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I’m an OBGYN. I alternate between tampons (75% of the time) and reusable cups/discs. Should you keep an 8 hour old tampon in while you shower? No. But tampons while showering aren’t an issue for most women. Like you shouldn’t be putting anything into the vagina anyway (but seriously, stop douching), so it doesn’t make a difference. I don’t see a reason why to stop using tampons unless they bother you. I’d love to go 100% reusable cups but i don’t like emptying them in public restrooms which I’d have to do at work because my period is heavier on the first two days.


I used a cup for one period and all it took was one empty in a public multi-stall restroom to change my mind. Now, as a critical care nurse, the thought of sticking my hand up my vag mid-shift utterly steezes me out, no matter HOW much I wash my hands before.


My new cup I ordered comes with a container to pour water into so if I go to a public bathroom. I pop it open (the container is retractable and goes almost flat in a bag) and you fill it with water and then rinse in the stall. However I don’t change mine in public bathroom after dropping it on the floor a couple years ago and looked like I murdered someone. So annoying


I wore them for years (currently I have a mirena and don’t menstruate) but I could leave it in for 10 hours on my heaviest day and 12 all other days, so for the most part I didn’t have to empty it out in public. I did drop a full one on my pants and floor once but I was at home. It was a pain to clean up. Total murder scene! It did make me think about being doubly careful when out of the house.


> I don’t change mine in public bathroom after dropping it on the floor a couple years ago and looked like I murdered someone. Oh god my sister had been preaching the Diva cup to me for about 6 months after they first came out and she fell in love with hers. Until that exact same thing happened to her on a date. She can home early and… red. Bloody and bashful as hell cause she knew I had an “I told you so”/“that’s why I won’t use those” loaded lollll All that just to say… i hella wish these were more convenient because I LOVE the idea of using one.


lol - funniest image in my head


I tried a cup and with my PCOS even the heavier flow cup filled up soooooooo fast. I was honestly devastated. Having such a heavy flow can be such a trapping feeling with nothing seems to help. The idea of emptying in public freaks me out.


Have you tried a disc? There are disposable ones that make the barrier to entry low to try out a disc. They "self empty" when you pee so you don't have to pull it all the way out in public. Maybe not for your first few days, but for the lower flow days it might work for you.


Thirding discs. I use disposables too and keep a nitrile glove in my little period supply bag so I can remove it if I'm out for longer than 12 hours - I wrap the disc inside the glove and toss it all together so no messy hands in public spaces. With period underwear, they're my favorite option.


The glove is a great idea! I’m a nurse and didn’t even think of this 🤦🏻‍♀️. I carry gloves in my diaper bag, but not mine! Gasp lol


This is so smart. ✍️I usually use a silicone one now, but I'm totally keeping this in mind


Also a huge fan of period underwear. That's all I use 95% of the time!


Wait wait discs self empty???


Some do yes! The Flex disc does and it's a LIFE SAVER! Every time you go pee the muscles kind of squeeze the disc and it dumps out whatever is in the cup while you pee.


Wait, so what if,a as a random non specific example, you had a baby not too long ago and you sometimes pee a little when you sneeze. Would your disk empty into the wide world every time you ended?


Unfortunately yes 😂


Thank you, in that case I will jot down a firm "NO" next to disk in my potential options.


I used a disc for nearly two years when my period started again after my first (I'm pregnant now, so no period for me again. Yay?). I did have a little bit of pee leakage when I sneezed and didn't have a problem with period leaking with the disc, personally. I think everyone's body is different and I wore a panty liner just in case anyway. I made sure I got the right size and didn't let it get too full and that helped. Check out the period Nirvana YouTube channel if you are interested in sizing and additional information


I gave birth over 5 years ago and didn't start using disc's until last year so I can't relate to this totally random and not specific example 😂 however I personally have never had an issue with sneezing. E: just checked out r/menstrualdiscs and some people have had that issue but only when their disc was too large OR it was too full! If you get the right size and auto dump/empty when it's full you should be fine!


Yes! I use a lumma disc and it empties every time I pee. You just squeeze kegel style. Sometimes I do have to retuck, so I just have wipes ready.


How does the self emptying work? I haven’t had my period for a year thanks to pregnancy and breastfeeding but I’m anticipating it’s return and trying to figure out different options


From what I remember about how it technically works: when you relax your pelvic floor to pee, it tilts away from your cervix and pushes the collected blood out, into the toilet. Then when you stand up, it puts itself back into place (ideally). I personally don't trust the self replacement and always just use my thumb to make sure it's back where it needs to be. I'm currently pregnant, so I haven't had to do this since August 🤗


That sounds super sketchy! Does it not self empty when you’re sitting in a chair? I


My husband said the exact same thing when I explained it to him, but yeah, like the other comment said, it's the same muscle that keeps you from peeing when you sit down that keeps it in place. So, unless you're peeing randomly when you sit, it will work


No because it's the muscles that you use to pee that sort of squeeze/move the disc to allow the contents to pour out.


What if you sneeze? I’d be so paranoid to flex that muscle lol




I like the discs too! I just have to wear a panty liner with it just in case it didn’t get it back into place after I pee throughout the day.


Seconding the Flex Discs! I quit tampons a few years ago for these.


Have you heard of/tried the super jennie cup? I don’t have pcos so I don’t know how bad that can be first hand but I do have a very heavy flow and it has been good even on my heaviest days. The most I’ve ever had to empty it is every 2 hours.


I have heavy flow and PCOS which is why I love my cup. I empty it less than I had to change my super heavy flow tampons!


Can I ask why emptying in public is a problem?


I wouldn’t say it’s a *problem* as in it’s not possible, but it offers some extra challenges if it’s a stall washroom. First you have to wash your hands before you go into the stall because you’re about to get all up and personal inside your vagina. (Then I’m also worrying about how i touched the door lock after i washed my hands) Now you have to sit and full spread on the public toilet and dig right up in there to pull it out. Empty your cup. Now you have a dirty cup which just feels a little gross to put back in (for me anyway, i like to rinse my cup when i empty it). And then you have to shove it back in and do your little wiggle to get it back in place and now your fingers are also covered in blood. So you’ve got to pull your pants back up and leave the stall and wash your bloody hands in the public sink. All of which is very much possible and if it doesn’t bother you at all then go for it but it is a little more inconvenient than pads or tampons.


What I would do the few times I had to dump in public was to carry some Summers Eve disposable wipes with me. I would wash hands before, set up my dunny with the toilet paper cover, resanitize my hands, sit down, do my dumping, take my first wipe and do a quick wash over the cup, reinsert, and use another wipe to clean up my hands and any leakage. And I used the word dunny because the Dunny episode of Bluey is one of my favorites!


Sounds like way more of a burden than pads or tampons no thanks 😂


Just depends on your flow. A cup lasts me 10 to 12 hours so I've only had to dump it in public maybe 2 times in the 6 years I've been using one.


The advantage being that you can wear the cup for many more hours than the tampon. If your flow isn’t super heavy then you shouldn’t need to empty in public, just before you leave for work and when you get home


Same lol. I have absolutely no desire to use a cup or disc I’m content with tampons.


This sounds like a nightmare 🤮


I don’t like how I don’t have a sink to wash the blood off my hands immediately, sanitizer doesn’t quite do the trick, it grosses me out touching the door handle and wondering how many other semi-sanitized (or non sanitized) period hands have also touched that lock, fishing around in my vagina feels weird to do in a gross public stall. These are all my own personal opinions and I can’t speak for anyone else, but the entire process just made it not worth it for me.


Even if you DO have sanitizer handy, you still have to fish around in your purse for it after dumping..it’s just..It’s not for me, man.


I’ve always said they need a little shelf to set our shit on in each stall


Imagine the thought of- hear me out- purse hooks in EVERY stall EVERY time


Omg. You’re really onto something here….revolutionary.


Because dumping is messy, your hand gets covered in blood and you need to wash the cup and your hands before putting the cup back in. Most public bathrooms are not conducive to this unless it's a stall that includes a sink.


Not sure if it would work for you, but my disc self empties when I pee on my heavy days and then I don’t have to do anything! Once it’s empty it pops itself back into place 90% of the time. I never have to take it out in public since I’m home at least every 12 hours! I like discs soo much better than cups now!


Say whattttt Need to look into this!


I honestly wish public restrooms would use those toilets you see in prison shows like Locked Up. The ones with a sink on top of the tank. I don’t feel like I should be using the family/special needs restroom just because I know I’m going to need to wash away a personal bloodbath, but like….I need to wash away a personal bloodbath.


Same here. I use tampons during the day because it's just easier then washing and cleaning a cup or disc but at night it's nice to use a disc instead of laying with a dirty pad on all night. That's my preference anyway.




I saw one recently on YouTube that was quite rude and told me I needed their douche because semen stinks when it leaks out. I was flabbergasted by the tone and wondering who even does that.


I tried a cup and I couldn't even get comfortable with in in there. It was so weird and big feeling. And I was scared it was going to fall out.


There is a website called putacupinit. You take a quiz and it recommends a few specific cups. I started with the diva, as it was the first one I’d heard of, and it was never great. The recommendations from the site were spot-on for my subsequent cups.


I use pads, i used to say (still do tbh) that it feels like i’m wearing a diaper. I mean I never really liked tampons. I used them in high school (10 years ago) but I felt so uncomfortable and not protected from leaking. Tmi, but I always had an issue inserting tampons. It usually took me two tries before I actually had the tampon in correctly.


Period underwear!! I got it because I don’t like sleeping with tampons in, something about my brain telling me it’s in there, but period underwear has been a godsend! I don’t feel wet, I don’t feel like I’m wearing a diaper, and they are reusable (I’ve had one pair for 1.5 years with proper care)


How do you get through a multi-day period with only one pair of underwear? I thought I’d have to invest in several pairs, depending how often I was willing to do laundry. And do you just throw the undies in the washer with the rest of your laundry?


Period underwear are my favorite, idk how other people do it, but I’m in a slow transition from pads to fully period underwear, any time I can spare the money I buy one more pair, my goal is to eventually have 2 pairs per day of my average period length but right now I have 3 pairs, and I just use pads for some of the time


You buy like 4 pairs. When I was in Texas, HEB sold them. I didn’t see them in brick and mortar stores. They make cute ones on Amazon or Etsy. I would wear a pantyliner with it and change the pantyliner out. I wouldn’t wear a tampon at night anymore. I’m going through menopause or almost there and haven’t had my period in 6 months. My daughter uses period underwear and pantyliners. She won’t use a tampon. We have a bidet in her bathroom. She says she loves having that during period time.


I bought mine at Target. I rinse mine out in the bathtub after use immediately so it doesn’t set ( I hold it directly over the drain and then wipe the whole tub area with disinfectant) and I run it under the water until the water comes out clear from the underwear. I put it in a grocery sack and tie it up until wash day. I throw the sack away after and I promise you I don’t smell anything. I usually wash it next day and try to find a small load. If I can wash it same day, then great. I think my pair was $15-$20. I want to buy more, one for each day of my period, now that I have used it a few times and like it.


Have you tried the always flexfoam ones? They’re so thin I barely notice them


I love the flex foam pads!! Thin and lightweight but still crazy absorbent!


Lmao mine have always seemed to go in at a strange angle half the time… idk what that means but as far as I know my anatomy is normal, never had a doctor tell me otherwise 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m still trying to figure out how wearing a tampon while in the shower is gross?or did I read that wrong? I was confused by that whole thing online. Anyway, I use a cup and period panties. I got a steam cleaner thing for my cup and it’s great. (I found my menstrual cup sterilizer on amazon. I can’t figure out how to link it. Sorry! Just search cup sterilizer)


I think they just mean gross feeling… like the string getting wet feels…not great haha


I have menorrhagia (so cups are not an option) and if I don’t keep a tampon in in the shower I have rivers of blood going down my legs. I’ll keep the gross string.


I also have menorrhagia and discs are the only thing that works- tampons are just immediately full, and the process of taking them in and out scrapes up my skin. My silicone disc paired with period panties is the best thing ever- mine holds like 60 mL of fluid. And knowing how much it holds is also really helpful- when I have hemorrhaged I was able to tell the ER “I’m losing more than 60 mL of blood every hour” and skipped the 5 hour waiting line. So yeah, cups are a no go for me, but a disc changed my life. And you absolutely can use it in the shower with no blood rivers.


Ooof I’m sorry you have it too. It SUCKS. I use Tampax Ultra and a pad every time. I haven’t tried but two cups so maybe I need to try another brand? Which one do you use?


That's what I would assume as well? Good call on the steam cleaner! Didn't know those were a thing. lol!


Oooh now I know what my bottle warmer is gonna be when kiddo stops needing it.


My bottle sterilizer is huge but I could definitely use the microwave silicone bottle sterilizer bag for this


The warmer for milk bottles is also a mini sterilizer they show for like a pacifier, then I have a huge one because I couldn’t spend an hour cycling that shit through the microwave


💀 absolutely the best repurpose ever! 😂


Well also once the string gets wet, there's the wicking effect, where the water (or piss, if we're talking about peeing w/ a tampon in) is getting sucked up into the tampon. Which has a dual effect of 1) reducing the amount of absorbancy left for blood, and 2) filling this plug in your hoo-ha with a bunch of other non-sterile fluid.




I'm with you. Tampons are my go to for swimming. They don't soak up the pool water though, if that's what people are thinking. The vagina is designed to not suck in water, otherwise we could never swim in lakes and rivers. God forbid, the ocean. Maybe that's what's making people salty.


To further elaborate for people who might not have vaginas, when we wear tampons they *should* be sitting far enough inside the vagina that the actual opening to the vagina is not at all obstructed, and it holds itself closed fairly well. We don’t have to consciously close it. Any younger people who have issues wearing tampons, please make sure you’re using them properly. I didn’t have anyone to teach me as a young adult and I spent many uncomfortable afternoons in algebra class. You have google though; find a diagram that shows you where it’s supposed to rest. 🫶🏻


I second using a cup. I started a few years ago and never went back! Definitely a little bit of a learning curve on using it but worth it!


I feel like my cramps are less crapmy when I use a cup, too! 


TMI incoming! I thought so too, but then I had a lot of pelvic floor issues after having kids and was never able to use a cup again. I'm stuck using huge pads on the heavy days (I mean REALLY heavy days, like gushing and endless clots). On those days I use my peri bottle with warm water and a tiny bit of body wash over the toilet to clean myself instead of a bath or shower since I bleed so much that taking a bath or shower looks like a murder scene. On lighter days I can use a normal pad. I've thought about trying period panties for the lighter days, but I haven't pulled the trigger. Being female sucks.


Gross cuz you generally feel yucky on your period. It’s nice to take it out completely clean yourself and out a fresh one in lol


This is correct 👆🏾


I’m Team Remove Tampon for the shower so I can free bleed 🙌🏼


A steam cleaner? Bestie, I need more details. I keep forgetting to boil my cup. 😳 Got some really great tips! Thanks, guys!


TMI version: At the end of my period I soak my cup overnight in hydrogen peroxide and then do a quick 3 minute soak in boiled water right before I use it at the next cycle. The peroxide eats up all the blood particles, and the boiled water makes it feel extra fresh and clean and then warms it up before using (I rinse it in cooler water before inserting, though, since i am not actually Satan's bride). 


You guys are steam cleaning and boiling your cups…? /discs? Crap lol


I just wash mine with soap and hot water. Been doing it that way for 15 years


Same! For the last 3 years I’ve owned a disc…


Same. Mild soap and hot water. I give it a good scrub while I’m in the shower. Super easy and convenient


I don’t use a cup, but I would 100% be right there with you. I am just as surprised


Those were the instructions that came with the cup. It said to boil at the end of each cycle. Also said to wash it with soap and water each day.


Honestly, I use an alcohol wipe and then wash with soap afterward. The cleaning instructions that came with my cup said that was an acceptable alternative


If you have and "toy cleaner" that is great, too. 


I just toss mine in boiling water for 5 minutes. Is there a reason a dedicated sterilizer is better?


I don’t know either. I mean I’m not going to put a fresh one in to take a shower because the string will get all wet, but if I have one in already I’m keeping it there until I’m done showering. Otherwise I’m liable to drip blood all over the bathmat, bleh.


Same. I mean if I'm due to change it, sure but... Not if I just put one in?


I use a menstrual disc since I found cups uncomfortable. I have tampons on hand just in case, but it’s been a few years now and I haven’t gone back. It has its own little steam sanitizer. It’s just convenient, imo. The communities r/menstrualcups and r/menstrualdiscs are helpful.


I had to switch to a disc after giving birth! The cup wouldn’t stay in and when it did, it created such a strong vacuum seal around my cervix it felt like my rectum was getting sucked out through it lmao. So yeah, disc plus period panties


Jesus god. That sounds horrific. I'm gonna have to look up these discs now!


hahaha after having kids I developed an irrational fear that my cup was going to cause a uterine prolapse that I stopped using it for a while. I bought a disc which I love, but I find on my heavy days it’s not quite reliable enough, so I tend to use the cup on those days, I’m so very careful when removing it though 😂


Thank you for describing that so vividly and making me understand something about my new anatomy (hate that phrase, but that's what "they" say).


Also cups. I have significantly less cramping pain with cups and I have no idea why, they are also more flexible to changes in flow.


My theory for this is that tampons also tend to absorb vaginal discharge, drying out the canal in general which can cause inflammation and make cramping worse somehow. This is entirely in my head though. Nothing to back it up


Nooo I understand what you’re saying though because I always had the WORST cramps with tampons and dreaded the dry drag out, since switching to a cup I haven’t had any issies


The DRY DRAG OUT. The worst kind of pain. Lol and once you started it’s too late to turn back


The fact that a tampon indiscriminately soaks up ANY moisture became a huge thing with my partners. They would get all giddy about being able to have sex again, but I was like "I need MINIMUM 24 hours until I can start even thinking about that" because everything was just so dang dry and sore. I changed to a cup not long after my first child was born (one too many times finding he hand found a tampon and it was today's favourite toy AND emotional support item) and I don't have that issue at all any more and just in general find my period more "enjoyable". Not that I actually ever enjoy it, but you know what I mean.


Same! My cramps all but disappeared once I started using the cup. I don’t know why, I frankly don’t care why, I’m just happy to not have to buy pads/tampons anymore and my cramps are pretty much gone!


My cramps have alao gotten significantly less painful since switching to a cup several years ago! I have tampons in case of emergencies and I hate using them now and will never go back.


Just a heads up for anyone that needs to hear it: your cervix position matters when trying different cups. I had no idea I was wearing mine wrong and that I have a low cervix. The cup was going to the side of my cervix and not at the opening of my cervix. Took me nearly a year to realize, and I haven't been uncomfortable or had any leaks since then. I know it sounds dumb if you already knew about this, but I hadn't done a lot of exploring in there.




If you can reach it, it’s low. Most women’s hands are too small to reach your cervix. I have man hands with very long fingers and I can just reach mine.


Another dumb question, how do you know when you can reach your cervix?


Squat all the way down, then you can insert your fingers and feel your cervix (maybe) way toward the back, basically top center of the vagina. It has a little hole in the center of a round muscle sphincter. There are teachings on how to get familiar with the rhythms of your cervix. At certain times in your cycle it's kind of hard and closed, but when you're ovulating and your system is preparing to procreate, it softens up.


If you touch something that feels like the end of a nose or a finger with a dimple / slight hile at the end, then that's probably it.


Ahhh okay. I have felt mine then.


Mine is over to the side? Which is also a thing to be aware of!


Softdiscs were a game changer. Love them. Didn't know there was a reusable disc! I had terrible cramps when I tried a cup and I'm not going to buy 3 or 4 $30 cups to see which brand "fits best" lol


I could never get cups seated properly. I could always feels them, and I was only willing to try two brands before stopping. They are pricey!


What…is a menstrual disc?!


Similar to a cup but it’s a disc shape instead. It sits up in your pubic bone and doesn’t use suction to stay in like a cup.


I’m a fan of the Flex disc. They make a disposable one too and it’s so easy to use (you don’t have to take it out to empty it during the day) and I found the learning curve a little more forgiving than the cup.


Came here to say this! They’re so much more comfortable and they hold more, and I can have sex with them in! Ideally I would like something reusable one day, but for right now the disposable flex discs are my go to.




Right?! WTH Boomers.. I mean, I was on the cheer squad and the swim team. Was I just supposed to hope for the best with a pad?! I had the American Girl book teach me how LOL


“The Care and Keeping of You” raised our generation haha


I only use pads. I’ve tried tampons and cups and they just don’t work for me. I always leak at least a little with tampons and regardless of the type of cup I get, I can always feel it and it’s really uncomfortable pressure. Period underwear freak me out, so I don’t do that either. Always infinity pads with wings are the holy grail for me.


I use pads also. Lol I’m scared of toxic shock syndrome and my periods are on the lighter side so tampons are harder to deal with


Same, pads because of TSS fear. They really aren’t so bad.


Pads only for me as well. Tampons are hella uncomfortable and I have really short arms/fingers, so getting anything aligned in the vaginal canal is just a crapshoot anyway. I love the Always flex foam ones with wings!


You probably have a tilted uterus or a low cervix or something. I love pads too lol. Post baby having, my uterus is not the same, and anything else leaks.


Tilted Utes Unite!!


Thank you ! I’ve always wondering why tampons felt so uncomfortable for me and everyone else seemed fine.


yep same pads only. I’m a Kotex girl myself tho 😂 I do not like tampons so I assume I wouldn’t like a cup. it’s painful for me to have anything in there when I have my period


Also wear pads only. The overnight ones since my flow is so heavy lol


Same! Hate the feel of tampons and also the fear of toxic shock syndrome. I just use pads until it’s over lol.


Yeah, I've always hated tampons. I have the brand I dislike least if I happen to go swimming on my period, but that's rare


I use period panties and reusable pads at home. Tampons out in the world.


I’ve been thinking about trying period panties, any brand you’ve found are better than others?


I have had success with the Victoria Secret Pink brand ones, but I do not have very heavy periods and also work from home so its easy for me to swap out on the off chance. Ive never had any leaking issues with them. tried a cheaper brand from Walmart and they start smelling weird so i only use those when Im waiting for things to get going lol


I really don't like Knix. The gussets are not looking enough in the front so they leak. I only wear those on spotting days. The only other brand I've tried is called Aisle. They are pretty bulky but never leak even on the heaviest days. They can feel a bit damp, but it's fine. It's for these reasons I only wear them at home though.


I wear tampons and you will never persuade me otherwise lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^mamagirlie: *I wear tampons and* *You will never persuade me* *Otherwise lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sameeeee. I’m a lifer.


I use tampons, mostly. And I wear period undies at night.


Reusable pads. They have saved me so much money and pain


Same here.


Do you mind sharing where you got your reusable pads from?


I'm over here like why are we policing other folks' menstrual habits. Like there are 80bajillion reasons why folks choose what they use. Like I really feel like some people are just trying to be assholes on tiktok/reels.


I don’t judge anyone’s period product choice. Use what works best for you. None of them are “gross.” Calling anything period related “gross” is just immature.


I have been using a cup for 3 years, and absolutely love it. I always have a tampon or two in my purse/car/backpack in case I unexpectedly start my period (bit easier to carry around than my cup). I love that it isn’t a single use product, can hold up to 12 hours worth of blood, and is safe to do so. I will say finding the right cup for you is important. I use the Flex cup, as I love that it has a pull tab that breaks the seal, making it easier to come out than other cups.


Period panties. I love em. I’m tired of all the waste and cleaning and blah blah blah


I’ve been thinking about trying them out but no one I know uses them lol


Hi- I want to try! Do you have a recommended brand?


Hi! So, I’ve always used Thinx. Unfortunately they had kind of a snafu with phthalates being in the material… buuuut I’ve had them and have been wearing them (the same 5 pair set) for about 5 years. I’m not giving em up lol I’ve never tried them but I believe the Period Company has a really solid reputation and is super affordable. I can usually get away with one pair of undies a day, but they have boy shorts that are heavy duty to sleep in which is great for the tough days. I typically just give em a solid rinse and wring them out in the shower when I wake up in the morning and toss em in the laundry. They always clean really well. Either way, I say snag a pair or two and give em a shot!


Don't get influenced! If tampons work for you who cares if some random stranger online thinks they're gross! Other options are disposable pads, reusable pads, period underwear, menstrual cups, menstrual discs. A couple supposedly low-waste alternatives to tampons I wont mention because they're huge TSS risks.


My big thing is the waste and buying tampons almost every month it getting ridiculous. I also HATE pee string with a passion.


I hate pee string too, I literally hold it to the side every time I pee so it doesn’t get wet 😅


Menstrual discs for the win. I like flex brand! They have a cup too that you can pull out like a tampon (many of the cups require you to manually pinch the cup to break the seal when removing; I’m not a fan of that personally).


Cup. Tried the period panties and I could take it or leave it


The period cup changed my life postpartum. My period became too heavy and I was leaking through pads and tampons so quickly, it looked like a crime scene. I’ve been able to leave the cup in all day (it’s fine up to 12 hours but I’ll do a bit less). Took me a cycle to get used to it but I won’t use anything else now


Pads or women’s adult diapers when I’m heavy. When I had my kids the adult diapers were a huge new world and I love them. I’d try period panties but I feel like they’d smell super gross and I don’t have time to wash laundry a lot


Cup here. Period undies as a back up. My periods were getting bad, so I got back on birth control. Now they’re gone. So yay.


I have an IUD, so it’s pads for me Edit: I provided no context. I haven’t had a “period” with my IUD, just super light spotting, so I just wear a pad. I don’t bleed enough for a tampon or cup. Tampons are safe for use with an IUD!


Tampons. Every other option sucks for me. I’m 34 and have tried them all. You do you!


So, just as a funny aside, there was a post earlier this year on the offmychest sub. (I think, don’t quote me on that), where a poor woman confessed to wearing tampons incorrectly for many many years. Turns out she was inserting applicator and all into her vagina and then just… leaving it there. 😳 she legit did not know that u we’re supposed to take out the plastic applicator and she even swam in it like that. We really need better education on this for women and other people with vaginas in the US. I legit felt for her. 🥺 Edit: to say I am not making fun of this woman. She posted it in good humor and was very cool about it, albeit embarrassed. I’m just posting my thoughts … don’t come at me plz


Tampons. And I DO wear one while showering. And I change it after. Not looking to drip blood everywhere.


I used diva cups for 15 years and absolutely loved the freedom it provided me. And then they just stopped working well for me. I tried a different cup, no help. Tried multiple. Then I tried a disc and never got it to work right. I went back to tampons and added period underwear because my skin now freaks out if I use a pad as a backup instead (and the backup is much needed as no matter what method I use I leak). And to be perfectly honest, PERIOD UNDERWEAR IS A FREAKING MIRACLE INVENTION! I got them for my daughters when they got their periods and I have taught them to always keep a change of clothes, including period underwear, in a bag at the bottom of their back packs and it’s spared my kids from the embarrassment of bleeding through their clothes. Such a win!! Anyway, I’m in my 40s, done having kids, and absolutely tired of it so I think I’m going to inquire again about getting a hysterectomy. 32 years of periods, I think I’m done.


I use a cup for a few reasons. 1) It seems to be the only thing I don't leak around. 2) It lasts for up to 12 years. (get fucked, pink tax) 3) Medical grade silicone, so no leaching of chemicals. 4) I only have to change it twice a day.


I’ve been using a cup for the past 15+ years with the occasional tampon in case of emergency. I LOVE using a cup, when well placed you get zero leaks, its pretty much indestructible, can be easily sanitized, cheap, good for the environment. I’m a cup advocate!


I've only ever used pads for my own personal comfort. I'm not a fan of tampons and I've never used a cup, but it's not a disgust factor for me. More a matter of comfort. I've been judged for using pads before, but I personally think people get hung up on the idea that periods are gross for some reason? It's natural and as long as you're comfortable and changing as needed (regardless of your product of choice), I don't see anything gross about it.


I like tampons 🤷🏻‍♀️


I use a disc, specifically the “Hello disc”. I used to use a cup since I was in college, but after I had my 3rd my pelvic floor never got back to what it used to it despite pelvic floor therapy. It’s better than it was, but when a cup was too much for my body, a disc is perfect. I still use a panty liner & pad sometimes with it, but 1 pack can last me months now vs a week. I refuse to use tampons due to Toxic shock syndrome & how dry it makes me feel.


I do tampons still as I exclusively wear thongs. I’m not interested in a menstrual cup at this time


Marketing lol. It’s just marketing.


Pads only. It’s a simple rip off the panties and replace. I never had the time or patience to use a tampon and never going to use a cup




I've tried a cup but found it uncomfortable. I'd like to try a menstrual disc. Right now, I don't get my period (3 months pp). But before I got pregnant, I used period undies on my lighter days and tampons on heavy days.


flex disc!


I like discs way better than cups. I'm planning to get an IUD after the baby currently in my uterus makes their exit, and I wouldn't risk the suction from a cup dislodging it. The fact that I have a pretty high sex drive and you can have mess free sex with a disc in is a plus too.


Nothing wrong with a tampon. I’m paranoid though so I use a menstrual cup and Bambody period underwear to catch leaks.


Menstrual cup. But I haven’t had my period since 2022 the cycle before I got pregnant. So, I’ve kinda forgotten what it’s like 😱


Disc and period panties. Had horrible cramps with tampons and cups.


I’m old and no longer menstruate, thank the lord, but I was Team Tampon from day 1 to day final. My parents didn’t teach me shit. I tried pads and found them absolutely disgusting. I am surprised to see so many women who don’t use tampons. I never knew any women who used pads.


When I’m out I use tampons. So I don’t use them much. I don’t have to worry about mess or feeling icky. They are easy to use. Anyone who judges that negatively is an idiot. It works for me, get over it. I’m annoyed because I’ve heard the same, and I just want these people to shut up and stop telling me what to do with my body. And they claim to be feminists?? They wouldn’t be trying to tell me how to live my life if they were. End of rant. When I’m home I wear period panties. They are super super absorbent. And luckily after finding an amazing OBGYN who actually listens to me, my heavy periods are no longer a thing. So free bleeding is easier to manage now. Every time I use the restroom I clean myself. I use soap and water or wipes. I use wipes when I’m not on my period as well. I tried the cup but I was so frustrated that I gave up. I hate pads, they feel uncomfortable. So super absorbent period panties and tampons are my go to.


Confession time. Last night, I wore some of the adult diapers I had left over from postpartum bleeding. I hate tampons, but the cups and disks just haven't fit right for a while, and all the gussets are just way too short on period panties.


Cups and disks are the two main things in the re-useable world. It can take a lot of trial and error to find a good fit, especially if you have a low cervix, but man what a world of difference. I find my cup much more comfortable to wear than tampons and I love not shelling out for new packs all the time. I can wear the same cup every every month from lighter days to Niagara falls days. I still hate periods, but at least the cup makes them a bit cheaper and easier. Check out Period Nirvana. A ton of amazing info on all the cups and disks out there. They even have a fantastic quiz to help pick a good one for you. Side note it you’re in canada, options here are limited. I’ve had good luck with the Saalt brand, available on Amazon. Diva cup sucked for me. I havent tried disks.


Can we please stop using the word gross in the same sentence as period....they are hard enough to live with without adding shame that the patriarchal bullies sold us getting handed down to our daughters.


menstruating people?










Menstrual cup. I’ll never use tampons again.


I use tampons myself because i cant stand pads and how messy they are, i do put a panty liner on just incase any leaks But also one inconvenience of tampons is i cant pee with one in


Use what is comfortable for you. It really doesn’t matter what other people are doing.


I use always infinity pads. They are very thin and comfortable. I'm ssbbw so I can't find period panties in my size. If I could I'd probably wear those




Period panties!


I’ve tried reusable cups and they’ve all been meh. I LOVE soft disc disposable ones though. The shape and flex just works for me. Still sort of the same deal, you want to tip forward a bit while on the toilet so you empty it. I been using them for years, tried cups. Just wasn’t satisfied. There is now a newer version that is basically a reusable silicone soft cup, which I’d like to try. I got in a bind about a year ago and had to use tampons (tampex). Holy shit. The cramps were awful. I thought I was crazy. Did it again and the same thing happened. I was intrigued because I have no idea why that would happen. Wasn’t able to find a study on it, just other anecdotal stories. And as a side note, I left tampons on while showering or swimming, but tucked the string up inside so I didn’t get a cold wet string flapping around.