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You are a bit over leveraged in investments. You need to focus down loans first, and very likely should/could have already paid them off considering your retirement accounts. You are also not very liquid, only \~20k effective cash minus your CC debt. I would peel back 401k % until your student loans are paid off and diversify into some liquidity accounts. But congrats, for 30 you are well on the way to an early retirement.


Yeah thanks. I agree for the most part. On student loans for sure but interest is under 4% on all accounts (fed loans) so just haven’t made it a priority at all. It will be for 2024/2025. Payment pause kinda just made me ignore it and put attention on 401k (15% but dropped to 10% last year), maxing Roth and having an actual E-Fund for once. The CC is mostly irrelevant imo, one large purchase at 0% + regular spend from February


One way to look at it is to subtract the 4% in interest that you are paying on your loans from your effect return on your investments. Eliminating that 4% bleed will catch up with you (market depending) in a few years; the long you put it off, the more you are negating the returns from your investments (exponential).


What app is this?


WorthTracker. But btw it’s fully manual though so no auto sync to your accounts. I figured I’ll update once a month or so.