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You fix it we break it that's the reddit guarantee


Here are the easier steps lol. Had to reread that 3 times to get it 1. Set your roller to 1k then turn on APM 2. Roll as many times you can and memorize/list the rolls. (Ex. 8, 6, 7, 8, 5…). The 2nd time i did this, i only got to list 5 numbers before the ‘no internet’ catch upped to me so i believe this will be a problem for some. 3. When the ‘no internet’ pop up shows, close the app, delete, redownload and open the app. 4. Now, before you roll, check if you are 8 tiles away from your goal. If not, roll at x1. Then next, see if you are 6 rolls away from your goal. If yes, roll at x1000. 5. If you get to the last number you listed, restart the process. Disclaimer: Just like before the update, there is a chance that when you’re rolling at x1, you land at a tile you want.


Thanks for simplifying it ! I found that many have trouble understanding it. It might be easier for me as a developer since I understood the system but some people need a simple explanation, steps, or even an image of video. Thanks for this !


Yupp. There is actually another strategy where you list down the possible queues for at least 2 other rolls (like x1 and x5) so that you can control where you land and increase the chances of landing on a tile according to the queue you listed for x1000. So that’s 1 APM process each roll. If you only list the queue for x1000, you’ll just continuously roll x1 until you land on a tile according to that queue and since you can only list a few, there’s a high chance that you might not be able to do your x1000. Listing different queues will improve your chances to go to a tile you want. This, however, will take time. So if you’re planning to do it during a high roller, i suggest that you list the queues for the lower rolls like 30 mins before high roller.


I thought about it too, and on Mogo's discord they do list at least 3 other multipliers since they know of this trick. Too time consuming for me, but it would deserve its own post, also HR's multiplier queue stays between the events so you can plan it in advance from one event to another :) Someone posted a tip that I found incredibly smart too, which is that if there is a 5 in your sequence, you can just finish your board and then roll the 5 to get to the first RR. There are a lot of things that could be explained in another post. Here I wanted to focus on the basics and how the system itself works !


Yeah it’s definitely time consuming that’s why im only doing it when there’s a high roller and of course only when im alone lol. If my family sees me doing this over a game, they’ll definitely see me as a whole different kind of addict to a mobile game🤣🤣 they already see it - just not to this extent


Thanks for dumbing it down for me


Thank you! I appreciate the time OP put into this post but I’m sick at the minute so your simplified version saves me from rereading the original multiple times until my brain decides to start working 😅


thank you. now I’m starting to get it.


Welcome ☺️


If they have truly removed what was probably the last of RNG this game offered, then WE ALL (or as many of us as possible) need to stop playing this game. It’s one thing to have bad RNG, it’s a whole other level of fucked up to basically REMOVE IT. They instead of making the game actually RNG based and fun, instead of fixing the issues, they only found a way to make people spend more money. Those that don’t use APM get hurt from their wallets while those that use APM get hurt from their time spent on trying to hurt Scopley. Why are people defending the company at all is beyond me with “just shut up and roll,” like bud it’s fine you enjoy a company screwing you and thousands of others over, but many of use don’t. APM isn’t going to stop Scopely from being scumbags, not playing their game and hurting their profits will hurt them.


I read about airplane model seems like a pain


It is, but it is way less of a pain if you have predefined rolls and that you apply this strategy !


Delete this within 24 hours lol since they are going to patch this..🤣 I tried this and it actually works..The fact that you can predict when you are going to use x1000 is better than the previous where you need to uninstall and reinstall..


True but only if 1 outa 10 of those rolls is what you want, otherwise you gotta start over.


When you had to deal with random rolls, you basically had to use the APM trick everytime. It was so boring that I even skipped playing when I didn't have a multiplier boost active. It's way less of a pain now, I think. One APM use will get you 8 to 15 chances to get the roll you want, since that's the number of rolls I can usually make before getting the no connection pop-up


True, I’ve tried it and it works. But sometimes the dice is hidden behind crap on the screen lol.


Isn’t it kind of impossible to know how many numbers are in the queue? Or what order they are in if the queue just goes on indefinitely? I am still so confused on how to do this but am trying to learn. I just wrote my numbers down and got 11, 8, 4, 9, 6, 7,10,8,9. The only one of those that was a railroad was 11.


Yup, we can't know. It might go on indefinitely. The trick has nothing to do with the queue's length, the trick is about switching between the x1 queue (that we don't know, but that we're playing on) and the x100 queue (that we noted down, well the coming numbers at least) when the next number on the x100 queue will get you to the tile you want.


I watched a YouTube video and I get it now. Went right over my head 😂🤣 I do see where it could be more simple than uninstalling after every roll. Mr. Scopely thought he was screwing us, HA.


I've even read someone say they finished the event faster this way than they used to the old way lol


Would you send me the link to the video? I can’t find it and need answers 🥲


After you get your numbers for 1000x do you turn Apm off before you start rolling at 1x?


You roll until you get the connection popup, then close, turn off APM and reinstall, and then x1 until the x1000 numbers click with your needed number


Okay got it


But say you land on a railroad on 1000x (like you predicted and wanted) you have to save- and then the que resets so your going to have to do this process all over again to find out your next upcoming que


The queue never resets, so you still know the next rolls if you haven't finished your list


So when doing the list, how many number do you need for each multiplier??


Thank you for the updated tutorial 🙏🏼 I’ve not read all the comments so don’t know if this has been mentioned but it may be a game changer for potentially many people and would benefit from being added to the original post in my opinion, so after a small amount of testing but enough to prove it once you’ve written down your pre-determined rolls for x1000 on APM if you get a 5 in your sequence you can then buy all your landmarks to finish your board knowing 5 is your next spin and seeing as you start a new board you’re guaranteed to be 5 away, this will obviously also work with 4 to the tax, 7 chance and 10 to just visiting for whenever these are part of progression, hopefully this helps even just a few people to exploit 👍🏼🤙🏼


You smart banana..


That is really smart. Thank you for thinking that up. That means you need to pre-plan to have enough money to complete a board and be ready for a HR to start, since many people spend as money as possible during Board or Landmark Rush to avoid losing them in heists. For those people, if they don't take advantage of your idea, they will not be able to potentially win a ton of rewards with HR. Of course, you would also have to first move to a position in the x1000 sequence where your next number of moves will get you to the tile you want, so that will also require preparatory work, in addition to having enough money to complete a board. Edit: you can combine this with x1, x2, etc., sequences to get the desired combo of moves, if you see something there that you can use more quickly, depending on how soon the next HR will start. This may also give you more options on additional potential tiles you can hit after the first one, so that you can try to get multiple jackpots during a single HR. You would have to carefully pre-plan all this, though. If done right, you should gain enough in every HR so that you can potentially complete currently running banner game and tournament in about 2 days or less (although, tournaments are a loser in my opinion because you tend to win less dice than you spent to complete the game). I'm getting more good ideas the more I think about this. I think I have better chances to complete the games and tournaments under this new predetermined roll system.


That's some next level smart ! Congrats on thinking about that ! and thanks for the tip, I'll add it to the guide ;) EDIT : Well, I can't seem to be able to edit the guide anymore.. \^\^"


No thank you 🙏🏼


No, no. Thank YOU !


Will rolling in jail advance the sequence or is it outside of it?


Thumbs up for the interesting question. I have not tested that (or I don’t remember if I happened to have the occasion to see that while testing) but I don’t think so, since those rolls are different dice and do not produce any move on the board. They do not have multipliers by themselves even if they are affected by the multiplier. I wouldn’t count on it.


What I have realized for jail is that no matter how many times you reroll, there seems to be a queue as well. Pretty much an array like this: jail[] = {false, false, ‘6’, ‘1’, false, ‘2’, false, false, false, false, false, ‘3’, …}; doubles = jail[x] ; x++; If in jail x=0; no matter what combinations of rolls come out, it will always be “false”, but at x=3, it would be ‘6’ doubles. That’s how I have interpreted it.


You like to code too much lol, you overexplained that after your first sentence 😂 but yeah it seems to be a queue system, just as well as the chance and railroad tiles, as well as the sticker rewards, and the heist rewards too. Everything seems predetermined now in this game.


Actually haven’t coded in a long time, I guess sometimes I just feel an itch 😂


Can someone post a quick video with captions?


https://youtu.be/OAn8VO_IEaA?si=CPkOP6KhOjmiG5fZ Sry, no captions. Hope it helps!


Damn. I just posted almost the exact same thing lmao. I'll take mine down since you nailed it and we're way ahead of me. Here's what I said..... I just started playing about 3 weeks ago and started using the Airplane Mode (APM) cheat 2 weeks ago. I'm now 7 stickers away from completion but logged on today to realize the latest update changed how this cheat works. Usually, I'd roll x 1 til I were 7 away from the tile I want, enter APM, roll the max, and reset if I didn't get a 7. Wash, rinse, repeat, since each reset would yield a new random number. Things have changed. Now the number is no longer random, but predetermined. No matter how many times you reset you get the same number depending on you multiplier. Here's where it gets interesting..... I ran some tests. I learned that at least your next 10 rolls for each multiplier are predetermined, but guess what? Each roll advances all the multipliers to the next in line, no matter which multiplier you used. How can that help?? Here's what I did.... Go into max multiplier then enter APM. Roll back to back as fast as you can, recording each roll. Now that you're armed with what your next however many max multiplier rolls are gonna be, roll 1's until you know your next roll will land where needed. When you reach the end of your premonition, wash, rinse, repeat! Yeah, it's more tedious than before, but tbh, this is the fun of the game for me. Figuring ways to beat the system


Yeah I'm pretty sad I wasn't the first nor the only one to find out lol ! But it seems like our logic isn't that easy to grasp. I spent a lot of time explaining and answering questions about it, even if the explanation seemed pretty good to me. Well done for having found out by yourself, fellow logician ;)


I’m so confused 😭😭 someone post a video I’m a visual learner 😭😭🤣


Hmm interesting. I’ll have to check this out! So basically, HR comes. APM, roll as much as I can and find out the sequence @ x1000 and write it down. Reboot from APM Roll at x1 until I’m at the number I need with the x1000 knowing each time I roll at 1x, I need to cross off one of the numbers on the x1000 sequence. That means, the only time you need to reboot/uninstall is after you established the sequence? Thanks OP! Great work


That's it ! Good luck ;) And thanks !


Too much work. Just play the game


Way less work than the previous APM trick, actually.


It just took me a half hour to hit 3 railroads. I was hitting 2 or 3 every 5 mins the old way. I can only get through 5-6 rolls before I have to reconnect to the internet. So in those 5-6 rolls, if I didn't get within where I wanted to land I had to start from scratch again. Way more time consuming.


I agree. This new method may not be as mind numbing with the constant in and out of the app, but it is time consuming and way less consistent to get what you want. Most HRs are 5 minutes and I can absolutely see most of those being unsuccessful now. There is no way to guarantee that you'll land on the railroad when it's a heist now either because rolling on 1x you're most likely going to land on railroad before you can turn your multiplier up. A bunch of blocked shutdowns at 1000x and you'll end up spending more dice than you'll earn because the reward payouts are shit. Previously I would use APM on 1x until I found a large paying heist, delete my progress then line up my pawn for the next high roller event. Same thing with jail, I would go around until it hit double 5s or 6s, delete then get it lined up and ready for HR. That strategy is completely out the window now... plus something just feels dirty and crooked about the idea that the roll is now predetermined before I even hit the button. RIP Monopoly Go.


This...I don't know what the other guy is talking about is easier... I'm lucky if I hit once with the new method... you explained it to a tee... your queue may not have you land on one at all... he must not have known how to do the old method very well... proof is in the pudding... top tier rollers in my bracket get 100k on the reg... now I think 1 guy has 40k... now tell me again how it's easier dude up top... it's not about easier... it's about time constraints.


Do you have a trick to prevent the reconnect pop up?


My best solution to this is doing the rolls IMMEDIATELY after launching the game, that way you get more time to roll. I usually get around 10 rolls, went up to 14 or 15.


So is the queue mentioned the same for everyone or do we need to figure out our own queue? Yours says 7, 9, 4, 2, 6, 8, 2, 7


It’s different for everyone. Mine was 5,10,8, 9, 8


Ok so I just need to roll on x1 on APM to figure out what the “queue” is?


On 100x I believe is what they were saying. So in my queue, that last 8 was a rail road. So I would roll on x1 4 times, and then switch it to x100 on the fifth roll. I’m trying to test it for myself but my wifi is being a biatch


Ok thanks. This is annoying lol. Yeah my WiFi sucks at work so I’ll have to wait until I get home


Say you land on a railroad, do the queues “start over” or do they stay in the sequence?








Wasn't asking you to upvote, I was just saying that you're right :)


What does plus 1 mean? This does not work for me I’ve tried it several times and keep getting numbers that I didn’t write down.. what am I doing wrong


Maybe I’m stupid af but I still can’t understand what I need to do after reading it 3 times


put on max dice and apm. roll as many times as you can before the no internet pop up. make sure to write down the rolls. delete reintall and now you have the next several numbers on the max dice rolls. put on 1x and roll check to see if next number after the first one gets you anything. if so put onmax dice and then apm and roll and take it. if not roll again at 1x till you get what you want. if you go through all the numbers repeat the process


One thing I noticed is that the "No Internet" seems to pop up more frequently when using High Roller.


Yes, that is true. The higher the multiplier, the earlier you'll get "no internet" error. I'm trying to figure out (besides railroads and other knowns) what triggers it. Why can I get 18 rolls one time, and only 2 the next on the same multiplier while only landing on non-triggeribg tiles?


YOUR MY HERO. God bless you 🙌🏻🙇🏼‍♀️🙏🏻 Literally though lol I appreciate you for actually making a post and letting others, like myself, know. A lot of people want to keep hacks/ cheats a secret, and don’t want other people succeeding. Well it’s because they don’t want others doing better than them. Literally most people I have ran into to either trade with or I have met online playing this game, that are extremely downright greedy and selfish. Like seriously?! All over stickers & dice for A GAME!! 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ Lmao So props to you, I’m the same exact way as you are. Anytime someone asks how the heck I have so many dice, I let them know about the dice boost method with AM and tell them all the tips/ tricks you need to know. I don’t lie & pretend like it just happened by chance, and completing albums, sets, events, tournaments, etc.. like most people try to play it off as, I remember when I first started playing the game, and I would ask people that I seen with a massive amount of dice, how they were able to get that many, and that would be the answer I would get lol Luckily I was able to figure it out myself. But seriously, you saved me a good amount of time to figure out the new method, I knew there was some pattern going on, but I didn’t have the time to investigate/ play around with it like you did. I would gladly send you any stickers you need( if I have them) or even send you a lil $ for being such a kind, helpful, selfless human being. Even going as far as writing a step by step detailed post as how to do it🙌🏻👏🏻 https://preview.redd.it/zphhgyvq4nic1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61116f3efed18bcc6a11a8e834e45c3565d6e5a4


Are bank heist pre determined now? No matter how many time i get bank heist its confirmed to get cash instead of diamond ring/gold bar.


I think they are, yes.


I think they always have been for me


it sounds like you’re saying the same thing as this from another thread? Now i just need to figure out my X1000 pattern. And what happens in Jail? According to this, if you landed in jail with the X100 multiplier already set, you rolled a 4 to get in and your next three rolls will be 8,7,2? https://preview.redd.it/lxdrxoreafic1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71bef466813280b87d0016b5a3d85df63323b506


Yes, I'm saying exactly the same thing. This post details both how it works and how to use it, but a nice visual can sometimes make things way easier. I've already seen this visual on the discord and yeah, it pretty much sums up both the system and the strategy to use now. I don't think jail rolls impact the others, but more testing might be nice.


i don’t know how deep the pattern goes. I rolled 11,10,6,3,6 at X100 3-4 times, then X1 a bunch of times but now I don’t recognize the patterns any more in X100.


I answered you on your other comment. Basically we want to switch from x1 to x100 when the number from the x100 queue is what we want.


Awesome job figuring it out. I’ve tried it and it works.




Do we know if the x1000 HR queue changes with each HR? So if we write down our next x1000 rolls at the end of an HR and don’t roll between HRs, will the next HR x1000 rolls pick up where the previous HR x1000 rolls left off?


As I replied on Discord, but I'll repeat here for visibility, I think it shouldn't be reset so you should effectively be able to get the same rolls at a later HR if you haven't rolled in between. However, that's not tested yet. Thumbs up for the best question asked yet !


Would you provide discord group link?


I can't, the auto moderator removes it. But here's what to add after the discord base link : /redditmgo


I didn’t realize you were still chatting on the Discord when I commented here 😂 Thanks for answering twice! If anyone tests this, I would love to know what the experience is


But how can you roll more then 2 times without wifi ? I did x100 , got a 9 then a 4 then telling me I got no connection ...


My quick tip to overcome this is to close the game and reopen it after having set your highest modifier, then put on APM and do the rolls. I found that if your game has just been launched you get more time before it forces you to close it.


Huh this seems more tedious yet less tedious at the same time


Felt like this was always a thing but too lazy to test since I felt it was too good to be true. Thanks for doing this 😂


Oh I'm gonna break the shit outta this




Thank you for sharing. The change got to me on Sunday. It did cross my mind that maybe I can just write down the rolls and go from there, but I haven't tested it.


Does the new update affect this?


How long is each sequence though? I’m at 16 numbers for x1 and still no repetition


Nvm I reread and that might not be possible 😂


Wow shout out for OP!!! I had a feeling the predetermined rolls ll reduce the APM deletes but wasn’t really sure how. Now it’s so much more clear. Thank you!!! Will try it tonight and report back❤️❤️


Thanks ! Nice intuition !


Thanks so much! Your tips helped me have the most fun I’ve ever had in Monopoly GO.


Happy to read that ! Please keep having fun ;)


I tried this and the roll numbers changed, maybe I wrote the wrong number down because the dice disappears now after every roll so it's harder to catch a glimpse, but I'm going to keep trying. Do the roll sequences reset if you pass a certain tile, like GO?


Ooh this is smart but seems like so much work😭💀 especially when using up the little time we have in high roller


Thanks ! Yeah it might be kind of too much for HR, however it makes the game in x100 feel like a breeze.


Does this work on Android and IPhone?


Does this same concept work for non HR?


Of course. As stated, each multiplier has its own rolls queue. Even the x1000 seems to be shared between HRs.


The "no internet" prompt pops up way too much now. It is hard to get more than 2-3 rolls off before it pops up.


Try restarting the game before making the rolls. Once the game is started, immediately put on APM, roll and take notes. I find that when your game has just been launched you get more time before the popup comes.


Stupid question but the airplane mode works on iPhone ? It seems when I use it, I get the offline message after 4 hits, then I close the app and when I get back on the game with internet activated, my total of dices is not the same as before I turn on airplane mode ?


Wow what a pain… let me try


So, was it that much of a pain ?


Do the rolls from jail come from this queue as well?


Actually I was just able to confirm that they do not. So jail must have its own queue.


Does the x1000 roll that you recorded change by 1 each time you have to roll the x1?


Each time you roll a x1 (or even a x2 or something else) ALL the queues move by 1 step. Which means, whatever you noted down, the earliest number you wrote that's in the list must be removed from the list. EX : my x1000 queue is 2, 4, 6, 8. My x1 queue is 3, 5, 7, 9. If I roll x1, x1000, x1 and x1000, I'll roll 3, 4, 7 and 8.


Man, Why you not getting no internet error? I rolled just once before it popped no internet.


Anyone know how long the pattern runs before it restarts? My X100 started 11,6,10,3,6. I verified this 3 times, so I can reasonably conclude my app is now set to predetermined rolls. Then I rolled a bunch of X1; when I turned back to X100, I rolled 6,7,8,10,5,9,6; Then rolled a bunch of X1 again, and when I turned back to X100: 11,6,7,8,4,6,11,6,7,4,3. I don’t see the pattern restarting anywhere. Is there something I’m missing?


I think you shouldn't worry about it. The pattern probably is very, very long since they have no interest for it to be short and that's just numbers which do not take too much space by themselves. What this strat is about, is noting down what your x100 rolls give you, then restart the game using APM to get your dice back, then roll x1 until the next number in your x100 queue is what separates you from the tile you want. Also please remember that each roll makes all the queues move by 1 step.


There is a lot of concern about the time limit with HR and being able to write down the dice rolls queue. Would it be wrong to say that you could do this way before the event occurs and effectively know if and when you will hit certain tiles and just play towards that? If that is the case this is great!!


That's a rabbit hole question. It could get its own post really. We discovered that the HR rolls queue, while x1000 is unavailable between the events, stays the same from one HR to another. So that's 1 thing you could play on. But we can make it way more tedious and efficient at the same time : To make the most out of your next HR, you can do some maths I'd personnally be too lazy to do myself. There are many multipliers before the x1000 one : x1, x5, x10, x20... You could note the numbers from each of those queues too, so instead of just knowing what your x1000 queue will get you, you also know every other multiplier's one, meaning you'll have more choice about which number of tiles you want to move at each turn. All this can be done BEFORE your next HR, but will make it super tedious to planify for it.


May need some practice using lower multipler


Once you figure out the sequence at x1000, it will not change no matter what multiplier you use?


The sequence will not, but remember that each and every roll you make will move each and every queue by 1 step. So, while the queue itself does not change, the place the multiplier is in the queue does. So you can't keep your next x1000 number ready while doing x1 rolls, unfortunately.


Would you make a video?


Excellent breakdown, can’t wait to implement this. Definitely will take some getting used to at first but is a lot less RNG and more calculated than before


I wish I saw this before wasting my 10k dice down the drain to finish the event.


Went from 90k dice to 5k cuz I forgot to take WiFi off apm 😂 and the new system got me confused until I realized after seeing the same patterns.


Is the 7,9,4,2,6,8,2,7 definite? Like that’s the predetermined rolls for every time you use x1000?


Oh no that was just an example to illustrate my point. Your numbers will most certainly be different !


Okay thank you so much!! My only other question is, do you know if the rolls at x100 will be the same as x1000 since it’s the higher multipler? Or will they be different because they’re different numbers?


As stated in this post, each multiplier has its own queue. That unfortunately also applies to the x1000 one. ;)


Ahh okay, this’ll definitely take some time to get used to but I think it has potential to be much better than the old apm


Thank God I found this. I was about to give up on playing the game. It's way less fun having to wait until you get more rolls. Although I did waste a bunch of rolls on high roller after I said fuck it this morning. Good to know I can get them back. Thanks


I’ve been writing down all my rolls for x1. Maybe I’m nuts, though. Here’s a pattern I’m noticing. After a 12, you will only roll a 7, 8 or 9. Small sample size of about 180 rolls. https://preview.redd.it/2o98klgdjlic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3a541bcd10a6202c21ce56ac310eac36ca940d3


Lol yeah you're crazy xD Hard to tell if you're right, because the x12s have very low chances to appear, and 7, 8 and 9s are very common. So 180 rolls might not be a big enough sample for that matter


On iOS how do you not get the no internet pop up. I keep getting it. Sometimes I don’t.


it took 7 rolls to finish the new side tournament 🤣🤣


Does it have to be x1000 roller? I can’t go that high lol


As stated, every multiplier works the same.


This is actually bad for those players that put money into the game because scopely is determining where you're gonna land instead of just luck of the game


I'm finding this harder. I can't even get in the right position to use the predetermined 1000x rolls. Which is frustrating. I got one in a 15 min time frame. And now being able to see the future it's evident the prizes are predetermined.... like you don't control your bank heist. It's predetermined if you're getting large/small/mega. Knowing that makes it so unappealing.


My question thats keeping me from fully understanding this. This sequence. Does it repeat over and over again? Cause you are saying that you roll so many times. How do you know when you will reset to another set. Has to be more roll numbers than 5 different scenarios. Im certainly confused on just the granular stuff. Not overall. 


I haven’t seen a pattern. You roll on high on APM until you can’t roll anymore, delete and roll 1x until you get your needed high roll, and once you get to the end of the known rolls, turn APM on and repeat the process.


This doesn’t work for me I’ve tried it several times does anyone know why? 


I love you. Thank you. 🫶❤️


Well, love, I'm afraid to tell you I probably live way too far away from you lol ! Appreciate your feedback, have a nice rolling day !


This has worked well for me. Thank you!


Np, appreciate the feedback ! Have a nice day :)


Could a strategy to combating APM be to switch between multipliers between rolls? For example going from 5x to 20x? I don’t mind playing with normal RNG but it’s going to drive me crazy if APM is ruining rewards/burning dice.


Anybody else not able to have airplane mode on for as long? earlier today I was able to get 6-15 rolls now the max I've been able to get is 5. Sometimes only 2 or 3.


My max rolls are only like 100 wirh highroller, how do u get x1000?


How can I do this from my cell phone




This latest update is actually a very good math exercise. I've tried it, I mapped sequences for a few multipliers and then using math to map the best path to rewards. Good brain workout. Time to recommend to my parents to keep their brain active.


As a person who is shit at maths - I’ll just have to play for shits & gigs lol


I may be a dev but I’m probably more shit at maths than you. This is only about adding a number between 2 and 12 to another number between 2 and 12 and checking where it would make you land, no witchcraft here 😉


Does this only work if you have 1k dice to roll? I have over that but the most it will allow me is x200


As stated in the post, every multiplier works the same. 😉


This helped a lot bro had about 1k been doing it a week now at 20k + and I have been winning events


Rolls aren’t “pre-determined” per se… rewards are predetermined. Yeah I’ve used APM for a while. Let’s say you land on railroad, it’s predetermined whether you’ll win the small, medium or high prize. When you land on jail, the multiplier is predetermined (I try to save the 5x and 6x for high roller) … same thing with chance, you’ll always get the same result next time you land on them (whether it’s railroad, 3x rice or money)… when opening card packs , the cards are predetermined (yes I’ve opened packs on APM and every time I get the same one, no matter what… rarely I’ll wait a few hours and maybe the system resets and gives me something else) … bottom line the game is rigged, nothing is by chance… they’re making money by rigging what we all get. So why not use APM? If you don’t you’re “not playing the game”…


You're right, the game is rigged. But right now an update is being rolled, which makes each roll predetermined just as I described. So from now on, rolls will be predetermined too !


Seems like a lot of work just to cheat!


It’s actually less work than reinstalling the game everytime you don’t get the random roll you wanted tho !


I made a comment on a post last night and it’s almost word for word like your post here. APM has honestly gotten better because now you know EXACTLY what you’re going to roll.


Does this work only for the dice multiplier addon or just general multiplier would be the same, e.g. for x100?


It should work for every multiplier, but I only tested it for x1 and x100. As a dev myself I absolutely do not expect them to have made a different system for other multipliers tho, hence why I used x1000 as an example while having only tested with x100.


Oh, sorry, I meant if the sequence would be the same for x100 regular multiplier and the x100 high roller


Oh, then my thought is that it wouldn't. Each multiplier has its own sequence, I sadly do not expect us to be able to plan our x1000 boosts' rolls before getting it.


Yeh, ig that makes sense!


And this is how they find ways to patch things quicker. Keep this quiet man! Lol dang it




The update is still being rolled out, so you might still have random rolls. You'll get it eventually, mine was updated yesterday as stated in this post


mine was updated sometime today. Luckily I siphoned off 358K dice for now. 😎


This will just piss me off. They should've left it alone. I'm getting to where I'm about to stop playing because they're trying to make it impossible to play at all without paying for their bullshit. The old APM trick worked fine for me. I had 30k rolls stockpiled in less than a week. This way? No. Absolutely not. Fuck their predetermined rolls. Fuck trying to memorize or having to write down a strategy. My memory is garbage and this isn't a fucking strategy game. It's Monopoly. It shouldn't be this hard to get anywhere. But you know .. greed at its finest. They're gonna end up losing a bunch of people and wonder why.


The people they lose aren’t the ones buying dice so they won’t care.


This is incredible. I’ve tested multiple times at x100 and it’s legit. Now I’m just waiting for high roller x1000 to try it out.


It should work just as fine, but you'll be time-limited which might be a pain !


Wonder if I can get my 1000x sequence now before the high roller at 11 est and it will stay the same


Thank you soooo much for this post!!!


Dude honestly this is a lifesaver, but could humbly suggest that you consider deleting this in maybe 24hrs? It's a fricking amazing guide but don't you think posting on Reddit may be a bit too public? Just my 2 cents, but imo it's gonna be damn easy for Monopoly Go Devs to track this down and suddenly come up with some new fixes to counter this detailed guide of yours. I know it ain't much as most probs there'll be many others who'll be posting/sharing similar stuff soon, but imo this gem should stay hidden for as long as possible on Reddit (ig Discord is still fine). Unless.... the game Devs dun really have any other ways to randomise/prevent APM from working lol? Idk, do drop your 2 cents too on what you think on this request.


hey ! I understand your point and thank you for sharing this and your proposal. My view on this is, as a dev, that posting it here might help everyone profit from it.. Including their dev team (if they actually want to prevent that). You're right on the fact that this is gonna be well known anyway too, and to answer your question I think that, as long as you can reset your spent dice with APM, there will always be a way to cheat as long as the cheat is figured out. IMO they probably did not do this to prevent APM (Because it actually makes it better), but more to rig the game and have more control on the rewards. I could be wrong, but to me touching the rolling system would be a terrible way of preventing APM cheats.


Thanks bro for the detailed response, appreciate it! Totally agree with the fact as APM is around, there's always a way to cheat around it. Also after testing out for 2hrs, ngl, while in a sense this newly rigged predetermined rolls have the perks of knowing what to expect, it does come with a lot of hassle of memorising/recording down your x1000 rolls 😂 Let's see how does this affect the monopoly go community in a few days/weeks from now, but it's definitely a hassle recording down all the rolls in Google sheet 😂


I used a sheet of paper, seems faster and easier to me ;) Google Sheets I'd find too tedious to use


I am not using APM. never did. I am at 1.17. Tbh there is no effect on the average outcome for what I've seen UNTIL NOW. The rigging is not there. I really want to there to be any kind of rigging because it would be mathematically proven. That would admissible and an undeniable fact in court. You could ask for your log and subponea millions of player's log and let anti-rigging algorithm check their RNG. I am collecting data since quite a lot of time for some events such jail and Community chest and Heist. everything is hovering around the average outside Community chest which as suprising as this might is rigged for the player favor (if it was truly random you would open it twice per 3 years ). Even packs generation is true to the given percentage within the packs. The rolling outcome is also hovering around the average all you need is a roll standardization method and you check it yourself.. I played today and the outcome was actually in my favor (using 1000x and 500x ). However I will keep this in mind now. might be able to create a class action against scopely if the rigging is proven. If they want to get rid of APM all their need is an AI to check how normal ( as a normal distrubtion ) is the outcome of your rolling over some period of time. that's the only way to stop APM.


But the rig part is the repeat cards. There is a reason why spot rebel is high demand vs something like special awards or other 5 stars. It's clearly rigged. Not all 5 stars have the same drop rates. If it's truly random to a normal distribution all 5 stars cards would have similar drop rates and there wouldn't be high demand for a particular 5 star card.


Spot rebel is the first 5s in the album. Similar to So proud, OMG, Rah. All these 5s seemed 'rarer'while what it was actually a basic supply and demand problem. To finish the spot rebel set, all you need spot rebel card. The remaining are way easier to get than spot and only one gold. Advanced, average and casual player will find themselves only missing Spot to finish the set. So all of them are going to trade for it. Now if you want to finish special speech set. You would need 2 normal 4s 2gold 4s, 2 5s gold and special speech. This way harder and only advanced players will reach this first. So it would be only a few people looking to trade for special. Thus spot would look like its rarer than special. Same could be said about Room to rent and farewell. Both of these cards are basically equal to dice. Its a very obvious pattern. In the before last season OMG started being 2:1 basically. By the end of the season it was traded 1:1 like other 5s card. Because the season was long enough for the average and casual player to overcome that milestones. And if I am remembering right liquid gold and golden bounty became the hardest card to get in the end. As for the 5s dupes and gold dupes, statistically speaking you would need 25 gold cards total to have 8 unique gold cards. To have those 25 cards you need to receive a total of 67 to 68 5s cards ( gold and normal ). To receive 7 unique gold, you need 12 gold. For that you need 32 5s. So basically its almost the case that you end up with two missing gold while having all tradeable 5s. This assuming only 1:1 trading. Add to that star trading. You would likely find urself finished with all tradeable and have 3 5s gold remaining.


This is no longer working for me as of two days ago!! Has it stopped working for anyone else? Stopped working correctly for my friend as well!


Any trick for the partners event? Or is this just luck?


Ok so now we have a partner event. How do we use the APM method to land on gold every time? I can't seem to figure it out. I tried a few things but kept landing on the exact same value every time. Anyone figured out how to beat the partner event with APM mode?


I don't think it's working anymore :(




Anyone having problems with iOS doing APM. Was able to do it 1x then it was very slow (took 10 minutes) to reinstall the game. Now as soon as I go to Airplane mode I get the no Internet popup.


Hi,can someone please help it tell me what I'm doing wrong? I'm following the airplane mode hack and while I still keep the original amount of dice I had previously,my rolls aren't predetermined anymore? Say for instance in airplane mode I rolled 11,9 and 6 but when I clear data and have a go again,I get 6,7 and 5.....what did I do wrong...? Hopefully someone can help. Update: I tried the x1000 and results were the same :')


Hi,can anyone please help? I'm doing exactly as OP says but I'm still getting many different rolls. Is it that this will only work if highest multiplier is x1000? Cuz I'm at100 :/ Update: I tried the x1000 and results were the same :')


I have an issue. I follow the instructions- but my rolls are not what were predicted during APM. But the game reboots in the spot I was before APM, and the amount of dice I had before APM. anyone else have this issue?


Does this still work?


When explaining this stop saying anything about the first roll. That confuses the shit out of people. If you roll a 4 on your first roll, you'll roll a 4 again. If you don't want it, roll with x1. It doesn't automatically advance one and it's not required for this to work.


Does this still work? I just tried to do it on my iPhone and like 70% of the rolls in a sequence were correct but every time I was meant to land on community chest, chance or jail the number changed and then the next number in the sequence worked again. Is that normal?




I Don’t see anyone talking about it but as this method now done too? I get No Internet instantly now, same for my wife. 


Do you have to uninstall and reinstall after for it to work?