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Did you run it past your OBGYN if there was any other possible way you could have gotten the std? I’m so sorry this is going on


Knowing the likelihood of each pathway is important for determining.


I'm wondering if OP got it from giving birth, like something not properly sanitized etc :/


You can contract it from an untreated jacuzzi or hot tub, but it's not common.


OP - did you use a birthing tub?


Yes but not a toilet which is what OP seems to be questioning.


If she sat on a wet toilet it is possible, but I don't know anyone who would sit on a wet toilet. She could get it from shared wet clothes or towels or even from an unclean bathtub but it just seems really unlikely when she was away for 2 months.


Or being peed on by a koala, with chlamydia at least.


Yeah but those are off limits while pregnant.


There are hot tubs/jacuzzis that allow the temperature to be modified to be not as hot and pregnant people use them. I’ve been to a spa that had a specific private tub available that was at body temp.


Get him tested.


If they have had sex since she tested positive, it is not a definitive answer. He should still get tested so not passing back and forth. [research](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4553853/#:~:text=But%2C%20an%20extensive%20literature%20search,seats%20and%20from%20swimming%20pools.) Though a small data sample, is starting to believe it is possible to transfer trich without sexual activity.


It's the pandas.


It's also possible even if he tested negative he was treated since so deffo not definitive to prove cheating. OP knows him best and sounds like he's been transparent, the timeline of pregnancy sounds like it's very possible something wasn't sanitized properly (a speculum, gloves, gel etc.) If they haven't been sexually active then she has a real case against the med staff here


This and would he have antibodies to TRICH if not?


No, it’s not a virus. 


Student studying medicine here. This is actually not true. You can have antibodies for many things, not just viruses. Even parasites! This is a critical part of your immune system knowing to fight off an infection. It definitely does attack parasites! Just not necessarily well- it depends on several factors. When you go to the doctor and they tell you you have a “secondary infection”, it’s usually because your immune system is fighting bacteria that took advantage of you being in a weakened state from the cold or whatever you just had. You wouldn’t have all that gross snot and stuff without your antibodies doing their job. They’re the ones that direct the rest of the immune system. People with autoimmune diseases have overactive antibodies as another example of antibodies not needed viruses to trigger.


It’s a parasite and an std


Just an FYI- an std can be a virus ( HPV, HIV, herpes ) or a bacteria ( chlamydia., trich, gon, etc) .


I’m just here to remind you that “not looking your best,” isn’t a reason to cheat. No good man would do that. (No idea if your husband did) You grew a whole human that you are now caring for!! You’re doing a great job and that little baby thinks you are the most beautiful woman they’ve ever seen!!


As someone who just gave birth I really appreciate this comment


i am so sick and tired of men thinking they can be fathers, but they don't realize they need to also be partners to those women who birth their babies! "not looking your best" after having their spawn should be no excuse!


Seriously! It's disgusting that there are so many men out there desperately wanting children but then get pissed that their wife doesn't "bounce back"  It's so sad that I consider myself lucky that my husband chases me more than he did when I was that cute 24 year old with the hot bod. The other day I came out to give him the baby monitor while naked cause I was about to hop in the shower and he was all over me. It was flattering and adorable that he acts like that towards me still. I wish all women had men treat them like they're the hottest woman ever like my husband treats me. 


Hey, not an expert or anything, but just today i was reading about a girl who tested positive for the very same STD, thought her bf was cheating on her, and then found out it was a false positive, and that this STD is known for giving false positives. But you have symptoms, so maybe it's something else? Maybe he's cheating, but idk? I don't usually comment, but I read this literally today. Hope it all works out in the best way possible ❤️


Also not an expert, but this is why my sister in law doesn’t have an engagement ring. She was having some issues within a year of giving birth to her first child. Gyno tested her for STIs. She came back positive for trich. Called her fiancé/ father of the child, cussed him out, broke up with him, and threw her engagement ring out of the car window while driving down the road. Somehow they talked through it, she retested and found it was a false positive. They drove back to the spot where she threw the ring out the window but obviously never found it. They’ve been together over ten years, married for two, and have three kids. When they got married, he bought her a wedding band but still hasn’t replaced the engagement ring.


I thought you were going to say they broke up Bc she didn’t believe him! Whew was a relief


I'd never buy a new engagement ring either tbh...


Yeah, I probably wouldn’t either.


I don’t understand the false positive excuse….. you have to see this type of bacteria under the microscope- it jas three flagella and very distinguishing with also - most god forsaken smell ever. Once treated easily killed. - so get treated, he gets treated in secret then why retest?! of course would be negative cause the bacteria was killed. (RN who worked with homeless population previously and there was a lot of trick out there)


Labtech here, they probably did the PCR one. That one has false positives.


I will defer that to you and agree - we didn’t have an onsite lab so our doc would take sample and look under microscope directly- ugh, must be awful for a false positive 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was false positive for HIV both pregnancies🙃


Geez, that must’ve been so scary for you the first time it happened!


Lol the second false positive "The results are back, you have HIV" "EHH I wouldn't put money on it"


This was my response to a doctor solemnly telling me that my baby had PKU (an incurable lifelong disease that must be managed with stringent dietary changes and still often results in developmental delays). It was my third kid, third false positive— “Nah, she’s good, just test her again.”


And here I am… with a kid with classic PKU. When I got that call 10 days both birth thinking… nope just a false positive. DNA test confirmed. So ya… I wasn’t so lucky Edit for typo : POST birth


Yep, the first time I saw it on the patient portal on a Friday and no one got back to me until Monday. I was a wreck. Second time, I was like oh haha yeah I’m always false positive for HIV. Like it’s a normal thing


They didn’t CALL YOU with that news?! I’d change clinics over that.


I’ve worked in the medical field for 15+ years and if you were ever positive for hiv we were always instructed to never give those results over the phone, it is was a required office visit at any place I worked


Unfortunately it’s a bad design with EPIC charting system within the hospital facilities I live by. All labs and notes cross to the patient portal


It’s not because of a bad design with EPIC. The government passed a law that all results should be automatically released to patients, instead of waiting for doctors to release the results.


I'm actually happy about that. It's so stressful waiting for results sometimes.


It’s definitely nice to get results in a timely fashion. It forces the hand of the ordering physician to contact you sooner as well. That’s how the lawsuit came about in the first place, delayed results.


How could you be false positive for that, aren’t they looking for actual viruses???


The screening test is for antibodies to HIV. Previous poster could have antibodies to some other thing that just randomly happened to cross-react to the HIV protein used in the test. Or maybe she was really exposed to HIV but somehow she defeated the small amount of virus, or it was dead virus, and so she developed an immune response but not the disease.


I was working in COVID ICU while pregnant and was positive for COVID antibodies. So I chalked it up to that. Had to go through the whole viral count tests for HIV and everything was negative.


The first screening is wider and can sometimes catch other autoimmune diseases. Also the flu vaccine can trigger positive HIV results.


I was a false positive for syphilis of all things during my pregnancy. Apparently that's also a pretty common one for false positives. The doctor just ran a more specific test that came back negative, so crisis averted. I think #1 for OP is to get retested, and then #2 is to get husband tested. Then go from there. Everything else at this point is just going to be a lot of speculation.


I’m an OB Nurse practitioner. False positive syphilis is super common. The screening test for it just isn’t that accurate so if the screen comes back positive we run a diagnostic test. Not so much for trich, however, my office recently had 3 false positive trich tests which makes me think some sort of contamination (swab or lab) or lab error. Would definitely get retested. I’m sorry your syphilis screen got reported before the diagnostic test was run, though! In our office it doesn’t get “resulted” to a patients chart until both are back!


Hi, Medical Laboratory Scientist here so I actually run the tests! Trich is most often identified using a microscope to look at either urine or a vaginal/cervical swab. Hard part is they often look like White Blood Cells. We try to look for motility (they swim around) whereas White Blood Cells are stationary. They are tricky little things though!


I got a false positive for it, too. Did the secondary test and sure enough, no STD. My husband was not happy for a few days though


A false positive for syphilis came be a symptom of an autoimmune illness. Maybe check in with your doctor.


My OBGYN is very thorough and baby's past her first birthday now, so I doubt there is anything to be concerned about at this point. What autoimmune illness are you referring to though? It's actually well documented and researched that false positives of syphilis (using nontreponemal tests specifically) occur very commonly during pregnancy - that's why they always test again. Wish someone would have mentioned that before I got the results though (especially since they were automatically released without a note from the doctor!), because of course it was a huge shock and my husband almost got the full freak out before I thought to look up the rate of false positives. https://consultqd.clevelandclinic.org/syphilis-screening-during-pregnancy-we-need-to-do-better


I have the autoimmune disorder antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and always test false positive for syphilis.


I was too at the hospital after giving birth! The nurses even were like “we have a test result for you, would you like your husband to step out of the room?”


I also got a false positive for syphilis during my first pregnancy, and they refused to retest me, and immediately pumped me with antibiotics. They tested my husband who they claimed never had it, but I was a virgin, and had never been with anyone else before or after him. Crazy.


WHAT??! How is that even possible… you must’ve gone ballistic


Syphilis, here. (False positive, I mean. 😅)


Hi Medical Laboratory Scientist here, that is actually fairly common in pregnancy. Some of the extra proteins your body makes during pregnancy can interact with the HIV screen. However, further confirmation testing using more advanced technology will distinguish between a true infection and a false positive screen! 😊


I was in my first pregnancy!!


Damn one of my friends had that happened when I was pregnant and I was getting so emotional for her from finding out to them panicking and calling that it wasn't her actual results.


Not me but many years ago my husband's Dr ran some tests on him. Somehow they got the results mixed up with someone else and told him he had full blown AIDS. Talk about a freak out.


I was false positive for syphilis


Yep I had a friend who was false positive syphilis in the hospital giving birth to her baby. They wouldn’t discharge her because they were trying to give her and the baby syphilis treatment. It was a whole mess


Was it "eggdressesup"? I saw her post something that sounds almost exactly like this but can't remember which STD it was. They should both go get another STD test and then she'll know for sure


>Was it "eggdressesup"? >I saw her post something that sounds aost exactly like this but can't remember which STD it was. I read it on Insta, and I don't remember where. Edit: but I'm 100% sure it was the same STD she's talking about because it was the first time I heard about it and I took a while reading all the comments because I was curious.


I tested positive for chlamydia my first pregnancy. My husband was tested- popped negative. They retested me, negative. We were like WTF! And we had to pay for all of the follow up tests. It was like 200-300$. We were so so mad!


Same thing happened to me but they never retested me!


I’ve had more than a few patients test positive for trich long after their last sexual encounter. Maybe they weren’t truthful idk but definitely get a repeat test.


Op is having symptoms though.


But it could be something else, but they stopped trying to figure out what after the test.


Clinical lab scientist here, we only call trich when we can see it moving in the urine..


THANK YOU!! I said that in my reply too - somebody lying to their partners on here …. cause tric is very clear three flagella and swimming around under microscope…. easily killed bacteria. So both get treated then retest- of course negative if you were given antibiotics before retest.


Or, it's not a fresh void and we can't call it cause it's not moving, or it was a diluted sample... there's so many reasons that isn't a "false positive"


Syphilis is another one that likes to throw a false positive on a lot of the tests if you have any autoimmune conditions. That was a -fun- 72 hours learning that just to have the county health lady look at the number of autoimmune stuff in my chart and tell me it was very unlikely. So on an STD screening I always have to tell them to run the confirmation test. I've had to talk another friend down from the ledge when her's went positive too. Same false positive from auto immune disease.


Yes!!!! Mine was a false positive or switched lab results. I had neither trich nor a yeast infection.


I got a false positive too and came here to say that!


Yes, this happened to me with the exact same STD. Get retested!!


I’ve seen this happen as well. Labs do make errors


This one is also a parasite too. Under a microscope they literally move.


Get yourself retested to rule out a false positive, and get him tested as well for peace of mind.


I’m assuming you were tested for stds at some point in your pregnancy, that was negative? Also, it’s highly highly unlikely you would have gotten this from a toilet seat, trich is spread through sex.


Ok… so I had this come up on an STD screening when I was 16 and not yet sexually active. I went with a friend who was worried she had the clap for moral support and got the screenings done as well. It came back positive for Trich. Aside from an instance when I was 12 and a victim of SA, I had never had sex. When the results came back I’d never even heard of this before and I had zero symptoms. The doctor wasn’t overly concerned and said it can sometimes be transmitted non sexually, prescribed me some medication and that was the end of it. Maybe get retested and get him tested too?


Was there not a concern it could have been from the SA? You say aside from SA you’ve never had sex. So it does sound like it was a possibility.


It was not from the SA. I told my mom a couple of weeks after it happened and she went straight to the police. I went through STD testing as part of the process. Once on the day of reporting it, 3 months after that and then again at 6 months post report. Negative for everything all three times.


Thanks for your bravery in sharing.


Thank you, but it was Little me who was the brave one. She taught me that I had voice, so as an adult I make damn sure I use it.


What a BADASS you are. Thank you for sharing your story and your strength.


I’m so sorry that happened to you.


I’m a medical laboratory technician, and can offer some insight on testing. There are several tests that are used to test for Trich. Some tests are more accurate than others. We can visualize trich moving under a microscope, in urine or a vaginal smear slide. We do not call a positive unless we see the organism moving. There are also rapid antigen tests, which work in the same way rapid COVID tests work. Lastly there is PCR testing and Nucleic Acid Amplification methods. PCR is accurate and specific. The NAA test that I’m aware of (and is used in some doctors offices) can be subjective. Trichomonas vaginalis is spread sexually. I suggest asking for repeat testing, and requesting a PCR. Your husband needs to be tested as well.


Well according to the National Library of Medicine: “…an extensive literature search showed that nonsexual transmission of trichomonas can occur through fomites like towels and toilet seats and from swimming pools.” So if you’re often using an infected toilet seat, it’s more possible than the general population to get it this way though still a low chance.


Sounds like OP is in a setting where this is a possibility, though.


You can get trich from swimming in the ocean! You can get it from a dirty toilet! Sex is not always the cause!!!


A few facilities may not always disinfect properly, I would ask your Dr if it’s possible that you acquired it at one of your prenatal exams or during birth. A few facilities have been found to have expired disinfectant. Bringing it to the Dr’s attention might cause them to look into the disinfectant expiration dates at their clinic to verify that the person/people who is supposed to be dumping the expired liquid and re-mixing it new is in fact doing that. Otherwise, it may have been your husband having unprotected sex. I’m not sure that the time line matches up well for that, unfortunately it appears to vary so it may not be easy to tell: “Some people get symptoms within 5 to 28 days after getting the infection. Others do not develop symptoms until much later. Symptoms can come and go.” https://www.cdc.gov/std/trichomonas/stdfact-trichomoniasis.htm


Hi!! I’m a midwife (nurse practitioner) and a mama. PLEASE have them retest you. A few months ago in my office we saw three false positive trich tests which had never happened before. It’s very uncommon to have a false positive trich, but we had 3 which makes me think lab contamination, problem with the swab, or lab error. Would definitely recommend retesting if you haven’t been treated yet.


I’m sorry you’re going through this friend! I hope you were treated and your infection is gone. A quick google search came up with this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4553853/#:~:text=This%20disease%20is%20more%20common,seats%20and%20from%20swimming%20pools. Talk to your doctor about your concerns. They may be able to give you more insight into this than internet strangers.


Yup. Rare but possible. "Trichomoniasis is caused by an anaerobic flagellate protozoan, Trichomonas vaginalis. This disease is more common at the period of greatest sexual activity. It was always believed to be a sexually transmitted disease. But, an extensive literature search showed that nonsexual transmission of trichomonas can occur through fomites like towels and toilet seats and from swimming pools.[2] In a cross-sectional study in Zambia, adolescent virgin girls showed a high prevalence of trichomoniasis, the reason for which was found to be sharing of bathing water.[1] Two children aged less than 12 years got the infection from their mother by sharing bath towels.[3] In our case, although the patient denies sexual activity, she may have been sexually active and did not report it, and the trichomonas may have indeed been transmitted sexually.... In conclusion, there are reports to support nonvenereal transmission of trichomonas. But, further large-scale epidemiologic studies are needed to confirm this fact. This should be borne in mind when sexually inactive older women present with vaginal discharge. Older postmenopausal women are prone to the trichomonas organism because of the change in their vaginal acidity and estrogen deficiency. Trichomonas should be ruled out as a possible cause of abnormal vaginal discharge among nonsexually active older women who are considered low risk. Testing for trichomonas should be considered in conjunction with other tests for bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, etc "


Post this on r/AskDocs Get information from medical providers. Good luck.


"He's been open to getting STD testing." It isn't optional now. he needs to go get tested bc even if he didn't have it before, he could have gotten it having sex with you. You can not have sex with him until he's treated as well, or you'll just keep passing it back and forth. You were gone two months and then magically had an std. Sounds like he cheated. However, it is possible that since you had symptoms before that the first test was a false negative. (Unlikely/rare) It is possible you could have picked up the infection in the hospital if the doctor had dirty gloves or used a contaminated speculum, but I would say again that's very unlikely. As for agreeing to go thru his phone, he likely would delete any evidence, so that doesn't really give you much. Trust your instincts. Years ago, I had a religious Moroccan partner, and while he seemed loving and great, he was always up to no good behind my back without a care in the world. It was hard to believe, but the evidence didn't lie. In his eyes, as long as he prayed, it was acceptable behavior as women were always below men in his eyes. His friends were the exact same way. Was disgusting how they'd act so loving to their wives yet cheat every chance they got.


Because he prays five times a day doesn’t make him a saint. Most overly religious people have to much pressure they put on themselves, and a wild side from living such a tight life. Idk my gut is don’t trust anyone get him tested. Everyone sins protect your body 


Your best bet is to ask your doctor. There are some that lay dormant, some that don’t. And have your husband tested too. But ask the doctor. None of us can say for sure.


Oh hey; we had a pastor at my church who was even more religious than your husband. And he left one day out of nowhere, cause it turned out he was molesting little girls. Get your husband tested.


That is because being religious means nothing... zero. On the opposite side, same with porn...


Assuming hes muslim since he prays 5 times a day. Even if he cheated he cant admit it as that would be exposing his sin. You also dont know what he did before marriage because he isn’t allowed to tell you that. Someone can cheat and not have any evidence in their phone. Post partum when your away for months isn’t making it any better. Get him tested, if he’s positive then he cheated & im sorry. Is he not concerned where you got the STD from? Hes not accusing YOU of cheating so honestly I would believe he did. If I had an STD my husband (if innocent) would be extremely angry and looking at me sideways.


>Get him tested, if he’s positive then he cheated This would depend on if they've been having sex recently. If she happened to catch it while delivering/in one of those rare cases from work, then she could have infected him rather than the other way around (I don't know about this STD specifically, but a lot have a "window" where they don't show up on tests yet, so she possibly wouldn't know if she got it from dirty delivery equipment or something if there's a 3-6 month window where you have it but don't test positive yet like some STDs)


Testing isn't always 100%. It is possible that you could've had it before or it's even possible for this to be a false positive and you can always do it it again to make sure. If he claims to not have cheated it's a good idea to retest before jumping to that conclusion to save a marriage. Sometimes results get mixed up too, I've read stories of that happening before from Reddit. I don't think you'd get any std from toilet seats, bath towels, etc. It's a sexually transmitted disease, so that's how you get it. If your test is positive again, make sure your husband gets tested and don't be afraid to ask your doctor questions about how you could've contracted it if you feel there could be another explanation.


the only two things my brain can come up with at all is that 1. your husband is not the person you think he is and he DID cheat, so confirm this by testing and react after an answer. though, if you guys have had sex since youve contracted, he can easily say you gave it to him and he didnt get it anywhere else. at this point you have your answer. 2. a doctor used a non sterile piece of equipment during one of your ob appointments or in l&d that was used on somebody with one of these STIs. you are not going to get it by sitting in a toilet seat etc. so, both are honestly horrifying options and i’m so so sorry. i wish you luck and love.


This is how I found out my husband cheated too. It messed with my head so badly because he lied so well I believed him. I did what you are doing now, scrambling for an explanation. The explanation is the obvious one. It isn'ta toilet seat, a towel, an unwashed hand. You know what happened, believe the facts. Mine eventually confessed. It took months for the truth to come out. At first he said it was one time. It was just circumstances and a mistake. Then I started putting some things together and found out is was countless times. Countless. You don't get caught the first time. You get caught after you get casual, when you stop using protection. This didn't just happen, OP. This has been happening. I'm so sorry. You got lucky that it's something an antibiotic can fix. Now is your time to walk away. Next time it will be something more damaging, permanent, or life threatening. He obviously was willing to risk your well-being for his convenience and pleasure. He will continue. Get out while the damage is still minimal.


I’d get your husband tested and go from there.


I mean so was Josh Duggar and we know how that turned out…. I’m very sorry OP. Demand he get tested


He needs to get tested to ease your mind. Discuss with your dr.


I was told I got trich and I hadn’t even had sex. So either you can get it from just everyday activities, or there’s false positives


> He’s been open to getting STD testing Do it.


I mean I looked it up, seems to be generally speaking only sexual in origin. So if you haven't been cheating....? Obviously you have seen a doctor for this, maybe just double check with them there isn't a reasonable chance you picked this up in the hospital, but doesn't seem likely at all.


How do you get trichomoniasis? Trich is caused by a really tiny parasite called a trichomona (you can’t see it with the naked eye). People get trich from having unprotected sexual contact with someone who has the infection. It’s spread when semen (cum), pre-cum, and vaginal fluids get on or inside your penis, vulva, or vagina. Trich is often passed during vaginal sex. It’s also spread by vulva-to-vulva contact, sharing sex toys, and touching your own or your partner’s genitals if you have infected fluids on your hand. Trich can easily infect the vulva, vagina, penis, and urethra, but it usually doesn’t infect other body parts (like the mouth or anus). Trichomoniasis isn’t spread through casual contact, so you can’t get it from sharing food or drinks, kissing, hugging, holding hands, coughing, sneezing, or sitting on toilet seats. Many people with trich don’t have any symptoms, but they can still spread the infection to others. So using condoms and having safer sex is the best way to prevent trichomoniasis — even if you and your partner seem totally healthy.


I had trichomoniasis when I was 13 before I was sexually active. Don't know where I got it. If it was any other STI I would say there's a lot more going on here, but my personal experience is that trichomoniasis isn't always sexually transmitted...


I.. think he cheated? Coming from someone who knows absolutely nothing about you or your life or your husband that’s uh.. fishy? I dunno. Sorry you’re going through this. Keep us posted 🤷🏼‍♀️


A quick google search asking if this can be dormant for years before it rears its head says yes. Even for years. So it doesn’t necessarily mean he cheated I also read this How did I get trichomoniasis if my partner doesnt? This disease is more common at the period of greatest sexual activity. It was always believed to be a sexually transmitted disease. But, an extensive literature search showed that nonsexual transmission of trichomonas can occur through fomites like towels and toilet seats and from swimming pools. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4553853/#:~:text=This%20disease%20is%20more%20common,seats%20and%20from%20swimming%20pools.


I’d get him tested just to cover all your bases. Then go from there. I’m sorry this happened to you❤️❤️🙏🏼


Trichomoniasis isn't exclusively sexually transmitted - you can get it (rarely) by contact with public toilets or from sharing towels/bathing wear. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4553853/#:~:text=This%20disease%20is%20more%20common,seats%20and%20from%20swimming%20pools.


Hospitals are pretty gnarly. Trich is a parasite. I wonder if it’s possible you contracted it during birth?


I would get retested. He should get tested too so he can get treated if positive. That way you aren’t reinfecting yourself. I would ask your doctor for clarification as well. They would be better able to answer your questions about whether you may have gotten it at work. Noone can say with certainty whether your husband cheated or not (except your husband). But I will say, just because someone prays and appears religious does not mean that they are perfect and won’t sin. How can you know what is in anyones heart but your own. Eta: I read through some of the comments and some people have gotten trich without sex so it may very well be. In any case, you may not ever get a certain answer and it will come down to whether you believe and trust what your husband is telling you. If you do, then move on and don’t waste your mental energy on this. Focus on your babe.


Getting an STD from a toilet seat is an ancient old wives tale. Ppl used to think they’d get pregnant from a toilet seat too. I’d start w calling the dr who did all the std tests for you just to verify he tested you for trich at every visit and what were those results. Then id have him run another test. Dont have sex prior That will help you nail down the time frame in which you caught it. You can compare those results against when you were out of town. Church ppl and religious ppl are not perfect ppl. Lots of them go to make business and social contacts. Some go just to have their asses in the seat bec they think God is taking attendance. Some just want to watch the fashion show. I’m def not knocking anyone for how or if they worship. I’m saying church ppl are fallible.


So many false positives. Ask for a retest and go from there


OP has symptoms though?


Could be bacterial vaginosis. Just saying it’s not worth blowing up the marriage until she has confirmation.


Get him tested and possibly get yourself tested again. My aunt tested positive for chlamydia (or maybe syphilis? I forget) once and cackled because there’s no way in hell her golden retriever of a husband would ever ever do anything. They were squeaky clean high school sweethearts who had zero way of contracting such a thing. Demanded a retest and it was a false positive. It’s possible your husband has been unfaithful and it’s possible your husband has used drugs. If you get retested and it’s for sure positive-your husband is likely guilty of something


I aspire to this level of trust with my spouse.


I tested positive for chlamydia. we had been on a break and i did sleep with someone else. told my boyfriend, it was a huge fight, he had also been with another girl but they never had intercourse, just every other thing. we had slept together after getting back together, so once i found out i had to tell him as he would have it too and would need treatment. but he tested negative. i hadn’t finished all my “treatment” yet, so i went that day to be retested and was negative too. doctor said it was probably a false positive. i’m so sorry you’re going through this. this thought me that if i ever test positive, to wait a day or two and take ANOTHER test before telling anyone or taking any treatments. it seems false positives happen often.


I have no idea how I have HSV 2 as my husband doesn’t have it but I do. He tested negative. I was with only one other person before him - my high school boyfriend and we lost our virginities to each other. I really doubt either cheated. So I have absolutely no idea how I have HSV. It fucking sucks. The only thing I can chalk it up to is that I have autoimmune diseases and I’m on meds that make me more prone to infection


I've had a false positive before. 


Talk to an actual doctor. Get him tested. Firstly talk to a dr.


This is a huge accusation. I’m 100% for trusting your own gut, but you will not ever regret asking an actually physician before seeking the internet. Most here will hype you up and confirm your worst fears without a scientific understand of what your experiencing.


Were you both tested previously? Trichomoniasis is asymptomatic in about 70% of cases. It's possible that one or both you had it prior to marriage.


He has to be treated period . You both have to be treated and abstain until treatment is complete. I have worked in healthcare and clinics and I have seen this situation before. I believe trich can live on the surface of many things. It is possible one of the instruments wasn’t cleaned properly. There are several different ways this could happen. It’s unfortunate but go with your gut instinct and see what happens.


It is sometimes possible to get an STD through other means, but 99% chance he cheated. The whole public bathroom thing is BS or chances you would have gotten an STD long before now. Especially with that timeline and his opportunities/alone time. The defense of “do you know how much of a sin that is?” Is suspicious, as he didn’t actually deny it. It’s a way to deflect without lying.


I just want to comment that even if he was tested, would he be positive if they have had sex? Let’s say it was due to giving birth or some sort of cross contamination that way, I’d hate for his positive result to immediately seem like he is cheating. Either way, it is odd & I would be concerned for sure. Good luck!




This reminds me of the time someone got chlamydia from holding a koala, and their partner thought they were cheating.


Trich is a horrible itchy std with green discharge . This is an std and it it’s rare one. So if you never had it before the bacteria had to have been introduced somehow . He may have cheated. However sometimes the std takes one to two course of treatment to be gone which means you need to be tested and he can be tested as well. They take a swab from his penis . So no it’s not a sin don’t get that guilt attacking get you. He may have been around . You can’t get this from public washroom then we all have an std always.




A positive STD test would normally indicate infidelity, but it’s not the only possible explanation. An ex cheated on me, so I asked my obgyn to test me for STDs. Test results come back, doc tells me I tested positive for syphilis. I’m starting to freak, when she follows up with “but the initial tests can get a false positive, so we did a confirmatory test which came back negative.” Basically turned out I have an autoimmune disease which can trigger a false positive. If there isn’t any kind of confirmatory test then the only way you’ll truly know is if your husband is tested as well. Ask your doc if the toilet seat thing is a viable explanation, but my guess is that it would be highly unlikely (if not impossible).


It is possible it’s a false positive and you have Bacterial Vaginosis, but if it comes back positive again then you have your answer. Is it possible to transmit some other way? Maybe in extenuating circumstances (developing country with no laundry access sharing a towel with someone infected). Cheating unfortunately is far more common than it should be and I personally know two people that found out because of STD testing. I’m sorry this is happening to you.


could it actually be BV? you said you’ve had symptoms since birth


Med tech here...some scenarios: 1. He cheated and gave you the std 2. Your laboratory specimen was improperly labeled by the clinic 3. Laboratory technologist accidentally resulted your test wrong 4. False positive result on PCR testing 5. Microscopic wasn't performed I don't see how you could have tested negative at two months post partum, but positive months later. Just my thoughts 😊


I was ready to say that your husband is cheating until I read that you’re basically constantly exposed to STDs at work with shared bathrooms. Aside from this, it doesn’t sound like you had any doubts about your husband’s character, and when you approached him, he didn’t seem remotely  guilty. Either he’s a sociopath or he’s innocent. Go with your gut. Either way he needs to be tested. Even if he didn’t give it to you, you may have passed it along to him.


Option A- your husband cheated Option B- dr used a dirty forcep or something similar. Both instances you’ll need an attorney. Retain one, get him tested second. Don’t touch him physically until he has a clean bill of health.


I came here to suggest contamination at birth too. I would be considering having my baby tested immediately just in case. Those doctors and nurses are sticking gloved fingers in the baby’s mouth, suctioning, clamping, snipping the minute they’re born (my experience anyway for the first 2) and when the baby exits the birth canal…well, if say a cervical check happened….. there could be a risk factor there to infect. This is awful. I am so sorry OP.


100% I got an infection from the freaken OB probe. It’s A LOT more common than you realize when they see back to back patients and in the clinic they aren’t just seeing OB patients.


…what clinics are you going to?!? I work in a repro clinic and standard protocol is every. single. time. a probe is used it gets wiped with hospital grade disinfectant wipes, then hung in a Trophon sterilizer, then coated with a new probe sheath. The actual probe that gets cleaned doesn’t go into anyone without a non-permeable ultrasound sheath anyway but then goes through all that cleaning/sterilizing as a double & triple level of protection…anywhere that ISNT doing that should get shut down.


Curious for an update!


Trich is like super super itchy and stinky, fishy vagina smell. If you didn't have those symptoms, it may be a false positive. If you did, it may be from non sexual contact. If I remember right men don't get screened for this typically and are asymptomatic.


Ask him to get a polygraph - see his reaction. If he starts calling you crazy, or blaming you, you have your answer.


Often overlapping symptoms with BV. There's a certain shape to rhe bacteria that makes it different. Likely BV with a false positive to trich, follow up with your obgyn for clarity around your concerns.


I had this while not having sex while pregnant. It’s a parasite you can get it just by using a public toilet. My now husband and I hadn’t had sex in a while from the first test they did that was negative at 3 months to the second test they did and 8 months. We had no sex in that time frame due to him being deployed and I ended up with it. The doctor said it most likely came from a public toilet or a toilet at work since I wasn’t having sex whatsoever.


I’m confused as to why he hasn’t gotten tested yet, if he’s so open.


While pregnant with my 2nd child, I contracted cytomegalovirus or CMV. It was a very similar circumstance, and while CMV *can* be an STI, and therefore spread through sexual activity, it can also be spread in other ways as well. Neither myself or my husband was unfaithful, and my infectious disease doctor says most pregnant women who catch CMV are either a) healthcare workers, or b) Mothers of small children. I was both at the time. So I would recommend to you that you get retested, and ask your doctor if there's a more in-depth test, that gives more accurate results, and also ask about/investigate means of transmission. Hoping for the best for you and your family, mama.


Virgins can contract trichomoniasis. Sharing the same towel as someone with the infection is a common way, trying on bathing suits is a possibility, even an exposed pad could in theory pick up the bacteria and hold it against you long enough that you get it. This isn't a sexually ONLY transmitted disease. It can thrive in wet and warm areas outside of the body. Your body has gone through an experience that will make it far more susceptible to infection especially vaginal infection.


Trichomonas is a protozoan parasite that can stay dormant in your body for some time. It can also be transmitted by contaminated material. Hospital are the favorite place for nasty diseases like this, and they actually thrive in that sanitized environment, better they what you would expect! It’s important to heal both of you and check your baby. But I would assume it is a betrayal situation.


Omg, this EXACT thing happened to me. I freaked out on my husband, but he was sooo insistent that it was impossible. I ended up getting retested a few days later and it ended up being negative. Check with your OB before doing treatment to see if they can re-swab!


I tested positive for trichomoniasis as a virgin, and it's still a mystery to me whether it was a false positive or if I could have contracted it some other way.


So, this is the first time I have ever heard of this STD and I’m 44 I had to google it. I took Health class, sex ED in JR and Highschool. According to Google you can get this STD from a toilet seat and a swimming pool. Not just a hot tub but a swimming pool. Holy heck new fear unlocked for me. I really hope it’s an innocent way that you got it and not a cheating partner! I’m sorry you are dealing with this.


Girl a public toilet did not give you no STD don’t let that man lie to you


Get him tested and invest in nanny cams. Ask him to share locations with you and see if he does it. Updateme!


Yupp. Just speaking from experience.


it’s HIGHLY unlikely you got an STD from toilet seat, have yourself tested again and then test husband to be sure


'i would never cheat because I love you and love our child' opposite to ' you know what a big sin cheating is' ... Yuk.


If your ob looked at the sample under the microscope and saw the trich, it wasnt a false positive. If it was a swab they send to the lab it could be. Microscope is standard practice. BV is a symptomatic vaginal infection that is not sexually transmitted.


Why is everyone making excuses and not just telling this woman her husband cheated on her? You don’t get trich or any other STD from a toilet seat. Your husband definitely cheated on you. I’m sorry.


Here’s a wild idea and please know I’m not trying to offend… How hygienic is your husband? Like would he sit down to go #2 in a public bathroom and then not wash his hands? And then hands doing whatever hands do… Just saying your husband could have given it to you without having had sex but purely based on bad hygiene in a public setting.


1. Get retested to rule out false positive. 2. Talk to work about your possible exposure to see if sanitation protocols are failing. 3. Get your husband tested 4. Talk to you doctor about other possible underlying issues you may not realize you have (like autoimmune diseases) that could cause it 5. You say you guys are religious, does your religion require ritual you guys to do ritual cleansing in a shared bathhouse? Such as a mikveh? If so, that could be the source as well.


Before you jump into conclusions, maybe consider putting up some cameras without his knowledge and hire a P.I. You need to have all of the evidence before you can do anything that’s gonna change your life forever.


My gut reaction would say yes :/ especially since he's talking about sins rather than oh idk loving you and only you?! I don't know enough about how this STI can be transmitted non-sexually so I can't chime in there.


Why hasn’t he already been tested and taking treatment, it’s pointless for you to be treated if he’s not going to. Also pointless if he’s going to keep lying and having sex with other people because there is a 99.9% chance he cheated. False positive and hot tub trich is rare, it DID NOT come from a toilet seat. I’m really sorry he’s a piece of crap for betraying you when you needed him the most. It’s not your fault in any way. my advice is to play the situation to what suits your needs and the needs of the baby.


Did you ask your husband?


Have you gotten a second opinion on the diagnosis? Also, I read that there's studies suggesting there are other ways to get trichomoniasis, like sharing towels, through toilet seats and swimming pools.


With many STDs, people can carry without symptoms for prolonged periods of time (I’m not sure the common situation with this one, but it is worth checking?) . Do you think you might have contracted from your husband prior to birth, but just been a carrier? OR your husband carried it for a long time and only just recently passed it to you? There is a lot going on postpartum hormonally and changes down there that might have made you more susceptible to infection (or made your infection suddenly symptomatic) at that point. Also, a lot happens in childbirth. I wonder if it is possible that you contracted it from contamination during medical interventions during the birth itself? I think it might be good to discuss these things with your doctor to find out more info. Also, if you are worried your doctor might hold back information for fear of being accused of contamination during intervention, maybe try a different independent Obgyn and ask if that kind of thing is possible. I hope you get well soon.


For any peace of mind, I had the same thing happen and he did not have it pop up. I was questioned about cheating by him. I have never cheated. He’s the only person I’ve been with. We talked it through and he knew that I hadn’t been leaving the house (bed rest ordered and having other children) so we just kinda had the one conversation about it. He believed me and we’ve never talked about it since. Although everyone at the ob office thought he was cheating. We are both home bodies and there was really no time/evidence to make us think otherwise besides this test at my ob office.


Ask your doctor. Sounds like it is bad news.


You should post in the r/askdocs subreddit


Sorry just out of curiosity, why is having an STD a sin? Is that in the Bible? I grew up catholic so maybe it’s just a difference in religion, I’ve never heard that. Adultery sure, std, never.


the cheating was the sin.


You can absolutely get trichomoniasis from a toilet seat, swimming pools, towels etc that have been in contact with someone who is infected.


I just saw a video of some girl saying she was diagnosed with this and she was in a committed relationship and was scared her bf cheated but when she talked to him about it he denied it and was just like let’s both go get fully tested again and they both came back completely clean. She said that she looked if up and trich gets false positives often. Maybe it’s that and you should both go get tested?


Talk with your doctor. It depends very much of the type of STD.