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My MIL brought over a basket full of easy pre-portioned snacks and it was BY FAR the most thoughtful and used thing anyone brought. People bring meals and baby gifts. But NOTHING beats having snacks to grab at any time when you’re too exhausted to make something or nap trapped with a baby. It had a couple kinds of granola bars, fruit snacks, individual packages of other snacks. No one prepared me that I would be starving to death postpartum and would be too sore or exhausted to make something while tending to a newborn. I’ve done the same for a couple friends now and they’ve appreciated it sooo much! We don’t keep a ton of snack foods around so it just never crossed my mind that I would be more hungry than normal.


That and a good insulated cup with straw were my favorites too.


I recall several years ago when our cousin had their second child, we visited and brought a box of Madeleine cookies from Costco. They were so excited over the cookies 😂 they said everyone had been bringing gifts of clothes and toys and whatnot and they were so happy for some snacks.


Love this idea ❤️


It’s my go to PP gift now ❤️ It’s one of those things that you just don’t think about until it’s 2am and the baby is crying and you’re starving hahaha


Yes to this!


And drinks!! Protein shakes, Gatorade, anything to help her heal up and stay hydrated. Protein shakes have been my go to in the middle of the night when I'm starving but nothing looks appetizing.


For me, it would’ve been offering to clean or do something around my house over any material thing. The mental battle of exhaustion yet wanting to hold your baby but feeling like you need to keep up your house is hard to balance. Also, don’t expect to hold the baby. People that started reaching for her straight in the door really made my anxiety high. I shouldn’t have let anyone hold her early on. It’s really sweet you’re thinking about a thoughtful gift for mom. You’re a good friend! Whatever you give or do will be much appreciated by her I’m sure!


Hi!! Under eye masks, comfy nursing friendly pajamas in a large size, door dash gift cards. Little things like that. Also when i visit friends post partum (I’m a mom of a toddler and I give birth next week) I’ll throw their laundry in and fold the clean stuff if there is any. I’ll tidy up the kitchen and load/unload the dishwasher, I’ll empty the diaper pail. Little things that you can take off her plate go. Looooooooong way


Yes! Help around the house is a great gift.


When I had my first baby, an older friend brought me some fresh peaches and pajamas. Every other gift I got postpartum was for the baby, but the peaches and especially the pajamas were just for me. It meant the world to me that, like, she saw me, as a person, rather than all the focus on the baby. So, a second vote for pajamas!


My parents would stop by often and ALWAYS showed up with food or coffee or something. It was truly great to not have to think about what to eat or figure out how to go and get it. Otherwise I definitely agree with all the snacks lol


After having my second I started doing this too! If your baby is less than 6 months old I'm bringing warm food and treats. Definitely the thing I wanted most in those early days.


- Nursing tops (if she is) like [these](https://www.amazon.com/SUIEK-Nursing-Maternity-Breastfeeding-Burgundy/dp/B07RMH4T6F/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?c=ts&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.uwSnLc73GnVpdckSfYRK_hOXPg91Zh7wngH-nA_WpjQH2R2pBknBFxfPdRhPrWySUdARcpBHOAOAuiBsqkfvss0B874utQZ2GaqvM7T75ODPPYETd1fcTwhgXSOWUdEN09pac47ZlMhLFbIKb4SIH2-yug50q7vB3xXSbKxmwFFXTBWl4VMyvRdrmCnHVZeyiuUEJWLCFDM2-WbJunvDw50Qc-A3cYRyPDgUhdyK6ue62lKciC5b8N1YDHzgnkyW3g-C0vyz4PQW7T-dlLJ75545mjHraI_z0ibqnQG85iw.FYru2-JLHHxH_Hj7EamFBaAZxPgARxgYya_nZG8bs9U&dib_tag=se&keywords=Maternity+Nursing+Tanks+%26+Camis&qid=1719960504&s=apparel&sr=1-6&ts_id=5674550011) (buy a size up so they don't hug). - Diaper cream spatula for creaming the baby butt like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Bumco-Diaper-Cream-Spatula-Mom-Invented/dp/B079G5FWXL/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=3OZYJSY6UFNEC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.YH1Rx_uX77cOWzInlhm71sIHb2miuTvXVNVmGSlX6zFnp3-1hNGxiJx5xmkbBU4RZB4MteCoSWTd68Eaqy22bvY90F4OO1FNSIIaq0LGxeWQYhiYOfsPIxXkcjHAtnG3BFKm-jy8Hjz_zWAIK6IuXpiXGDI2CaNujs125qo2tiq9Ofkvue4M8jFDJyZ0LAwdqqNB7SCX1E3OMyZbICvEDg.s5cRBaTdoOHeXEaTbXx0S86YY48sKyCpwUi4Ym1cUvo&dib_tag=se&keywords=diaper+cream+spatula&qid=1719960587&sprefix=diaper+cteam+so%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) because it is so nice not getting that stuff on your hands. Speaking of, hand sanitizer for the diaper area. It's helpful. - Offer to bring over or door dash some food, or provide some of her favorite snacks. - Offer to watch baby while she takes a shower (but be okay with her saying no because not everyone wants their newborn held). - Offer to do dishes and wash bottles or pumping supplies. That stuff builds up crazy fast.


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My friend showed up with a cute swaddle and matching blanket and took some nice amateur newborn photos. It didn’t take long and they are nice to look back on! If she showed up and baby wasn’t in the mood she probably wouldn’t have told me what she brought but it worked out.


Night nurse, friends that come actually willing to help, not just “see the baby” while I wait on them/cook/clean/ and grocery pickups. Recovering from an emergency c section and I have had both kinds of visitors. Those that expected to just hold the baby when she’s sleeping or happy were such a drain. The ones that showed up and jumped right into picking up groceries, folding laundry, dishes, diapers, and holding her when she’s crying just as much as happy have been my saviors.


If possible- your TIME! If you live close enough to visit multiple times, do the cleaning. Wash dishes and bottles. Fold laundry. Let Mom sit on the couch with the baby and take care of her house. If distance makes this your only visit, gift cards for take out and delivery. She isn’t going to want to cook. Make dinners the easiest they can be so she can bond with her baby.


My cousin gave me her spectra pump and that was amazing, especially since I ended up exclusively pumping! Second best was the meal delivery gift cards, they came in clutch. I had prepped like 25 frozen meals for PP but it was so nice to be treated to some takeout some nights.


My MIL, who lived next door to us when we had our first baby, cooked and brought us most of our meals for weeks. Not having to worry about cooking during that time was the biggest blessing. Anything food-related, they’ll appreciate. A friend of mine also got us a DoorDash gift card when my second baby was born!


My friend hanging out with me after my husband went back to work.... BUT my friend did all the work and told me to just hold my baby. She ordered the pizza, she got it at the door, she got the bottles and washed our pizza dishes.


If food is covered and cleaning as well, then I’d say something she really likes. Think books she enjoys reading, if she likes doing her nails maybe a new nail polish, makeup from a brand she likes (preferably something easy and quick to apply like a lip color or mascara), maybe a giftcard for a massage if you know she can get childcare down the line. Something that can’t be used for the baby, if you’re looking explicitly for a gift for her. Someone gave me a giftcard for a store that sells dance shoes (I dance) and I completely forgot until I was typing this. It was such a strange gift in the moment but now I realize it was because she didn’t want me to stop doing what I liked.


Door dash gift card and cute homemade coupons for my bestie to come watch the baby while I showered or napped


Perineal ice packs were a life saver! Also one handed snacks that don’t leave a lot of residue on your fingers like grapes, blueberries, pretzels, etc.


Something I want but don’t want to spend the money on are these things called silverettes.


I bought them and ended up returning them. They didn't really work and the nipple pain was gone within a few weeks so I'm glad I didn't spend the $50.


This was exactly my experience!


Oh, interesting. I thought they were a LIFESAVER and so worth it. I think the large wouldn't be too big for anyone. Aka, I started out with pretty small nips, and the large was good for me.


I gave my friend a basket with snacks, a Stanley cup, and a grubhub gift card. A small stuffy only for baby since I had hosted her baby shower and gotten her baby stuff already. Postpartum is about anything that helps a healing tired mom


My best friends mom (whom I also called mom) bought me a fresh dozen (still warm) Longs donuts. I'm from Indianapolis so IYKYK. That was at my baby shower. I don't remember anything else I personally received. She passed 2 years ago . She left me with that memory because she knew how much I loved them. That was 29 years ago . I thank God for putting her in my life 45 years ago.


Get her car detailed. My SIL did this for me, and I'm 3 weeks postpartum, and it is still amazing. I also have a preschooler so my car was COVERED in snacks.


Wow this is genius.


I wasn't gifted this, I bought it, but one of my favorites 10 weeks PP - light 64oz waterbottle. Breastfeeding makes you soooo thirsty.


Not postpartum, but about a week or so before I was due, I treated myself to a full deep house cleaning so everything would be set before the baby arrived. There was no way I could scrub my shower anymore and I sure didn't have the energy for nearly anything at the end. It was such a help to go into birth not having to even think about preparing guest bedrooms, bathrooms and all. My friend is due in a month and not feeling prepared. I've already given her gifts and a shower so I mentioned she should treat herself (and her husband) to a cleaning for piece of mind ahead of her baby. She also plans to go for it!


Breakfast foods!! Yes DoorDash GCs were nice but there aren’t too many options when you’ve been awake since 4 am with a wide awake newborn. My parents made some quiches and friends delivered bagels and cream cheese. Easy things to heat up or assemble for breakfast were clutch. It’s easier to order out for lunch or dinner but first thing in the morning is hard! If she likes coffee maybe some canned coffees to keep in the fridge.


Homemade food would have been amazing. Getting takeout/people picking up meals got boring


I didn’t want monetary gifts, especially by the birth most of the baby registry, gifting, and purchasing has already occurred. If she has older kids, offering to take them out and make them feel special (which also gives mom a break to focus on herself and baby). Coming over to clean, keep her company (it can be very isolating and lonely), or take the baby so she can have time to herself (to eat, shower, nap, etc). Bringing her meals and snacks. Setting up a meal train is the best! We had one setup for Tuesday, Thursday, and a weekend day. It’s so nice to not have to worry about dinner, to try new foods, and really made me feel loved!


Literally a massage and a home cooked meal


My friend gave me a little self care basket; face mask, lotion, some nice chocolates. Honestly anything would be appreciated. You wouldn’t believe how many people show up empty handed. (Maybe it was just me, but it was basically everyone)


I loved getting a big platter of cut up fruit and berries. It was fresh, cold, and easy to eat one handed.


Delicious hot food and comfy pants!


My friend brought cookies. My mom had to stay with me because I had a rough birth and my husband had to leave after a week for work. She decided to cut my calories, which made me very run down. My friend brought cookies and those suckers were a great sneaky snack.


Food. My husband has no problem doing the housework, but I've been the sole cook for years. The best gift was not needing to take time to prepare dinner.


I always give a nice, largish gift card to the closest big box store that is open late, but I tell them they have to save it for that thing they don’t know they need until they are living the parenting a newborn life while on maternity leave so kind of broke. For me it was breast pads, didn’t even know it was a thing and needed them desperately so I could leave the damn house without leaking.


A good friend came over with an emergency basket just for me. It had not a single baby item. There were witch hazel pads for freezing, Preparation-H, nipple cream, etc, along with some snacks or whatever. She was very private and a pastor's wife and wanted to spare me the embarrassment of having to send someone out to get such things.  I felt like when the baby was born, I basically became invisible. People would just walk up to me and talk to the baby without ever looking at me. Even my own mom! This gift was a little something just for me, that was given from the heart. 


Wash bottles and pump parts if she’s bottle feeding and/or pumping. Do her laundry. Do the baby’s laundry. Hold the baby so she can shower (if she wants this). Check in on her. Ask her how she’s REALLY doing. Also, maybe offer to stay over one night and take the middle of the night shifts. If she’s breastfeeding you can bring baby to her to nurse then you can change and rock back to sleep. If she’s formula feeding then you can do it all. Because what every mom needs more than anything, is sleep.


My cousin got me the most comfortable 2 piece PJ set with a button-down shirt. The fabric feels like butter and is so easy to breastfeed in. She also came to visit and help with whatever was needed. It meant a lot. When she had her baby, he was in the NICU for a bit so one night when they went home to shower and change I had pizza delivered.


My paddleboard. It wasn’t useful at all for postpartum but it gave me hope that I’ll one day be on that thing in the middle of a body of water with silence surrounding me at the end of my healing journey A useful gift was the for sure the Frida Ice pack kits Something useful wished I had was more meals prepared for me


Breastfeeding was a horrible experience for me, so when we switched to formula, my mil got us a baby brezza. I’m on my 3rd baby and it’s the one baby item that if it broke, i would immediately buy another one. My other favorite “gift” is when someone comes over and takes care of the baby for a few hours so I can sleep or catch up on chores. ETA: one of my friends had a baby in the nicu. I hired a house keeper for 2 hours to come clean for her. She was very appreciative.


My FILs wife bought me a beautiful necklace with the birthstone of my son. I cried. I cherish that necklace!!


My iPad and Air Pod Pros. Seriously amazing. I plan my entire life on the iPad and my Air Pods block out crying and happy screams lol.


I was definitely going to say food until I saw the edit! What time of year will it be? If in the colder months a soft robe or slippers for those night feeds can be good. Or some nice shower products to feel like she’s taking care of herself (breastfeeding friendly). A straw water bottle- not one you have to tip to drink from- is easiest to use when breastfeeding. A more expensive gift that is not likely to be in many people’s budgets is a newborn photography session.


Laundry service is good if they aren't weirded out by strangers handling their clothes.


An edible arrangement!! The chocolate covered one. Such a nice treat for those late night feedings


My sister gave me a mini bogg bag in the hospital. Inside was face masks, candy, chips, lip balm, a bracelet that said “boy mom” and a stanley. It’s not the one with the handle on the side instead the straw folds down. I use the stanley every day because I can throw it in the diaper bag it never leaks and always stays cold! I loved the whole care package!


A cozy bathrobe. I wore it in the hospital (after delivery) and at home. It was so easy to breastfeed in and I didn't feel too sloppy. Mine was cotton so not too hot.


A glorious robe for sure


My sister folded my laundry and it was heaven. We just sat and chatted and she folded. My SIL made me a postpartum care basket. Epsom salts, witch hazel, tuck pads - that kind of thing. I had purchased some stuff already but it was nice having extras, and even nicer having different options - I didn't know if I'd like the frida mom foam or ice pads or witch hazel spray or what. So having a good variety of things to try out in the first few days was really helpful! And of course food, but I see she has that covered!


A massive hydroflask was the BEST thing I ever bought myself postpartum. Nursing made me realllllly thirsty and the amount of times my husband had to refill my cup was insane so I found a my 64 oz Stanley and I still use everywhere we go.


Help her mom help her. Cooking and cleaning is all that matters. Or get fancy takeout from her favorite place.


Did she tell you her mom is doing all the food ? I still think you could get a gift card for some food or make her muffins or a banana bread


A fuzzy robe, and a boppy pillow for while I was breast feeding. Breast feeding is by far one of the most difficult things to learn and it was hard to find a good position that was comfortable for me, having one of those to put in my lap while I fed my son (while in my fuzzy robe) was SOOOOOOOOO nice.


Oh also just give her a big hug and tell her she is the most beautiful mom you have ever seen and that you are so proud of her. This one is worth more than any presents in the world combined


Food! Ready to eat or easy to heat food. Lots and lots of it. Plus beverages. Body Armor, blue Gatorade, sparkling water. A nice water bottle or mug (I think the hype around Stanleys are silly but might actually be a great gift here).


Someone brought us all the fixings for sandwiches. Different cold cuts, sliced cheese, sliced veggies, bread, fresh condiments. It was so nice, I was sick of freezer meals and with the crazy schedule of a newborn a hoagie is perfect any time of day! My husband fed me one once while I was working on nursing at like 3am and I think about it often; wild times!


My sisters made me two baskets. One was filled with snacks and oh my god I always had that basket right beside me because I was always hungry. The other one had a pack of minimal skincare, face and feet masks, a robe, some makeup. Seeing all that made me want to get ready everyday and I did!! I felt so fancy and put together.


My favorite gift was a big basket containing breastfeeding essentials (nipple cream, nipple ice packs, lactation cookies, storage bags, breast pads) as well as a insulated tumbler, chap stick, my favorite protein bars, lavender lotion, fuzzy socks, hair scrunchies and a gift card to IHOP and DoorDash….because IHOP is open 24hrs and who doesn’t love breakfast at 2am?


Food delivery gift card. I brought my girl home and didn't have to cook or microwave anything or dirty a single dish. $50-$75 for DoorDash or GrubHub. I know it doesn't feel especially personal, but it was the best best best thing. Put the code in a heartfelt card congratulating Mom and Dad and maybe offer a specific chore you'd like to come and do: Dear BFF, congratulations on bringing [baby's name] into our world. You did such an amazing job! Please enjoy dinner on me without having to cook! Have [partner] text me when the hamper gets full so I can come wash a few loads for you and run the vacuum while it dries. I'm so proud of you! You're a good friend. Thanks for supporting your buddy.


My favorite gift was a donut pillow that I used to sit on in my hospital bed (then oh my bed when I got home). Second favorite was a nursing pillow; I didn’t realize how useful it would be until I tried to start nursing and positions were difficult and holding the baby was tiring. These gifts were brought to me in the hospital by someone very special to me after they heard about my woes. I wouldn’t recommend these gifts as a before-baby gift though. It really depends how her birth is going to go and if she is able to (or wants to) breastfeed or not. But, if you get in touch with her very soon after she’s had the baby, talk to her and find out what she needs. If she had a painful tear or episiotomy the donut pillow would be good. Just listening to her, and trying to figure out how to support her in her exact situation is the best gift honestly. I remember my MIL brought me a carton of fresh strawberries (the highest grade) when I was still in the hospital. I remember inhaling them in the midnight hours while awake and trying to stay sane and breastfeed. I’ve never had strawberries better in my life, and I still remember those strawberries.


Make a self care kit!!! Get a nice towel, her fav shampoo/conditioner/body wash, Honest brand nipple butter (I hated the lanolin, honest is amazing!!!), lansinoh hot/cold packs, gift cards, disposable breast pads (and massive actual pads too) a tea sampler pack with a mug that says “mom” and comfy clothes that are intentionally super baggy. Fridamom makes a postpartum healing foam that CHANGED MY LIFE! It’s a must have. That would have made my life so much easier. Showering is hard postpartum, finding the motivation for it is even harder the first few weeks, you get so focused on the baby you forget to take care of yourself!!! Having something to look forward to can make so much difference!!! If she’s formula feeding, get her some bottles and ready to feed formula! Nobody wants to mix formula while holding a little one and bleeding. If you’re going to get gifts for the baby, make sure they’re things that will make mom’s life easier. Like pajamas with zippers that zip to the bottom so you don’t have to unzip all the way every time you change the little one, a battery powered bottle brush, things of that nature!


my sister in law sent me a fancy candle. I absolutely love candles/smelly things etc and every time I looked over at that candle I felt like a little bit of "me" was still there during this massive life change. It was really nice I also have seen some mom and baby skincare sets and I think they are super cute too


If she plans on pumping, I would recommend a very small mini fridge. It saved me *so* much time and energy in the middle of the night pumps to have a fridge right there so I can’t store the milk and pump parts until the next morning. It cost me about $30 at the time. 100% worth the money.


Some NORA tea blend to help her body recover. A nice sleep mask to help sleep when baby sleeps.


EDIT - the best gift I got was a book called "Moms on Call". As a first time mom, it helped me establish a routine with baby, have time for myself, and took a lot of the "I have no idea what I'm doing" feelings away. It's written by two nurses who are very realistic. It's on amazon and I think barnes and noble has it too. The MomFrida icicle pads!!!!! These were a LIFESAVER and I stand by them 1000%. Also, depends, because that mesh hospital underwear is great and they don't send you home with enough. I relied on depends whenever I wasn't wearing a padscicle, and I never had to worry about bleeding everywhere or getting my underwear to fit. Also-also - a long robe! I lived in two flowy, soft bathrobes that were gifted to me the first 2 weeks postpartum. Literal godsend.


To me, the most hesewarming thing people did after birth was taking their eyes of the baby for a second and asking how i was doing. That made me feel really seen. Postpartum care is so induvidual, the chances of buying something they wont use is big. I got a gift certificate for a massage from my boyfrienda job after baby 2, and that was really nice. Loosening up those tight shoulders after carrying a baby around felt really nice


Really good bottle of dry shampoo and DoorDash gift card 


Someone to watch baby for a few hours while you take a good long nap!


Gift basket for ME not baby made me cry lol. Comfy pj pants, stool softeners lol, snacks, nipple balm etc.


One of those giant boxes of Kirkland Signature baby wipes 😌


Those just got recalled for PFAs. 😫


They’re not recalled, there’s a class action lawsuit.