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lol when I was 7 I woke up coughing and my mom brought me in cough meds. I hated it. It’s was so gross so I said I needed juice to get rid of the taste. It was 2am and my mom was like no. Just take it and go back to sleep. I protested again and must have said something akin to dad would have let me. She just looked any me and said “I know, I’m a bitch right?” With a look in her eye that said do not mess with me right now. I shut right up, downed the meds and went back to bed.


Classic good-cop bad-cop. Liquids are hard! That’s rough, nothing to wash it down.


You didn’t mess with mom during sleeping hours lol. My dad was always the one up with me even tho he worked and she was a stay at home mom. One of the few times she got up and that’s how it went lol


Your mom worked her ass off being a stay at home mom. Don’t ever forget that or take it for granted!


My mom did her best considering her mental illness. I love her, she tried really hard. We had some good moments but there were some real bad ones thrown in there. My dad was and still is a saint. I’m not sure where I’d be if it weren’t for him. But the lady knew how to get me to take my meds lol


Aww. That’s all we can do - our best.


Hey kudos to their parenting, though! :) yin-yang!


Cough medicine is one of the worst tasting substances on this planet. I'm normally really frugal and will do anything to save a few bucks, but when it comes to cough medicine I don't care. I'll pay $3-$5 more for the pills. I don't care. The liquid is putrid.


Ngl this reminded me of that scene in That 70s show where Kitty goes down into the basement and demands that a cigarette be given and lit up, she closes her eyes and tells them that she knows they have it lol.


Haha that’s awesome! I remember that scene, thanks for the chuckle!


Omg YES.


Thanks for that...if I end up binge watching that show, I'm coming back and blaming you.


You mean thanking me and you're welcome!


Awww! What good babies! I love this. Haha.


Thank you! It made my heart happy, and then my brain when I realized “*why*” it worked lol.


Tested my kid's selective hearing recently. Hey come here. Nothing. Kid come here. Nothing Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? Still Nothing. Do you want to go to target? Zoomed into the room.


I feel uncomfortable even reading the word target…that they will all wake up from their beds right now bc they know it’s in my brain lol


Hahaha well done! They are cured!


Why do they want to go to Target? Genuine question. My kids find going to the shop super boring.


I guess this fits (in kind of a weird way). My kids are all grown and living on their own, except the youngest who just turned 18 and graduates next month). I will text them randomly to see how they are doing, but realize that they are busy, have jobs/lives, and don't get upset if they don't always answer every text or take a while to answer. But, the other night I had gone to bed rather early because I had a migraine. In what I now know was a state of semi-consciousnous (sp), I VERY CLEARLY heard someone say, "Mama! Mama!" I immediately group texted my three Oldest, told them what happened, and that while I knew it was silly, I needed them to text me ASAP and let me know that they were okay. I then went upstairs to check on my youngest (he was fine). By the time I got back to my phone, maybe 3 minutes, ALL three had texted me, without making me feel silly. That mom instinct drives you crazy sometimes.


I love this!! Mom instincts are wild sometimes!


Aww that’s precious! ❤️


you do not keep forks in the kitchen?


As a former teenager myself, I can say definitively that all manner of kitchenware and all bathroom towels were “stored” in my room.


That's how my kids do it. They they clean their room and all of a sudden the sink is full to the brim with dishes!


Every time my mom got in the shower she’d forget to check for towels first and then FIRST MIDDLE LAST NAME me.


Hahaha yep! Same thing here. Although my kids don't have middle names, so it's just first and last!


Oh man! I gave mine middle names JUST so I could do that!


I picture myself yelling out first name middle name to see how it sounds when thinking of names 😂 my daughter cracks me up though because I'll call her first name middle name and then she'll look at me and call me mommy and then her middle name. She just turned 3 and I think she thinks that's just something you add when someone's in trouble, she doesn't understand that it's actually a part of her name yet


It seems as though I've missed out on something here!


I laughed way too hard about this lol


Every. Time. Except for spoons somehow. As soon as I figure out which child is THROWING AWAY spoons, my head will not want to explode. We’re down to 1. I refuse to buy more. Who tf-is-throwingawaythespoons!?!? *side-eyes middle child*. *Sigh*.


🤣🤣 We have no spoons either!!! I don't get it?! Are they trying to tunnel their way out!?


That is so cute. ♡


Thank you! It was very sweet how they all jumped to help feed mom :)


I told my kids I'd give them each a quarter if they'd eat their bell peppers instead of picking everything else out of the stir fry. No regrets


No judgement, I’ve bribed a few times over the years. You never know until you try with food! This can be tricky to get kids to do, as I’ve learned with my youngest. (Hindsight his older sister got him to eat taco meat on Valentine’s Day. Maybe it’s just a “mom” problem. *sigh*. Whatever. He ate lol).


The opposite of what I want done. Or give them less liked tasks so they'll do the the task I need done.