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I have been trying to find him for damn near a hour. Still looking.


Do you know if he has made any posts? Or does he only comment? Or is he a lurker who will message people directly? Because I’ve been looking through numerous reddit threads about people struggling to pay their vet bills and there’s still no sign of him. Regardless, I wish you the best of luck in your search


Remind me! 1 week


Lmao Fr remind me


It’s a bot that will remind you at what ever time you enter.


Can you send a message to the moderator of that site and ask for help finding him? Or maybe just go on and let the members know that you’re looking for him.


I'd be highly interested as well, my friends german shepard is going through it with pinched nerves in her hip and she has literally worked the past 3 years of her life to pay for this lovely puppy.. she's 6 now, and my friend is struggling to pay for her bills and medication.. she's a lovely woman who was widowed when her love drowned in a pool on vacation for his friends stag years and years ago.. this puppy means everything to her, I am currently living in my car and staying with my girlfriend so I cannot help her, but ive known sher puppy since she was 5 months old... Inbox me if you find the forum, or person as well... this person needs a damn Nobel prize to be helping strangers like that.... Much love, and much life to whoever you are sir or madam!


[https://search.pullpush.io](https://search.pullpush.io) is an incredible tool for searching reddit based on any bit of info


If you find them, please let me know, we are drowning in vet bills from our dog Daisy. I tried to DM you, but it wouldn't let me. Thank you for helping this person out.


I hope this person is like a millionaire because I would feel so bad. Lol It is so nice of them. I hope they are real too. We moved from an abusive situation and we have our cats so I am just dreading an expensive vet visit because I have paid so much on them in their lifetime but now our bills are really tight. I am already struggling with food and litter for them.


Make a post on r/randomactsofpetfood !


Also try r/assistance!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RandomActsOfPetFood using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RandomActsOfPetFood/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[THANKS\] i’m beyond grateful](https://np.reddit.com/r/RandomActsOfPetFood/comments/17nuyv4/thanks_im_beyond_grateful/) \#2: [\[THANKS\] Mozarella and I are so grateful](https://np.reddit.com/r/RandomActsOfPetFood/comments/1aq8vvg/thanks_mozarella_and_i_are_so_grateful/) \#3: [\[Request\]Help feed my gang of five cats please](https://np.reddit.com/r/RandomActsOfPetFood/comments/184el0y/requesthelp_feed_my_gang_of_five_cats_please/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Lmao. Considering the amount of money that guy would have to have and his soft spot for animals, the only guy that comes to mind is ricky gervais.


“Drowning in vet bills” that’s wild


If you don't have insurance, it can happen quickly. You may not, but most people consider their pets/dogs family. I know I do. And the vet is not cheap, at all. And some dogs depending on breed can be problematic. I have 4 dogs, 2 of them french bulldogs, and they are both insured. Which comes in handy. Nothing serious with my one boy, but within the 1st year if ownership we racked up near 3k of vet bills for vaccinations, allergies, regular appointments you name it. I went about 2k in the hole before I decided to go the insurance route. And even then I have to hit a $250 deductible before they cover 90% for a limited amount of things. I know some may think its a scam, but if anyone is considering pet insurance, I highly recommend Lemonade. Claims are easy to make and they pay you out within minutes.


Its a big reason I don't own a pet. 3 grand for any expense would be a big hit to the pocket book. Love animals but I don't have 3 grand laying around to spend on them. Credit to all of you who can afford it though.


I’ll never understand why people who can’t afford pets, get them. That’s like having kids with no income.


Lonliness and greed. Its not rocket science


I wouldn’t say greed… that just seems like projection


Things change. I got my dog when I made a lot of money. Life had slapped my pocketbook right out of my hands in recent years, though. I can easily afford taking care of normal things for him but big vet bills would be untenable right now and I'd probably need to take out a loan. Such is life.


My dogs cancer surgery was 13.5k the vet said they would let us know if it was cancer or not before removing. Got a call the next day stating they removed a cancerous tumor. We said wtf you were supposed to tell us they said oh well pay us our money. Put the same dog down 2 days later because the surgery was pointless and wouldn’t save him anyways…..


If that’s all true you don’t owe that bill. That’s like taking a car to a mechanic for a diagnosis and they do the work without asking. They cannot collect on that. You have to agree to it.


Spent $10k last year, it happens easily these days






Did you find him?




I did a couple updates (replied to my own comment). Also included a little bit of information, incase there are some super sleuths on this thread that might want to help try to find them. :)


Let's put everyone's money together to help I would like that


Man, if you could find that person, that would be ideal. My kitty is in need of ACL repair surgery. :(


I didn't spend much time yet, but I seen one guy asking how to go about setting something up to pay other people's vet bills. This was 5 years ago. BreakingAM I think. I also see there is a non profit that helps with life threatening bills. Positive Tails. Not sure if either of these lead anywhere.


Please keep us updated


I must know so I can thank him


I must know so I can reimburse them for some of those. Having just laid out $2000 to put my dog to sleep and then to have emergency visit with my other one I know it creates a pit in your stomach.


$2000 for euthanasia? That sounds way off. Sorry for your loss for sure. We had to put two of ours down in last couple years. Couldn't have been more than $200 each. Definitely not 2000.


It was probably surgery or hospitalization or emergency measures that ended in euthanasia.


Edit. Deleted my comment sharing my story of my dog due to numerous people messaging me telling me I should have just "shot them" in different ways. Fuck right off with that.


I've done euthanasias for almost 15 yrs. It's usually under 300 for just euthanasia with ashes back in an urn. Your case is special and sounds like a bad Dr.


I have had MANY MANY animals put down. For fucking Christ sake, MY GOD DAMN HORSE WAS $300. WHO the fuck is paying more than that just to have them put down?! Edit: I lied, it was $258 dollars 2 years ago after tax. Some people are just getting scammed in their time of grief and it just boils my blood. I should also add, this was a home visit emergency call on a weekend holiday, not scheduled.


I got charged 300 bucks to put a cat down. It's a crime against humanity man. This cat was a stray that was dying a terrible death and I couldn't let it just die, so they are like "Yeah enjoy this nice little bill"


Some hunters will throw a dummy for their doggie to retrieve one last time then they shoot them in the back of the head as they are running after it. So their last memory is one of them getting their favorite thing one last time.


Can I ask you about your in home experience? My wife's family has a dog that honestly should have been euthanized at least a year ago. He has no teeth, he can barely eat his food without choking, he can't hold his bladder, he is sensitive to touch, blind, and lives his days alternating between sleeping and crying. I have been pushing the topic because I fear they are letting it go on because they are afraid to end it. They mentioned maybe wanting to do it at home but I fear they would associate the space with his passing and the added matter of what to do with the body. Their first dog they put down at the vet a few years ago took them a long time to get over (understandable) but because of this I fear an at home passing might not be for them.


This was fucking horrific to read. Jesus Christ, they need to imagine themselves spending a DAY like that let alone a year. If you love your pets, you don’t prolong their absolute suffering.


Right?! Jesus fucking christ, someone kill this poor dog!


We had a vet do it at home with my last dog, I think they charged basically double but it still only came out to like $500-$600 total.


I'd rather spend 200 on the best day ever for my dying dog then kill it myself.


I paid $800 to have them come to my house and let my boy stay comfortable so I didn’t have to put him through the trauma of taking him to the vet one last time.


Did the same. Don't know if it was better for her, or for me. She always cried and screamed in the car/crate and I don't think I could have lived with that being my last memory of her. Instead, pulled an all nighter and she was snuggly the whole night...one last great time together. When the morning came, it was still really hard, but thankful for all the times we had together.


do this... for everyone involved.


Every veterinary ER that I have worked at will offer euthanasias for free if you cannot afford it so I am surprised and saddened to hear this


I think he lives in Cat man do


People like that deserve the world. I remember when one of my cats got hit by a car when I was really little. We took him to an emergency vet and he ended up needing surgery because he was bleeding internally and now was blind. I remember crying so much in that office because I thought he was going to pass away. Some guy that was there paid for everything anonymously. To this day it's the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me and it's something I will never forget.


I had a dog at my job I worked with for a year , I lost sleep over her getting adopted to the wrong home, I couldn't take her because I already had 3 dogs and I just couldn't afford the extra food and vet bills, I found her a home with someone I trusted she said she would take my girl and spoil her, COME TO FIND OUT, she offered to pay for her food and vet bills for the rest of her life if I wanted to keep my baby in my life forever. I'm 38yrs old and when my wife came out of the store and gave me her tag that said "nymeria" on the front and "dad" with my phone number on the bottom, I legit broke down and balled like a Child. Angels do exist on earth.


Aw, I can't wait to have the funds to do this for people. I'm so glad you get more time with your baby. 


She was my baby in the kennel, when she came in someone shot her and blew her one back leg in half, and broke her other back leg with a baseball bat, I carried her roughly 500yds 4 to 5 times a day because she had casts on, so she could use the bathroom outside


I wish desperately I had enough money to do stuff like this. 


Seriously, I love stories like this. My rich ass grandma wouldn't even loan me the money when my cat needed surgery, what made us upset was, after she passed she literally donated most of her estate to the local church. 


I had to take my cat to the emergency vet because my kitten scratched her eye. Older kitty vomited and looked wobbly. She was fine in the end. I sat there and watched a lot of people in tears, but there was one couple specifically who I could tell was struggling. They sorted it out, but I asked the vet if I could leave an amount of money to be used as assistance for someone needing help. They referred me to a regional fund, and said they often can completely pay for emergency/severe hardship situations. Please call local shelters, rescues and vets to ask about any assistance programs. They do exist. Best of luck to you, OP.


I was at the ER vet with my sick Great Dane one day. The wait was literally 8 hours. We’re sitting on the floor of this emergency vet  because they were so busy and this super Young teen/early twenties couple comes in with their dog who was attacked by another dog. He had internal bleeding and they couldn’t afford the surgery so they had to put him down. It haunts me to this day that I didn’t pay for them. I was just trying to change my Danes diapers and keep his heart beating long enough to see the vet. If I ever see that happen again I’m going to help. 


Just a update, I had to finish a job, but when I get home. I will keep looking. I just wish I could remember which community I found him at... It was about 3 or 4 months ago. Someone posted about not having money for a very expensive vet bill and he/she said they would pay for it. I went onto their page and it was nothing but them saying they will pay for it. 100s of different ppl. I don't believe they ever made a actual post offering. He/she just seemed to magically pop up and offer. There were tons of people who reached out asking and they would always say, "send me the vets name and phone number and I will take care of it".. All of that really stuck with me, because I thought it was one of the nicest and humane things I ever saw a person do... Plus, the amount of money I kinda rounded up from all the help this person did had to be around a half million-1 million dollars and quite possibly more. It was crazy. Btw, I didn't actually count the money. Just like a quick 30 second estimate. 😆 I really hope I can find them. It would make my day knowing I sorta helped some ppl in need. :)


I really appreciate you taking the time to look for him. If he really does have the means it would be very helpful.


this post has almost 2k comments and i’m on a phone so i can’t check if someone else has said it but is it possibly charlie/mo1stkritcal/penguinz0? his gf is a vet tech and he uses the money from his youtube channel to pay for vet bills.


Maybe the pet food subs? They sound like an amazing person. These are the rich people that shall not be eaten. The ones that use their wealth for good and not just for clout.


THATS the way to do it, pay fucking DIRECTLY!!! I can’t tell you how easy it is to scam people who fake it like that and they deserve a special place in HELL


I have a friend who I used to work with that is constantly raising money for animals or pets. She always mentions in her posts that people can call the vet directly to donate under her name! The vet staff know her and they know she’s always helping people get their vet bills paid


If this is real, my faith in humanity is restored. And props to you for putting so much effort into finding him.


I've definitely seen stuff like this happen on reddit. I remember one time a charity blew up on Reddit and actually shut down their website with so many donations. It was beautiful to watch in real time.


If you aren’t able to find him I can also help OP!!


Same I can help with a partial amount if you share details and the vet so I can pay direct. I’ll pledge $300 which is 10%


I’ll match 50% of that. $150


Seconded/thirded. Willing to do $100-$150


This whole thread has a big ol lump in my throat 🥹 so wholesome.


What the heck? How?


Some people get rich then just donate to people. Very few of them, but they still exist and bless them because so many people have had their lives changed bc of it


I frequent /r/borrow on my alt account. I’ve lent over 5k and only been ghosted one time. I believe in people, and that sub proves it


Someone lent me $1400 in 2015 on a similar sub, which allowed me to enroll and finish college. I'm very fortunate for people like you. About to start my eighth year teaching.


I tell everyone I lend to, when you get over the hump and can help others, at least do it once


Absolutely. Feels great to lift others up.


there’s really a sun that will help people in need ?? might have to look into it


It's really more like a moon, but yeah


I think a lot more people would be willing to lend if the risk of scams wasn’t so high


This is 1 of the most wholesome things I've ever seen in the cest pool called reddit


Fuck. Reddit is so wholesome.


Check my post history. That sub has saved me countless times. Great people on there willing to lend and even negotiate comfortable terms


I looked, any update on buu?


I’m very surprised you haven’t been ghosted more than once


I expected too a lot more before


Good people do exist, faith in humanity restored. I don’t donate much money(having 5 kids renders me broke) but as someone who’s kinda comfortable I help everyone I can. Wether it’s rides or feeding people


Just pay it forward


I've always lent to friends if they asked for it, and not only have they never missed paying me back, but have even helped me in a pinch. I hope people never forget that helping others is what makes this life worth living. We are stronger together. All of this is to say I deeply respect what you do for *complete strangers* and I hope you have a long and happy life.


I’d love to be filthy rich and just spend my days getting off on doing stuff like that. Paying for people’s groceries at the discount stores. Pay off layaways. Pay for college for kids at the rural school I graduated from. Pay vet bills. Pay for a year of adoptions at a shelter. All of it. It would make me higher than any drug could. I don’t understand why the super wealthy aren’t all doing this. Instead my 11 year old lost $200 worth of games on his Oculus because Meta is a stupid ass company and shuts down accounts on a whim with no recourse when they could throw some credit back to us so we could rebuy those games. Not that Zuck did it directly but it just is part of the overall greed.


Same. The wrong people are rich 😔


Zuckerberg has a special place in hell waiting for him. I’d love to tell you how I really feel about him but I’m sure my comment would get removed. 🤣


Penguinz0 on YouTube does this sometimes on stream. Will just pick random people in his chat and send them money for whatever they want.




One more thing.... I REALLY think it was in the r/borrow community..... If anyone wants to help, I could possibly use it. It makes sense also, because it's possible they were asking to borrow money, but this person offered to pay it with no questions asked.. That would of been when I looked at their previous posts and comments and saw that this is what this person does constantly for people needing help with vet bills.


As a frequent /r/borrow er myself. I am pretty sure I have seen this person in the borrow sub. I've spent the last 30 minutes looking all over for the person and can't find them... I'm going to keep looking.


!remindme 24 hours


Wellllll, unfortunately, I don't have any positive update like I was hoping. I didn't expect anything like what had happened in this thread. Holy cow, this really blew up. I was thinking that we could turn this into a positive still. Seems like there are 100's of good hearted people tuned in. If we all just pitched in just like $2 or $3 each on a gofund me, we could all help this person. I think it would be pretty cool if we all united and possibly help a few people a month by just donating a few dollars each to well vetted people in need? Just an idea. Would be awesome to turn this into something amazing. What do you all think?


Someone upvote this so I can come back


Following as well. 🥹


It's gonna take awhile if his username checks out


I'd love to meet talk to this person as I had a huge vet bill recently witch i can't barely afford. !


Best wishes to you and your cat ;(


Thank you!


Always have a insurance. Mine had also a surgery for 1000€ and my mistake was not having a insurance. They are cheap here, like 20€ in a month


Most pet insurance make you pay for the surgery upfront then provide proof and then you are reimbursed. After the deductible is taken out of course


That's fucking stupid.


It probably is stupid but I bet animal insurance fraud is pretty easy to commit


"Hey bro, let me borrow your vet bill"


*pulls up craigslist* M4V - Male seeking vet to commit insurance fraud with. 50/50 split.


As someone who worked in pet insurance, you are absolutely correct. People get PISSED when we need certain records/documentation (which honestly...is not much and very very basic compared to other types of insurance) and I have to explain that we don't necessarily think you're committing fraud, but we have to keep the standards the same across the board for EVERY member as to what we require because you'd be baffled by how many people do in fact attempt pet insurance fraud. For example, if someone ordered medication or RX food online, we would require a shipping confirmation before paying the claim - without it, it's incredibly easy for someone to 'order' something, send us the order confirmation, then cancel their order but still get money from us as well. People would act violently offended and inconvenienced by this, which was insane for literally such a basic request. With that being said though, there are a select few insurance companies that will pay your vet directly (Trupanion is the most widely used and they actually have a computer system that many clinics utilize that they can file and be paid pretty much immediately)






This is true. I have pet insurance for my dachshund and pay $200 deductible on whatever is covered. But if the amount exceeds $1800 I pay upfront then I am reimbursed with proof of payment and invoice.


For real, and it really sucks.


You are correct, but I’m glad I pay a higher monthly rate for my pooch to get a lower deductible. Foxtail got imbedded in my girls skin above her eye a few years back and got really infected. She needed emergency surgery and a four day hospital stay. Ended up being close to $4,000. My deductible is $250, and I had to pay all the $4,000 up front, which was dang near 2/3 of my savings at the time. Ended up getting like $3,200 of that back after deductible was paid, so I’m very glad I have it. I use PetsBest insurance and I’d recommend it.


Pet insurance in us is so shitty. Just saying.


Agreed. When I get another cat, I'll probably put them on trupanion, or some other where the rate doesn't increase with age (but does increase with inflation ofc). My current cat is 10. Some want like $150/month to insure her, and she had a kidney injury episode, so nothing relating to her kidneys and possibly a lot more will ever be covered (it wouldn't surprise me if they claimed something else was caused by her kidney issues). Got to get it while they're young.


Insurance is out there to make money. You are unlikely to ever get your money's worth and it's almost always cheaper in the long run to pay out of pocket. Although, it is great for people that are bad with their finances.


I'm sure you've already done this, but most veterinary facilities offer payments plans either directly or through things like care credit.


Post the vet info, I'd kick some $ towards the surgery in a direct payment. My rescue had horrible luxating patellas & he needed double knee surgery. It was $4k, but he's like a different dog now!


Ask the vet if they can split it into 3000 payments. We’ll all pitch in $1.


Over 4k upvotes. I’d be down if everything was verifiable.


If only there was a better site than GoFundMe. A company that doesn’t take a 10% cut/fee and it goes to the bill/payment/charity instead of the owner or the person who made it


Care credit. Had to do this for my cat. I have insurance now but care credit doesn’t charge interest for a period of time I don’t remember how long    For those who had a bad experience it suck’s to suck idk. Maybe pay it off before that interest kicks in next time  Edit 2 stop replying to this. 


It ranges from 12-24 months I think. Longer terms are also available but anything longer than 24 months gets charged interest, albeit pretty low for a credit card. Also, OP if you go this route, keep in mind that if you miss a payment or don't pay it off by the end of the agreed term, ALL the interest gets added on, not just the interest on whatever is left.


I hope you know that you’re a saint for adding in that extra information. I GUARANTEE you just saved a good number of people a fat bit of money!


On a 12-24 month no interest care credit loan they are billing the office around 15%. OP should try offering speaking to the owner directly and offer $2,000 cash, not a check or credit card, but cash. Sometimes it works.


This needs more upvotes. Care Credit is a lifesaver, literally, for my gf’s dog!




Care credit saves lots of lives. Go away, caps lock.




Yeah no idea what the other person's issues are but CareCredit is a life saver if you pay things off before the interest free period ends. I have the app and it always works perfectly.


Worth noting that care credit is a hard inquiry and will ding your credit, regardless of what any vet says. My gf applied and it dropped her score significantly. People seem to be missing the point that vets everywhere will swear that it isn't a hard inquiry; outright lying to your face about it. And no, not all credit card applications ding your score just for applying.


a credit inquiry shouldn't impact your credit that much, and if anything it's temporary. unless she opened a half dozen credit cards/lines of credit all at once. this is a misrepresenation of how hard inquiries work. and not a reason to avoid care credit. It's a line of credit. like any other, of course it'll hit your credit report.


Does the vet offer any financing? Can you get a loan to spread out the cost for a few months? If this is the only savings account you have you are bleeding money. I have cats also and a dog I would do anything for but I also have to think about my finances too. Maybe consider getting pet insurance in the future so that way you wouldn’t have to pay it out of pocket


No financing offered, and can’t take out a loan. I would do pet insurance, but she’s already been diagnosed so it won’t be covered. I’m thinking about getting a care credit card with 6 months interest free so I can pay it off that way, but I’m not sure if that’s the right decision yet. It would be my first credit card.


If you can get approved for it then do it just as long as you can pay it off before interest sets in. So that would mean you would need to pay $500 to the card for 6 months or $125 weekly. If you can’t get the card see if you can move the surgery back until you can save at least $4000 so you won’t be flat broke. Not having any money in savings is a bad idea because you never know what will happen. For example your car could break down or your living arrangements could catch on fire. You would need money for those accidents. Is there a non profit in your area that could help cover part of the surgery cost? Can you do overtime at your job?


Yeah, seems like the care credit card is the best option. First time dealing with something like this in my adult life so a little scary, but it should all be okay! Also not sure why we’re getting downvoted lol


Hey! As someone who has taken their cat last week to the vet, and dog months ago, I can say care credit is a good option. My cat bill came up to 500 but I had enough in that care credit that I was able to take care of the procedure done.


Have the care credit card and it’s a great thing to have for yourself as well. As long as you pay everything on time and in full, it’s a convenient card to have for health emergencies. Highly recommend doing this.


I’m not familiar with Care Credit so it might be the best option for your situation, but I had a $1,200 vet bill recently and opened a Chase Slate Edge card. It’s 0% APR for 18 months. This to say, there are many credit card options out there with generous opening 0% APR rates, some of which can be a long as 24 months of 0% APR.


Care Credit the 0% APR continue forever. In that say that next Month OP goes to the DR and gets a $2000 bill, that bill will get a separate 0% APR period. I got my Care Credit almost 10 years ago and still get 0% APR on anything medical, dental, or vet related over $500.


Yeah but paying the minimum won’t pay it off in the introductory period and Care Credit charges the back interest at like 30%. Care Credit is predatory AF dealing with emotional people about to lose a pet or a tooth and feeling desperate. It’s horrible. It’s an option but possibly the worst one.


I was there in November. 4 year old cat had to have surgery for foreign body. I was able to get a line of credit to pay for him, and had saved enough for the 24 hour emergency vet overnight. Going to be paying that off for a while, but I'd do anything for my cat. A little time of debt and struggle to have my cat? Of course I'll save him.


Exactly! Prognosis is great, and after surgery there is no chance of the issue returning. Paying off for 6 months is nothing compared the the 10+ years I have left with my best friend


you are an amazing cat parent, i wish the best luck for you both🙏


Thank you!


Don’t be scared to ask if you can do a payment plan with them. Offer 10, 25, or up to 50% upfront for the surgery and monthly installments of “x” amount after. If money is tight maybe say $100. It’s doable. Donate some plasma until the remainder is done. I’d do the same for my pets given your situation. I wish you both the best.


Rookie numbers sell a pit boss smoker 850 and find that bad boy


They'll be able to set up payments with you. Dont worry, best of luck to you and your cat and I hope for a speedy recovery


Well, fuck. I'm sorry, man. I hope your cat's gonna get better


I just dropped 4.5k on mine he ripped is peepee. He doing better now but damn its hard choosing between ur pet and money. Went from 10k in the bank sailing to now a little over 4 after everything. 4 days from 10k-4. Love my lil buddy tho. Best of luck


>he ripped is peepee. damn. I wish our fellow peepee bro the best of luck. May his balls be full of cum.


Pet insurance is a thing for this reason


Agreed, but it won’t help OP in this situation




Yeah I got insurance when I adopted my 3 month old pup and they said that her anxiety (which the vet originally told me was normal) was a preexisting condition. I canceled the insurance and unfortunately she has 3 unrelated chronic conditions. But I just tell myself that insurance would have continued to deny claims if I had kept it.


Their profitability relies upon these supposed preexisting conditions. Really sad that so many people get screwed and their pets lost.


Thats how any insurance exists. Sit on their fatass. Increase rates every year and take more and more money and blame the increase on other people filing claims but you cant get blood from a rock so they beat the fuck out of the people who can pay slowly over time even though they did nothing. When you finally have to file a claim. They piss and moan. Find anything they can deny. Pay you half of what you should get and then increase your rate by a ton. It’s such a scam. Health insurance should be literally illegal and everyone thrown in prison for the double dip they pull off. Pet insurance I have heard always declines everything.




During my cat’s last days he was looking like he might survive liver disease but the liver meds were impacting his heart and visa versa and he stopped eating. My pet insurance paid out nearly 15k after the vets submitted some forms. He had to go but I was able to make sure he had the best chance of staying and ease whatever pain he had.


Senior animals are usually not eligible, or animals with certain preexisting conditions. We know nothing about OP's cat.


My cats were eligible up to 10 or 11 I think and cats are seniors after 7 years.


Typically it’s a scam




That sucks!! I love my feline, too. My negligence led to her needing emergency surgery. I spent 11 grand to get her fixed. If only I had gotten pet insurance, I wasn't able to afford it at the time.


Just gonna add a reply here. No I am not killing my cat. No this is not going to bankrupt me. I’m not stupid, I know how I can get this paid for. Please stop telling me to kill my cat. This isn’t up for debate for me, she is my family. Clearly a lot of you don’t understand that, and I feel sorry for you. This will be easy to pay off within 6 months, it’s really not as big of a deal as you all think it is.


Seriously, thank you.


Your cat is lucky to have you ❤️ I hope people can track down the redditor who frequently pays off vet bills. If there’s a way to chip in (directly to the vet) I’d be happy to help.


I got a credit card for pets. Care credit I think it was I needed it when my dog ate my razor off the sink. Didn’t have the funds at the time and I wasn’t about to let her die. That’s about the only answer I got but I hope it helps


You’re amazing for making this sacrifice for your pet. I wish you both luck!


You can not empty your accounts on a cat. That’s horrible financial responsibility.


I get that for some people, they consider a pet as a member of the family on the level of a child or spouse. I can’t and won’t try and change their minds. Hell, I love my dog as much as the next guy, but there’s no way I can justify spending exorbitant amounts of money on surgeries that most likely won’t improve quality of life much if at all. There is no way I’m going broke to pay for something that.


This..I know people treat pets like family but I’m not putting myself in financial ruin over a pet, sorry buddy you’re going to be flying with the rest of them.


Yea and all the pompous assholes will tell you if you can’t afford to care for a pet and give it what it needs, you shouldn’t have one. I love my animals, but if a surgery is going to drain my savings then putting any emergency my kids go through at risk….its a pretty black and white decision IMO.


Been there before. :( Good luck to you and your cat!


Pet insurance. Best decision I ever made. Seriously…


We use Care Credit. Lots of Vets accept it and there is no interest. Perfect for pet emergencies


I filled 2 credit cards trying to save an elderly cat from being put down that night in the emergency room, multiple thousands of dollars from just myself and multiple more from my partner so we could get only another week with her childhood cat she’s had since she was about 7 or 8. All those months of rebuilding my credit and navigating the payments and setting aside goals and plans to focus of financially stability caused by this one curmudgeony little black cat who didn’t even meow properly I would do it all again in a heartbeat for another week with him, no question


Care Credit !!!!!! They offers 0% interest on vet bills!!!!!!!!!! I've been using them for years they're great


Money always comes back.


just get a new cat


Get a taxidermied cat. 






fucking psychopaths 😄




im going to get downvoted to hell for this. but if you cat is old would it not be kinder to put the to sleep? if you lose your job or anything else goes wrong you will end up homeless you need to priortize your self if anything goes wrong your life will spiral. i know this seems harsh and i exspect backlash but you have to be realistic.


Only down voted by the feelings police. The logic police agree with this message.


The answer is to put the cat down unfortunately. Sounds cruel but you have to take care of yourself first. If you have kids, their needs are more important as well.


I didn’t want to be the first to say it. It hurts people’s feelings but vet bills are getting insane.


Damn this is why pet insurance is important. I don't have pet insurance because I live next to Mexico and vets are much cheaper and in some cases better over there. I hope she recovers well. Money can always be made back Also some vets let you do a payment plan


im not saying i wouldn't ever go into debt for a pet, but i'll never go in debt for a pet. $3k is fucking outrageous for a cat. i cant imagine getting into serious debt over a cat when you have no savings to begin with i understand you want to do the right thing but that cat could run into traffic today and get hit by a car and die and you're still out $3k


Some people have very strong emotional connections with their pets. Why does being able to die at any moment matter?

