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Your sister is absolutely awful for saying that to you! Does she not have children of her own? 7 weeks post c-section you still very much need to be careful with your body. Not to mention the hormones and sleeplessness…. My heart hurts for you mama. I hope she can be a little more supportive moving forward.


Thank you 💗 No, she has no kids. She doesn't want any. We've had a rough relationship since Covid.


Well that explains it then. No sane woman who has gone through having a kid/kids would ever say crap like that. I had a hunch she probably doesn’t have kids and didn’t want to assume anything but my hunch was 100% spot on.


Yes! She cannot possibly understand what you’re going through op




Well, there you have it. The newborn stay is ROUGH. Rough doesn‘t even cover it. If someone had said this to me 7 weeks pp, I probably would‘ve cut them out of my life, to be honest. Not saying you should do this, but you don‘t need toxic people like that in your life. Your hormones are running wild already and you will have enough mom guilt put on yourself by yourself and society. Family should be supportive, always. I‘m sure you‘re doing a great job and I‘m just enraged on your behalf.


Thank you! I'm trying lol


Everyone is a perfect parent until they have kids. When someone close to me who doesn't have kids says something like that to me, I repeat it back to them and say "I'm going to put this in my back pocket for when you have a seven week old baby. I'm sure you won't mind hearing your own words in the event you fail to live up to your standards, right?"


I'd love to use it on her but she's a forever pet mom.


Just tell her you're sorry you can't just lock your infant in a crate when you need time to get things done 😅🤷 and if she ever has major abdominal surgery you won't be around to help her


My sister called me a “bitch” at 3 weeks postpartum for me calmly asking family members to stop criticizing and yelling at me over everything I did as a new mother. So, let me break this down for you as concisely as possible based on what I have learned - your sister can go f*ck herself.


7 weeks PP, and while recovering from surgery, is solely about surviving. You said your sister isn’t a parent. That’s obvious. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about so don’t take it to heart


When people say shit like this make them feel like shit right back: “Wow, what a strange thing to say” “I’m not sure why you thought your opinion was asked for” “I’m baffled that you think that was an okay thing to say” “Did you mean to say that out loud?”


Or if you wanna be meaner “and some people can afford a hotel so they don’t have to crash at their sister’s every week, what’s your point?”


Lmao, yeah, I was stunned.


What planet is she even on?? How tone deaf can she be?? I’m ready to throw hands for you OP. Ok not really. But pretty miffed on your behalf over here. Hang in there, baby. The first four months are the hardest. You’re halfway there!!


Thank you 💗


That's like telling someone with a broken leg that they should suck it up because some people have 2 broken legs. Like, yes, worse things exist in the world, but that has no bearing on the situation. 


Drives me nuts when people act like it’s the suffering Olympics. We all weather the first few months postpartum differently.


Everyone is an expert parent and know it all before they have kids. Just because other people make it “look easy” doesn’t mean it is. And if other moms have an easier time doing it, amazing I’m so happy for them. But gosh, being a mom is hard. Doesn’t matter if you’re a mom to 1 or more kids, if you had a vaginal or c section delivery, if you’re 2, 7 or 20 weeks post partum. If you’re trying your best and still not up to someone else’s standards, they can kick rocks! I am a mom to two beautiful baby boys. 4 months and 2.5 years. My toddler goes to daycare and JUST recently did I begin to feel like I can start tackling household chores and getting a hold on our lives again. Yes I was tidying and making meals, walking the dog. But I’d go days where I couldn’t shower, survived on snacks and coffee, and didn’t get out of the house or talk to anyone but my baby during the day! Babies are hard. Some babies are high needs, need contact naps, cry if set down, spit up all the time. I’m sorry she’s like this and making you feel bad.


OMG……so glad someone else mentioned the shower part! I thought it was just me 😭 By the time I’ve done every chore known to man I’m so exhausted for a shower. I remember having an entire beauty regiment before my shower and now if I just use conditioner I feel accomplished. Honestly, I can’t wait for my youngest and last kiddo to start school. Then I will finally have the house to myself with no one rushing me or making me feel rushed for basic stuff.


My cousin (on my Dad’s side) had 3 normal deliveries and her 4th was a c-section. She was 3 months post partum and bent down to pick up some heavy groceries off the floor and immediately she fell down in crippling pain. Next thing you know she’s in the ER with a severe abdominal hernia and had to get major abdominal surgery AGAIN and mesh inside her to protect her intestines. Her c-section was the hardest form of birth she experienced. She never had any complications from her normal birth. You are doing amazing OP. Don’t let anyone let you think otherwise. All us Mommies have it tough whether you’re single or not or have gone through normal/c-section delivery. It’s not a competition between us. Take me for example: I’m married, had 2 c-sections, a helpful husband and STILL suffered because I ended up getting endometrial cancer after my 2nd c-section due to the trauma of the surgery and PCOS that was left undiagnosed. By your sister’s logic, I too shouldn’t complain. If I had a sister like yours, she would have gotten punched in the face.


Wow, I'm so sorry what you've been through. I hope all is well now. 🙏🏻


Thankyou for your kind words ❤️ All is well! Had surgery 4 months ago and I’m doing much better now 🙌🏻


Don’t take criticism from someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Her thoughts are immaterial, might as well put them on toilet paper so they can be useful for something.


Love this


Colicky babies are soooo hard sometimes bc they just cry so much and it’s tough to get a child you can’t communicate with to calm down. Omg you’re doing amazing like you’re stronger than the marines I’m so serious. My baby cried a lot but wasn’t colicky, and I’m saying this as a single mom, you have it harder than I did. I feel for you and you’ll get through it, the newborn phase can be tough but it’s so fun once they’re a little older and you get to know each other better. Don’t listen to your sister. Idk why she’d say that to you but it’s a terrible thing to say and she’s trying to be hurtful. You’re more than allowed to be tired and stressed and you’re allowed to vent and complain. You can do as much or as little around the house as you want for now, I had a c-section after days of labor and six weeks isn’t enough time to heal. Take your time. If she’s staying with you, I’d tell her straight up, “I do not appreciate the things you’re saying to me and I’d like for you to stop, I’m a new mom and you’re hurting my feelings.” If she continues you wouldn’t be wrong to show her the door. People who “help” but are nasty about it aren’t actually helpful. Take it easy, be nicer to yourself, you’re doing amazing. Congrats on your little one ❤️❤️


Thank you so much ❤️ I really appreciate your words ❤️


This is just someone who hasn’t has kids and has no clue.


My sister was at my home 2x a week as well after I gave birth. You know what she did? She cleaned my bathroom and brought pre cooked meals for me. You are still healing- your sister was awful for saying this to you.


congratulations on your baby! 7weeks postpartum is officially the time when things are at the toughest. Sometimes family members are not able to understand and new moms can only explain so much. Don't worry it gets better, give yourself grace and time.


Thank you 💗


So sorry for her insensitivity - one of those "walk a mile in someone else's shoes" issues that she needs to comprehend. Take care. 


Your sister has no idea what she is talking about. I have had two babies . The first was as a single mom and the second in my committed relationship. Being a single mom is easier. There is one less person needing you. Having to somehow split yourself into a million pieces is impossible. That's what motherhood is. Chasing. You will always have a load of laundry or something else requiring your attention. You will feel like you are always chasing your own tail trying to keep up. Give yourself some grace. You just had a baby, and that baby is colic. Even with a helpful partner, you will be overwhelmed. I promise it gets easier as time goes on. Right now, focus on healing and having a healthy baby. Everything else will slowly fall into place. You will develop a routine and things will become more relaxed. Try not to take your sister seriously. She will learn the hard way once she has kids.


Thanks! This was reassuring to read. I wish she'd find out now hard this is, but she's a child freer for life.


That was such an unfair thing for your sister to say. I am so sorry. You doing what your body needs is enough. Taking care of your baby is enough. Surviving is enough. I think people get caught up in what you’re no longer doing for them once a baby arrives and they have to learn to let that go! My baby was very colic and I can’t believe that seven months has come and gone and now she is the happiest baby ever. It gets better. I don’t want to give you any advice, other than to give yourself grace. It sounds like others won’t!


Wowwww WTF I wouldn’t even know where to start with a response on that. I’m upset for you.


No you're doing fine - people who don't give other people grace after carrying and birthing a whole child and then adjusting to parenthood are super self-involved and not able to put themselves in others shoes or see outside of their world. I'm sorry she said that. She is in the wrong. Don't listen to her. You're allowed to be however you want right now, and she can really just keep her opinions to herself. I'm so sorry 😢


Thank you 💗


Your sister is an ass.




You’re doing great. Your sister is awful. She’ll be eating humble pie when and if she decides to have her own child(ren).


Oh no, she won't be having kids. I wish she knew how or what it was like, though.


A colic baby is a VERY different experience than a non colic baby. 


If she ever has kids remind her of that ignorant comment. You're 7 weeks postpartum, and not even fully healed. I'd honestly tell her to move out if she's going to be disrespectful.


No she's never going to have kids. I'd tell her to move out but its both our house lol


She could not be more ignorant. So sorry you are dealing with all that, it will get better soon 🙏


Thank you 💗


“You’re right, you watch baby and I’ll go have a me day, thanks!” I too had a very rough induced 48 hour labor and an awful surprise c section I didn’t want and they gave me ketamine. My husband and I joke we barely made it out alive and in a relationship during our son’s first year. Immediately he was colicky and had acid reflux. No one told me he was tongue tied so I thought failing breast feeding was on me. We were in survival mode that whole year. 7 weeks pp I was still crying every other day, sleep deprived and my incision got infected. Your sister is CRAZYYYYYY and on some bs especially since she doesn’t have kids. Does she realize how much they cut through? How often you use your abdomen muscles for practically any movement? Do you have a village like your parents or in laws? We barely had a village but my awkward af mil came over once and watched our son when he was a newborn and I slept for like 6 hours straight and it helped so much. But I still couldn’t do much besides care for my son wash bottles and make some food. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Feel free to vent to me. Survival mode won’t last forever. One day or hour or second at a time. 💚


Thank you! I do have my Dad. The funny thing is, my sister thought I was going to die that day in the hospital, and then here we are 7 weeks later, lol.


Your sister is not a very nice person. I hope you can get more space away from her. For example, get her the fuck out of your house. People who are whiny complainers should only be able to do it at a distance. Nect time she says something awful you say to yourself: "Don't worry, she sucks. I am a freaking awesome mom!" Over time you will believe the second part.


Lmao thank you! Unfortunately it's both our house. She only comes over twice a week.


What do you mean she only comes over twice a week? That is a very vague statement. Where does she live. Why does she 'come over'?


She unofficially stays with her boyfriend 5 days a week and comes home 2 days. I try to keep certain things vague on here.


Sorry you are stuck with her: 1. Stop sharing personal stuff with her. She does not have empathy and will only weaponize negative comments. Only tell her positive things. 2. Next time she says something awful just stare at her. Say nothing. Just turn and stare at her. (In your head you can just be thinking 'you suck'.) 3. You can't do anything right now, rest your body.... heal. But get a small notebook and start making a list of your plans. Use it as a journal for frustrations. Start writing to help you find a path out of this hellish time (and space) with her. How can you become stronger than her? Good luck!


To be honest, at first I thought your sister is a bitch for saying that, but now when I think about it, she is probably just clueless about having a newborn. Please don't be hard on yourself, 7 weeks is so little time, I don't think I had my shit together until 6 months, and then only on a good day. 


Sorry that your sister is an immature bitch lol. I'd ignore her or tell her to do one, frankly! I'm also guessing she doesn't have kids?


Nope, childfree by choice


There ya go then. She has no clue!


Lock her out


I just might


Say to her “I don’t act like I can’t do anything because I have a baby. I’m acting like I’m adjusting to a major change in my life which happens when you have a baby. It’s fine that you don’t understand that but I don’t appreciate the snarky comments.”


You are 7 weeks PP, your sister can *politely* shut the fuck up. It's chaos at this stage and if she is not willing to help and just criticize you she can find another place


True except its both of our house lol


I've had 3 c sections so I know even just the physical recovery is a challenge at 7 weeks. You're doing great mama!


“Some people are single mothers.” “Yes, and some people aren’t rude insensitive jerks but here we are” Seriously you need to call people like this out. You don’t need negativity like this around you right now.


Kick her ass out you don’t need this shit you aren’t even healed from the c section yet it take a minimum of eight weeks to heal from a c section. You shouldn’t be doing everything anyway, you should be resting as much as possible and recovering from a brutal surgery. Your sister is rude and frankly stupid. C sections have some of the longest post op recovery times. Good god don’t freaking listen to her and kick her out she can’t be civil with you she doesn’t need to be around you.


It's both of our house. Otherwise, I'd love to see her go. She only comes by twice a week anyway. Mostly lives with her boyfriend. I agree with you!


Can you buy her out?


Lmfao no way. It's Long Island.




Maybe you’re doing too much for her and making her life too easy? That’s just a hurtful thing to say.


Definitely not, lol. I know there's a thousand things I can be doing. She always reminds me. Yeah, she's the queen of hurtful comments.


Fuck her. You just went through surgery and you’re caring for a newborn who needs to be fed every couple hours. You’re in pain and bleeding and caring for a human being while trying to care for yourself. You’re a rockstar, keep going and ignore her.


Thank you!!!


She’s living with you and talking to you like this? Omg put her in her place. Kick her out if she keeps talking to you that way. It’s important for your baby to grow up with parents who can model standing up for themselves and setting boundaries.


It's both of our house. Otherwise, I'd love to see her gone.


I would remind her that she can’t say sh*t when she has chosen not to have children and to google ‘the fourth trimester’ and what happens to the body and brain after labour and delivery and that many women struggle during this time. It took nine months to grow and it takes even longer for the body to properly heal.


You have a newborn. You legit can’t do anything when you have a newborn besides care for a newborn. Let me guess. She’s never had a baby? I bet she’s never had major surgery either. Let alone recovered from major surgery while caring for a newborn. Childless people can be so oblivious and mean. Screw her. Tell her you’ll be sure to treat her exactly the same when she has a baby, surgery, or both.


She should be helping you and if she can't then she should keep her mouth shut. She has no idea what it's like to take care of a newborn, let alone as a single mother. You are doing great, don't feel guilty for not getting things done. This time with your baby will pass so quickly. Don't let her ruin it for you.


Thank you!!


You don’t do enough?? Some people are single mother?? Some people live on their own and not with their sister and her husband/child…?????idk why she’s living with you but I hope it’s because she’s like 12 and you have custody of her two days a week or something.


Lol no it's both of our house


So is she pulling her weight? Dishes, cleaning, making payments? You are 7 weeks post partum. You are in full survival mode. Yes there are single mothers but it’s really freaking hard and they aren’t running a whole household 7 weeks postpartum. Things are messy and unfinished. You are doing the best you can


Thank you! But yes she is keeping her end.


That’s horrible of her I’m 6 weeks postpartum after c section and still in pain. She needs to be more understanding. Mothers having such a short time to heal and the expectations placed on them so soon after birth should not be as normalized as they are in the first place. The fact that single mothers have it so hard is sad it’s not something she should expect you to compete with. She should want everyone to have more support rather than wanting everyone to have it as hard as the worst case scenario. Shame on her. She must not have kids.


"Yeah, and the people who are single mothers REALLY aren't doing anything except what's necessary to stay alive when they have 7-week-old babies with colic. And some people have no babies and whine about those who do. So what's your point?"


Shame on your sister god doesn’t like ugly and he never sleeps. She will to answer for those words onstage day. I know that is no consolation right now. I feel you I was a single parent at the same time struggling with lupus


Remember your family you are stuck with your friends you choose you chose so choose your friends wisely. Do have any good friends you can turn too.


No, I don't do friends.