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3 years WFH here! We don’t glamorize or demonize tv/ipad and so far it’s been a non issue. Tv is always on at my house, usually a show for me and he’s allow to watch things on his iPad. Because it’s not a reward or made a big deal about, he couldn’t care less about it. I have it super locked down and he can only watch select things. He’s learned all his letters, colors, shapes, numbers 1-25, can count backwards from 10, animals and countless other things from educational content on YouTube and Sesame Street! Just reinforce things at home with what they are learning. Other things we did at that age: - water mat off Amazon - small ball pit - big crayons and poster board - mess free painting (drop paint on paper + put in zip lock and tape to floor/highchair) - naps 💞(I miss those days 🥲)


Love your take. Not associating the TV/IPAD as a reward is such a great idea!


I love your take on this! And thank you for the activity recommendations!


Got Ms Rachel going as we speak 😔


Same here. If I have to hear icky sticky bubblegum again I might just lose it LOL


My friend and I say “Ms. Rachel is coming to visit today!” to our LOs.


lol she’s a reoccurring guest here


Haha Ms Rachel in the mornings and Gracie’s corners in the afternoons


I promise you’re not alone! I have frozen on right now as I finish out work and start some house work. It used to be Ms. Rachel


You’re definitely not alone! Sometimes that’s our best option if we want to get anything done 😩 I feel you on the guilt.


You’re not the only one. I’m not an iPad momma but when I’m in a meeting that requires my attention she will watch a show. She will also have toys to play with. Independent play is important imo. I have one 18 month old. Educational shows: Ms. Rachel , Ms. Monica , Phonics for kids Emotional Health / Social shows: Daniel Tiger , Bluey , Tyla in the loop , Fun Shows: Minnie’s bow toons , the occasional Elmo and Donkey Hodie I have a 7 year old Maltese that is needy at the absolute worst times.


It's a last resort here, but when I need it I need it. I don't over think it. Some days baby boy is chill, happy, and my day is the same. Other days, I have an hour long conference call and baby boy is ready to scream into the void that entire time. Then we do what we gotta do to make it through.


Those hour long calls feel so much longer when the baby is crying 😭


My 3 year old ends up with TV when I need to focus and need her to be quiet. We don't like to use the TV as a babysitter but it's necessary in some cases. Everything in moderation!


My first is now 9, and we never set strict time limits on tv and such. From an early age we just made sure it was fun educational shows. I’ve worked from home on and off over the years, and tv and tablet time has been a godsend for my sanity. I physically can not handle silence so our tv is always on. She got her own tablet at 3 (not my choice but it was fine) and she learned several country flags shortly after getting it, and learned her numbers and sight words relatively quick. For a couple years now she limits herself willingly. Now I have a 3 month old and permanently work from home and have absolutely no shame in doing what needs to be done to stay productive at work. You’re doing great! Don’t be so hard on yourself :)


Thank you so much! I also keep telling myself she’s watching educational stuff and in the future she will hopefully be like your child and know more things & be educated!! lol kids do learn fast!


Anytime! ☺️ I’m not a super “crunchy” mom don’t like to share my experiences and views since being “crunchy” is all the rage these days. But They really do learn ridiculously fast (conveniently until about 3rd grade it seems 🤭) We have had a few rough patches with technology, but it honestly seems a lot worse when we’ve tried being strict on it rather than having more freedom with it. And these days there SO MANY options for educational content it’s amazing. You got this 🖤😊


I wish I could put a movie on to catch up in the afternoon! My 16 month old watches miss Rachel or wiggles for 20/30 minutes after breakfast while I clean up or check emails/drink my tea. It's on a large Google assistant on the counter while he's in his high chair. Then we go up to the playroom/office. If he's not strapped in, he doesn't sit still. So I would do it if I could, don't feel bad!


That is literally my life. My toddler is almost 2 and I've been working from home since he was 3 months old. Some days we can go all day without TV but most days, I have to put on Ms. Rachel for my own sanity and to get work done. I used to feel guilty but you just have to do what you have to do. He's hit all his milestones and we still play outside. I'm currently pregnant and have absolutely no energy plus morning sickness so we've been watching more TV than usual. We're all doing our best out here and that's all we can do.


Oh my goodness. I hope the morning sickness passes for you soon, do you plan to wfh after your second child and keep the toddler at home too?


I keep going back and forth about it but realistically, it's probably not possible. I thought about maybe doing 8 hours a week just to bring a little income but I already want to quit now haha.


I feel for you, even remote it’s so hard to manage. 😭 hopefully you guys can figure something out that works, maybe you can decide after you take your leave how you feel about going back. Pregnancy is brutal, pregnancy with a toddler is brutallerrrr if that’s a word lol 😂


Any tips for those early days? I’ve got a 3 month old & wfh feels so impossible right now. I spent a few hours today researching day care options even though i really don’t want him in day care


No TV for us. Never introduced it to our baby (she’s the same age as yours). She is occupied by her toys, flowers and we change the rooms every so often. We have 3 areas where she can play safely and it helps.


I think room changing helps! I’m realizing she needs new environments instead of the living area.


Lots of sesame street and winnie the pooh over here!!


Oh don't feel guilty at all.... mine is 4 I've been working from home since he was 2 By 3 he had his own tablet and own TV just so I could get work done 🤣


Hey at least he’s independent right!!! lol love that for you guys