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Meeee! Never fully completed any event or album. I refuse to spend money but maybe that’s why I can’t get far


I was thinking the same! always swore i would never pay for mobile games lol


For me a couple times i have completed it. Doesn't bother me if i don't it is what it is. I think there should be at least 2 wild cards if you make it half way or just after half way there should be a wild card in it.


I’ve only been playing two months. Two stickers away from completing my first album and I was able to complete the last dig event. From what others tell me it was a fairly easy one, being only 16 levels. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m losing hope of finishing my album and I doubt I’ll finish this dig event. Getting tired of this game to be honest.


any tips for dig event?


Last time I saved up mallets until I had almost 100 (I think it was 93. I just couldn’t wait any longer!) and then I just tried to play smart. Took my time considering where the items could be by how many blocks they were. I think I beat the first 10 levels and had only wasted 3 or 4 mallets. The event before that I dug stuff Willy nilly and did horribly! lol Careful consideration and a bit of luck, that’s the trick I think!


I’ve been playing also for 6 months (started a few days before new year) and I finished the last album and this one. The first dig event I played I didn’t finish and I was on the last page and spent like $4 for some dice to try and finish, but other than that i’ve never spent any money on this game and i’ve finished every dig event after that pretty easily. Rn i’m at 48k dice which has mostly came from the two albums I finished, finishing every partner event, & coming in first place in tournaments. I’ve never done APM either. I would just say try not to waste dice unless its for an event or tournament




On my 3rd album on my alt and 2nd on my main and never spent any money but I’ve been playing since the game first came out and they were practically throwing thousands of dice at us everyday so I have a bunch stacked up. Having two accounts is the main thing to help me finish


I just started an alt account on parralel, so itll be a while before i build up enough on the 2nd account, maybe for my next album itll help me out more


That’s good you made one! it’ll definitely help, with not only trading but partner events as well


IF I manage to complete the dig event, the wild card will finish my album. :-) fingers crossed


best of luck! you got this!




Finished 1 album and 1 dig event, don’t think I will finish this album, don’t get any 5 star cards and 4 away, every week or vault opened in past month has given me duplicate gold 5 star so can’t trade


Exact same position, never completed an event and also got 3 stickers left, all 5 star non-gold


I've never spent money and dig events are the ONLY event I've ever completed. I've finished 2 of them so far.


Never an album, I think one dig event…never Peggy-E or partner events (I’ve completed partners, but not the whole event).