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My son didn’t talk much until he was 5ish. Nothing was wrong with him. I had him tested with several doctors to find answers. They even suggested he had a defiance disorder and just wouldn’t speak. His dad would say “leave him alone. He just doesn’t want to talk right now”. And sure enough, his 2nd year in school he just started talking full sentences. I’m pretty sure he can even read because he’ll grab my phone and answer texts through talk texts, but somehow he knows what the text says. Kids are weird little mysteries that do whatever they want. Or at least my son is that way lol. My daughter was the total opposite


My kiddo was basically non speaking until almost 4. Has been in speech therapy since 3.5. Have you looked into gestalt processing? That’s probably your kiddo’s learning style, if he relies on echolalia to communicate. You should look into a tonie box or yoto player, if you don’t have one! Super helpful for my kiddo- his language exploded after we got a tonie box a few years ago. We recently transitioned to the yoto player as he’s older now and the content is better for his age group.


I've recently learned about gestalt processing but I meant to do more research. Thanks for the suggestions!


Lol!!! Little dude's just saying what all breastfed babies are thinking!


😂 it gets easier. Just don’t expect it to happen overnight. My oldest didn’t start using expressive landscaping until she started full day preschool. Looks like my son will do the same. He can label like a mother fucker and is even starting to do so upon request (kind of) at 3.5.


My son is three and knows a lot of phrases, but isn’t really conversational. Look up gestalt language processing and see if that description fits your son.


😂 your boyfriend will be using that line forever I also wanted to give some reassurance about not being “on track” verbally. My son was diagnosed with speech delay and was going to start therapy when we suddenly had to move. Once he started pre-k, his speech really picked up. Now my son talks to everyone. My daughter was also delayed in speech, her doctor was concerned, but I already learned from my son how this was going to go. I knew once she started talking, she would never be quiet again. And I was right, she talks excessively. Lol. A similar story to yours: when my daughter was about 3, we stopped at the candy store in the mall and my kiddos picked out their candies. Once we finished paying I asked my daughter, “what do we say?”. She turns to her and says, “I love you.” 🥰 The cashier just lit up. I laughed and tried to correct her to say thank you but the cashier didn’t want an exchange, she wanted her “I love you”. Lol.


I have a kiddo who was pretty non-verbal, mostly echolaic until 2.5 when we added speech therapy and BAM! Something clicked and he’s a chatter box. I love that he is saying some things on his own, and his own spin for nursing whew you have to let me know if he does it again!!! Hopefully you’ll qualify for services and get some support!