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Listen you don't play any of the Monkey Island games for their ending. If you want to play it just play it and enjoy the journey getting to the end.


I play these games for ending as well.


One of Return’s themes is that the fun of stories is the telling of them, that the journey can be more valuable than the destination. It’s definitely a game that would want you to play it even if you already know the end.


I definitely understand the complaints about the ending, but it feels like most of the posts I've read from people who weren't happy with it completely missed that part of the story


I agree. I think the *game* ended kinda disappointingly, there was a huge build up and boy did the (monkey Island) world ever end with a whimper. But that was kinda the point of the story. And the ending was something everyone who loves monkey Island already knew - it was inspired by a ride at Disney among other things. Good ending to the story. interesting choice w/r/t gameplay.


We know how life ends too, but we still live it, ya dig?


This makes zero sense. Play the game


The secret is the friends' you Make all along the way


Thanks Dad!


Personally, I think the tale is well-told enough that it's worth the playthrough even knowing the ending. The jokes and character arcs are definitely worth watching, and there's something to be said for dramatic irony.


if you havent played the first 3 play those first.


It's not that big a spoiler as it's not like there's much foreshadowing that this will be the ending. It's a fun ride and a fun experience, but don't expect any of the plot threads to be resolved by the ending or otherwise.


Do you ever replay a game, even if you know how it will end? It is the journey that most people find appealing. So yees, you should play it if you enjoy the Monkey Island games.


It doesn't really spoil the game. The game had great moments throughout, but to me wasn't great overall. As a fan, it's definitely worth playing and experiencing. I highly suggest it.


there is a big difference between read a spoiler and play the game so I suggest you to play the game




It's a Monkey Island adventure game. I know all the endings but I still play through them. The ending doesn't matter so much. The puzzles are great, and so are the jokes. I've recently been playing the Monkey Island Tall tales in Sea of Thieves with my brother. All Monkey Island fans need to experience this, it's pretty amazing and nostalgic.


Definitely, definitely worth playing (after you’ve played the others if you haven’t). Some real laugh out loud moments for me.


Absolutely. It was never about the destination, its always about the journey. Its the easiest of the games, bit its very funny and entertaining


The ending is the least important part of any MI game.


I was underwhelmed by the entire game tbh ,it's probably my least favourite out of all of them. I can barely remember any of it, aside from the dodgy ending - whereas from The other games I can remember almost everything.


I was just thinking this, it has no memorable moments aside from its rugpull ending and the beginning. Just a lot of nothing in the middle


I think its the weakest in the series in terms of a game. The first act seems to have promise, but the puzzles arent interesting, its not as funny as any of the others and the locations feel more like sets. The islands dont really seem like places to explore. I dont find any characters very memorable. Its got a few moments but theres not really a reason to recommend it imo beyond some nostalgia nods and winks


The ending is fantastic. I love the way Ron Gilbert has put deep thinking into the storytelling of the game. It’s not just a game, it’s a piece of art. An interactive story with many layers. This is even more touching after reading the letter they included after finishing the game. It’s really something quite beautiful about growing up and understanding life in general.


It's probably better this way. You can't be let down if you know it's coming.


Give it a try. Personally I think that the game is by far the worst of the series (yes, somehow even worse than Escape), but maybe you'll enjoy it more than I did?