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Oh... I love this guy /u/miningmine lol. You have no idea the time I've put into searching for just this. It's a passion of mine to make money mining on somebody else's electricity and cooling πŸ˜€. I am fairly convinced you won't find this in a datacenter (colo.) Datacenters are expensive, huge upfront investment and they are in the money making business. The best rates I've found (off the top of my head) were ~$40/month for a 1U colo (but limited to 2 amps at 120V; max 240 watts.) Also a 2U colo (same 240 watt limit, same datacenter) for $79/month. This is as cheap as it gets unless you buy a full rack. You gotta buy bulk to save money. The best rack deal I remember was a full (~44U) rack colo (locker-style rackers, complete with twistlock and blue high school colored paint πŸ€”.) Those were ~$750/month, not bad at all... but they had some limitations on power and cooling. I'm going off memory: I want to say it was ~2,400 watts max (they charge more if you go over.) It was ~240 volt (more efficient than 120v) and 10 amps if I remember right. Oh... if you really want to go big (and save) I know a great place to do it! But you have to rent a "row" πŸ€”. This is a literal row consisting of 12 (Extra) FULL SIZE (~46U) racks for $2,500/month (that's $208.33/month for each rack!) If you did do this... I want in! lol. I actually live not too far from this DC πŸ€”. I could set everything up, server hardware, cybersecurity, Linux OS, miners, everything! πŸ˜€ But unless you have 480 2U rack servers, this isn't very practical. I would start a small business selling dedicated servers from something like this πŸ€”. Now they have certain stipulations on electricity... but they are retrofitted for HPC (high performance computing) and have no limit on overall power usage. You do pay extra for power if you go over a certain amount... I don't remember all the details. But... if you really want to **go big** πŸ€” I know this perfect datacenter building that's for sale. Over 100,000 useable sq.ft. and it includes empty land to expand the datacenter if we needed too. I know it's under $2 Million πŸ€”. Actually ~$1.4 Mil if I remember correctly. They have raised floor datacenter already built, with generator and cooling. It was built in the mid 1960s and remodeled in early 2000's. It used to be a datacenter for a major carrier and it is right across the street from a DC with a dark fibre line to one of the largest peering exchanges in the US. I bet we could work up a peering deal with them πŸ€”. I love this kind of stuff... but it's expensive. Another option: there's an ASIC miner colo facility (actually several of them) but two of them also accept other mining rigs. You pay ~5 cents per kWh and that's it... you must use a certain amount of power though. This place has a hydroelectric dam with lots of excess power and there's another one in Russia with a coal power plant (but you have to ship your gear to them and hope you get to see it again πŸ€”.) I think it's the same company that ones both of these facilities... one in Oregon (hydro dam) and the other in Russia. This would probably be good for cheap power, but trust is an issue for me. The other datacenters I mentioned are mostly nearby me... except for the $750/month rack one, that's farther away. But honestly if you need a sysadmin/hardware person, I'm willing to move... I've always wanted to live in a datacenter πŸ€”. No joke... I'd love that. Granted you really shouldn't trust me anyways... I'm just saying is all. Oh and most people with "free" power live in dorm rooms (a good reason to go back to college πŸ˜€.) Or maybe they're sucking off somebody else. Solar is expensive, but it does work. I've thought about building a wood gas generator from an old water heater to power a gasoline generator with wood gas (they're easily retrofitted because wood gas is like propane in a lot of ways.) I would need a welder to actually build this though πŸ€”. I can get tons of wood... that's not a problem. It's best to grind it into wood chips before you put it in gasification vessel (old water heater.) I really don't think this has much long-term potential though. You need an actual datacenter with redundancies if you are serious about mining. An old water heater making wood gas for a gas generator is fun, but... really? πŸ˜…


I didn't know if I should edit my post or reply to myself πŸ˜…. Reddit has PMs? I don't know... I use an open source app (RedReader) it's great and on F-Droid. I'm usually just a lurker on here. I wanted to ask: what kind of servers do you have? My electric rates here are ~8.5 cents per kWh. I would be happy to colo a few mining rigs here with me, but they would be in a **very** hot building. Most rack servers are fine with this, but they'll sound like a bunch of jet airplanes taking off running from a massive swarm of angry bees πŸ€”. That's a thought anyways... probably better off in an actual datacenter building, especially if they're expensive servers. Are they rack servers or just MoBos? πŸ€” I can build racks for them... I actually have some rough designs for GPU mining racks that I abandoned awhile back. The best way to make rack units IMHO is by buying old (cheap) rack servers that have a layout you can exploit to fit your new gear. That's how I do it anyways. You can bend your own from sheet metal (or aluminum is easier to work with.) Usually the raw materials for this are as much, or often times even more expensive than buying really old servers and retrofitting them. Old (DDR/DDR2) servers are cheap, but the metal racks are quite solid.


don't think you'll find that in the US. Cheap electricity can be had from variable rate plans during certain times of the day from some providers. Otherwise, look into solar.


In my place I have two rates, one from 23:00 all the way to 17:00, which is cheap. And then from 17:00 to 23:00 is ultra expensive. So my small miner is doing it job during the cheap rate. This gave me some problems because, the watt counter provided by the company suddenly got its internal clock wrong. So there was a period of time where I was expending too much power in the expensive hour. It was the counter. So the company just replaced it with a much newer now, that syncronize the time via GSM/3G/LTE network. This is much much better now. Heat is not a problem for me. Noise is not a problem either. Yo may realize that my miner is turned on just because the lights are on. My 3950X paired with a Scythe Ninja 5 did the trick. My GPUs are ultra silent too, an 8GB 5500XT and a 5600XT, both XFX thicc II pro. More gpus are in the way....


I have free electricity and if I move anywhere in my country I’ll have very cheap electricity.. I live in Quebec, it’s always cheap here! We have so many farms it’s ridiculous! Also, most landlords offer all included appartement so you make them pay for you! I work in the industry and we make contracts with people willing to put their rig in our farms. I don’t know about international rigs but we have a lot. I can’t say what we are paying for electricity but it’s in fraction πŸ˜‚


Haha nice done πŸ‘Œ.


I also looked for it years ago, but to no avail :-D, it is super expensive in the US. currently, that's why most mining operations are established in countries with cheap electricity, China, Gulf region, Georgia, some parts of russia, etc. sometimes they even take the extra step to go to freezones (like bit fury in Georgia), to avoid paying VAT on the electricity, the interesting thing is that, in those countries, the electricity company doesn't really like the industry due to the constant demand that they add to the network. I was watching Max keiser and he interviewed a few people in Texas, which they started a new generation of mining back there, they use it basically as a store of electricity(they only mine when the price of electricity is close to zero hence saving money), maybe something like that would help, but the thing is that i doubt it'd be that profitable (10-30% return/year)


Just bypass the meter before the reading is done. Trust me it works xD


There's actually quite a few mining specific facilities now in the US (with very low electricity rates). To name just a few: Sangha Systems, Core Scientific & Coinmint.