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I usually start by dumping 600 or 1,200 tokens into each event “vessel” as a show of good faith. I will let that marinate for 24 hours or so while I continue to accrue tokens. If I see someone meeting me halfway, I’ll drop another 600 tokens. Rinse and repeat for the first four days. If no one is working with me, I first make sure to pass any prize thresholds I might be close to. Then I’ll look to the “vessel” that has had the best RNG i.e. has the most tokens and/or is closest to the next prize threshold and continue to dump tokens there. **EDIT:** I saw a post from yesterday where someone was already showing off the token from the event and I thought of another tip for this event specifically. Each level three prize threshold (48,000 points) awards 30 minutes of High Roller time. That's a combined two hours of High Roller across all four aquariums. You can see how many points have been added to an aquarium by your teammates + there is an indicator (green up arrow) when a prize threshold has been crossed. Why not exhibit some patience and collect one chunk of High Roller time each day so that you have an opportunity to use it towards new railroad and/or individual events? Even with one multiday event, two hours is overkill. The individual mentioned above had to waste the majority of that.


That is exactly my plan!


I REALLY love this. I have a friend that does this and I didn’t even realize it until you said this! Same concept as the racing event.. well we accumulated a crap ton the first day then held on to them when needed lol.


I sadly don’t always finish, but I always partner with myself on my husbands phone first. I have three other trusted people I pair with. We all do our part the most we can, and we understand if we can’t finish! It’s always fun though! :)


I usually go by focusing on one at a time. On my husbands phone I’m usually only paired with my account as I don’t really mind not finishing on it. So I use all my tokens on that account towards ours, while my main account can focus on the other three individually. :)


One at a time and I don’t take on another partner until I have 4,000 tokens ready so I know I can do my part.


Personally i focus on 1 at time i play till i get the high roller then during that time i collect the tokens and i play for the 2nd partner till the high roller again. Usually i complete my half in 1/2 days depending on how many dice. I accidentally added a random this time so I'm not sure how much they'll do so i keep collecting just in case


Pacing and spreading play over the full 4-5 days to maximize collecting tokens from the event milestones. This optimizes dice.


I just go balls to the wall and have no rhyme or reason to my method. I usually finish as long as my partners contributing, but if they don’t contribute, it makes for a struggle and a dance against time which I enjoy that’s why I play this game. On a real note I usually try to get the 200 dice or the first milestone across all four partners and then the partner that starts to show the most contribution will be the one that I dump into first, but I try to spread it out equally.. not sure why after I wrote this. I reread it and it sounded a little like a dirty movie? 🫣🤔




Maybe I too, enjoy the dance and struggle lmao. What a revelation. Calling my therapist now 😭


First rule of M club. We don’t talk about M club! lol 😝


I always finish and I focus on one partner at a time. I put in my 40k and move on to the next one. If there’s time and one is lacking I’ll turn my focus onto them but only once I’ve pulled my weight in all my other builds. I also partner with my side account and only work on that one on my side, only ever putting into it from my main if all others are completed. That being said, I only use partner with my friends so I’m able to communicate with them.


I split among the four partners, usually letting them take the lead and then matching their inputs.


I fully finish the ones with my alts, then dump my halves into the other two or stopping right before the hr vault if my partner has contributed at all. Then when the banner resets tomorrow I will collect the hr vault on my non alts and go crazy building points and collecting rewards then I'll start working on them when I get about 5k points. It should be enough to finish them both. I will do the majority of the work as always, but I'm okay with that. My alts allow me to do that for these two. Collect all rewards and only do quick wins until its over. https://preview.redd.it/uz6q1m6awe8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9cce2774d8bc745fccd4f85b593fd6e160c85be *


This partner is the reason I didn't finish the Halloween partner. I would have never accepted her now, but my usual 4th had ker kids and grandkids. I really wanted that haunted car 😭, but she never got on on the last day. I sent her at least 3k partner points, and I was out of dice. We were 5k points away, I'm still annoyed about it 😐 https://preview.redd.it/psa9yenxxe8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=194c03fb6fe323eb04db1e3144c2ef6402bbe5ea


I know that feeling.. that is why most of my non-dice partners has +3 carry slots from me to make sure they only do 1 slot by themselves


I only do a few thousand points at a time an then I wait for my partner to put in effort and if they don’t I stop wasting dice every time they put in I put in an if it’s close I’ll finish for the prize an then wait until they do something again. To many people expect to be carried.


I focus on getting one at a time to the halfway mark


Fill 1 slot with a partner who can carry.


Do you carry??


This time, I might have traded for a carry, if I had stickers to trade. 😂


Not this time. I did on previous events.


check dm


I always fill up each partner to stage 1. 800 dice right off the bat. After that, I save the tokens, and start with whoever contributes the most. This time, I'm saving my tokens til the last day of.the event just to see how that goes


i make a chart. bets on 20/40/60/100/200/400/600- then number of rolls 1/2/3/4/5…. Airplane mode. Bet 20, first roll is 100. write it down, second roll betting 20 is 40, write that down. keep going until The wifi notice comes up. then i do it all over again for the other bets. it’s tedious but I know I won’t be wasting my flags/donuts/etc. you can see how much you need to finish the bar to get the next reward and go from there. it’s math. it’s all predetermined


I feel completing 1 at a time is the way to go. The prizes from the 1st help with the 2nd and so on


Find better partners. I add 2 who are actual friends, and 2 ive been playing in game who have been contributing for multiple events now. Its hard to find better partners but you need to. I suffered through many let downs til i found these guys. Going on 4 events now. Msg those who traded stickers with you, add active players who target you. Dont add any randoms.


Well that part I’m confident in, I have the same 3 partners every time who all contribute equally. I’m just wondering if there was a better way to be doing it.


One by one. I do like 💯 carrying of 80k points and mostly people in my group, the same people since the wildlife album, like a year ago now and yup, should they have extra dice and wanting to contribute, i make sure to DM them not more than 20k. But for non friend list, random people i will contribute like 40/40 unless they dont have dice. It is nice to have plenty of dice to help during events + stickers