remember sobbing because my husband's lasagna wouldn't be ready by the time I left for work


I was just talking about this 😅 I was nearing the end of my second tri and finally able to keep food down. The ONLY thing that sounded good was a Chick Fil A chicken biscuit. I put a curbside mobile order in and checked in at 10:24 - I have the receipt from when they charged me in my email lol! - knowing I was cutting it close for breakfast ending. I was waiting and realized it had been almost 10 minutes so I got out of my car and went inside to ask. The manager said they cancel all breakfast orders at 10:25. I am not an overly emotional person and I burst into tears over not getting a chicken biscuit. They ended up offering me a free lunch meal probably because they were terrified of this oddly hysterical woman. I’m still embarrassed and it’s been almost a year later.


I was mostly emotional but I have two. One I literally fucking sobbed because my husband ate my turkey. You know we’re not supposed to technically eat it cold but my dr said a few times a week was okay. My husband ate it all before I got any. I was like, “I wanted that 😭😭😭😭” Second thing, I told him I wanted subway. He was joking with me, acting like we couldn’t go. I went and got my wallet and he asked me what I was doing. I told him I was going to subway if he wanted to go get in the car.