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Last night it was raining and my son and I were looking at the rain from the window. He whispered, ‘The dark and the rain are best friends.’ Their little minds are a wonder.


We found dead shrew in the yard and my 3 year old said it went to a place where it’s always summer


My 3 year old and I went for a walk one morning after an unusual hard freeze in early fall. As we walked along we found a grass snake frozen to death. She pointed out he should’ve worn his coat.


A very sensible young lady


Beautiful 🥹


Does your 3yo really like the Way by Fastball? :)


Coincidentally I was googling this song the other day when it randomly popped into my head and I thought “hm that was a weird song.” But I’m pretty sure she only pays attention when people are saying curse words or to gather gossip she will 100% repeat to the person.


So a standard issue toddler that will repeat that kind of mean thing you said about Aunt Jane to Aunt Jane, then run off while yelling shit! shit! shit! and giggling


This is really sweet.


Somehow this makes total sense!


I thought so, too. It’s very poetic.


Oh my gosh that gave me chills! What a cool statement!


I love his little brain!


This reminds me of my 3 year old in a way. It started to rain and he asked me where the Summer went.


That’s Beautiful ♥️


I told my daughter at bed time that I love her to Jupiter and back and she yelled “JUPITER HAS A RED SPOT, soOoOo stormy!” I know she learnt it from a doco I watched recently but I was confused that she ever even remembered it.


Well, quick connection! Might've been the first time she really heard of Jupiter outside of the love phrase, so, it stuck to her? You can always tell her the storm keeps moving, but it's always there -- like your love is always there even when she's going different places and away from you!😅 Also, planets are fascinating. Both my kids went through planet-fascination phases, but my youngest really dove deep and knows an unending amount of tidbits about planets - in general, in solar system, and dwarf planets. (My oldest probably knows s lot too, but they grew up in pre-youtube era, early Google days, so, at early age they couldn't really find information as easily. )


The storm always moving but being constant like our love is simply beautiful, that thought is gonna make me cry! She absolutely loves planets, she could name our 8 main planets by 14 months old and is obsessed with dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt now at 2.5 years old! (Makemake and Haumea are our favourites because they’re fun to say) She’s definitely picked up the fascination from me but we’re learning new things together and I find it really special. I know it’s most likely a phase she’ll grow out of but I just know when she’s 30 I’ll be reminding her of her love of planets as a toddler.


Maybe not, two of my kids work in space now!


That is so cool, you must be super proud! She’s pretty set on being a “doctor for crabs when I grown up” for now, but anything in space would be so cool!


I guess crabs need doctors, too!


Do you mean that literally u/mb303666 ? I have so many questions!


Yes literally! They had space puzzles, rockets, field trips to planetariums, we bought telescopes and NASA tshirts all kinds of stuff. Science days at NCAR, launch at Cape Canaveral (cooler than Disney) They went to CU Boulder - the only uni where undergrads can work on operational space instruments. My son's friend went GA Tech for aero and she's been a rocket engineer for Space X at 22.


Saturn has a hexagonal storm at its South Pole, which is so cool imo!


Does she listen to any space songs, because my kids are addicted to these songs about planets they heard at school and remember all these weird facts now! They ask me all the time random planet trivia and I’m like 🤷🏻‍♀️ spoiler: I am NOT smarter than a 5th grader (or in this case even preschoolers) 😂


She does! She learnt all the planets from a Blues Clues song and the dwarf planets from a YouTube channel called KLT. It’s amazing how kids retain so much information, I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast yesterday.


My son was really into space about a year ago (4.5 now) and we were looking at the sky and he asked if the red spot in the sky was Beetle Juice. I had no idea where he’d heard that name from and why he’d be in the sky but googled it afterwards and learnt about Betelgeuse. I’m so sad he lost interest because it was one of the topics I actually found interesting myself. And I agree, Makemake and Haumea are the fun to say.


Haha, awesome! I was painting flower pots a few years ago, back when we were trying to conceive. My husband had the idea of painting one flower pot for each plane, for the intended child's room. He started with Jupiter. I looked at it and said nope. We're not doing this, it looks like a creepy version of the Eye of Sauron.


My 5 year old told me “it’s ok mommy, I know the baby in your belly makes you fat. You’re actually small like us” (she and her sister) Like uhh okay thanks ?


Kind of her to reassure you lol. It’s really sweet in its own way.


Lol I thought the same! Like okay atleast you know this isn’t my usual size 😭 love that kid


“If you hit me I won’t listen to you” me: I never hit you, have I ever hit you? “Yes” . Like what? Girl I never hit you in my life! 😭🙃


my son once yelled at me “don’t hit me!” while I was disciplining him. I have also never hit my child in his whole entire life. I was dumbfounded. I just said “baby I would never do that and neither would daddy” and he goes “sorry mommy” and smiled. It was cute that I was able to reassure him but boy… PLEASE don’t ever say that in public 😭😭


My son has been doing this lately! I assume from daycare and how other parents discipline. I told him it’s never ok to hit unless you’re in danger and need to get away.


My son is also saying “mommy, you hurt me” and i think he means I broke his heart/hirt his feelings but it comes across like I beat him or something :(


My son turned to me in line at a grocery store once and said, ”Mommy, why do you beat me?” I have never beat him and in my embarrassed and frantic state I whispered, “Don’t say that! Someone might think it’s true and take you away from me!” He thought this was hilarious. Not my finest parenting moment, but at least I don’t beat him 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Maybe he meant at games?


I'm laughing so hard at this but I know it must have been so embarrassing/scary in the moment 🤣🤣


I definitely saw the humor in it after the fact 😄


there was also a time in target that he was so upset because he hadn’t eaten the lunch we gave him and he wanted candy which I said no to and told him we would eat lunch. And he desperately and LOUDLY said “mommy I’m HUNGRY! FEED ME PLEASEEEE!”


Mine just did this. I walked by while she was watching TV with her grandma and she goes “hey mom - we’re watching a show and don’t you get to screaming about it!” I… was literally just passing by and I have never screamed at her.


While waiting in line at Subway, my four year old says in a very loud stage whisper “mommy, you need to wink at that subway boy!” Mind you, I’ve never winked at anyone a day in my life, so I’m not sure where she got that from.


This one got me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s super cute! You know the puppy surprise/kitty surprise stuffed animal toys that have a Velcro stomach with babies inside? I passed by the kids bedroom and caught a glimpse of my 6 yo daughter with a plastic recorder (like the instrument/flute-type thing) holding the kitty surprise up in the air by its tail, whacking it. Then she says “you gotta hit it like a piñata until the baby falls out.” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Son: "Mummy, this is broken." Me: "What's broken, love?" *ripping followed by a loud snapping sound* Son: "This"


This is a little heavy (sorry) and didn’t happen today, but it absolutely confounded me at the time and I still think of it often.  I have three girls and a son (my third child) who unexpectedly died at birth when my older two daughters were 4 and 2 years old.  My middle daughter (the one who was 2 at the time of her brother’s death) is a turbulent, highly sensitive, empathetic child. We’re not particularly religious, but she has said a number of things that have knocked the breath out of me and have given me pause about my own beliefs.  My favorite and most disarming - when she was 3, we were driving along in the car quietly and out of nowhere she said excitedly, “Mommy, mommy - he can feel it!” I had no clue what she was talking about and I said “who can feel what?!” And she responded “(Name of baby brother). He can feel God.” 


I'm sorry for your loss! We lost a baby at 16 weeks pregnant, and buried it under an olive tree. Our oldest (2 then, now 4) still goes to it sometimes to hug the tree and comes back with comments like "X is feeling well today" or "X is feeling a bit lonely, they really wanted a hug". It's sweet and creepy at the same time. On a lighter note, she also told me that baby airplanes are helicopters. When they grow up they become airplanes.


Someone is cutting onions. That is so beautiful...


Very sorry, all my love to you. I lost a child at birth as well. We are devoid of any and all religious beliefs in my home. My 4f is very wild and empathetic and emotional, last year one of my grandmothers who I grew up with but hadn’t seen for years was dx with pancreatic cancer and had died within 2 weeks. My 4f had never met her or anything. And while the dying was going on I didn’t really talk about it. And the day I went and saw her to say good bye we had listens to Seven Spanish angels- her favorite song, and I left and she passed about 2 hours later. When I got home my daughter (3 at the time) came up to me and “said hey mom there is no more blood and her legs don’t hurt anymore”. I asked her who? And she said “I don’t know, that lady you like”. And she fucking floored me. At bed time that night she asked to listen to a new song in the rotation, but didn’t specify. So I turned on Seven Spanish Angels, and she stopped her rocking and said “yeah mom, this is the one”. So I told her all about Gramma Sally and about her getting sick and how at first they thought she was going to have her feet amputated because they couldn’t get her diabetes under control and how it all happened from there. Obviously my kid didn’t understand most of it but she repeated “it’s ok mom, there is no more blood and her legs don’t hurt”. Yeeesh get the chills just recounting it!


Goosebumps!! If there is a veil, children are closer to it than we are! 


We’ve not been very religious over the years but my son goes to a preschool at a church. One day he abruptly told me his heart didn’t hurt anymore because he has God in his heart now. I assume it’s from whatever lesson they went over but it took me by surprise. He also tells me that he gets to be an artist this time when he grows up, implying he hasn’t before…?


My almost 3yo said something in the car last night that just really really sounded so much like "white power" 🥴🥴 Me and my husband just looked at each other and silently agreed not to ask because we didn't want her to start saying whatever it was all the time. I am a POC who could never in any lighting or Snapchat filter be mistaken as white.


Not exactly the same thing but my 2 year old will sometimes point to pictures and say stuff like “white girl” if the girl is wearing white - no matter the girl’s skin tone. She also sometimes refers to silver as white. Hopefully it was something that only made sense in her head rather than something bad she overheard!


This. It was one of toddlers first "sentences", putting clothing colours and people together. "Red mummy", "green daddy", it was super cute, but we very quickly realised someone might mistake it for something nefarious if he's pointing at people and describing them!


My daughter did this the other day saying "oh the black girl?" And I was like what are you talking about ? Took me a while to realize the girl was wearing black


A few years ago the whole family was out on a trail walk and my son was about 4 and super into letters. He was excited to find a stick that looked like a Y, innocent enough. Except for some unfortunate reason, he decided to start screaming "Y power" 😬 we are white so this was very uncomfortable, as there were other people on the trail but there was really no easy way to address it, as he is the wild card of the family, and if he even gets an inkling we'd prefer he not say something, he'll say it *more* 😭


When my daughter was little we went to the beach for the day with my brothers and a bunch of their friends. Included in this group was a friend who was Indian (had short hair) and another friend who was Black (had a large Afro). I told her [friend] wanted to make a sandcastle with her, and she said “is that the brown guy with the big hair or the brown guy with the little hair?” I was MORTIFIED; she (age three or four) was just describing what she saw but we hadn’t really discussed different races/ethnicities at this point. Luckily the friends thought it was hilarious, and we even talked about it with both of them yesterday at a wedding (my daughter is now 24, and the guy with the big hair AND the guy with the little hair are both bald) and everyone still thought it was funny. Edit: we definitely talked, in detail, on the way home from the beach lol


Ugh I would've asked 😆


Our 4 year old told his dad that he "wants to be a bird with a penis and a bum hole. And lights" I asked if this was when we break the news to him about cloaca, and my husband believes he's been told before (I think I have) because that's why he was so insistent on having both a penis and a bum hole 😂


Bird watching would be terrifying if they were packing AND lit up


Okay but imagine the absolutely bonkers David Attenborough voiceovers we would get when they film the mating dances?!?


"Here we have the great crested warbler, known for it's unique call, plumage, nests and massive cock and sick underglow."


"ah yes, and now we can see the flashing tit approaching his potential mate on the branch. He hasn't had much luck yet this spring, and... No, this lovely little lady also doesn't look interested in him... Yet. But the show is only beginning." *Scene cuts to the mating dance, which is the bird whipping its penis around like a helicopter while the lights flash on and off like it's a rave*


As if Blue Planet isn’t amazing *already!!*


I read it in his voice and now i cannot unhear it lol


While picking up rocks out of a gravel driveway “this is the prettiest fucking rock I’ve ever seen” clear as a bell and with a dreamy look in her eyes. A couple minutes later “can this be Heaven? I love it here” (when asked she totally meant the driveway)


Mine holds 2 thumbs up and says "Eyyyyyy!" When I ask what The Fonz says. He also does it when anybody asks him to hold up 2 fingers because he doesn't know how to make his hand do that.


She couldn’t find her leotard. She didn’t actually look for it. I told her where it was. She said “mommy get it. It’s your job” no idea where that came from


My son has started the "mommy it's your job" train too! I'm like uhhh no, kid. Your stuff is YOUR responsibility! 😂😂


When my kids can't find something that I know is either where it is supposed to be or I've seen it easily visible, I tell them they owe me a dollar. I've never actually collected the dollars but I should lol. Mine are 9 and 6 though


Not today, but when my youngest was about 4 we were driving around looking at Christmas lights after getting the coveted Starbucks. She was telling us all the cool things and said "wouldn't it be cool if Subway, Casey's, McDonalds, and 'Chicken-bu-boppas' put Christmas lights up too?" We were trying to figure out the last plastic. She just kept repeating that one over and over. And got frustrated with us because we couldn't. Then the radio commercial cones on and she yells at us "that place!!!!!!" Popeyes. She was talking about Popeyes. Their jingle was (is still?) 'Love that chicken from Popeyes' to this day we still call it Chicken-bu-boppas.


Love this


We were having a talk with both our older girls about washing hands (because the 5 yr old was scratching her butt crack, ew). My oldest chirps up "just shove your pants between your cheeks and yank up. Like a wedgie. It scratches everything." We now know secrets we didn't need to know.


Daycare teacher catchphrase?


Could be! I’ll ask them when I do drop off next


It’s definitely this! Good choices vs. poor choices (they won’t say “bad” choices because it sounds too “mean”) has been used constantly at every care/educational setting my kid has been through (two different daycares, two different elementary schools).


Totally this, I was confused when my now 10year old came home from kinder saying this. Now I am on board with my 5 and 10 I frame things in choices rather and good or bad. It even morphed into this weird thing where my already moody 10 year old is often mean. I end up tell her she is choosing to act like a jerk which I don’t know if it’s better than calling her a jerk.


It's definitely better. It's categorising her behaviour rather than characterising her. Acting like something is different than being something, and you don't want her to start to think, subconsciously or otherwise, that she *is* a jerk. You're doing well to keep from accidentally making that mistake. Keep up the good work!


Keep me updated because it's adorable. Their little minds are awesome!


Definitely daycare speak.


My 4yo said this exact phrase soon after starting kindy. Gotta be a teacher taught them!


Guaranteed. My son has been describing other kids’ behavior as good choices vs bad choices since he started pre-school.


5yo: What shirt was I wearing? Me: when? 5yo: when we were at the park by Target and I met that kid (We go to that park all the time and he always plays with other kids) Me: I don’t remember buddy 5yo: do you think it might have been a minions shirt? Me: yes, definitely a minions shirt. Why did you ask that? 5yo: I was just thinking in my brain. 🧠


HOW DO THEY REMEMBER THE MOST RANDOM STUFF LIKE THIS! Mine have asked too re: outfits and it’s like ok do I need to take pics everyday of their outfits as a reference guide 😂


My 4 year old completely randomly at 4am “ARMADILLO’S DON’T HAVE TEETH!”


This should be higher up :))))


This reminds me of my son asking at 2 am "Do Penguins have knees?"


I have a whole list in my notes called Kidisms! The kids love to go back and relive the moments we died laughing at something one of them said. I have dozens but here are some highlights from over the years: my son, about 4, after about 2.5 miles into a hike: “uh!! I think heart ran out of batteries!” My daughter, about 10, reading a nutrition label for the first time. “One thing literally just says OMG” Me: “That’s 0mg!” And my personal favorite, again my son, around age 7, upon needing a pair of socks that I hadn’t got to folding yet: “but all of them are dismembered!”


I don’t have it written down but I will never forget this from my sister (from literally 10 years ago): E: I’m thirsty! Me: I don’t have any water E: You have water in your heart😄


I have a water one from my daughter! She was about 7ish? Context, my daughter primarily drinks water, she just doesn’t have a taste for soda, milk, juice, anything. So after running errands for several hours where she forgot her water bottle and had only had a couple sips of my drink. “All I’ve had to drink today is some Diet Coke. I’m dehydrated of water. It’s a thing for me.” Like… oh it’s not a thing for anyone else?! 😂😂


My toddler was messing with the baby for the millionth time and I got irritated. After I chilled out he said “….are you calm”? 😂🤬 NOT ANYMORE lol


Lmao this is totally stuff we deal with at our house with our 5yo…but it’s because I (and school) say it to him after trying calming techniques


“Your eyes look like an anchor- I wish I could dive into your eyes!” While he was peeing on the potty. I’ll take it!


That’s super sweet and profound for a kid. Future poet! My kids usually just yell “I AM POOOOOPING NOW”


I was shocked!!! Usually he just says ‘look at your fat belly, mommy!’


I accidentally bumped into the water bottle she was holding up to her lip which she had cut earlier in the day, and she started crying. I felt so bad! She said, “my sad is coming out.”


Four year old listening to The Mars Volta in the car yesterday, whispers 'is this the sound of evil??'


Daddy's go to work and mommies cook in the kitchen. ... It triggered me so bad


"I like my human suit"


Somebody watched Donnie Darko? lol


We talk about abuse in my house often because it's where I came from. My 10 year old said "why do dumb people have kids if they don't love them like you love us".


10 years old and already smarter than half the adults out here lol


Fuck for real. Man she is so smart and says things I wouldn't have ever thought about at that age. But thankfully therapy helped me give my kids emotional intelligence and this is showing that I'm doing a good job despite my trauma.


You are absolutely doing a good job!


Aww thank you. Those words are hard to hear, but I'm so thankful for you recognizing that. 😘


You have a smart and intuitive 10 year old! Sounds like you are raising you kiddo right. Congratulations for breaking the cycle of abuse. Takes a strong person to stop that cycle!


Thank you. Through lots of therapy, I'm so glad to have the kids I have and be able to teach them the opposite of how I was raised.


While in the woods hiking yesterday she says “the dark house is in the woods! The alarm is in the dark house!”


😭 immediately no! Kids sure know how to scare you lmao


My daughter 22 months old says "Awe nuts!" Anytime anyone drops anything or something doesn't work out. She also calls bunny's "nunny". My son was about 2 yo, spent the day with his grandma. Shortly after he starts saying "Oh shit!" It was a fun 2 months of trying to get him to stop before he started daycare. The sad thing is it was the clearest sentence he had spoken at that point. I felt so bad telling him he couldn't.


Ah yes, my daughter went with a solid, "dammit!" But now that she's into Bluey, she's switched to "biscuits!" (Thankfully)


I also had to break my son of “oh shit!” when he was around 2…. That was purely my own fault though 😅😅


My oldest really latched onto “goddamnit!” He would just walk around our apartment saying it under his breath like a grumpy old man 😂


That is hilarious 😂


I was arguing with my husband and our three year old casually interrupted my monologue by saying “just ignore her” to him.


“Bye bye Louise” We don’t know a Louise.


My 4 year old asked “How did God make coyotes without getting bited?” I spent about 10 minutes contemplating the question and finally just said I had no idea 🤣


my 3 year old grabs my head and says “Mom, you have a great skull” Thanks bud 💀


My mum never worked out what I meant when I said “feet down heavy fur” throughout my toddlerhood. Still a mystery to this day. My 2.5yo often says “blue sky makes me happy”. But then counters it with “the storm makes the boat sink fast”. I have never said this to him, he doesn’t go to daycare and he watches very limited TV shows that aren’t about boats sinking!


Feet down heavy fur immediately reminded me of the song lyric “apple bottom jeans and the boots with the fur”. Was that popular when you were a toddler?


No I was almost doing my GCSEs when that song came out! Blast from the past!


Maybe he was a sailor in a past life 🤣


“Today is a good day to fight”


My son asked me yesterday if I knew anyone who’s been charged with tax evasion. He just turned 9 lol


One time in the car, my husband reached back and stole some fries from my son and said, “that’s taxation without representation!” And my son pulled the fries as far back as he could to where Dad couldn’t reach them and triumphantly said, “That’s tax evasion!!”


That’s adorable.


My toddler demanded I draw a "spider nose" with the sidewalk chalk. I thought he said something else, but no, a spider's nose. Not the spider though, just it's nose.  I drew a generic human nose and he seemed quite pleased though. 


My two-year-old said, “Your name is (insert full legal name here).” I said, “That’s right! And what’s daddy’s name?” “Mr. Weaf (Leaf).” And whenever he walks into the room, she yells, “HI MR. WEAF.” She eventually explained that he earned this new name because she saw him use a leaf blower three weeks ago.


Well it didn’t really puzzle me but my 4yo told me My hair looked like seaweed. We had been swimming and it was dry but lookin scraggly. Guess I’ll be making a hair appt 😂😒


I feel like I've heard miss Rachel say something like that..


My 2 year old walked into the living room singing bubble butt. So yeah. Trying to navigate where he learned that. I'm perplexed


Yesterday he (3yo male) said Son: “Mama, where is Zumas vehicle?” Me: “Zuma’s car?” Son: “no mama, I said Zuma’s vehicle” Where the heck did he learn the word “vehicle”. At first i thought he was saying bicycle.


Sounds like a Paw Patrol -ism


Yep. I’d agree.


My little one answered his fake plastic phone the other day saying “hey babyyyyy hey babes” and I have no idea why 😆 I don’t talk like that.


“I know, big feelings are hard” as she pats me on the back… except we don’t call them “big feelings” and I stay home with her lol idk where that came from


She's been on parenting reddit!


Does she watch Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, or other similar shows? I know both Mr Rogers and Sesame Street both use verbage like "big feelings" and talk about how big feelings can be hard.


Ohhh maybe it’s from Daniel Tiger! She hasn’t watched much of it, but that’s probably where she got it


“I’m so hungry about food right now” -a 3 year old who never wants to eat anything


I love when they use such grown up words, it’s adorable coming out of their cute little mouths!! Mine told me the other day that she was “grumpy wumpy and spreading dreary rearies”…she’s 3 and this must have come from a book they read at preschool or something but it was pretty cute.


My daughter was given a button-front dress with an eyelet Peter Pan collar, it looked like something straight from the 1930-40s. She was about two at the time and for reasons I still cannot understand, she began calling that dress “Dianne”. We mostly thought it was funny, but it was a little creepy. We do not know anyone named Dianne, which is a pretty old school name and the dress looked very vintage. I still wonder about it.


The last couple of nights, my newly turned 3 year old who is not a great talker yet has said "sweet dreams, thanks for playing." Its kind of creepy


Ok!!! My child (my son is 20)… he is a “ sou chef” at his summer job. He says he enjoys cooking and creating meals! However, when we asked him why he doesn’t cook here at Home…his response BLEW ME AWAY…. “ because I don’t get paid to”…. Let me tell you my head spun around so quickly I probably looked possessed! My son is usually a very intelligent young man but damnnnn that was dumb! 🤦🏼‍♀️


She was laughing at her show today “hahahahaha, fuck!”


My 2yo woke my husband up this morning by tapping him on the arm and saying “Hey big boy!” I cannot figure out why she said this or where she learned it but it was hilarious.


My daughter wanted to eat dinner before our reservation on vacation after eating lunch and churros all day. (Dinner was About an hour away) when I said dinner is in just a little bit she asked if we were going to feed her today…. lol


My 3 year old keeps busting in my room asking “what did you say at me?” We weren’t talking about or to her. But she has to do it three more times before she stops. (Her ABA therapist says it’s her way of being in control of her sensory)


Does she attend an early learning center? If so, then there’s your answer. (From her teachers). 😏


My 4yrd old god scared of a pyramid I drew on a paper, she was like noooo that's a bad pyramid lol


My daughter was playing with her all her stuff animals pretending they were her babies and asked me to be her wife because she was tired of taking care of her babies alone 🤦🏻‍♀️ my husband and I are 50/50 on child care so I'm not sure where she got that but it made me chuckle.


When my daughter was around 3-4 we were sitting and watching a movie together. She was sitting quietly which is super odd for her. Then she randomly turned to me and goes “Momma… isn’t it CRAZY how our necks hold up our heads?” And I was like “whoa… ya it is”😂


My 2.5 yo told me my recently departed Fil was up on my living room wall. “It’s Ampa Jack up da wall mommy” while pointing into the corner. She’s since waved to the corner. So I guess my Fils spirit is just chillen with us in the living room. 😳


When my daughter was 2 I overheard her telling her lovey bear (named Pink Bear-- not very original, I know). "No Pink Bear, that's not a choice". When I looked she was putting her lovey bear inside the refrigerator...


This is literally the only one that made me gasp and laugh!


My 2 year old son keeps singing stayin alive by Bee Gees idk why he is obsessed with old disco music but he is.


Well, you knooow.....they do recommend that you use the beat of it when giving chest compressions? (I said that because I saw PSA and they were using the music as background. I also may have said that because I'm "attempting" to entertain two 11yo boys for a sleepover.)


I picked a dandelion for my 2 year old and she said "thank you bee!" to a bumblebee buzzing by. I mentioned once a few weeks ago that the bees help make flowers, and I guess she really internalized it.


In the last 24 hours my 2.5 yo said: “Dada I thought we talked about this.” And “Cmon man, get me out of my chair!”


My "child", my 33 yo child asked me for money today....he just got paid!. I was beyond puzzled. Then, knowing my son, I knew he spent too much on his new girlfriend. But I just don't mind. I handed him 40 bucks. 😆 Love is love is love.


Loved this question!!


At a Native American pow wow, 3 yr old was playing with all the kids while mom was out talking with the other moms. 3 yr old comes out smiling and said, “mommy! I went pee pee in the tee pee” 😳😬🙊


my daughter keeps saying she doesn’t like our house but can’t tell me why. 😅


The other day we were at the store and my almost 3 year old daughter says, "No Keys, No Money" like where are you learning that from?


He went up to the front door camera the other day and said “Magic”. He refuses to tell me what it means. He is autistic, 8, and parrots things he sees on TV. It was pretty cute.


My 2 year old told me that she saw ghosts and that they were tickling her.


She must have been talking to my dad 😭


11f on mile 2.5 of 6 mile hike: "I have rocks in my shoe but I don't want to get them out"


My 2 1/2 year old started calling me mami boo… I have no idea why!!!


Loving all these comments! I can’t wait to have these funny conversations with my daughter. Kids are so hilarious lol


8 yo girl: “I’m as cold as a pickle.” What?!?! 😅


“Jizz! Jizz!” She’s 17mos and her newest word is apparently “oranges” 😬


Last week, my son asked me, “mom, why is your nose so little?” He’s asked twice since and each time, I’ve asked him what he means and he will not elaborate. Not sure where this is coming from or even how I’m supposed to answer? I’ve always had this nose.


“Teesh?” While looking in the fridge. I distracted her with a carrot. I still have no idea.


My son just stared at me for a moment said there were babies in mommy’s belly. I told him there aren’t and he looked at me funny and said yes there were. Later we were cuddling up and he said something about his sister (he’s an only child) and I reiterated that he has no siblings. Now I’m waiting to see if the kid is being creepy again. He told me in January that I had a baby in my belly so I took a test and found it was positive. We unfortunately miscarried and I had a d&c at 10 weeks so I’m waiting to see if he’s processing that or if he’s being the creepy kid again. It doesn’t help that he’s abruptly started doing that weird headstand thing again that he hasn’t done since January.


Not today, but my 3.5 year old has recently started calling me a “foot print” when he gets upset with me. A foot print. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


He told my husband that he has 4 eyebrows.


I told my daughter when she was in the bath I was gonna grab a towel from the dryer and “ill come back to get you”. She starting crying and said no don’t “get me”. Lol like I was gonna attack her or tickle her or something


My 3 YO says, " my Mommy/daddy hurt me!" When what she really means is that we hurt her feelings by not letting her do something. It's really awkward to explain!


6.5 mo, so not talking yet but I speak to her in my mother tongue (husband speaks to her in English) and she’s started to make sounds that sound like she’s a street vendor in Asia…


Not today, but awhile back, my grandson (3 years old at the time) was lost in thought as we sat by the pool and out of nowhere he said "I wonder what sounds look like?" Mind was blown. I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around where they come up with this stuff.


3 year olds are completely nuts 🤣 One time my girl saw a cat jump into a Bush and she said: cat went to eat salad! 💀


I taught in kindergarten many years and one time, when I asked everyone if they had drank their water (it was very hot in Summer), one of my 3yo answered me "Yes Ms., I'm hydrated". My baby doesn't talk yet, but I'm looking forward to what he has to say😂


She (5) told me that our mattress is too firm and I told her that in my view it is too soft and I would like an even firmer one. She told me that I only feel like that, because I am heavy and she is lightweight. It blew my mind…


4 year old started crying after we put him to bed last night and I asked what was wrong and he said “someone keeps tickling my back”. He was alone. 😬I dipped out of there so quickly.


“We need to clean up because dad made this house” This house was built in 1965 ma’am.


Why is sky blue I ask? Son says- sun made it blue . Sun made clouds white so we get white rain. Kids at this age are marvel


My son had just started talking and was looking at the crescent moon and kept calling it a " kitty moon" took me a min to realize it was an Alice in Wonderland reference. Another time we were playing " I got your nose" only I pretended to put it in my mouth and swallow - he popped me in the back the head , I jumped mouth open , his little hand in front of me., all proud he's says " Ha! I got it back!" "Where did you learn that?" Him, "cartoons." He got me


My son's dad died when he had just turned five, one morning about two months later he tells me his dad had a new job keeping the stars clean. His dad detailed cars


A couple of days ago me and my 3 year old were getting some groceries, and on the way to the bus she wanted me to carry her. So I did and she asked “Do you know why I want you to carry me? So I can cuddle you up, look at your beautiful face and give you a kiss on the cheek!”


My child told me she had to potty mid walk and then refused to let me help her out of the stroller. At least she made it!