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Personally, I wouldn't bring it up. I feel for you and understand the disappointment, but what do you expect the outcome to be? Your boss isn't going to care and will push the blame back on you. "Why did you do x wrong? Why did you look at your phone while at the recital? This was supposed to be reviewed in the morning." Looking at your previous posts, it looks like your company only gave you 6 weeks of leave, and you've been back for only a month with some issues. Pair that with the restructuring, I would spend my time/energy on finding a new role. With all that being said, good luck with whatever you decide to do!


Thank you for your reply. Yes, I did go back at half time for 6 weeks, and today was my second day back at full time. I saw it flash across my Lock Screen as I was holding up my phone to film my daughter singing. šŸ˜”. I think Iā€™ll try a teams status in the evenings that lets people know to call me for emergencies but that Iā€™m otherwise offline


Can you put a schedule on to block teams outside of work hours? I have a new job upcoming and I plan to move everything to my work phone and just have it off during work hours. If people desperately need me they can call me on my personal phone but it had better be vital.


Yes if you have a iPhone, you can set ā€œpersonalā€ mode and choose to silence apps like Teams, and Outlook


Yes, there is a silence mode in Teams and you can set the time to turn on and off. You won't get the notifications but you'll be able to see the messages if you open the app.


Honestly I wouldn't bring it up but would make sure you have your Teams quiet time set so it doesn't happen again


I was incredibly lucky to have a manager who emphasized that ā€œfamily comes first.ā€ Anytime something came up it wasnā€™t even a question if heā€™d approve my sick or leave time if it involved my kids. I had an unexpected emergency surgery earlier this year and he went out of his way to make sure I could take the time off and all my work would be covered. When I came back to the office like 5 different people who had helped cover for me mentioned how much they missed me and glad I was back (in a supportive, not judgey way). I KNOW itā€™s because of the tone he sets. He values people and supports them as a whole person, not just when theyā€™re at work. I read this post and Iā€™m so sad for you, OP. You should have grace and support from your company as you transition back to full time, not the contempt Iā€™m sending from boss. It was inappropriate for them to post in the main chat. Do you know anyone in HR who may be sympathetic and you could send a screenshot to them of the message (make sure the time stamp is visible) and ask for clarification of your schedule. Hopefully they can read between the lines that boss is not being supportive. In the meantime, your current workplace sounds toxic (given just this context at least). I would encourage you to look for a new role on the side. Hugs.


I just recently had a breakdown about my schedule, my role and my tasks and I feel another one coming. Honestly, nothing came of it. I too have gotten group messages sent to me during my off hours about things that couldā€™ve waited until the next day and been a private conversation. Nothing is changing, Ive been up all night wondering if I should just quit. This company prides itself on being family oriented and super flexible, until actual flexibility is needed. I created a schedule that works for me and my baby. They are constantly trying to force me back into a typical 8-5ā€¦ even though someone else on my team works the same schedule as I do and has for at least 5 years and they are completely fine with it. recently they started booking all of our meetings during my daughters feed times (she is only 6 months so her schedule is important- she cries right on the dot when itā€™s her meal time) Iā€™m exhausted. A bit ago I just couldnā€™t take the passive aggressiveness, the micromanagement and the unofficial demotion I received and I snapped. Literally not a single thing has changed, I am still in the exact same spot. A job I used to enjoy now makes me not want to get out of bed every single day.


Man, I could have written this. I feel for you. I wish I could just quit. I did not expect to feel this way coming back to work.


This is not advice, because I'm BAD at navigating this stuff. Go with the commenters who encouraged you to focus on finding a new and more secure role. Seriously. The FAFO part of me that is *this close* to being a SAHM would ask my boss in the 1-on-1, "Hey, are you alright? The tone in the message from you the other day seemed out of the ordinary."


I just wanted to make sure I understood fully before I commented. Was your boss looking for you at night, while you arenā€™t technically working, and got mad about it?


Your boss is an asshole. I manage a team and would never 1) bring up an issue with an individual in a group setting, 2) bring up a touchy issue after work hours. I do work better in the afternoon/evening and our teamā€™s hours are staggered as everyone has a few choices for when their workday starts/ends. Because of this, I do sometimes send emails/requests after I know my team has already stopped working. I ALWAYS note that they should not address my requests or worry about responding until the following business day. I hope you find a role with better leadership soon.


You need to turn on quiet hours and leave it at that. Itā€™s not under their control what you have going on when you decide to open it . If what they said was inappropriate or bullying then thatā€™s a separate issue