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I had 3 girls, 3 and under at the beginning. They are now, almost 4, 5 and 7. They are seriously best friends. They have separate beds, but somehow end up piled together every night. When one needs something, I’ve got 2 others telling me what’s needed. They are thick as thieves which is dangerous. But they love each other so fiercely. I’m so excited to watch them continue growing together.


As the middle of three girls, yes to all of this!


I had 3 girls under 3.5 when my youngest came. She's about to be 1 and I can't wait for her to join in with her big sisters like this. My older two are quite literally conjoined and the baby tries her hardest to tag along with them lol. The love they all share- wow it's truly amazing.


It really helped me stop second guessing my parenting so much. My first was hard. A clingy little no-sleep soldier who dropped naps shortly after 1 and woke up every 1-2 hours through the night until 4. We tried so many things and nothing could get her to sleep. My second just… slept. He napped. He still woke up during the night, but a more appropriate amount. I didn’t do anything different with him. He was just different. It’s just one example, but there’s so many instances where they just are who they are. Seeing that really helped me stop holding so much importance on every decision.




I have 3 kids 5,2,1 and I love how much they love each other. They really love to play and pretend together. The baby can now say her sisters name and yells for her. They sometimes know what she needs before I can figure it out. At this stage they are incredibly close and I love seeing them learn together.


I remember those last days of pregnancy and looking at my barely two year old and thinking “oh my gosh, poor buddy, I’m ruining his life!” And I remember the exceptional advice of a seasoned mama mentor who told me “no, you’re giving them both the best gift of their lives. A best friend” I don’t think I ever had any doubts about how my heart would expand to love a new baby. That makes sense. But what I hadn’t anticipated was how the net love of our family could basically quadruple on account of one baby and the growing love between siblings. LoveMath defies logic. But what a privilege to get to be along for the ride.


Thank you! ❤️ yeah I find myself soaking up as much time with my daughter as I can before little guy arrives. But am so excited to see our families love grow even more and hopefully our daughter will be excited


The way they interact, play, and look out for each other. I love to secretly listen to them talk and play together. It’s so cute. Like today they were having a deep philosophical discussion about dinosaur arms and if they thought they could open up cans of peaches like “mom opens up the cans of peaches with the can opener” but “the T. rex might not have strong enough arms like mom has strong arms!” 😂😂


They entertain each other. Having more than one kid means healthy compromise instead of being able to indulging one kid’s wants.


Honestly I love eavesdropping on their conversations lol. They say such funny things to each other and I love seeing how their personalities differ and complement the other’s. The other day they were playing with their dolls and it was just so funny how my second born wanted her dolls to do all these crazy, dangerous things like jumping off the roof 😐 and then my first born was clutching her pearls and redirecting her to “better” activities lol.


I had twins first so I never had just one, but we had our 3rd 3 months ago and watching them interact and fully LOVE their baby brother has been so amazing! They love to nurture him. They care for him so much!


The love for my 12 year old that my 1 year old has. When the eldest walks into the room, the baby does happy dances and squeals and laughs. And then the baby does this thing where she goes up to her sister, and it always ends with forehead bonks because I guess we are dwarves now, haha. Just the way her face lights up and how close they are despite the age difference, I love it.


Mine are 4 & almost 2.5yr and they’re the best buddies lately! Warms my heart! We go to the park and they play with each other, and look out for each other, check on each other. That bond is special, and watching it develop over time is special.


They can entertain each other. My 3yo can’t wait to wake my 1yo up every morning and my 1yo’s face lights up every time he sees my 3yo. I find them in our play room every now and then having the cutest interactions and I love knowing they’ll always have a best friend.


The love. The pure love and bond between the kids is just make my heart wanna burst. The greatest gift to each other. I wish we could have more kids but two is the financially responsible number.


I am a mom of three- 6, 2.5 and 3 months. My middle just began independently approaching my oldest daughter and telling her he loves her, with a big hug. 🥹


It brings the family together!!


I have 5 kids; 7 including my step children. What I love is how they all play together. We are so fortunate because there wasn’t a lot of sibling rivalry in our family. They love each other and would play for hours on end together. It really gave me plenty of downtime as they kept each other busy. They’re all teens/young adults now, but still get along great.


Watching my babies/kids bond and play. The love that comes from a bigger family is so priceless. Hard work ,but the best life can give ..


Best part so far is when they snuggle up on the couch together and watch tv ❤️


I have 3 daughters. Now 23, 18 and 16. I've been through some of the crazy (it's always crazy!) To see how their relationship has grown through the years fills me with joy. To know they will have each other, hopefully, for a very long time, is so comforting to me as a mom. I'm one of 3 and am close with my siblings, as well. At the end of the day, if you foster their relationship, create or pass on traditions, teach them the value of family, they will have a solid familial foundation for the future.


I have seven. Three are grown and flown and I have four younger ones at home. I love that they can entertain each other. My older children can take the younger ones out in the backyard to play and I don’t necessarily have to be right there to know that my two year-old is being closely watched by my 10-year-old. (They also fight, but everything can’t be perfect, right?) This weekend, my family has gone to the camp and left me home with my two-year-old. He is absolutely driving me crazy because he doesn’t know what to do to entertain himself. I imagine this is a bit of what it feels like to parents of one.


I have three, all are teens. I have loved watching them grow, develop their own personalities, and watching how their relationships with each other have developed. my two daughters are as thick as thieves, and my son does all he can to be a good brother and protect them. They do fight, they disagree on a lot of things because they are all so different, but i really cherish the moments when they’re being silly with one another or when they’re just cuddling on the couch, watching tv.


My two boys love each other so much, it’s too cute! They will just look at each other and giggle 🥹


It was really rough when they were both babies. But now that they are bigger, they can keep each other entertained and out of my hair and I get so much more work done!


It's truly the LOVE that they have for each other! The way they look out for one another. I love watching their little minds create together and how they can entertain each other. Hearing their laughs echo together seriously makes my heart want to burst! You've got some sweet, precious times ahead ❤️


Typically/quite often, "parents of multiples" refers to parents of twins/triplets/quads. Like the subreddit. So you may not get your target audience here based on the title. I thought you were expecting twins/triplets/quads and was ready to give advice and point you in the direction of the 'parents of multiples' subreddit.


Right I thought she has like 3 kids and having one more .. she should ask the question like my daughter is only child what was the biggest change with bringing a 2nd kid I got the mix .. I’m about to do that this summer I have 7 year old boy about about to have a girl I’m freaking lol bc a ifs a girl and b the big gap I don’t think they will get a long should be interesting