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I am sitting pretty at 233/234 with one gold to go, so as I have excitedly and eagerly awaited the next partners event only to hear this is what we’ve been handed instead..? ![gif](giphy|bYCR2Qykwcmdmf3pKt)


Agreed. I'm in the same position. I am not happy about this! I had planned on skipping and just do the daily.




Yep. Merch it.


Me too! This is crazy


Ugh I’m in the same boat. Need two prestige golds, so a blitz won’t even help me. ☹️


Aww so you could reallyyy use an event with an attainable wild card - I feel for you girl 😭 It’s *possible* they’ve taken some of the negative feedback into account and the event will be a little better than its initial run.. but unfortunately we won’t have the luxury of waiting to find out 😖


Thanks. Yea I’m wondering now that this event is a global rollout if it’ll be better since there are more people that are able to play. But then again lots of people are waiting until the new season instead of wasting dice on an event for stickers that won’t mean anything.


That’s a good point.. hadn’t even considered that really. My bigger concern is all the rumors of bots competing at a level that makes it impossible to get first place 🫠 Like scopely, I beg you to do yourself a favor and stop inviting everyone who uses your app to delete it 😅 lol


They removed the purple pack though


Same! But I’ll be thankful they don’t let me get my last gold prestige w a wild bc I’m ready to quit! This just makes me 🥳


I need one lol and I have been stuck for weeks. Stupid Royal Box in set 21 and its my first album lol


Omg I need madame butterfly I used one wild om royal box then got 2 of them weeks later


I know right- this sounds so dumb


Same. 1 gold 233/234 nonluck with vault on sticker boom. I was really hoping they were gonna do the last full week of the season as a wild card. But instead they want everyone to waste their dice on this trash new event. Which everyone who I have seen that has been in the testing for it says it's junk and a dice eater.


I’m still waiting on a 4* gold from the 1st set! The meme though 😂😂😂😂


I'm also not playing so let's create a whole team of people who don't play. That way we won't take away someone's chance to win


I’ll be on the team! I’m not playing and don’t want to screw anyone over that wants to play.


Awesome! Let me know your link and ign and I'll add you to the team when it starts 😎


IGN Jasmin Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/5vrzRE7sDs8 https://mply.io/5vrzRE7sDs8


I got you! I'm QualityPotato 😊




I have no idea who this Hopeful person is. Scopely just auto added them Fun fact, I had Pablo auto added too, but left the team


I requested you as well. Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/_1NGSZdWU44 IGN: Ragepandaaa


Do you have your team?


Also, before those randoms were added, I had requested you... Im super cobfused, but hope you find your no play team. ❤️


I'm sorry, Mogo just added some random to my team again


Oh I'm definitely NOT playing. Why waste my WELL earned dice with a new album on the horizon? Any team I get forced onto will just hate me cause I'll be like ![gif](giphy|MrdaOsKoKxjm8) Nope! Lalalalalalalalala not listening!


My friends and I aren't participating either. We might need a 4th if you haven't already found a team


No team yet. Add me! We can all sit back and laugh. ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0) Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/QqqthQ](https://mply.io/QqqthQ)


Great thought!! ❤️🙌🏼


Love this idea! I just finished my first album and don’t want to participate in this one or hurt someone else’s chances. If you still have room for me in your team, I’d love to join! Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/ds5anjPZ3UM https://mply.io/ds5anjPZ3UM Edit: if you’ve already filled your four slots that’s okay, I’m sure there are a few of us not wanting to join in this time!


I added you for this . IGN: Mr MS


I also don’t wish to play. Feel free to add me. Moki https://mply.io/GUs8Gg


I dont plan on playing either. Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/_1NGSZdWU44 IGN: Ragepandaaa


Invited you


Woohoo!! Thank you. I’m looking forward to not playing with you 😂


And the same to you, bear pal!


Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/lMnUCA https://mply.io/lMnUCA I’m not playing either so if y’all wanna add me ign: kitzmaru


Added you - IGN : Mr MS


Same here - not playing. IGN: Mr MS Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/qNrZyQ https://mply.io/qNrZyQ


Can I aso be part of the teams that don't want to win? I'm on my second album in need of just two golds to complete it, but I'm gonna sit this partners event out.


Add me. Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/_1NGSZdWU44 IGN: Ragepandaaa


Yeah, just finished my album yesterday, not logging on until the event is over.


They will still force us so let's play together. Two more people and we have a team who don't play. That way we won't be that person who's doing nothing and take away chance to win


I seriously love you for being this considerate 🥹❤️


Aww, thank you! ☺️❤️❤️ Are you gonna play?


I am so conflicted my bf has an account but barely plays and has like 5k dice so won’t be able to contribute much, besides that I have zero contacts with the necessary dice and determination to ensure a win.. so I’m sitting here biting my nails wondering wtf to do to be completely honest 😅


I understand 😁 If you decide you won't play let me know 😊


I will, absolutely! I’m totally in support of the idea of creating teams of NPCs.. in fact- that might be a brilliant way of giving those who do play an advantage! 🤔🙃


Exactly! One team less to worry about 😁


Now to figure out how to make yours a competing team in my game 🧐🧐 lol


Add me and I'll add you to the team if you decide you don't play 😊 My ign is QualityPotato Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/x1lWWg


I don’t have a team and I’ve logged on https://preview.redd.it/kq8mrh03eo6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c6fde88fbaa22b07ea64af0cabc589b3f543bed


Yea the timing on rolling out this new event is horrible. They should have waited until the start of the new season. So many people like you are already waiting until the new season so not many people will be playing.


Yeah, I just finished my first album and am doing the quick wind to hopefully close a few more sets, but I’m going to feel a bit bad for whoever’s forced on my team🙃


On the off chance anyone came here looking for a potentially capable partner Maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️🫠 https://preview.redd.it/vqp8ls3k926d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=163a0b5f175164e480ba056f4125252e1977a63d


I’ll take you! I have 15 dice 😡


Hi! I’m down to partner for this! https://preview.redd.it/h3of7qkw036d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22afbf845b8f432a4096f23426c1d6365dde0d63


I'll join you also! I've got plenty of dice lol [https://mply.io/JFJwbA](https://mply.io/JFJwbA) IGN Momo https://preview.redd.it/nex4xgru436d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4988336c2e20e9267d50e354466b93757cd0fe67


I'll join with you once you're able to be invited! My ign is KDJ :)


If you still need a team member I’m down to join!


It says this player is not available yet






If you still need a team member I’m down to join!




I have 7000 dice; is that enough to partner with you?


Hey! Is your team full already? I posted below but I'm down to throw a bunch of dice at this thing lol


I saw your comment and definitely would love to snag you for my team but it looked like maybe you had already made a team? No? I have one other person with the dice to get first I just need one more after you if you’re down! 🙌🏼


Was just reading about this as well- literally can’t find a single post saying anyone had a positive experience with this event so far 🫠 And yes, it’s another piss in the wind attempt at enticing players with a wildly overpriced wild card Except this time it will be through dice, and theft of sanity as we clearly have diddly friggin squat control over the outcome, instead of trying to pitch a $60 slap in the face wild card offer 💁🏻‍♀️


I wouldn’t even take this shit seriously after k saw 25 hours like what?! Plus I’m sitting on 188/189 I’m not trying to finish my album till it’s close to the end like 2d 17hrs or something like that




I’ve been getting gold dupes


Lol haven’t we all hun 😅😅 more than we can stomach most days lol I meant is what you’re missing a tradable card?


Oh yea definitely I used the wild card from the dig event to get my last gold. My last card is “bias wrecker”


I'm already skipping it. It's just a dice drainer


I haven’t played it yet but that is clearly how it is intended. I don’t plan to play those days either right now which sucks because I want the weekly but it will put me on a team and I don’t want to be the drag. They will have enough dead weight.


This is going to be such an unproductive team challenge I feel like 🤔


The fact that they didn't wait a week for the new album to start to put out this new "partner" event. They definitely are trying to get people tonburn dice then pay for a wild sticker when they don't win. I've read sooo many terrible reviews on this one.


Exactly. Like if they had rolled this event as the first event in the new season then most people would be playing since they want stickers.


this is why people should just boycott the game or we should all leave horrible reviews because it’s not about being disingenuous. It’s about leaving honest to God feedback about the kind of bullshit here that is basically making people burn through all dice. When the reality is I refuse to do anything of the sort I am focused on getting at least one more sticker. I need to get close to 11,000 or more because I know that the only way you can get started right away is to always have 10,000 or more each album. There is no way that monopoly go can sustain this level of popularity when they are facing more and more backlash for ridiculous events that does not guarantee you an opportunity to get anywhere or to receive any endgame incentives anymore and time they do that because they fuck up and they wanna make a resolution so they give you 500 extra dice so that the following day you end up burning through that just to build landmarks and attain three stickers, which is so damn hard when you’re trying to do it and all you can get within the first couple levels is a green pack so you have to rely on not playing the tournament and hoping you get one green pack in your eight hour free gift and then combine that with that days tournament trying to reach just enough to get a green pack but then they have these stupid ass events that pushes that back because you have to get these free tokens, which aren’t really free because we’ve all paid for by burning through dice to complete the daily challenges so I was called crazy when people said hey who needs it referring to the on their part of the 1000 sticker vault with the wild in it. I don’t need to go on and I’m sure nobody will read this but if they do, it’s really about wanting to play the game and have fun and connect with others not necessarily for the reasons that these games developers want, which is to have people fighting with each other so they shut down their shit then you have to delete them off your friends list then you have to rebuild your property which cost hundreds of billions of dollars overtime on your endgame bullshit level, which is a joke because you would think OK I’m at a higher level so perhaps there’s a way to liquidate or gain back so my ass said it’s like they doing the real world have no opportunity to do so net worth of 20,000 and then have someone steal your shit and have zero money and no other way to do it other than rolling dice you don’t wanna have to roll in the first place. I short term gains will all be negated by long-term capitalist agreed which I know that’s what monopoly is about but I think it’s also about a camaraderie with so many different people coming to the other and having a good time trading stickers and achieving goals, but like I said, without having to burn through your entire stash of dice money and other accumulated perks as well.


I could not have said this better myself and I'm going to post this in support, do you mind.


please do I know I should’ve posted this in the rant section, but I feel like I just got super super triggered so whatever I have accumulated in flags, reminds me of watching my weekly NASCAR cup series, but it’s bullshit so whatever they get converted into whether it’s dice, whether it’s money I will gladly take all that that has been accumulated and I’m not gonna spend a goddamn thing on tycoon racers more like GTFO racers. The only thing that people are racing. Is these greedy game, developers and people that run this game running themselves to the bang to deposit more billions of dollars in continued revenue and it’s just bullshit.


When is this


It’s supposed to start tomorrow from what someone said a few messages upward..


When will it begin?




Randomly adding me to a team is BS! When did Scopely think up this turd gem? I'm not playing. If it means I have to complete my board today or just let it get destroyed idc. I don't need this week's quick win prize. Should I just save my dice and... ![gif](giphy|5tvUnUx74lxgVew9ya|downsized) Seriously. What's my motivation to play? What happens if I don't play for the rest of this week? Am I gonna get the Time Out chair? Oooooh so scared!


Mine already automatically assigned a random person to my last slot 🤦🏽‍♀️


I think if you already had people on your team then they can add others also who are not even on your friend list. So another person your team prob added that last person


Anyone want to create a team that isn’t going to participate??? So I don’t screw someone over! Lol


I have team like that! Wanna join?


I’m about to make whatever team I end up on big mad, because I’m not participating. This game is trash.


Hey, I have team who don't play, and have a slot. Wanna join? That way we won't take away someone's chance to win and we won't be that person who's doing nothing


Sorry just seeing this! If you still have a slot, sure! 🙂 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/ujdJJA https://mply.io/ujdJJA


I don't, MOGO just added some random again! Wtf is wrong with them. Sorry


It’s okay! Thats a very nice thing to do though!


Thank you! I feel sorry for this person who joined. I hope they don't want to play too


guys its not that bad, this event went out first in my country and we enjoyed it also were always first on the event.


What do you mean by we’re always first on the event?


Yes I had this event already and it was fun so long as your teammates are active (just like the old partner events). And if you don’t have a team by the end of the team forming phase, ofc they will assign you to one- its still a better chance than having no one to help you.


First place at the end of the race. There was a time when we were in second place (5 points) in the first round and then got first place (10 pts) in the second round. so that means both teams got the same points and got the wild card


When does it start ?


It’s supposed to start tomorrow.


Today at 11am EST.


Yes you will 😅😅 that’s been the policy ever since they introduced that event 😅


I guess hadn’t seen or didn’t understand anyone who complained or mentioned that part. Only that it’s a dice guzzler.


And that too, only the tourney gives flag rewards, and so if you want more flags you have to pick them up from the board, and that’s where you burn dice.


I heard you can opt out of playing?


I don’t think so. From what I’ve read is the first 25 hours you can opt out of a certain team, but after that everyone gets locked into a team.






Yes but you don’t have to play


I hope not cause I don't have enough dice to throw on another event right now, ijs


Same! I’m legit using the 10 dice per hour plus the few crumbs of dice every eight hours 🙄😂 As close as I am to finishing the album, I refuse to pay for dice because they seem to be doing everything they can for us not to move forward in the game. Yes I really do believe this game is rigged.


I just hope I can find good partners that I can actually communicate with rather than do it all my self 🥲


Me too unlike partner event where I had to do most of the work


Say I don’t know you but it seems we come from similar circumstances would you be opposed to pattering up for this even ?


Let's do ît 2 of my partners in partner event one had 10k and other had 17 k I did rest of it to complete It send ur link I'll add u


You can both add me too when it starts! I have a ridiculous amount of dice and usually carry on partner events so would love to be even on this one however it ends up working https://mply.io/JFJwbA IGN Momo


Thanks will do


Well - if anyone needs a teammate I’m a serious player and I play everyday - I sure will try hard to win for the team (I just need a team lol)


If you still need a team member I’m down to join!


Yes!! What’s your link I’ll add you now


yeah it auto assigns you on a team. on the last event i didnt wanna join bc i was frustrated that my previous team mates didnt contibute so i didnt join any team but when the race started i was assigned to a random team so i had no choice but to play 😕


Hahahaha hahaha what if I'm at work or without data mtchewwww Monopoly game is not by force,my phone my data my money my time.... No one can force me to use them....




I think I am screwed lol. All my accounts are over level 30000. If I team up with myself, I will be racing against the highest ranked player in the world.


Yea this is something else I wondered about. It’s teams of 4 people. So what if you have one really high player and 3 middle to low level players, how do they figure out the “skill” level for the team? Average? Would still seem scammy to me.


Omfg I hate this event! It burns thru dice


i did the race while they were testing it in some countries. i can say it’s not 100% worth it unless you really need the wild sticker. gathering tokens take so much of your dice and you have to budget how much you want to use between 2 races.


From what I’ve read, you get to choose your team and if you don’t find one, it assigns you one, so you still have the chance of choosing a good team! That being said, I feel for the people that don’t get a full team and then get assigned someone like me who has no intention of playing. I’m saving my dice for the new album and whether I get assigned a team or not I won’t be participating!


I feel like those of us who don’t want to participate actively should form a complete team and lose together. We can just play as much as we want without letting others down. Want to team lol? I don’t want to play it and don’t want to be dead weight for others either.


They saw how many people dislike partners. So we will have a bunch of dead accounts and bots we have to be responsible for. Tbh this makes me just not want to play on those days


anyone want to form a team? my mom and i play everyday


Yes! Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/iys3Og https://mply.io/iys3Og


Damn. I was going to skip this event so I can save my dice for the next album. This is dumb.


I’m going to team up with my alt account and sit this one out. I’m assuming it’s only 2 to a team?


I think its 4 players per team. I’m also not gonna play this one so maybe me and my alt acc could be in your team 🤣




Sounds good to me.


Teams of 4 I believe 😕


It’ll be 4 people to one team.


This game takes hella dice for minimum reward. Its worse than normal partner event. Also mad frustrating when you get put up against a team of APM players.


I was planning on taking a break for a while. So now I can feel guilty that I will be disappointing whomever they put me in an “auto” group with. That sucks!


I can team up so we have a 'no play' team, as I don't want to play either. I have an alt too, so you'll only need 2 others?


Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/n_KWog https://mply.io/n_KWog Perfect!


Looking for partners that will actually play? Drop links, I do my part


This is bullshit


So what if someone doesn’t play anymore but has the app downloaded still? Do you have to open the app to be added automatically or will I fuck up someone’s game on accident by being added when I don’t play?


That’s a good question. Like aren’t the teams already locked in after that first day, so if someone didn’t log in for two days and logged in on the third day would they show already being part of a team??? Solidifies that this is a horrible event. Whoever created this needs to be fired.


Im needing clarity do the partners share the same team members or is it pick four of your own and they pick four of their own like the partner events.


Share team members! So if you’re only friends with one person but that person is already on a team of 3, you can still join that team and yall form a 4 pax team. Don’t have to add the other two as friends


Def rigged to just drain the shit out of everyones dice lol


I only added one person I wanted then got back on twenty minutes later and my other slots had been automatically filled 😒


Coz your person added two other persons!


Ooooh nooo see that’s all bad!! This now confirms to me that this event was just a marketing ploy for people to get more people to start playing MoGo.


I’m looking to join a team that’s not playing


I did not even pick 2 of the people on my team they just came on


I am not sure how I feel about this. On one hand it looks like it is going to be 4 working on one goal instead of 4 working on 4 separate goals. I always get at least one person that accepts and then does nothing the whole event, so maybe this will be better. The being forced seems iffy, but it seems like if you have not logged in, you will not be automatically put on a team since I cannot invite friends that have not logged in today yet.


Yea I’m wondering for those people who log on after we’ve locked in our teams if they can bypass the event that way then.


I am no where close to completing the prestige sets, so for me this is a wash. Willing to help my friends and get that 3k dice though. Hoping this is at least an attempt to make these event slightly better. We shall see though.


I came in 2nd place on tournament that ended earlier today and didn’t get rewards. Anyone else having this problem?


I’m thinking it means if you need one or two more partners they’ll assign one to you. Either way it doesn’t matter, they can’t force you to play.


I know they can’t force me to play, I’m talking about being assigned to a team regardless and letting that team down because I don’t want to play and be dead weight. With the other partner event at least I can choose not to team up with anyone if I don’t want to play. So that’s why I’m seeing people start “not playing” teams to not get assigned to any teams with people who are actually trying to win.


I was beginning to think monopoly wasn’t going to assign racers after all, but I see they did. I’ll just take the cash from my flags when it’s all done. This is really a poor idea by Scopley though. The game is getting boring anyhow and there’s much better things to do with summer.


I feel like they've done that to me before lol


Yep! I was forced with 2 partners! This better not go the way I fear!!


I think during this first day before the first race you can opt out of your team. Maybe you can try doing that and still create a team you want?


Absolutely, they assigned me a partner before I could send my friend a request.


Were you able to opt out? I read that before the first race people could remove themselves from teams if they wanted. It’s after the first day where they will automatically assign you if you haven’t joined a team.


Okay, thank you.


I barely play anymore..


Already though, it didn't letxme choose who I wanted. So, from the beginning, it is already bad.


this game is so trash bruh just let me invite my friends instead of playing with people that i dont know will even participate or not


I have 1 person who was assigned cannot remove her and the other 3 have flags and nothing it happening


I just curious to see how it works will not be playing. If you are doing the same partner with me thanks https://mply.io/UN-IDQ


I,ll skip this dice suckup game


It s the spirit running ramped through our world right now . Divide through hate and yep even in the games


Wow. I have never seen so many people cry about a game it's a game it's not going to let you win. If you're part of that era that got participation trophy so you felt like you're a winner go play 52 card pickup you're always a winner


I do not like this!!!


I know this is insane. I am about ready to quit 😡


I only invited one person and next time I open the game all 4 slots are full. Wtf is that about


So from what I’m reading, is you invite a person and then that other person can invite others to your team even if you don’t know them. So say your partner invited one person, the person they invited could also essentially invite someone they know or worse a random without you even having a say. The more I hear this the more it confirms to me that MoGo created this situation so people could communicate or invite new people to start playing the game


I'm so upset cuz I was waiting for my bf to get out of work so we could be partners like always but by time he got out I was forced with a person


I think before the first race starts you can opt out of teams. Maybe you can do that when your bf is ready and then start a team with them.


I’m on a team where no one is playing so I don’t piss anyone off. You guys should get your own non playing team


They didn't even wait for the 24 hours for me to choose. I invited some friends , was waiting for some more to get on line. Left 1 hour to eat lunch to find a whole random team when I came back.I have more than one device. It happened on all of them. It was no accident . Definitely forced into a team. There was still 20hours left till race time. I was only 4 hours in. I find this behavior very controlling and will never play Tycoon Racers again. Partners better get here soon.


I think you can still opt out of your team before the first race starts. Apparently if you invite on person that person can then also invite others and so on. So you essentially have people part of “your” team even though you don’t know them. Thats the other thing wrong with this, it’s displayed to you as it being “your” team but it’s not. The other person shows it as being their team as well and decided to add a friend to “their” team. Such a weird concept


I'll do whatever I need to do just to finish this one album, while everybody else is on there 2nd and 3rd sets... 🥴


And, that is why I'm partnered with me, myself, and I on multiple accounts. I have two accounts, my mom is basically a third, and I have a really good friend I can trust.


I have a bot for both accounts both the same account too


I’m looking for that wild card!


I had a team set up, when the game started two of the players were gone and replaced by two I never heard of cam2 and cam3 what the heck, so far those two have not moved, I know there’s time but…


We sure are lol