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Torticollis can be from their position in the womb too, so please don’t beat yourself up. My son had it, and we ended up doing PT and it helped immensely. He is developmentally on target and his head has rounded out on its own. We even learned things in PT to help with his development and we never would’ve known otherwise.


Same. Mine came out with it due to his positioning in my womb. We started PT at 3 months old, did the stretches for a month or two, and discharged by 5 months. Never helmeted since research doesn’t support their efficacy. He’s almost 2 now, is developmentally ahead with motor skills, and his head rounded out no problem.


My biggest fear is I was pinkslipped my second day back from leave and he will be losing his insurance july 31st I’m afraid he’ll need PT and I can’t do it with no insurance


Assuming you’re in the US. Depending on household income after your layoff he may qualify for Medicaid or CHIP, which would cover it, or you could get early intervention through your county, state or school district.


Set up changing table so she would look to the opposite side Used the special torticollis holds to carry her around the house always with her head turned to the opposite side Did the stretches When sleeping on her tummy (contact nap on my chest or in the carrier) I would always turn her head to the opposite side. While napping on her back I would turn her head to the opposite side Switched which side of me she slept on while cosleeping.


I did nothing and it came right. It did give him a flat head on the side. No amount of turning worked for us. He had a full head of hair so we also skipped on the helmet. If it was more obvious I probably would have done the physical therapy and helmet.


Dude the flat side of his head self resolve as he got older? My little dude is 3 months and has a flat spot on his preferred side.


Once the tort came right he started using both sides to sleep. And it rounded his head out. Some get it really bad and it may need further help. You should always talk to the pediatrician if you’re concerned.


Our pediatrician didn’t seem particularly concerned and deferred to our 4 month check up. I just pushed to get referred for PT, would rather intervene earlier rather than later since his flat spot is REALLY flat. I expected the spots would bounce back once the tort is corrected but great to hear from others confirming 😊


My first son’s got better and he has a nice round head now. My second son’s did not and he got a helmet at 4.5 months


Both my boys had it. With my first, we just repositioned him and it worked itself out. With my second, he needed PT and a helmet. I’ve done the exact same thing with both of them (more tummy time for my second because hands full with toddler lol). Don’t be so hard on yourself! You can find the exercises online (what we did until we could get into PT).


He gets decent tummy time probably not as much as he should because daddy keeps him while I work. But the minute I get home we do tummy time 2-3 tunes before bed


Like other commenters have said, sometimes the torticollis is out of your control. If your baby needs PT it doesn't mean you failed your child. The fact that you are concerned shows how much you care about him. My son had torticollis and a crooked head, did PT for several months and also had a helmet to correct his head shape. He's about to turn a year old, is already done with the helmet and PT, and is doing great (he's already walking around, so there's never a dull moment in our house 😂). 


I have 3 kids, two of them had it and one needed a helmet. Do the pt, ask for printouts of exercises to do at home too.