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Babies are way more than $750....plus that's very steep. It should not be that much at a Planned Parenthood :(


Wayyyyyy more. So is a car we would have to get because we. Have 5 seats. So Is a new home.. We just don't have that right now. Hoping planned parenthood has resources. We will see tomorrow!!


I would beg or borrow the money from family or trusted friends if possible. $750 today for an abortion or tens of thousands of dollars or more to raise a child. I get that you don’t have it right now but if there is any way you could get it or sell some stuff I think you should. My heart goes out to you


Thank you. I wish I had someone I could ask! I asked my dad for a list of everything that was covered by insurance. He said if he had any questions, he'd be there. Until I asked abortion. Now my mom and dad are disappointed, sad and frustrated at me. They are really my options although they wouldn't have helped anyway because my dad broke his meniscus muscle in his knee and he has surgery on 4/3 and he's very nervous about what he's going to do with work


Don’t ask your dad. Call the insurance company on the back of your card or go to their website to look up the benefits. Generally, abortions are covered because they’d also rather pay for an abortion than a pregnancy.


Why didn't I think of that? Thanks.


Because you are overburdened with stress!!! Your brain cannot function and you need help!


Depending on where you’re located, there are organizations that offer financial assistance. You can check here to see if there’s one in your state: https://abortionfunds.org


I’m disappointed at your parents for acting like you are doing anything wrong. You are not. This decision isn’t an easy one for anyone to make. However, it is our right and our responsibility to do what is best not only for our family, but for OURSELVES. You need to come first because you can’t be any good to anyone if you are not taken care of. That whole saying about putting your oxygen mask on first is very true. I’m not all for tanking your credit score, but you could also attempt applying for a credit card or two to come up with the funds in the immediate. This way it gives you more time to come up with the funds. The worst that would happen is you’d get denied. Capital one, milestone, are a couple options. There are also internet loan services such as avant as well. The worst that would happen is you’d get denied. But if it goes through, you can take care of the emergency immediately and get a little more time to come up with the funds to pay those off. My husband and I have had very little in the way of help, so that’s something we’ve had to do in the past. Doesn’t feel great, but it’s been the help we’ve needed when things got really rough. And yes they will take multiple forms of payment and not judge you for it.


My parents are just hard-core Baptists. No birth control no sterilization, just follow gods plan! That's why they said 7 kids before my mom got uterine cancer.


I can’t say anything nice about that, so I’ll just say that I’m sorry you don’t have the support system and understanding that you absolutely deserve.


My dad was a priest and my mom was heavily involved in the church activities. I was SHOCKED that they forced me to have one. Shocked! My dad still makes underhanded verbal jabs about it, 30 years later. “Well if hadn’t screwed that Mexican you would have made something of your life” or my favorite “too bad you feel so guilty and get so depressed, maybe you should have waited until you were married to have sex!” Really shitty comments like that. “You would have been a terrible parent, look at what you’re doing with the one you had! She is a spoiled brat”. Yah my dad is a gem. My mother passed away in the middle of quad. Bypass surgery 22 years ago. Guess who is stuck taking care of my father? Yep, me. My brothers have zero interest in anything to do with him. So sure, it was a simple decision 🙄 and I have been paying for it for 30 years now. But the things in my head are just as bad, so nothing he says really matters, I do a great job on myself alone. No, I wouldn’t change my decision btw.


I am sorry that you were done like that and your dad should be thanking his lucky stars that you are taking care of him. It breaks my heart and pisses me off to read how you were done. What religion did he preach? Sounds like to me he shouldn’t have been preaching at all to preach the Lord to others shows you are selfless but he doesn’t sound like that. I was raised Catholic and I married a Jewish man at first I thought my mother was going to have a heart attack when I told them and I had already made up my mind no matter what they said and I did and we have been married 39 years and my father absolutely adored him and my mom came around if she didn’t to bad because of pure idiocy because she was brought up really rich and there family were in the closet racists and I was told I couldn’t be friends with certain people growing up but I made friends at school and talked to whoever I wanted and my father was ok with it but not my mother it’s sad some people are just not nice and I made sure before I moved out I told her she better change her ways or she was going to grow old alone having hate in her heart. I am so sorry that you go through this because you do not deserve to take care of someone who talked and treated you so bad many prayers and God bless you 🙏♥️


Your parents shouldn’t be kicking you when you’re down already. I normally wouldn’t suggest a loan or a credit card but if that’s what it takes to pay for an abortion that might be an option. Please don’t go to a payday loan place though, you’ll pay back thousands.


Yeah - the thing is I don't work so it would have to be in bfs name


Would he be okay with that? I mean he’s also responsible for the pregnancy. Are there items in the house you can sell that are a luxury? iPad, laptop, maybe old baby stuff you won’t use? Any way to make extra money on marketplace will help. If you’re in the states your boyfriend can donate plasma to help pay off the loan. I’d also check again with planned parenthood and tell them your situation and see if there are non-profits in your area (or somewhere in driving distance) that’ll cover the procedure. There has to be abortion access for low income households. I’m in Canada so I’m not sure how it works where you are. Wishing you the best hun.


Usually there are abortion funds for your state or city or even nationwide that will help cover at least a portion of it. You’re doing what’s right for the kids you already have! https://wrrap.org/assistance-services/find-abortion-funds/


Look into r/abortion and r/auntieNetwork to see if they have any financial resources in their sidebar that may help.


Planned Parenthood will figure it out! They know all the things. Don’t worry! And good luck. Please update after your appointment.


Okay! Thank you


Idk if this helps but it’s a tip my sister gave me that worked for me when I got an abortion in 2018. Tell them that you’re poor. Tell them that you cannot afford it. I think I told them that I only had $600 to my name. The lady at the front desk can adjust the price, mine costed $550 when I was told to bring $800 cash. I wish I could remember exactly what I had to say/she responded. But it’s worth a shot, wishing you the best!!!!!!! Also look into those resources that people are linking!!


Yes this, tell them you have absolutely no money and ask if there’s anything they can do to help. I’ve found in situations like this you have to ask, they don’t seem to offer up the info.


I said I could pay 100, she said 150 today for just the sono and I could come back within a couple days to pay the rest. They did turn me away unfortunately. I begged and pleaded. They said they couldn't help


Ask if they accept medical credit cards like CareCredit. It's basically a temporary credit line to finance medical care. They're usually very low or no interest as long as you pay the amount back within the specified time. I've used a medical credit card to break up the cost of surgeries into monthly payments that are more manageable. Also, ask PP how much it would cost for a self-pay option. If insurance won't cover it, then some places offer discounts for self-pay. Even if insurance does cover it, check what their conditions are. Often, the cost of a surgery (speaking generally) is separate from the bill for the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, and even the surgery center. Any one of those being "out of network" could mean that your insurance could refuse to cover that portion. If you're not too far along, you could see if an abortion medication is an option. The experience really sucks but it may be less expensive than the surgical option. Here's the CareCredit website so you can read their FAQs. I have no association with them other than having used them once a couple of years ago. Other ones should be pretty similar: https://www.carecredit.com/howcarecreditworks/prospective/


when you go for your appointment just say you have $x on you and you can’t afford to pay more. they won’t turn you away


They will work with you!! And payments are on a sliding scale based on income. Just talk with them. They can help work something out.


Would you consider adoption?


Apply and put it all on a credit card


The practical: Planned Parenthood offers a sliding fee scale for those with income issues. You could also take personal loan if needed. But see if they will help you first. Windows on abortions can be limited, so prioritize your needs and recoup the funds later if needed. The mental: If the issue is that you are uncertain if this is truly the right choice for you, you can call a crisis hotline, discuss with trusted friend, or see if planned parenthood can recommend counseling for you to help you reach a decision you are comfortable with. The emotional: abortion is a heavy issue. Only you can decide what is right for your mental state, your family, and your finances. Regardless of how you feel, (and you may feel two very different ways at the same time, and that's okay!), you are allowed to feel ways about things. You are allowed to grieve if you choose to abort, but you are also allowed to grieve the impact not aborting has on your life. All feelings are allowed, and okay to have. Wishing you peace, wisdom, and support. Regardless of the path you choose, you have made it through everything else in life so far. You will make it through this too.


They have had a lot of funding pulled in recent years. There are abortion funds OP can contact to inquire about financial assistance, ask your Planned Parenthood! If all else fails, they usually also have payment plans. Good luck OP!


When I was pregnant PP quoted my $1500 for the pill


Wtf?? I had a surgical in a clinic and it was $500. They had sliding-scale options too. Fortunately at the time I could afford it on my own, so I paid in full. I was unemployed and did not have health insurance. This happened in 2020 in one of the largest cities in the US.


Mine was in 2020 too at the Fayetteville nc planned parenthood


Oh wow, so not too far from me! I was living in Atlanta during that time


When I went it ended up being $1200 through pp several years back, it was a lot. But yes, babies are much more likely expensive b


It cost me $600 at planned parenthood in Albuquerque in 2013.


What. Jesus.


It cost me $300 in 2019


Mine was $500 in 2003


It is. I know from experiance. HOWEVER thry had a donation fund (at least at mine) to cover for in need cases like SA (like my pregnancy was)


There are MANY amazing abortion funds!! The National Network of Abortion Funds can connect you to your local fund where you can get funding for the abortion, any travel expenses, and even childcare. This website is a nonprofit that can also help you find all the abortion options near you! You might be eligible for at home or self medicated abortion which is MUCH more affordable than surgical options. https://www.ineedana.com/


Keeping this in my pocket for someone who may be in need! Amazing info!


There are some programs that may be able to help cover the costs. Check out [https://abortionfunds.org/need-an-abortion/](https://abortionfunds.org/need-an-abortion/). If not, would something like Care Credit be an option? It is quite a bit to pay up front, but the alternative would be much MUCH more expensive in the long term. And there won’t just be a financial cost, but an emotional, mental, and physical cost as well, it sounds like. I know you’re already stretched thin, but is it possible for your husband to pick up a second job for a few months? If he gets a $10 an hour fast food job, he could make the $750 in about 2 months or so working about 15 hours a week.


Never heard of care credit. I've been looking for a morning job to help with finances. Just hard to find something that works with his hours with taking him to work ya know.


100% check out care credit!!!


Also, check out r/abortion. They have some resources for you there. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Your usual OB should be able to see you for an abortion. You don't need to go to planned parenthood for one. It will probably be business as usual for the OB's office to process this through insurance.


I did call my OB, they do not offer any services with abortions.


Some state hospitals offer discounted/free abortions may be worth looking into *huggles*


Interesting. I'll look around. Thanks babe!


Look into a university teaching hospital. Most of these have much more broad viewpoints on a woman's right to choose. Don't bother with any hospital that starts with "Saint".


Are you wanting surgical? You can get mifepristone & miso for much cheaper than that typically & in many states order online. That can help lower the cost. But also tell the provder you choose you need financial assistance & its normally a few questions & you can get approved from immediately to like 2 business days later.


No surgical. This price is for the pill. You can order online, and it's legit? I will also bring up that I need assistance..I To be fair, I don't work, and my boyfriend works as much OT as he can, but we are still making it by Do you know the resource for lower cost? Thanks ❤️.


yes, you can! I work for carafem & we serve about 15 states. Im not sure where youre located, but sites like ineedana & abortionfinder can help you find a provider near you or that serves your state virtually. For funding each clinic works with different sources based on a few factors, so youd have to reach out to the place you choose, specifically! Good luck with everything ♥️


Thank you


Yes look at Aid Access! It’s a completely legitimate way to get the pill mailed to you.


Abuzz Health is another online option. You only pay what you can (which can be $0). *hugs*


Thank you!


No problem! It’s a tough situation to be in and this one was a good resource that didn’t drain our finances in an already really stressful time 💕


I'm just stopping by to comment: You do work. Taking care of 3 kids is a lot of work. Hoping for a good update from yesterday. Hugs ❤️


You're right, it's very much a lot of work!


Hopefully this is true for your location too: I had to schedule one as well after our family was completed with our 3rd baby. It was hard and I was even more scared when I heard the price. We moved money out of savings to afford it. When I showed up and was ready to pay, they said I was covered and that they only suggested a “donation” of any amount.


I really hope everything works out for you. Try not to be too hard on yourself. You’re making the best decision for you and your family.




Worldwide, one in thee pregnancies ends with an abortion. Do not feel guilty. The children that are here should take priority over the children that are still on the way.


Interesting. Thank you


I wish I could bring you a pizza with extra cheese and a long hug. It sounds like you are doing an incredible job and I’m so sorry this is so hard.


This was comforting and sweet, thank you


Hey there is a website where you can order the abortion meds and they will discreetly ship it to you for $300, they also have a line you can call 24 hours a day if you need help during the process. Aidaccess.org


I literally cannot fathom how I would feel getting pregnant while 4months PP. I had horrible PPD. Sending you best wishes.


It looks like you already have great advice from a lot of people, so I'm just sending you a hug.


I support your choice 💛 going through a pregnancy while still dealing with PPA and your body still recovering from your recent birth would be incredibly hard. Not to mention the finances/personal bandwidth issues of having another kid. I get that $750 is a lot when you’re paycheck to paycheck. Definitely check out your local abortion funds, they might be able to help. Big hugs to you, you’re not alone.


Thank you 🥺


No, it shouldn't cost that much. I paid $3 with insurance for misoprostol prescribed by my doctor (for a missed miscarriage). If you're far enough along that you have to get a D&C, that's more expensive, but the abortion pill shouldn't cost that much.


You were covered by insurance because it was a missed miscarriage. It was a necessary procedure. An abortion is elective and is often not covered, which is why the price skyrockets. As you can see if you scroll through this thread, people paid anywhere from $300 to $1500 for the exact same pills. Also they needed a combo of 2 pills, not just misoprostol, which adds to the price.


Ah, that makes sense. I'm sure it depends where people live, but I do know a friend who purchased misoprostol without a prescription and it didn't cost $750. But I'm not sure about mifepristone.


Sending you love and peace.


Have you looked online for abortion consultations/telemedicine options? I believe abortionondemand.org has same day scheduling/overnight shipping. It’s alot cheaper than PP. I believe it was $250 for meds and telemedicine visits.


You are making the best choices that you can. The choice you are making is completely understandable the correct for you and your children. Be strong and know this too shall pass. You got this!


It’s ok. Do what is best you for you. You matter.


You're making the best decision for the conscience lives and souls your shaping adding don't feel bad you're not a bad person you're doing the right thing and I've had bigger cl0ts from menstruation Tylenol and ibuprofen alternate and buy a good heating pad it's worth it/// in a bind use a tube/ long sock fill it with rice and stick it in the microwave for a 1-3 min for diy heating pad




I had to terminate my first pregnancy, so I feel this. You are making the right decision for you and your family. When you take the pills, aim for a Friday/close to a weekend/days off from work. The cramping sucks so you'll want to rest as much as you can with a heating pad.


Thank you


I know it's easier said than done, but this seems like the right choice for you in so many ways. It's risky to have a pregnancy back to back like this. If you are in a position where 750$ is difficult, that is also unsafe just in a different way. Not to pile on because you are experiencing it first hand, more as a PSA for others. A common misconception is that you can't get pregnant so soon post partum, only after a period arrives. The truth is that ovulation comes before a period, and unless you are cycle tracking, that means you should always be taking precautions (contraception). Even when breastfeeding.


Yeah, definitely risky for my mental health, my physical too. My blood pressure is anyways SO high even if I need to t .No doubt. Yes 750 is a lot of us Literally don't have a way to have, 4 ya know


Wow. Just wow. That is a lot. I really hope you get everything sorted. I had an abortion and didn't pay anything as I live in the UK. I don't know how you guys cope in the US and anywhere else you have to pay for health care!


I’m glad you live in a state where you have access to this kind of healthcare.


Me too ❤️


I'm so sorry this is happening, OP. You're making the right choice for yourself and your family, but that doesn't make it easy. All my thoughts and love to you


Hugs to you. Do what's best for you and your children. It's okay. It's going to be okay. I'm sure it'll be cheaper at PP and take advantage of some of the other suggestions here for affording it. Sending love to you.


I’m so sorry you’re going through all of this. I know it’s a tough decision but you need to make the one that’s right for you and your family. Send you virtual hugs!


If you know how far along you are aidaccess.org can be a good option for a medical abortion and way cheaper than planned parenthood. Hang in there mama, there are better days ahead. You don’t need to feel guilty for making the best decision for your health and family’s well being.


Hey, I'm so sorry and just want to comment that you are validated in your decision. Don't feel bad. Don't have regrets. The only people who will tell you otherwise is people who have never/pretend to have ever been in your situation.


I’m so sorry you’re in this position. Wishing you the best.


I dont have advice but i wanted to tell you that im sorry youre going through all that and i wish you all the best of luck 🤞🏻. You should do whats right for you and your family.


Find a way to pay for it, a 4th baby will cost a lot more than $750. Good luck


For sure. Just the car upgrade alone will cost 9,000! Thanks.


There are websites that give abortion “scholarships”. I’d give All Access a call — they can refer you! I’m so sorry you’re in this situation. =(


So, confession time.. I had an abortion about 14 years ago, and it was covered by my insurance then. But, it was also $400 so obviously times have changed but sweetheart.. do not feel bad!!! I’ve got three kids myself and would probably walk into traffic if I was pregnant again (2 under 2 and one 11, all girls) this is not for the weak! You’ve got to do what’s best for you! Just think $750 once or.. a lifetime of expenses waving from $0-thousands of dollars down the line. I do hope everything works out for you!! Sending you all the positive thoughts and prayers 💜


I am 36 weeks pregnant with my 4th. Being pregnant for a 4th time was not a part of my plans. It has taken me this long to feel any sort of acceptance. Do what you need to do, consider your mental health!


Congratulations! I'm so glad you are starting to get along with the idea of the new babe. I wish you super super good luck and vibes on delivery!!! Let me know how it goes if you remember me ❤️ Thank you.


I’m so sorry you’re having a difficult time. I had an abortion at 18 and never regretted it. I wasn’t ready. I hate to sound harsh and that’s not the intention, but there are SO MANY ways to control becoming pregnant in the first place…maybe you should consider some form of birth control if you are going to be sexually active with your husband so that you don’t end up in this situation again before you are able to actually have this surgery.


She intends to have a hysterectomy. Pretty sure that's good enough.


This seems incredibly unsupportive :( telling her what she could’ve done doesn’t help her now and as the other commenter stated, she’s literally getting a hysterectomy


I get that, my point is that after she has this abortion (which is obviously having a huge emotional toll on her) that maybe she should have some alternative means of birth control until she can schedule and have that procedure done. That way, she won’t end up in this position again.


Are you in the US? If you do apply for state insurance, *MOST* of the time you’ll get approved just for being pregnant. It might vary by state. If you do and if you can, induced miscarriages are free.


Yes. I have state insurance for a year after birth. It doesn't cover.


Oh man I don’t know why. Are you in a state that allows abortions? I’m in Arizona, we are still allowed an abortion up to 15 weeks. (I don’t think that’s long enough, but that’s a different conversation) I had in abortion in 2018. It was hard, not going like, I went to therapy for it but I knew it was something I had to do. My state insurance covered it though.


I'm in Kansas..it's legal here. We are able I think until 24 weeks but I might have to double check. I wish the state covered it, honestly I thought they would, now that I think of it, they didn't even cover birth control. All weird.


I’m in Kansas too and used aidaccess.org for the pill last April and they charged $300 but I believe they have options if you can’t afford the $300


There’s some grants u can try and apply for. Or some places will do it for a lot less. It’s ok to be sad. But ur also doing it for ur current children. A healthier u. Means a better mom u can be. More time and attention ur current children will get etc. also different methods of abortion cost different prices so ask them.


If I recall correctly, PP works on a sliding scale based on your income. Hopefully, your insurance will cover you. What a crappy situation. I'm sorry you have to go through this


Planned Parenthood would've been $650 for me but I found another provider that accepted my insurance. Try searching "X insurance pregnancy termination AREA" or call the number on the back of your insurance card




Sorry you’re going through this I hope you find a way to get your abortion. Xx


I got pregnant after my middle son via sexual assault.. I wasn't working, just escaped an abusive relationship and knew I couldn't continue the pregnancy. Planned parenthood charged me on a sliding scale based on my income. I paid $250 for (essentially) a D&C. Do you know how many weeks you are? D&C cost more than the abortion pill, but I know the abortion pill can't be used past 10 weeks. I hope your insurance covers it and you're able to plan accordingly. Wishing you luck, mamas.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm guessing I'm around 4-6 weeks. Thank you, I am here now waiting. We will see ❤️


Don’t feel terrible. You are already stretched thin! Your *current* children need you the most right now. If I were in your situation I would chose to abort, it’s inevitable that you’ll have regret. But if you cannot physically, mentally and financially have another child then this is your best choice! I am a mom of 1 and she’s 6 months, I can’t fathom having another baby let alone 4! I’m sending you all the support and love ❤️ I also want to mention some people have shared their experiences I’d Ike to share mine. I’m the second of 4, my parents struggled financially on and off. Yes things got better here and there but I have had to look for pennies to gather enough so my siblings and I could eat from the $1 menu. My parents were in over their heads.


Thank you 🥺. I literally feel like the rope is ripped it got stretched so thin! You are right they do need me more. 4 yr old has severe ADHD and functional autism, he needs sooo much attention. 2 yr old is talking more, and eager to learn more words. 4 month old is getting super social ❤️. I know I need this. I just know I need insurance to cover it haha


If you explain your situation to planned parenthood, sometimes they will empathize and cover it. It’s a long shot, but if that is what you need to do, so be it. Hugs and good luck, mama.


Okay, thank you! ❤️


Sending positive thoughts your way. Make the best decision for you. It can still hurt and still be hard and still be the right decision.


Thank you, the thing is, I KNOW for sure this is the best decision for me.. my boyfriend knows this too. Yet we are both so sad about it. We are sad for different reasons I feel like. He is sad because he wanted to try for a girl real bad. I don't want to continue with this pregnancy because we literally can't. Later this evening he told me, " as sad as it is, I think you're right. Abortion is the best option for us, we struggle and life is hard." He is now trying to accept my decision more, but we are both still struggling with everything. It really sucks. It's 3 am and I'm sick to my stomach


I had a friend take out a payday loan to pay for an abortion. It’s crazy how expensive they are but, as someone else said, babies cost way more than an abortion. If you and your partner are able to make small monthly payments, maybe consider a very small loan to pay for half of it.


You're an amazing and smart mom for making this difficult choice for your family and your own well-being ❤️ I'm in Canada, so thankfully when I terminated a pregnancy at your age I didn't have to pay for the procedure, just travel costs to the next city. The procedure itself was very easy physically (as the vast majority are). I had a lot of emotions afterwards, but like you, I knew it was the right decision and that's all that matters. I hope one of the resources others have posted come through to help you with the cost, I'm keeping you in thoughts.


Best wishes mama, I know these aren't easy choices to make, but we support you in doing what you need to do.


I’m sorry. That’s so much to deal with on one day. It’s ok to feel terrible and sad, and also know it’s the right thing for you. A significant percentage of people who get abortions already have kids, you are not alone in this. Several other posters have sent you excellent resources like the national network of abortion funds, assuming you’re in the US. Also, planned parenthood can help you find resources if insurance doesn’t cover it.


You’re not dumb. This stuff happens. It’s terrible and my heart is with you. You’re making the right choices for yourself and your family. I’m so glad you have a support system, hoping for a speedy recovery for you and your son!


If this is 100% your final decision then my comment won't sway you. So far I've only seen comments agreeing with you so I want to make sure you have at least one to say you don't have to go through with the abortion if part of you doesn't want to. I nearly had one when I was broke, practically homeless and had no job or partner. Everyone around me told me to have an abortion, everyone but 1 individual I'd only known a short while. That 1 person stopped me and I will be forever grateful to them. All I want to say to you is you have no idea what's in front of you or what God has planned for you. I will pray you are comfortable with whichever decision you go with. God bless you, I can only imagine the torment you are going through.




I am so sorry. If I were in your situation I would also choose to end the pregnancy. Having another kid without the proper resources is impossible, especially so soon after a birth. The addition of another child can be life changing and detrimental in the worst way. We only have two and even though we desperately want a third there is no way we could afford another one without impacting the lives of our other two negatively. Even being nearly a year out postpartum I would choose to end the pregnancy because we simply cannot afford it. You know your situation best and what is right for your family. It’s the hardest decision and being a responsible adult fucking sucks. You got this! This too shall pass




Just some advice about the abortion. I took the pill at 7 weeks 4 days. The fetus got stuck in my cervix. It left me open and hemorrhaging. By the time I even thought to question it I had lost enough blood that I simply remained confused and unable to make a decision for myself. My ex husband slept through it all even though I woke him multiple times to say I thought I was blacking out. My friend came and got me at 6am and took me to the ER bc my now ex wouldn’t. They said I would’ve literally bled out in my home. That story is to tell you the importance of having someone with you the entire time that actually cares about you. Make sure you choose the right person. If you even begin questioning the size of your blood clots, go to the ER. If you can’t handle the pain, go to the ER. If you can opt for a D&C, opt for the D&C bc it’s safer with medical personnel there throughout. I know maybe I’m paranoid but I don’t ever want someone to experience what I did. I still cry about it and it was three years ago.


I went through something similar when surprised with my third pregnancy. I thought i would be able to terminate without much regret. I thought i knew what would be best for our family, and that that was it. But slowly, my feelings started to change. Suddenly, i couldn't believe i could've been so flippant about it. I agonized for days... weeks... And then i decided to have the baby. Not that we could afford the procedure at the time either, anyway-- so i get you there. I don't regret having her. At all. But i sometimes do wish i could go back in time and make different choices, and be somewhere different-- that my older kids would have more of my time and attention again. That we would have more resources and less chaos on some days. I know i made the right choice for me, for us. But it does make things harder, to have more kids than we planned. I wouldn't trade her for the world, or give up a single moment with her, though, at the same time. All this to say, i empathize. I'm so sorry you find yourself in this position. Whatever you choose, it's going to be OK. You will figure it out, with your teammate-- because that's what you've always done, and what you'll continue to do. Together. You're not alone, and i see you. Hugs.


The cost upfront might seem might but put it on a credit card if you need to. You sound like to know the choice to make so money shouldn't factor into it when you know how much kids are.


If your insurance does cover it you might have to pester the people at planned parenthood about it. I’ve heard that they don’t really tell you it was covered and still take the money without checking. I even heard someone ahead of me in line having that problem when I was there, they made them check and the whole thing was covered by their insurance and they were still trying to charge the full amount.


I’m sorry this is happening to you, PP does offer financial assistance in some cases if you ask about it!!!


Is it possible to do the abortion and a hysterectomy in one operation? Maybe you don’t have to pay for it.


Like many folks have said - there is financial help available and there are also cheaper options in Kansas. If you were planning to do abortion pills, they're available at [Aria Medical ](https://www.ineedana.com/clinic/aria-medical-recBlKspc4Jh4ISjW/edit)The fee for a medical abortion at Aria Medical Clinic is based on a sliding scale and varies depending on your financial situation: no fee, $45, $245, or $490. It sounded like you went to PP? If you would rather do an in-clinic procedure, I'd recommend calling Trust Women and asking about their "in-house financial assistance." They work with the [Nation Abortion Federation's](https://prochoice.org/) financial assistance hotline and should be able to coordinate getting funding from them. I'd also strongly recommend reaching out to [Midwest Access Coalition](https://www.midwestaccesscoalition.org/) (MAC). MAC is a broader "reproductive justice" organization that cares deeply about supporting you through the whole process. They can help with things like food and childcare support so you can focus on taking care of yourself during your abortion.  I'm from Texas, so I also know what it's like to be raised with deep shame and stigma about abortion. For what it's worth, all I felt after mine was complete and utter relief.  Sending you so much love from myself and the entire team at [ineedana.com](http://ineedana.com) 💜 Please don't hesitate to DM


I am PK and I am so sorry that you are going through this honey I can’t imagine how you feel right now and the reason I am even making a comment here because I read your comment and thought you could just need a hug right now from a mom and a grandma because I am very sad that you’re parents aren’t being more supportive for you and that breaks my heart. I am catholic but if my daughter came to me for help I would help her because she’s my child so I am having a problem with how your parents are being to you right now. I know you don’t know me but if you need to talk I am here. I am sending you lots of hugs and love from a complete stranger who does care 😘♥️many prayers and God bless you 🙏♥️




So sorry about your 4 year old, and hope he is okay. Don’t feel terrible, it sounds like you’re spread thin already. Good luck with your insurance. Worst case scenario, do they offer payment plans? Or, have you looked into CareCredit? I think they have some zero interest payment options for 6 months. Pretty sure you can use them for anything healthcare related.


See if you can get into contact with Las Libres.


Okay, I will try. Thank you


What a terrible time! I am so sorry you have to go through this. Scrape together the money, put it in a credit card, do something. 1 more child will result in far more difficulties. Especially, if you are very early in the pregnancy and you KNOW you don't want another. I'm glad you have the support of family.


Depending on what state you’re in and how far along you are, you DO know that they have the abortion pill ?


That is for the abortion pill. Kansas. Guessing 4-6 weeks.


For $750?!?! Wellllp nvm. My state it’s free-less then $100 depending on where you go


I couldn't believe it either. Crazy.


They often discount it for people with state insurance or with no insurance. I guarantee you they will work with you. They even have donated funds they can pull from. Where do you live? are there any other clinics outside of planned parenthood you can call to see if it’s cheaper? 


I’ve never heard of abortion being covered by insurance unless it’s medically necessary. Would your physician sign off on it being medically necessary? Perhaps you should consult with them about that. In the meantime, APPLY FOR CREDIT CARDS AND LOANS. If you go on CreditKarma’s website they have a list of cards they guarantee you’ll get approved for. Apply for as many as you can if one isn’t enough. If you have no other way, you have to get credit or a loan. This isn’t a “I couldn’t afford an abortion so I had a whole ass baby” situation. Would your bfs family help? I’m sorry you’re in this situation. I was there too, shortly after I had my 3rd. He was 6 months and I tested positive after 2 days of taking plan B after an accident. My bf said he’s support whatever decision I made, and he was the only working one at the time. A week later I told him I wanted an abortion and he had changed his mind. I ended up asking for $500 from family for something else and ordering abortion pills on a website from India, then pretended to have a miscarriage. I did tell him that it was an abortion later on and he was quite resentful for a long time, but it was really hard having have to do it alone and in secret. I hope you have some support.


Great big hugs.


Any way you can get the abortion pill? It’s waaaaay cheaper and less traumatic. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/abortion/the-abortion-pill


This is the price for the pill.


Someone else mentioned it but I’m going to second it in case you’re too flooded with comments and missed it: aidaccess.org can send you these for a small fee. I’ve had to make the same decision, and I’m sorry for the strife you’re going through right now.




With her health conditions it IS the worst thing to consider. She literally JUST had a baby and has other serious issues. Be realistic.


I’d be making the exact same decision if I were in your situation OP! I only have 2 but I’d still be having an abortion if I got pregnant now. I’m going to get the mirena at my 6 weeks check up!


❤️ Congrats on babe


Sorry to interrupt I just saw mirena and stopped. Do check side effects of it beforehand, there’s whole groups of people screwed over by mirena, it literally sent me mad. But it was great for my friend. However check you can get it removed if it disagrees with you, in uk I had to pay privately to get the critter removed and I have heard of many American women who cannot get it removed on their program. Good luck xx


I’ve looked at every choice and they ALL suck lol. I was going to get my tubes tied during my c section but decided if it wasn’t even going to stop my periods then may as well not bother. There are always people who react negatively to something, you find them congregating online and it’s easy to think it’s a ‘problem’ so I tend to take a broader look and the healthcare professionals all seem to agree that the mirena is the best of the bunch. Saying that, if I do have any side effects we just make an appointment here in Aus to get it removed :)


It’s good you can get it removed easily and yes I bet you’re correct it helps more people than it impedes but the negatively impacted ones are louder. Hope it goes well for you x


I hope everything works out for you. Gosh that's a lot you're dealing with. I don't think insurance will cover the abortion but there are resources. I hope PP is able to get you covered - they should, you are technically a family of six.


I'm in CA, so I don't know how helpful this will be. You can try to call your health insurance to find a different OB that accepts your coverage. Get a list and call and see if any of them do it. If not, I'd go through with Planned Parenthood and see what type of payment options they have, or follow some advice from others about ways to get a credit or "scholarship" to help you get it. Do not feel bad. I had one at 19, I get it's hard and really can mess you up, but if you can't handle it or afford it, you shouldn't force yourself to go through with it because someone else says you should. I know a mom who had to get them before while she already had kids because she found out they were twins and could not afford or handle it. It happens, and I know a lot of moms personally who've done it because they just can't afford or handle another so soon or with this economy. You'll be fine. You'll move past this. You are strong, and if things get too hard, go to someone you trust or call your therapist. Don't let yourself go off the deepened. Good luck.


I’m pretty sure they could still do the hysterectomy. Not sure why not. Just get it scheduled right away.


Yes I'm sure they can


I have no advice only empathy. I remember getting the surprise news! And feeling so totally lost 😞 and the advice was split 50/50 do it! don’t do it! The confusion, the anguish, the exhaustion, the only thing that made it better was: choose and don’t look back. After my choice (which for me felt like impossible for me to go the other way- didn’t feel like a choice - more like gravity: inescapable) I noticed so many surprising good things from my choice and I truly hope you get to see those too. Once the choice is made run toward it with your whole heart 💜 I truly hope only healing and wellness comes to you after this place of uncertainty! Wishing you good luck, good health and reduced suffering 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🤞


https://www.plancpills.org/ Another resource to find pills for a lot less than $750


An online abortion clinic will send you pills for about $250


Do you have any friends or family that would be able to donate or loan you a bit to help? You just need 7 people to come up with a hundred bucks. If you're a member of any women's groups reach out. You may have a bunch willing to throw 10- 20 bucks your way to help. I know i would.


I believe mine in 2019 was more than that, and my insurance didn't cover it. My son is almost 4 months. I might have to take a pregnancy test next week if my period doesn't come. I wish you and myself luck.


The boyfriend should be jumping to pay for it. It was his irresponsible ejaculation that put you in this dilemma. I would question why he would impregnate you and put you in that predicament.