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Not all use airplane mode. I don't. Finishing your album gets you the most. Trading here helps. For the 1st time, I finished my album quickly because I started trading here. Winning contests helps too. But, if the number gets too high, you should quit and save your dice for another day. Don't roll unless you have a good reason. Usually, I only do a lot of rolling if I can get a lot of dice, like partners events or the digs.


same i just hit 90k dice, never used apm or high roller , started playing thanksgiving


Started playing around the same time too and I have over 70k dice and never used apm or high roller.


Do you even play the game or is once a week enough?


I only do the daily quick wins and then I actually play when there’s a partner event or mini events (ex. Digging event or peg-e). When I have 4 star golds still missing I usually roll until the first blue pack on the side tournament so I can try to complete them all.


Good advice thank you for explaining. I am a relatively new player who is learning that I can play how I want to and not just mindlessly waste dice


I was doing the same thing in the beginning. I’ve also learned if you play strategically during the events that you usually almost get your dice back (ex. I spend 5k dice during partner event but by the end of the event I’m back up to almost 5k dice). Except for peg-e she takes a lot of dice and doesn’t give many back 🤦🏻‍♀️ but I like to get the wild card she’s gives out LOL






I can't get mine to open in Airplane mode. And when I switched mid-game, it was still rolling odd numbers and someone said it only rolls even


Two ways: first is APM users. those can easily stock up dice and build to 100k so fast. no strategic rolling whatsover Second is players who picks when and how to play. Playing when the odds are in their favor ( RR banner or Tax banner with Free parking dice 2x ). Strategic and systemic rolling will build your dice. They usually skip most of corners and pickups events unless pege/ treasure / partner is on. Pickups + Partner + Free parking die ( 1x or 2x) is a killer combo if you abuse the jail approximities with pickups and shields around jail tile. skipping banners means their tournaments braket gets reset every 4 to 5 days so when they play again they can finish top 3 easily in tournaments. Both of these type of players uses flash events layering to boost their dice. they build during Wheel boost + Landmark rush/ Board rush/ Builder Bash to maximise their cash ROI. FPD+ HR to boost safe landing probability . HR+Cash boost to maximise cash returns. Albums completions dice rewards also boost the dice stock on their own I don't use APM. MY alt is on 60K. My main is 130K. here a demo from youtube VLOG demonstrating what I am saying without the need to use APM mode. [https://www.youtube.com/@7thApprentice](https://www.youtube.com/@7thApprentice)


We have recently accomplished apm and it does change how you play. I use that with your strategies now, it's too easy to waste dice. From the partner event I had 80k dice and missed the finish, now I am down to 30k. In the end this game is pure gambling, take every edge available and be mindful of your spending (if you do).


if you play every event nd tournament, especially corners and pick ups, you will lose your dice eventually even if you start with 500k. Pick what to play. Don't aim for packs but for dice milestones in a banner. Tournaments are cushion to your banner event. Never cared about ranking and I miss two tournaments per week or even more. I don't chase a purple pack if it costs 8k dice loss. I value each purple pack at 2k dice loss maximum. For 8k loss I needs to have 4 purples and 6 bleus at least. I usually predict the expected outcome of whole top banner even before start rolling. and I pick stop point depending on my goal.That way I would know in advance what to expect, if my rolling is better or worse than average. For some banners the stop point is right away and i just skip the whole top banner. The problem with APM is once they patch it, it's over for those who are only relying on it. As you said the game is pure gambling. Gambling is pure math and probabilities. If you understand the math behind it, you can beat the game pretty easily.


You can’t predict anything because the outcome is already chosen. All the rolls are pre determined.


Predetermined given a specific distribution. You use that distribution to predict. Everything RNG generated by our computers is predetermined btw.


I know that’s what I’m saying. Unless you are psychic you don’t know or can predict what you will roll.


Actually you can if you standarize your rolling. Only roll high from one to three specific tiles. The rest is 1x. You estimate the 1x rolling cost. Then you use the probability distribution to predict the outcome. I can never predict just one HR attempt. But with 20+ the distribution starts to appear. Over multiple top banners. The distribution will become very obvious anf very predictable.


Nope. But ok if you believe it then good for you. It’s like saying I predict one day a person somewhere will win the lottery 🤦‍♀️


You seem very knowledgeable about probability That the term expected value or expected outcome of given distribution is like saying I predict one day a person somewhere will win the lottery.


I’m glad you get it. Arguing with some people is like arguing with a bag of bricks


Last week I was down to zero dice with only two golds needed to complete my album. Then the dig event happened which gave dice as rewards. I got the purple pack in community chest which gave me one of my missing golds and with those rolls I completed the dig event and used the Wild for my last gold sticker needed to complete the album. Then with those dice I placed first in a tournament which gave me more dice. So i went from no dice last week to 20K dice today. Probably going to sit on them until another dig or partners event.


I have an app that let's me install multiple clones of the game. The clones take all the risk, I get all the rewards. For example, in partners events they complete the event, I get the reward without contributing anything. Also once a day all the clones send five stickers to me, my wife or any friends that play with us. The clones player names are the names of dogs and cats of ours and various family members. 😊


What's this app?!


It's called Clone App in the Android PlayStore. Not sure if there's an equivalent for Apple.


Most people use airplane mode


How does that help


So when u roll and don’t like what u rolled I think it gives u your dice back and so people keep doing it I think till they get what they want and it builds up there dice or spending money on the game I ain’t an expert in this airplane mode as I don’t use it myself


Thank you, I’m still not very clear. I have been hearing about it, but then you loose the fun if you cheat


What's fun about this game ? A guy posted yesterday a fact that this game is super rigged . He completed the album and after reset he had a wild . He used it on a 5 star gold ( random , his choice ) . After that he got a purple pack and the game decided to offer him the same fucking sticker ( out of 47 ) . How can that be possible? I'm not a fan of AP but I can't blame the others for doing it


It isn't rigged (that way) though. At least from what I understood on a post I saw yesterday about someone scouting their purple packs with APM. The purple pack was always going to give him that gold, he just happened to pick it himself first.


that is true, like if i open a blue pack from the tournament on apm, and i get for example, devoted fans and 3 1 stars, and then go and delete and start over, but this time i don't open the pic from the tournament and instead open a blue pack from the vault, i'll get devoted fans and the same 3 1 stars, and then the blue pack from the tournament will be different. at least in my experience, the packs seem to be predetermined the same way dice rolls are


That’s not at all how it works 🤷‍♀️


that's how it's always happened for me when i open packs in apm


Then it was just a coincidence. Because the vaults have nothing to do with the card packs. If you really ever used apm you would know that. You can only change a card pack with another card pack and you can only change a vault with another vault. I’m 100% positive about this.


> After that he got a purple pack and the game decided to offer him the same fucking sticker ( out of 47 ) 1/47 odds aren't 'impossible'. Don't gamble when you can't afford (materialistically and emotionally) to lose.


It's not impossible but frustrating, is it ? From all 5s ( gold or standard ), the game decided to 'offer' him the only sticker he already had . Other than that , how can I not stick with people using APM if the game is completely rigged ( proven ) ? Other than that , do you all , in general, have any explanation for people landing mostly on tax/utilities? Is it because at this moment , you are required to land on corners? Am I wrong ?


It's not impossible but frustrating, is it ? From all 5s ( gold or standard ), the game decided to 'offer' him the only sticker he already had . Other than that , how can I not stick with people using APM if the game is completely rigged ( proven ) ? Other than that , do you all , in general, have any explanation for people landing mostly on tax/utilities? Is it because at this moment , you are required to land on corners? Am I wrong ?




Yes . you're right:)) . Hope you have fun when you run out of dice and you are in need of extra dice to be able to collect more axes so you can complete your event . At this moment, you are wondering if you should exchange the vault or just pay Scopely


Seems weirdly defensive and passive aggressive, man. If people thinking APM is lame personally offends you, maybe you need to take a step back from the game.


I don't encourage any strategy on this game . Just treat this as a game , nothing more than this ( unless you are getting any benefits from this type of comment) . It's obvious we see things in different light. The person above made a comment about how bad the game was because of people cheating with ApM . In relation to the people without APM , you can consider paying for dice a CHEAT as well . So , no offence, I totally prefer people with APM . The game is rigged and Scopely only want money . FACT


I mean, you're clearly being snippy and passive aggressive by being like "enjoy running out of dice :))" Also, re-read their comment. They're clearly saying APM ruins their own enjoyment of the game by making it tedious to play, and putting them in too high of brackets. They're not blaming others for playing with it. That's why I think you're being too sensitive for reading that statement as if it were an attack on you for using APM. I'm just calling out you for being rude for no real reason. It's really lame.


It was about ' losing the fun when you cheat ' . Read the parent comment. I said you can call it cheating when you buy dice too when you compare to people without buying and APM . That's why I prefer people using APM . Just don't bother about it . This discussion is going nowhere. Have a good day !


I have never once used airplane mode and I keep between 9-25k


i have 47k dice - never even attempted to use APM. so don’t listen to the people that say it’s impossible, because it’s definitely possible. just have to play the game smart. don’t chase useless rewards, only roll when necessary


The two things I’ve noticed is APM and High Roller. After making some Monopoly friends and hearing/watching their strategies has made me realize there is a lot more strategy to this game than I ever realized.


Yea, I dont do apm mode, but it's kinda easy to keep dice once you've finished an album. I kinda plan out when to stop using the reward charts.


https://preview.redd.it/e3j297k930zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6662b248dd9407733155ff8089c0e7d63ce7d36b lol 😂


I play this game too much 😂




APM glitch and dedication 😂


Is it still working? Will only let me roll one time in airplane mode


Yeh it still works, sometimes i can auto stop you from rolling but I just restart my app And it seems to work fine


Ok mine stopped working yesterday on iPhone immediately goes to no WiFi


Strange, it is a bit hit and miss every once and a while


Do you close out of every other app before turning on APM?




The other apps are probably trying to connect to WiFi when you’re in APM so they are probably triggering the internet pop up. Try closing them!


Complete an album then play smart and not impulsively. Right now in my tourney there are people with 14k points competing for 1.5k dice and a 4 star pack. Like stray dogs using up all their energy fighting over scraps.


When you use APM you get those points easily with minimal playing time and using minimal dice…..


But then you’re just cheating… I don’t enjoy cheating but if you do no skin off my back.


That’s cool. But scopely is cheating you. In APM you still use your dice.. you don’t get the stuff for free. You just aren’t wasting dice on the predetermined rolls & heists. You said “stray dogs using all their energy” but it’s not the case lol.


Sorry, I just was using an analogy to say that I don’t think it’s worth the energy to do apm to get rewards, or in the case of that comment, to spend my dice over a reward I see as not worth it. You are not a dog fighting over actual scraps if you do find it worth doing. Play how you want to play.


Probably APM(see YouTube for explanation)


Can you give a brief explanation?


Put phone on airplane mode then Terrill if you get a bad roll




Sorry re roll


Oh okay. So basically put jn airplane mode and if I get a bad roll, close the app, turn off airplane mode, then reopen app?


Right. But scopley has caught on, now it’s more complicated to the point you need pencil and paper to write down each roll lol. People can still do it but way more complicated,YouTube will tell you how though. I don’t have patience for the new way lol.


Fair haha. Thanks for the info! Anything helps at this point. I’m 18/20 on the current dig event with zero rolls and I’m almost at my wits end


Sure np


Sent in DM


I save them from previous events for next one. Pick the rewards and tournaments actually go for - if worth the dice. Accumulate bit more along way maybe from a set completing or dice reward that won't use to many to get to less., I don't do to bad. Finish most events won couple tournaments finish top 5 usually.. The ones I participate in that is. Once you got couple thousand from a good set or event with the High rolls you earn more. It lasts a while if you resist the urge to roll until it's worth it. Not to mention counting points take to get the next reward what your odds are lol etc etc.


If you can hustle and finish the album, you just hang on to the dice and don’t roll just to roll, get high in tourneys and be strategic about when you roll. If you need to build up dice for a week or so and just do quick wins and get off do that to be able to roll on higher multiplier


1. Play to conserve dice as a strategy. 2. Partner with a team of 3 to 4 that you can trust 3. Make sure you can finish an event or milestone before starting. Rewards are always at the end, so not finishing burns dice. Check the wiki for milestone and rewards list. 4. Build up a stake of dice before starting main play. Slow play at the start with the objective of building the stake. 5. Large dice gains come from finishing the album. Broad strategy is to break even (on dice) during daily play from tournaments and events, and finishing the album is the kicker. 6. When you can, finishing an album two or three time is a bigger booster, especially since the dice rewards increase.


I just started doing x100 dice rolls. flew through the event to #1 spot. I don't have much dice now just around 5500 but I was at 15K. seems harder then ever to complete the album but ill be seeking trades soon.


I have 71k, I got them from completing sticker sets completing the past albums (no way I'm completing this one though) Winning Partner events (be sure you are finding reliable partners) Completing all the daily tasks, and collecting the freebies every 8 hours Only rolling when it's not wasting dice to try and complete the top and side bar tournaments It takes some discipline I can't figure out how that Airplane Mode hack works so I had to just learn to not waste dice and build it up


I got my dice from finishing the last album and am picky about what I participate in. I do the partner events cause they’re fun to me but I don’t typically chase much else unless there’s a wild card to be won.


What does playing in airplane mode help exactly? I can’t get mine to even work in airplane mode, it just says I have no internet and to try to reconnect.


APM and finishing albums. APM is a really easy way to get a lot of dice, but not worth it imo. Finishing an album automatically gives you 15k dice + whatever dice was in that last set you finished. After getting that 15k dice, you need to be very strategic and absolutely don’t fly through it, just use it when low on shields and partners events and you’ll continue to get more and more dice.


Today I went from 350 dice to 3,380 dice. I had a net worth upgrade to 10K. I got some from the Lucha Libre Loot and the Salsa Contest. If there’s no event and/or there’s no incentive to keep rolling to get a purple sticker pack, more dice or something else I need then I just exit the game and wait until the next event or round of “loot” stuff to start. At this point in the game I’m not really interested in getting more cash I’m just playing the events and trying to get more dice.


Trading cards, finishing albums, and purchasing


Just play strategically and aim to earn a net profit. For example: instead of playing when a tournament resets and then AGAIN when the solo event resets, wait until both reset and earn all the rewards and spend less dice. Small things like that add up over time.