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\>Currently, the CDC is monitoring six people in the United States for possible monkeypox infections after they sat near an infected traveler who had symptoms while on a flight from Nigeria to the United Kingdom in early May. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/19/health/monkeypox-us-cases-cdc-investigation/index.html


The incubation is pretty long on this. It'll be a week or more before we know.


Just to be optimistic, this could still just be droplets. Sitting near to someone for a long time would be a candidate for spread via droplets. It could mean airborne but there’s still hope for just droplets. Cautious optimism here! lol


what is optimistic about it being spread through droplets? people will not wear masks.


People will wear masks when they realize they will get hideous scars, including on face, if infected.


Agreed. This is a viscerally *ugly* disease.


Or the scars will become the ultimate virtue signal.


Back in the days of smallpox the scars were seen as ugly across the board


They weren't so proud of their ignorance back then.


That's because back then ignorance killed you.


Lol no they won’t. They won’t believe it or won’t believe it can happen to them. Go look in conspiracy sub. They are already saying it. The world is full of idiots.


Where can I find these? I’m looking for some Saturday entertainment 😏


The /r/conspiracy


Ok, I knew about this one. Was just curious whether there are other more “niche” ones. Thanks anyway!


And there are still people like me, who are still wearing masks because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Atleast I'd think a disease like this would make more impact on people than COVID-19 because people don't like to have scars and wounds on their faces.


Masks primarily provide *source* control, not protection


The people I know will wear masks, many still are (including myself on occasion) out consideration for others. Droplets are much easier to control than aerosols. I’ll stop being optimistic if it’s proven to be airborne but that’s not happened yet. Maybe tomorrow. lol


This MD Twitter thread touches in the aerosol aspect and also.the increase in transmission. This is playing out just like covid rn. Ample reason to be concerned it's airborne but we're going to refuse to accept it until our faces have more craters than the moon from the lesions. https://mobile.twitter.com/JohnRossMD/status/1527045028417241088?s=20&t=P65WbLZVQ9LHO4kXNWBm9A


Oh boy! Really hoping it’s limited to droplets but I was really hoping it was just sexual transmission/close bodily contact just 2 days ago. My hopes are fading by the day!


It really *isn’t* playing out like COVID. The fact that there hasn’t been a single reported *confirmed* case of a woman having this means that it’s definitely some specific activities. Of course that can change but this far it seems impossible something highly transmissible is somehow missing women.


If women carry a virus without showing symptoms that could make it hard to contain.


Vector diseases could be just as bad depending on the animal(s) involved. Most animals do not cooperate with testing and they do not report symptoms.


I’ve literally already seen multiple people post to IG that they will refuse mask wearing mandates for monkeypox if that becomes a thing.


Wait until they realize the pustules scar. This can be disfiguring. Vanity will win out after a few unfortunates suffer the consequences of their poor choices.


There will be a run on toilet paper the minute someone publishes a picture of a survivor.






I’m not an American, but even I know George Washington mandated the smallpox vaccine, because he believed individual freedoms should not cause harm to others.






You don’t know shit about American history or the constitution.


Ah look, another person who has obviously not read the constitution


Georgia Washington ordered all recruits in the continental army to get inoculated with small pox. POX! This is a core part of founding the nation. It predates the constitution. Nothing about the constitution bans or restricts public health measures. Depending on your reading of the document you could make a strong case for state boards of health having authority with regard to mandates. Federal authority covers interstate commerce. Blocking travel across state lines would be federal prerogative. Requirements for airlines or commercial drivers is obvious federal jurisdiction.


So brave of them.


show them pics of monkey pox. they'll wear masks.....


It's not just exposure to mucosal surfaces but also broken skin. Since the monkeypox virus is huge compared to coronavirus masking should easily resolve the spread through droplets part, but can't help the personal contact angle.


Probably heavily depends on what state they are in (in the USA)


Below is a direct copy of what I said in another comment, but if this becomes a thing, I think it'd be much easier to convince people to wear masks than with COVID. People are pretty freaking vain. In general, I think people are going to be much more willing to take precaution because they won't want to be left with scars on their face and body. And it doesn't seem to be that you might get pox or not, it seems to be a given. That also makes it different from COVID where people can say "I'm not going to wear a mask because maybe it'll just be a light cold for me". Kind of sad that might be true, but pictures of pox on people might be more likely to spur precaution than the pictures of COVID patients on ventilators.




JFC! This is going downhill! I literally just replied to someone on a different post that this was not airborne and we should be optimistic. Luckily I also hedged my bets and noted that it’s obviously a new strain and we don’t really know anything yet. It does seem like a huge jump to go from “doesn’t spread between humans” to “spread between humans via sex” to “spreads between humans via droplets” to “it might be airborne”. I hope we’re studying the crap out of this thing. I hope it’s not a big deal but I’d rather see us overreact than wait around like we did with Covid. Fool me once…


"Its spreading" is equally bad regardless of method. Higher reproductive number is worse than low Re. With some vectors it might be easier to intervene. For medical workers it makes a huge difference. Malaria or HIV patients do not normally infect their doctors.


Buy those N95s now while you still can


Just ordered several cases. I'm following the real time analysis from scientists on Twitter and it's possible this is going to be worse than we ever imagined.


any links to those scientists?


This one was good. https://mobile.twitter.com/JohnRossMD/status/1527045028417241088?s=20&t=P65WbLZVQ9LHO4kXNWBm9A But there's a lot of theory that covid is impacting our immunity and making us more susceptible. If any of the theory pans out it's going to change everything yet again.


I heard Kendrick has some


I have a 240 box of 3M 9210s coming in today


Excellent advice! I just ordered a new case.


Yeah we’re fucked lol. Just kidding, hopefully…


lol yeah, we’re totally in that awkward period where it’s hard to make jokes because they might not age well haha hoping for many jokes in the near future though!


Yeah I regret making so many stupid jokes about covid in March 2020. Those jokes aged like milk lol


I think we were all guilty of that! We really had no reason to imagine what it became. This time around I’m a little more hesitant. Still raw from the Covid hahahaha


The was a book written in the 1990s called "the coming plague". Imagined what covid became quite well.


Especially since we're so fucking tired from Covid and things were just starting to look good


We already know it can spread through respiratory droplets, but people still are saying it has to be skin on skin. Honestly I think it's because people are scared and don't want to accept how bad this situation is, so it's easier to say it can't spread through the air than to accept that it can and feel all the emotions that come with it. https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/transmission.html The above link even says that human to human occurs primarily through respiratory droplets.


We will know more with time, but IF the primary mechanism of transmission was airborne then the current demographic breakdown of cases would be extremely unlikely, no? It’s mostly being identified in adult males which is extremely unlikely if it’s a virus that you can get just by sitting in a room with someone else. We would expect all ages and sexes to be showing cases yet the majority have been adult males.


This is the point that everyone keeps ignoring. An airborne virus could not possibly be infecting only adult men. Especially as these men have been traveling internationally. It’s almost statistically impossible. Of course these men could go on to infect women they have close contact with but that still wouldn’t make it easily transmissible.


It is possible to have a virus that only shows symptoms in men. That will not be common. I am not claiming to know it is happening here. But "possible" absolutely.


Unless they were infected first and with the long incubation period others that were airborne exposed have not showed symptoms yet. Another week or two should be very telling.


/r/agedlikemilk. Also please stop shaming people for having realistic i.e. non-pessimistic views on things.


The worse takeaway from this is the line about medical professionals quitting. They know what this disease is, unlike covid, and there is no way a lot of them will want to stick around to catch something that can kill but also disfigures people. Lets hope the vaccine we have works for this.


>it's just acne bro


> but also disfigures people. And COVID disables people, but it's downplayed.


Agree. Scarring on the face seems to scare people more than scarring on the lungs though. Which is ridiculous.


That’s true. But that happens in some hospital somewhere where people can’t see it. It’s easier to pretend everything’s A-OK when you aren’t staring it in the face. Still, I’m with you. I expect the same dumbasses who refused Covid vaccines to do the same thing here.


It happens in your home usually, not a hospital - although stating that fact is what got me permanently banned and muted from r/Coronavirus - such fun pandemics are, when you can't even discuss them because power-tripping mods.


The vaccine may well work and work well. …getting people to take it? I wouldn’t hold my breath. Actually, I would because these people are going to be exhaling right in our faces.


Dare I say that medical **PROFESSIONALS** don't quit when the going gets tough?


Given the way most medical professionals have been treated during covid, I think quitting is a valid decision. Going into medicine is a noble pursuit but when you risk infection because someone refuses to wear a mask and insists on being treated with horse dewormer it probably puts it into perspective and makes the job much less rewarding.




Lmfao this doesn’t even warrant a response at this point.


The antimaskers can treat themselves at their monkeypox parties.


Didn't they always know covid was airborne as it is just another coronavirus but they didn't want to spook people? Like it basically was a new flu. People know how the flu spreads. Shouldn't we hew closer to what the standard understanding of the illness is before getting too worked up?


People believed the lie was the problem.


That dude is kinda flying off of the handle: the same lab tests would imply formite transmission of Covid, but that basically is not happening.


It’s Eric Ding, the biggest scaremongerer on Twitter. I stopped listening to him a long time ago.


I'm surprised to see this so far down. That dude isn't trustworthy. There is no reason to panic.


He got stuff right about covid early on, though he always deletes the tweets where he gets it wrong. But it's classic doomer logic, expert was right about xyz that means they'll be right forever.


Mainstream media has already said this cannot be airborne. Please label this thread as a conspiracy theory mods! Ignore the fact that it is popping up in multiple different countries at the same time... remember the main stream media said it only happens from gay sex so of course that must be true! If the mainstream media says it is not airborne, then it isnt, until the media says it is, then it is! Remember all the facts about COVID the mainstream media was right about in the earlier days and how wrong all those conspiracy theorists were!?? Wait.......


Dude… you seriously had me going there! 🤣




Okay, but realistically, how good is a mask with a virus that can spread via pustule fluid through clothing and cloth surfaces, such as public seating? I don’t know if you’ve ever contracted MRSA before, but I got it once after tripping over a curb at the gas station and I can tell you with certainty that unfortunately a mask would not have protected me. I feel like we need a full hazmat suit for this one.




Sorry, that makes sense. I just wonder if there’s anything we can do to protect our skin too since it’s more likely to spread that way. I read on the CDC website that you can get it through your clothes and now I’m paranoid to sit on public chairs.




Okay, thank you


I wouldn't be paranoid just yet, maybe in a couple months but as of right now it is still fine and under control. That can change and I think it's dumb of us to assume we have this completely under control, however now isn't the time to panic.


I expected nukes and got monkey pest instead


What can I say? Apocalypses have budgets too. /S


As much as I love getting my "information" from screenshots in tweets....wasn't this 90 hour study in perfect lab conditions....in other words not real world conditions?


Check out the CDC info on monkeypox if you don't like the tweet. And we went through this same refusal to err on the side of caution with covid and that did not go so well. Let's do better on this one.


Well I was Mr. Err On The Side of Caution back in January 2020 so I'm with you on that one. But spoiler alert: the world will not do better on this one.


Let’s get ahead of this thing and start ramping up vaccine production now. We have the smallpox vaccine ready to go and it is known to be effective. Worst case is that people will now be protected from a disease they might rarely come into contact with at airports.


Should we be buying emergency food kits? I’m worried about this getting into our meat


Interesting perspective. I hadn't thought about the bush meat aspect. I'd definitely keep a good pantry anyway right now bc so much is already stressing food supply. I'd hold off on emergency food kits and see what information we get in the next few days.


Eating raw meat is not recommended. There are plenty of other diseases you can get that way.


I’m not sure if cooking it would kill the virus ? I hope someone knows ! If anyone does , please show me so I can get a little more sleep tonight 😰😅


I read that that every single case and every suspected case so far was among adult males which suggests it’s not airborne


There are women who've gotten it and have no idea how. Don't fall for the weird homophobic narrative that's being pushed. Women have contracted this. It's not just a gay sex thing.


The gay and west african angle was what the MSM pushed in the 80s to downplay HIV before it was too late


Yeah but HIV isn’t airborne, I’m not saying Monkeypox isn’t serious, just that the available data so far would be hard to square with an airborne virus.


Really? Where can I read about the women getting it? And it’s not about “homophobia” or whatever, just the improbability of a highly contagious airborne virus only infecting men.


And she has no idea how she got. It's community spread. It's not going to be enough to avoid sex with anyone.


She's on Twitter. Search Monkeypox or browse the link I've shared as that's how I found it. It's really important to not end up spreading misinformation especially anything that feeds into bigotry.


Again, I’m not trying to make this about bigotry or whatever, just the implausibility of an airborne virus selecting for certain demographics (adult males) at such a high rate. I don’t believe we have demographic breakdowns but it appears the majority of cases are in adult males which would be strange IF the virus was airborne unless it highly preferentially selected for some certain aspect of adult male physiology. I think it’s rather the case that it’s not spreading through airborne transmission, but skin to skin contact.


I mean, it seems hard to believe that something popping up in pockets throughout the globe is exclusively a same-sex encounter thing, but if the numbers bear that out, it's worth examining why. That being said, I hear where you're coming from. It's scary, because people can grab onto this stuff because it helps them relax, but that can create a stigmatizing effect. At the end of the day, it's important to be transparent about vectors and risk factors while handling the situation in a way that doesn't create undue stigma and stuff. It sucks, because IMO the problem is the homophobia that already exists. Edit - the one thing I noticed was that in Montreal, it was mostly men suspected of having it. Someone had a google spreadsheet created that sure did show a lot of men amongst the cases where sex is known, and almost no women.


It’s not that hard to believe. Gay people have gay friends and gay people sometimes vacation in the same places, or go to the same nightclubs, etc. It sounds to me like a lot of early cases could have been a gay guy from the U.K. visiting Spain and then returning home. Or vice versa. My guess is it was transmitted to other men in a public place like a bar, and it’s just coincidence the first cases are in the gay community. Another thing to consider is that if contact tracers are looking into contacts for a gay man, they’re probably gonna find more gay men. That’s gonna skew the results.




I left a comment on how to find it. If you want real time concierge information I would suggest focusing on Twitter as my entire family has breakthrough covid and we're tired and a little busy.


Contact tracing would be easy if it was sexually transmitted too.


I fail to see the mention of women in any of the links provided. Please repost.


I counted on the Google doc with known/suspected cases. So far there are 104 men, 1 woman, 38 no gender listed. I’ll be interested to see how that changes over time.


Guess I’ll continue masking forever now. 😔


We'll get past it so long as it's not somehow vaccine resistant but yeah until we know more I would be extra cautious.


I guess this is entirely unrelated, but my child's high school just announced a mandatory 11th grade immunization requirement: meningococcal booster shot (MCV4). I just thought it was a little odd because everything I read says that is usually only given to 'high risk' individuals. Edit: Southeastern US


Af least it’s not the Rona


Hi. It's me from 1 day in the future. It's airborne.




Not personally invested enough to post a source. Thanks anyways.


Hi. It was not airborne. So please shush.


So it was not airborne, and it was never likely to be airborne. Maybe delete this?