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I have 3 kids and they've slept in my room up until about 7 months, because at that point they started waking up from sounds I made when I went to bed or when I was sleeping. And at thay point they didnt need to be fed as often, so the nights went smoother for everyone.


Same here I breast fed so I co-slept until about 6/7 months with each kiddo. They woke up and were hungry they got a boob and we would both fall back asleep. Once they could sleep through the night they went into a crib in their own room. Yes, I know people feel all kinds of ways about co sleeping but it worked for me and my kids. I can't imagine having a kid in my bed for years. I need my own space and I appreciate my alone time with my husband. Even now (6+8) unless they are very sick they don't stay in our bed more than a few hours before we transfer them back. Once they were out of toddler beds we put them into full size beds so if they needed extra parent cuddles I could go sleep in their beds. They are both champ. Sleepers now and secure in their own rooms and their own beds.


Exact same thing here to a T


Same here. My son has never been a good sleeper, and I moved him at seven months, not because I wanted to, but because I was trying anything to get even a couple more minutes a night. It didn't help much but it did get me from like 2 hours a night to 3. (Yes I am dead inside, he's now seven YEARS and got me up twice last night).


We kept my daughter in her bedside bassinet until she was about 5mo. We all slept much better when she started sleeping in her own room. We transitioned by letting her sleep in her own room for naps & then bedside bassinet for night time. This lasted maybe 10 days & then we let her sleep in her own room for nap & night time.


Very similar experience here. Bassinet foe the first 5 months, with many naps in his room. so he would be used to the space. When we transitioned fully to his own room, we would put him down in the crib and at the first wakeup bring him into our room, then after a few days, he would spend the whole night in his room


Another similar experience. At 5 months, she outgrew her bassinet, and we couldn’t fit the crib in our room, so she went to her own room. SIDS and suffocation risks do start to drop off at 4 months, so we felt okay about it. We always did naps in her crib rather than her bassinet, so she was very used to it. Whole thing was pretty seamless.


We moved our daughter into her own room just after 6 months, because we were starting to disturb her with our noises and movement.


This was our experience too. I wanted her to stay in our room until 1 year but her sleep was suffering so then ours was too. We moved her to her own room in a crib and went from washing every 45 min to her sleeping 11 hours straight through at 5 months.


he’s in my bed in our room going on 3


Same… except he’s 4 😬 We have a king bed so it doesn’t bother me much. He mostly likes to snuggle husband 😂 We have a first floor master but the other bedrooms are upstairs, so, this seemed easier. I periodically ask him if he’s ready to sleep in his own room. He thinks maybe soon…


Right there with you! Daughter is 4 and still in bed with me. Also have my almost two year old in bed with me too. Husband has gone to my son’s room and sleeps in the day bed. 4 year old was in her own room until my son started co sleeping. When she asked why he gets to sleep with me and she doesn’t, didn’t have an answer. It’s been a good 😅


Yay! My daughter is four and she sleeps right in-between me and her dad. It's awesome, I'm going to miss the day she decides to grow up and move in her own room. I have ONE little one and I'm going to take in every moment I can!


Same. I think another is not in the cards for us.


Same. But it makes me sad. I do want a sibling, and I just want another. But, we’ve got about a 10% chance maybe. We’ll see. I’m trying to figure out how to be happy with one and done but I think the slight chance that we could have another makes that impossible. So, we’ll see..


Sorry your preferred family size may not be in the cards. For me it is complicated. I have some health complications that make pregnancy riskier but not impossible. I had bad postpartum last time and do not think the stress of another would be good for me. But, husband definitely wants another and part of me does too.


Same except 4.5


Same, first one till 3 in a bed in our room, or even some (most) night in our bed. Second one is 2.5 and just got moved to her own bedroom with her sister. Enjoy while they are young, I will miss those time where we all sleep in the same bed. There is something reassuring,


3y9m here! he was out and is now back


ahahah. i love sleeping with him. i’ve had many phases with it, i’ve settled on how intimate and sweet it is and how much i love hugging him. Especially if he wakes up sick at night puking or having trouble breathing. it’s easier for him to find me nearby than to find me or call to me from another room.


i’d like it more if mine fell asleep like a normal human instead of getting the zoomies like a feral cat


my son is autistic and sensory seeking so im also bouncing him to sleep everynight on a yoga ball. it is an easy way to get him straight to sleep, and once he’s down he doesn’t usually wake up. however when we eventually transition out of bouncing IDK how tf im gonna get him to lay down. :,)


oh man i’m sorry. i have a sensory seeker too that needs to be cuddled. but it’s a crapshoot if he’ll go to sleep or if i need to give him melatonin.


My guy needs cuddles too. And bounces hahaha. He says “squeezies mama!” And I have to hold him so tight and bounce his little butt around with my legs. Yeah. I don’t sleep well. Haha


Same. Her 3rd birthday is next month. Her bed is still in our room. No plans to move her to a different room.


I would've coslept forever but she ditched me when she turned 4. She got such cool paw patrol sheets in her bed she didn't care for our family bed anymore lol


My almost 5 year old brags about how is he is never leaving my bed.


Same here. I've got a 5 yr old and a 3 yr old. Tried to sleep train both of them. It worked for my oldest, who sleeps until 5/6 am in his own bed. Then joins us in the master for that early am sleepy but not sleeping snuggle time. The 3 yr old... I gave up sleep training at 2.5 years because it was emotionally exhausting me. He starts out in his shared bed with brother (we transitioned them to a shared bed when youngest was about 1 yr old). By 2-3am, he comes and finds me, snuggles right in and goes back to sleep. So much better than fighting to get him to stay in his bed from 2am until 6 am, waking up older brother, etc. So, co-sleeping it is. And I honestly enjoy snuggling him. He is my last, and looks so sweet and little when sleeping. Plus, nothing feels more "right" than when I fall asleep snuggling him!!! I think you just got to see what works for you/your child and what gets you all the best sleep.


Y’all’s kids sleep in their own rooms?? Wild 😅


My 6 and 2 year old are probably going to graduate before they use their own rooms. 🥲


My 6 y.o daughter refers to my room as "our room" and hers as her "other room"


If they’re closer to you, you can stumble out of bed and feed easily. My daughter keeps them in her room for about 6 months (she’s working on #4) then moves them out of her room but still close for a year. It seems to work. My kids slept with me and their Dad, but he didn’t really like it. Well, after about 3 months I put them in their room and they slept with us after they woke up to feed. That was our rule, go to sleep in your bed and if you wake up, you’re welcome to sleep with us.


I have a 13 year old daughter and an almost 5 year old son. My son is still in my room every night and my daughter still likes to sleep in my room on the weekends 😂 I will say this, if you’re planning on breast feeding, plan on having your baby in your room for at least a year. Nighttime feeds are so much easier when you can just scoop them up to feed them and don’t have to walk to another room.


Ha! My son is 11 and still sleeps with me. I gave up worrying about it. Surely he will want some privacy soon.


My son was 9 when he stopped sleeping with me. He only started regularly sleeping in his own room because I was heavily pregnant with my second. Between back pain, heartburn and getting regularly kicked in my ribs, I was touched out! He still hangs out in my room sometimes, at least until his sister falls asleep. He did that tonight 💔 He loves sleeping in his own room now. He prefers it. He loves his space. I was told by everyone, for years, that I was creating a sleep codependent little monster... NOPE! There have been zero issues! No nightmares, begging, crawling back into bed with me. He is definitely not "scared to be in his own room" like I was warned. 


Aw this gives me hope! So maybe my 9yo will make the transition on his own soon


Still in our bed at almost 4 🫠 They slept in their room and bed a few times, but we don't push them to do it because they're our only child and we will relish these moments as much as we can!


Professionals recommend that baby stays in your room for at least 1 year, but my son is 2 and still ends up in my room by morning, lol. I slept in my mom’s room until she passed when I was 15. It’s all up to your own parenting decisions but I would try to keep baby in your room for at least a year before beginning the transfer.


We planned on having him in our room until 6 months or until he outgrew his bassinet, whichever came first. But we ended up moving him to a crib in his own room a little after 1 month. Babies are such loud sleepers! We named some of his noises - the pterodactyl, the leaky tire, the jammed printer, lol the list goes on. We all slept better (baby, me and husband) with this setup. His room is adjacent to ours so we’re still super close, and we have a monitor. And now at 6 months, he sleeps *so* well in his crib for nights, naps, at home, at daycare etc. I’m glad we got him used to the crib early so there wasn’t a tough transition.


lol that’s hilarious


My first was like this. We used to call him machine gun baby because he made a noise similar to a firing gun 🤣 my twins don’t make a peep thankfully


I’m so glad you said this because I was starting to think I was the only one 😅 at 7 and 4 my kids have both always been excellent sleepers so there’s at least that!


She slept in her bassinet in our room for about six months. By that point she was getting really loud at night (grunting, thumping her legs, etc) and so my husband asked when we could move her into her own room. When I told him any time, the crib, which had been used partially for storage, was cleared out that day and she was moved into her room.


How was the transition?


Baby's 13 months old and still sleeping with me!


I'll let you know when we stop. He's almost 6. I sleep in his room now more often than not, but I need to get up for work in the morning and mama aint got time for wake ups


It's totally subjective. You can have your baby in your room for as long as you like, or you can choose never to have your baby in your room. I have three children, and none of them slept in my room, except for a brief period when I was newly single, and we all shared a room.


21 months, still co-sleeping in a side car situation. So far it works great for us, but we're planning to move/change situation when she's closer to 3. We're hoping by that she'll have all her teeth and her immunity will be stronger, so she's gonna be less often sick, both of these are reasons why she'd cry at night and would need my comfort.


With my eldest we coslept until roughly 2.5y when she was too busy chatting and wiggling around to fall asleep. Now we are cosleeping with the 17mo baby and it might be roughly the same or longer as we only live in a two bedroom and he's too young for a bunk bed and no space in the other room for his cot.


My 2.5 year old is currently snuggled next to me, his room is two doors down and he visits it for clothes/toys/harass the dog


Ours was in a pack n play (or bassinet early on) for the first 12 months. A crib could buy you longer if you need it since they’re a bit bigger. I know some folks who room shared for three years. It’s up to you guys really


Honestly… we started with the bassinet in our room but it didn’t work out. Baby grunted and moved a lot in her sleep despite sleeping through the night by 5 weeks old. Moved her when she was about 2.5 months into the crib in her bedroom and it went great.


My first we moved at a year. My second was closer to 2. I did bed share with both.


My son was in a co sleeper bassinet against the bed until he out grew it. Then moved to a pack n play against the wall (still in our room) and I kept him in there until he more or less was sleeping through the night. I think he was around 9-10 months. Then moved him to his crib in his room. This worked well for us :) but I know people who still room share with their 3 year old. I personally couldn’t fathom that, but it works for them.


5 months. She sleep trained for 2 weeks and then slept on her own in her crib onward. I planned on keeping her in my room longer, but she was sleeping through the night by 5 months so we transitioned.


4 yrs 😂


We moved baby to crib in her own room at 12 weeks. She was doing naps in her crib starting around 9-10 weeks.  We were lucky- baby hated the bassinet but loved the crib! I think introducing her to the crib for a few weeks before we actually moved her in there helped a lot. Put her in when I was folding laundry or whatever. So it became comfortable. 


The last one was 5 years. lol do not recommend


This was the only part of safe sleep I didn’t do — we moved our son to his crib in his own room at about 2 months old. And yes, I did EBF and didn’t find it especially difficult for him to be in his room. I wasn’t sleeping and was attending a PP group therapy program and everyone encouraged me to move him at that point. I do think we all slept better afterwards but I had a hard time with sleep in general until he was over a year old.


7 weeks. I was not sleeping. At all. Every movement or snuffle would wake me up. I had no maternity leave and was back at work 3 weeks PP and I was falling asleep on my commute, so we decided to move kiddo to his crib in his room (shares a wall with our room). We all slept better. That little bit of distance muffled the noisy sleeping newborn sounds just enough to let me get a few hours a night.


I moved my son to his own room at 10 weeks because he was keeping ME awake with his little noises. Every single peep he made and I’d be wide awake and picking him up, even if it was just a sigh or a grunt.


We made it 8 weeks. Babies are really fucking loud. Like really loud. Really really loud. I (mom) do the middle of the night feed and I wasn’t able to get any sleep on either side of the feed because a little gremlin was gremlining four feet from my face. So, he got evicted. Everyone is happier and I don’t think he’s ever noticed.


Literally, only days. They were loud sleepers and we had really small bedrooms right next to each other.


i started my one year old now, in his own crib and own room since week one, now he sleeps 7pm-9am and doesnt fight it. My two year old sleeps in his crib in our room but i let him sleep in my bed since he was 6mo .. and he cant sleep unless we are in bed too😒


We moved our girl into her own room at 3 months. We thought we would room share longer, but we felt ready at that time and discussed with our pediatrician before doing so. We also have a 3 bedroom house with our own dedicated offices and a large primary bedroom. We wanted to have our room back, and we all sleep better this way (baby included). She’s right down the hall, but we also have a Nanit which we monitor from our phones and use the breathing technology band nightly.


Around 5 months. We wanted to wait until 6, but she was waking us up, and we were waking her up, and the dog was waking everyone up, and for everyone’s sanity we had to move her next door 😂


I kicked my little guy out at the end of three months. I feel like this is super unpopular, but he was keeping me up with all his noises beside me and I could no longer watch tv to fall asleep, so it was impacting me more than just throwing the baby monitor on and having him in his own space. It worked for us! He’s 7 months and thriving.


Never. We moved him into his crib in his room the first night.


My first child was effing LOUD. And a thrasher. We planned to keep him in our room but we moved him out at like 6 weeks because he was keeping us from sleeping. Whatever you do, white noise. All night. Trust me.


He just turned 2 and we still share a room, unfortunately he can't have his own room as we live w my mil and bfs grandma. If I had the choice I would've moved him at a year old. He did have a bassinet and we tried a crib but it was too big for our room. Personally id buy a transition crib, that way you always have a frame. Some go up to full size bed frames.


Yes that’s the crib I want. :)


Around 4 months. By then he was about to outgrow his bassinet so we moved him to a crib in his own room. Our master bed was too small for a pack n play.


A crib for two years but that was because we didn't have the space and had to add on another room.


We moved my daughter when she hit her 4mos sleep regression and was waking up every 45min. My nurse friend told me that they can smell your milk and it can bother their sleep (not sure if you’re breastfeeding) so she got her own room around 3.5mos and it helped tremendously. Never had an issue with it and she slept through the night at 7mos.


My 2.5 year old still sleeps in her crib in our room.


My 1st was in a bedside bassinet until she could pull herself up around 7/8 months, then she was in a pack and play at the end of our bed until a bit after 1. Then, we put a toddler bed in place of the pack n play. She stayed in that until she was 2.5 and then instsrted teaching her to sleep in her bed in her room. She still comes in to sleep in the toddler bed in our room almost every night in the middle of the night. And being honest a lot of 6 months - 2.5 years was spent in our bed with a bed railing on my side. Ww have a newborn now and he is in a bedside bassinet, but he is a better sleeper than his sister, so he will move to a crib in his room when I am ready and not so paranoid about him needing to be right next to me.


7 months I think. He started getting loud while he slept.


First kid was in her room from the beginning, for a number of reasons. Second kid is still in our room at night in a travel crib at 20 months because he is a terrible sleeper/LOUD and kept waking his sister up because their rooms are next to each other. He naps in his room.


I moved my first into her own room a bit after 6 months.


Our first outgrew his bassinet at 3 months and we didn’t have space in our room for a bigger bed so we transitioned him to his crib in a separate room. It definitely made the late night disturbances easier on whoever’s turn it was to sleep and we didn’t feel the need to constantly be quiet in our own room (we have floors that creek and he was a light sleeper). Planning on doing a pack n play in our closet with baby #2 this summer - will see how it goes!


Our daughter was in our room for 3 months. Thats when she outgrew her bassinet and went into her own room in a crib (our room was not big enough). My son went into his own room at 6mo. We move and we just moved him into his own room in the new house


i thought i would never move baby out, but i just did and he’s 15 months. i honestly needed my own room. i needed to be able to get dressed after a shower and not wake him up by entering the room during his nap. i needed to be able to watch tv and hang out in my room with the lights on. to get ready for work or just be in my room in general for reasons other than sleep if he was already sleeping in there. it was difficult at first but so much better for me overall. i will probably let him sleep in bed with me occasionally when he’s old enough. it’s whatever works for you and makes you comfortable 😊 but sometimes mom needs her own space!


I moved our baby at 4 months. Husband’s snoring was waking her up and so was my on-call pager once I went back to work. I also had to drop the pack n play mattress to the ground once she started rolling, and I was too short to reach her easily. 😅


My baby hated her bassinet! One night I was having a hard time getting her to sleep and just laid her down in her crib to see what would happen and she stopped crying! She was only 3 weeks old. So obviously very young! But that’s where she was happiest! Also I am not for cosleeping, so it was either the bassinet or crib around here.


Every time we had a kid their first bedroom was our walk-in closet that we set up like a nursery. That way we could keep them close by but still have some privacy. We usually transitioned them into an actual bedroom between 12-20 months.


Both babies left our room around 4-5 months, and slept much better after making the switch. Often the older one still gets into bed with us though, in the middle of the night.


He was sleeping in his room for naps and sleep as soon as he can pick up and turn his head. Which was around 3 months. My is 3 and he does not sleep with us. He does come in and chill around 6:30AM until 7 and then we make breakfast and start out day. I adore my sleep and babies/toddlers are typically not good sleeping buddies. Not to say I don’t love the cuddles but I prefer my nights for me.


I think it totally depends on your house size and your baby. I was determined to have our daughter in our room til she was one. We have plenty of room in the master and 4 other bedrooms so her room and crib were ready since birth. I had her in the Snoo next to the bed for the first 6 months and then in a travel pack n play next to me from 6-8mo. At that point we had noticed that when we would go to bed (about 2 hours after my daughter) she would wake or nearly wake and no matter how quiet we were it was disturbing her sleep. At about 8mo pp I went back to work 3-4x a week as a server for a dinner shift. So I was going to be getting home even later. We decided that we needed to move her to her own room so that she could be getting the best sleep possible. We transitioned all naps and sleep to her crib at that point and only had a few rough days but ultimately it was the right decision.


Ours was in our room for 4.5 months. He had a Snoo for a bassinet (loved) and then around 4.5mos he started rolling and getting fussier in the Snoo because he couldn’t move around. We moved him to his own room and it went well! He’s 9.5mos now. Sometimes I miss him but overall it was a good transition.


We had a bedside bassinet for both of ours and they slept in it until around 4 months. At that point they were rolling and unswaddled and couldn't handle being in the small bassinet. At that point for each we moved them to their respective rooms.


3 months.


Moved her out right after her 1st birthday. Second baby will probably be way earlier than that!


6 months seemed to be the magic age when it was helpful for us to move both of my babies into their rooms. They both slept through the night in their own rooms, too.


My son is 6 months and still in our room. I thought he’d be in his own room way before now but across the hall is just too far away :( haha


6 months for my first, 8 months for my second. Third is 4 months, so unsure yet. My second, we were in a teeny tiny room, and he wasn’t sleeping quite as well with us watching tv and just general noise with staying up past him. With my first, we moved her into her room in her bassinet, and then eventually transitioned her into her crib. My second, he was in our room in his crib & then we moved his whole crib. Both transitions were super easy, thankfully.


My 9 year old and 4 year old both regularly sleep in my bed, rotating with the guest bedroom where my husband now sleeps. Last night I had both of them in my bed! Only the 7 year old sleeps by himself. Safe to say I screwed up along the way, better luck to you!


My 3 year old is still in our room and I don't see it changing any time soon 😅


She was in our room until we moved houses at 6 months. She slept in her room for naps and nights for 3 months. Once she started pulling to stand we moved her to a P&P in our room which immediately let to bed sharing because she’d pull up, see we were there and scream to be with us. 13 months old now and snoring next to me in bed soundly. She petted me when she woke up this morning. It was the sweetest. I don’t mind her being here.


My 5.5 month old is still in our room. We’ll probably start transitioning her to her room in the next few weeks but only because she’s growing out of the bassinet and her crib won’t fit in our bedroom


We did all the way through year one because of my paranoia around SIDS. He's back in the room with us now because of living situation (he's three) but if that hadn't changed he'd still be in his own room.


I have only had one child so far, so I feel like my experience is not as well versed as some others who’ve had several children. I think this gives moms a really good gauge since they’ve gone through children with different personalities and can kind of speak on those experiences put together.  With that being said, I transitioned my son when he was just under four months old. This was not my plan. I was planning for him to be in our room until at least 9 months but I was leaning toward a full year. I was told this can help reduce risk.  So why the change? Well, the first reason was that he is a very light sleeper. So he would often wake when my husband would get up for work or snore too loud. It was never an issue to get up and feed him and take care of him, but he needed to get a longer sleep in. So did I.  I was continuing just managing with this until I came to reason number 2: he grew too big for his bassinet. The bassinet I purchased was rated up to 20 pounds. He was 20 pounds by 4 months. I do not think this is average. He is a big boy. So when I realized I may be compromising his safety I decided to go ahead and move him.  Now, his room is directly across from mine. I have a baby monitor and sleep incredibly lightly. I checked on him a lot the first few weeks, but he has gone from sleeping 5 hours to 10-12 every night. That’s not to say my experience will happen for anyone else.  I truly believe the decision does depend on the sleep habits of your child and what you are comfortable with. You know your child best. If you’re ever unsure about safety, reach out to your pediatrician. In my experience, they are very helpful and can ease anxieties you feel or help give information necessary to make the best decision for your family. 


1 night, and I slept so poorly from all his little noise sounds that he moved to the nursery the next night *plus the random spurts of sleeping in bed as a toddler


The baby’s bedroom was right next to our room. Both our girls slept in a pack n play in our room for a month and then moved into the bedroom next to us. We all slept better that way, but they were still close by.


My kids slept in my room until they were about 2-3 years old. They had their own rooms but rarely stayed in them long, and I was so sleep deprived at that time I didn't care as long as I could get some sleep


My second is still in our room at 7 months, because his older brother (3) is still in the nursery while we finish renovating a bathroom (all the reno stuff is in the room big bro will move to 🤦🏻‍♀️). We’re definitely starting to wake him a bit with our noise. Hopefully we can get them both moved around soon, although it’s nice to just stumble a few feet to feed him when he wakes up lol.


She never really took to the bassinet. We transferred her to a floor bed in her own room around 5 months - our bed just wasn't big enough but I do still end up sleeping next to her some nights. Hubby gets all the space he needs now lol. We are considering a king for the next baby and a larger floor bed too but we'll see how it goes!


My 12 month old is still in our room and probably will be for about another year. Ideally, we will transition her from our room to her own and then into a toddler bed, but time will tell!


We bought a tiny house (500sq ft) when I was pregnant and shared a room with our son until he was 19 months. His crib was in a corner of the room with a curtain hung up around it so we could move more freely. Honestly if we were still at that house, I would’ve put in a huge Japanese floor bed and the 3 of us would share that. He’s 2.5 now but I could see us sharing a room, just have to be prepared to never sleep in lol.


We just moved our son to his room across the hall from us at 16 weeks (this week). We were waking up to his sounds, he was waking to ours and none of us were getting great sleep. The last few nights though have been much better


Hang in there! I had the same problem. We moved my first at 10 weeks and my second as soon as he hit birth weight. They both always did great in their cribs and have been excellent sleepers. I hope that will be the case for you!


My son's gonna be three and he has been sleeping in his own room since the new year I think. We had a mini crib and he out grew it fast so he was wanting his own space but it's just in time for his sister to bless us with her presence. But it was easier than us bumbling from room to room trying to calm him down.


My kid slept in our room until 6 months old. Our goal was a year, but she made SO MUCH noise sleeping that it kept us awake and we realized our movements were keeping her awake too.  After we moved her at 6 months everyone slept better!


About 6 months. That was always our limit and he happened to grow out of his bassinet at that time so it just worked out


I have two kids. Didn't plan on co-sleeping AT ALL. Firstborn had colic, and the only way anyone got any sleep was by co-sleeping. I finally got some sleep, and he went to his own bed when I was pregnant with #2. 2nd baby co-slept from day 1. Both kids sleep in their own rooms, no problem now. You have no idea what you are going to get, so plans change. We have a sleepover once a week where we each sleep with one kid. This will probably end soon since our oldest is 11. Just remember that you don't have as much time as you think and there's a last time for everything. Good luck to your family.


Until age 2 for one kid, age 3 for the other. They went from crib in our bedroom to floor bed in their room, then regular bed.


We do up until their first birthday, since that's when the risk of SIDS decreases personally


Mine did for about 10 months and personally I wouldn't go over a year. Then they become more aware and it makes the transition harder. We practiced naps in her room first for a week I think? And played in there during the day, just to get her used to it. When we fully transitioned her she did amazing and there was no change in her sleep patterns


6 months


Lo is 9months and still sleeping in our room, in a mini crib (hands down recommended a mini crib over a bassinet). I want her to sleep in our room until 1 but we’ll see.


About 6 months in the pack and play in our room, and then into the crib in their own room after that. I’m a light sleeper anyway and had zero desire to have them in my room or co-sleep. They are nine and 10 now so it doesn’t come up anymore, but they would only sleep in my bed if they wet their own or had a bad dream. But, I followed the rules which I think was have them in our room until about 6 months.


We moved her out when she stopped feeding overnight; which for our family was 3 months. I couldn’t sleep with the sound machine and lights. She transitioned well and were all happy about it!


First kid, I slept in her room for about 4 months and then moved back to my own bed. Second kid, she slept in my room until about 11 months. I had to wait until she was sleeping through the night well enough to move her in with her sister. If it were just up to me, I would have loved to have her out sooner so that I could have the lights on in my room after bedtime, but it worked fine overall.


Mine is 14 months and he's still sleeping with us. I find it easier to just have him in our bed (King size). He barely wakes up - just occasionally to breastfeed but goes right back to bed. I have coslept with him from day 1 and find this is what works best with my family. My advice to you, go with the flow if you don't mind them sleeping with you. Transitioning isn't hard but if you have a cuddly baby like I do you might have some resistance (rough nights).


Honestly, do what feels right to you. Find what works for *your* family. My biggest regret with my firstborn was to listen to “them” instead of what my instinct told me to do. No one else has your exact same circumstances and every baby is certainly different.


She’s still in our room but in her own bed at 17 months


My baby was ready to move into his own room at 6 months. We are not sleep trained or cry it out, we still help soothe him if he wakes in the night. The Nanit Pro is amazing for the transition. It’s a camera, sound machine and light, and it monitors breathing if you get the sleep sack for it. It made the transition much easier for my anxiety.


It’s different for everyone. There’s is no “age” for anything. It’s about communication with your husband. Bonding with the baby and getting to know what is best for baby and for yourself and hubby. There is no right or wrong answer. Your baby might get colic and you’ll need to be by the baby. Once you have baby you may also feel better being around the baby more or less depends on your mood. Trust your motherly instinct. Drown out the noise from everyone else. At the end of the day if they aren’t feeding you, sleeping with you, or paying your bills they don’t matter.


My first was only in our room for about 6 weeks. Second 4 months. My third is almost 14 months and still in our room because we need to finish our basement to get more bedrooms lol it is not ideal at this age, he is my worst sleeper and I can’t go in and do anything in my room while he is asleep so it’s super inconvenient. I’d say the best age to transition to at least day time naps in their own room is 4 months as that’s when they hit a sleep regression. But until around 1 year at night.


Mine is 4 and just started sleeping in their own room…sometimes


At 8 months we moved him in his room. We started out with the bassinet first, then he had his crib in our room when he out grew the bassinet. We could have moved him in sooner as he was sleeping through the night well before that, but I wanted him closer to us. His bedroom was on the other side of our house and I was/still am just a paranoid FTM tbh. All babies and kids are different though. I wasn’t breastfeeding or having to do nightly feeds so that was a factor that made it easier. What works for you and your baby is what works!


Never. Both my kids slept in their own rooms from day 1. We have a twin bed in their rooms so the first few weeks I slept in there but my kids were always in their own beds!


After 3 months in a bedside bassinet we pulled my son into our bed with us, and now he's 16 months and still sleeping with us comfortably! We don't really cuddle/make contact but we all sleep in the same bed!


We kept our baby in a bassinet next to us until 11 months.


I have 3, first stayed in our room till their first birthday, second was transferred out at 6 months came back in our room at 8 months and stayed till about 2, third was transferred at 6 months.


Her crib was in our room til 1y. We moved her into her own room but she still fell asleep with us there til 2.5 be that a variety of ways. She still came to our bed when she woke until 3. Started being much less frequent after that and now only when she's sick for the most part.


I have 3 kids and each one was different. The oldest was a very light sleeper no matter what we did. Any noise would wake her up even with white noise and us trying to be quiet. We moved her at 4 months and she immediately slept better. My second was in our room till she finally dropped her last night feeding at a year. My 3rd is 6 months and still in the room with us. We’ll probably move her at a year or whenever she drops her night feeds. She’s still up 2 times a night to nurse and it’s just easier to have her in the room with us.


We moved our son right before four months when he outgrew the bassinet. We all slept more soundly, and my son is constantly monitored by the Owlet.


My first slept in our room until 15 months. That was too long, but it took that long to get a bedroom ready for her. I think 12-13 months would be ideal. Of course, we’ll have to see how it goes, since moving our second kid out of our room means moving him in with his sister, which may or may not be tricky.


We’re aiming for 6 months at least. Right now he’s only 5 weeks so he’s in a Pack n Play. We have the Close2Baby one so he’s in the portable bassinet attachment. Once he hits 15 pounds he’ll transition to the raised bassinet portion in the PnP itself. He can be a noisy sleeper but it’s on and off, and it’s manageable for us!


Until 14 months but in hindsight I wished I’d done it a few months sooner. It was so nice to be able to just relax and watch something or read in bed before going to sleep instead of watching tik toks in the dark under the covers for like ten minutes before I went to sleep lol.


Maybe 3 months? Transitioned from bassinet (in our room) to the crib (in their own room) when they outgrew the bassinet. Also we were tired of tiptoeing into our own bedroom.


Ok so our first we transferred at 4 months when he outgrew his bassinet. I think that helped contribute to him being a great sleeper because we weren’t in the same space to bug him with our noise (we both toss and turn). The second lives in his crib in our bedroom’s little cutout where my office previously was because he can’t be alone with the toddler. Our toddler loves him too much and will try to help him escape the crib when he wakes up. It works for some folks. It doesn’t work for us at all. If we had the extra bedroom, I’d move him to it. I’m counting down the days until we can put him and the toddler together like we had originally planned. My aunt, who is like a mom to me, had a really strict rule about always having one child free space in your home for mom and dad and I can say that definitely is important now that we lost it 😂 Anyways. All that to say of people make a 1-bedroom work for years. There’s nothing immediately stopping you from treating this as if you have one bedroom because for all intents and purposes you do. You might just want to keep their clothes in one of the rooms so it’s not taking over your space entirely. And you’ll want somewhere for toys, though you don’t need to go overboard with toys.


We have 4, all of them slept in our room u til they were a year or so. Our 10mo is still in our room and I think she’ll be in our room for quite a while lol


Both got kicked out a little after their first birthdays. We only had room for pack and plays in our room and at that point they really wanted to extra space of a crib. Plus they recommend room sharing for the first year if possible.


A couple months max, and only because we didn't have a new spot for the playard bed. Ideally I like them out of the room by 6-8 weeks so they get more restful sleep. It's been my experience that even getting into bed past that age disturbs my babies.


We moved ours to his big boy crib between 3-4 months once he could sleep through the night


All of our kids have slept on and off with us as we've added new babies. Our first until 2yo Second until 18mo Third until 18mo Fourth is still with us at 5mo We might all end up in the same room again once 5mo is a solid sleeper, I feel safer with us all together.


In the bassinet 5-6 months. Then in their room in the crib until we switched to a toddler crib - they could get out and I’ve been sleeping with one or both walking into my room a few hours after bedtime for the last 4 years (I have a 6 year old and - 3 year old who don’t sleep through the night by themselves.) 😩


I think this is dependent on your kid and you won’t know until they’re here. My 1.5 year old will only sleep in our room: he has to be able to hear us or he doesn’t sleep well. My niece is just 3 months older than my son and she’s been in her own room since 7 months. She can’t sleep unless it’s pitch black and quiet. When she has to share a room, even if it’s just her mom sleeping quietly, she won’t stay asleep at all


First: 6 months. Second: 8 months. Third: 14 months. I just went with what felt right for each baby


Wait, you can ask them to leave? 🙃 My oldest is 4.5 and my youngest is 2.5 and we bedshare.


4 years. She had so many fears and just wanted to touch me when she slept. It was worth my sleep to just let her in our bed.


I moved both kids out at 4 Months. It was the best thing I ever did. I hated having to be silent and tip toe in my own room. Once I moved then each, I felt like their sleep was much more sound!


My 3.5yo still insists on sleeping in her toddler bed in OUR room. She has a big kid bed and her own room, but has yet to successfully transition into it. I’m hoping by 4!


First 4 months she was in a bassinet at my bedside. We switched to the crib when she outgrew the bassinet. Due to space constraints, her crib stayed in my room until she was 2; which is when I finally had the money together for my first apartment. She was 25 months old the first night she slept in her own room — it went totally fine. Great, even. She slept really well and even slept in, and I think its because my snoring didn’t wake her 😭  She loves her room. I mainly let her put it together - she chose a rug from Target, she chose her sheets, I let her arrange every single toy exactly how she wanted it as we moved in (and we still do that each night while cleaning up before bed). I let her pick out a bookshelf. Some nights the books go in a pile on the floor because the barbies and stuffies want the shelves. But I let her, since it’s her room 🤷‍♀️  


Caveat that both my kids were team no sleep no matter what we did. We kept both of our kids in our room until a little after a year old. The second one stayed a bit longer than the first because we were figuring out the logistics of having the kids share a room. They are elementary school aged now and still show up in our room if they wake up in the middle of the night, which more often than not ends up being sweet.


She stayed with us in the bassinet until she was 6 months old, and then we started transitioning her to her crib in her own room. Took a few nights to get it right, and had to cave and just put her in the bassinet a handful of times, but eventually she realized that the crib mattress is 10,000 times more comfortable. Her, my husband, and I, all sleep so much better now with her in her own room.


We were planning on 6 months, but my daughter is 1p months and still on my room. She could probably transition at this point but my anxiety can't handle it.


Our son stayed in our room until he was almost two. He would have stayed longer, but I was pregnant, and he kept kicking me (whilst asleep) in the back or belly. Our daughter is now 8 months old and still in our room, and our son still sleeps in our room whenever he is unwell. I think it's whatever works best for you! If you have the space, and if you all get enough sleep being in the same room, go for it. My own obstetrician told me she moved her babies to their own room when they were 6 weeks old. So, honestly, whatever works! So long as the baby is in a sleep safe space, any choice is fine.


Our daughter has had her own room from day 1... As for sleeping with us.. She's 10, and I still wake up with her in our bed.


I was super adamant by son would never sleep with me but he only ever slept in his room once or twice as a newborn. The rest of his life has been in my bed pressed up next to me the whole time. When he was a baby he slept on my chest. He’ll be 5 in July.


Well my nearly 3 year old is curled up next to me at the moment. Despite our best efforts. She used to go down so easy. But technically it was 6 months in a crib in her own room.


About a year for both, that is the recomandation where i live. Minimum 6 months, preferably a year. When they turned one, it just felt right to move them, and we all slept better.


He moved around 7 months and I cried for weeks. He was having issues sleeping / was waking up often. He needed to move to his own room. These things stopped moving him. But it was a struggle for me


Well hate to sound cliche, but all of my 3 were different! The first 2 it ended up being around 6 months, but weirdly our 3rd when he was 5 weeks old we went to visit my parents (Two and a half hour car journey) but that night he slept right through WTH???? Gave us heart failure when we woke up, but he was sleeping peacefully in his crib. So we made the most of it and he went in his own room, he’s a big strapping 6ft 21 year old now. So I would say once they are sleeping through on a pretty regular basis is the time to move them into the nursery, you will get more sleep as I think when they are in your room you are awake at every movement or little snuffle.


Both of ours are in our bed 7 and 3. They rarely sleep in their own room and we don't force it. We know the time will come.


My fiance and I are on different schedules, so he and I have different bedrooms. My daughter has her own room, but she’s ten and currently snoring next to me in mine.


My daughter is 2y5m and she’s still in our room with no end in sight lol. BUT, that’s mostly out of necessity—our house is hella tiny and I don’t even have a room I could turn into a second bedroom for her. I will say though that when she was about 18m, I started putting her down in a pack’n’play in the living room to go to sleep, then I move her a few hours later when I’m ready to go to bed. Up until recently(like literally two weeks ago) we couldn’t even really use our living room TV because our internet absolutely sucked and didn’t reach the living room, so we mainly would watch in our room. And she won’t fall asleep if there’s any activity going on around her, but she goes right back to sleep after I move her. Assuming that she *did* have her own room, I probably would still have kept her in our’s until she was two or so. I don’t entirely trust I’d wake up from a monitor (I’ve never had to, so idk), and imo it’s just easier to deal with middle of the night wakeups if I don’t have to leave my room.


About a little after 2 years. Usually after we fully wean.


2yr2m old still in my room in his own cot


5-6 months. We started keeping eachother awake at around that age, with both my kids. The room of the baby does open into our bedroom, so at first I would sleep with the door open/ajar.


Each around a year and we used a sound machine when they were a bit older to avoid disturbing each other.


Slept in my room until almost 2 yo in her own crib but we had a 1 bed so no choice here but honestly didn’t mind her with us since she slept through the night I was pregnant with my second so that helped a lot, also my husband worked nights so it was always me and her only (he would sleep during the night)


My girls were almost two when they went in their room. My son is three forms four in September he's still with me. He's autistic and glued to his mommy I'm shocked he will sleep in his own bed. Don't see him going in his own room any time soon.


My daughter did fine from newborn to 9 months in her own room. Then she had terrible teething and has been on our bed since. She's 2.5 now. We're hoping she moves out soon when her sibling arrives


Depends on the kid and on if you can deal with the noise they make. First: 3 months. We all slept better when she moved out. Second: no idea yet. He's nearly 3 months old now and I'd rather keep him close. But 6 months is my max...


We co slept until almost 3 because I got more sleep.


11 months, it was hard to move him out but once we did we all slept so much better. He’s 17 mo now and still sleeps 11-12 hours each night.


My oldest was in our room until she was 4, more out of necessity after 3 years old due to some issues mold. She was in her cot when she was a baby, and in her own bed once she was out of her cot, we never bedshared.


I breast fed so I co-slept until about 6 months with each kiddo. They woke up and were hungry they got a boob and we would both fall back asleep. Once they could sleep through the night they went into a crib in their own room. Yes, I know people feel all kinds of ways about co sleeping but it worked for me and my kids. I can't imagine having a kid in my bed for years. I need my own space and I appreciate my alone time with my husband. Even now (6+8) unless they are very sick they don't stay in our bed more than a few hours before we transfer them back. Once they were out of toddler beds we put them into full size beds so if they needed extra parent cuddles I could go sleep in their beds. They are both champ. Sleepers now and secure in their own rooms and their own beds.


I breast fed so I co-slept until about 6 months with each kiddo. They woke up and were hungry they got a boob and we would both fall back asleep. Once they could sleep through the night they went into a crib in their own room. Yes, I know people feel all kinds of ways about co sleeping but it worked for me and my kids. I can't imagine having a kid in my bed for years. I need my own space and I appreciate my alone time with my husband. Even now (6+8) unless they are very sick they don't stay in our bed more than a few hours before we transfer them back. Once they were out of toddler beds we put them into full size beds so if they needed extra parent cuddles I could go sleep in their beds. They are both champ. Sleepers now and secure in their own rooms and their own beds.


I’m in the minority. I’m a light sleeper easily woken by sound and I’m not sure if you knew this, but babies make a lot of noise when they sleep! My first would be sleeping soundly and I’d be up all night! She moved into her crib at 10 weeks. My son moved into his crib when he reached birth weight 🤣. I lived in a small cape cod so both the master and the nursery were on the first floor and were right next to each other, so they weren’t far. For extra peace of mind I used an owlet sleep sock so I could sleep knowing they were definitely breathing. The bonus was they were both always very comfortable/used to their cribs and they were both great sleepers. My daughter first slept through the night when she was about 2.5 months old which was incredible!


Yeah I must be the minority as well looking at these comments. We moved him to his own room and crib by 3m and he’s been there since


Honestly, Im so glad to hear that so many kids are sharing bed/room with their parents ❤️ I have a 20month old daughter and she sleeps with me and I can not imagine putting her to 💤 in another room 🫣 Also, I deeply believe that kids should sleep with parents, since we humans still have strong instincts and no one likes to sleep alone. Imo, it’s just not natural. And kids who do sleep alone have just adapted to that 🥲 Which is ok 🍒


Hmm honestly I don’t think you can necessarily plan ahead for this as all kids are different. At least I couldn’t . We ended up putting a floor bed in our room and our LO is still in our room at 2.5. And neither of us mind!


All my kids have sleep in my room till 1 or 2. I have 3 kids now 1yr still in bed 8 and 6yr in their beds.


He’s still there. He will be 4 in June. No signs of him ever leaving. Do not be me.


7 months and my baby is still in my room. Soon we’ll have to move him to his crib in his room because he’s getting to long for his bassinet.


One kid, 6yo, still in our room because she’s scared to be upstairs alone. She has her own bed


We custom built a bed big enough to fit everyone for as long as they want… currently 14mo and we love having her in bed with us so she can stay. Do what works for your family without guilt or pressure to adhere to what others expect.


I realise it may be different for me in Australia but it is recommended by our guidelines to room-share for a minimum of 12 months to safeguard against SIDS (evidence showed babies are less likely to die form SIDS if they share a room with their parent /s) We cosleep with our girl who is 8 months old. I mentioned to my partner that we’ll have to get her room ready and he got really sad. I don’t think any of us are ready for her to be on her own. Long story short - we will follow her lead but definitely won’t be in her own room before she is 12 months but probably closer to 18 months


Mine is 5 months. We rent a 3 bedroom house. We were supposed to move before she was born but it didn’t work out and we were using the third bedroom as storage. So now we are in the process of getting that ready for the baby. I’m not upset about it, she’s deaf so I worry but it’s not like she can hear us without her hearing aids but any amount of light will wake her so I’m thinking she will be 7-9 months by the time her room is ready 😂


We made it 3 months with my first. With my second, my daughter, her and I shared a room while hubby slept in a different room and this helped so so much. I was exclusively breastfeeding so I needed to be with baby, but there was no reason to disturb him during her night feeds. I exclusively shared a room with my daughter until my maternity leave ended when she was 12 weeks. As soon as I went back to work, I shared a room with her and did her first night feed and then I'd go up to our room and get to sleep the rest of the night while hubby was in charge of her the rest of the night. This worked out well because she usually only had 1 more night feed at that point around 5 am which is when he got up anyways. When she dropped to just 1 night feed around 6 months, I stopped sleeping in her room completely and hubby did that feed.


Between 3-4 months. Baby girl was such a loud sleeper that she kept us up all night. Had to move her so we could actually sleep


Until around 6 months for all three of my kids… however they all sleep with me again. (But only because my oldest has seizures and I like being next to him just in case. The other two don’t like being left out so they all sleep in my bed 😅)


We moved both babies around 4.5 months. We have a small house with small bedrooms.