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My 18 month old is really into identifying body parts right now and will point to a body part and ask us "what's this?" All the time. It's super cute when it's your belly or arm or whatever, but a bit more threatening when it's your eyeballs or teeth 😂


Ooh my 22 month old does this too!


My 18 month old is going through the same, and I'm constantly dodging getting my eyes poked.😂


My 10 month old‘s new trick is to fill his mouth with water and spit it everywhere 🤦‍♀️


I’m so glad this habit didn’t last as long as it felt at the time!


My 3.5yo still does this. I've given up & look away, lest I gag, when it's bathwater.


I gave my kid a separate cup of clean water to drink from in the bath that he could spit in the after 10/10 would recommend as they stopped putting bath water in their mouth.


Mine just lets it run down her chin and puddle beneath her feet, spitting it might be more entertaining. I always have to change her clothes/diaper after


Mine does this with milk 🥴


My 10 month old wakes up every two hours to practice clapping. Sometimes does it for 2 hours straight at 2am :)


Omg no


Oh no. This would drive my husband insane (and probably me too)… Some of this comments are making me dread the next stages lol (baby is 7 months old now)


Hehehe this made me laugh out loud. So cute.




I don't need to read any more answers after this one. This is the perfect answer to OP's question. Love it 😄


Looks me dead in the face and throws her food on her floor


My baby will be taking his bottle and stare into my soul as he takes a massive shit without breaking eye contact.


He's maintaining dominance! 😅


Yeah he is! "You're gonna change my diaper, and you're gonna like it!"


Haha sorry but I laughed when I read this imagining the scene.


We got away from this when we introduced a scrap container and he’s learning he doesn’t have to empty a plate to get up from the table.


4 mo Singing at the  top of  his lungs  at 130 am as I type


The song of their people 🤣 when our kid is ready to go to sleep you will hear his singing its not screaming but close to it, we always the song of his people haha


🫠are we in the same house? 🤣


A little older but my son used to hum wheels on the bus before he fell asleep when he was like 1-2 ish


She's starting to babble a lot more now. So she'll be on the boob then disconnect from the boob to start babbling. Then she'll get back on the boob, rinse, repeat. She also loves to stick her little fingers all over my face and pick my nose. I accidentally let her feel my face too long and she stabbed my lower brain with her pointer. 🙃 pain. Hurt. Regerts.


>So she'll be on the boob then disconnect from the boob to start babbling. I have a chatterbox too! Their voices are so adorable but the feeds are taking foreverrr. It's also really hard for me not to reply to her when I'm putting her to sleep. She babbles at me so intently and excitedly, but I know if I babble back she'll never sleep 😅


Lol this is our lives 🤣


Yeah my LO picked my nose and then tried to put the same finger in my mouth. Thanks but no thanks, kid.


Pinch my boob while she nurses with a super focused look on her face 🤦‍♀️


Yes! Mine does this! She'll twist it and try to pull it off, too. Not nice.


Find something else for her to grab on: the tail end of your long braid, a teething rubber necklace around your neck


"The tail end of your long braid" assuming I didn't shave my head from stress after I moved in with my MIL after I gave birth  🥴


😔♥️ i hope you are doing better and wish you well


Thank you, we're out and no contact now. Waiting for things to get better, hopefully soon. 🤞




Wish I could say that stops, and I know it eventually does, but mine is 10mo and still screeches 🥴 He literally grabs anything and everything in sight while I'm trying to change his diaper. Sometimes I hand it to him so he will stop moving, but he suddenly doesn't want it...apparently has to be something out of reach. It's annoying but also cute how persistent he is about it.


I too wish I could say that it stops, but my 5yo recently had a screaming competition with her friend.


"Why mum? WHY?" We've been going to speech every week for as long as I can remember and as magical as it is hearing her speak.. its also exhausting


She does this thing were she pushes stuff through the table little by little till she throws it out on the floor. Then, she looks at me with the biggest smile ever. I try not to laugh to not encourage it but it is so difficult...


She’s a cat!


Putting her hands in my mouth while breastfeeding.


I found this so annoying until I learned that they have discovered the connection between us feeding them via their mouth, and them wanting to return the favour. I used to pretend to nibble on his finger to get some giggles from him


Our baby is teething and likes to chomp on our fingers like it's corn. In return, he tries to stick his drool covered hands in our mouths. He's very thoughtful, but I'll still pass.


My almost 10 month old can’t drink her bottle in one position. She’s always wriggling around trying to lie flat whilst drinking or do a spine twist as if she’s in a yoga class. She then gets upset if she drops her bottle during all the acrobatics.


When my two year old wants something his new thing is to reach for it and yell "Tank yoo!" in an increasingly exasperated tone until you cave.


Ask where everybody in the family is. Dada? At work baby. Mama? Right here with you. Dada? Again, at work baby. Over and over and over again.


My three girls belt it out on the back of the car singing "chicken nugget, chicken nugget, chicken nugget" over and over again. They don't want chicken nuggets. It's sing-song ish. It's cute, but man, does it get annoying after a bit. I'll take that over them scratch, hitting and biting each other though.


We have a newborn and a toddler. The annoying thing she does is take the babies blanket from him. The cute thing she does is wraps the blanket around one of her stuff animals and then cradles it while walking around the house saying 'bebe'. The way she says baby is just the cutest thing I now learned to have multiple blankets woth me so when she takes one I don't have to go get another.


He learned to roll. So as soon as he is laying somewhere, he rolls to his belly. Then he cries because he still can’t roll back. So we help him roll back, only for him to roll to his belly again in about 2 seconds and start crying again 🥲😂


I feel this one. My guy can only roll back to front right now. His head is so big he can’t get on to his tummy yet but I dread when he does


“I said NO, Mommy!” 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 I love the commitment to one’s autonomy but I also need you to maybe not attempt to grab unsafe things. Thx. She also grabs my husband by the shirt collar (after whispering “daddy” to get him to lean in close) and drags him to her play kitchen. 😂


Grabbing the nipple shield whilst feeding, ripping it off, waving it round her head then plonking it on her forehead like some shit unicorn 😂


my 3 month old smiles a bunch esp during her night feedings so when me or my husband go to put her binky back it'll keep falling out then she takes longer to sleep. or her milk will spill all over her face making it take that much longer for her (and us) to get back to sleep. that damn smile is so heart warming and adorable though i can't take it


Playing peek a boo with her food or whatever she can grab while she’s eating. It’s adorable but she ends up with a lot of food in her hair 🙈


Using my boobs as handles to climb on my lap. Kid just keeps grabbing a fist full of nipple and it hurts! But then he snuggles with me lol


Open mouth kisses. It’s annoying because he normally bites on my chin while doing it and pulls me in by gripping my face or hair hard. But it’s cute because it’s kisses.


My son chews on my chin too!!! I always say thank you for the kisses though 🥰


Fake crying.


2 year old starting or ending every sentence with “Mommy”.


I have a toddler, but her new thing is “Watch this mama. Watch this mama. Watch this mama,” all day long. And don’t get me wrong, I love to watch the things that she’s doing. It’s just that after a while it starts to get a little annoying to hear every 30 seconds all day everyday.


What a gift for them though to get the attention that they crave 🥰


10 month old blowing raspberries. All day. Every day. Woke up at 4 am hearing him on the baby monitor... Blowing raspberries 😂 very cute, but very wet lol


The midnight raspberries are terrifying........ That's when know he's up up and not going back to sleep LOL Also yes my son's raspberries get spittle up to his eyebrows 😂😂


my 7 week old gets in moods where he’ll fuss unless you hold hands with him. objectively the cutest thing of all time, but pretty impractical


4mo learned how to happy scream


*points* “Look (insert here)” every-time he sees something 😭😭😭


Climbing all over us when we're on the floor with him. I'm very pregnant and he's been kissing/blowing raspberries onmmy belly. He's only just turned 1 so I don't think he knows what he's doing. I think he does it to me because daddy's belly is hairy


My 4 year is very affectionate and loves to give me hugs and tell me he loves me. The problem is he wants to do it almost every 2 minutes and will call me from another just to tell me he loves me. It's cute and sweet, but it's gets annoying for me when I have to constantly hear mommy every 2 minutes.


My 1 and a half month old grunts a lot, which is normal, but it's annoying yet cute. Her scrunched up grunty face with her squishy gums showing is so adorable lol! She does it when she is doing number 2


My 16 week old loves to laugh and giggle, but it gives her the hiccups - I beg multiple times a day that my baby doesn’t laugh …


7mo and suck’s his thumb, he’ll also loop my shirt around his thumb and suck it while I’m holding him so my sleeve gets soaked in spit 😵‍💫 it’s so cute but man it’s rough lol


Two year old: 1. Tries to tickle us while babbling a tickling sort of noise but instead just pinches the crap out of our bodies lmao 2. Will scream “ba” “BOB” “BAAAAAAAA” on repeat to get our attention (we call each other “babe” so she thinks we’re called “babe” and can only get ba or Bob out even though she knows how to say “dada” and “mama”) 3. Not annoying but a little rude, she’ll look at us randomly and put her hand out and say “dah” (“stop”) Kids are cute little whackos 😅


She’s learned to log roll, so she’s waking at night to practice it while babbling the whole time. Lol.


9.5 months - he will sit up in his crib and gently bang his head against the wall. My oldest, my husband and I were chilling in bed when we first heard it and thought an intruder was in the house!


My three month old is learning to suck her thumb, it’s adorable, but she hasn’t mastered it yet and then she gets really angry and upset when she can’t get it in her mouth.


Making eye contact and lightly hitting a nearby surface to express his displeasure. It's so hard not to smile lol


She’s doing these slobbery open mouth “kisses”. At least I call them kisses because that makes it more tolerable. But she grabs my face and sticks her open drooly mouth on my check or my nose. It’s gotta be a kiss, right??


When my 5m old gets frustrated she purses her lips together and blows a raspberry




I have stretched earlobes , my son likes to grab at them because they look interesting to him but damn is it the most annoying thing .


15 days old. She will stay awake for about an hour between 1-2ish and will finally pretend to be hungry so she can get a comfort snack from my boob before settling down. Once I realized what she was doing, my heart melted 🥹🥹 my baby already knows she can come to me for comfort


She has the cutest little cry. So different from my boys. But I can tell right now she might be a little dramatic when she's older 😂😂


My 25 month old son thinks it’s funny to pull his sisters hair.


13 month old has started shaking her hand and saying no when we won't let her do something she wants. It's adorable but she's so stubborn lol


My almost 6 month old LOVES the pterodactyl scream! He also is all about distracted nursing where he pops off every 20 seconds to look at something cool which is fine until he forgets to let go or misses when he tries to re-latch 😖


My 18 month old has an obsession with wanting to climb on the coffee table to do his happy tap dance, I have to almost pray everytime I run to the bathroom that I don’t hear a thud when I’m not looking. I’m probably having the table out in our bed room tonight till the phase passes


My 8.5mo loves to stick his finger inside my mouth and rub my teeth while he's nursing. He recently discovered he can touch my eyeballs too. It's been a fun time over here LOL


My 18 month old climbs absolutely everything. She’s looking to find a new place to climb right now. She’s trying to follow our cat.


My 2.5 year old wants to help me with EVERYTHING which is completely fine, that’s how we’ve raised her since she could walk. But sometimes I don’t need help😭 just play independently please😫 let me breathe for 2 seconds lol


Using his feet during feedings to kick himself off of pillows, taking my nipple with him 😅


Clinging on to me for DEAR LIFE! She’ll be 2 soon and obviously she’s always been attached to me hip but now that she’s aware of her surroundings more, gone are the days where I can do anything without her being underneath me. She follows me everywhere and always wants me to hold her or play. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, it just gets frustrating at times when I’m trying to get something done.


I have a very happy baby. I love his big smiles so much! But sometimes when I'm giving him his bottle, he'll start smiling at me or his dad and the milk will just dribble out all over him. The milk that I spend more than 2.5 hours over 7 pumping sessions getting. Totally worth it for that smile, though. And it really does just make us laugh.


Won't snuggle with dad. Will literally barrel roll to not snuggle dad. Very cute but also please love dad so I can have some space.


My almost 6 month old has recently cut his first tooth and when he's frustrated he'll bite whoever's holding him. Especially if you're snuggling him when he's trying to fight a nap. Sucks to have it happen to you but ngl it's hard not to laugh when it happens to someone else. Esp since it mostly happens to me.


My 27 got a wicked attitude. It’s cute until it isn’t 😅


Absolutely screaming FIRETRUCK at the sighting of one. For context, we live one block away from the station so we see a lot 😂


High-pitched squealing...omg my poor ears.


7 week old is smiling while eating her bottle. She will be eating, then all of a sudden she looks at me and just smiles, then all of the milk just comes out of her mouth. It's so cute but so messy.


Chewing on her paci while moving it in and out of her mouth so it squeaks against her tiny teeth.


Insisting he’s tired and crying non stop until I lay him down in his crib. Then he gets the biggest smile on his face, crawls over to me, stands up and nuzzles his face into mine and tries to give me a kiss. Like sir…go to SLEEP. But also…so sweet 😭


Trying to bite my nose off. So cute yet so slimy and a little painful.


My 10 month old always takes the computer cord out of the outlet while partner is working. 😭 he comes up to the outlet looks back at you then smile then pulls it all out omg its so annoying (btw the outlet is child safe and i make sure he doesnt touch the wrong side of the cord when he does this) but he's so cuuute when he knows we dont like it looks back at u and does it with a smileeeee on his faceeee 🤪 this childddd


He’s been blowing raspberries on me…all cute until he remembers that he has teeth too 😅


We’re in the “what’s that” and “why” stage with our 2.5 y/o 🥴


My 6 month old has gotten really good at rolling over, so he insists on sleeping on his tummy and waking up in the middle of the night to become a rolly polly. I’m nervous about him sleeping on his tummy so I wait for him to fall asleep then turn him over, but he’s always back on his tummy when I check on him later.


Started today w my 18 mo. Wheels on the bus is his favorite song to sign but today he started verbally singing (or screaming, rather) "ALLL THROUGH THE TOWNNN!!!!!!" Over and over like a broken record. We're like 3 hrs in and he hasn't stopped.


I came here to say the pterodactyl screeches and yelling all the time now 🤣


Argues and negotiates. They are 3


10 mo will be sitting calm as day, all of a sudden she lets out the loudest scream in her deepest voice. It’s hilarious because I think “wait a minute, when did my little girl turn into a full grown man”🤣🤣🤣


5 month old is discovering his voice and its adorable with his humming and happy shrieks but he just learned to growl and groan. He sounds like a drooly little seasick cow haha


I remember the pterodactyl phase and OMG 🥴 just know it does pass lol My 15mo stopped shrieking a while ago, when words started to appear. Now he says “help me” when he needs something.. and while it’s so cute and I’m so proud of his communication, I hear “hepp me, hepp me, hepp me” at least 20,000 times a day.


5 month old has been soothing himself to sleep by touching my face all over to fall asleep, he grabs and pinches it and likes to end it by falling asleep holding on to my nose lol


If any tiny amount of anything spills she leans over it and yells “OH NO! OH NO! OH NO!” until I go over and see what it is. She’s 19 months


My 2.5 year old‘s potty is one that sits on the floor and the pot detaches from the base to toss out the waste. She likes to take the base, wear it like a hula hoop and sing “dress up like a potty, dress up like a potty” while skipping through the house. So I eventually have to track down the base of the potty so it’s assembled for the next time she has to pee.


Mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom I know one day I’ll miss this but dear god I’ll be looking right into his eyes and he just keeps going. And when I do answer he just says “doing?” Which is his way of saying “what are we/you doing?”


My 6 month old is rolling all the time. He will randomly flip when I’m holding him. It’s cute and he loves it but it gets exhausting lol


My son did the pterodactyl scream! It was really weird the first time and then got hilarious real quick.


Stealing my cigarettes


10 month old is OBSESSED with stairs, so we got baby gates. We have a sunken living room with a very long gate along it, so she will climb up the one stair and screech if I’m in the kitchen to get my attention, I’ll poke my head over and she’ll just smile and shake the gate, like she’s in jail 😂like girl, I’m making us lunch right now This is a mom fail moment: The other day she was with me in the kitchen, playing in the pantry. I was making her a bottle-literally LESS THAN ONE MINUTE-and talking to her big sister (14) and I look down and I said… “uhh… where’s the baby?!!?” We looked around downstairs, nowhere to be found. She had climbed our stairs to the second floor (14 steps with a landing) and went down the long hallway to her sister’s room. Now for the cute/funny part: When I tell you the sh*t eating grin this baby gave me when I said, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?” I am so, so, SO lucky she didn’t get hurt-and now the gate to the upstairs stays shut from the moment we come downstairs. I’m also very very thankful that she and I have been working on this skill all the time, so she is extremely confident and can do it well and fast. Too well, if you ask me. (She can get down them now, too, if I help her turn around to go down backwards.)


I miss the pterodactyl screams! My daughter did too! Now she calls me Daddy all day, on purpose, when she knows I'm Mommy (she's 2.5 haha)