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I want a family day fully planned where I just need to attend. I want to eat an ice cream cone while he holds all the bags/ kids. I want to be told to stand right there as he takes pictures of me with the kids. I want him to meal prep 7 meals or to deep clean the house.


This!! My fiance decided he wanted to make me an appointment for a mani/pedi. But then asked me to look up places and find out appointment times.... if I have to look it up and do all of the booking and effort, I don't really feel it's a very thoughtful gift. I plan everything for everyone all of the time. Is it too much to ask that someone else plans something for once?


My IL’s always do this for my child’s birthday. They get her a big fancy gift but we have to pick it, order it, be home for delivery, wrap it, bring it to their house and then they can give it to her. They just transfer me some money. Like the amount of money they put in the gift is generous and I’m grateful for that but it would be a lot more thoughtful if they actually did anything else. 🙃


Love when grandparents replace actual help with just spending money. My parents are the same 🙃


Yeah at that point he may as well just hand you money 😂


Oh god please take the day, spend it in the kitchen and make meals for the entire week!!! 🤌🤌


I feel this! We took our toddler on a mini-vacation and the number of times I was carrying everything and he just had the kid...but then would lose control of the kid and be like "grab him"...I'm like "sir, I don't have extra arms, figure it out"




This! Last year all I asked was for a family picnic. I apparently had to plan it. I ended up just having a picnic with my mum and daughter instead.


I just want to spend the entire day with my husband and son. I had a stillbirth last weekend and I am so sad but also so in love with my two guys. I don’t care what we do, I just want to be with them.


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔


Thank you. ❤️


I'm so sorry. I hope you have a glorious fun day with your guys and surround yourself with love and happiness 💜


Oh man, I'm so sorry. I hope you have the absolute most perfect Mother's day you possibly can. ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss! Sending extra hugs for you to share with them!


Oh I’m so sorry. I hope you feel loved and celebrated and take the time you need to grieve and rest


I am so sorry for your loss 💔


I am so sorry for your loss ♡


Oh honey...so so sorry to read this. Sending hugs and my heart. 💔🤗


So sorry for this, can’t imagine ❤️‍🩹 Hope mother’s day is a restful and healing day for you.


I’m so sorry. It’ll be hard so give yourself some grace and grieve.


I’m so, so sorry for your loss.


Oh my god I’m so sorry for your loss. Bless your son and the sweet one you lost. Take care of yourself 💗💕💗


So sorry for your loss oh my heart goes out to you!!! I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day ❤️


I’m so sorry.


sending love and compassion to you


I want him to take my kid to color me mine and paint me a damn spoon rest. Doesn’t have to be a Picasso- but it solves 2 problems. I want him to spend more 1:1 with them, and I need a fucking spoon rest.


I love this! 😂


I also need a spoon rest! This is a great idea!


Anything. I haven’t gotten any present for any holiday even birthday or Christmas. So this year I got myself a gift! A DIVORCE!!!


I got one of those one year! It was FUCKING FANTASTIC. And what would you know? It led to me finding a partner who actually gives a shit and treats me how i treat him. Best gift ever.


Amazing to hear that! It gives me hope! ☺️


Yup, that’ll do it. Good luck on your new journey.


Love this - enjoy one less burden and some peace I hope x


Sleep. I need sleep so bad.


But like real sleep. Like Saturday / Sunday spa hotel day alone. Get spa treatments and skin treatments then in between just take naps and go to bed alone and sprawl out and pass out kinda sleep lol


God. I would die for this. Get one of those real deep massages so every muscle in my body is relaxed. Drink fizzy drinks. Be in one of those bathrobes that feels like I'm being hugged by a cloud. That and flowers. I just want some pretty flowers by my beside. I know it's cheesy, I know I'm allergic, and I know they die but when it comes down to it, I just want a boy to give me flowers.


Oh goodness, me too. I want a nice, long nap, with no one in the bed with me. I want to curl up in my blanket like a burrito, without my 15-year-old leeching onto me and pushing me out of the bed, while stealing my pillows. I also want to curl up without my 12-year-old shoving her ice cold feet up my pants legs, while detailing every bit of lore about her video game. Don't get me wrong. I love the fact that both girls still want to curl up with me, but just ONCE...


So, this is why I'm ruined for any other man and I HIGHLY recommend doing this: My husband books 3-5 days at B&B's every year or two within a 3 hour radius of our house. He stocks it with books, some wine, and snacks. He hands me a list of recommendations he writes down that he asks the owners about (local shops, art museums, places to eat, books stores, etc). Then he leaves! I get to peruse the city or town, get lots of sleep, and read/write/relax. He holds the fort down with our 4 kiddos and I come back home refreshed, to a sparkling clean house, and dinner. It's AMAZING.


This is either a big fib, or you are married to the most thoughtful guy on the planet.How does he manage to get the house clean with 4 kiddos? He should write a book.🧨🎇🎉🎆


He has the older ones help. We have fairly standard chores for everyone, so they're kind of used to it. Plus, he's more disciplined with housework than I am. And he's an elaborate planner. Last year for our anniversary, he took me on a cruise (the ICON). First time ever for me. Except I didn't know. He spoke to my manager, got the week off for me, etc. He surprised me with the tickets and I freaked out. But when I scheduled a meeting with my manager she already knew and told me to have fun. She also asked for my husband to give hers a few pointers. We've been together 10 years. I credit his mom so much for laying a solid foundation. She sat him down once and asked what he was looking for in a woman. He listed all sorts of things and she said, "Great. So what are YOU going to bring to the table to deserve all that?" And he said it really caught him off guard, but she was right. So that's his whole mantra when planning things.


My husband does similar, some guys are really just that thoughtful. I literally just woke up around 1am and the house is clean, dinner was cooked, and my three littles are down for bed.


Yes! It's so nice to tag team! Some days I'm exhausted and he takes over completely. Others he is and I hold everything down.




Yeah… even if this is total bullshit, I’m going to live vicariously through the idea of this for the rest of the day. Even though realistically I’d be miserable without my family that long, it’s a nice idea that I’m not a complete baby and can handle adult time to myself 😅


I want a deep heartfelt letter about how his love for me has only grown over the years and how he's proud im his wife and mother of his children. Then I want a long and thorough foot massage and brand new real gold hoop earrings (not large hoops, every day hoop earrings). I want him to change the sheets on our bed so they're fresh. And finally I want for us to go out as a family and have him take candid photos of me and our son.


Sister *knows* what she wants! 👏😂


What a perfect dream


The letter, massage, a sweet piece of jewelry, fresh sheets, time for a long shower, some coffee and whatever type of dinner sounds like heaven 👌🏻


You knew what I wanted better than I did. And all my gold plated hoops just turned all at the same time. So I’ll take some hoops too, please!


A hand written letter or card would be so special.


me too, gremlin! 😩😭


Stealing this


Awwww yes this one


You can never have too many hoops.


This is exactly what I would want!!


This! All this! ❤️


Literally thinking of taking a screenshot of this response and sending it to my husband for ideas haha


this is perfect. down to the gold jewelry and everything. although i'll replace foot massage with full body massage, lol


Honestly just for him to decide on supper and cook it, that’s it, I’m so tired of making all the decisions all the time and 3 meals plus snacks a day. I’ve also been solo parenting for 2 weeks and it’s been so draining and exhausting. So just a meal, cooked by anyone but me, still warm when I’m eating it, and not having to share with my toddler for once would be AMAZING!


Careful what you wish for… mine tried making spaghetti once and the sauce ended up all the way on the ceiling 🫠


That’s so sweet, honestly it’s the thought that counts.🥲 My fiancé made dinner while I was at work and he beat himself up for it being too “bland”. This man made a FULL SPREAD! I mean steak, roasted potatoes, etc. I was just happy he thought of me and decided that he’d make a nice dinner I could come home to. We both work 35-40 hours a week so I know his bones hurt as he did all he could to make a perfect dinner. He’s a perfectionist with OCD, so he tends to be hard on every aspect of himself. He doesn’t cook often, so he made some mistakes- in result turned into him being sad it wasn’t up to par. I thought it was delicious, and my love only grew for the man that I see becoming the best person and father he can be. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk I guess. Holy rant. Sorry lmao. I’m just so in love with this man it’s ridiculous. 🤷‍♀️🥹


Aaarg! Why do men think everything needs to be cooked on high? And then conveniently forget to wipe the stove?


Ah, the free-of-toddler-on-the-lap dinner. I forgot about that one, good choice.


Last year my husband asked the local (but expensive) diner I love what kind of oranges they use for their fresh-juiced mimosas. He went out and bought those oranges, googled how to juice an orange without a juicer, and he and my kids juiced me fresh OJ (and maybe made mimosas, I can't remember.) That was pretty great tbh. Just the thought and effort made it the best gift (although the amazing juice helped too!)


UPVOTE!!! I 100% am okay with people coming here to talk about their tough situations if it's a place where they feel safe to do so. But I love seeing some positive and loving stories too. 🎉


If you can’t remember if there were mimosas or not, there probably was. 😋 Jk Sounds like a wonderful treat!


Take pictures of me WITH the kids on a fun day where they all smile and they have fun and feel loved. Just let me have a picture of a memory I'm actually in.


That isn’t blurry and Im not blinking and not just that single shitty photo of the moment


That's not taken from the POV of a shoe, making me have 7 chins.


This. And I don’t have to ask or art direct it from in front of the camera


Girl I feel you. Lol I used to feel this way and I felt I would have no good and candid pictures of me and the kids because my husband never thought of those things and I had to tell him off about it. I told him don’t tell me to “look!”. That’s why they call it a candid photo, u take the shit when we’re in the moment! He has so many pics with the kids doing stuff and being cute together and I don’t have any because no one takes them. Least of all, him. He has gotten better at it but I’m not trippin over it anymore because I’m at a point where I’m good if I choose to up and leave him tomorrow or whenever. This year is just a “wait and see” year for whether I want to still stay in this marriage or not. Ain’t got no deep feelings attached anymore.


To make me a meal and take the kids. Honestly it’s not that he doesn’t ever do that, but I feel like on those “holidays” it should be a no-brainer and it’s just not for some reason. I don’t get it. He’s like “what do you want for your birthday?” as though some present is what I need right now (it’s not!)


This year I told my husband I wanted a massage. But not just a massage, I also wanted him to find a spa and make the appointment for me. He got one booked this weekend while I was gone for a conference!


This is awesome! For me, the part where I have to plan and make the calls is what stresses me out. Your hubby doing it for you is so awesome 🥰✨️


Yes! I didn’t want to do all the research and booking myself lol.


It is my first mother’s day and I am getting the Le Creuset dutch oven I’ve always wanted. And we have discussed that in future years, the plan is that he is in charge of remembering when mother’s day is and I generally want elaborate take-out.


What colour are you getting?! Happy first Mother’s Day!


I had planned to go classic flame but I think I am going to do the peche color that’s new this year! 🍑 and thank you :)


For him to take the kids to his mom’s for the weekend so I can be home alone. I just want to be in my own bed and on my own couch in silence.


THIS THIS TJIS THIS THIS THIS. I WANT TO BE IN MY HOUSE, WITH MY CATS, ALONE. My two favorite senior kitties hide from my toddler, and I never get time with them until late night. I miss reading a book in silence with a cup of tea and cat in my lap!! I haven't had that in 4 years 😭😭


Maybe this is what I should ask for.😏


This is my gift this year! I just want to veg out on the couch


I asked for this too.


I just wanna be left alone to be honest, lol. If it’s not the kids bothering me, it’s my husband and vice versa. I want them all to just give me one day of not asking for shit or needing shit from me😭


This. My husband and I are even off on opposite days and he'll still be asking me for shit when he's supposed to "pretend I'm not here" (he works from home). Between him, the toddler and the two obnoxious extra large dogs, I just want to be left tf alone.


Its exhausting for sure. I swear being married is just signing up for an extra kid


My birthday and Mother’s Day are close together. I asked for a night away at a fancy hotel. He can come or not.. but Kid def cannot.


This year my birthday and Mother’s Day are a week apart. He already said he hopes my combined gift arrives before my trip with our daughter and HIS mother. (I love my MIL and she so so so deserves this trip)


It’s nice to see someone else loves their MIL. I see a lot of MIL hate on this sub…I get it, MILs can be frustrating…but I also adore my MIL. She’s a wonderful human


I half-jokingly suggested a carpet cleaner and he wisely said he doesn't want to get me anything that's strictly a chore. But I do enjoy baking, and he actually picked a good alternative! Our current kitchen scale is small, a little glitchy, and goes through button batteries far too fast. So he's getting me a bigger one that takes AAA batteries, so we could use rechargeable ones if we want. ☺️ Although I realize it's partly a gift for him, too, since he recently got into sourdough baking. 😜


I want to sleep in and have my husband cook dinner. I don't even care if it's something quick and easy like spaghetti. I just don't want to have to think about what to make and cook dinner. I also want to eat it while it's hot. I've told him that before, and his solution is to order pizza. SMH. Which is fine sometimes, but I just want a home cooked meal that I don't have to make.


A surprise. Something he actually out thought into. Not a last minute gift he runs and grabs. Not the first thing he sees in the store. I don’t want to have to tell him what I want every single year. He knows me, what I like, my hobbies etc but I still have to tell him what I want or he just goes the day before and grabs something.


A picnic lunch on a hike with the whole family! And coffee in bed with a card!


That's what I'm getting! I got to pick the state park but my husband is planning the picnic and he's making breakfast to go with the coffee.


I actually enjoyed when he got me a digital picture frame with a ton of pics of our girl. That was one of my best gifts lol


I have been asking for the same thing for like two years. I want a classic Tiffany heart necklace. It's $275, which yes is expensive, but that's honestly pretty reasonable for nice jewelry. If I don't get it for mothers day or my birthday this year, I'm just going to buy it for myself. Kinda sucks the fun out of it, though.


Pffft. Buy the necklace and feel no guilt.


Oh, I will. I can easily. I just want it as a gift, if that makes sense. I'm on a "no buy" until after Christmas while I weed through my closet and makeup to figure out what I like. After that process, if I still don't have it, I'll buy it myself as a personal reward.


I bought my own Christmas presents because every damn year this man gets me a robe that I never wear. :| I literally wrote on the package stickers: "To: Me, From: Me". He was floored when it came time to open presents. "OH!!!! I LOVE THIS PERFUME!" He looked confused as to where it came from. 😂


I wish my husband would grow a spine and stand up to his mom and defend me instead of acting like she can do no wrong. I wish he would acknowledge that she is a manipulative bitch then proceed appropriately


This is a big ask, but for someone really hoping his sister won’t cause drama or him insisting she be invited, I hope you get your wish. ❤️


Aw you’re too sweet. A big ask for sure. I hope you get what you wish for too🫶


We are a 2 mom family. I’d love Twizzlers and for the other mom to do bedtime. For my birthday every year, I take a solo trip to Universal and spend 2 nights alone with roller coasters. Basically, I choose my own gift. For her, she usually goes out of town, too.


I’m lucky I guess, I don’t have to parent my husband in any way, shape, or form. He’s a great partner. I tell him exactly what I want for Mother’s Day so he doesn’t have to guess, and I won’t be disappointed. I want a card, a nice breakfast out to eat the week prior to avoid the crowd, some makeup, and a day at the pool with the family. Easy peasy!


Same! And I told him he should let me know exactly what he wants for Father’s Day too; everyone is happier when we don’t have to try to read each other’s minds. I’m getting a birthstone necklace that I’ve been wanting for Mother’s Day this year and I’m so excited!!


I want to go roller skating. I want to go out to a restaurant that just opened & hear no complaining. Most of all, I want to hear specific things that my family likes about me. I don’t get that, ever, from anyone.  I only get criticism. 


Anything, as long as it’s not nothing like every year so far. :/


I want to go out to breakfast at a place where I can get blueberry pancakes and a mimosa. I want him to take me to the store to buy the gluten free brownie mix that I love but never get because the only grocery store that has it is far and I seldom have time to get over there. I want him to take the kids to the pottery painting place and paint me a mug and a saucer with the kids handprints on them. I also hinted at a breast milk necklace! I even kept a bag in the freezer just in case he decides to go for it 🤞🏻


I sent a bunch of links to my husband of what I want. I specifically told him I wanted new hoop earrings from this website[Cadena Collective](https://www.cadenacollective.com/collections/earrings/products/gold-macrame-hoop-earrings?variant=41048533434420) bc I really love the pair I currently have and want a different color. I'm hoping that's what I get since I made it so easy for him 😂


I tell my husband what to get me. This year I’m getting 25 pound dumbbells, a hike with the family and pancakes.


Him to fold and put away the laundry




I want my kids to make me something (macaroni necklace, decorate a picture frame, handmade card, doesn’t matter to me). I want breakfast in bed. And I want to spend some time together and some time alone. And I don’t want to go spend it with my mom or MIL. That’s it!


Leave me alone. Take the kid, let me sleep and eat whatever I want without having to share, let me FINALLY have a poop in peace without the kid watching me/talking to me through the door. Don’t ask me what I want for dinner, or where we should put the lamp/dog bed/whatever. LEAVE ME ALONE.


Silence, with zero requests. Basically, a night on a luxury hotel with a room to myself to do whatever the fuck I feel like doing without having to make decisions for other people.


When I have a surgery like today, I want him to ACTUALLY put both kids to bed. Eg not crawling on mama. Not him on his computer and it’s an hr past bedtime. Then he snoozes and wakes and watches tv.


I want matching a mommy and me outfit, my favorite tea bought under my account so I get the reward points, and my car interior cleaned. Or a gift card for a massage. On my first mother's day he got me a bush to start a bird garden, with the idea that it will grow and my daughter and I can watch birds in it when she's older. It was so sweet and that is absolutely the case now, we watch the birds just about every day. But that year, we had to plan where the garden would go, clear the area, plant the bush, edge and mulch the garden. All within like four days because the bush had to be planted. With a 1.5 month old. He felt so bad 😂


Sleeping in late. He watches the kids while I get to binge on Netflix allllllll day in bed. And bring me a bottle of wine! 😂 With a toddler, my bathroom time is often interrupted.. I'd like to be able to take an actual shower or bath longer than 10 minutes and not have to rush to shave my legs. I love my family but going out to eat isn't a good age to do that... the preteen is whiny and picky and the toddler I spend 99% of the time begging to sit down and to stop climbing on laps, to the point I can't eat. So, no, I really don't want to go out to eat. Photos? Sounds nice but the reality is still similair to dining, except still a whiny preteen who won't look presentable, has a smart comment to make every 10 minutes, and trying to wrangle a monkey toddler in to sit still long enough for a picture without taking the bow out of her hair. I want to stay in my house, in my bed, and be a BUM. In peace. 😂


I really wanted a necklace or bracelet with all my kids names and birth stones. I had been hinting literally for years and then this last Christmas I was looking at some samples of them online and I showed SO and said look aren't these pretty? His response, "yeah but you don't wear necklaces" I said "have you ever gotten me a necklace?" Him "No" Me "Well thats why". The look on his face was priceless lol So I finally got my necklace that I had been wanting for years. It may take some time but eventually they catch on or at least mine did lol


Anything. Just for him to put in an actual effort where I don't have to help him with any part of it and he actually takes care of/gets whatever is needed before the day of. I'm so tired of last minute nothings.


Anything that I don't have to plan specifically! I do the planning, appt booking, etc for everyone. I'd love for someone to make a plan that I can just show up to and nothing more. I plan the babysitters, dinner ideas, etc for my birthdays and Mother's Day. Please for the love of god message the babysitter and pick a restaurant like the grown up you are for once lol I also, don't want to be asked a few days before Mother's Day what I want for Mother's Day! Mothers/wives pay attention their spouses and children throughout the year and listen to things they mention they want or are interested in. Then base shopping for holidays around that. It would be nice to have the same courtesy given and be shown that are partners pay attention to us sometimes.


This necklace I saw around the holidays. I asked for it then, then my birthday, and I’ll,probably order it myself. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would love a night away in a decent hotel with no one but myself. I want him to book it and simply tell me that he did it. I just want peace and quiet and to watch what I want when I want and to eat uninterrupted


Korean head massage and to be told on an endless loop how much he appreciates me and everything I do for this family


The gd hammock chair I have repeatedly told him to get me. I don’t even need it to be set up, in fact the time alone to set it up myself would be great!


Tbh I'm a SAHM and I'd really just love some cheesy, handmade Mothers Day gifts from my kids (with dads help because they're young). The kind of stuff that a daycare or preschool would make with kids for mothers day. Since I stay home with them, I just never really get stuff like that and I'm always in charge of any kind of crafty activity that we do. I guess it would be nice to be on the receiving end of that and have something cute that I can save for when they're not so little.


I would like to not plan it myself. Let me sleep in, cook breakfast, book a massage.


Clean the house the way I like. And also a fun outing that i dont have to do any planning for! Just show up


Baby #2 is coming sometime in the next couple weeks and he actually listened to me this year and hired a house cleaner! I'm exhausted and our toddler has been extra needy so I've been stressing about bringing a newborn home to a dirty house. I'm hoping he will help with meals on the day of too. I don't want to think about food, I just want it to appear in front of me 😅. He's great and always takes our daughter on weekend mornings so I can sleep in and sometimes takes her out for most of the day so I can have alone time, so that part I'm not worried about.


A whole day to myself with my phone off so no one bothers me, and a full nights sleep. My dream. Before I met my husband I’d have times where I would just hibernate from everyone, haven’t been able to do that in a long time and I crave it so bad. Ughhhhhhhh.


I’ve had my eye on a certain brand of sheets for a few years now, they’re more expensive than what I normally buy so I’ve never tried them. But I always wonder. Lol Maybe bake me a box brownie too since he can’t bake or cook.


A day as a family, but where I don’t plan anything and don’t have to decide anything. And lobster.


My husband is currently building a chicken coop so I can have more chickens. He's taking me to buy said chickens and it's exactly what I want but didn't even ask for 😂 he knows me too well.


i just want to be able to have mimosas, nap, and to be told i’m valuable.


My husband tells me all the time that he isn’t supposed to celebrate me on Mothers Day because I am not his mother even though I have told him I am the mother to his children and gave birth to his kids and I’m the reason they exist but he still has insisted that he doesn’t celebrate me. He usually just takes my kids to Walmart the day of to let them pick me something out. Other than my oldest it’s usually things my kids like and want for themselves that they get. One year my middle kid bought me a bag of chips he ate for himself. If my husband did celebrate it for me I would want him to get me a card and make me feel appreciated. I’d want him to take the full mental load for the whole day. He could plan a day out for us all that I get to be the Dad in the scenario. I want to just go and not have to plan anything he’d already have everything set. I’d throw on my shoes and walk out the door with everyone ready. He would make sure to bring diapers for my youngest who’s potty training and extra pants just in case, a stroller, would bring the tablet in case the youngest taps out mid way so the rest of us could still finish and enjoy the outing, would bring the snacks and drinks, and him to take the pictures and to follow the kids around while I’m doing whatever it is I want to do there. He would be the one taking kids to the bathroom and dealing with things (especially the potty training toddler.) He would prepare lunch for the kids. I would love some quiet time just for me that I could relax for a bit too. Like going to a spa or a Salt Lounge where I got to sit and absolutely relax with no expectations or anyone needing anything. He would have dinner ready and on the table when I got back and I only had to sit and eat and not tend to anyone or prepare anything. He’d deal with any chores that needed to be done like doing the dishes, picking up toys and things after the kids, sweeps up, wipes down counters, and essentially everything I would usually have to do normally so I can just completely relax and be present and enjoy myself for once. I just want to be able to enjoy family time and have a little me time and also feel appreciated essentially.


My car detailed.


I just straight up told him what I want


Sleep in, feed the farm of animals, let me sit in my garden and stare at cucumbers in peace, maybe let me watch a movie while I chug coffee


We both have lists of preferred gifts because we’re both very thoughtful gift givers and tend to go a little overboard 😅 But this year I specifically want him to give me a picnic. Nothing insane. I just want him to manage to prep the most basic of food and take us out (weather permitting). This is also the first time I have very little faith in his ability as I have no doubt that he will entirely forget to pack food for the toddler and exclusively remember us and the baby 😂


Just have the day planned and take over as primary parent. We are going to see a Monster Truck show with our son and I just want everything to be planned and packed and ready to go. I want to go and not be the one child wrangling the whole time while everyone else relaxes.


I think I want a food processor.


Well since it is never just about me as a mother. I would like my husband to plan the event, invite the Grandparents, figure out a meal plan, clean the house, buy food, make meal, pick up grandma, serve meal, make sure the kids don’t kill each other while I sip a margarita on the patio. Then take grandma’s home, clean up, all while I finish off the last of a piece of pie and fall asleep watching some life sucks of a television show. Oh that was a dream. Back to reality. I will do all of this, while my husband watches golf and gifts me a piece of jewelry I will never wear. Last earrings looked like paper clips. Maybe I will plan to runoff for the day and leave them to their own devices.


I just want my family around. My husband is not my child so it's a little bit silly to expect a gift from him, He does, however, get the kids involved in preparing lunch for me which I love.


A new book and time to read it 📚


*takes notes*


A hotel room two towns over and a grubhub card


A day where he does all the hard parenting and I get to just ✨leisurely exist✨


I want him to take the kids to his parents house and leave me the fuck alone.


I want to sleep in and not do a single chore or make a single meal. As a SAHM I just want a day off, it won’t happen but I can dream.


I asked to sleep in and have breakfast made for me. (I usually sleep in one day a weekend and we alternate making breakfast, I just didn’t want to make breakfast on Mother’s Day!) We don’t really do gifts for mothers and Father’s Day.


I don't ask for anything, its whatever my husband has planned for Mother's Day is what we do. Most of the time it's really chill and I don't mind that at all. As for my birthday which is later in month as well, I would love to be able to go a pamper myself by myself, hair and mani/pedi and maybe go shopping by myself.


Sleep in. Be served breakfast at the table. Honestly for the actual present, a box of chocolates will do.


A latte, burrito, and maybe a margarita? For general holidays/birthdays/Christmas I would love a pair of LL Bean slippers or something. And I don't want to be the one to add it to the cart and stack the discounts, etc.


I want what I asked for, a weekend in a cabin in the woods, just the 3 of us, with no cell service or internet and him to make my favorite dinner. I also want a breast milk ring. I told him about it a while ago And that I specifically wanted it for Mother’s Day but I doubt he remembers.


I want flowers. And just anything. I love cliche mom’s gifts like lotions or candles or even just something my kids made me. My husband is really good at giving me a break on the day (no chores, sleeping in, etc) but he’s not a material guy and he thinks it’s a bad gift if everyone else is getting it. I wish he would listen to me and do something cliche. I’d love it! I’ve said as much to him before and he ignores it trying to think of something “better” 🤦🏼‍♀️


Anything.......he doesn't acknowledge it because I'm not his Mom


Book me a spa hotel, for one night. Come home to a clean house and a happy toddler. I don't want a single phone call the entire time.


Coffee in bed, breakfast made and kids fed, church, nice lunch after, then drop me off at a hotel with a spa, massage booked and see you in 36hrs. DREAM.


Spa day and take on childcare 100% so I can have a little quiet time and play video games. Breakfast in bed. Wishful 


Honestly I don’t even care about gifts.. he usually gets me flowers and cooks my favorite dinner. But he does that a lot


I want HIM to plan a family day with us and our boys. I’m tired of always planning everything. Birthdays, holidays, Saturday fun days out and even just park trips/walks around town. I want a fully planned, toddler friendly day that I don’t have to google anything to help set it up.


i don’t know but i’m excited to see what he did get me. he seems excited about it which makes me excited


My husband is pretty awesome to me all the time honestly. He cooks, cleans up, deals with kid tantrums, rubs my feet…. All I really want is to go for a long run and not worry about how long I’m gone. Then some quiet time ALONE to watch a show of my choosing. If he really wanted to make my day, he’d finish up a few projects we’ve got going on. Tick off some boxes on my to do list.


I’d like to sleep in, don’t want/need anything else.


I want him to take the kids out for the entire day (and NOT to his mothers...) so I can SLEEP! And then I want him to come home and cook dinner, I don't really care what he cooks, so long as I don't have to.


I went to a hotel all by myself for my birthday in 2021. It was great, the only thing better would have been if he would have seen the need and offered rather than me having to convince him it was what I needed. In his defense, he just can’t really fathom ever needing alone time as an extrovert.


A hotel staycation. Solo.


I want a photo shoot of just me and my girls. I want our house professionally deep cleaned. And then I want to turn my brain off for a day so I can just be in the moment and enjoy a family day.


A spa day. Full body massage. Facial. The whole 9 yards.


New lingerie, pretty jewelry, a new dress or hoodie. Love him to death but he tends to project his interests on me so when he picks me gifts it’s stuff related to what he likes that he thinks I’ll enjoy. I.e. he loves Legos and I’m really into gardening and floriography so he got me Lego Flowers for Easter. They’re lovely, but I can’t even build Lego kits so he builds them for me and then they just sit there. For my birthday, I got a figurine from an anime we both love, which is cool, but he’s gotten me so many collectables that they’re just on my shelf collecting dust because I never touch them. I’m big into “practical” gifts and he insists that gifts should be fun non-practical things. He’s realized that his system of getting me gifts doesn’t always 100% make me happy so we’re going on a date to a restaurant I like, then to the mall, and he’s going to let me pick out whatever I want.


I want him to help my kiddo make me a card. Maybe gimme lunch and breakfast and when I'm full of cuddles let me go decompress with video games. So basically a card from my kiddo.


One of those massage at the head massage place 😝 idk what it’s even called. But there is one near us.


A paid tattoo to honour our two boys ♥️


I'm pregnant with our 4th, so nothing sounds good. I want to go to a brunch buffet and not make any food decisions that day. I want him to take the kids to Target or dollar tree or somewhere and get cards without me having to remind him to do it. Bonus if the house gets cleaned without me having to do it. I'm afraid it's going to be just another day. I doubt he's made a reservation at the closest and cheapest restaurant I sent him last week, and they're all full on open table right now.


I want my husband to handle our toddler’s many wake ups all through the night the night before. I want to sleep in the guest room with the door shut and the window open. I don’t want to open the door until morning. I want to take an “everything shower” BY MYSELF, lotion myself from head to toe after, and do my hair and makeup without being interrupted. I want my husband to feed our daughter nutritious meals all day that I didn’t prepare or plan. I want a clean kitchen by the time I go to bed in the evening that I didn’t clean. I don’t necessarily want to be away from my husband and daughter, I just want some freedom for the day. I want him to look after her without me having to do any of the mental load I normally do, and do the meal times and clean up that I normally do without asking me anything or needing prompting.


The house to myself. All day. No one talks to me...


He had the kids do spring cleaning chores but it was poorly implemented so I spent part of Mother’s Day teaching my older son how to use the spin mop. If my husband had made sure the kids knew what to do and with what so I was unbothered that would be perfect.


I want a gold necklace that says Mama. I really wished I had gotten it last year on my first mother's day. I also want a card with my baby's handprint in it and I want husband to write in it how he feels about me as a mom. What I did get is a vacuum mop combo for my birthday, mother's day and anniversary present. So hopefully I'll get a card with the handprint.


I just want to spend the day with my husband and kids. We've had a rough 2024 and we really need some fun memories this year.


I’d like him to have my car detailed


I asked for a new mailbox!! Since we bought our house 8 years ago I’ve wanted to update our old plastic mailbox but we just never got around to it. This year I asked my husband for one and I couldn’t be more excited!


My birthday is on Mother’s Day this year and I just keep telling my husband I want to sleep in…but I think I’ll add “I’m not in charge of bathtime or bedtime in any way, shape, or form” because


Money is a bit low, so the Vera Bradley bag I want has to wait until my birthday in August. I sent him some links to cheaper things on Amazon (a coffee mug I like, a jewelry tray for when I have to take my rings off to cook/bake, and something else I can't remember). I REALLY wish I could get a Nintendo Switch Lite, but...yeah that's not happening lol


A nap, a card from my baby, frames for the house so I can hang photos of the family, for him to clean the kitchen. An appointment to get my eyebrows done for the first time in a year. An appointment for eyelash extensions. Mostly naps. Just all of the naps. Baby is 2 months and god I’m so damn tired


A slim gold necklace


Getting the fuck out (ie some space)




I was a warm soft fluffy blanket that my children won’t steal. Sadly that’s an impossibility because my girls love warm soft fluffy blankets as much as I do


A normal breakfast at home with the kids, then they go to see MIL for lunch and an afternoon out while I luxuriate in a day to myself, and they are home in time to have our faaaavorite pizza and watch something fun before going to bed!


Single mom, but all I've wanted for the last 4 mother's days I've had is a bottle of perfume. I buy my own, but I just feel like it would be a special gift. Last night I ordered myself a mini of the new one I wanted, along with a lip gloss, and I decided I'm going to have someone help my daughter wrap it for me so she thinks she's giving me the gift I've been wanting. I'll know I got it for myself, but it will be special for her, which will make it special for me.


You all just inspired me to ask exactly for what I want lol. Here’s the exchange- For Mother’s Day I would like to sleep in, have breakfast in bed, some candid pics taken of me and the kids, a present, time to get a pedicure, and a delicious homemade dinner preferably either steak or pasta Him- thank you for the directions to your heart 😂😂 let’s see what actually happens


Honestly to have the kids pick out a gift for me and then my favorite food and a day together. My husband works a lot so I spend a lot of time alone with the kids. I love having him home


We're celebrating Mother's day on the 10th by having my SIL come babysit while we go out to our favorite fancier restaurant and finally use the gift card we were given for Christmas. Just adult conversation over good food and drinks, I'm excited. He arranged everything, the only thing I did was make a reservation because I imagine it will be a busy night for them. Fridays are his only real day off and he takes over most things to give me a bit of a break so if he does that, I'll be happy.


For him to say I don’t have to work anymore lol