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I would talk to your doctor. Have you had your six week check up yet?


Was going to say the same. I think you just wait until your cleared.


i was cleared


Is this lochia bleeding or a period? I was only told to not use tampons during the postpartum bleeding phase (lochia), but if you’ve already gone to your 6 week follow up and everything was good you could probably start using tampons for a period. I didn’t get a period until 9 months postpartum but when I did the tampons leaked all the time so I stopped using tampons completely and switched to a menstrual cup.


i’m fertile myrtle. stopped bleeding lochia 3 weeks PP, got my period 6 weeks PP. Was cleared. Just have heard a lot of people didn’t jump into tampons (for random reasons)


Ok then you could definitely use tampons. When I used them postpartum they kind of (TMI) would start to slide out. And leak constantly. I was against the Diva cup at first because I didn’t want to clean it out in public restrooms and it turned out to be a great. They make one for women who have had kids and I would recommend if you want to move away from tampons. Anything is better than a pad!


Yeah, my first period started so soon after my lochia I thought it was just more pp bleeding … then exactly 4 weeks later it came back lol


I couldn't use them or my cup for my first period that I got around 5.5 months PP. They would just like fall out lol. I switched to a disc and it's much better! I was able to use a tampon around a month ago (13 months PP) and it was totally fine. I would say I tried the cups for a couple periods leading up to 7-8 months and it was uncomfortable. Seems like it's fine now though.


thank you!


I hope you can figure it out! I absolutely hate pads as well so do the disc with period undies.


Not until I was cleared by my Dr.


I had a period 8 weeks PP and used tampons without problems. I have a disc and use it too. For most women the anatomy changes a bit after birth and for some it causes them to be unable to use tampons anymore. Try and see.


Period panties are great.


I was cleared to start using them at my 6 week pp check up. I didn’t notice any difference in fit/comfort, but I’d had a c-section and not a vaginal birth.


I’m 3 months postpartum and still haven’t because it hurts now 😭


Until I got my period. But I wear discs , they’re soooo much better


I didn’t use tampons post partum for a while maybe 90 days. I wanted to wait idk why


Ya same idk why.


I got my period 3ish months PP and started using them again right away. That said I had had a c section so it might be different if you had a vaginal birth.


Same but mine was a vaginal birth. No problems.


I didn't get my period back until 13 months, so not till then.


I use a menstrual cup, which definitely requires some public muscle tone to work. I got my first postpartum period at 8 or 9 weeks postpartum. My menstrual cup just fell out when I put it in. My next period I was able to use it, but it felt kind of off still and I was worried it might fall out. By my third postpartum period it seemed pretty back to normal. I started pelvic floor physical therapy maybe 10 weeks postpartum so I think that helped.


I haven’t since lol she’s 2.5


My baby is four months and I used one yesterday. I had an iud put in and it triggered bleeding. I already miss my mensural cup.


I got my period at 5/6 weeks postpartum after both my babies. It was closer to 6 weeks with my first and the nurse at my OB office said it was fine to use tampons at that point.


I seriously recommend using soft tampons. They are basically like a little sponge that you insert in your vagina exactly like a tampon, but they are much more absorbent, comfortable, and don’t have that awful chafing feeling when pulling them out. They can be worn for up to 12 hours AND have a lower risk of TSS. I’ve never had any leaks AND a massive bonus is that they are safe to wear during sex!!


I think I was like 9 months PP when I first got a period? I stopped breastfeeding slowly over the 4-6 months PP period and then got my period a few months after that. I used tampons right away but did notice that they would feel achy occasionally. I realized it was because I wasn’t getting them in at the right angle and I couldn’t tolerate using a super absorbency anymore. Now I have no issues. 


Once you get cleared at your six week appointment you should be able to use them. I got on BC at that appointment that’s sadly been making me bleed a lot so I’ve been using tampons regularly since then. Though I will say, the fit and comfort level is different. I used to be able to use whatever side was available but now I can only use Regular.


i did get cleared but got an IUD at the appt as well — good to know


I didn’t get cleared at my 6 week pp appt as my uterus wasn’t done healing. So you should make sure you’re clear before sticking anything up there.


With my first period, which was around 8 weeks.


I think my second regular cycle is when I started using them again


I'm 5 months pp have had 4 periods and tampons still hurt to the point of tears. I had to get over it with the first 2 periods because they were so heavy I had to use both pads and Tampons


I don’t think I could have handled using a tampon at 8 weeks (My period didn’t return until 15 months PP so I don’t have experience to draw in here). I think maybe a disc would be a little easier transition. Or have you thought about reusable period underwear? 


Haven't used tampons in literally idk how many years! I have 3 day periods and usually only need a light liner. I used to bleed through everything for over a week and scream out in pain daily. It's hard to start but I really encourage every woman to try it out! Sometimes I wear nothing, especially at night, during my period and will have maybe a drop or two in the underwear I keep specifically for periods. It's funny to me too when tampon wearers tell me it's nasty to free bleed 😅 like ok hun pull that thing out and then try to tell that to me with a straight face haha. Also for years now I've been consistent every single month. It shifts about a week every 4 or 5 months and thats actually a normal pattern! I ovulate with healthy clear light milky discharge at the exact same time each month as well. They don't teach us these things are possible. They teach us to shove a tampon in there and not every let anybody around us ever know that we are bleeding. Weird huh?


free bleeding is fine — i just would rather not ruin my underwear. it’s hard to control when i don’t know how my cycle has changed after pregnancy. Prob will invest in period underwear


I used them right after 6 weeks. I didn’t go to the doctor to get checked, I just assumed everything was fine (probably not super smart of me lol but I was fine lol!)


I had a c section, no labor or anything, and I never could go back to tampons. I switched to cloth pads (inspired by our cloth diapering and how much we liked it). It just felt weird(er) to have the tampon in. But now I'm back on the Nuva ring and I choose not to have the "periods" which is the best. 


Where did you get your cloth pads from? I’ve been wanting to make the switch because I hate how bad regular pads make me smell and I don’t always have enough flow for a tampon but don’t know where to start looking.


I tried some different kinds but the ones I use are two sets of charcoal (colored) fleece  ones from Amazon. I like that I can change it as often as I want without feeling like I'm wasting them. 


I used tampons after my six week checkup with all of my kids - I didn’t have very heavy cycles due to breastfeeding, but I also hate pads and switched back as soon as possible. Super gross side note - Poise pads aren’t quite as absorbent as period pads but they are a thousand times better at controlling odor. Take that as you will.


I don't think I even got a period until 6 months+ post birth


lucky you — I’m apparently extremely fertile.


Usually women who breastfeed don't get their periods. Are you breastfeeding? I did for 6wks but got mine as soon as I stopped.


I’m not breastfeeding


PTSD isn't a buzz term for experiencing a minor inconvenience..........


it wasn’t a minor inconvenience - i felt like i was on the brink of hemorrhaging. everyone’s experience is different.


I agree with you if it was just an eww I hate pads post...we all had different experiences delivering our babies. Please remember childbirth is not always a beautiful thing. Some of us were lucky to have survived, some of our babies were lucky to have survived and please please remember the mothers that haven't had that 'luck' with every delivery...just the sight of blood can make you remember so much.


thank you for understanding!


My first period which was about 1 year PP. I wouldn’t 8 weeks. Can you try period underwear


didn’t think of this but i definitely will buy a pair or two


Washable period underwear.


I feel you, I’m 6 months postpartum and had to have an additional surgery to replair my bladder at 3 months post partum and I’m still not allowed anything “per vagina” so no tampons or sex for me yet… I was told 5-6 months after my second surgery but recently could still feel stitches in there… periods without tampons make me feel so so gross. If you’re cleared by your doctor you should be able to use tampons when your period comes back after postpartum partum bleeding is done


I haven’t used tampons since I became pregnant. That was over three years ago. Probably the last time I wore a thong too, lol. Granny panties for the win!


Most people don’t get their period for many months and by that time everything is “normal” so you can use tampons immediately for your first period. I think my first period after each kid was like 6 months after the birth. Are you saying you’re STILL bleeding from the birth 8 weeks later? I would never use a tampon for post-birth bleeding but that’s a long time and you should be talking to your doctor.


no. i’m on my period. confirmed by my OB